#Aftermath msc 10320
teekapoaold · 4 years
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                                            **Case file [10320] **                                          Day 11, time stamp 19:48.
It’s been raining a lot these days, and subject seems to have taken shelter under their tree, and started up an shelter project. The specimens seem to have found their way to 103′s fenced area, which could course some issues. 103 seem to lack some human contact, and have starting to talk with the surrounding area. We are unsure of this point, if subject will finish the mission. The faster they find the doctor, the better. 
                                      Mission; Find the doctor ?                                       [lllllllllllllll     ]  loading 48%
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teekapoaold · 4 years
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teekapoaold · 4 years
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//Dear whatever is out there? Are you okay?  I keep hearing noises in the distant, sometimes it’s close by and i get a little scared. But i hope you’re okay.. I found a friend! A little beetle as i can feel, i named them Herman. Just because you know i can. I’m not sure how i got here or why, but I got told to find someone, but whom i don’t know.. A doctor though. A doctor, maybe alive.. maybe not? But i hope i can find them// 
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teekapoaold · 4 years
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teekapoaold · 4 years
Did anyone say Aftermath on a deserted island??       No!? Oh well.. 
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Case file [10320] 
Name; Ran vangr // name code 103
Age: 23
Traits: Artistic / Handy / Hates the outdoors / Disciplined / Excitable
Location; An deserted island
Other; Born blind, have heighten senses and can Martial arts.
Mission; Find the mad doctor ↓
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Okay so i really wanted to play a aftermath challenge,but also really wanted to play a midnight sun challenge. And this idea went to my head. Have spent the little time i had to combine & find rules. It’s kinda a requirement challenge too (you need to find and collect things, while also expand skills) 
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teekapoaold · 4 years
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//Hello you, i finally found enough resources to make a little four wall shed, so i’m not getting soaked in my sleep again.-That’s a pain.The land seem so big, i don’t know if i ever will find this doctor. But somehow i kinda feel something pull be towards somewhere..And somehow i know i should check. I’m still scared, i do not feel closer to figure out what’s really going on. But the voices told me to find the doctor, so the doctor i must find //
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teekapoaold · 4 years
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//.. Time here, seems so long. I’m not sure how i can describe it.. But it’s like everything doesn't implies to time? It’s still, but yet not. It’s quiet, yet you can hear animals? growling, and other natural sounds. Yet nothing at all. Time and sounds blending to one.. I don’t know..//
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teekapoaold · 4 years
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                                             **Case file [10320] **                                           Day 8, time stamp 06:12.
Week 2 is starting, subject is still alive. Going further then past tries. 
Currently states are; 
Athletic - Lvl. 4
Handy - Lvl. 1
Invention - Lvl. 3
Garden - Lvl. 2
Fishing - Lvl. 2
Subject has started to go further in land to explore more. They also have started to further proofing their safe area, improving the living space for better living. 
                                       Mission; Find the doctor ?                                         [lllllllllll     ]  loading 28%
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teekapoaold · 4 years
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// I found a new friend in the rain, a bird. I don’t know what type a bird though.. I named it Regn. There isn’t all that much more. I have decided to get closer to the place that calls me. I don’t know if i’m ready for what’s there.. But i know i should at least try. Wish me luck?//
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teekapoaold · 4 years
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                                          ψ W̸̜̥͖̔ȟ̸͇͈͑̎̂̽h̶̠̑͐͊͆͌ͅa̷͔̲͉̐͗͑̽̉t̷̢̡̨̠̟̊̾̈̓̓ ̷̼͋w̵̻̩̃͂̿͝h̸̲̄̌ǎ̴͙̻̼̄̚͘t̵̡̿ ̵̟͚̣̓͋́̋ḭ̴̛̦̰͈͉̋̽s̸̞͔̼͒ ̸̲͆͐͂̒ŏ̷̠̭̰u̷̟͈̪̞̽͆͗ṫ̶̙̠̖̆ ̶̻͐̍́͊t̵̬͓̤̰͜͝ḩ̶̨̻͕̺͌̎̓̐ȩ̵̜͉̾r̴̢͌́̍̀͘e̷̠̜̹̱̝̓?̸̢̬̙̚ ψ
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teekapoaold · 4 years
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                                              **Case file [10320] **                                                                                    Day 3, time stamp 07:26
Subject 103 seem to have settle in. They have had some try errors on the bar, but is overall fit. Subject have been told that at certain times they should’t be out of the fence. As subject is blind, the time was not clarified as ‘day & night’ but 103 seem to have find the right times to be in and out of their fenced area. Subject need to find food and other life resources, to be able to survive. 
                                        Mission; Find the doctor ?                                           [lll            ]  loading 0%
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teekapoaold · 4 years
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// Dear.. you?, I couldn't go to the beach today, i kept hearing the noises i got warned about. I’m not feeling very clean, and really wanted to feel the water again. But i guess i need to find another way to get clean. Maybe there is some water running in the ground? do you know about that?.. Anyway so spent the day inside the fence.. I spent the time being handy and just you know try find out how i can find this doctor//
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teekapoaold · 4 years
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                                              **Case file [10320] **                                                                                      Day 7, time stamp 17:43
All seems good, subject is still alive and seem to be able to figure out the place a bit more.103 have also been trained their athletic skill more, and seem to be faster on their feet. They have found the beach close by, where they keep themselves clean, and are starting to fish with a self made fishing rod. Subject has also found food and seeds around the area. It seems like some days they need to be more careful being out their fenced area, as days with more clouds seem to be more dangerous.  
                                        Mission; Find the doctor ?                                            [llll            ]  loading 5%
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