masontalo · 9 days
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Here is my boy, finally!
This version of his design is present throughout the fanfiction and part of the book. Perhaps later I'll draw another version of his design that will be in the book at the end.
If anyone needs one here's the version without color.
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Fanfiction can be read via the link in the pinned post.
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masontalo · 13 days
My friend once compared me to the author of One Piece
all writers have adhd
you cant convince me otherwise
i mean, how else do you explain the 2358374958374 things that keep us from writing all the time?
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masontalo · 21 days
This woman inspires me
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Thank you, mother.
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masontalo · 28 days
I won't be posting my text work anymore.
I will no longer be posting chapters of my fanfiction on my profile, including The Jack of Clubs and the next ones. I will try to post my drawings on this page from now on, I will finish one soon. But no need to be upset, the fanfiction will still be updated, but on the AO3 (Archive of Our Own) platform, the link is below.
I won't delete my posts and everything will be the same, not considering there won't be any new chapters. But there will be news here, if there is any news at all….
Wishing everyone a good upcoming summer vacation!
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masontalo · 1 month
Two weeks after Vayt had moved in with Farz. It had been pretty good, except for the third person, who kept showing his disrespect with barbed phrases that Vayt silently tolerated. What else was there to do?
He and Farz had agreed that Vayt would buy groceries and cook, the second depending on the situation, and Farz would pay the utilities. That was the only thing they had to do. The rest they decided to sort out later, as they went along.
The time was already after supper. Sid wasn't home, Vayt was washing dishes, and Farz just sat silently at the table. The sound of water from the faucet was the only thing that filled the room. However, that atmosphere was interrupted when Vayt's phone lying on the countertop rang.
He had to buy a new one, since the old one had broken completely due to the incident with Darren, and it was cheaper to buy a new one than to carry what was already almost just a piece of metal and plastic to repair.
Vayt turned his attention to the ringing phone.
- Bitch. - he swore as he quickly turned off the water and began searching for a towel.
His harsh scolding caught Farz's attention, and he looked up at him.
- What's wrong? - He asked when he noticed Vayt's fussing, as if he was getting ready for a date with the girl of his dreams and was terribly nervous.
- Lavrin. - Vayt almost shouted back, wiping his hands quickly. Without even putting the towel away, he answered the phone and went straight to rudeness. - What the fuck do you want?!
While the caller answered him, Black looked at Murphy, his expression was very annoyed and that look burned through. Farz knew the irritation wasn't directed at him, but those eyes still made him uncomfortable.
- No, I won't come back! - shouted Vayt to the person on the line, before quickly turning back to the tabletop to not yell in Farz's direction. - Stop calling me!
Then Black ended the call and rubbed the bridge of his nose with a heavy groan, not daring to look at Murphy again. He felt slightly ashamed. He put the phone down on the countertop and covered his eyes with his hands.
Farz stood up and walked over to Vayt.
- Why don't you just block his number? - He asked.
Vayt hadn't locked his phone, so now Farz could safely take his phone and rummage through it. Purely out of curiosity, Murphy decided to look at the recent calls. For the past two weeks, all the calls were from the contact “Scumbag 1”, most likely Lavrin. Before them, there was only one call from Anthony from a century ago.
- I keep forgetting, getting distracted by something and completely forgetting. - Vayt replied. - I sometimes forget he exists at all.
Farz was about to say something when he was interrupted by the bold entrance of a man into the apartment.
- А-а-а-а-а-а-а-а-а-а-аh, - an annoying voice groaned as its owner walked into the kitchen. - I'm insanely hungry, is there any food in here?
- I have no idea, look for something yourself. - Vayt answered a little roughly...
- How could you not know?! You're in charge of the fridge. - Sid replied sharply. - And anyway, you're the cook in this house.
- I don't have to keep everything in my head, and I didn't agree on anything with you, so I don't owe you anything. - Black snarled in response.
Punk was offended by that reply.
- Are you serious now?! - he shouted, getting angry.
- Yes, seriously! - Vayt kept up the volume. - There is food, hands are not from the ass, cook yourself! Go!
At the end of his sentence, he waved his hand and walked out of the kitchen.
- Argh! - Sid hissed, following the white's leaving, and then turned his attention to the other. - Farz, say something to him!
In response, Farz spread his hands and shrugged, then left the kitchen too.
Sid snorted unhappily. He had no choice but to do it himself.
At this time, Vayt and Farz had just sat down on the couch. Vayt was on the edge as he decided to avoid rude comments if the bastard touched him.
- I'm not sure it was a good idea to leave him there. - Vayt stretched out quietly, seeming to realize his mistake.
- I don't think he'll turn the stove on at all. - Farz assured him. Of course, they've known each other for so long... he smiled weakly at Black. - It's alright.
- Can you not talk about me in there! - shouted Sid unhappily, having overheard their discussion again. Are they talking that loud?
Vayt was about to answer, but he shut his mouth when he noticed Farz's frown.
The ringtone came from the kitchen again. Vayt had left his phone on the countertop in the kitchen.
- Fucking hell. - Black whispered, rolling his eyes. He stood up and walked back into the kitchen.
Sid was already leaning over the phone with a sandwich in his hands, reading the contact.
- Who's that? Your ex? - He asked tactlessly.
- Shut your mouth. - Vayt replied sharply.
He took his thing and headed out of the kitchen, answering the phone in the doorway.
- You fucking cannabis farm customer, you call me again and I'll shove your “houseplant” down your throat, don't fucking call me!
Vayt's voice sounded aggressive as he looked toward the front door. He ended the call and was about to do something else, but he stopped and looked at Farz.
Murphy covered his mouth with his hand, but his cheeks gave away a smile.
- Are you fucking laughing? - Vayt asked sharply, dropping his hands and turning to Farz. A smile appeared involuntarily on his face.
It wasn't clear if Vayt was laughing, or if it was just nerves.
Farz couldn't help but laugh softly, moving his hand from his mouth to his eyes, and when the laughter subsided, he covered his temple with his palm.
- No, I'm sorry please. - he replied. - You're right, intrusive phone calls aren't funny. Sit back down.
Vayt took a deep breath. He rubbed the bridge of his nose and put the phone in his pocket and sat back down. He looked upset and even guilty. But guilty why? Black huddled against the back of the couch, crossing his arms and clutching his palms. They sat in silence and only the faint sounds of slurping from the kitchen took away the possibility of feeling the coffin-like silence like in a graveyard.
After a moment's silence, Farz spoke again, but calmly and sympathetically:
- Do you want to talk about it?
- About what? - The other asked.
Murphy hesitated for a moment.
- Well, about this obsessive behavior on the part of... on HIS part. - He awkwardly stretched out the sentence, hoping Black wouldn't think he was being pushy, too.
Vayt sighed and looked at him with sad eyes.
- No, thanks, I can handle myself. - he replied, looking away.
Farz understood Black's reluctance and backed away.
- So why did you two break up? - Sid asked, standing in the doorway.
A rude reply flew back to him immediately:
- Fuck you!
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masontalo · 1 month
- Farz, are you crazy?! What if he finds out? - Raven asked in a panic, controlling a part of Farz's body.
It was the day after the incident, or rather the next evening.
- He won't find out! - He replied sharply. - Everything will be fine. Besides, I don't think it'll last long. Vayt didn't seem like the kind of person who would brazenly stay on.
- What if he finds out?! What do you suggest we do then?! Who knows what he might think or do?!
- Raven! He's a normal guy, you're slandering him!
- I have your memories! He's causing a lot of problems, this could end badly!
Farz exhaled irritably.
- That's what you think, give him time. It'll be fine, you'll see.
Before Raven could object, the front door opened. Farzen turned around and saw Vayt walk in, who was now looking at the door, closing it.
The blue eye had regained its green color and the pupil had blackened back. Raven gave control of her body back to Farz.
Vayt silently turned on him as he closed the door. Murphy tried to act calm. But Vayt didn't seem to notice anything.
- Hey, everything okay? - Black asked, not taking a step away from the door.
His voice was calm, but his eyelids touched the edges of his irises almost perfectly. It could have been considered surprise or incomprehension.
- Yes, everything is fine. - Farz answered and still managed to suppress the breaking of his voice.
- I bought some food. - Vayt said, stepping closer to him, not noticing Murphy's nervousness. - We'll have to feed THIS one, too, right?
Farz smiled a little.
- Like it or not he's going to eat what he finds anyway.
Vayt frowned slightly. As much as he didn't like the fact that he would have to feed someone he had extremely negative feelings for, he had no choice anyway. Okay, it was better than with THEM.
- Then let me cook us something while he's gone. - Black offered, and then without waiting for an answer, he just did as he was suggested.
Farz didn't answer, but just sat down at the table, without interrupting him.
Vayt had made something as primitive as he could, but it was enough to get a good night's sleep without stomach rumbling.
After the meal, they sat in the kitchen talking for a while. They returned home separately, so it was logical that they couldn't talk. However, everything was interrupted by a brazen intrusion. Namely a loudly opened door and a voice.
- Hey, Farz! I'm going to tell you something! - Sid shouted, coming into the kitchen.
His mood immediately soured when he saw Vayt.
- What's that guy doing here? He wants to sleep over again? - He asked dismissively, pointing at Vayt but speaking to Farz.
- He's going to live with us now. - Farz answered promptly.
Sid froze for a second, trying to process what he had just heard. And just like that a second later, he raised a loud and annoyed voice:
- What do you mean he's going to live with us! I'm against it!
While the punk was indignant, Farz sighed quietly and rubbed the bridge of his nose. As soon as the last word was spoken, Murphy looked up at him and frowned, asserting his personal boundaries:
- Sid, this is my apartment and I can decide who stays here.
Just like Vayt taught, who just sat nearby and looked like a kid who got caught in the middle of his parents' argument. Though instead of tears or fear there was only irritation on his face, irritation at Sid's words.
- You should have discussed this with me! What am I paying for? - The punk didn't calm down, as if he had really lost a large sum of money.
- You're not paying me.
Murphy's answer was harsh, and it surprisingly shut the punk up.
- Fuck you both. - Sid hissed, and then went off to find some food.
Vayt and Farz followed him with their eyes, then Black shifted his gaze to Murphy.
- I'm proud of you. - he whispered, smiling slightly.
Farz turned his head toward him. Seeing his faint smile, Farz smiled himself and turned away, rolling his eyes and clucking his tongue.
- Go to hell. - without the slightest desire to offend, he said.
- Can you keep your voice down? - Sid opened his fucking mouth again as he finished making the sandwich, waving the table knife around.
The very fact that there would be a third person in the apartment made the punk resent it.
Farz covered half his face with his palm and shook his head silently. That bastard would whine a lot. For some reason, Sid didn't like Vayt right away. Why the hostility? Was it because of that incident at the cafe? No, hardly, it was just a sudden shouting match, which in fact was nothing compared to those instances where Sid provoked his own beating. Maybe because of the threat? Also unlikely... it looked pathetic. He obviously couldn't take offense or get angry over bullshit like that. Then what's the matter? Why the animosity? Guess it will be had to find out in the future.
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masontalo · 2 months
The apartment was silent again, with only the slight rustling of absorbent cotton against his skin and wounds and Vayt's quiet, painful sighs, which he tried to hold back along with a slight shiver.
- Are you going to tell me what happened? - Farz spoke at last.
They sat on the couch half sideways. Vayt felt weak, helpless, and useless. The mere fact that he'd let someone see him without a T-shirt was unusual, but the fact that someone was treating his wounds... that was something unimaginable.
- It's okay, - he replied quietly. - Just couldn't keep his mouth shut.
- Vayt, - Farz said to him sternly. - how many times have you told me that? Don't you get tired of it? “It's my fault, I should have kept my mouth shut,” aren't those your words? Stop playing the initiator of the conflict and tell me what happened.
Black tipped his head back and straightened up for a moment, causing Murphy to leave the treatment for a moment. After a couple seconds of silence, he did start talking:
- HE and one of his friends were talking about something, I couldn't hear the whole conversation, but HE started saying something about hypocrites and how he hates them. I, being an asshole, couldn't help myself and shouted some bullshit in his direction, which made his friend angry. I ran outside, and he followed me. After which he actually decided to throw me into the ground.
As Vayt talked, Farz listened intently, continuing to rub absorbent cotton soaked in rubbing alcohol on his wounds.
- You dumbass. - he said, frowning as soon as the story was over.
Black lowered his head, apparently out of embarrassment, but he didn't argue.
- I know. - he whispered.
- How did you even get there? That looks quite painful.
Farz had finally calmed down. Now he just looked like a worried older brother. So strange, considering neither had a sibling.
- Honestly, at moments I felt like I was missing half my back and a few times I almost fell over.
Vayt spoke as if it was common for him to walk around with a torn back. Though, more likely, the adrenaline in his body had finally settled.
Once the wounds on his lower back were fully treated, Farz put the used absorbent cotton on the table to throw away later.
- Should I bring bandages?
- No, that's fine. Thanks. - Vayt said quietly, reaching for his T-shirt.
Murphy shrugged, then stood up, taking the absorbent cotton he'd left earlier and going into the kitchen. Throwing out the trash, he stood for a few seconds in thought. He looked over at Vayt. He was sitting staring at the floor with his hands folded in his lap. He looked like a boy whose parents had been called away to school and were going to get in trouble at home.
Farz came back into the room and stood over him.
- Hey, Vayt. - He said.
Vayt looked up at him.
- I will probably regret this, but why don't you move in with me?
Black frowned.
- Why the suggestion?
Murphy took a deep breath and rubbed the bridge of his nose with his index and middle fingers, bringing them together.
- I think they're going to kill you next time. - he began. - Like man... you're pale as death. Sometimes I think you might drop dead at a random moment. You've almost been killed already.
Farz's voice sounded more confident than ever, but loud at the same time. He really sounded like a mother. As he spoke, Vayt lowered his gaze, as if ashamed. Of himself, maybe.
- Am I disturbing you? - The first one asked in a whisper.
Murphy fell silent, lowering the volume.
- You're a quiet guy, so I don't think you'll be much of a nuisance. - replied the second. - I'm not insisting, it's just not nice to have a dead friend.
Vayt bit his lip, continuing to stare at the floor. He considered what to say.
- Okay, - he began after a moment of silence. - I agree.
- I can give you my spare sheet, if you want. - Farz offered, tilting his head slightly to the side.
Black lifted his gaze and looked at him, before smiling softly and nodding slightly.
- Thank you.
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masontalo · 2 months
Sitting in his apartment, Farz was surrounded only by silence and the sound of a cheap light bulb working. Sid wasn't here yet, but okay, he could sit in silence for a couple hours longer, if he was lucky.
Murphy closed his eyes with his hands, then rubbed the sides of the bridge of his nose with his middle fingers. Everything was so fucked up.
However, the silence was cut short by a knock on the door. Farz looked toward the door. He had a quick idea who it might be, so he went over and opened it.
Vayt stood in the doorway. He looked down at the floor like a shamed kid who'd been scolded by his mom for something naughty. His sweatshirt was wrinkled, and he stood with his palms together.
- Can I use your first aid kit? - He whispered without looking up.
Farz looked down at Black's hands as he pulled his sleeve down, as if hiding something underneath them.
- It's under the sink. - He answered, letting his friend pass.
Vayt stepped through and the very faint odor of alcohol could be smelled.
- What happ... - Murphy wanted to ask, but before he could finish his sentence, Black was already behind the bathroom door.
Farz sighed and decided to wait for Vayt to come out and explain everything.
The apartment was quiet again. It was so quiet that it felt like no one was there except Farz. The only thing that kept him from being sure was the knowledge that someone was in the bathroom. Why was Vayt quiet in there?
After a while, Murphy decided to check on Black. There was no sound of the lock closing, which meant the door wasn't locked.
Farz walked over to the bathroom and opened the door without knocking.
- So, are you going to tell me what happened? - He asked as he froze in the doorway.
Vayt was standing without his shirt, facing the mirror, so Murphy could easily see his lower back, which was covered with a fence of vertical, lacerated, still fresh wounds.
As soon as Black realized he'd been declassified, he jerked to face Farz, trying to hide his back, but because of that the same scars across his forearms were now visible, not completely, but visible.
- Man, what the fuck happened to you! - Farz shouted, not quite sure what exactly he was feeling. Just abrupt surprise or anger at Vayt, who had just tried to hide his injuries.
- Farz, it's okay. - he replied in a shaky voice.
- It's not fucking okay! You've got scratches all over your arms and back, where did that come from?!
- It's okay! - Black shouted as panic began to rise in his voice. - Just another unpleasant conflict....
- Just another unpleasant conflict?! Do you even hear yourself?! How did you even get here?! And you're trying to hide this from me?!
Farz didn't relent as Vayt looked away shamefully again. This situation seemed so unusual. He was being yelled at, and why? Is he angry? Is he worried? What's with him?
The thoughts in Black's head jumbled together. He was ashamed and angry at the same time. Angry at himself, at his helplessness and the fact that he couldn't protect himself.
Vayt only came to his senses when Farz finally calmed down. They were silent for a while as Murphy tried to think of what to say next.
- Do you want me to help you treat your back? - he offered quietly.
He felt bad about yelling at Vayt. He wanted to help in some way, after all, they'd gotten pretty close lately and had become... friends? Perhaps that was too loud a word for now, but good acquaintances they were now for sure.
Hiding his eyes again Black nodded. It was quite painful to treat his own back when you had to keep twisting your arms and crippled forearms.
- Let me take the first aid kit and you sit on the couch. Then you can explain everything to me.
Vayt left the bathroom without further ado, taking only his T-shirt. Farz walked to the sink, where there was a bottle of medical alcohol and a small packet of absorbent cotton, which had already been opened. He glanced over his shoulder at Black as he disappeared around the corner. Murphy took a deep breath. With this guy so many problems...
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masontalo · 2 months
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Happy birthday to me. I got a stylus, so maybe there will be more art in the future. I just need to improve my skill and get used to drawing on my phone screen... although I've already experienced it and it's a pretty cool new experience.
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masontalo · 2 months
Thursday. Almost a week gone, tomorrow to go out with Farz again. Sounds like Vayt is putting up with him.
Black stood on the balcony again, life teaches him nothing. The air and wind are warm, if they lock up, he won't get cold. No pain in his chest or head this time, no darkness either. The sky had gotten dark too, but no stars had yet to appear. It was all like last Wednesday, the only thing missing was ...
- Vayt, you're standing there again. - said Lavrin, leaning on the railing.
"Of course." - A whining thought passed through Vayt's mind.
He glared at Lavrin, for which he received a puff of smoke in his face.
Black immediately turned away, coughed, and began waving his hand, hoping to dispel the air as quickly as possible.
- Can you not breathe on me?! - Shouted Vayt between coughs.
- I'm sorry, sorry, sorry. - Lavrin mumbled, taking a step sideways. - It was an accident.
Black stepped closer to the other end of the balcony too. He put his elbows on the railing and lowered his head.
Now they stood in silence. Almost nine years ago they had been talking on this same balcony, and now what? Vayt tried to ignore Lavrin as if he didn't exist, as if he'd never met him. He thought about it and realized the smell of smoke was different, he looked at Lavrin. Surprisingly, in his hands was not a joint, but an ordinary cigarette. A rare thing to see. Had his indoor cannabis wilted? Not surprising if so, any unkillable ficus would die in these conditions.
Black rested his head on his forearms. Will he be thinking about his parents again?
- Vayt. - Lavrin appealed.
- What? - came the rough reply.
- Promise to cry if I die? - He suddenly asked, looking at the road.
- If I cry, do you promise to die? - Vayt responded sharply.
Lavrin took the hint and shut up, but he didn't leave. What's happening to him? He's been acting weird lately, uncharacteristic. He's been trying to get Vayt to talk to him almost every day, what the hell? What's he trying to do? Why does he want to have this conversation? If he wants Vayt to move out, then let him say so directly instead of fraying his nerves.
At some point, the silence was interrupted by a familiar annoying voice.
- Lavrin, Lora's cold, can you come out? I want to close the balcony. - Lorens was saying.
His voice was calm. Hadn't gotten high enough yet? Or had the "unstable" not ruined anything yet?
- Yes, of course, we're coming in now. - Lavrin said, seemingly completely forgetting about the person he'd wanted to talk to before.
Lorens went out, and Lavrin followed him with a glance, then looked at Vayt. Surprisingly, catching his gaze he walked out as well. Just don't hear that voice again.
This time Black sat down under the wall where the bottle shards had been lying then. When he returned the day after the incident they were gone. It was purely theoretical to wonder who had removed them. Lavrin? Or he'd made Darren do it. Either way, it wasn't that important.
Vayt pressed his knees to himself, his backpack was close by too. By that time Lavrin had already come in and closed the balcony. Closed it tight, not even to ventilate, bastard. He'd have to suffocate.
He closed his eyes and after a while began to fall into a shallow slumber, after which his head would obviously hurt. Vayt sat in this position like a caterpillar in a chrysalis, and gradually the voices of the people he hated with every fiber of his being began to drift away, or he simply stopped noticing them.
But it wasn't an hour before Vayt opened his eyes again, and for some reason he didn't want to sleep. The fact that all the windows were shut made him feel hot. He took off his sweatshirt and hid it in his backpack for the time being, it wasn't likely to come in handy anytime soon.
Fully regaining consciousness after a short nap, he realized he could hear Lavrin and Darren talking. Wait, they were talking about feelings? Do they have them?
- You know... I can't stand hypocritical and unstable people. I mean, the first ones lie to your face all the time, and the second ones say they appreciate you, then leave you, and then come back again. - Lavrin said, gesturing with his hands.
- How are you any better? You've got at least three other traits like that in you. - Vayt snapped at him sharply.
They looked at Black in sync with different reactions. Lavrin shamefully averted his gaze to the floor with sad eyes as Darren began to boil over with anger. He stood up and started to walk over to Vayt.
He realized at once that he had once again failed to keep his mouth shut in vain. Black jumped up like scalded. He threw his backpack over one shoulder and ran out of the apartment without even closing the door. Darren sprinted after him.
Vayt ran down the dark street while Lavrin's "friend" kept up with him. A sudden hard jolt to his back sent him tumbling to the ground. He managed to put his hands up in time to keep his face from falling, but drove his arms a meter against the pavement.
Black slowly got to his feet. The inside of his forearm was now in torn scratches. It hurt. Before he realized it, Darren had grabbed him by the neck of his T-shirt and threw him backward, making Vayt ride his backpack and lower back. He barely held back a painful groan and squeezed his eyes shut.
The pain began to spread slowly up his arms and lower back. When Vayt opened his eyes, he stood up, groaning like a pensioner, and got another hard push, again in the back. Again, he fell on his arms and scratches along the scratches.
The third time he didn't even have time to get up. This time he was grabbed by the handle of his backpack and thrown backwards again. The pain in his lower back got worse and almost made him scream halfway down the street. It wasn't clear whether it was the dirt in his wounds or whether he'd been thrown harder this time.
It all happened so fast that Vayt didn't even have time to realize it once. He was just thrown a few times to the ground, like an older brother throwing his little sister's toys to mock her.
Black closed his eyes and began breathing deeply and intermittently through his mouth as he gasped and the pain from his wounds went through his body. This was something he hadn't felt in a long time, not since he was a kid at least.
- Maybe this will teach you not to get involved. - Darren hissed, walking past him and heading back to the apartment.
It seemed like an eternity since Vayt had been lying there. But when he opened his eyes, he found the strength to get up. With a heavy, painful groan, he got to his feet, leaning against the wall. His whole body trembled and cried out quietly. After standing for another minute, Black dared to walk. Slowly, heavy and whining silently, he walked along the street holding onto the wall like a cripple.
What to do now? He couldn't go back. It would be too brazen to go to Farz. We should treat his wounds and then we can spend the night near that abandoned building. It's nothing if it's hard to walk. It's no big deal to sleep on a cold floor with wounds. At least he won't impose.
Barely reaching the nearest bench, he sat down with a heavy sigh. Vayt took his backpack off his shoulders and began to look for something in it.
Putting things out that were on the surface he began to smell a faint odor of alcohol. It alarmed him. Pulling out the first aid kit, he felt a wet spot at the bottom of the bag. Damn it, no no no no no, please....
 Vayt opened the bag. The pungent odor of medical alcohol hit his nose. Opening it tighter, he saw shards. Damn it, the vial of alcohol had shattered...
Black sighed disappointedly and pressed a hand to his forehead. Why now? He'd have to be brazened.
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masontalo · 2 months
Another weekly meeting. Vayt stood in their spot with his back against the wall. He was looking at the ground with a serious expression and seemed to be deep in thought. They had to reschedule this meeting for a little later in the day, so Farz wasn't there yet.
The scratch on Vayt's cheek wasn't visible, just a small streak. There wouldn't even be a scar. The previous couple days had been an absolute nightmare, as being in HIS house he felt tense all the time. Sleep became more restless and falling in dreams became faster, Vayt started waking up almost literally in a cold sweat. The change in his sleep had happened not a couple days ago, but he only noticed it too drastically now. It worried him immensely, but he decided to deal with it later.
A familiar voice interrupted the train of thought:
- Hey, Vayt.
Farz is here. Black looked at him with a blank stare that hadn't yet had time to dissipate, but it didn't take long for it to do so. He blinked and rubbed his eyes.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine, just thinking. - Vayt answered as he removed his hands and looked at Farz. - Let's go to the roof? I got us some beers.
Farz frowned a little, something wasn't right. He didn't even have to suggest it himself, did Vayt like the roof that much? Maybe, but there was still something off about it.
- Yeah, okay, let's go. - he replied, and shrugged.
Vayt silently pushed himself off the wall and walked toward the building they'd hung out on last time. Farz followed him. He sensed that his companion wasn't in a good mood, but he didn't dare ask what was wrong.
After a time of silence, the atmosphere dissipated a little, Vayt calmed down and decided to be the first to start a dialog to break the silence:
- Anything happened these couple of days?
- Nothing in specific, just the usual routine. I was delivering some orders the other day and a customer was rude to me. - Farz replied, going to meet Black's attempt at conversation.
He glanced over his shoulder at him. Apparently, that was enough to make him forget what he was thinking.
- What was it about this time? - Vayt asked, slowing down to keep pace with Farz.
For the rest of the trip, the tension ebbed away. The "dark cloud hanging over Black," was completely gone. They were talking normally now, but the residue remained. Something still continued to bother him.
They came to the roof. Vayt only had four cans with him, which had to be shared between the two of them, though that wasn't a problem.
Standing near the railing, they were silent. Two cans of beer stood on it, and one more each in the hands of both guys, which were already open.
Vayt was thinking again, looking down at the road and the cars passing by. He was silent, and the atmosphere began to thicken again. Well, it didn't take long for Farz to be happy to have a calm conversation. He couldn't stand the rapidly rising tension and asked:
- Did something happen to you?
Vayt, as if not hearing the question like a dog turned in his direction.
- Are you all right? - Murphy asked, hoping for an answer this time.
- Yeah, I'm fine. - Black answered, placing his can aside and returning his gaze to the road.
Farz grumbled unhappily and placed his beer aside as well. They needed to talk.
- Vayt, what's happened? You're not yourself. I noticed something was off about you when we met. - his voice was sharper. What else can he do if his friend's being stubborn?
He couldn't take it anymore. He took a deep breath and started gibbering:
- Nothing's happened, it's just nightmares, that's all, it's all right, you have nothing to worry about. - Now Vayt was harsh too. He put his hand on his forehead and propped his head up. After, he just whispered. - Sorry, I'm whining.
Farz sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose.
- I'm just... kind of worrying about something. We stopped crossing paths on the way to work. And Anthony's worried about it too, said you haven't visited once lately. It's bothersome, you know...
Vayt's hand slipped from his forehead to his eyes.
- These nightmares are making me sleep worse. I'm falling asleep like normal, and I'm waking up earlier. I don't try to sleep a second time, I just go to work, that's all. You have nothing to worry about, I'm fine. If Anthony asks, you can tell him that.
He hesitated to look at Farz again. He felt that he had said too much, perhaps even too much.
Murphy didn't answer anything. He looked away silently and picked up the can again, taking a few sips.
The sun was already setting over the horizon, and they remained silent. Even their first walk hadn't been this silent and awkward, despite the active conversation at the beginning. Eventually Farz did speak after all:
- How long have you been having these nightmares?
- A week and a half or so. - Vayt answered in a whisper, lowering his hand.
- I've been having them for about two weeks.
Black looked in his direction.
- How did you get over it?
Murphy shrugged and after a couple seconds of pause, which he paused for another sip, answered:
- It went away on its own. - He leaned back against the railing and realized it wouldn't help Vayt that way. - Try going to the roof more often, it helps to get clear.
Farz shifted his gaze to him, and now they were both looking at each other. It was uncomfortable, and they turned straight in synchrony, looking at the lighted buildings in the distance. They were just now noticing how dark it had gotten.
Vayt finally picked up his can, which had been waiting to be remembered, and took a sip. The awkwardness began to dissipate.
- Hey, Farz. - he raised his voice.
- What's wrong? - Murphy looked back at him.
- You can drink my second can if you want.
- What's this honor for? - Farz asked warily.
- Consider it a thanks for the conversation, I'm feeling better. - Vayt replied in a calm voice. He looked at Murphy. - What's that look? Are you afraid I'm going to poison you?
He said the last phrase with a faint chuckle, as if he were teasing the second one. Perhaps it was meant to scare him a little, but Farz only smirked and replied:
- Well, I don't know what you want to do to me. Maybe you want to get me drunk and throw me off the roof and make it look like an accident.
- Who do you think I am?! - Vayt shouted with joking indignation and a playful smile.
Farz couldn't hold back and laughed. Black along with him. Were they already drunk, or had they reached the stage of friendship where they laughed at each other's dumb jokes?
But it still didn't last long and still they calmed down, Vayt wiped away a phantom tear of laughter and when they were both quiet said:
- Thank you very much.
Farz looked at him in confusion. For what?
- You helped so much.
Black fell silent after that and Murphy's gaze softened. They both looked toward the city. Maybe, it's not so bad.
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masontalo · 2 months
A week and five days later. It was Wednesday, one of the most unbearable. It was amazing how Vayt could still distinguish the daily nightmare days from each other and divide them into "horrible" and "less horrible." He stood on the balcony heavily hunch over. His forearm lay on the railing, on which he placed his head, while his other arm stood on his elbow and pressed against his head. It was dark. It wasn't clear if it was dark outside or in his head, because there were no stars visible. At least not as clearly as it had been almost two weeks ago. Vayt tried to focus and breathe steady, not thinking about the fact that he might be locked out on the balcony. He wanted to calm down because his heart, for the first time in a long time, was starting to hurt again.
"Please, not now. Let me stand quietly, please." - came through Vayt's thoughts pitifully.
It was a good thing the people around him couldn't read minds. Because the tone of the thoughts was like the whimpering of a dog left alone outside in winter by its owner. Though they probably wouldn't even feel pity for the dog, let alone Vayt.
However, the thoughts were interrupted by the creak of laminate flooring and railings. One of them stood beside Vayt and exhaled smoke. Shit, not now, please.
- Don't hunch over, it'll hurt your back. - said the person in a feignedly caring and calm voice.
Damn it, Lavrin, not you, not now.
Vayt raised his eyes to the tall guy next to him. As always, joint in hand and looking down from above.
- Or else what? - he asked, immediately going to rudeness without prelude.
- My mom always said that if you hunch over too much, you can get scoliosis. - Lavrin answered, turning his gaze to the yard.
Vayt took a deep breath. Just don't start yelling. Lavrin remembered his mother now for what? Somehow, bringing this company he didn't think of parents at all.
- My mother didn't say that to me, it doesn't apply to me. - Black said, looking straight at the building at the other end of the yard. - What do you want?
Lavrin twirled the joint in his hand and lowered the volume of his voice.
- To talk, - he began. - It's been so long since you and I have talked.
Vayt arched his back sharply and raising his voice, barely restraining himself from shouting said.
- I don't want to talk to you.
The answer was rough and confident. His hand grasped the railing tightly and clenched it to white knuckles.
- Vayt, - Lavrin attempted to talk again before they were interrupted.
- Can you both get out?
The voice sounded hostile. They turned in the direction of the sound. Of course... Darren. He stood holding onto the balcony door as if threatening to lock them both in there. But it was clear in his eyes, he wouldn't dare as long as HE was around.
- Really, it's best to go back inside. - Lavrin said, reaching for Vayt's shoulder.
He pulled HIS hand away before it could touch him and walked back into the less smoky apartment. He didn't resist for long, because he knew that arguing with them was like talking to a wall.
Lavrin followed him in. Darren returned to his seat, letting the owner of the apartment close the balcony.
- Why were you standing there at all? - He asked, sitting down comfortably in the sack chair.
- Why do you care? - Vayt snarled, stopping in the doorway.
- Didn't you learn not to get involved in other people's conversations? - Darren shouted. - Go where you're going!
- You don't get to decide where I go! I do!
- Then go the fuck away!
With a sudden movement, Darren picked up a glass bottle from the floor and threw it toward White. With a loud crack, he missed, and the bottle hit the wall, shards bouncing off in different directions. White reflexively bent at the knees, covering his face and head with his arms. The noise drew the attention of the others. After a second of silence, White jerked his hands away and turned to Darren. He wasn't scared, he was angry. There was nothing in him right now except the desire to shove those shards down Darren's throat. Even without gloves, even if there was going to be a lot of blood on his palms, doesn't matter. Just make this bastard shut up.
- ARE YOU FUCKED? - he shouted, holding back from a bigger yell that would have made his throat go hoarse.
There was silence in the room. Everyone looked at White with surprise except Darren and Lavrin, Lavrin was horrified, and Darren didn't even bat an eyebrow, silently looking away. White silently burned him with his eyes before grabbing his backpack from the corner in the hallway and walking out, slamming the door. Darren snorted disgruntledly, the other three who were in the house looked at Lavrin, who silently covered his mouth with his hand. And what do now?
The silence of the night city was broken only by two sounds: footsteps and a mean whispering that sounded like hissing in some places.
- Fucking asshole, - Vayt said through gritted teeth.
He rubbed the corners of his eyes with the bottom joints of his thumbs.
- Choke on that alcohol, scumbag. Suffocate in this rotten apartment.
He lowered his head as he continued to rub his eyes, but moved to his fingertips. His heart was beating at an incredible rate, giving a reminder of itself and a little pain. Vayt took deep breaths, trying to calm down and relax. At least alive, at least uninjured.
He took his palms away from his face and looked up at the sky. The stars became more visible, why? Was it because of the change of location or did the darkness in his head dissipate?
Vayt pressed his hand to his head, covering one eye. His head was a mess right now... so much hatred all at once, why so abruptly?
Eventually, the pain in his chest, which had been bothering him earlier, subsided. Vayt thought for a moment, he had to go find a place to sleep. Would it be too brazen to ask Farz again? It might be... but it was cold outside, and he didn't really want to cover himself with a second sweater on the cold concrete floor near the threshold of the abandoned building... this time it would be a last resort, he should to ask Farz. We live once, and Vayt didn't want to waste it on such a stupid death.
Re-creating the route in his head, he reached Farz's house. He looked toward the window. The light was on, so he was awake. Taking a deep breath, Vayt entered the building and took the elevator up to the apartment. He stood for a minute, hesitating to knock, but overcame himself to do so.
Footsteps were heard on the other side and the door opened. Luckily, Farz was home, and he didn't have to be alone with this dyed-up cretin.
- Hi, did you come to ask to spend the night? - Farz asked, getting straight to the point.
Vayt awkwardly pressed his lips together and after a second's silence answered in an appropriate voice:
- Yes, can I?
- Wednesday, same day as last time. - said Farz, letting his friend into his apartment. - Are you okay?
He stepped inside, feeling the anxiety recede.
- Yeah, I'm fine. Just another stupid conflict over nothing, I'm okay. - Black replied, trying to hide the awkwardness.
As he spoke, Murphy's gaze grew serious.
- Vayt, - he said.
Black reflexively looked at him, showing his face in its entirety.
- What?
- Your cheek, - Farz said briefly, running a small horizontal line across his right cheek with his finger.
- What's wrong with my cheek? - Vayt asked and ran his hand over his own, then looked at his fingers.
Suddenly there was a subtle and faint pain.
- Is that a scratch? - Farz asked with slight concern.
The small shard had almost hit Vayt, leaving a small wound on his cheek. It was so slight that he hadn't felt any pain at first until it was noticed.
Vayt began to gibber as he realized Farz was beginning to suspect him of lying. He slightly put his hands up showing his palms as if trying to calm Farz down.
- Look, I'm fine, it's just an accident, I'm not sure where I scratched myself, I'm alright, really. Nothing to worry about.
Black pressed his fingers into his palms and gave a thumbs up, showing that everything was okay.
Farz only took a deep breath and pressed his hand to his temple. He realized that all was not okay, but who was he to force the words out.
- Okay, in that case, go to sleep. - He said.
Vayt smiled softly and replied only briefly:
- Thank you.
The whole conversation was seen and heard by Sid, who was standing in the kitchen holding a pack of animal crackers. He stopped eating while the two shorties were talking, because it was hard to hear the words of those who were in the other room and who were not speaking very loudly.
Sid had a displeased expression on his face. Again this white, again he had to share space with him in the room. This weird guy wouldn't lead to anything good, and he was sure of it.
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masontalo · 3 months
Friday of next week, finally.
Vayt sat in Lavrin's apartment, completely smoky, like a smoke machine, with this shit. The purple light made his eyes ache, and he wanted to just fall asleep and not wake up.
"I'm going to suffocate here sooner or later." - Vayt thought, hugging his knees and sitting near the wall.
The atmosphere was pressurizing to him: a bunch of drunk people who hated Vayt and in case of an idea for a mockery some of them had, he was sure to be the object. At least they had one mutual feeling: hate. A feeling that made Vayt so sick, so sick that he just wanted to stop experiencing anything, just stop feeling anything, just stop.
 A stoned Lavrin was lying beside him, talking gibberish that couldn't even be made out, while Vayt was just trying to wait for the right time to get out.
At one moment, Lavrin took a deep breath and began to speak more clearly, as if inspiration had come over him.
- We went out there. The stars were shining in the sky, everything was so magical, just like in the movie. And she said my lips were a lavender, - he said the last word with an almost satisfied moan.
Vayt frowned and lowered his gaze to Lavrin's face. His eyes were half-closed, and a drunken smile was playing on his lips. One could see such a state in a sober man, but only if he was happy. Perhaps Lavrin was like that now, too, but it was mostly the marijuana and probably the alcohol in his system that played its part.
- What the fuck is a lavender? - Vayt asked in bewilderment.
He was used to listening to Lavrin's drunken ramblings. A couple of days ago they'd gone out, where did drug addicts usually hang out? Apparently, Lavrin had found some girl who was also under the influence, otherwise how could anyone sober let someone like him kiss them.
There was no answer to the question. Lavrin just continued to stare at the ceiling. Vayt sighed and checked the time on his phone. 8:56 pm, time to go out. He stood up and put his backpack on his shoulders.
- Hey Vayt, where are you going? - Lavrin said in a pitiful tone, tilting his head back to see Vayt's indifferent eyes.
- I'm on the night shift tonight, and I won't be back until tomorrow night, bye, - he answered as he left the apartment.
Only half of that sentence was true. Sometimes Vayt didn't understand why he reported to him. Probably so that when he got dry, he wouldn't get a hundred messages and calls, so that he wouldn't have a reason to be in a bad mood again, if it ever became good at all.
Farz was sitting on a bench in the entryway. He had a cup of coffee next to him, and was holding a second cup in his hand. The guy was staring at the pavement, thinking. Surely Vayt is all right? Farz looked up at the window with a purple light. Had his eyesight fallen, or could he really see nothing but the frame?
A moment later there was the sound of a metal door opening. Vayt stepped out of the entryway. Taking a breath, he coughed a little. It was clear from the expression on his face that he wasn't happy. Of course he wasn't, sitting in an apartment with the windows closed like a hedgehog in the fog was no pleasure. But as soon as Vayt saw Farz, his eyes softened. He sat down on the bench next to him. It was the same bench where Vayt had burst into tears over nothing. That memory made him wince a little, ashamed of his condition then, so weak and pathetic. There was the smell of the weed that hadn't left his clothes completely for almost half a year now, but Farz chose to ignore it.
- I bought you a coffee, - he said without greeting, moving the almost cold latte cup closer to Vayt.
He took the cup and squeezed it in both hands. He felt the barely warm cardboard and took a sip, indeed cold, but his mood improved.
- Should I refund the money? - Vayt asked, looking at Farz, who was hunched over, resting his elbows on his knees.
- No, consider it a thanks. - he replied, stirring the rest of the coffee, then took a sip. Farz noticed Vayt's gaze and looked at him. - Why are you looking like that?
- Nothing, - he looked down at the floor and said in an almost whisper before taking another sip. - Thanks for the coffee.
They sat in silence for about five minutes more. Vayt continued to look at the floor, while Farz looked at the purple window, then at the guy next to him. Did he feel sorry for him? Maybe. It wasn't cool to live in a place where everyone hated, despised, and bullied you, he'd felt it himself.
Eventually Farz stood up and stretched, his spine not thanking him for sitting with a hunched back. He looked at Vayt, who was also paying attention to him.
- Shall we go? - Farz asked.
Vayt nodded and stood up quietly.
Farz went, the second took one last look at the smoke-filled apartment he would surely return to later, and followed the first.
It wasn't late enough yet, but there were only a couple people on the street. Perhaps the reason was that they were just in a bedroom community rather than downtown. It was dark enough as they walked. They walked in silence, either no one wanted to talk or they wanted to talk already on the place. For some reason Farz didn't feel much discomfort, maybe he was just tired from work, and being in the same house with a chaotic person wasn't much of a rest. The smell of Vayt's clothes was dissipating, and the chance of smoky residue was becoming less and less, which was good.
After a while, they did talk. At first it was just work talk, as usual. But Black suddenly wanted to talk about the incident with Lavrin.
- What the fuck is a lavender? - Farz asked, confused.
- You won't believe I said the same thing, - Vayt replied, laughing lightly.
They reached a tall building, taller than the apartment building Farz lives in. They walked into the building and stepped into the elevator. Vayt was still holding that cup in his hands. Both stood in silence, but Farz noticed something was wrong with his companion. Not feeling well?
- Hey, Vayt, - Farz said to him. - Are you okay?
He nodded and rubbed his eyes.
- Yeah, it's just unusual.
- You haven't been on any elevators, have you? - Farz asked, turning his head toward Vayt.
- Yeah, I can get to HIS apartment on my own two, and I lived in a private house when I was a kid, so there was no reason to use the elevator. - Vayt looked at Farz, who was listening intently. - I look stupid, don't I?
He squeezed his head into his shoulders and looked away with an awkward expression.
- No, it's all right. Just… - Farz couldn't finish the sentence because he didn't know how.
Vayt straightened, but didn't look at him. There was awkward silence again.
A minute later the elevator arrived at the top floor, they stepped out of it, and then onto the roof.
It was already finally dark, a cold wind was blowing faintly, and a dew of stars had long ago appeared in the sky. Besides them, fortunately, there was no one else.
They came to the parapet and leaned on it, it was almost a synchronized movement. Vayt put his cup down and looked out at the city, decorated with lots of different lights. The slight noise of cars came to them, creating a sort of atmosphere. A calm atmosphere, as if all the things they were living with were just not there.
They stood in silence for a while, until Vayt began to speak:
- Now I see why you like this place.
His voice was quiet, and he himself didn't sound like the aggressive and angry guy he'd first seen the cafe then.
- This is where I can always think or cool my head. Nobody usually comes here either, I don't even know why.
- Afraid of heights?
Farz laughed with his mouth closed.
- Maybe, - he said, looking at Vayt with a faint smile.
That look didn't last long, as Farz looked up at the sky, which his companion was also looking at.
To Vayt, the stars seemed brighter and brighter. It was so peaceful and there was no reason to worry about his safety. And there are no other annoying people who make you want to stop feeling anything. Vayt took a deep breath and looked down at the road and the passing cars that had been the background all along. It was amazing how new things could bring pleasure.
Once again, they lost track of time discussing more open topics.
- And after that, they think I'm unbalanced! - shouted Vayt, waving his hand and pushing the cup off the roof. - Oh fuck.
He bent over the railing, pressing his chest against it. Farz leaned in sync with Vayt as the cup flew along the building toward the crossroads.
- Now he's free and can have a wife and kids, - Farz said, looking at Vayt, hoping he'd enjoy the joke.
Vayt chuckled softly in turn, covering his eyes with his hand, leaving only a smile on his face, exposing the top row of teeth. He smiled softly, seeing that the joke, which was rather primitive, was still liked by his companion.
When the laughter stopped, they fell silent again. Once again, they stood in complete silence, once again the cars were the only background. Occasionally faint moans could be heard from the apartments below. It looked like someone was giving themselves and their partner a romantic evening.
Farz's smile slowly crept away, replaced by a slightly concerned expression, remembering their conversation before the cup fell.
- Hey, Vayt, - he said quietly, when the second one turned to him without a smile, just curiosity. - You really have shitty roommates.
Murphy took a deep breath and rubbed the back of his head, formulating the next sentence in his head. It was hard to say things like that to anyone without feeling embarrassed.
- If you want, - he continued. - you can come to my place for a sleepover sometimes. You'll be more comfortable with me than with THEM.
Farz emphasized THEM with the same intonation as White usually does. He himself smiled softly.
- Okay, I… - Black spoke, interrupting halfway through the sentence. He took a deep breath while Farz looked at him, smiling softly again. - Thank you very much, I'll keep that in mind.
Vayt looked at him with deep gray eyes that glinted in spite of the sun's absence.
After a moment, the skyline began to lighten. They'd been up on the roof all night?
- Wow, it's dawn already, - Farz said, taking his elbows off the railing and straightening up.
- We've been up here all night, haven't slept in twenty-four hours? - Vayt asked, looking at his friend.
- I guess so, - he replied. - I should probably go back to my apartment and get at least two hours of sleep, because I'm working today. You should take a nap, too, I think.
Vayt straightened up and stretched too. Being hunched over wasn't much of a pleasure.
- I don't think so, - he replied. - The apartment must be full of smoke. If you'd asked, I'd rather sleep here.
Farz shifted his awkward gaze. He had completely forgotten what condition the apartment of the guy he was staying with was in, but he turned back.
- Shall we walk together, then?
- Yeah, sure, let's go, - Vayt answered, stretching his shoulders.
They walked down from the roof as the city slowly woke up, the air warmed, and the dog owners came out into the street.
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masontalo · 3 months
Friday. No one canceled the walk because they had seen each other before. It was business as usual again. Met at the usual place and walked to their place.
- I don't understand what their problem is too. Just walk by if the person hasn't done anything to you, - Vayt resented.
They began to have a discussion about ridicule, in school and in life. When exactly did their conversation turn to that?
- Yeah, - Farz replied, taking a sip of the beer Vayt had given him. - I still remember I was just walking home from work at night and some guy was harassing me about my height. Like, "Hey, shorty." But I was so tired at the time, I decided to just ignore it. I didn't want to waste my remaining energy on some bastard.
As Farz spoke, Vayt listened attentively. This discussion had been going on for more than half an hour. At Farz's last sentence, Vayt took a sip, then began:
- I remember I had a classmate who was always picking on me. He would call me short, or a gypsy, or somehow emphasize that I have no friends.
The second statement surprised Farz a little.
- Gypsy? Why? You don't look like one, and you don't steal anything.
- Well... - Vayt stretched, awkwardly looking away. - There was one reason he called me that.
He took a sip, not looking at Farz. He was clearly ashamed of something... or just uncomfortable about being called a gypsy. Perhaps he was hoping Farz wouldn't pay attention to it, so he said it. Farz sensed that Vayt wasn't eager to tell him about it, so he didn't even try to ask.
An awkward silence hung in the air. Only the sips of alcohol from the tin can were audible.
- You know... - Farz stretched out, finally breaking the silence. - I never had any friends at school, too.
Vayt frowned in bewilderment and looked at him.
- What about Sid?
Farz took a deep breath and looked away.
- He and I… - he stammered. - we weren't friends. The whole story is pretty weird and... I'll tell you about it sometime later.
Farz looked down at the ground and placed a hand on his forehead, leaning back on his knees. It was a rather unpleasant memory, though he rather just didn't want to tell Vayt about it so soon. He was afraid he'd seem too weak to him.
They fell silent again. They sat in that awkward silence again. Damn it!
But suddenly a crow landed in front of them. The most ordinary, black one, with beady eyes. Farz, as soon as he heard the sound of wings closing, immediately turned his attention to the bird.
- Hey, hello, - he said affectionately, stretching out his arms, lifting his fingers up and rubbing his fingers against each other as if he had something there in his hands to get the bird's attention. - come here.
The crow tilted her head to the side. It hopped closer to Farz, causing Vayt to move back, closer to the wall. The sudden movement caused the crow to fly a meter away. Farz noticed that Vayt was concerned about the crow.
- Are you afraid? - Farz asked in surprise, calling the crow to him again.
Vayt was silent for a while when the crow came closer to Farz and he began to stroke it.
- How can such a beauty be afraid? - said Farz, stroking the crow. - Too bad there's no food for it....
Vayt continued to stare at the picture in silence. He would have liked to sit further away, but the wall wouldn't let him.
After a couple minutes of stroking the crow, Farz noticed that Vayt was really concerned about the crow. He looked like he was really scared of it.
- Hey Vayt, are you okay? - Farz asked worriedly as he stopped stroking the crow.
- Yeah, I'm fine... - he replied. - It's just that I've had an unexplained fear of crows since I was a kid.
Suddenly the crow took off. The unexpected action of the bird made Vayt twitch and hit the back of his head against the wall behind him.
- Fuck! - he shouted reflexively.
The crow flew away, and Farz stared at Vayt with surprised eyes as he rubbed the back of his head.
- Are you afraid of birds? - Farz asked cautiously, trying not to offend Vayt.
- Crows, - he answered calmly, but the pain in the back of his head made his voice a little higher. - Only crows...
Farz frowned.
- But why? They're so beautiful and - he hesitated, trying to find a word. - mysterious.
As he spoke, Vayt wiped his face and the corners of his eyes with his hands, then sighed heavily.
- I don't know, I like owls more. Crows make me uncomfortable for some reason... I'm not saying I'm scared of them, but I'm just a little anxious. - He looked at Farz, who looked surprised by the statement and could have said anything. Vayt covered his face with his hand and looked away. - Is that weird?
Farz was silent for a while, wondering what to answer. It was rather unusual to see someone who was afraid of a certain kind of bird. But on the other hand, it was no reason for ridicule. Farz began to speak:
- No, it's not weird. Owls are cool too...
The last sentence he stretched out, Vayt lowered his hand, looking at Farz.
- Yeah, they're cool too. Their creepy stare and ability to spin their heads 270 degrees. And if you hear them in the woods at night, too, you can get... scared? - he continued, looking straight ahead.
It was so strange...only two months ago he had thought Vayt was weird, and now he was trying to convince him otherwise. They got along so fast. Vayt cared about Farz's well-being, and Farz was trying not to offend Vayt in conversation. Yes, there were dead ends in the conversations, but gradually the topics of conversation became more and more frank.
Vayt smiled softly.
- Do you even know exactly how many degrees they turn their heads?
Farz turned to him and shrugged.
- Yes, I read it somewhere when I was a kid and memorized it.
He looked up at the sky. It was beginning to get dark, and they were getting late again. A sudden thought occurred to Farz.
- Would you like to hang out on the roof next time? - He suddenly suggested, looking at Vayt.
The smile was replaced by surprise. Why such a suggestion? And so suddenly. Farz was going to get rid of him? Was he sick of him already?
- Why such an offer? - He asked cautiously.
Farz hesitated. He'd thought Vayt would just say yes or no; he hadn't expected such a question. Farz began to gibber awkwardly:
- Well, we hang out here a lot, and I thought we could change places for once. Plus, I thought you might like it...we could go there at night.
The whole time Farz was talking he looked away. He didn't want Vayt to misunderstand him. When he finished, he was able to look at Vayt with at least the corner of his eye. He was looking at Farz with a look that couldn't be read. It was neutral, but his eyelids lifted slightly, was it surprise? Vayt shifted his gaze to the side and furrowed his eyebrows.
- You know, I think that's a good idea, - he said, returning his gaze to Farz. - We could even get coffee somewhere beforehand, even if it's already cold.
- In that case... - Farz stretched out. - next Friday? How about nine o'clock?
- Yes, Friday at nine.
- I can pick you up. It'll be closer to walk from your house to that building.
- I don't mind, - Vayt said with a soft smile.
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masontalo · 3 months
The night passed unnoticed. It was a calm, quiet morning, with no pain in the head.
Farz opened the door of his room and rubbed his eyes as he stepped out. Sid was still asleep. Farz looked at him indifferently, but noticing that there was no one and nothing under the wall where Vayt was sleeping he tensed and looked toward the kitchen. The balcony door was open.
Farz went into the kitchen and the first thing he noticed was two plates. Vayt had made almost the same food as last time. After staring at the plates for a couple more seconds, Farz looked toward the balcony. The person he was looking for was standing there. He stepped out onto the balcony and stood beside Vayt.
- Good morning, - Farz turned to him, folding his elbows on the railing.
- М? - Vayt made a still sleepy sound, raising his drooping head. He looked up at Farz and rubbed his eyes. - Yes, good morning.
Vayt's voice was sleepy. Had he only recently woken up? Or had he dozed off standing up? He actually looked like he'd opened his eyes five minutes ago.
- Won't you join us? - Farz asked, nodding toward the kitchen.
- I've already eaten, - he answered in a more awake voice.
Farz silently looked out over the balcony at the road, and Vayt did the same. The first one wanted to go to breakfast, but he spoke in a slightly awkward voice:
- Thank you for not leaving.
- You asked to stay, - the other one replied, smiling faintly. The corners of Farz's mouth lifted, too. Vayt laughed a little, then nodded toward the kitchen. - Go eat before Sid eats your portion.
Farz smiled a little wider and walked back into the kitchen. Vayt looked down at the street and took a deep calm breath. What a nice morning.
Not even half an hour had passed when Vayt stood in the hallway, wanting to leave. Farz was just coming out of the kitchen when he noticed.
- Are you leaving already? - He asked, literally stopping Vayt as he was about to leave.
- Well, yeah, - he said in an awkward voice, as if he'd already done something wrong.
- Wait for me, please. I'm going to get myself cleaned up and dressed, and then we'll go get coffee.
Farz went into the bathroom without waiting for an answer, and Vayt didn't even have time to react when Farz disappeared from his sight. But he didn't act stubborn and decided to wait, since he'd been asked.
Vayt sat down on the couch where Sid had been sleeping before, who was currently finishing his breakfast rather loudly. It annoyed Vayt, but he couldn't just tell him to stop. After all, he was a one-time guest here, and Sid lived here. By his logic, Sid had more rights than Vayt.
He didn't realize the time had passed, though he didn't sit there long. He only came awake when Farz called out to him.
- … go? - The rest of Farz's sentence came to Vayt.
Vayt reflexively looked at Farz. He was already in uniform, so now all they had to do was walk out of the building. Vayt stood up and walked over to him, after which they went to work.
The morning was calm and cool. The sun would occasionally slip between the buildings and hit his face, giving a little warmth, and then immediately disappear as if it had never been there. The air rushing into lungs cooled the body and brain.
- Shall we get coffee at CoffeePizza? - Farz asked, turning his head toward Vayt.
- Are they open at this time?
- They usually are, but keep in mind I'm not paying for your coffee this time, - Farz said jokingly and smiled a little.
He got a small laugh in return when Vayt replied:
- Thank you for not making me your kept woman.
Laughing briefly, they walked into a still empty cafe. Once again, Anthony was on shift. He noticed them right away and asked:
- Good morning, since this morning and together?
- Well, we crossed paths when we were on our way to work, - Farz replied. - Can we order coffee?
- Yes, of course, but I will ask you to pay without the change, - answered Anthony as politely as possible.
- I'll find so many coins for you, - said Vayt as he began to dig through his wallet.
Anthony smiled a little.
- So, what will you?
- A cappuccino and… - Farz didn't finish, shifting his gaze to Vayt.
He looked up in surprise, but realized he was being watched, so he continued:
- ... latte.
Anthony laughed a little. He was amused by the sight of the two of them. They looked more alive...or Anthony just hadn't gotten enough sleep.
- Okay, I'll do it now, - he said, starting to do his work.
While Anthony made coffee, Vayt continued to look through his wallet.
- I don't understand what you're looking for in there, - Farz said as he looked into Vayt's wallet.
- Lavrin's conscience, - he answered as he took six fifty-cent coins into his hand.
After paying for their coffees, they said goodbye to Anthony and continued on their way to work.
- Turns out I love the smell of coffee, - Vayt whispered, taking a sip.
- Imagine a cup of coffee early in the morning, when you're still sleepy and it's cold outside and the coffee is hot, - Farz teased.
- Oh, God, - he said with a groan. - Fuck you, I don't want to be a coffee addict.
- You already are.
- Twice doesn't count!
- It's too late, you're already addicted!
- Fuck you!
That made Farz couldn't contain his laughter. It was so easy to tease Vayt. There wasn't a hint of anger or annoyance in his voice, just a reaction that wasn't negative.
- Okay, I'm sorry, I'm just kidding, - Farz said as he calmed down, hoping he hadn't offended Vayt.
- It's okay, for some reason I have a habit of answering people like that... very often... - Vayt replied, looking away at the last part of the sentence. - It always depends on the situation and the intonation.
Farz smiled a little. The fact that Vayt wasn't offended by him reassured him.
At the crossroads he stopped again, and Farz did the same.
- I'm turning here, - Vayt said before Farz could say anything.
- Ah, no problem, okay. So, we'll meet next time on Friday, then? - he asked.
- Yeah, Friday, - Vayt raised his hand. - bye.
Farz did the same.
- Bye.
And they parted ways. As Vayt held the cup of coffee he thought about it. He hadn't felt this good in a long time... he'd gotten a good night's sleep and talked to someone who felt just like him. Wait, what? He enjoyed spending time with another person? Did they become friends? Was Anthony right? Vayt thought deeply about it as he took the last sip and tossed the cup into the trash can.
Upon arriving at work, he was immediately approached by a long-time coworker.
- Hey, Vayt, hi. How are you? - Nicole asked, then arched his eyebrows in surprise as he began to stare at Vayt. - You look better than usual. Did you find a girlfriend?
Vayt chuckled slightly, then answered:
- I just got a good night's sleep.
- Oh, and you're not gonna sleep on your break? - Nicole asked jokingly or wryly.
- I won't, let's work, - he said with a soft smile.
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masontalo · 3 months
Wednesday evening. It was already quite dark and streetlights, car headlights and people's windows were flashing in the background. Farz was making himself some tea. There was nothing else to drink, and besides, he wanted to try to get some sleep. Sid was sitting on the couch, eating chips and listening to subtitles.
There was no sound in the house except for the video Sid was watching at almost full volume and the sound of water pouring from the kettle into a cup.
It was quiet until there was a knock on the door.
- Sid, open the door, - Farz said to him in an indifferent tone.
- You need you open, - Sid replied.
- You're closer to the door.
The punk just gave a frustrated groan. He paused the video and left the chips alone. The expression of displeasure was quickly replaced by curiosity. Who could have come this late to Farz's apartment?
But as soon as Sid opened the door his curious attitude changed immediately to an irritated one as soon as he saw Vayt behind the door.
Vayt didn't hesitate, so he just asked quickly:
- Can I see Farz?
- Farz, it's for you! - Sid shouted unreasonably loudly, then returned to the couch.
Farz came up rather quickly himself with his eyes wide open. Who's here so late?
- Hi, is something wrong? - he asked.
- Hey, listen, - Vayt said, awkwardly looking away. - Can I stay at your place one more time?
His voice sounded like he was asking to borrow money for the third time, not to sleep over a month and a half after the last time.
Farz blinked a couple times in surprise. Really? Such a request made him look so guilty? He stepped aside, letting Vayt inside and said:
- Sure, come on in, you know my place is always open, why didn't you just walk in?
As Farz continued to talk, Vayt stepped inside the apartment and after a question answered:
- Well, this is basically your personal space, I have no right to come in without being asked.
- Believe me, privacy is the only word here, - Farz said, frowning, and turned his gaze to Sid, who continued to listen to the subtitles without a shred of respect. Once he realized that Vayt was still looking at him, he glared at him and went into the kitchen. - Would you like some tea?
- No thanks, - Vayt replied, following Farz into the kitchen.
Vayt sat down in a chair, putting his backpack on his lap and putting his arm around it. Farz picked up his cup and took a sip.
- What's happened? It's not like you, - he said.
- They just got bored and started pestering me, the usual, - Vayt said, looking away shamefacedly.
- You were right to leave. You'd have gotten more injuries, - Farz said, taking a sip of his tea. - If you're hungry, I can't help you. There's almost nothing.
Vayt was silent for a couple seconds, looking down at the floor, and then returned his gaze to Farz and asked:
- A night out shopping?
He frowned a little and looked away, mulling over Vayt's suggestion.
- All right, let's go. I just need to get some coffee. I'll just get my jacket, - Farz answered and went to his room.
 Vayt followed him, but stayed waiting at the front door. After a couple of seconds, he came up and they went out.
Heading already through the dark streets to the nearest convenience store, they were quiet. This silence lasted halfway until Farz spoke:
- So, what happened there?
- Where? - Vayt wondered, seemingly deep in thought.
- In HIS apartment. You still haven't told me his name, - he said, trying to imitate White's intonation when he said "HIS".
Vayt took a deep breath.
- It's no big deal, - he began. - They got high again and got bored and decided to hit on the only sober person they could find. They just started talking about height and stuff.
As Vayt spoke, his voice grew a little louder than usual. His irritation could be felt now. Farz could understand how Vayt felt, but he hadn't had to talk to someone who was also being told to heighten. He didn't know what to answer in this situation. Should he take Vayt's example and insult them? Or just continue to remain silent? Farz chose the second option.
After a while, Vayt's tension eased, and he calmed down.
- You know, - he began. - It's always so peaceful at night.
- Yeah, - Farz agreed and continued. - Not as many cars and a lot less people. There's just not that commotion.
- And it's a lot quieter, - Vayt added.
- Yes! - Farz replied, but realized he'd said it too loudly, so he shut up abruptly and looked away shamefacedly.
Vayt seemed to like it. At first, he was surprised by the shout, but then that slowly turned into a faint but soft smile.
They walked the rest of the way in silence. Only at the store did they consult about what they should buy. Vayt was going to make them breakfast again, no matter how much Sid annoyed him.
They got everything dealt with pretty quickly, so grocery shopping wasn't as long as one might expect. Vayt was carrying the groceries in his backpack. He also paid for them, which made Farz a little awkward, but he didn't mind overall.
They were walking in silence again. It was already a classic of the genre, and there was nothing surprising about it. If anyone knew how their walks were going, they'd probably be surprised.
- Hey, Vayt, - Farz finally raised his voice. Vayt looked at him. - Why are you always wearing that backpack? It's just that I've noticed that you don't part with it at all.
- Oh, - he sighed heavily, looking away. - This backpack has almost literally my whole life in it. All the things I always carry in it, in my pockets I have at most my phone and sometimes my wallet. I don't even know what's at the bottom of it.
Vayt spoke as if it were a difficult subject for him. Maybe he was remembering some unpleasant periods from his past.
- I'm sorry if I hit a nerve, - Farz said, lowering his tone and looking away, too.
- Hey, it's okay, - Vayt said sharply, returning his gaze to Farz. - You just asked a question I wasn't expecting. I never get asked anything. So...
He stared at the asphalt again, unsure of what to say.
For a while longer they walked again in silence. They were embarrassed. Farz thought he'd hurt Vayt, and Vayt didn't want Farz to feel guilty.
- If you want, we can look at the bottom of my backpack someday, - Vayt finally decided to say quietly.
Farz turned his head slightly toward him, but continued to watch with the corner of his eye.
- I think it was an interesting experiment, - he said with a faint smile. - I wonder what we'll find in there. Someone's corpse?
Vayt chuckled and replied:
- Also probably.
The rest of the way passed in silence again. And they both walked in thought. Thinking about the same subject? Maybe. Farz thought again about a topic he had recently put off for later. It was a simple outing to the store together, but there was still something nice about it.
As they rode the elevator Farz took a deep breath and decided to speak again:
- Vayt, in the morning, please don't run off so soon, - he looked at Farz with a raised eyebrow. He continued. - Last time you left before I could wake up. Don't do that this time, okay?
After asking the question, Farz looked at Vayt. He smiled a little and nodded. He was pleased that he wasn't going to be kicked out. No, he wouldn't be sleeping at Farz's house two nights in a row, but it was nice that not everyone wanted him to leave as soon as possible.
When we got home, the picture didn't change, it was the same. Except that Sid wasn't eating chips anymore.
They walked silently into the kitchen, while Sid gave them a judgmental look in the back.
- Hey Vayt, - Farz addressed him, putting a pack of coffee in the cabinet. He looked up at him. - Thank you for paying for the groceries.
His voice sounded a little uncertain, but grateful nonetheless. He certainly wasn't poor enough not to eat all day, but it was still nice to have something bought for you, including food.
Vayt smiled at him.
- You're welcome, - he replied briefly before continuing. - Can I use your bathroom?
Farz's eyes widened and his eyebrows rose, creating a surprised expression.
- Yes, of course. If you need to, - he said as if it was a stupid question, though Vayt just didn't want to be annoying.
The time was late, Farz came out of the bathroom and was about to go to bed, but he noticed Vayt on the balcony. He walked over to him and stood next to him, after which he just asked:
- Is everything okay?
Vayt was looking down thoughtfully just as he had then on the bridge. When Farz addressed him, he looked at him with slightly surprised eyes. Apparently, he hadn't expected such a sudden address.
- Yeah, it's all right. I was just getting some air, - Vayt said in a calm and quiet voice. - You know, I rarely get fresh air in HIS house without being locked out on the balcony.
Farz frowned.
- Were you locked on the balcony? - He asked.
He was just curious. Vayt could have just been lying, couldn't he? Could have just wanted to be pitied.
- There were a couple of attempts. Once I was just asked to come out, and the second time I felt like I was going to spend the night on a cold balcony if I didn't, - Vayt said, rubbing the palm of his hand with the fingers of his other hand.
Farz looked at it. What was wrong with him? Nervous? Probably. But why? Doesn't want to go back there? Maybe. But why is he nervous now? Farz isn't kicking him out.
- Your roommates suck, - Farz said. He took a deep breath and put a hand on Vayt's shoulder. - Don't breathe too long and go to bed earlier, okay?
Vayt smiled slightly and nodded a few times, still not looking at Farz. He just went to his room.
Vayt took a deep breath, wiping his face with his hands. After a couple seconds, he exhaled and looked up at the sky, resting his elbows on the railing. The stars were much prettier here than from Lavrin's balcony. Perhaps because it was quieter and there was less risk of something heavy being thrown at him just out of boredom.
At one point, for some reason he didn't understand, Vayt smiled widely. He took his last breath and walked back into the apartment, closing the door to the balcony behind him.
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masontalo · 4 months
The week passed again. Farz was going to go for a walk after work, as usual.
He, as promised, decided to buy Vayt a coffee. He didn't care if Vayt would pay him back the three dollars, Farz was just curious about Vayt's reaction to the taste of the coffee. It was like watching a baby bird walk or fly for the first time.
- Hey, Farz, - Sid said to him.
Farz was already standing by the door, getting ready to come out. He looked at Sid with a raised eyebrow.
- Are you going to hang out with that white again? - he said dismissively.
Farz took a deep breath and brushed back his bangs with his hand. The strands fell over his face as he looked at Sid again with annoyance and replied:
- Yeah, do you care?
- It's just that white is weird, - Sid said, crossing his arms and averting his gaze.
- His name is Vayt. He's a normal guy. Why do you suddenly start caring who I hang out with? - Farz asked, taking two threatening steps toward Sid.
Sid took a few steps too, but backwards. He didn't answer the question, just averting an offended look.
Farz didn't wait for an answer and walked out of the apartment while Sid stayed in the same spot.
- Hi, I thought you weren't coming, - Vayt said when he saw Farz approaching.
- Hi, - Farz replied as he stood in front of Vayt. - There was an unforeseen circumstance in the elevator and that's why I was delayed.
- You got pinched in the elevator and couldn't get out? - he asked jokingly.
Farz clucked his tongue and rolled his eyes with fake offense.
- The main thing is that no one pinches you, - he said wryly. Vayt smiled, but it was sincere. - let's go. I still remember our argument. I can't wait to see your face when you taste the coffee for the first time.
Farz headed toward the cafe. Vayt pressed himself off the wall and followed him.
- Are you classifying me as a wuss who can't drink coffee? - he asked in a semi-offended tone.
Farz smirked and looked at him, then replied in an equally gloating voice:
- Maybe.
Farz looked back at the street, then his smile fell. Where did this come from in him? Where did this mood in him come from? Just a desire to make fun of Vayt? No, there was something else going on here. It couldn't have been that superficial. If it was just a desire to mock, they wouldn't have gotten to this point, right? What is it then?
Vayt noticed Farz's pensive expression and became worried. He put a hand on his shoulder and asked:
- Is everything okay?
- Yeah, just thinking, - he answered.
In a second, Farz shook the thoughts away and looked at Vayt with a clearer gaze. He hurried to change the topic.
- Why don't we stop by CoffePizza? Maybe check on Anthony.
Vayt answered without thinking:
- I don't mind.
Farz was satisfied with that answer.
- So, we'll get you a latte. It's the least caffeinated.
- Oh, so you decided not to choke me with espresso?
Farz laughed a little, then said in a mocking tone:
- I didn't expect you to have that kind of information.
- I may not know much about coffee, but that doesn't mean I'm completely behind the development.
There was no answer to that.
After a while, they arrived at the cafe. As expected, Anthony was on shift. As soon as they approached the counter, he noticed them.
- Oh, hello. Didn't expect to see you two, - Anthony said in a happy tone, seeing that the two seemed to have become friends.
- Hi Anthony, - Farz replied with a slight smile. - Can I have the usual and one latte?
Saying "one latte" he turned his head toward Vayt. To this, he whispered quietly:
- Why are you looking at me like that? - Into Farz's face with a quiet pout.
Anthony laughed.
- Okay, it'll be right on, - he said as he started making coffee.
As Anthony did his work, he occasionally glanced at the two. They were arguing quietly, so quietly that you could tell what they were saying by their lips. But the slight smile on the faces of both of them said that they had really become friends, despite their denials earlier.
A couple minutes later, Anthony put two drinks on the counter.
- This is a latte and this is a cappuccino, - Anthony said, pointing to the cups in turn.
- Thank you, Anthony, - Farz said, paying with a ten-dollar bill and picking up the cups.
They both sat down at a table. Farz handed Vayt his coffee. He just sat over it like it was a drug he was afraid to try. While Vayt couldn't pull himself together, Farz looked at him and tried to hold back a smile. It made him laugh at how Vayt couldn't make up his mind. Like it would ruin his life. Farz took a sip of his coffee and decided to give Vayt a little boost:
- Try it, what are you afraid of?
- I don't know. It's probably just a stupid fear of the unknown, - he said, taking the cup in his hands.
Farz looked at Vayt waitingly. Yes, it was just coffee, but given his dislike and caution about coffee it seemed like fun.
Finally, Vayt pulled himself together and took a sip. A serious expression remained on his face, as if he was contemplating, trying to come to a conclusion. It seemed that one sample wasn't enough, so Vayt took a second one.
Farz smirked, already sensing that he'd won and Vayt liked the coffee. And he was right!
- You bastard, - he whispered, setting his backpack on his lap.
He pulled out his wallet and handed Farz five dollars, as if to pay for the coffee and the lost bet. He accepted the bill with a wide grin and said with a self-satisfied smile:
- Thank you.
They continued to just talk. Anthony watched them from behind the counter and smiled. Those two bastards got along, really got along. Farz didn't look so annoyed and Vayt didn't look sad.
Fifteen minutes and they left, deciding to take a walk.
- How was it? Not as scary as it seemed? - Farz asked in a derisive tone.
But Vayt answered quite seriously, without a joke:
- Actually, it turned out not so bad. I even liked it, - he smiled awkwardly.
- Maybe then we can go out for coffee once in a while.
- As often as we go for a walk? - Vayt asked, tilting his head to the side.
Farz laughed a little, but didn't respond to it.
They walked until dark, late. Vayt usually came back at that time. Farz offered to walk him home, and he decided to accept.
After a while they reached a house and Farz looked up. It was a multi-story house. The windows were lit in different colors, some with multicolored lights, some with white bulbs. Farz noticed the fourth-floor apartment with a purple light on it.
- Vayt, - he said to him. - The apartment with the purple color, do you live there?
Vayt looked in the direction Farz was looking. He took a deep breath and rubbed the bridge of his nose between his eyes.
- Yes, that's exactly where I live, - he hissed.
- Why is that? - Farz asked without thinking, tilting his head to the side and keeping his gaze on the window.
Vayt looked at him, and Farz, sensing he's gaze, looked at him, too.
- Maybe I'll tell you next time, - Vayt said with a weak smile. He held up his hand. - Bye.
Farz raised his hand too and replied:
- Bye. Same place a week from now?
Vayt nodded, after which he walked into the entryway. Farz took one last look at the purple window and sighed. He tucked his hands in his pockets and walked home.
After a while, Farz felt Raven wanting to take some of the control over his body. He looked around and gave her some of the control without stopping his step.
- What's wrong? - Farz asked, surprised at Raven's sudden desire to talk so abruptly.
- Don't you think this Vayt is strange? - she asked in a suspicious tone.
- Oh, my God, you too? Did you two conspire while I was asleep? - Farz got angry. – White is a normal guy, what do you find so strange about him?
This picture from the outside looked strange. Some guy walking and just talking to himself, but Farz didn't care.
- You know, it's kind of weird that this guy is living in a marijuana apartment and talking to you. What if he's trying to get you involved?
At this point Farz really got angry and didn't hold back:
- Well, you know, Anthony and Chet drugged me too when they tried to smoke you out of my head! But there's nothing wrong with me now! If he wanted to do it, he would have done it a long time ago. Unlike someone, he didn't try to take over my body and hurt people around me!
This time there was no answer. Raven regained full control of Farz's body. It wasn't clear whether she was offended or just uncomfortable with this period. Farz would have to apologize to her, but a little later. Why did he start defending Vayt so harshly? Did he really care? They just hit it off, but they didn't become friends, right? Or did they?
Back at home, Farz looked around the apartment. Sid was already asleep, which was good, because the rest of the evening Farz would just like to think.
He went straight into his room locking the door. Farz sat down on the bed. He put his elbows on his knees with a deep sigh and covered his face, leaning his head on his hands. What was that reaction? Why was it so harsh? Now he'd offended Raven. In some ways she was right, Vayt was strange. Their conversations rarely went beyond personal topics. It was mostly about work and their mutual acquaintances, though there was never anything negative about the latter. But what if Vayt was really just trying to gain Farz's trust? What if Raven and Sid are right? What if Vayt wasn't who he'd been pretending to be all along? Farz couldn't say for sure.
The arguments for Vayt's normality were only their conversations, their walks, his first meeting with Anthony and his quiet behavior. The arguments against were his life with those addicts, his bruised eyes, and his quiet behavior. But, what if he's just like Farz, he just doesn't get enough sleep? That's a not bad idea. But how to explain the quiet behavior? Just modesty? He didn't think he'd throw insults at customers who had once pissed off either him or Farz.
Something doesn't add up, he doesn't know Vayt well enough. They have a normal relationship, but they're both reluctant to open up. Why doesn't he want to do that?
Farz rubbed his eyes and looked up at the ceiling with a deep breath.
- I'm thinking too much, - he whispered. - I have a headache.
He crawled under the blanket and closed his eyes.
"I'll think about it next time." - passed through Farz's mind before he fell asleep.
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