labhanya · 11 months
Maximizing Instagram Advertising ROI: Cost-Saving Strategies in India
In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, Instagram advertising has become a crucial channel for businesses to reach their target audience. However, like any advertising platform, it's essential to maximize your return on investment (ROI) and minimize costs. This blog will delve into effective cost-saving strategies for Instagram advertising in India to help you achieve a higher ROI.
Understanding Instagram Advertising in India
Before we dive into cost-saving strategies, let's get a clear understanding of Instagram advertising in India. Instagram is a popular social media platform with millions of active users. In India, it has gained significant traction, making it an excellent platform for advertising. However, it's also a competitive space, and costs can quickly add up if not managed effectively.
Setting a Realistic Budget
One of the first steps in maximizing your Instagram advertising ROI in India is setting a realistic budget. This involves understanding your business goals and your target audience. Determine how much you can afford to spend on Instagram ads without compromising your other marketing efforts.
Audience Targeting and Segmentation
Precise audience targeting is crucial to reducing costs and increasing ROI. On Instagram, you can target users based on their interests, demographics, behaviors, and more. In India, where diversity is a hallmark, this becomes even more important. Define your ideal customer persona and use Instagram's tools to reach them effectively.
Quality Over Quantity: Ad Creatives
High-quality ad creatives are essential for grabbing the attention of your audience. In India, where visual content plays a significant role in marketing, make sure your ads are visually appealing and engaging. Utilize eye-catching images, compelling copy, and relevant hashtags to boost engagement without having to increase your ad spend.
Harness the Power of User-Generated Content (UGC)
User-generated content can be a goldmine for cost-saving in Instagram advertising. Encourage your customers to create content related to your products or services and share it on their profiles with your branded hashtags. You can then use this UGC in your advertising, not only reducing content creation costs but also building trust with potential customers.
Leverage Instagram Shopping
Instagram Shopping is a feature that allows businesses to tag products in their posts and stories. In India, e-commerce is on the rise, and this feature can be a game-changer. It simplifies the purchasing process and can increase ROI by streamlining the user journey.
A/B Testing for Optimization
A/B testing is a powerful tool for optimizing your Instagram advertising strategy. It involves creating multiple variations of your ads and comparing their performance. This helps you identify what works best for your audience and refine your campaigns accordingly, ultimately saving you money by eliminating less effective approaches.
Explore Influencer Collaborations
Influencer marketing has grown significantly in India, and it can be a cost-effective way to reach a broader audience. Partner with local influencers who align with your brand and have a significant following. Their endorsements can boost your brand's credibility and reach a wider audience, often at a lower cost compared to traditional advertising.
Consistent Monitoring and Optimization
Continual monitoring and optimization are essential for maximizing your Instagram advertising ROI in India. Analyze your campaigns regularly, keep an eye on the performance metrics, and adjust your strategies accordingly. By doing so, you can ensure that you're getting the best results from your budget.
Labhanya - Maximizing Instagram Advertising ROI in India
In a competitive market like India, optimizing your Instagram advertising campaigns to save costs while increasing ROI is paramount. Implementing these cost-saving strategies can significantly impact your bottom line, ensuring that your marketing budget is well spent.Remember that Labhanya is here to help you navigate the world of Instagram advertising in India. With the right approach, you can harness the power of Instagram to reach your target audience effectively and cost-efficiently. So, start applying these strategies and watch your Instagram advertising ROI soar in the vibrant market of India.
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nuvoretail · 10 months
Why TACoS is better than ACoS for measuring ad success on Amazon
If you are an ecommerce advertiser, you probably know about ACoS, or Advertising Cost of Sale, the metric that tells you how much you spend on ads for each sale you make.
But did you know that there is a more comprehensive and insightful metric that can help you evaluate your ad effectiveness better?
It’s called TACoS, or Total Advertising Cost of Sale, and it takes into account both product and brand marketing efforts.
TACoS measures the advertising cost across product and brand campaigns against the total revenue generated, including organic sales. This way, you can see how your advertising expenditure impacts your overall sales performance, not just the sales driven by ads.
TACoS also helps you track your account’s or specific products’ reliance on advertising, the impact of ad sales on organic sales, and your overall profitability.
TACoS is especially useful for advertisers who want to leverage the powerful synergy between product marketing and brand marketing.
Product marketing focuses on the distinctive features of individual offerings, while brand marketing builds a unified identity that fosters trust and emotional connection with consumers.
When these two strategies blend seamlessly, they form a comprehensive approach that not only sparks instant purchases but also seeds long-lasting customer loyalty.
By using TACoS, you can assess the joint returns from tactical product-centric campaigns and the emotional connections fostered by brand-oriented initiatives. You can also align your product and brand marketing strategies to create a powerful narrative that guides customers through their journey, from initial discovery to long-term loyalty.
So, if you want to take your ecommerce advertising to the next level, ditch ACoS and embrace TACoS as the ultimate metric for evaluating ad success and efficiency.
You’ll be amazed by the results!
#TACOS #ACOS #AdvertisingCost #Advertising
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adstargets · 6 years
How to Calculate Your Advertising Cost and Advertising ROI
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The advertising cost calculator is what you need before jumping into online advertising campaign of any sought. Unfortunately, many business owners and companies struggle with it. Understanding how to calculate your advertising cost will determine how much you need to spend on a particular campaign and the profit that will come with those Ads. The benefits that come with effective advertising cost calculation are many and determine how much you need to spend to break even point on your yearly advertising budget.  In this post, we are going to discuss all the strategies you need to effectively determine your advertising cost and your advertising ROI from each of your advertising campaigns. having said that, let's jump into it. First, we are going to start with the basic definitions of the key terms to make things easy for you to understand.
What is advertising cost calculator? 
An advertising cost calculator is a simple tool that helps both individuals and businesses to calculate their actual advertising cost for a certain fiscal year in order to determine how much money they have actually spent or will spend on subsequent advertising campaigns. These tools are also capable of making projections on the possible ROI which most consider as the profit from those advertising campaigns. In addition, when calculating advertising cost, one must take into consideration the following. The projected budget for the Advertising The expected CPC and CPM costs e.g ($2 per CPC and $5 per CPM) The targeted conversion rate of the advertising campaign The average sale price of products and how each customer worth The conversion rate (What percentage of those customers will be converted) The final results of these projections will be summarized into the number of clicks, the number leads, the actual cost of CPC and CPM, the click-through rates (CTRs) etc. Those projections will help a business systematically enhance their advertising strategy. 
What is Advertising cost? 
In the most simple terms, we define cost as the total monetary value or the amount of money expended to acquire goods or services. In business, costs are assigned to various goods and services acquired by a business over time to determine the true value of those products and their expected value or depreciation over a period of time. consequently, we define the advertising cost here as.. Advertising cost is the amount of money a business or an individual spent on advertising campaigns over a period of time. For instance, a particular business may assign or budget $5,000 for Facebook advertising, $6,000 for Google Advertising and maybe $3,000 for TV and Radio advertising all in a one-year advertising budget.  Summing all that up will give you the total amount the company is willing to spend on advertising in that fiscal year which will be as follows ($5,000 + $6,000 + $3,000  = $14,000). Now, $14,000 here is considered the advertising cost the company is willing to invest in advertising in one year.   
what is Advertising ROI?
Wikipedia defined Return on investment (ROI) as the ratio between the net profit and cost of investment resulting from an investment of some resources. In other words, ROI is basically Return On Investment. The makes Advertising ROI the return on investment of the money spend on advertising. Even though you may see or hear of ROI many times but it simply means "what you get from an investment" It may be seen by many as the profit derived from a particular investment while others may see it as the net profit you get after deducting the total amount of the investment cost in a particular project or an advertising. 
How is ROI Calculated? 
There is one formula used in calculating return on investment mostly everywhere. This is because ROI is an internationally recognized and used indicator to evaluate the gain on investment both in small and big businesses. To some extent let's say investment projects are declared successful only when their ROI is evaluated and determined.  Return on investment, or ROI, is the ratio of a profit or loss made in a fiscal year expressed in terms of investment and shown as a percentage of increase or decrease in the value of the investment during the year in question. The basic formula for ROI is ROI = Net Profit / Total Investment * 100. Or you can use the following ROI formula  
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How to calculate adverting ROI
So now you know the basic formula to calculate ROI. we will now proceed to show you how you can actually calculate your ROI on advertising. Using the same figures we used previously, ($5,000 + $6,000 + $3,000  = $14,000). We can calculate this in a simple way to determine the actual Return on Investment of the $14,000. Since we don't have the net profit along with the $14,000 advertising cost, we can only assume that after spending $14,000, We gain $67,000 in revenue.  The $67,000 gained from advertising on the various forum was able to increase our revenue by $67,000. Now having this figure, we calculate the advertising ROI as follows. First, we say $67,000 - $14,000 = $53,000 which now becomes our Net profit. Now let's take the Net profit of $53,000 / $14,000 * %100 = %378.571 ROI. In this case, our ROI is %378.571. This is how most online advertising campaigns ROI is calculated. Now I believe you have a full understanding of ROI and calculating ROI. The most important thing you need to know is that when it comes to advertising in the business perspective, we calculate things a bit different from the business perspective to truly arrive at the cost of advertising and the true advertising ROI. This simply means that we have to consider other costs involved such as the cost of goods sold, our fixed cost and deduct that from the initial ROI. We demonstrate how this is actually calculated using Jeff Sauer's example in the image below
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AdsTargets advertising cost and ROI calculation
Calculating cost per click CPC ROI campaigns
Calculating ROI on CPC campaigns is simple but first, you need to determine the cost of the CPC. In this case, let's say you agree to pay $0.50 per each click on your Google or Facebook Ads, On that particular campaign you end up have about 2,000 clicks for the entire campaign of one week.  Now, you will simply have to multiply $0.50 by 2,000 which will give you $1000. $1,000 here is the cost of this particular CPC campaign. So, after spending $1,000 running your campaign, you were able to make sales worth $10,000 within that week. Having these figures will make things easy for you to determine the ROI of this CPC campaign and this is how you will get that. 
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Cheap online advertising First, Input the revenue generated during the campaign which is $10,000, deduct the cost of running the Ad which is $2,000 and you will arrive at $8,000. Now, in many cases, some marketers will consider $8,000 as the ROI on this campaign. However, In the business world, you are far from the true ROI. The true ROI of this campaign will be calculated by taking the $8,000 which is the net profit and deduct the cost $2,000 and then dividing by the initial cost of the CPC ad which is $2,000. The answer here is always expressed in percent as you will have to multiply your answer by %100. Also, You will have to consider deducting other expenses that come with the Ads such as the advertising agency that help you run the Ads, cost of goods sold etc. this will help in giving more accurate ROI of your campaigns  
Calculating CPM cost per 1000 impressions ROI
Using simple Advertising cost calculator will help you calculate CPM ROI. The application of the same method and formula applied in the CPC above. The difference is that CPM ads costs are based on 1000 impressions or 1000 views per the agreed amount. It might be that you agreed to pay $5 per every 1000 impressions or views during the advertising campaign. So, if you end up getting 200,000 impressions per one-week ad campaign, you will have to multiply 200,000 impressions by $5 which will give you the cost of $1,000. Take into account that $5 is for every 1000 impressions or views. Understand how to calculate that will enable you to apply the above formula and determine your true ROI on your CPM campaign.
How to calculate Profit from the advertising campaign
Many marketers use online advertising cost calculators to determine their profit from advertising. However, many of those Advertising cost calculators have very basic formulas that only subtract the cost of advertising from the revenue generated during those Ads. This method does not give an accurate representation of the situation.  It only shows the net profit derived from that Ad campaign. The best way to determine the profit generated from a particular advertising campaign would be to consider all the cost associated with the ad campaign. Costs such as the cost of goods sold, fixed cost, cost of service rendered, the cost of advertising agencies if any etc. All these costs need to be deducted from the net profit generated from the Ad campaigns. Using the above ROI formula will help a long way in determining the actual cost profit and ROI on advertising campaigns.
How to profit from Advertising
Most companies advertise to increase their profit margin,  However, very often you found out that is not the case, even though some advertise for exposure, the long-term goal is to attract customers and expand their sales in order to increase their revenue and profit. Now that you understand how important profit is to advertising, how do you profit from advertising should be the main focus of your advertising? Below we outline a few but effective tips you need to profit from your advertising. Research and know which platform your target audience are spending most of their time Determine your Advertising budget and duration you will run your Ads Determine your desired cost per CPM and CPC and make sure is always average or below average Customize your Ads to show on specific devices, time and location  Always monitor your Click through rate (CTR) to make sure is above average The above-listed tips will reduce unnecessary cost and deliver your ads to only your potential customers. This will increase your conversion rate, increase your sales and ultimately your profit. See some more tips in the video below.
Advertising can be potentially profitable for businesses if only it's done right. The profitability is determined only when the true ROI is known. We encourage all advertisers to take this serious and always make sure they calculate their advertising ROI before carrying on with their Advertising campaigns. If you have other tips on how to improve advertising profits, please let us know in the comment section of this post.   Read the full article
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phungthaihy · 4 years
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Instagram Advertising Costs - How much will you pay http://ehelpdesk.tk/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/logo-header.png [ad_1] Let's face it: Instagram (like i... #advertising #advertisingcosts #affiliatemarketing #businessbranding #contentmarketing #copywriting #digitalmarketing #facebook #facebookmarketing #google #googleads #googleanalytics #instagram #instagramadvertising #instagrammarketing #instagrammarketing #marketing #marketingstrategy #ppcadvertising #seo #socialmediamarketing #socialmedia #socialmediamarketing #youtubeaudiencegrowth #youtubemarketing
0 notes
adstargets · 6 years
How to Calculate Your Advertising Cost and Advertising ROI
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The advertising cost calculator is what you need before jumping into online advertising campaign of any sought. Unfortunately, many business owners and companies struggle with it. Understanding how to calculate your advertising cost will determine how much you need to spend on a particular campaign and the profit that will come with those Ads. The benefits that come with effective advertising cost calculation are many and determine how much you need to spend to break even point on your yearly advertising budget.  In this post, we are going to discuss all the strategies you need to effectively determine your advertising cost and your advertising ROI from each of your advertising campaigns. having said that, let's jump into it. First, we are going to start with the basic definitions of the key terms to make things easy for you to understand.
What is advertising cost calculator? 
An advertising cost calculator is a simple tool that helps both individuals and businesses to calculate their actual advertising cost for a certain fiscal year in order to determine how much money they have actually spent or will spend on subsequent advertising campaigns. These tools are also capable of making projections on the possible ROI which most consider as the profit from those advertising campaigns. In addition, when calculating advertising cost, one must take into consideration the following. The projected budget for the Advertising The expected CPC and CPM costs e.g ($2 per CPC and $5 per CPM) The targeted conversion rate of the advertising campaign The average sale price of products and how each customer worth The conversion rate (What percentage of those customers will be converted) The final results of these projections will be summarized into the number of clicks, the number leads, the actual cost of CPC and CPM, the click-through rates (CTRs) etc. Those projections will help a business systematically enhance their advertising strategy. 
What is Advertising cost? 
In the most simple terms, we define cost as the total monetary value or the amount of money expended to acquire goods or services. In business, costs are assigned to various goods and services acquired by a business over time to determine the true value of those products and their expected value or depreciation over a period of time. consequently, we define the advertising cost here as.. Advertising cost is the amount of money a business or an individual spent on advertising campaigns over a period of time. For instance, a particular business may assign or budget $5,000 for Facebook advertising, $6,000 for Google Advertising and maybe $3,000 for TV and Radio advertising all in a one-year advertising budget.  Summing all that up will give you the total amount the company is willing to spend on advertising in that fiscal year which will be as follows ($5,000 + $6,000 + $3,000  = $14,000). Now, $14,000 here is considered the advertising cost the company is willing to invest in advertising in one year.   
what is Advertising ROI?
Wikipedia defined Return on investment (ROI) as the ratio between the net profit and cost of investment resulting from an investment of some resources. In other words, ROI is basically Return On Investment. The makes Advertising ROI the return on investment of the money spend on advertising. Even though you may see or hear of ROI many times but it simply means "what you get from an investment" It may be seen by many as the profit derived from a particular investment while others may see it as the net profit you get after deducting the total amount of the investment cost in a particular project or an advertising. 
How is ROI Calculated? 
There is one formula used in calculating return on investment mostly everywhere. This is because ROI is an internationally recognized and used indicator to evaluate the gain on investment both in small and big businesses. To some extent let's say investment projects are declared successful only when their ROI is evaluated and determined.  Return on investment, or ROI, is the ratio of a profit or loss made in a fiscal year expressed in terms of investment and shown as a percentage of increase or decrease in the value of the investment during the year in question. The basic formula for ROI is ROI = Net Profit / Total Investment * 100. Or you can use the following ROI formula  
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How to calculate adverting ROI
So now you know the basic formula to calculate ROI. we will now proceed to show you how you can actually calculate your ROI on advertising. Using the same figures we used previously, ($5,000 + $6,000 + $3,000  = $14,000). We can calculate this in a simple way to determine the actual Return on Investment of the $14,000. Since we don't have the net profit along with the $14,000 advertising cost, we can only assume that after spending $14,000, We gain $67,000 in revenue.  The $67,000 gained from advertising on the various forum was able to increase our revenue by $67,000. Now having this figure, we calculate the advertising ROI as follows. First, we say $67,000 - $14,000 = $53,000 which now becomes our Net profit. Now let's take the Net profit of $53,000 / $14,000 * %100 = %378.571 ROI. In this case, our ROI is %378.571. This is how most online advertising campaigns ROI is calculated. Now I believe you have a full understanding of ROI and calculating ROI. The most important thing you need to know is that when it comes to advertising in the business perspective, we calculate things a bit different from the business perspective to truly arrive at the cost of advertising and the true advertising ROI. This simply means that we have to consider other costs involved such as the cost of goods sold, our fixed cost and deduct that from the initial ROI. We demonstrate how this is actually calculated using Jeff Sauer's example in the image below
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AdsTargets advertising cost and ROI calculation
Calculating cost per click CPC ROI campaigns
Calculating ROI on CPC campaigns is simple but first, you need to determine the cost of the CPC. In this case, let's say you agree to pay $0.50 per each click on your Google or Facebook Ads, On that particular campaign you end up have about 2,000 clicks for the entire campaign of one week.  Now, you will simply have to multiply $0.50 by 2,000 which will give you $1000. $1,000 here is the cost of this particular CPC campaign. So, after spending $1,000 running your campaign, you were able to make sales worth $10,000 within that week. Having these figures will make things easy for you to determine the ROI of this CPC campaign and this is how you will get that. 
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Cheap online advertising First, Input the revenue generated during the campaign which is $10,000, deduct the cost of running the Ad which is $2,000 and you will arrive at $8,000. Now, in many cases, some marketers will consider $8,000 as the ROI on this campaign. However, In the business world, you are far from the true ROI. The true ROI of this campaign will be calculated by taking the $8,000 which is the net profit and deduct the cost $2,000 and then dividing by the initial cost of the CPC ad which is $2,000. The answer here is always expressed in percent as you will have to multiply your answer by %100. Also, You will have to consider deducting other expenses that come with the Ads such as the advertising agency that help you run the Ads, cost of goods sold etc. this will help in giving more accurate ROI of your campaigns  
Calculating CPM cost per 1000 impressions ROI
Using simple Advertising cost calculator will help you calculate CPM ROI. The application of the same method and formula applied in the CPC above. The difference is that CPM ads costs are based on 1000 impressions or 1000 views per the agreed amount. It might be that you agreed to pay $5 per every 1000 impressions or views during the advertising campaign. So, if you end up getting 200,000 impressions per one-week ad campaign, you will have to multiply 200,000 impressions by $5 which will give you the cost of $1,000. Take into account that $5 is for every 1000 impressions or views. Understand how to calculate that will enable you to apply the above formula and determine your true ROI on your CPM campaign.
How to calculate Profit from the advertising campaign
Many marketers use online advertising cost calculators to determine their profit from advertising. However, many of those Advertising cost calculators have very basic formulas that only subtract the cost of advertising from the revenue generated during those Ads. This method does not give an accurate representation of the situation.  It only shows the net profit derived from that Ad campaign. The best way to determine the profit generated from a particular advertising campaign would be to consider all the cost associated with the ad campaign. Costs such as the cost of goods sold, fixed cost, cost of service rendered, the cost of advertising agencies if any etc. All these costs need to be deducted from the net profit generated from the Ad campaigns. Using the above ROI formula will help a long way in determining the actual cost profit and ROI on advertising campaigns.
How to profit from Advertising
Most companies advertise to increase their profit margin,  However, very often you found out that is not the case, even though some advertise for exposure, the long-term goal is to attract customers and expand their sales in order to increase their revenue and profit. Now that you understand how important profit is to advertising, how do you profit from advertising should be the main focus of your advertising? Below we outline a few but effective tips you need to profit from your advertising. Research and know which platform your target audience are spending most of their time Determine your Advertising budget and duration you will run your Ads Determine your desired cost per CPM and CPC and make sure is always average or below average Customize your Ads to show on specific devices, time and location  Always monitor your Click through rate (CTR) to make sure is above average The above-listed tips will reduce unnecessary cost and deliver your ads to only your potential customers. This will increase your conversion rate, increase your sales and ultimately your profit. See some more tips in the video below.
Advertising can be potentially profitable for businesses if only it's done right. The profitability is determined only when the true ROI is known. We encourage all advertisers to take this serious and always make sure they calculate their advertising ROI before carrying on with their Advertising campaigns. If you have other tips on how to improve advertising profits, please let us know in the comment section of this post.   Read the full article
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adstargets · 6 years
How to Calculate Your Advertising Cost and Advertising ROI
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Advertising cost calculator is what you need before jumping into online advertising campaign of any sought. Unfortunately, many business owners and companies struggle with it. Understanding how to calculate your advertising cost will determine how much you need to spend on a particular campaign and the profit that will come with those Ads. The benefits that comes with effective advertising cost calculation are many and determine how much you need to spend to break even point on your yearly advertising budget. 
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In this post, we are going to discuss all the strategies you need to effectively determine your advertising cost and your advertising ROI from each of your advertising campaigns. having said that, let's jump into it. First, we are going to start with the basic definitions of the key terms to make things easy for you to understand.
What is advertising cost calculator? 
Advertising cost calculator is a simple tool that helps both individuals and businesses to calculate their actual advertising cost for a certain fiscal year in order to determine how much money they have actually spent or will spend on subsequent advertising campaigns. These tools are also capable of making projections on the possible ROI which most consider as the profit from those advertising campaigns. In addition, when calculating advertising cost, one must take into consideration the following. The projected budget for the Advertising The expected CPC and CPM costs e.g ($2 per CPC and $5 per CPM) The targeted conversion rate of the advertising campaign The average sale price of products and how each customer worth The conversion rate (What percentage of those customers will be converted) The final results of these projections will be summarized into the number of clicks, the number leads, the actual cost of CPC and CPM, the click-through rates (CTRs) etc. Those projections will help a business systematically enhance their advertising strategy. 
What is Advertising cost? 
In the most simple terms, we define cost as the total monetary value or the amount of money expended to acquire goods or services. In business, costs are assigned to various goods and services acquired by a business over time to determine the true value of those products and their expected value or depreciation over a period of time. consequently, we define the advertising cost here as.. Advertising cost is the amount of money a business or an individual spent on advertising campaigns over a period of time. For instance, a particular business may assign or budget $5,000 for Facebook advertising, $6,000 for Google Advertising and maybe $3,000 for TV and Radio advertising all in a one-year advertising budget.  Summing all that up will give you the total amount the company is willing to spend on advertising in that fiscal year which will be as follows ($5,000 + $6,000 + $3,000  = $14,000). Now, $14,000 here is considered the advertising cost the company is willing to invest in advertising in one year.   
what is Advertising ROI?
Wikipedia defined Return on investment (ROI) as the ratio between the net profit and cost of investment resulting from an investment of some resources. In other words, ROI is basically Return On Investment. The makes Advertising ROI the return on investment of the money spend on advertising. Even though you may see or hear of ROI many times but it simply means "what you get from an investment" It may be seen by many as the profit derived from a particular investment while others may see it as the net profit you get after deducting the total amount of the investment cost in a particular project or an advertising. 
How is ROI Calculated? 
There is one formula used in calculating return on investment mostly everywhere. This is because ROI is an internationally recognized and used indicator to evaluate the gain on investment both in small and big businesses. To some extent let's say investment projects are declared successful only when their ROI is evaluated and determined.  Return on investment, or ROI, is the ratio of a profit or loss made in a fiscal year expressed in terms of an investment and shown as a percentage of increase or decrease in the value of the investment during the year in question. The basic formula for ROI is: ROI = Net Profit / Total Investment * 100. Or you can use the following ROI formula  
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How to calculate adverting ROI
So now you know the basic formula to calculate ROI. we will now proceed to show you how you can actually calculate your ROI on advertising. Using the same figures we used previously, ($5,000 + $6,000 + $3,000  = $14,000). We can calculate this in a simple way to determine the actual Return on Investment of the $14,000. Since we don't have the net profit along with the $14,000 advertising cost, we can only assume that after spending $14,000, We gain $67,000 in revenue.  The $67,000 gained from advertising on the various forum was able to increase our revenue by $67,000. Now having this figure, we calculate the advertising ROI as follows. First, we say $67,000 - $14,000 = $53,000 which now becomes our Net profit. Now let's take the Net profit of $53,000 / $14,000 * %100 = %378.571 ROI. In this case, our ROI is %378.571. This is how most online advertising campaigns ROI is calculated. Now I believe you have a full understanding of ROI and calculating ROI. The most important thing you need to know is that when it comes to advertising in the business perspective, we calculate things a bit different from the business perspective to truly arrive at the cost of advertising and the true advertising ROI. This simply means that we have to consider other costs involved such like the cost of goods sold, our fixed cost and deduct that from the initial ROI. We demonstrate how this is actually calculated using Jeff Sauer's example in the image below
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AdsTargets advertising cost and ROI calculation
Calculating cost per click CPC ROI campaigns
Calculating ROI on CPC campaigns is simple but first, you need to determine the cost of the CPC. In this case, let's say you agree to pay $0.50 per each click on your Google or Facebook Ads, On that particular campaign you end up have about 2,000 clicks for the entire campaign of one week.  Now, you will simply have to multiply $0.50 by 2,000 which will give you $1000. $1,000 here is the cost of this particular CPC campaign. So, after spending $1,000 running your campaign, you were able to make sales worth $10,000 within that week. Having these figures will make things easy for you to determine the ROI of this CPC campaign and this is how you will get that.  First, Input the revenue generated during the campaign which is $10,000, deduct the cost of running the Ad which is $2,000 and you will arrive at $8,000. Now, in many cases, some marketers will consider $8,000 as the ROI on this campaign. However, In the business world, you are far from the true ROI. The true ROI of this campaign will be calculated by taking the $8,000 which is the net profit and deduct the cost $2,000 and then dividing by the initial cost of the CPC ad which is $2,000. The answer here is always expressed in percent as you will have to multiply your answer by %100. Also, You will have to consider deducting other expenses that come with the Ads such as the advertising agency that help you run the Ads, cost of goods sold etc. this will help in giving more accurate ROI of your campaigns  
Calculating CPM cost per 1000 impressions ROI
Using simple Advertising cost calculator will help you calculate CPM ROI. The application of the same method and formula applied in the CPC above. The difference is that CPM ads costs are based on 1000 impressions or 1000 views per the agreed amount. It might be that you agreed to pay $5 per every 1000 impressions or views during the advertising campaign. So, if you end up getting 200,000 impressions per one-week ad campaign, you will have to multiply 200,000 impressions by $5 which will give you the cost of $1,000. Take into account that $5 is for every 1000 impressions or views. Understand how to calculate that will enable you to apply the above formula and determine your true ROI on your CPM campaign.
How to calculate Profit from the advertising campaign
Many marketers use online advertising cost calculators to determine their profit from advertising. However, many of those Advertising cost calculators have very basic formulas that only subtract the cost of advertising from the revenue generated during those Ads. This method does not give an accurate representation of the situation.  It only shows the net profit derived from that Ad campaign. The best way to determine the profit generated from a particular advertising campaign would be to consider all the cost associated with the ad campaign. Costs such as the cost of goods sold, fixed cost, cost of service rendered, the cost of advertising agencies if any etc. All these costs need to be deducted from the net profit generated from the Ad campaigns. Using the above ROI formula will help a long way in determining the actual cost profit and ROI on advertising campaigns.
How to profit from Advertising
Must companies advertise to increase their profit margins. However, very often you found out that is not the case, even though some advertise for exposure, the long-term goal is to attract customers and expand their sales in order to increase their revenue and profit. Now that you understand how important profit is to advertising, how do you profit from advertising should be the main focus of your advertising? Below we outline a few but effective tips you need to profit from your advertising. Reseach and know which platform your target audience are spending most of their time Determine your Advertising budget and duration you will run your Ads Determine your desired cost per CPM and CPC and make sure is always average or below average Customize your Ads to show on specific devices, time and location  Always monitor your Click through rate (CTR) to make sure is above average The above-listed tips will reduce unnecessary cost and deliver your ads to only your potential customers. This will increase your conversion rate, increase your sales and ultimately your profit. See some more tips in the video below.
Advertising can be potentially profitable for businesses if only it's done right. The profitability is determined only when the true ROI is known. We encourage all advertisers to take this serious and always make sure they calculate their advertising ROI before carrying on with their Advertising campaigns. If you have other tips on how to improve advertising profits, please let us know in the comment section of this post.   Read the full article
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