#Adam Peter Lanza
skittsophrenic · 25 days
"Why do you like serial killers? They literally murdered people..."
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Woah, really? I didn't know that!
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kinyuibutcooler · 19 days
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smiggleslvr · 4 days
Blue Adam Lanza stimboard…. Por favor… 💜
Why he blue. Anyways here ihope u like it
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john-doe666 · 4 days
You guys should ask me to draw something
Please…. I’m so fucking bored rn
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lumzichillz · 2 months
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putting this old art back might redraw some later.
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ly7k1nchan · 2 months
Is Adam Lanza a pedophile? No, he is not.
Adam Peter Lanza, also known as the Sandy Hook shooter, had a YouTube channel called CulturalPhilistine where he would talk about his hatred for culture. He made a video of 8 parts talking about the topic of pedophilia, which led many to think he was a pedophile himself, but that's not the episode where he said something that would make many think he was a pedophile. (Pointless) Cultural Philistine: The Movie (Part 2/6), 1:00: "How can, how could someone be attracted to breasts?" Lanza said almost as if asking. (He also said he may seem gay, saying that, but he's not.) Now this is where people think Lanza is a pedophile. Lanza said
"I'm just attracted to young teenage girls who have the bodies of 12-year-old anorexic boys."
Now, Lanza has UNTREATED obsessive-compulsive disorder, and untreated it can make you think that you're a pedophile. Here's a little evidence to back it up. 
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The majority of the time, obsessive-compulsive disorder can make you have pedophilic thoughts and values even if you're not a pedophile. Obsessive-compulsive disorder isn't a quirky disorder that is about being clean and so on. Obsessive-compulsive disorder can push you to think stuff like you've sexually assaulted a person, you're a pedophile, you're a criminal, you're disgusting, and so on because it is a mental health condition where you have recurring thoughts and repetitive behaviors, not to mention you cannot help that. A main symptom is having unpleasant thoughts. 
Lanza had an academic interest in the topic of pedophilila, which he stated many times. Sometimes, someone will do anything to make their current issue not look as bad as it is by glorifying it. I have seen a few cases of it with my own family members. They'll do anything to make themselves not look bad, even if it means explaining themselves for hours on end and just making it worse for themselves. His fixation was "against culture," but to me it seemed like it was a topic for him to cope with since he wasn't on meds and struggling with his disorder, making him think he's bad and disgusting. 
Okay, I can't write anymore because it's 02:09am and my head is spinning. I can't explain in a way that I would be able to verbally, and maybe I'll make video verbally explaining it one day, but I can't at the moment. Sorry, this wasn't a good explanation.
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amcdanbury · 5 months
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Peter Lanza Interview
Peter got sent candy after the shooting he said “ I was wary of eating anything” incase the candy was poisoned
Adam Lanza showed hypersensitivity to physical touch and had to have clothing tags removed
Adam went to speech therapy and occupational therapy in kindergarten and 1st grade his teachers were told to look out for seizures
One time Adam had to show facial expressions for a school play he was very serious about perfecting the facial expressions and practiced in the mirror
Adam said in 5th grade that he didn’t think highly of himself and he believed everyone deserved better than he did
Peter said that when Adam was in middle school Adam would never stop talking and said “ that kid, you couldn’t shut him up!”
Adam liked Ron Paul and liked talking about politics and debate about economic theory
One time Peter took Adam to see Bill Cosby live and said Adam laughed for an hour straight
Adam loved reruns of “ The Bob Newhart show” and “ Get Smart”
Adam used his savings to buy Christmas presents for needy kids
In middle school Adam had to move room to room instead of staying in one classroom and he said it was punishing
Nancy made all of Adam’s textbooks in black and white because Adam said that he found Color graphics unbearable
Adam hated birthdays and holidays
Adam had panic attacks that necessitated Nancy coming to school
Peter said that Adam seemed to fit into the Tech Club and even had a party at his house once for the Tech Club
Nancy wrote to Peter saying how happy she was that Adam was talking to other kids but Adam didn’t understand popularity and asked his dad why do you need friends
A psychiatrist who assessed Adam said he was awkward and gaunt and refused to shake hands or maintain eye contact
Peter was about to get lunch when he saw the news about Adam
The news report said that there was two shooters aged 20 and 24 the ages of Adam and Ryan
The interviewer asks Peter if they had a funeral for Adam and he said no one knows and no one ever will
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rayrayxz · 17 days
Nancy Lanaz email to Peter Lanza about Adam
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confessxcrush4tcc · 14 days
On 14 December, 2012, Adam Peter Lanza awake around 9am in his Newtown Connecticut home and grabbed his mother’s legally owned Glock 20SF pistol and walked into his sleeping mother’s bedroom and preceded to fire 4 shots into her head, killing her. Lanza then takes her mother’s car keys and 4 weapons, a Bushmaster XM-15-E2S, a Glock 20SF, a SIG Sauer P226 and a .22LR Savage Mark II bolt-action rifle and drives a route that he took the day previous to the Sandy Hook elementary school. He parks outside the front entrance of the building. Lanza is wearing an olive green utility vest, all black clothing, a black boney hat, yellow ear plugs, black fingerless gloves and black sunglasses. Lanza then exits the vehicle, his SIG sauer and Glock 20SF on his person. He then walks back around the car to the passenger side, discarding a jacket on the ground on his way and takes out his Bushmaster, he then discards another jacket on the ground fires a single round into the ground and walks up to the front door enterance of the Sandy Hook elementary school. Lanza fires 11 rounds into the glass window to the right of the doors and enters. This alerts teaching staff who were having a meeting in the meeting room. Three people exit, the into the hall. Lanza by this point has entered the school and turns left, seeing the three. Lanza opens fire and kills the principal and the school psychologist, injuring a teacher lead. The lead teacher then crawls back into the conference room and he broadcasts to the school, making the events of the shooting audible by everybody in the school. Lanza then turns right into the nursing room and sees nobody, he then exits. Lanza then walks up and fires into the dead corpses of the staff. Lanza then walks up and looks into a classroom, seeing nobody. Nobody was hurt in this classroom. Lanza then walks up into the next classroom and opens fire upon the teacher, Leigh Soto, and kills her. Lanza then goes to fire more bullets but the weapon has no more ammunition in which he proceeds to reload. Jesse Lewis, a 6 year old student, then alerts his classmates to run outside the classroom. 9 students follow this call to action and escape the school unharmed. As soon as Lanza reloads, he shoots at Jesse Lewis while he is looking at him, killing him. He then kills 4 other children in the classroom that did not run out and mortally wounds another child. Lanza then proceeds out the classroom, pulling out his Glock 20SF pistol and fires it once against the wall, it jamming. Lanza then continues into the next classroom, turning left where the teaching staff had huddled all the kids into the tiny bathroom across the room. Lanza then opens fire upon the bathroom, killing a total of 2 teachers and 14 students. Lanza’s bushmaster by this point had started to jam, him exiting magazines with live rounds inside as he was shooting toward the bathroom. Lanza goes to continue up to school but is frustrated by the fact that his gun was jamming and reloads in an attempt to fix it, coming to disarray . Lanza walks down into the first classroom where he opened fire outside the window, into the parking lot, injuring nobody and throws his bushmaster onto the ground in frustration. He then pulls out his Glock pistol and fires it up into his chin, ending the massacre. In total, 28 people died including Lanza and his mother. 20 children and 6 students. Another 2 were injured including a teacher whose foot was caught by a ricochet of a bullet.
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revolutionbaby12 · 4 days
I love you Adam Hamster Peter lanza, the Lord of all hamsters created
Much love to You aswell. 💕💕💕
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deathorlifeinprison · 2 years
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The father of Newtown, Conn. school shooter Adam Lanza told a writer for The New Yorker that he and his ex-wife, Nancy, never suspected their son was dangerous.  
"Nancy Lanza had grown up a ‘live free or die’ New Hampshire gal, and she had a sense that guns were part of everyday life,'' author and journalist Andrew Solomon told Savannah Guthrie on TODAY Monday. Nancy, a gun enthusiast who was shot and killed by her son, kept several firearms in the house.
The Bushmaster semi-automatic rifle that Adam used belonged to her. "I don’t think guns should be a part of everyday life, but I think they had no sense that Adam was dangerous. They thought he was peculiar, but they never thought he would hurt anyone. Peter, who taught him to drive, said he was the 'safest, most cautious, most rule-following person I ever met.'''
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maipareshaan · 1 year
Excerpt from The Enigma of Adam Lanza’s Mind and Motivations for Murder Peter Langman, Ph.D.
Rationale for Matricide? Lanza’s motivation for killing his mother is obscure. One possibility is that he conceived it essentially as a mercy-killing, preventing his mother from living with the horror of what he was about to do, from knowing that her son committed a massacre of children. There is no evidence to support this, however, and some of his writings suggest hostility toward his mother as well as women in general.
When Lanza was in fifth grade, he co-wrote a series of stories titled “The Big Book of Granny.” In one of the stories, “Granny’s Son shoots Granny in the head with a shotgun” (Sedensky, 2013b, p. A221). Ten years later, Lanza shot his own mother in the head. Was this a coincidence, or did he have long-standing matricidal thoughts? In 2011, someone posted a sarcastic message online in response to something Lanza wrote. The other user wrote about having sex with Lanza’s mother. Lanza responded with: “We will fuck her together! Then kill her and dispose of the corpse” (Coleman, 2015a). Coleman commented, “This would seem just an effort to elicit shock, except that within one year of this comment, Lanza would indeed claim his own mother as his first murder victim.” Lanza also wrote a document titled “Selfish,” focused on “explaining why females are selfish” (Sedensky, 2013b, p. A218). The only woman he had long-term contact with was his mother.
Was this an indictment of her? Lanza also expressed extremely hostile opinions about women and sexuality. For example, he wrote, “Fuckin women just use their pussy all day long, use it to get money, use it to get power” (Coleman, 2015b). Whether or not this comment had any relevance to his view of his mother remains unknown. Why might Lanza have been hostile to his mother? There are multiple possibilities, among them that:
She left him alone in the house for days at a time while she went traveling (Lysiak, 2013). Perhaps this seemed selfish to him.
She was thinking of relocating to another state (Griffin and Kovner, 2013), which would have uprooted him. Given that he wouldn’t leave his house to stay in a hotel even during a dangerous hurricane, the idea of moving to a new home in another state may have been terrifying.
She reportedly volunteered with students at Sandy Hook Elementary School (Sedensky, 2013a, p. 30). He may have resented her spending time with other children.
Perhaps he resented her for taking him to appointments with medical and mental health professionals; these were often very difficult for him (Office of the Child Advocate, 2014).
She talked him out of enlisting in the military, thwarting his dream of becoming a marine (Lysiak, 2013).
He viewed childrearing as a process of indoctrination and metaphorical rape; as the primary person who raised him, perhaps he viewed her as the most responsible for his being “mind-fucked.” Despite this list of possible reasons for killing his mother, we need to keep in mind that Lanza left no evidence to support any of them. In addition, it is possible that his motivation was based on a delusion, and was thus irrational.
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redennce · 1 month
On 14 December, 2012, Adam Peter Lanza awake around 9am in his Newtown Connecticut home and grabbed his mother’s legally owned Glock 20SF pistol and walked into his sleeping mother’s bedroom and preceded to fire 4 shots into her head, killing her. Lanza then takes her mother’s car keys and 4 weapons, a Bushmaster XM-15-E2S, a Glock 20SF, a SIG Sauer P226 and a .22LR Savage Mark II bolt-action rifle and drives a route that he took the day previous to the Sandy Hook elementary school. He parks outside the front entrance of the building. Lanza is wearing an olive green utility vest, all black clothing, a black boney hat, yellow ear plugs, black fingerless gloves and black sunglasses. Lanza then exits the vehicle, his SIG sauer and Glock 20SF on his person. He then walks back around the car to the passenger side, discarding a jacket on the ground on his way and takes out his Bushmaster, he then discards another jacket on the ground fires a single round into the ground and walks up to the front door enterance of the Sandy Hook elementary school. Lanza fires 11 rounds into the glass window to the right of the doors and enters. This alerts teaching staff who were having a meeting in the meeting room. Three people exit, the into the hall. Lanza by this point has entered the school and turns left, seeing the three. Lanza opens fire and kills the principal and the school psychologist, injuring a teacher lead. The lead teacher then crawls back into the conference room and he broadcasts to the school, making the events of the shooting audible by everybody in the school. Lanza then turns right into the nursing room and sees nobody, he then exits. Lanza then walks up and fires into the dead corpses of the staff. Lanza then walks up and looks into a classroom, seeing nobody. Nobody was hurt in this classroom. Lanza then walks up into the next classroom and opens fire upon the teacher, Leigh Soto, and kills her. Lanza then goes to fire more bullets but the weapon has no more ammunition in which he proceeds to reload. Jesse Lewis, a 6 year old student, then alerts his classmates to run outside the classroom. 9 students follow this call to action and escape the school unharmed. As soon as Lanza reloads, he shoots at Jesse Lewis while he is looking at him, killing him. He then kills 4 other children in the classroom that did not run out and mortally wounds another child. Lanza then proceeds out the classroom, pulling out his Glock 20SF pistol and fires it once against the wall, it jamming. Lanza then continues into the next classroom, turning left where the teaching staff had huddled all the kids into the tiny bathroom across the room. Lanza then opens fire upon the bathroom, killing a total of 2 teachers and 14 students. Lanza’s bushmaster by this point had started to jam, him exiting magazines with live rounds inside as he was shooting toward the bathroom. Lanza goes to continue up to school but is frustrated by the fact that his gun was jamming and reloads in an attempt to fix it, coming to disarray . Lanza walks down into the first classroom where he opened fire outside the window, into the parking lot, injuring nobody and throws his bushmaster onto the ground in frustration. He then pulls out his Glock pistol and fires it up into his chin, ending the massacre. In total, 28 people died including Lanza and his mother. 20 children and 6 students. Another 2 were injured including a teacher whose foot was caught by a ricochet of a bullet.
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reddenedroses · 3 years
Childhood photos of Adam Lanza
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To the TCC,
Adam Lanza is not a "smol bean". He is a murderer. Though he did not physically shoot Jeremy Richman; he emotionally shot him. He had his little girl ripped from his hands, because of your so called "smol bean". This poor man and his wife were tortured. No parent should have to bury their child. Because of that reincarnation of Satan himself, this beautiful family has been torn apart. Now, poor Jennifer has to bury another loved one. Her husband. The man that she would've spent her entire life with. The man that helped her raise her child. The man that helped her grieve over the loss of their little girl. She now has to grieve on her own, because of Adam Lanza.
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Rest in peace Jeremy and Avielle Richman; we all love and miss you.
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killerfiend · 8 years
Books found in Adam Lanza’s bedroom:
-Strange Stories, Amazing Facts
-Grimm Fairy tales
-Ratman’s Notebooks
-American Militairy History and The Evolution of Western Warfare
-Oba: The last Samurai
-We Die Alone
-The Sledge Patrol
-No Surrender: My Thirty-Year War
-Death & Taxes
-The Sorrows of Young Werther
-The Anti-Federalist Paper & the Constitutional Convention Debates 
-Salt: A World History
-Reflections of a Warrior
-Behind Hitler’s Lines
-The Jungle is Neutral
-Notes of a Revolutionary
-Practical Shooting: Beyond Fundamentals
-The Glock in Competition
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