#Aaron Mateo Nym Alnazar
xiangnymalnazar · 10 months
Woah, after +3 years i finally manage to push myself and draw a decent reference for the ToyHouse of those kids XD
Anyway, meet:
- Atlas Cassey Nym Alnazar
- Khepry Izar Nym Alnazar
- Aaron Mateo Nym Alnazar
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Honestly is kinda funny the fact when i started writing and creating Xiang i was 120% i didn't wanted any kids, then i started to joke with my friends about having a whole football team or i didn't wanted nothing... And it became true HAHAHA
Also it's kinda curious how many changes and details i implemented with their story, designs and all. Since i were writing them at the same time i was giving myself freedom and learn how to throw the canon and the fandom pressure away, i had to re-write them several times haha
At the end, i think i left Atlas as the older with Izar as a surprise bonus since Xiang thought he was only expecting one HAHAHA and then Aaron arrived a lot later.
Atlas actually look a little bit like Xiang's father, specially for her eyes. Meanwhile Israel looks like a copy of Xiang but with wavy hair, even he pout exactly like their father X'D
I don't think i will deep on them too much, at least until i finish some more Heads of other OCs and draw some of Xiang stories (I have like 10 for the love of God, help)
Oh and final funfact for now, Aaron wasn't really planned beyond a experiment with their design and appareance; i created him in one of the thousands alternative timelines i do on my head for fun. I ended up getting attached to them and just add them to the story lolol
Anyway, if you want to see more about my OCs visit my ToyHouse! Link on my Linktree on Bio
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