#Advantages of Hook and Claw Dry Vacuum Pumps
epspl001 · 1 year
An Introduction to Mechanical Booster Vacuum Pumps
What is a Mechanical Booster Vacuum Pump?
Imagine you are tasked with designing a high-quality vacuum system for a chemical processing plant or a pharmaceutical manufacturing facility. You need a vacuum pump that is efficient, reliable, and capable of achieving the desired vacuum levels for your specific process requirements. Enter the mechanical booster vacuum pump, a versatile and powerful tool that can help you achieve your goals!
A mechanical booster vacuum pump, also known as a Roots pump, is a type of positive displacement pump that can be used to increase the vacuum level in a system. It is designed to operate in conjunction with a primary pump, typically a rotary vane or rotary piston pump, to improve the overall performance and efficiency of the vacuum system. The mechanical booster pump is an essential component in many industrial processes, offering numerous advantages and benefits over other types of vacuum pumps.
In this blog post, we will take an in-depth look at mechanical booster vacuum pumps, exploring their working principle, advantages, and typical applications in various industries. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of why mechanical booster vacuum pumps are a valuable tool for process engineers and how they can help optimize your vacuum system.
How Does a Mechanical Booster Vacuum Pump Work?
The mechanical booster vacuum pump operates on the principle of positive displacement, which involves trapping a fixed volume of gas and then expelling it from the pump. The pump consists of two counter-rotating lobes, or rotors, that are synchronized by a pair of gears. As the rotors turn, they create a series of expanding and contracting volumes between the rotors and the pump casing. This action draws gas into the pump, compresses it, and expels it through the exhaust.
Since the mechanical booster pump does not compress the gas internally, it relies on a primary pump to reduce the gas pressure before it enters the booster. This allows the mechanical booster pump to operate more efficiently, as the gas is already at a lower pressure when it reaches the booster stage. The combination of the primary pump and mechanical booster pump results in a more effective and powerful vacuum system, capable of achieving deeper vacuum levels and higher pumping speeds than a primary pump alone.
It is important to note that mechanical booster vacuum pumps are not designed to operate at atmospheric pressure. In fact, they can suffer severe damage if they are operated in this manner. To prevent this, a bypass valve was often installed to protect the pump from overpressure, allowing it to operate within its optimal pressure range but with variable frequency drives getting economical, Vacuum Booster motors are nowadays provided with variable frequency drives.
What are the Advantages of Using a Mechanical Booster Vacuum Pump?
There are several key advantages to using a mechanical booster vacuum pump in your vacuum system, including:
Increased pumping speed: By augmenting the performance of the primary pump, a mechanical booster pump can significantly increase the pumping speed of a vacuum system. This means that the system can achieve the desired vacuum level more quickly and efficiently, saving time and energy.
Improved vacuum level: Mechanical booster vacuum pumps can help achieve deeper vacuum levels than a primary pump alone. This is particularly beneficial in applications where a high vacuum level is required for optimum process performance.
Energy efficiency: Due to their design and mode of operation, mechanical booster vacuum pumps are more energy-efficient than other types of vacuum pumps. This translates to lower operating costs and a reduced environmental impact.
What are Some Typical Applications for Mechanical Booster Vacuum Pumps?
Mechanical booster vacuum pumps are used in a wide range of industries and applications, including:
Chemical processing: In chemical processing plants, mechanical booster vacuum pumps are used to optimize the vacuum levels for various processes, such as distillation, evaporation, and drying. This ensures that the products are of high quality and that the processes are as efficient as possible.
Pharmaceutical manufacturing: In the pharmaceutical industry, mechanical booster vacuum pumps are used to maintain the required vacuum levels for processes such as freeze-drying, degassing, and sterilization. This helps to ensure that the final products are safe, effective, and of the highest quality.
Vacuum furnaces: Mechanical booster vacuum pumps are used in vacuum furnaces to achieve the desired vacuum levels for various heat treatment processes, such as brazing, sintering, and annealing. This helps to improve the quality and performance of the treated materials.
In conclusion, mechanical booster vacuum pumps are an indispensable tool for process engineers in various industries. Their ability to increase pumping speed, achieve deeper vacuum levels, and operate efficiently makes them an ideal solution for optimizing vacuum systems in chemical processing, pharmaceutical manufacturing, vacuum furnaces, and more.
If you are considering incorporating a mechanical booster vacuum pump into your vacuum system, consult with our team of experts. We can help you determine the best pump configuration for your specific process requirements and provide guidance on how to optimize your vacuum system for maximum performance and efficiency.
Contact us today to learn more about our mechanical booster vacuum pumps and how they can benefit your processes!
Contact Us: Economy Process Solutions Private Ltd
(IN) - +91 22 2520 5864
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omg-erplindia-blog · 5 years
Vacuum Pumps for the Pharmaceutical Industry
vacuum pumps in pharmaceutical industries are extensively used at all levels of production, whether it be bulk manufacturing, intermediate production, or production of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API).
The typical applications for which vacuum pumps are widely used are listed below:
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The process of removing dissolved gasses from liquids or solids is known as degassing. Vacuum pumps help to degass products by reducing pressure.
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Vacuum Distillation
Distillation is a process used to purify compounds by separating solvents. Vacuum distillation uses vacuum systems that reduce pressure for purification. Vacuum distillation saves both time and energy.
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Crystallization is the process of forming crystals. Supersaturated liquids are first evaporated and then cooled down to form crystals. Vacuum pumps control the rate of evaporation and cooling.
The process is used to remove moisture from solids by heating them. A vacuum is created for the process to maintain low temperatures. The process is usually used for hygroscopic substances or for substances that are sensitive to heat.
Freeze Drying
Freeze drying is the process of removing water at low temperatures. The process works by first freezing the material, then allowing the water (ice) to sublime, i.e. directly covert into water vapors without going through the liquefaction phase. Pharmaceutical companies use the process for extending the shelf life of the product. A vacuum system is used to remove the moisture.
Sterilization is an effective method used to eliminate microbes and organisms. The most used sterilization methods are Steam Sterilization and Ethylene Oxide (ETO) sterilization. The evacuation of the sterilization chamber is done by a vacuum pump.
Steam Sterilization and Ethylene Oxide Sterilization (ETO)
Steam sterilization is the most popular and most efficient method of sterilization. It uses high temperatures and high pressures to kill all the microorganisms. The autoclave is filled with steam and is allowed to elevate temperature. Once the sterilization occurs, the drying cycle takes place. The vacuum system should be efficient enough to carry out the entire process.
Ethylene oxide (ETO) sterilization is a very cost-effective method of sterilization. It is a low-temperature sterilization method. The process requires either 100% ethylene oxide or a premix blend ethylene oxide and an inert gas. The process of using 100 % ethylene oxide requires a vacuum.
The first stage is preconditioning in which temperature and humidity of the load should be raised. The load is then transferred to a sterilization chamber where a vacuum is pulled to remove the air. The conditioning phase takes place at optimum humidity. ETO is then introduced in the chamber and is allowed to soak into the load until the sterility assurance level is achieved. ETO is then removed through vacuums and washes.
Economy Vacuum Systems
Economy Vacuum Systems offer trouble-free vacuum solutions and products that fulfill customer’s preferences. The vacuum pump used for the processes is selected from our wide range encompassing:
Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump is designed for optimum effectiveness with a full sealant recirculation system. Sealant selection can be from water, oil, solvent, etc. depending on the application.
Dry Screw Vacuum Pump with vertical discharge and built to handle corrosive and abrasive vapors at high operating temperatures.
Hook and Claw Dry Pump in air-cooled and water-cooled options offer a low-cost reliable alternative to applications where water ring vacuum pumps are currently used. Huge advantage is the 50% reduction in power requirement when compared to a water ring vacuum pump.
Oil Sealed Rotary Pump is a single or double stage vane pump which is an economical solution for relatively clean applications requiring high vacuum
Rotary Piston Pump is a rugged pump for high vacuum applications.
Vacuum Boosters with twin lobe design can be packaged with any primary vacuum device to boost capacity and vacuum levels at very low costs and low power requirements.
Our customized engineered solutions are offered for various applications drawing on our experience of supplying several thousand systems worldwide.
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amacoupo-blog · 7 years
Different Types of Devices For Vacuum Pumps
Different Types of Devices For Vacuum Pumps
When considering a vacuum pump there are several different things to consider. One of the things that you will want to consider is the type of device that runs your vacuum pump. As with everything there are pros and cons. Let's take a look at some of the different devices you can choose from to run your vacuum pump.
One of the devices is an ejector. This is one of the simplest and commonly used as a vacuum producer. The basic process of the ejector is that it converges pressure energy of a dynamic fluid into velocity energy as it flows through a typical small nozzle. Ejectors use many different types of motive fluid. Steam is one of the most common fluids. Some of the pros of an ejector for a vacuum pump are:
1. It is a simple design
2. It has no moving parts which makes it so that there is not much wear
3. Has the option of being fabricated from any type of metal. It can even be fabricated of various types of plastics.
4. Using an ejector for a vacuum pump tend to be one of the least expensive ways to make a vacuum device
5. Can offer the largest throughput capacity of any type of vacuum producing device
6. It is easy to start or shutdown the vacuum pump. There is no special way to do it so it is easy for anyone.
7. Due to not having moving parts and being a simple design it is easy to repair and very low maintenance.
All of these things sound great, but there are some disadvantages for an ejector as a device for a vacuum pump. Some of those disadvantages are:
1. There is a requirement for the pressurized motion fluid
2. It is inevitable that contamination of the motion fluid will happen
3. It can be noisy
4. With the noise it could require discharge silencers or sound insulation
5. Most of the time there is a need for a cooling liquid source
Another option for a vacuum pump device is a liquid ring pump. This vacuum pump device is a multi-bladed impeller with a shaft that is mounted so that it can be an eccentric to the ring of liquid. Basically, as the blades rotate toward the discharge side of the pump the pockets decrease in size and the evacuated gas is compressed, enabling its discharge.
Some of the advantages of a liquid ring pump for a vacuum pump are:
1. Simpler design than most vacuum pumps
2. It employs only one rotating assembly
3. It can be constructed from any castable metal
4. It has minimal noise and vibration
5. It has very little increase in the temperature of the discharged gas
6. Can handle condensable loads
7. There is no damage from liquid or small particulates entrained in the process fluid
8. The maintenance is very simple compared to other vacuum pumps
9. If the pump needs to be rebuilt it is simple
10. It has a slow rotational speed which gives it a longer operating life
11. Can easily be started and stopped over and over
12. Can use any type of liquid for the sealant fluid
Like everything, there are cons to the liquid ring pump. Here are some of the cons:
1. It is inevitable that there will be a mixing of the evacuated gas with the sealing fluid
2. High power requirement in order to form and maintain the liquid ring
3. Due to the high power requirement it results in a larger motor than for other types of vacuum pumps
4. There is a risk of cavitations. This means that it requires a portion of the process load to be noncondensable under the pump operating conditions.
5. The achievable vacuum is limited by the vapor pressure of a sealant fluid at the operating temperature.
Another option for a vacuum pump is a dry pump. A dry pump does not need any working fluids. There are three different types of vacuum pumps available. They are: hook and claw, screw and lobe types. These types of vacuum pumps work by two different types of mechanisms. There is either volumetric reduction or the mixing of low-pressure gas with higher-pressure discharge gas. With a dry pump it normally runs hot, because there is no liquid to absorb the heat of compression.
Some of the advantages for a dry-running pump are:
1. No contamination of evacuated gas which allows for the gas to be recovered readily
2. The pump can be built of standard, inexpensive cast iron. This is the case due to the lack of condensation.
3. It can discharge to the atmosphere
Some of the disadvantages of a dry running vacuum pump are:
1. Can not handle particulates
2. Can not handle large amounts of liquid
3. Might require a silencer
4. Due to it running hot it can discharge gases at high temperatures. Sometimes the temperatures can run as high as 600 degrees.
5. Most case it can be difficult to repair or rebuild
6. Due to the high temperatures it may require a gas purge for cooling to protect the bearings and seals from the process gas
Another option for a vacuum pump is a once through oil pump. It is commonly known as OTO for short. It is a vacuum pump that is a sliding vane type that uses once through oil to seal clearances and lubricating moving parts.
Some of the positives of an OTO vacuum pump are:
1. Can handle acidic or otherwise corrosive vapors
2. Can be built of cast iron
3. Has minimal vibration
4. Can handle high inlet temperature
Some of the negatives of an OTO vacuum pump are:
1. Requires the use of immediately removing the liquids to prevent liquid from sitting the vanes.
2. There can be contamination of the discharged process gas by the oil
3. Can not handle particulates
4. It can be cost to repair or rebuild
There is one other option for a vacuum pump device and that is a rotary piston model. The piston is attached to a cam that is mounted to the main bore of the pump cylinder.
There are several different pros to a rotary piston model:
1. Minimal vibration due to it having a balanced configuration
2. It has a rugged design so that it lends to a long life
3. Can handle small particulates
Some of the cons to a rotary piston vacuum pump model are:
1. Can not handle liquids
2. The condensable vapors are not easily handled
3. The discharged gas is contaminated with oil
4. Some of the designs can be noisy
With all of this information in mind you will want to weigh out the options and the specifics you are looking for that best meets your needs.
Source by Billings Farnsworth
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omg-erplindia-blog · 5 years
Vacuum Pumps for the Pharmaceutical Industry
Vacuum pumps in pharmaceutical industries are extensively used at all levels of production, whether it be bulk manufacturing, intermediate production, or production of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API).
The typical applications for which vacuum pumps are widely used are listed below:
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The process of removing dissolved gasses from liquids or solids is known as degassing. Vacuum pumps help to degass products by reducing pressure.
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Vacuum Distillation
Distillation is a process used to purify compounds by separating solvents. Vacuum distillation uses vacuum systems that reduce pressure for purification. Vacuum distillation saves both time and energy.
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Crystallization is the process of forming crystals. Supersaturated liquids are first evaporated and then cooled down to form crystals. Vacuum pumps control the rate of evaporation and cooling.
The process is used to remove moisture from solids by heating them. A vacuum is created for the process to maintain low temperatures. The process is usually used for hygroscopic substances or for substances that are sensitive to heat.
Freeze Drying
Freeze drying is the process of removing water at low temperatures. The process works by first freezing the material, then allowing the water (ice) to sublime, i.e. directly covert into water vapors without going through the liquefaction phase. Pharmaceutical companies use the process for extending the shelf life of the product. A vacuum system is used to remove the moisture.
Sterilization is an effective method used to eliminate microbes and organisms. The most used sterilization methods are Steam Sterilization and Ethylene Oxide (ETO) sterilization. The evacuation of the sterilization chamber is done by a vacuum pump.
Steam Sterilization and Ethylene Oxide Sterilization (ETO)
Steam sterilization is the most popular and most efficient method of sterilization. It uses high temperatures and high pressures to kill all the microorganisms. The autoclave is filled with steam and is allowed to elevate temperature. Once the sterilization occurs, the drying cycle takes place. The vacuum system should be efficient enough to carry out the entire process.
Ethylene oxide (ETO) sterilization is a very cost-effective method of sterilization. It is a low-temperature sterilization method. The process requires either 100% ethylene oxide or a premix blend ethylene oxide and an inert gas. The process of using 100 % ethylene oxide requires a vacuum.
The first stage is preconditioning in which temperature and humidity of the load should be raised. The load is then transferred to a sterilization chamber where a vacuum is pulled to remove the air. The conditioning phase takes place at optimum humidity. ETO is then introduced in the chamber and is allowed to soak into the load until the sterility assurance level is achieved. ETO is then removed through vacuums and washes.
Economy Vacuum Systems
Economy Vacuum Systems offer trouble-free vacuum solutions and products that fulfill customer’s preferences. The vacuum pump used for the processes is selected from our wide range encompassing:
Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump is designed for optimum effectiveness with a full sealant recirculation system. Sealant selection can be from water, oil, solvent, etc. depending on the application.
Dry Screw Vacuum Pump with vertical discharge and built to handle corrosive and abrasive vapors at high operating temperatures.
Hook and Claw Dry Pump in air-cooled and water-cooled options offer a low-cost reliable alternative to applications where water ring vacuum pumps are currently used. Huge advantage is the 50% reduction in power requirement when compared to a water ring vacuum pump.
Oil Sealed Rotary Pump is a single or double stage vane pump which is an economical solution for relatively clean applications requiring high vacuum
Rotary Piston Pump is a rugged pump for high vacuum applications.
Vacuum Boosters with twin lobe design can be packaged with any primary vacuum device to boost capacity and vacuum levels at very low costs and low power requirements.
Our customized engineered solutions are offered for various applications drawing on our experience of supplying several thousand systems worldwide.
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