#Achenars like half a set of red and blue colour coded brothers so CLOSE ENOUGH
squarefriend · 3 years
Ohohohohhohohohoho Ace my friend, you have made the mistake of allowing me to ramble about Achenar >:)
(Spoilers for Myst I - IV bellow btw)
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🔵 favorite thing about them: Easily his redemption arc. I mean. Don’t get me wrong, I was automatically favoring him in the first game (can’t go wrong with big, burly, and feral) but OHMAN. His arc is so well done??? And setting it over the twenty odd years he was trapped on Haven just makes it feel much more real and believable. And you can do clearly see his difference in mind set and his progression through his journals I just AAAAAAA. And knowing that he dies a good man just hits extra hard, ya know??? Also because I have a HUGE soft spot for monkeys and other primates haha.
🔵 least favorite thing about them: This is more of a thing with the game itself as opposed to Achenar but the continuity errors make me kinda sad. I feel like they really could’ve played with both brothers recognizing the stranger and how that in turn effected their actions. Other than that though, pretty much nothing. The closest I can come is what he did in his earlier years (cause murder and torture are kinda a shitty thing to do) but they fit in too well with his characterization and arc to complain ^^.
🔵 favorite line: Can I say his entire second journal in Haven???? Cause that. It perfectly demonstrates the man he has become and how hard it was to get there. No joke, I cry every time I hear it being read. He just sounds so tired… But if I had to choose a line from those pages it would be,
“THEY'VE GIVEN ME A NAME! What am I supposed to do with this, Father?!! What am I supposed to do?”
🔵 brOTP: Hard choice. I’d have to go with either the Stranger or Yeesha. I ADORE thinking about what would’ve happened if he lived. I think the Stranger and him would bond and become buddies as he heals, and he’d confide in them a lot. I like the mental image of them helping him out on Haven (it’s more a home than a prison now) sometimes, or bringing him goods. BUT ON THE OTHER HAND him being a good big bro to Yeesha. They room together for awhile, make up for lost time. He takes her out on trips to Haven sometimes, and she tries to teach him about stars. By the end they all three have friendship bracelets.
🔵 OTP: No one actually. I head cannon him as aro/ace haha
🔵 nOTP: Any of his siblings. It makes me VERY uncomfortable lmaooo
🔵 random headcannon: Achenar actually learned a lot about cooking while trapped on Haven. When you don’t have a lot of ingredients, you get creative, because even Mr. Sleeps-on-a-LITTERAL-bedframe over there is going to get tired of the same dish over and over again. Plus he mentions (rather morbidly) wanting to know what Primate tastes like. So yeah. He learned a thing or two, and can make a MEAN fried plantain.
🔵 unpopular opinion: Well. I don’t really have many, considering I agree with the majority of the fandom of most things haha! The biggest is that I think if Achenar survived it would take quite some time to actually be ok with his family again. There’s a lot of raw nerves on both sides, and they take a while to figure eachother out again. Also in my brain he inevitably moves willingly back to Haven and settles there.
🔵 song i associate with them: oh god don’t make me pick— Ok so. Sugar by System of a Down for preHaven Achenar, Vagabond by Misterwives for postHaven Achenar, and Brave as A Noun by AJJ for an ‘if he lived’ AU. Also I am going to mention Worksong by Hozier because I can’t not talk about Myst and not plug a buddies fic that has forever tied that song and Achenar in my brain.
(It’s called ‘fret none about what my hands and my body have done’ by @sugarweregoingdownswinging please read it, it is so so so so good. Here’s the link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30179244 )
🔵 favorite picture of them: the classic:
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