#Aeryn plays ESO
rassilonwatchathon · 1 year
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Crichton, Aeryn, and Zhaan in the Farscape episode Premiere. Tune in Wednesday to The Watch-A-Thon of Rassilon and listen to us talk about them.
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aerynk13 · 7 years
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I *may* have been spending a lot of time murdering while camping dolmens. My wrists/hands haven’t let me play games very much at all, which is driving me nuts between two accounts, 24 characters, and so much enlightenment a day, so I do what I can. It’s really frustrating to say the least.
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aerynk13 · 7 years
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I fought for this, I’m gonna fuckin’ wear it!
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aerynk13 · 7 years
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People all around in zone comparing their champion point numbers and dungeon achieves and I'm over here with my fishing pole like...
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aerynk13 · 7 years
/Played in Elder Scrolls Online
I do this because I like numbers and stats. If you like them too, then this is fun. If not, don’t worry about it. In January I wrote down every character I had and what their playtime was. 12 of people did not exist at that time. Drishari and Tennir on my main account (they are Wardens which are only 40 days old) and my entire cast of characters on my second account were added after January 1st, thus their playtime is low and new. You can clearly see from these hours who is my favourite (Riven) and who has been quested on the most (Riven, Rijani, Jacort, Vishtani, and Trinity). They are also my oldest characters in the lineup. Rijani and Jacort are married to my husband’s characters. Trinity was played as a threesome with my husband and our real life friend Ash. Yes, this stuff counts standing around, camping, waiting for trails to start, waiting for groups, waiting for bounties to wear off, reading dialogue, farming, EVERYTHING that I happen to do when logged into game. And yeah, Steam apparently counts when your launcher is open, so if you leave it up overnight, or during the day, so it can update it’s counting that as “played” time. I did not include that here, as it thinks I played 930 hours an did not. It added a full 400 hours of idle time!
June 30th 2017 /Played Count:
Riven Sylvain - 76 days, 0 hours, 47 minutes Rijani Shadowheart - 27 days, 9 hours, 13 minutes Jacort Firestar - 13 days, 21 hours, 9 minutes Vishtani Moonwhisper - 14 days, 3 hours, 30 minutes Celesti Riverwing - 7 days, 20 hours, 19 minutes Darien Morningstar - 8 days, 8 hours, 10 minutes Caeiel Lorcus - 8 days, 2 hours, 42 minutes Elias Lafae - 6 days, 7 hours, 43 minutes Aeilla Lafae - 6 days, 11 hours, 37 minutes Petyr Lafae - 6 days, 23 hours, 25 minutes Trinity Lafae - 14 days, 11 hours, 16 minutes Tristiel Silverleaf - 7 days, 13 hours, 46 minutes Drishari Darkpaw - 1 days, 2 hours, 3 minutes Tennir Stormwatch - 0 days, 13 hours, 30 minutes
Walks with Moonlight - 5 days, 22 hours, 20 minutes Cariel Rainflower - 2 days, 23 hours, 16 minutes Reynie Willowgrove - 1 days, 22 hours, 22 minutes Sleeps in Cool Water - 1 days, 10 hours, 33 minutes Sumire Nilvu - 2 days, 0 hours, 4 minutes Jorian Elsinaire - 1 days, 14 hours, 31 minutes Davryn Arnaai - 1 days, 3 hours, 36 minutes Laial Silinosin - 1 days, 6 hours, 21 minutes Swift in Shadows - 1 days, 12 hours, 45 minutes Heals with Colours - 1 days, 9 hours, 45 minutes
Hours Total Jan 1st 4254.9 June 30th 4781.16 Difference 526.26 Dead People = another 1k hours on main account
2nd Acct: 509.55 (Steam counts when launcher is open/loading etc - this is actual time played - no one has been killed on this account)
Total Game Time in ESO since Pre Launch (March 30, 2014) = 6290 hours or 262 days cumulative.
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aerynk13 · 7 years
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I won’t post spoiler pictures for a while so everyone has a chance to see things in their own time, so here’s my first days in Morrowind when the pre-release hit. Honestly, I tried to quest for about a week, but instead of wayshrining I’d walk and end up just with my UI off taking picture after picture. Seriously, game, calm the fuck down. It’s getting excessive! I also never played Morrowind, so there’s no nostalgia for me, it’s just a new land.
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aerynk13 · 7 years
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Two new Wardens join the family, bringing us to 24 strong and proud. 
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aerynk13 · 7 years
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Completing kitties. It’s a very strange thing that Rijni was not only in every single beta weekend, but he’s pre-launch as well, and yet he’s been put aside in favour of Riven. Part of that is because healer is much, much easier for me to play than a stamina nightblade. All the changes they’ve been through, built well or not, nightblades are not the easiest role. They’re for quiet, and stealth, and surprise, and I’m not good at any of that in this game.
But I love all of my characters. All 21 vets, the main account moreso than the sub account of course, are like my little family. And I think that they should all have as many achievements as they can. They should all have as many opportunities to be as “complete” as they can. So that’s what I’ll be doing. First with skyshards, then with delves and quests and anything else that’s not like beating my head against a rock to get. I’m hoping to get the skyshards from the Imperial City DLC for the sub account before my ESO Plus runs out for that one. I won’t buy it, and I’ll be very happy not to have those DLC dungeons show up in randoms. I’d just like to extract those skill points first ;)
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aerynk13 · 7 years
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And I’m done! 21 characters, 21 vets. Nine of them are cp 270, the other 12 are cp 788. Pretty damned good. Now I can colour and art and not feel like I’m neglecting anyone.
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aerynk13 · 7 years
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With two consecutive double exp events I’ve done a lot of levelling in the past month. I was away on vacation from March 28th - April 11, but I did make the most of the time I had. With Cariel, Reynie, Sumire, Jorian, and Davryn all making it to level 50/160cp in the last month or so. With both accounts combined I have 19 of 21 characters at veteran level, though my second account is only 260cp at the moment. The last two are level 40 and 22, awaiting their turn at vethood.
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aerynk13 · 8 years
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I forgot my password. That’s where I’ve been.
In other news, my second account has done a lot of levelling. Mostly camping dolmens because I can colour while they’re down. I like the idea of splitting both my hobbies. Now that Walks is 160 they will all top out at max level when they hit 50. I’m doing it methodically, down the line so they’re sharing two sets of armour. The stam sharing armour every 10 levels, and the mag sharing armour every 10 levels. Someone is always wearing the armour, and it means I save materials. I’m looking forward to the festival coming up, but hoping I make a bit more progress before then. Maybe get Miss Cariel up to CP as well before  I have to focus completely on getting my main account as many of the achievements as I can.
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aerynk13 · 8 years
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“Am I *too* cute? Nah, nahh, there’s no way that’s possible.”
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aerynk13 · 8 years
There’s A Lot to Keep Track Of...
in ESO. When you have a lot of characters, especially newer ones (the bottom 6) you have to work on lots of things at once and keep track of lots of things at once. Plus, with new updates always coming in there’s things that become more or less important over time. Enjoy a peek at my notes as of Jan 17,2017.
Riven Sylvain 381/381 Skyshards 50 alchemy 50 blacksmithing 50 clothing 50 enchanting 50 Provisioning 50 woodworking 20 Legerdemain 2  Dark Brotherhood 10 Fighters 10 Mages 12 Thieves 9  Undaunted
Rijani Shadowheart 345/381 Skyshards 50 alchemy 50 blacksmithing 50 clothing 50 enchanting 50 Provisioning 50 woodworking 20 Legerdemain 0  Dark Brotherhood 10 Fighters 10 Mages 12 Thieves 9  Undaunted
Jacort Firestar 330/381 Skyshards 50 alchemy 50 blacksmithing 50 clothing 50 enchanting 50 Provisioning 50 woodworking 15 Legerdemain 0  Dark Brotherhood 10 Fighters 10 Mages 12 Thieves 9  Undaunted
Vishtani Moonwhisper 324/381 Skyshards 50 alchemy 50 blacksmithing 50 clothing 50 enchanting 50 Provisioning 50 woodworking 20 Legerdemain 0 Dark Brotherhood 10 Fighters 10 Mages 12 Thieves 9 Undaunted
Celesti Riverwing 304/381 Skyshards 50 alchemy 43 blacksmithing 41 clothing 50 enchanting 50 Provisioning 42 woodworking 14 Legerdemain 0 Dark Brotherhood 9 Fighters 9 Mages 12 Thieves 4 Undaunted - 25/200
Darien Morningstar 267/381 Skyshards 50 alchemy 50 blacksmithing 50 clothing 50 enchanting 50 Provisioning 50 woodworking 13 Legerdemain 0 Dark Brotherhood 10 Fighters 10 Mages 12 Thieves 9 Undaunted
Caeiel Lorcus 249/381 Skyshards 50 alchemy 50 blacksmithing 48 clothing 50 enchanting 50 Provisioning 47 woodworking 12 Legerdemain 0 Dark Brotherhood 10 Fighters 10 Mages 11 Thieves 9 Undaunted
Elias Lafae 228/381 Skyshards 50 alchemy 47 blacksmithing 46 clothing 50 enchanting 50 Provisioning 45 woodworking 9 Legerdemain 0 Dark Brotherhood 10 Fighters 10 Mages 11 Thieves 5 Undaunted 85/200
Aeilla Lafae 195/381 Skyshards 50 alchemy 44 blacksmithing 46 clothing 50 enchanting 50 Provisioning 44 woodworking 8 Legerdemain 2 Dark Brotherhood 9 Fighters 8 Mages 12 Thieves 4 Undaunted 160/200
Petyr Lafae 223/381 Skyshards 50 alchemy 44 blacksmithing 43 clothing 50 enchanting 50 Provisioning 42 woodworking 6 Legerdemain 0 Dark Brotherhood 10 Fighters 10 Mages 11 Thieves 7 Undaunted 5/200
Trinity Lafae 311/381 Skyshards 50 alchemy 43 blacksmithing 43 clothing 50 enchanting 48 Provisioning 43 woodworking 14 Legerdemain 0 Dark Brotherhood 10 Fighters 10 Mages 10 Thieves 7 Undaunted 190/200
Tristiel Silverleaf 249/381 Skyshards 50 alchemy 42 blacksmithing 42 clothing 50 enchanting 50 Provisioning 41 woodworking 9 Legerdemain 0 Dark Brotherhood 10 Fighters 9 Mages 9 Thieves 6 Undaunted 80/200
tempering alloy - 99 dreugh wax - 155 rosin - 47 kuta - 39
voidsteel - 5.7k voidcloth - 6.0k shadowhide - 5.3k nightwood - 5.5k
rubedite - 7.4 ancestor silk - 7.6k rubedo leather - 5.5k ruby ash - 9.5k
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aerynk13 · 8 years
New counts on how long I've played ESO for the new year. It's this +1000 hours for dead people. Gonna try and do this every six months. To keep up. Because I like numbers.
Riven Sylvain - 71 days, 10 hours, 36 minutes Rijani Shadowheart - 25 days, 20 hours, 37 minutes Jacort Firestar - 12 days, 2 hours, 4 minutes Vishtani Moonwhisper - 13 days, 7 hours, 42 minutes Celesti Riverwing - 5 days, 11 hours, 15 minutes Darien Morningstar - 7 days, 18 hours, 10 minutes Caeiel Lorcus - 7 days, 15 hours, 44 minutes Elias Lafae - 4 days, 19 hours,  0 minutes Aeilla Lafae - 5 days, 2 hours, 19 minutes Petyr Lafae - 5 days, 14 hours, 0 minutes Trinity Lafae - 13 days, 15 hours, 24 minutes Tristiel Silverleaf - 4 days, 14 hours, 3 minutes
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aerynk13 · 7 years
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There’s video of how elated my friends and I were that we won this and it was FINALLY over! I hate Battlegrounds. I mean, I don’t like pvp as it is, so the idea of “Deathmatch” constantly is my idea of hell. Especially on a spec dps with a heal stick to leech AP. Also, this showed how my outfit glitched. Riven is Aldmeri Dominion, but her outfit changed to red and blue during the Battlegrounds. We reported the bug. But I’ll never go in again to see it because MAN I hated it. Finished the damned event though. Goodbye Midyear Mayhem!
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aerynk13 · 7 years
Useful Anniversary Box Stuff
Wonder what all came in those fancy Jubilee Anniversary Boxes in ESO these past two weeks? Here’s a breakdown of every recipe or motif that I got, both needed and not for my main, Riven. Boxes also held crafting mats, which I didn’t keep track of. I was only able to play the event from April 11th to 3am on the 18th because I was on vacation without a computer, but I did 4 or more writs per 21 characters and 14 undaunted dailies every day I was able to play. Roughly 250 boxes per day.
I love lists and info like this, but I understand if you don’t. ;P (Note: I left out things like xivkyn and dwemer because those are blah and very cheap - this also does not take into account what @Soleya got and shared with Riven)
Blueprint: Argonian Trunk, Sturdy Blueprint: Argonian Chair, woven Blueprint: Argonian Cage, Bird Blueprint: Breton Chest of Drawers Blueprint: Breton stool, plain Blueprint: Dark Elf Desk, Angled Blueprint: Dark Elf Dresser, Angled x3 Blueprint: Dark Elf Wardrove, Scaled Blueprint: Dark Elf Endtable: Angled Blueprint: Dark Elf Winerack, Sturdy Blueprint: Dark Elf Stool, Angled Blueprint: High Elf bed, winged Blueprint: High Elf Chest of Drawers Blueprint: Khajiit Nightstand, Gilded Blueprint: Khajiit Trunk, Arched Blueprint: Nord bench, pressed Blueprint: Orcish Bunkbed, Leather Blueprint: Redguard Bookcase, Arched Blueprint: Redguard Winerack, Sturdy
Pattern: Argonian Tray, Woven Pattern: Argonian Curtain, Woven Pattern: Breton Rug, Starburst Pattern: Breton Bed, full Pattern: Dark Elf Carpet, Ashen Pattern: Dark Elf Flags, hanging Pattern: High Elf Carpet, Tree-Themed Pattern: High Elf Bar, Overhanging Pattern: Khajiit Cusion, Long x2 Pattern: Khajiit Carpet, Sun Pattern: Khajiit Bed, Faded Pattern: Nord Tapestry, Dragon Pattern: Orcish Sack, Flour Pattern: Orcish Canopy, Shingled Pattern: Redguard Tent, Starry Pattern: Redguard Basket, closed Pattern, Wood Elf Tent, Sturdy
Design: Bread, round Design: Breton Vase, glazed Design: Breton Pottery, lid Design: Plums, Bunch Design: Orcish Urn, Clay Design: Wood Elf Vase, Painted Design: Wood Elf Pitcher, Marked Design: Wood Elf Cask, ceramic Design: Redguard Pot, Lacquered Design: Redguard urn, Mural
Praxis: Argonian Bowl, Bordered Praxis: High Elf Table, Verdant Formal Praxis: High Elf Lamppost, Spiked Praxis: Orcish Dresser, Open
Diagram: Cleaver, Butcher's Diagram: Dark Elf Lantern: Ashen Diagram: Dark Elf Hook, Wall Diagram: Redguard Mug, empty Diagram: Redguard Urn, star
Recipe: Slow Simmered Rabbit Goulash
Akaviri Chests x2 Akaviri Staves x2 Akaviri Bows Akaviri Axes Akaviri Maces Ancient Orc Shields Ancient Orc helms Ancient Orc Legs Ancient Orc Chests Ancient Orc Daggers Assassins Shields x2 Assassins Daggers Assassins Legs Assassins Bows Assassins Chests Dark Brotherhood Maces Dark Brotherhood Boots x3 Dark Brotherhood legs Dark Brotherhood chests Dark Brotherhood Bows Dark Brotherhood Shields Dominion Helms x2 Dominion Shoulders Malacath Shoulders Malacath Chests Malacath Daggers x2 Malacath staves Malacath Bow Minotaur Axes Minotaur Daggers Minotaur Swords Minotaur Gloves x2 Minotaur Staves Minotaur Boots Order of the Hour Axes x2 Order of the Hour shoulders Order of the Hour Bows Order of the Hour legs Order of the Hour Staves Outlaw Boots Outlaw Helm Outlaw Maces Outlaw Shoulders Pact Boots Pact Maces Pact Daggers x2 Trinimac Bows Trinimac Belts Trinimac Helm Trinimac Legs Yokudan Helms x2 Yokudan Boots Yokudan Staves Yokudan Belts Yokudan Shoulders
Valuable, but Not Needed By Riven ------------------------- Blueprint: Dark Elf Caravan, Cargo x2 Blueprint: Khajiit Tent, Mercantile Blueprint: Khajiit Wagon, Reed Blueprint: Nord bed, Sleigh x2 Blueprint: Nord counter, long x2 Blueprint: Nord bookshelf, Alcove Blueprint: Nord trestle, Braced Pattern: Wood Elf Divider, Relaxed x3 Design: Basket of Gourds x2 Design: Khajiit Carafe, Amber Design: Breton Chamberstick, short Design: Tangerines bunch Diagram: Kennel, Locked Praxis: High Elf Desk, Verdant
Abah's Watch Chests Abah's Watch Shields Abah's Watch Legs Akaviri Daggers Akaviri Gloves Akaviri Swords Ancient Orc Gloves x2 Ancient Orc bows Assassins Helms x2 Assassins Axes Celestial Shields Celestial Axes Celestial Legs Celestial Daggers x2 Covenant Helms x2 Covenant Belts Covenant Maces Covenant legs x2 Dominion Maces Dominion Daggers Dominion Shields Draugr Staves Draugr Chests Draugr Gloves Draugr shoulders Draugr Daggers Dro-m'Athra Daggers Dro-m'Athra Staves Dro-m'Athra Helms Dro-m'Athra Bows Dro-m'Athra Legs Glass Boots Glass Shields Glass Helm Glass Maces Glass Staves Glass Shoulders Malacath Legs Malacath Swords Malacath Axes Minotaur Helms Outlaw Axes Outlaw Legs Outlaw Bows x2 Order of the Hour Belts x2 Pact Legs Pact Chests Pact Staves Thieves Guild Staves Thieves Guild Helms Thieves Guild Boots Thieves Guild Legs Thieves Guild Swords Thieves Guild Gloves Thieves Guild Belts Trinimac Staves Yokudan Staves
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