#Adoriel's Tears Ros
adoriels-tears-if · 5 months
Can we see like an example of how the Ro's are when they are jealous? Also will the Ro's get jealous of each other?
Like let's say someone was flirting/hitting on Mc.
Only doing Arthur cause I want to work on the game.
Arthur's fingers tighten on the handle of his beer glass. Tally's question only made his jaw clench tighter.
"So, are you going to do anything? Because I think he thinks he's got a chance?"
"Maybe they don't want me to intervene?" he replies uncertainly, his eyes sliding over your figure.
You stopped for the night, after two weeks in the wilderness camping, your little group was delighted to finally find a place to sleep in the warmth. Half-blood-friendly to boot. What more could you ask for? You were ecstatic, and so was Arthur. But his spirits had gone down to half-mast. The young Tear should have known better, you're far too attractive not to attract attention. No sooner had you descended the steps leading to the main hall, free of the sweat and dirt that had so far hide you, than greedy eyes began to devour you.
He couldn't stop his gaze from falling on you and clinging to you either. But it was different, you were his light, his rose. But they had no right to look at you like that as if you were just another piece of meat.
You didn't pay them the slightest bit of attention in return, preferring to sit at your table without making a fuss, right next to him. A glance from him towards the room above your head was enough to stop the heaviest glances from the old perverts, but when you had to get up to refill everyone's glasses, the young man behind the bar saw an opportunity.
And you'd been stuck there for nearly 10 minutes now, too shy or too polite to tell him you weren't interested in him. And the furious beast of jealousy was scratching its way out from under Arthur's chest.
Breathe in, breathe out. He didn't want to cause a scene and annoy everyone. You'll certainly call him if anything happens, won't you?
"Oh, looks like the barman's in a brave mood. Was that his hand just brushing Mc's?"
Arthur was out of his seat in the second, footsteps and heart heavy leading him towards you. What audacity!
"Hey," he whispers in your ear, making you jump slightly as he positions himself behind you, arms on either side of your figure. There, with him by your side, Arthur sees you relax. There's so much relief in your voice when your lips say his name.
Oh how he loves it, his name leaving your lips. Wrapped in love. His hands grip the wooden counter at the risk of grabbing you and being indecent. His ocean green eyes never take their eyes off the young barman as Arthur brushes his nose against your neck. "What's keeping you here?"
You blush. "Nothing at all, I'm just waiting for our order."
"Hm," he places his lips on your neck, delighted by the other young man's look of disappointment and outrage. With a final kiss on your temple, he whispers to you. "Go to our table, I'll get the glasses."
There's worry in your eyes as you turn around, but Arthur soothes it with a second caress. Rubbing your nose with his. "Go on, it's all right, I'm not angry," he adds for your ears only.
You nod, place a kiss on his cheek, and walk back to your table where Tally gives him a thumbs-up. Now it's time to have a little chat with this guy.
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if-rambling · 28 days
Gonna start this blog off with what I imagine an older version of my mc from adoriel’s tears to look like
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Some info and stuff about him
His name is Liam and I play him as a very sweet boy. He has a plushie of an otter named Orion.
His RO is Arthur and he is very bold with him. He never blames Arthur for anything because he already figured he had no chance with uncle Tobias
Honestly doesn’t have a strong feeling about ash overall very neutral/indifferent towards him
Here’s the picrew I used for Liam. Overall I would recommend adoriel’s tears it’s a very interesting story so far and I’m excited to see more of its story in the future
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You should turn it into an if! Especially if its a story you really care about. Your writing is very good so of course it would be good also (had no idea you had a prior story) Would love to read it even if you don't make it into an if.
Between my dystopia, Adoriel's Tears, and Heavy is the Crown, I've got 3 stories (so far.) My dystopia is written entirely in French, though. Which means a lot of translation work, and also shaping to fit the IF format. What I mean to say is that my novel has not one, but eight protagonists… I'd have to reduce it to one and make the rest possible Ro. Something that could be done, it might even be very good since they're all so different. What's more, each of my chapters was from the point of view of a different character, which would mean little choice for the reader?) I'm touched that you're interested in reading!
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nextinline-if · 2 years
well now i have to know the game recs
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All four of you are lovely. How did you know I wanted to share??? So sweet of you ask ;D
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Okay, but really <3 These are in no particular order and I doubt Tumblr will let me list them all, so here go just a few of my favorites. I have a lot of visual novel recs too but I refrained from adding ;D
The King's Hound, @the-kingshound- What's not to love? It lives rent-free in my head and I love Arthur and Yniol. <3
Novaturient, @kalorphic- uhm NOAH that's all I have to say about that. I always wanted to be a spy <3
Water to Blood, @veirsewrites - Arlo and Eddie <3 yes, I am a badass vampire nightclub owner!!
Crown of Exile, @ramonag-if - Prince Irus has me simping. That's my man OKAY??
Everything Is Blue, @everythingisblue-if- Aryn, why?? Why have you made it so hard for me to pick between the scrupulous brothers Simon and Lane? WHY. I CAN'T. SOMEONE HELP.
The Operative: Fires of Revolution, @theoperativeif- UHM excuse me. No one touches Ari. Ari is MINE. also, I love sci-fi.
Some Sword / Some Play - short smutty IF. That's all I'm going to say about that :) - on itch.io
Shepherds of Haven, @shepherds-of-haven- Blade, and Chase have me in a CHOKEHOLD.
When Life Gives You Lemons, @when-life-gives-you-lemonssss- everyone simping over MC? Yep, sounds like the perfect dream. Plus, I have a house with a pool and I can screw date my boss <3
Vendetta, @vendetta-if- Ash <3 like, I am here for vengeance and Ash.
A Court of Serpents, @acourtofserpents- yes, I am going to romance Prince Ryzan. Hate me and then love me <3 gotta love getting bullied - passionate!!
Defiled Hearts: The Barbarian, @defiledheartsblog- Marcus can destroy me any day. I love Ancient history so this setting is chef's kiss, too.
Mind Blind, @mindblindbard- I'm playing for most of the ROs. But Grayson? hot damn...I will eat his burnt chocolate chip cookies EVERY TIME.
The Abyssal, @theabyssal- Sol <3 I want to romance every version of Sol. Playing as Death and getting vengeance is so satisfying. The writing is sooooo freaking good.
Adoriel's Tears, @adoriels-tears-if - Sage :) the game's premise is so interesting and unique! Refreshing.
Unwilling Souls, @unwilling-souls-if- Crescent? Trying to kill me? Flirting with me? heyyyy how are you doing?? but also Xander!
Frostbite, @frostbite-if- this one isn't out yet BUT I'm 100% romancing Heidi. Alexis too <3 I am clumsy with no skill but my MC is going to be a great lil figure skater!!
Bacchanal, @bacchanal-if - this one isn't out yet either an adult game I can't wait to play <3 I'm looking at Fox, red flag Butterfly, red flag Edward for a love triangle and of course red flag Univinted Guest <3
So many more but these will do for now! Thanks for indulging me LMAO <3
And there are many, many more <3
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interact-if · 2 years
If with Orc!Ros, please? 🥺
Hi Anon! Here are some we managed to find. If anyone has further suggestions, please feel free to leave a reply and we’ll add it to the list!  
Azram (Half-orc) from A Tavern at Night and A Tavern at Night: Firelight by @qkayoostudio
Gunther from Sordwin: the Evertree Saga by Thom Baylay
Atin (Half-orc) from Enchanted in Blood by @varart
Corden from Adoriel's Tears by @daugtherofolympus
Saz Lejamb (Half-orc) from Not Your Mother's Shire by D.W. Snee
Ruokar and Magreth from Raiders of the Caravan by @leftski-if
No Demos:
Vzridmi from The Twilight Order by @exn0bisstudios
K from The Starless Throne by @illonius-if
Asherad from Witchsworn by @witchsworn
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With which of the ROs from other ifs would you see the Bledsoe siblings (not Adelaide 'cause she is off-limits people) would you see them in a romantic relationship?
I mean, Adam is married too, so he's also off limits lmao
Lawd it's been a while since I've read any IF's, so I won't put alot
I'm so sorry for those who are gonna be tagged feel free to ignore!
Sasha from Sinners and Saints ( @sinnersandsaints-linwrites )
Ae-ri from Fell Star ( @fell-star-if )
Bee from Ballad of The Damned ( @balladofthedamned-if )
Hua Xu from Scabiosa ( @scabiosa-if)
Tally from Adoriel's Tears ( @adoriels-tears-if )
Rylan from When Twilight Strikes ( @evertidings )
Freedom from The Exile ( @exilethegame )
Freidh from Fell Star ( @/fell-star-if )
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adoriels-tears-if · 2 months
I’ve seen this question on other IF blogs and thought it would be a fun ask.
How would the RO’s react to a drunk MC saying “ I already have a partner, go away” Then the MC explaining all the great things about the RO and how much they love them. Because they think the RO is a different person that’s hitting on them.
Sorry if it’s a stupid question but I can’t stop laughing about at it.
I chose Lessica as my Ro. You can find The Night's Gentle Truth in the game's side story tab, which has just been updated with this scenario.
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adoriels-tears-if · 22 days
What would the ro’s do if the mc just went up to them and bit their shoulder playfully
I'm going to assume that Mc and the Ros are in an established relationship.
S and Arthur bite back. In more than one way 😏
Lessica looks at you like you're crazy, one eyebrow raised until you're embarrassed before counterattacking.
You make Tally laugh, and she quickly slips her arms around your waist, her skin warm and her eyes full of tenderness.
Corden blushes, stammers and calls you an idiot before burying his face in your neck.
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adoriels-tears-if · 2 months
Will it be possible for the MC to show affection through gift giving or deeds? If so what’s the best gift the MC can give the RO’s, or is there something the MC can do for them that they might enjoy?
Yes !
If you want to give Arthur something, you have to make it yourself, no matter what. He'll be happy.
For Corden, take care of his hair, he loves it. Just take care of him.
For S, the best gift is your constant, unflappable presence at their side. They don't care much for gifts.
Lessica appreciates silence and contemplation. Sit by her side and listen to the noise of the world, she'll be happy.
Tally is an electric battery who loves to try out new things. Ask her to do the craziest thing available in the area together, or offer her mechanical or kitchen tools.
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adoriels-tears-if · 2 months
Is S our femiliar? Btw love em I’d go to the end of the world just to give them the prettiest flower! Also if we meet S when we were a child and they found out that we are currently captured after having run away what would they do/react?
S is not Mc's familiar! 😭
If S knew what was happening to Mc, panic would grip them for a moment before giving way to cold, destructive anger.
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adoriels-tears-if · 2 months
you always using the horse emoji with Arthur is making me imagine he looks like a horse IK it's for his familiar
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Far from looking like a horse, eh? 😛
I can't get enough of this Arthur and Liam, @rinriya fanart! ❤️❤️❤️
I try to add as many familiar emoji as possible so you'll remember them.
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adoriels-tears-if · 2 months
What would the ro's dress up as for halloween?
Arthur 🐴 : Vampire
Corden 🦊 : Pirate
Tally 🐺 : Little Red Hood
S ⏳️ : Demon
Lessica 🐍: Witch
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adoriels-tears-if · 2 months
I know the ros are protective of mc. But if mc decide to not risk their safety and leave the group what would happen? Would they search for mc, or accept the fact mc went solo? Basically the running away as a kid but adult vers i guess 💀
Funny you should think you can escape S.
The band leaves no one behind or alone. You'll get to the end of this journey together. Corden Lessica and Tally would be offended if you thought they were so weak they couldn't protect you. Idiot to think so little of yourself.
Arthur will give you a hard time. How can you think of doing something like that again after the first time. Don't you know he'll always come for you. You can be sure he'll contact Telio to tell on you. As a result, your brother will yell at you like you're 7 years old again.
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adoriels-tears-if · 3 months
When will wet to meet all the Ro's? Like will we meet some of them as we get older?
Another Ro will be presented at the end of Chapter 2 and another during Chapter 3. The last two will arrive later, once Mc is an adult.
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adoriels-tears-if · 2 months
No one tell Tally about MC's sensitive ears, MC will not survive the romance. 😆
That and Lessica wont survive the road.
Tally will use this info as a weapon to annoy her !
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adoriels-tears-if · 2 months
So….. will we be able to give the RO’s pet names by chance? Maybe to tease them or just for the MC to show their affection.
Also will the RO’s have any pet names for the MC when they are in a relationship?
Yes !
Arthur already have Flower boy !
The reverse is also true.
Once they're a couple, the Ros will all have a nickname for Mc.
Arthur prefers 🐴: My rose.
S ⏳️ likes Doll.
Corden 🦊 uses Love.
Lessica 🐍 uses an Elvish term that literally means: he or she who makes my heart beat faster.
Tally 🐺 uses Sugar.
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