#African Pharmaceutical Market Report
medi-techinsights · 11 months
African Pharmaceutical Market is set to witness a significant growth rate by 2027
The pharmaceutical market is a very complex but an emerging market which plays a key role in the growth of the healthcare segment. The pharmaceutical market refers to the market for pharma and medical products, which includes prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, generic drugs and other healthcare products.
Emerging Growth Opportunities in African Pharmaceutical Market
The pharmaceutical market in Africa is very less developed as compared to the other regions such as North America, Middle-East, Europe, Asia-Pacific, which further makes it a potentially attractive market for new investment opportunities. The African pharmaceutical market is growing rapidly, along with producing many investment and growth opportunities for healthcare companies.
Africa's fast urbanization is further driving the growth for key pharmaceutical companies. With the emergence of metro and tier-1 cities and growing awareness of many health disorders such as diabetes, ADHD, and malaria, there has been a sudden growth in the purchase of terminal disease medications and healthcare costs. Governments are updating their policies to attract foreign investors and leading healthcare companies which is thus leading to an emerging commercial landscape in Africa.
Emerging Shift towards a Western lifestyle in Africa has caused a rapid surge in the non-communicable diseases (NCDs), thus leading for a high demand for chronic prescription drugs. Governments in many African countries are making efforts to enhance their healthcare infrastructures and provide easy access to medicines, which is anticipated to boost the growth of the African pharmaceutical market. Rapid adoption of generic drugs and the growth of e-commerce in the African region are also projected to contribute to the growth of the African pharmaceutical market. 
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Positive Market Dynamics and Upcoming Growth Opportunities for Pharma Companies in the African Pharmaceutical Market
Covid-19 Pandemic has shed light on the vulnerability of the healthcare systems and focused on the importance of regions ensuring a basic level of supply security for medical products. Daily drugs and medicines are not easily available in Africa as it depends on imports mostly, with up to 70% of pharmaceutical products being imported from developed regions.
The pharmaceutical market in Africa is divided into three primary categories: prescription drugs, generics drugs, and over-the-counter drugs. Generics have experienced the highest and quickest growth. Production of generics provides a best chance for the private companies to increase their investments and enrich their overall capabilities.
Global healthcare companies need to partner with local enterprises and governments to enhance their chances of success in the pharmaceutical market. Working together on research, public awareness campaigns and medical device provision can help dominate the African pharmaceutical market in their favor.
Upcoming Market Challenges: African Pharmaceutical Market
Africa's pharmaceutical market suffers from many challenges, which includes small and fragmented markets, weak regulatory frameworks, and inadequate manpower capacity. Poor procurement and supply chain systems, as well as policy incoherencies across trade, market, health, and finance market, and lack of funds for R&D activities also affects the growth of the African pharmaceutical market.
Competitive Landscape Analysis: African Pharmaceutical Market
Some of the established players operating in the African pharmaceutical market are Adcock Ingram, F. Hoffmann-La Roche, Pfizer Inc., Novartis AG, Johnson & Johnson (Janssen Global Services LLC), Sanofi, Bayer, Aspen, Cipla, and Merck and Co. Inc..
The African pharmaceutical market is expected to witness a healthy growth in the coming years due to the rapidly growing African population, growing demand for generic drugs, rising cases of chronic diseases and positive government initiatives to enhance easy access to medicines and efficient growth strategies adopted by the key players operating in the African pharmaceutical market.
Get Detailed Insights on African Pharmaceutical Market with a FREE Sample Report @ https://meditechinsights.com/african-pharmaceutical-market/
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naturalrights-retard · 7 months
U.K. regulators on Thursday approved a therapy that uses CRISPR gene editing technology to treat two blood disorders. U.S. federal regulators are poised to approve that same treatment in December.
The exa-cel therapy, which goes by the brand name Casgevy, is the world’s first CRISPR therapy for humans to be approved for the market.
CRISPR is a gene editing technology that acts as a pair of “genetic scissors,” allowing scientists to edit sections of DNA by “snipping” specific portions of it and replacing them with new segments. First announced in a 2012 paper, CRISPR is celebrated as a cheap and easy way to edit genes.
Its inventors won the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 2020. In recent years, applications in plant manipulation and research on possible use in humans have proliferated as the technology has been promoted as a potential solution to problems running from disease, to food security to climate change.
But that research has been highly controversial, and a long series of papers has been published detailing the unintended effects of CRISPR gene editing, which has been found to produce many types of serious unintended DNA damage.
Casgevy is designed to treat two blood conditions: sickle cell disease and beta thalassemia. Sickle cell disease, also known as sickle cell anemia, most commonly occurs in people of African or Caribbean descent. It can cause debilitating pain.
People with beta thalassemia, which can cause mild or severe anemia, can require regular blood transfusions.
Both genetic conditions are caused by errors in the genes for hemoglobin, a protein that lets red blood cells transport oxygen around the body — and both conditions can be fatal.
The therapy, developed by Vertex Pharmaceuticals and CRISPR Therapeutics, was approved after a sickle cell trial that followed only 29 out of a total of 45 participants for 16 months. Twenty-eight of those followed had no pain after one year, Nature reported.
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koffeetips · 6 months
25 Most Quirky Facts About Coffee That Will Blow Your Mind
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What Are The Quirky Facts About Coffee? Quirky Facts About Coffee: Coffee Drinkers Live Longer Than Non-Coffee Users. Research shows moderate intake (about 3–4 cups per day) may lead a person to a longer life ( Harvard Health Publishing ). Coffee may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and Parkinson's. Two chemicals in coffee, caffeic, and chlorogenic acid, reduce inflammation. They increase the level of antioxidants in the body and decrease oxidative stress within cells. These acids in the coffee can slow down and prevent cell damage by reducing free radical activity. Decaf Does Not Mean Caffeine-Free. An eight-ounce brewed cup of decaf coffee contains two to 12 milligrams of caffeine based on a Mayo Clinic study. A standard cup of coffee has between 95 and 200 milligrams of caffeine, while a can of cola contains between 23 and 35 mg. Decaffeinated coffee comes from a chemical process where the caffeine is taken out of the beans. These coffee manufacturers then sell the caffeine to soda and pharmaceutical companies. Drinking decaf coffee fuels the soda industry.
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Decaf Coffee Is NOT Caffeine Free Coffee Wasn’t Always A Drink, Coffee Was Originally Chewed. Before people learned how to brew coffee, east African tribes mixed coffee berries with animal fat and chewed them as food. They would also ferment the pulp to make a wine-like drink.
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Coffee Was Consumed As Food Originally Drinking Coffee Was Once Punishable By Death! In 1511, Mecca rulers believed coffee stimulated radical thinking and banned the drink. During the same period, some Italian clergymen also tried to outlaw coffee because they believed coffee to be "satanic." Yet, Pope Clement VII loved coffee so much that he lifted the ban and had coffee baptized in 1600. In the 17th-century Ottoman Empire, the government believed that coffee contained mind-altering effects. The emperor outlawed coffee from public consumption believing it to be a type of narcotic. In 1746, Sweden's King Gustav III took things to an extreme when it banned both coffee and coffee paraphernalia, including cups and dishes. The Boston Tea Party Helped Popularize Coffee In America. Around the American Revolutionary War, it became patriotic to drink coffee instead of tea.  Also, the Civil War made coffee more common because it helped to energize tired troops.
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Bostonians Dumping Tea In The Boston Harbor The Word "Coffee" Comes From The Arabic Word For "Wine". The word 'coffee' comes from the Arabic word 'qahwah' which refers to a type of wine. The Ottoman Turks then used the term “kahve”, which was followed by the Dutch word “koffie”, from which the English name was derived in 1582. One Cup Of Black Coffee Only Has One Calorie. Sweeteners, cream, and other mixes to the coffee can load up the total calorie. A Venti White Chocolate Mocha from Starbucks contains 53 grams of sugar and 530 calories, which is almost equal to a McDonald's Big Mac's 590 calories ! Teddy Roosevelt Did Not Coin Maxwell House's Slogan. Some articles report that Teddy Roosevelt, the 26th president, loved coffee very much. In 1907, on a trip to Andrew Jackson's former estate, the president called a cup of Maxwell House coffee "good to the last drop".  This catchphrase is still used today. The truth is that ‘Good to the last drop’ is not presidential, just savvy marketing.
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A Photo Portrait Of Teddy Roosevelt Hawaii Is Not The Only State That Produces Coffee. Hawaii is best known for its world-famous Kona coffee originally grown in the Kona region of the Big Island. With its tropical climate and areas of mountainous terrain,  Puerto Rico offers suitable conditions for coffee growing. Recently, in Southern California, small coffee-growing farms produce experimental coffees which are quite pricey.
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Hawaii Was the First State to Grow Coffee Commercially In The US The Coffee Grounds Can Beautify Your Skin. Coffee grounds can lift off dead skin cells, making skin feel smooth and look fresh. Caffeine is believed to improve blood circulation in the skin. A few cosmetics brands use coffee grounds in their beauty products, though there has not had enough clinical data on its use in topical products.
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Hawaii Was the First State to Grow Coffee Commercially In The US Coffee as Biofuel. Scientists are turning the oil from waste ground coffee into biodiesel. One day coffee may be fueling some lucky ones’ cars, it might be a better alternative to EVs. People get to enjoy the coffee aroma from the car exhaustion mufflers.
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Coffee Biofuel May Be A Reality In the Near Future Cream Keeps Your Coffee Warm Longer. Coffee stays warm 20% longer when adding cream. Simply, because the cream thickens the coffee, and adds viscosity, so coffee evaporates slower, avoiding a lot of heat loss. Beethoven Might Not be A Torture to Baristas. Beethoven was a coffee connoisseur, he, sometimes, could have six cups of coffee a day together with Haidn who was his music teacher. The legend that he would count 60 beans exactly per cup before making his brew is more of a story than there is any real record or evidence .
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The Only Oil Painting Of Beethoven By Joseph Karl Stieler Expensive Coffees From Cat Poop And Elephant Dung. In Indonesia, the local adorable weasel-like critter, the palm civet eats the coffee cherries. A unique fermentation process occurs as the beans (rather seeds, to be precise) travel through the civet’s digestive tract. Some brave coffee farmer collects the beans from the civets’ droppings. This special coffee, after roasting, has a smooth finish and a very distinctive flavor to the final brew. Thus, Kopi luwak is known as "cat poop coffee." With prices ranging from about $100 to $600 a pound. 
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A Lovely Civet Cat Hanging From A Coffee Bush Branch Yet, the priciest coffee in the world is Black Ivory Coffee. It costs about $1000 and up per pound. This coffee is produced from part-digested coffee cherries eaten and defecated by Thai elephants . Oldest Cat Ever Loves Coffee. The "Oldest Cat Ever," a 38-year-old cat named Creme Puff, according to the Guinness World Record, drank coffee every week her whole life . Its owner, Jake Perry also raised another long-life cat, a 34-year-old, named Grandpa Rex Allen. Jack fed the same diet to Grandpa Rex Allen. This might be a coincidence, considering the average cat’s life is about 18 years. How Much Coffee Do Americans Drink A Day? Americans consume about 400-600 million cups of coffee every day, which is about 2 to 3 cups of coffee every American per day. Feel Gloomy? In a study of 263,923 people, the NIH (National Institutes of Health) and the AARP ( American Association of Retired Persons) found coffee may lower people’s risk of depression. Those who drank 4 or more cups of coffee a day were almost 10% less likely to become depressed than those who drank none .
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A French Bulldog Lays Gloomily On A Piece of Dark Rug 100 Cups Of Coffee May Kill A 150-Pound Person. Medical studies estimate that roughly 10 grams or more of caffeine would be a lethal dose for an average 150-pound adult. 10 grams of caffeine equals 100 cups of coffee to be down in a very short period . Bees Love Coffee. Coffee plants have very sweet nectar-like flowers that are pollinated by bees. The flower also contains caffeinated nectar .
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A Bee Is Busily Feeding On The Nectar of A Coffee Bush Flowers You Don't Need To Drink Coffee In The Morning. The human body produces cortisol naturally as soon as one wakes up. Drinking coffee first thing in the morning tricks our body into producing cortisol when it doesn’t need it. It is better to have a cup of coffee after lunch when one’s cortisol level drops and feels less alert and energetic . Coffee Shops Boost Your Creativity. The coffee shop's aroma and the soft background music may help people to think creatively. The coffee smell plus the atmosphere increase a person's openness and encourage a flexible mindset. Read the full article
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MENA Electrodeionization Market: Growth Dynamics and Future Outlook
The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is witnessing a significant transformation in its water treatment and purification landscape, driven by increasing industrialization, urbanization, and the need for sustainable water management solutions. Among the advanced technologies gaining traction is Electrodeionization (EDI), a highly efficient process for producing ultrapure water. EDI combines ion-exchange resins and electricity to remove ionized and ionizable species from water, making it a critical component in various industries, including pharmaceuticals, power generation, and electronics manufacturing.
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Market Overview
The MENA Electrodeionization market is poised for robust growth over the next decade. Factors such as stringent regulatory requirements for water quality, rising demand for high-purity water in industrial applications, and growing environmental concerns are driving the adoption of EDI systems. According to market analysis, the MENA EDI market is expected to exhibit a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of approximately 6-8% during the forecast period.
Key Drivers of Growth
1. Industrialization and Urbanization: Rapid industrial growth in the MENA region, particularly in sectors like pharmaceuticals, electronics, and power generation, necessitates the use of high-purity water. EDI systems are increasingly preferred due to their ability to produce consistent and reliable ultrapure water, essential for these industries' operations.
2. Water Scarcity and Sustainability Concerns: Water scarcity is a critical issue in the MENA region, prompting the need for efficient water treatment and recycling solutions. EDI technology, with its low chemical usage and minimal waste generation, aligns well with sustainability goals, making it an attractive option for both new and existing water treatment facilities.
3. Regulatory Compliance: Stringent water quality regulations enforced by governments across the MENA region are driving the adoption of advanced water purification technologies. EDI systems help industries comply with these regulations by providing high-purity water that meets or exceeds quality standards.
4. Technological Advancements: Continuous advancements in EDI technology, including improvements in membrane materials and system design, are enhancing the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of EDI systems. These advancements are making EDI more accessible and appealing to a broader range of industries.
For a comprehensive analysis of the market drivers https://univdatos.com/report/mena-electrodeionization-market/
Challenges and Opportunities
Despite the positive outlook, the MENA EDI market faces certain challenges. High initial capital costs and the need for technical expertise in installation and maintenance can be barriers to adoption, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises.
However, these challenges also present significant opportunities. The growing focus on research and development is leading to innovations that reduce costs and improve system performance. Additionally, increasing investments in infrastructure projects and the expansion of industrial sectors in the MENA region are creating new avenues for market growth.
Regional Insights
1. Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries: The GCC countries, including Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Qatar, are leading the adoption of EDI technology in the MENA region. Large-scale industrial projects, coupled with initiatives to diversify economies and reduce reliance on oil, are driving the demand for high-purity water solutions. For instance, the burgeoning pharmaceutical and electronics manufacturing sectors in these countries are significant contributors to EDI market growth.
2. North Africa: North African countries such as Egypt, Algeria, and Morocco are also emerging as key markets for EDI systems. The region's industrial growth, particularly in the food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, and power generation sectors, is driving the need for efficient water purification technologies. Moreover, government initiatives aimed at improving water infrastructure and addressing water scarcity issues are further propelling market growth.
For a sample report, visit https://univdatos.com/get-a-free-sample-form-php/?product_id=57485
Future Prospects
The future of the MENA Electrodeionization market looks promising, with sustained growth anticipated over the coming years. The continued emphasis on sustainable water management and the adoption of advanced water purification technologies will drive market expansion. Furthermore, strategic partnerships and collaborations between global EDI system providers and local industries can enhance market penetration and competitiveness.
Investment in training and technical support for the operation and maintenance of EDI systems will be crucial to overcoming barriers and ensuring the long-term success of EDI technology in the region. As awareness of the benefits of EDI continues to grow, its adoption across various industries is expected to increase, contributing to the overall improvement of water quality and sustainability in the MENA region.
The MENA Electrodeionization market is set on a growth trajectory, fueled by the rising demand for high-purity water in industrial applications, regulatory pressures, and the need for sustainable water management solutions. While challenges exist, the opportunities for innovation, market expansion, and enhanced sustainability are substantial. As the MENA region continues to develop, EDI technology will play a vital role in ensuring the availability of high-quality water for various critical applications.
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namansharma0950 · 1 month
South Africa Ammonia Market Size, Share, Analysis, Growth, Key Players, Trend and Forecast to 2035
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The South Africa Ammonia market demand stood at 710 thousand tonnes in 2023 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 3.74% during the forecast period until 2034. 
South Africa stands as a beacon of economic development in Africa, with diverse sectors contributing to its growth. Among these, the chemical industry plays a crucial role, and within it, the ammonia market holds significant promise. Ammonia, a vital component in various industries, including agriculture, pharmaceuticals, and manufacturing, exhibits a burgeoning market in South Africa. This article delves into the nuances of the South African ammonia market, exploring its dynamics and potential.
Growing Demand:
The demand for ammonia in South Africa is propelled by its widespread applications. In agriculture, it serves as a key ingredient in fertilizers, aiding in soil fertility and crop yield enhancement. As agriculture remains a fundamental sector in South Africa's economy, the demand for ammonia continues to rise steadily. Additionally, the chemical industry relies on ammonia for the production of various compounds, further driving its demand.
Industrial Expansion:
The industrial landscape of South Africa is witnessing significant expansion, with sectors like mining, textiles, and food processing driving the demand for ammonia-based products. Moreover, the country's strategic location and well-established infrastructure make it an attractive destination for chemical manufacturers, further fueling the growth of the ammonia market.
Click Full Report Here: https://www.chemanalyst.com/industry-report/south-africa-ammonia-market-4195
Investment Opportunities:
The burgeoning demand for ammonia in South Africa presents lucrative investment opportunities. Both domestic and international investors are increasingly channeling funds into the sector, recognizing its potential for growth. With supportive government policies and initiatives aimed at bolstering industrial development, the investment landscape in the South African ammonia market appears promising.
Technological Advancements:
Advancements in technology are reshaping the ammonia production landscape, offering more efficient and environmentally friendly methods. Innovations such as green ammonia production, which utilizes renewable energy sources, are gaining traction in South Africa. These technological advancements not only enhance production efficiency but also align with the country's sustainable development goals.
Challenges and Opportunities:
Despite its promising outlook, the South African ammonia market faces certain challenges. Fluctuations in global commodity prices, regulatory hurdles, and infrastructure constraints pose significant barriers to growth. However, these challenges also present opportunities for innovation and collaboration within the industry. By addressing these obstacles proactively, stakeholders can unlock the full potential of the ammonia market in South Africa.
Environmental Considerations:
As sustainability takes center stage globally, environmental considerations are becoming increasingly important in the ammonia market. South Africa is actively working towards reducing its carbon footprint and transitioning towards cleaner energy sources. In this context, green ammonia production holds immense potential, offering a sustainable alternative to traditional methods.
The South African ammonia market represents a dynamic landscape brimming with opportunities. With growing demand across various sectors, coupled with technological advancements and supportive policies, the market is poised for substantial growth. By addressing challenges and embracing sustainable practices, stakeholders can capitalize on the potential of the ammonia market, contributing to both economic prosperity and environmental stewardship in South Africa.
Click Full Report Here: https://www.chemanalyst.com/industry-report/south-africa-ammonia-market-4195
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industryforecastnews · 2 months
Cobalt Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report, 2030
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Cobalt Market Growth & Trends
The global cobalt market is expected to reach USD 25.91 billion by 2030, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc., expanding at a CAGR of 6.2% over the forecast period. Increasing demand for electric vehicles (EVs) is expected to propel the demand for cobalt in battery applications over the forecast period. The demand for EVs has been increasing rapidly due to concerns about climate change, rising fuel prices, and government incentives. Cobalt is a key component in the production of lithium-ion batteries used in EVs. Based on products, the cobalt oxide segment is expected to register a CAGR of 6.1%, in terms of revenue, over the forecast period. It is used as a colorant in ceramic and glass production, where it imparts a blue color to the final product.
The growing demand for ceramics and glass in various industries, such as construction and electronics, is driving the demand for cobalt oxide. The superalloy application segment is expected to register high growth over the forecast years. A cobalt-based superalloy is known for its high-temperature stability, which makes it suitable for use in high-temperature applications. Thus, its unique combination of physical and chemical properties makes it an ideal material for high-temperature and high-stress applications in the aerospace, energy, and other industries. Based on region, there lies immense opportunity for the market to flourish in Europe. The growth of renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, is driving the demand for energy storage systems, which is propelling the production of lithium batteries that use cobalt.
Request a free sample copy or view report summary: https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/cobalt-market-report
As Europe aims to transition toward a cleaner energy future, the demand for renewable energy storage systems is increasing, thereby driving market growth. For instance, a comprehensive energy law package passed by the German government in April 2022 aims to increase the amount of renewable energy generated in the country by 22,000 MW from solar and 10,000 MW from wind by 2030. The market participants continue to expand their production capacities to stay ahead of the competition. For instance, in February 2023, Eurasian Resources Group announced an investment of USD 1.8 billion for doubling its output of African copper and cobalt processed at a mine near Lubumbashi, the Democratic Republic of Congo. This indicates a high demand and growing competitive rivalry.
Cobalt Market Report Highlights
The EVs application segment held the largest revenue share of over 35.0% in 2022 due to factors, including environmental concerns, government policies, technological advancements, cost savings, and increasing consumer demand
The industrial chemicals segment is expected to register a CAGR of 5.6%, in terms of revenue, over the forecast period. Cobalt oxide is used as a catalyst in a variety of chemical reactions, including the production of chemicals, fuels, and polymers. The expansion in the chemical industry is expected to drive the segment growth
The cobalt sulfate product segment held the largest revenue share of over 70.0% in 2022, and this trend is expected to continue over the forecast period. The segment growth is attributed to the high product demand from various end-use industries, such as batteries, electroplating, pharmaceuticals, and agriculture
Asia Pacific is expected to register the fastest CAGR of 6.7%, in terms of revenue, over the forecast period. The increasing demand for EVs, renewable energy storage, consumer electronics, and infrastructure development in Asia Pacific is driving the product demand in the regional market
Cobalt Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global cobalt market on the basis of product, application, and region:
Cobalt Product Outlook (Volume, Kilotons; Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Cobalt Sulfate
Cobalt Oxide
Cobalt Metal
Cobalt Application Outlook (Volume, Kilotons; Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Electric Vehicles
Other Batteries
Industrial Metals
Industrial Chemical
Cobalt Regional Outlook (Volume, Kilotons; Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Central & South America
Middle East & Africa
List of Key Players of Cobalt Market
China Molybdenum Co., Ltd.
Eurasian Resources Group
Huayou Cobalt
Norilsk Nickel
Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd.
Browse Full Report: https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/cobalt-market-report
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market-insider · 2 months
Cobalt Market: Understanding the Role in Renewable Energy, Electric Vehicles, and Technological Advancements
The global cobalt market is expected to reach USD 25.91 billion by 2030, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc., expanding at a CAGR of 6.2% over the forecast period. Increasing demand for electric vehicles (EVs) is expected to propel the demand for cobalt in battery applications over the forecast period. The demand for EVs has been increasing rapidly due to concerns about climate change, rising fuel prices, and government incentives. Cobalt is a key component in the production of lithium-ion batteries used in EVs. Based on products, the cobalt oxide segment is expected to register a CAGR of 6.1%, in terms of revenue, over the forecast period. It is used as a colorant in ceramic and glass production, where it imparts a blue color to the final product.
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Cobalt Market Report Highlights
The EVs application segment held the largest revenue share of over 35.0% in 2022 due to factors, including environmental concerns, government policies, technological advancements, cost savings, and increasing consumer demand
The industrial chemicals segment is expected to register a CAGR of 5.6%, in terms of revenue, over the forecast period. Cobalt oxide is used as a catalyst in a variety of chemical reactions, including the production of chemicals, fuels, and polymers. The expansion in the chemical industry is expected to drive the segment growth
The cobalt sulfate product segment held the largest revenue share of over 70.0% in 2022, and this trend is expected to continue over the forecast period. The segment growth is attributed to the high product demand from various end-use industries, such as batteries, electroplating, pharmaceuticals, and agriculture
Asia Pacific is expected to register the fastest CAGR of 6.7%, in terms of revenue, over the forecast period. The increasing demand for EVs, renewable energy storage, consumer electronics, and infrastructure development in Asia Pacific is driving the product demand in the regional market
For More Details or Sample Copy please visit link @: Cobalt Market Report
The growing demand for ceramics and glass in various industries, such as construction and electronics, is driving the demand for cobalt oxide. The superalloy application segment is expected to register high growth over the forecast years. A cobalt-based superalloy is known for its high-temperature stability, which makes it suitable for use in high-temperature applications. Thus, its unique combination of physical and chemical properties makes it an ideal material for high-temperature and high-stress applications in the aerospace, energy, and other industries. Based on region, there lies immense opportunity for the market to flourish in Europe. The growth of renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, is driving the demand for energy storage systems, which is propelling the production of lithium batteries that use cobalt.
As Europe aims to transition toward a cleaner energy future, the demand for renewable energy storage systems is increasing, thereby driving market growth. For instance, a comprehensive energy law package passed by the German government in April 2022 aims to increase the amount of renewable energy generated in the country by 22,000 MW from solar and 10,000 MW from wind by 2030. The market participants continue to expand their production capacities to stay ahead of the competition. For instance, in February 2023, Eurasian Resources Group announced an investment of USD 1.8 billion for doubling its output of African copper and cobalt processed at a mine near Lubumbashi, the Democratic Republic of Congo. This indicates a high demand and growing competitive rivalry.
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Exploring the Halal Landscape: A Comprehensive Guide to Halal Certification in Senegal
HALAL Certification in Senegal is a guarantee that the food is prepared according to Islamic law. Halal certification is applied for food items, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical sectors and attests that a product is manufactured in full compliance with the precepts of Islamic Law. For products to receive this certification, they must use acceptable sources such as a cow or chicken, and other meats according to these laws. If companies are implementing Halal certification in Senegal, they can export their products to Islamic countries. Many institutions are considered that products are Halal or not.
Benefits of Halal certification in Senegal.
Halal implementation in Senegal will give a lot of benefits to your business. Some of the benefits are the following given.
A larger target marketing: The Halal Market is growing day by day globally.  It is expanding not only in terms of the consumers it serves but also in terms of the range and variety of available products and services. The Halal logo on a product indicates that the product has more quality. It will increase the reputation of your firm.
Improved safety standards:  The Halal certification process ensures the Halal compliance of raw ingredients in the processing and production process of final products. Businesses must adhere to strict safety and quality standards to get Halal certified. The Halal Standards indicate that the product has more quality with high standards.
Competitive Marketing Advantages: Many retailers are now looking for Halal-certified products to meet the demand. At the international level, it can enhance the marketability of the products, especially in Senegal and other African countries. Halal implementation in Senegal is an excellent marketing tool for manufacturers, as it can help them secure larger markets Halal food is suitable for those people who want that.
How to do Halal registration in Senegal
To get HALAL Registration in Senegal, business firms must ensure that their products are prepared according to Halal standards, obtain Certification from a recognized certification body registered with the Halal Board, and comply with all relevant laws and regulations related to Halal Certification.
Halal certification requirements are as follows;
Meet and food requirements are prepared as per the Halal standards.
Ingredients traceability and data for source identification.
Raw material/end product test report.
Onsite audit for witness production.
How much Does Halal Certification cost in Senegal
Halal certification cost in Senegal is also very important to note that each company seeking halal certification is very different. Businesses have different levels of complexity and needs that require tailored solutions. The Main factors considered for halal certification are as follows;
 Conducting reviews, auditing, and inspection
Considering the number of products, and range of products.
Number of business locations.
Considering risk factors. etc.
How to get Halal Consultants in Senegal
Are you looking for the best Halal Consultants in Senegal? B2BCERT is the answer to your query. B2BCERT is a reputed agency for Halal certification services worldwide. We provide professional services to our clients worldwide. You can approach our team at any time as Halal Consultants in Senegal for the Halal certification process. We offer world-class services for your business at an affordable cost.
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naturalrights-retard · 10 months
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is secretly pumping most organic produce in America with Bill Gates’ mRNA chemicals, according to a disturbing new report.
The Alliance for Natural Health (ANH-USA) claims the USDA and other organic certifiers are allowing toxic mRNA and genetically engineered (GE) vaccines to infiltrate organic food production.
In 2019 the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB), an advisory committee of the USDA, decided to allow the use of mRNA vaccines produced through “excluded methods” or genetic modification in organic food production.
According to OrganicEye, an industry watchdog, USDA-certified organic producers all across America are using mRNA and GE vaccines in their livestock even though it goes against the principles of organic farming.
Naturalnews.com reports: The watchdog also pointed out that consumers cannot determine whether USDA-certified organic meat, eggs or milk have been produced using GE or GMO-containing vaccines.
“In discussions pursuant to vaccines at previous NOSB meetings, some certifiers, accredited by the USDA… have publicly admitted that they do not even check to determine if vaccines violate the prohibition against genetic engineering.”
This potential fraud and deception in the organic industry indicate that “Big Ag,” or the large agricultural corporations, have been chipping away at the integrity of organic standards – clean and natural food production, free from synthetic inputs and genetic modification.
mRNA veterinary vaccine is really coming if NOSB approves If the NOSB approves the use of GE and GMO vaccines, there could be a possible influx of genetically modified organisms into the organic market, especially now that mRNA veterinary vaccines have arrived.
Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA and DNA vaccines, revealed in January that BioNTech and Bayer have been working on “novel, first-in-class” messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines for animals over the past six years and these products are now ready for public release.
BioNTech-Bayer has been working on three mRNA therapy for animals, including infectious disease vaccines, cancer immunotherapies and protein replacement. Meanwhile, other researchers are also working on mRNA vaccines against porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome, African swine fever, avian influenza and other food-animal diseases.
However, the ANH-USA claims that organic agriculture needs fewer vaccines than large factory farm producers due to regenerative practices and good animal husbandry.
“It is largely factory farm producers that rely on vaccines, which they see as necessary because of the sheer intensity of their animal husbandry techniques. These require that animals are raised in close proximity to thousands of others in limited spaces, while typically being maintained on diets (typically GMO maize, soy) to which they are not adapted evolutionarily.
These conditions greatly weaken the immune systems of the animals and trigger demand for large quantities of veterinary pharmaceuticals, including vaccines: a perfect storm and high-risk environment for disease outbreaks,” the ANH-USA wrote in the article entitled “Genetically Engineered Vaccines in Organic Meat & Dairy.”
The ANH-USA further explained that the use of vaccines, particularly GE and GMO vaccines, could inadvertently undermine the integrity of organic labeling. Factory farms could potentially label their products as organic, despite complying with practices that are different from regenerative methods.
This could harm farmers who are dedicated to sustainable and regenerative practices, as they find themselves competing against products that may not align with their principles.
“If mRNA animal vaccines become the new standard, replacing older vaccines currently in use, then we could see a world in which USDA-certified organic products were widely contaminated by GE or GMO components originating from mRNA vaccines,” ANH-USA stated.
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researchinsighthub · 9 months
Hydralazine Market Size, Business Trends, Regional and Global Analysis, Top Players, Growth Factors by 2032
The latest research report by Emergen Research, named ‘Global Hydralazine Market - Forecast to 2032’, entails a comprehensive review of the global Hydralazine market’s present and future trends The report gathers viable information on the most established industry players, sales and distribution channels, regional spectrum, estimated market share and size, and revenue estimations over the forecast timeframe. The study is inclusive of a profound analysis of this business sphere focuses on the overall remuneration of the market over the projected period. 
Hydralazine is a widely used medication for the treatment of high blood pressure and end-stage heart disease. Hydralazine is used in conditions such as gestational hypertension and hypertensive emergency. The medication is typically administered through an intravenous injection or orally. It has shown high efficiency in people of African descent suffering from heart failure. The medication is on the WHO’s List of Essential Medicine.
Get a sample of the report @ https://www.emergenresearch.com/request-sample/259
The global Hydralazine market report employs an extremely extensive and perceptive process that analyzes statistical data relating to services and products offered in the market. The research study is a pivotal document in understanding the needs and wants of the clients. The report is comprised of significant data about the leading companies and their marketing strategies. The Hydralazine industry is witnessing an expansion and change of dynamics owing to the entry of several new players.
The Emergen Research report takes a closer view of the global market share, estimated growth rate, future market trends, entry-level barriers, fundamental market drivers, restraints, challenges, and opportunities. The report clearly defines the Hydralazine market position on a global level. The detailed insights into the market’s geographical spectrum offered by the report make it an excellent source of knowledge about the Hydralazine industry.
Key Companies Profiled in the Report are
Novartis, Akorn, American Regent, Troikaa Pharmaceuticals, Zafa Pharmaceuticals, SteriMax, X-Gen, Others
Product Type Segmentation & Application Segmentation:
Recovery Centers
Request a discount on the report @ https://www.emergenresearch.com/request-discount/259
The research report offers a comprehensive regional analysis of the market with regards to production and consumption patterns, import/export, market size and share in terms of volume and value, supply and demand dynamics, and presence of prominent players in each market. 
Regional Analysis Covers:
North America (U.S., Canada)
Europe (U.K., Italy, Germany, France, Rest of EU)
Asia Pacific (India, Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, Rest of APAC)
Latin America (Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America)
Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., South Africa, Rest of MEA)
To know more about the report, visit @ https://www.emergenresearch.com/industry-report/hydralazine-market
Furthermore, the report provides the analytical data in an organized format segmented into charts, tables, graphs, figures, and diagrams. This enables readers to understand the market scenario in an easy and beneficial manner. Moreover, the report aims to impart a prospective outlook and draw an informative conclusion to assist the reader in making lucrative business decisions. The report, in conclusion, provides a detailed analysis of the segments expected to dominate the market, the regional bifurcation, the estimated market size and share, and comprehensive SWOT analysis and Porter’s Five Forces Analysis.
Unfolding the prime factors prompting global market growth:
The study offers an in-depth analysis of the product outlook, which depicts the latest production growth trends and profit valuation. It further fragments the global Hydralazine market into a broad product spectrum.
The study covers essential data related to these products’ application landscape, the demand for and market share held by each application type, and their growth rate analysis over the estimated period.
A detailed description of the distribution channels, including distributors, producers, and buyers, is one of the report’s key market highlights.
Request customization of the report @https://www.emergenresearch.com/request-for-customization/259
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About Emergen Research Emergen Research is a market research and consulting company that provides syndicated research reports, customized research reports, and consulting services. Our solutions purely focus on your purpose to locate, target, and analyze consumer behavior shifts across demographics, across industries, and help clients make smarter business decisions. We offer market intelligence studies ensuring relevant and fact-based research across multiple industries, including Healthcare, Touch Points, Chemicals, Types, and Energy
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chemanalystdata · 9 months
Potassium Chloride Prices Trend in the second quarter of 2023 | ChemAnalyst
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For the Quarter Ending June 2023
North America:
Potassium Chloride witnessed a bearish trend throughout the second quarter of 2023 in North America. In Canada, this decline was primarily attributed to weak market sentiments in the international arena, compounded by an abundant supply of potassium chloride. Discounts offered by Russia and Belarus to Asian, African, and South American countries significantly impacted global market prices. This price decrease was partly a response to reduced demand from farmers, who curtailed fertilizer applications due to concerns related to affordability and availability. Cautious buying behavior also prevailed due to sluggish demand from domestic downstream industries. Despite this, there were ample supplies to meet the needs of downstream sectors such as pharmaceuticals, oil, and gas, although demand from downstream fertilizer producers decreased. Canada's Manufacturing PMI dropped to 48.8 in June 2023, marking the third consecutive month of contraction, primarily due to elevated borrowing costs impeding economic activity. This bearish trend extended across the Americas and Europe. In June 2023, prices for Potassium Chloride Fertilizer Grade FOB Vancouver settled at USD 410/MT.
The Potassium Chloride market in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region displayed a mixed trend during the second quarter of 2023. In China, prices experienced a consistent decline throughout the quarter, largely due to weakened demand from downstream fertilizer manufacturing industries. Market participants noted sufficient material availability in the region, accompanied by a slowdown in consumer inquiries. The presence of cheap Russian imports further contributed to moderating Potassium Chloride prices in the Chinese domestic market. In India, prices remained volatile throughout the second quarter, influenced by factors such as reliance on imports and fluctuations in freight charges between Russia and India. Imports into India saw a significant decline of 17.1% in June 2023 compared to the same month in the previous year, reaching 53.10 billion dollars, primarily due to weak domestic demand. Researchers anticipate the possibility of a bullish trend in Q3 as the Rabi season is expected to boost demand for potash fertilizers. Meanwhile, the overall fertilizer industry in China faced a slowdown amidst deteriorating business sentiments and consumer reluctance to make new purchases. Supply chain operations remained smooth, and vendor performance remained stable. In June 2023, prices for Potassium Chloride Fertilizer Grade Ex Qingdao settled at USD 400/MT.
Get Real Time Prices of Potassium Chloride: https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/potassium-chloride-1161
Potassium Chloride experienced a bearish trend across the European market during the second quarter of 2023. In Germany, domestic prices for Potassium Chloride dropped due to sluggish demand from the downstream fertilizer industry. The eurozone found itself in a technical recession as its GDP declined for two consecutive quarters. Russian and Belarusian discounts to Asian, African, and South American countries played a significant role in reducing global market prices, rendering European produce less competitive. In June 2023, Germany's annual inflation rate increased to 6.4%, up from 6.1% in May 2023, primarily driven by higher energy prices. Consequently, amidst high inflation, rising interest rates, and deteriorating business sentiments, overall Potassium Chloride consumption remained subdued. There was an abundant supply of Potassium Chloride in the domestic market, coupled with slower offtakes from the consumer market. In terms of production, feedstock Potassium Carbonate prices continued to decline due to weak demand, with a 2.1% drop in prices observed in Europe during the month. Supply chain operations remained smooth, and no major supply-related issues were reported in the region. In June 2023, prices for Potassium Chloride Fertilizer Grade FOB Antwerp settled at USD 535/MT.
About Us: 
ChemAnalyst is a subsidiary of TechSci Research, which was established in 2008, and has been providing exceptional management consulting to its clients across the globe for over a decade now. For the past four years, ChemAnalyst has been a prominent provider of Chemical commodity prices in more than 15 countries. We are a team of more than 100 Chemical Analysts who are committed to provide in-depth market insights and real-time price movement for 300+ chemical and petrochemical products. ChemAnalyst has reverberated as a preferred pricing supplier among Procurement managers and Strategy professionals worldwide. On our platform, we provide an algorithm-based subscription where users can track and compare years of historical data and prices based on grades and incoterms (CIF, CFR, FOB, & EX-Works) in just one go.
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healthcareanna · 9 months
Epilepsy Market Size, Insights, Application & Growth Drivers
Epilepsy can be classed as a major neurological disorder where the brain activity becomes abnormal and triggers unusual behavior and sensations. The disorder is discernible in young children and young adults and requires proper attention in time before it can impact the body in an adverse way.
The Epilepsy Market Size is expected to reach USD 1.10 Billion by 2032 at 7.2% CAGR during the forecast period 2023-2032. The regional market is showing ample scope where a high prevalence of the disease can inspire growth in diverse regions.
In addition, the global market would benefit from the presence of countries in the African region where various global bodies are trying to launch initiatives to assist local doctors in curbing the diseases. However, poor economies can detract the growth rate.
Competitive Landscape:
MRFR’s analysis of various companies to get close to factors that can decipher the market growth and assist in the implementation of several market strategies. The recording of these moves can inspire a better understanding of the global scenario. Epilepsy Market Players are.
GlaxoSmithKline PLC (U.K.),
LivaNova PLC (U.K.),
Medtronic PLC (Ireland),
Eisai Co. Ltd. (Japan),
Pfizer Inc. (U.S.),
NeuroPace Inc. (U.S.),
UCB SA (Belgium),
Johnson & Johnson Services Inc. (U.S.),
Novartis AG (Switzerland),
GW Pharmaceuticals PLC (U.K.),
Abbott Laboratories (U.S.).
These companies are set on a path to solidify their own market stance and improve scopes for expansion in the coming days.
The report on the epilepsy market encompasses segments like by condition, diagnosis & treatment, and end-use to facilitate an easy understanding of the market and gauge well how the regional market would shape up in the coming years.
By condition, the market report on epilepsy covers epilepsy drug-resistant/intractable epilepsy and others. The former had a market share of 29.5% in 2017. The global market for the segment can provide ample growth opportunities as the requirement for drug-resistant therapies can trigger better growth. The ‘others’ segment has a market growth possibility of 7.83% CAGR during the forecast period.
By diagnosis and treatment, the market report on epilepsy includes diagnosis and treatment. The diagnosis segment can be sub-segmented into blood tests, imaging devices, and others. The treatment segment includes neurostimulation devices, anti-epileptic drugs, ketogenic diet, brain surgery, and others. The treatment segment had 66.2% of the global share in 2017. Cost-efficiency can be taken into consideration to understand market growth possibilities.
By end-users, the epilepsy market can include clinics, hospitals, diagnostic centers, ambulatory surgical centers, and others. The hospital segment had a market share of 29.3% in 2017.
Regional Analysis:
The global market, upon considering from a region-specific angle, can be segmented into North America, Europe, and the Asia Pacific as major contributors. It also covers Latin America and the Middle East & Africa (MEA) as countries displaying moderate growth but with the potential to improve scenario. The Americas has better market coverage and it had almost 41% of the global market share in 2017. Europe is on a track to display 8.31% CAGR during the forecast period. The regional market has potential to explore opportunities regarding research and development, and it is getting backed by the constant influx of investments. Countries like the UK, France, Germany, and others are contributing much to take the regional market ahead in the coming years.
The Asia Pacific (APAC) market is showing opportunities to score well past a valuation mark of USD 2,046.57 million by 2023. Most of the traction to grow forward would come from India, South Korea, and China where a large population is triggering high ingress of treatments needed for that.
About US:
Market Research Future (MRFR) enable customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.
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Market Research Future (part of Wantstats Research and Media Private Limited),
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blueweave · 9 months
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South Africa packaging market size at USD 4.67 billion in 2022. During the forecast period between 2023 and 2029, BlueWeave expects South Africa packaging market size to grow at a significant CAGR of 7.05%  reaching a value of USD 7.03 billion by 2029. Major growth drivers for the South Africa packaging market include population growth and rapid urbanization, changing consumer lifestyles, and increasing industrial activities. The surge in household disposable income is driving demand for convenient food items, propelling the fresh food packaging market. According to the South African Reserve Bank, the country's households had an average disposable income of ZAR 50,000 (USD 2,756.22) in 2021, up from ZAR 47,830 (USD 2,636) in 2020. Also, urbanization and mobility trends are pushing the use of small packs and multipacks, creating opportunities for brand switching among manufacturers and saving shelf space for traders. Increased urbanization and health awareness have also boosted the consumption of food, beverages, and alcohol, leading to varying packaging trends, including the use of glass containers and bottles. As of May 2022, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for food and non-alcoholic beverages in South Africa is at 105.5 points, up 7.4 points from the previous year. However, changing consumer preferences and market trends is anticipated to restrain the overall market growth during the period in analysis.
South Africa Packaging Market – Overview
South Africa packaging market refers to the industry that involves the design, manufacturing, and distribution of various types of packaging materials and solutions within the geographic region of South Africa. It encompasses a wide range of packaging options, including but not limited to flexible packaging, rigid packaging, paper and board packaging, metal packaging, glass packaging, and plastic packaging. The packaging industry in South Africa plays a vital role in supporting various sectors, such as food and beverages, pharmaceuticals, personal care products, industrial goods, and more. It serves to protect, preserve, and present products for distribution, sale, and consumption, while also meeting safety, quality, and regulatory standards. The market is influenced by factors such as population growth, urbanization, consumer preferences, industry trends, technological advancements, sustainability concerns, and economic conditions. As the demand for packaged goods continues to evolve, the South Africa packaging market adapts to meet the changing needs and preferences of businesses and consumers.
Sample Request @ https://www.blueweaveconsulting.com/report/south-africa-packaging-market/report-sample
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koshambh · 1 year
logistic service provider
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mysticalfungalaxy · 1 year
Malaria Treatment Market to nearly reach US$ 3 Billion by 2033; expected to surge at a 5% CAGR | FMI Report
In 2023, the Malaria Treatment Market is projected to be valued at US$ 1.80 billion, up from US$ 1.72 Billion in the fiscal year 2022. The market is anticipated to increase at a 5% CAGR from 2023 to 2033, reaching US$ 2.93 billion by the end of that year.
According to the Globe Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), more than 210 million people were affected by malaria in the world in 2019. Malaria is a contagious, sometimes lethal disease. It is caused by Plasmodium, a little parasite that mosquitoes transmit to humans. Malaria may be caused by four different plasmodium species; however, plasmodium falciparum is the one that most often results in fatal cases.
To learn more about this report @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/malaria-treatment-market
Due to increased funding from regional governments, the global market for anti-malaria drugs is likewise growing rapidly. This money ought to make it feasible for research companies like Medicines for Malaria Venture to keep looking at potential lead chemicals that might combat malaria. For instance, in November 2017, the US Agency for International Development (USAID) gave US$ 9 million to Medicines for Malaria Venture to be used for three projects: a pharmacovigilance study of Pyramax (pyronaridine-artesunate), a SERC Phase III research to establish a single-exposure revolutionary cure, and a study to evaluate the efficacy of DSM265, a prospective single-exposure radical cure. These improvements are anticipated to drive the global market for malaria therapy.
Region-wise, the MEA will grow with the fastest CAGR during the forecast period. The Middle East and Africa have held the lion's share of the market share and are expected to continue doing so in the future due to the fast rising incidence of malaria in the region. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) report 2021, 241 million cases of malaria were anticipated worldwide in 2020, with 228 million of those cases happening in the WHO African Region. As a result, one of the largest segments of the market for anti-malarial medications is expected to come from the Middle East and Africa. Such developments will bolster the growth from 2023-2033.
Key Takeaways from the Market Study
The global malaria treatment market is currently worth more than US$ 1.72 Billion.
The oral segment by route of administration is going to occupy a 49% global market share in 2023.
The hospital pharmacies segment by distribution channel type will be the fastest growing segment during the forecast period with a 5.4% CAGR.
The North American region is predicted to grow with a steady CAGR of 4.6% during 2023-2033.
The MEA malaria treatment market is expected to grow with a steady CAGR of 5.5% during 2023-2033.
“Some of the factors driving the market for malaria therapy include the incidence of malarial infection, government initiatives and awareness-raising campaigns, the availability of anti-malarial drugs, and rising healthcare expenditures.” comments a Future Market Insights analyst.
Competitive Landscape
Zydus Healthcare Ltd., Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., Sanofi SA, GSK Plc, Novartis AG, Cipla Ltd, Viatris Inc., Lupin Ltd, Advacare Pharma USA Llc, and VLP Therapeutics LLC are a few of the well-known companies in the worldwide market for treating malaria.
The Gates Foundation-funded Gavi immunization programme introduced the GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Mosquirix vaccine in three African countries—Kenya, Ghana, and Malawi—in July 2022. The first antimalarial vaccine ever created is allegedly this one. In countries with moderate to high P. falciparum malaria transmission rates, this is an essential initial step in the malaria vaccine deployment.
In March 2022, Tafenoquine, a brand-new drug that cures a particular strain of malaria, received a license in Australia from Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV), which also co-developed the drug with GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) for use in children and teenagers. The drug is coupled with chloroquine, a popular anti-malarial drug.
Key Segments Covered in the Malaria Treatment Market Report
Malaria Treatment Market by Treatment:
Prescription Medications
Diagnostic Tests
Malaria Treatment Market by Drug Type:
Malaria Treatment Market by Route of Administration:
Oral and Parenteral
Malaria Treatment Market by Distribution Channel:
Direct Tender
Hospital Pharmacies
Retail Pharmacies
Online Pharmacies
Malaria Treatment Market by End User:
Specialty Clinics
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Anti-Viral Drugs Market: Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends And Forecast 2023 to 2032
The global anti-viral drugs market is expected to be valued at US$ 59,596.8 Million in 2022. The induction of the generic version of antiviral medicines and rising awareness about the availability of various vaccines for viral infections is affecting the growth throughout the forecast period. The overall demand for Anti-Viral Drugs is projected to grow at a CAGR of 3.9% between 2022 and 2032, totaling around US$ 87,675.36 Million by 2032.
Anti-viral drugs are medicines which are used specially for treating viral infections. Most anti-viral drugs are used for particular viral infections, similar to antibiotics, while a broad-spectrum anti-viral drug is effective against a varied range of viruses. Antiviral drugs do not kill their target pathogen, instead they inhibit the development of those viruses.
The global anti-viral drugs market is projected to register a moderate growth rate in the pharmaceutical market and which is anticipated to increase due to rise in awareness level, increase in the diseased population and introduction of new drugs with improved efficacy.
Some major patents are reaching their expiry during forecast period, such as for Combivir, Sustiva, Tenofovir, Tamiflu, Relenza and Telbivudine. The patent expiries of these blockbuster drugs is expected to trigger generic competition in the antivirals therapeutics market, which will make the market more competitive.
The late stage pipeline drugs are expected to enter the market, which will positively impact the market. Most antivirals are considered comparatively harmless to host, and therefore are used to treat infections. They are different from viricides, which are not used for medication but can destroy or deactivate virus particles, either outside or inside the body.
The anti-viral drugs are used in the treatment of patients suffering from herpes viruses, HIV, influenza A and B viruses and the hepatitis B and C viruses.
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Anti-viral Drugs Market: Drivers and Restraints
As of October 2013, according to WHO, there were around 35.3 Mn people globally, infected with HIV. Therefore, increased viral infection incidences is one of the important factors that drives the anti-viral drugs market growth. Because of the solid R&D activities, newer and advanced treatments and formulations, such as vaccines, combination therapy and others, are being introduced in the market.
Hence, strong R&D is one of the crucial factors in the anti-viral drugs market growth. On the other hand, high risk of failure, high cost of R&D and therapy, and government austerity are some of threats expected to hinder the growth of market.
These are some factors anticipated to fuel growth of global anti-viral drugs market within the forecast period of 2016-2026. However, increasing usage of natural products and high cost of developing drugs are the key challenges faced by the market.
Anti-viral Drugs Market: Overview
The generic market of anti-viral drugs is presently dominated by products such as didanosine, zidovudine, lamivudine and stavudine. The biggest driver of overall anti-viral drugs market is Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) therapeutic sales which accounted for more than half the share of the market 2010.
At the end of 2012, 9.7 million people in low-income and middle-income countries were on antiretroviral treatment (ART). According to WHO, in 2012, number of patients on ART increased by 1.6 Mn, the largest increase in one year.
Nearly four out of five people were freshly put on treatment in the sub-Saharan Africa. In 21 African countries with a high burden of HIV, two out of three people in need are receiving treatment, and two out of three positive pregnant women are receiving antiretroviral drugs to prevent HIV transmission to their infants.
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Anti-viral Drugs Market: Regional Overview
Region wise, the global anti-viral drugs market is classified into regions namely, North America, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Latin America, Japan, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa. According to WHO, in countries with Major ART scale-up such as Brazil or China, the death rate among people living with HIV has decreased by 80%. In 2015, in India the number of people living with HIV were 2.1 Mn and in U.S. the number was around 1.2 Mn in the year 2013.
Anti-viral Drugs Market: Key Players
Some of the key players in global anti-viral drugs market, which are focusing on general molecular mechanisms of antiviral drugs rather than therapies for individual viruses, include Roche, Gilead, GlaxoSmithKline, Bristol-Myers-Squibb, Abbott, AstraZeneca, Cipla, Schering-Plough, Johnson & Johnson, Merck & Co and others.
Key Segments Covered in the Anti-Viral Drugs Industry Analysis
Anti-Viral Drugs Market by Product type:
Hepatitis-C antivirals
HIV antivirals
Herpes antivirals
Hepatitis-B antivirals
Influenza antivirals
Others (Pneumonia, Flu, etc.)
Anti-Viral Drugs Market by End-user:
Ambulatory Surgical Centers
Anti-Viral Drugs Market by Region:
North America Anti-Viral Drugs Market
Latin America Anti-Viral Drugs Market
Europe Anti-Viral Drugs Market
Asia Pacific Anti-Viral Drugs Market
The Middle East & Africa Anti-Viral Drugs Market
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