#Aggregate bins
bitch-butter · 3 years
more modern!au webgott. still deciding if i want to do anything with this, in the meantime she lives here~
Read More for meet-cute in the back of an Uber
He had known the woman across the hall from him with every sense except sight.
Could hear the sound of her heels clattering off to work in the morning as he fixed himself food before passing out, had even glanced at her back as she left the mailroom, the sheet of blonde hair that swept over her shoulder. She’d been dating a guy with light feet, who drove a car with a Texas license plate he always stared at when he smoked out by the dumpster. The car had disappeared in June, and shortly afterwards he’d heard the moving trucks outside, the sound of somebody's life being hefted out the door over a whole day.
The trucks had appeared again in August, but he’d pulled the pillow over his head and missed the majority of the move-in.
In September they raised the rent. By October he was already working longer hours to make up for it, lingering longer near the airport, taking every scheduled ride, spending every spare moment asking to pick up Fridays and Saturdays at the bar.
He’s fucking exhausted when the air turns cold. In the scant hours between working and sleeping he thinks of escaping, of all the places he could move to get away from Philadelphia. He thinks about Montana, Washington, New York, Canada, Sweden, France, and most especially the roads. Roads and roads and roads to get lost in, to get turned around and inside out on.
But it had taken a lot to get him out of California. A lot to take this apartment and make it into something like a home, to take the aggregate of these days and call them a life.
Might not be a good one, but it is his at the end of the day.
Even so, the hours were wearing on him.
It was nearly 2:45a.m. by the time he was trolling through downtown and the request chimed in, startling him out of his fugue. Blinking rapidly, he had half a mind to reject it and just cut it all short and head to bed, but his eyes caught on the destination.
His apartment building.
Joe accepts the trip before thinking about it, curiosity getting the better of him as he began winding his way back towards the Canopy hotel. One of the unseen neighbors. It’s a small world, after all.
He’s gathered people from this hotel before, typically bound for the airport, and the sight of its well lit doorway, the patterned stones of the sidewalk before it, the richly detailed façade and canopy always made him crave steak. Steak, stiff sheets, and even stiffer booze. Fine things. Things he has neither the time nor the inclination for, in spite of the empty comforts they promised him in the dark after hours of shuffling strangers from one building to the next.
In spite of this stranger.
He stood just outside of the circle of light cast from the hotel, the rosy glow of its many lights barely catching onto the angles of his curls, the lines of his neck above the collar of his coat, and the shapes that made his face in the semi-dark. He waved one hand out to Joe as he crawled to a stop, stepping towards him with heavy movements as he pocketed his phone and pulled the door open.
“David?” Joe prompts, turning to look over his shoulder as the guy slid deftly into the backseat.
“That’s me,” the guy confirmed gently, buckling his seatbelt as Joe pulled out from his spot and made for the familiar route towards home.
“Anything you want to listen to?” he asks, eyes glancing up into the rearview mirror to catch another glimpse of the shadowed man, David, and what pleasing shadows they were. In the neon lights passing beyond the car window he spotted his jaw, his mouth, then back to the road, then back to the mirror and his cheek, then back to the road.
He was...a type. A type Joe hadn’t felt a pull towards in a minute, but…
In the mirror he could see the heavy bobbing of David’s throat, before he gave his head a small shake.
“No,” he said simply.
Shrugging with just his face, Joe took the hint gracefully. Not a talker, he thought as he reached for the volume and turned the radio back up. The late night station was playing the sort of heroin music he had liked to listen to deep, deep in the night as a teenager, the CD’s he had gathered up from ‘Used’ bins, half-priced sections. The comforting sound of Lou Reed flooding out from the stereo brought a wry grin to his face.
The last time he heard “Satellite of Love” they had all been singing it in unison on mushrooms back in California.
Long time ago.
Still, the song made him feel abruptly young.
They ride in silence, Lou cushioning the oftentimes uncomfortable stillness as best he could, until Joe happens to glance up back into the rearview and catch sight of tears. David, his unseen neighbor, or so he presumed, stared listlessly out the window of the car as it glided through the barren streets, streetlamps catching onto the empty canvas of his window and lighting up his face just long enough to illuminate the absent pain of his face. He looked back a few more times to be certain his tired eyes weren’t playing tricks on him, but found the same: darkness, light, tears, darkness, light, tears.
Joe paused, mouth opening but remaining voiceless. He’s had people cry in here before, of course he has, but this particular incident is catching him off guard. Maybe because this guy lives in his building, maybe because Joe likes the look of him, maybe because he makes no motions, makes no sound, as he cries. It could be any of these things in isolation, and in combination it turns his head into mince meat.
He’s too nice for his own fucking good sometimes, swear to Christ.
“Are you ok?” he ventured quietly, half afraid his voice would get lost under the still hum of the music, of Lou Reed’s snapping backup vocals.
David’s eyes shot to him in the mirror, and Joe glanced back to the road quick as lightning. Blue, blue, blue, his veins throbbed, stunned and intently, irrevocably, interested.
In the backseat he heard the sound of a somewhat shaky inhale, before a hard exhale. “I just had a hard night.”
“You want to talk about it?” Joe pressed, glancing back to get another eyeful of blue, this time drawn sideways to watch the lights go past.
David paused, an almost audible swallow moving through his throat. “I came out here for...someone,” he said softly, voice raw. “And it’s just not going very well.”
Someone. Damn it.
Joe tamped down his disappointment and looked back to the empty road before them. “Something you two can work out?”
He could see the impression of movement out of the corner of his eye, a shake of the head. “He isn’t who I thought he was.”
He, Joe noted, and looked back towards the mirror. “Nobody ever is,” he said easily, fighting between bitterness and comfort.
David coughed out a choked ghost of a laugh, wiping at his face. “That’s not what I want to hear right now.”
Joe smirked into the mirror, wondering how much of his own face the other man could see in the dark. “Not being paid to tell you what you want to hear,” he said back lightly, happy at least that the heaviness of his passenger's mood had lifted somewhat. “Just get you home.”
“Home,” David repeated darkly, rolling his eyes with a weary humor. “I don’t have a home, not anymore.”
A familiar enough sentiment. So much so that Joe found himself nodding towards the road. “That’s what I thought when I first came out here.”
“You’re not from here?”
“Where are you from?” David asked, and the curiosity in his voice caught hold of his eyes again, and he found himself looking back into the mirror where he was being watched.
“California,” he answered, trying to sound cagey as he quickly moved on. “Where are you from?”
David blinked into the mirror, before looking back towards the darkened window. “New York.”
“Why’d you come out here?”
“I’m supposed to be writing,” the other man sighed, shaking his head once more, an aggrieved turn to his mouth as he looked back to the mirror for one moment and then back to the passing lights the next. “I’m supposed to be engaged, I guess.”
Well, that’s the clincher. Joe fought not to scowl, before reprimanding himself for getting his hopes up in the first place. Nobody fucks their Uber driver, especially not guys that get picked up at the Canopy, and especially not guys that look like that. It's just been too long since he last had anybody, he’s letting his dick get the best of him.
That’s what he tells himself.
“But it’s not going very well,” he noted, trying to sound as terribly wheedling as he felt.
David’s mouth scrunched up, an oddly sardonic expression. “It’s funny what a new city will do to you, huh?”
Joe cleared his throat, attempting to straddle the line between professional and familiar enough to comfort. “Listen, I might not be an expert or anything, but it will get better,” he assured, half grimacing at the saccharine nature of the words. “It does get better.”
The other man scoffed. “That’s just for gay kids.”
A laugh startled out of his mouth, and Joe couldn’t even pretend to hold it back. “Well, it works for people a long way from home, too,” he insisted, meeting David’s eyes in the mirror once more to take in the softly humored expression held inside it. “Trust me. Hated it here the first year I lived here. But you just gotta sit in it for a minute.”
Another sigh. “I’m trying.”
Joe felt a strange warmth towards the man in his backseat, towards his slumped shoulders, his drawn face, the electricity of his eyes. “If you still hate it here in a year I’ll give you a lift to the airport myself,” he promised, imbuing his voice with as much of that sentiment as he could as he rounded the corner onto their block.
David looked back at him, an open intensity in the turn of his mouth, the icy calculation of his eyes. “I’ll make sure to add you as Favorite Driver, then,” he said easily, and Joe could swear he heard some of that particular interest he had felt himself dripping from the other man’s words.
“Customer is always right,” he responded weakly, pulling up alongside the stone building, its three levels of dark windows and the brightly lit gape of its front door.
David nodded, almost to himself, before making a vague gesture with his hand. “There’s a lot in the back, there.”
“I got it,” Joe assured, pulling off the street to round into the back. He’d do best to keep their shared residence to himself. After all, this guy is not only likely engaged but probably wouldn’t appreciate being hit on by his Uber driver only to find out they live in the same building after having to shoot Joe down. Can of worms.
Doesn’t mean he’s happy about it. He really does need to fucking get out more.
David unbuckled himself as Joe stopped in front of the back door, the door made of old iron that screeched and creaked with regularity, needing an extra shove just to close completely sometimes. “Well, thank you very much.”
Joe nodded, looking over his shoulder like the needy motherfucker he was. “I hope -” he started, putting a pause on the other man’s movements just long enough for them to look into each other’s faces for the first time. Shadows cut over David’s face, obscuring his lips, the side of his face, and leaving only a single eye, still red at the rims, staring back at him in curiosity. Joe fought not to gnaw against his lip, acknowledging dully that he’s already made this odd enough. “Well, good luck.”
David blinked at him, head moving in a dismissive nod and letting the light catch onto the paleness of his skin, illuminating the little smile that moved over his lips. “Thank you,” he responded, meeting Joe's eyes with some manner of gratitude. “Thank you for…”
As the other man trailed off, Joe let the temporary insanity move through his head like a stiff breeze. “Give it a chance. And break up.”
Laughing bemusedly, David looked at him almost stunned but at least appearing amused as he continued looking deeper and deeper into the shadows of Joe's face. “I can’t decide if you’re trying to get a good tip or not,” he said, teasing and searching at once.
“I can’t give away all my secrets, this was only a $12 ride,” Joe quipped back, chest going warm with the way David laughed at him again. At least he wasn’t offended. Or so he appeared.
“Well, I’ll take it into consideration,” he said decidedly, and the soft interest of his eyes was back again, but Joe must be imagining it. He’s imagining things, he’s tired. “Thank you again.”
“Take care,” he said quietly, exhausted by his own moods as David opened the door and stepped out into the lot.
David lingered at the door for a moment, hand pressed against it as he looked back towards Joe in the warm light of the apartment building behind him. His mouth opened, before almost grimacing closed as he gave his head a small shake. Sighing, he met Joe's eyes again just long enough to nod at him with a gentle smile.
“Drive safe, Joe,” he said, and shut the door.
Joe watched him go, making sure he got in and that the fucking screeching door shut behind him alright.
Maybe he’ll see him around. Who knows? It’s all wishful thinking. He’s only met one of his neighbors in the entire time he’s lived here, there’s no way that he’s ever seeing that guy again.
Joe doesn’t get that lucky. He hasn’t gotten lucky in a long, long time, in more ways than one.
He sighed.
Nothing a few more hours out on the road can’t cure. After all, bars are going to start closing fast, he can at least make some money while he daydreams about fucking his neighbor.
He swipes into the app, completing the trip and finding it in his heart to rate David a clean Five Stars for being hot and emotionally distressed enough for Joe to want to escort him upstairs and soothe him with his dick. Maybe he should start letting himself go on apps again if he’s going to start being this fucking annoying to himself.
By the time he’s back downtown waiting for a flurry of drunk passengers, his phone is chiming at him happily.
You received a tip!
Joe almost grains as he taps in, steeling himself for the unhappy acknowledgement that he was probably really going to be paying for that crack about breaking up with his fiancé. Literally paying.
But the feeling leaves him at the sight of it.
Custom Amount: $100.
He grins down at his phone like a psychopath, rubbing across his face at the absent realization he was flushing up, and nodded into the acceptance. At least now if they run into each other in the hall it won’t be awkward.
Joe has thanked you for your tip
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disposalqueen · 2 years
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rametarin · 3 years
We deal with this, “fiction is reality” shit EVERY. GENERATION.
And I mean it comes back among authoritarians playing to sheep EVERY fucking generation on different pretenses.
It always boils down to a bunch of people that are insecure about the effects of culture and media on other people, and as a flimsy pretense/pretext to restrict access to things to other people “in society” for their own safety and sense of security.
And when it comes to, “obscene literature” or illustrations, the source is always jealousy, insecurity and an attempt to reduce other people down to a demographic statistic. Whether it’s reducing black people to a caricature and acting like hip-hop just turns the kids into violent, drug abusing, psychotic felons, or imagining pornography is what turns people into horny fucking do-nothings, it’s always about control.
And we’ve put it off for so long. We’ve put off the conversation about just what demographic these people play to in order to get traction and followers and staying power and warm bodies for their movements. They’re the demographic that makes antis- work, the demographic that screams for censorship because illustrations “hurt them personally,” or “cause men to hurt them.”
I’m talking about women. Particularly, cis women, as trans women are not in numbers enough to affect anything, and it is EXPLICITLY IMPORTANT that the source of the offense and complaint come from the population that are the gateway through which the next generation is born and brought up.
Individual men may be so clueless as to assume the way degeneration works is a person is left improperly or negligently nurtured, and so just make bad decisions because, “they were never taught better.” They embrace the idea that people only do bad shit because, “the society,” isn’t paying attention, or that individual people are just blank slates beholden to the righteousness and morality of the cultural hivemind of said society. That Society is an objective effect, and if bad people exist, it’s proof to them that there’s something wrong with said society.
But individual men know that the bad actions of other men are not caused solely by “male culture,” or the absence of it, or shitty “role models.” They see the shitty natural inborn attitudes of other men, and despite being raised in shitty conditions, naturally develop a good head on their shoulders, and despise actions like that. As men you can’t HELP but grow up watching boys around you make shitty decisions based on shitty impulse control and, no matter how often they’re punished, how much they’re loved, how much they’re compassionately talked to, STILL act the fool and wind up as terrible, stealing, violent adults. As men you can’t do anything BUT reconcile that some people are just fucking shitheads, and the idea as a man YOU should be punished or treated like the “association” of men itself is at fault, smacks of sexism. The same sort of sexism women’s lib supposedly is against- at least, when it happens to women.
Women, however, are not men, are not privy to the thoughts and feelings of men. Men are abstracts to these women, many of whom are so solipsistic or gynocentrist that they just see men as a class of monsters in a videogame. Just a pattern of individuals that surely must all get their code and culture from “society.” Clearly, when there’s bad men about, it’s proof this “society” isn’t doing everything it can to mollify and gentrify those horrible beastly men to make them safe and not dangerous and productive.
These women that see men like living aggregates for society, imagine that in order to “keep men working properly,” they need to not have “bad moral influences,” treating pornography and access to drugs and literature like a cleaning lady treats dirt on linen. They imagine that the only reason rape or murder or theft by men occurs is because “there’s a problem with men, thinking that is okay.” Like the only reason your average man isn’t running around violently raping people or killing them is because they sang enough hymns at church- by force. Or because they were prevented from, “getting deranged by wrongthink.”
So with this in mind, how do they imagine porn affects men, male minds, and this big abstract-turned-monolithic-concept called, “society?”
Well, they imagine fiction is reality. That if “people of lesser intellect” read a thing, then they’ll inherently believe it, because, “it presents itself as factual and reality.” When.. no. That’s not how it works. They believe, absolutely, that without some mechanism there to go, “BUT WE’RE JUST PRETENDING THO, IT’S NOT REAL!” that will inherently make people, whom all have tenuous and toddler-like grasps of reality and object permanence, think a thing in fiction is real and applies to reality.
And naturally, they see men as people of lesser intellect. So they reason, those dangerous statistical anomalies are just men that haven’t been browbeaten, and whom are subject to any given negative influence or writing or opinion or culture that preaches values and ideas incongruent with their preferences, as women. Therefore, they conclude, fiction that does not preach their “good values” is in fact advocating bad ones, bad habits, bad moral character, bad mental health- call it whatever you want based on your generation. It’s ALL THE SAME SHIT. All the same knee-jerk moralism based on justifying societal and institutional use of force to restrict and arbitrate and judiciously enforce and justify dictating censorship and good-think. It’s just a question of where that basis comes from.
And theres’ ultimately no reasoning with that culture of women when they grasp hold of a thing that appeals to them, flatters and justifies their prejudices and biases. You can sit there colorfully or dryly explaining the ways in which this shitty point of view is wrong, much as you can try to walk back a persons beliefs in their homophobia that they base on religious purism or use the purism to validate their homophobia, but you cannot just get them individually to give up those nice, comfortable beliefs.
And when grouped together for mutual support and validation, it becomes this negative-thought, field of fucking SHEEP braying “Nuuuh-uuuh!” and arguing for restriction of content and sanitation and disbarrment from certain subject matter to be in consumable porn or literature or even just art. The only thing keeping them in check being the consequences for vandalism, and the ability for a community or institution to police out the bias usurpers that would seek to enter their foundations and run them on behalf of the values of these easily upset, insecure sheep.
every FUCKING generation, it manifests in some manner. Be they from church ladies, to radical feminists, to intersectional feminists. If you capture the imaginations, insecurities, jealousies, foster and sanction them, interpret them, get young women believing them, participating in the romance that tells them the way to change the bad things or take the edge off the bad men is to foster and enable authoritarianism (be it regional social, regional institutional, or federal institutional) then you have this neverending avalanche of unending support for it. Be it from dictators, or just from pure ideology from a doctrine. They’ll do it. And stubbornly and obstinately believe in whatever compliments their biases, to the contradiction of everything.
And while you can remove a man and his influences on the next gen from the home, from the social radius of the next generation to be a significant source of culture and how they relate to young people, removing women from the equation, from whom the next generation comes from, is virtually impossible. So a male zealot, already susceptible to scrutiny and punishment for being so wild and zealous with their beliefs, can be retaliated against, muted, beaten and removed from relevance until they censor themselves or change their tune.
But you cannot do that to a female human, or women/mothers as a sex, without both women AND men taking it as an attack on humanity at their most prime and kernel. It has to be done with disproportionate authoritarian state power that does not fear mass dissent and violent retaliation, or it isn’t done at all.
So these zealous Karens that embrace wholly these ideas enabling authoritarianism under a banner they approve of, are allowed to propagate unchallenged, and even if challenged, cannot be subdued or subverted. Their own little cliques and echo chambers and lack of desire to even consider their positions are wrong. Any attempt to point the fingers at this very real, disproportionate and characteristic, objective power female humans have just on the basis of their sex and how that relates among them socially, can and will be trash binned arbitrarily as, “sexism.” Despite the fact, it’s absolutely true.
So long as women that believe “society” is an objective, monolithic thing from which, “that other sex” and other women get their marching orders on how to BE what they are, and don’t see them as billions of individuals with their own ambitions, instincts, inborn personality and character flaws, independent of “society’s failures,” believing those people can be saved or corrected IF ONLY WE CENSOR EVERYTHING or make all media “good thing,” we’re just going to have people with illiberal beliefs asserting their dominance and insisting it’s for the soul of the species, society and the planet.
I mean yeah there are male antis and shit, but honestly. Tell me honestly. How many fucking deranged fandom people that are doing shit like mailing cookies with sewing needles backed into them are male gendered or male sexed, either? As uncomfortable as it may be to acknowledge or consider this might have a sexual grounding, I’m sorry. Not acknowledging it is simply rejecting reality.
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How To Locate Premium Quality Continuous Asphalt Plants Available For Sale At Low Prices
The acquisition of any asphalt plant may be needed anytime soon for your company to keep competitive. The present model that you are currently using could possibly be outdated, preventing from undertaking additional projects. These are typically very elaborate systems, ones that can take base components and combine everything together into everything we call asphalt. Particularly, you will have to find a high quality continuous asphalt plant if you wish to compete with neighboring firms that are also competing for jobs in your area. To achieve this, and also receive the lowest possible price, follow these simple suggestions.
How Can Continuous Asphalt Plants Work?
At the basic level, different components are combined together in order to produce asphalt which we use on roadways. Bitumen represents the primary component which, when melted down, gets to be a very sticky hot substance that may be poured on the ground. Together with the bitumen will be aggregate material and other substances that will help bring about its overall consistency and viability. In addition there are many parts of these asphalt plants that need to be considered just before obtaining one for your personal business. When examining every one of these, and the components which make them up, you may be astounded at how many there actually are. However, minus the different components, it might not easy to make the asphalt that can be essential for all kinds of road construction project.
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Different Parts Of Modern Asphalt Plants
These elaborate plants are representative of numerous different components. This may range from the drum dryer, aggregate supply system, a filler supply system, and a coal burner too. In addition to this, the drum dryer will work in tandem with all the weighing in mixing system. There also need to be an asphalt storage bin, a bitumen supply system, and in vibrating screen as well. When all of this is connected together within the proper order, it can automatically produce asphalt for the company.
Where Are You Able To Find One Of These Brilliant Businesses?
To find the lowest prices from companies that produce these asphalt plants, a small amount of research is going to be needed. Contacting these companies directly is actually the simplest way to get direct details about the various asphalt plants that they can currently are marketing. This provides you with the ability to get prices on their different plants which are currently on the market. Within days, decision to get one of these construction machinery will be simple to do making use of the information they are going to provide.
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Having an asphalt production plant is pretty straightforward. Although elaborate, they are equipped for one simple purpose. It will be the amalgamation of several components, including a substantial amount of bitumen, that will make the asphalt that will be needed. If you do the research properly, you will find a top quality continuous asphalt plant that is currently priced in a affordable range. If spending less is very important to you, as well as receiving the best asphalt plant in the market, simply follow these tips for finding the optimum one.
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Latepost has learned from several independent sources that Didi has started the project, led by Yang Jun, vice president of Didi and general manager of Xiaoju.He is also the chief product officer of D1, a customised ride-hailing service launched jointly by Didi and BYD, and the team has already started poaching people from car factories.However, Latepost has not yet learned the specific form and path of Didi's car construction.
Zhu Jiang, former vice president of user development at Nio, is likely to join Didi, a person familiar with the matter said.Zhu Jiang has many years of experience in automobile industry, and has worked in BMW Brilliance, Lexus, NIO, Ford China and other companies.
In addition to the new developments, Latepost has learned from inside Didi that its self-driving subsidiary plans to try new paths beyond its own research and start a new self-driving truck business.
Didi declined to comment.
Didi has several car-building projects in the works
In November 2019, Didi and BYD set up a joint venture, Beautiful Chuxing (Hangzhou) Automotive Technology Co., with BYD holding 65% and Didi 35%, and BYD as the controlling shareholder.The two subsequently launched a customized ride-hailing service, D1, in November 2020. At that time, Didi was also directly involved in the cooperation with Xiaoju.Didi's car service business started in 2016 and became Xiaoju's car service independently in 2019. At present, it includes Xiaoju youche (car rental platform), car maintenance, second-hand car, charging and refueling.Didi wants to focus on renting from the front end to the back end, with services such as maintenance, insurance and energy.
In June 2020, Didi Autopilot, a subsidiary of Didi, announced a partnership with BAIC, in which the two sides will jointly develop high-level self-driving customized models for RoboTaxi (self-driving taxi) operations.
And this time Didi started to build a car, is likely to be along the D1, the further exploration of customized online car hailing.
Analysts in the industry say Didi's new car plan will be different from the car-company-dominated approach it took when it launched the D1.This time Didi will be more capital-intensive and more engaged.This echoes Didi's message when it launched D1, which stressed that it was the "first" custom ride-hailing service.
According to the plan previously mentioned by Cheng Wei, founder and CEO of Didi at the D1 launch, Didi's customized ride-hailing service will continue to iterate, and by 2025, the customized version of D3 will be popular on Didi's platform, with more than 1 million units. By 2030, the D series aims to eliminate the cockpit and achieve full driverless driving.
On the other hand, although Didi has made more efforts to build cars, according to industry analysts, it is not possible for Didi to set up a wholly-owned subsidiary to build cars like Xiaomi, because its capital may not be able to keep up with it, and its model may be lighter than Xiaomi's.
One investor believes that it is a more economical choice for Didi not to build cars by itself. At present, the production capacity of car companies is too large, and Didi, as a big customer, can completely eat a part of the upstream profits.But building your own can tell a better capital story and keep drivers further on the platform.
Didi has partnered with third-party car rental companies in many places, allowing drivers without cars to hire cars to join Didi's platform to pick up customers.But aggregated car-hailing platforms such as AutoNavi, Meituan and Hello are also courting local car rental companies to compete with Didi.By providing its own operating vehicles, Didi could reduce its reliance on third-party rental companies and reduce the cost of securing drivers.
Whether it was D1 last year or the new plan now, there is a clear logic behind Didi's entry into the custom ride-hailing service.Currently, the cost of the online car hailing market based on fuel models is too high, which directly leads to the limited scale of the online car hailing market and low profit.
Customizing ride-hailing is one way for Didi to reduce costs and improve operational efficiency.In 2018, Didi and Ideal had previously planned to cooperate in this area and set up a related subsidiary, JudianChuxing, in which Didi held a 51% stake and Ideal 49%.
However, Latepost previously reported that Didi's cooperation with Ideal has been terminated and that Judian plans to become an independent OEM-travel company with new strategic shareholders.
Since then, Didi has established joint ventures with BAIC, BYD and Volkswagen.But Didi's tie-up with Volkswagen and BAIC has yet to materially develop.
Li Xiang, founder of Ideal Auto, said at the time that the future evolution of the mobility market will be in line with the logistics industry standard, which means the lower the cost the better and the more efficient the better.The partnership between Ideal and Didi is aimed at further reducing costs on the premise of safety.According to Li Xiang's calculation, the cost of the new car may be 10~15% more expensive than that of the ordinary fuel-powered car, but the battery life will double, and the amortized cost per kilometer will drop 0.5~0.6 yuan, or nearly 20%, compared with that of the fuel-powered car.
What's more, customized online car hailing can also improve user experience and produce cars that are more suitable for driverless driving, making preparations for the landing of driverless driving in the future.
As a result, custom ride-hailing could also become a connection point between Didi's ride-hailing platform service and its Robotaxi business, which its self-driving subsidiary is building up.
Didi's self-driving business may also be changing
In addition, a person close to drops autopilot told the late LatePost drops autopilot company is currently in the research of automatic driving route, is also considering to try the second route, the route may be combined with vehicle road new "Robotaxi ping's", namely the side access Robotaxi enterprises with operational vehicles, access to the passengers.
But given that Didi itself is doing Robotaxi, if it takes this route, the short-term drag will be persuading other Robotaxi companies to work with Didi.Currently, Chinese companies such as Baidu, Xiaoma Zhixing and Wenyuan Zhixing all have their own taxi-hailing apps, while AutoX can use AutoNavi to take taxis. The biggest challenge for the autonomous driving industry is technology and product maturity rather than competing for passengers.
Meanwhile, Didi Autopilot has also started experimenting with a self-driving truck project, which is being led by Didi Autopilot CTO Wei Junqing, confirmed by Late Latepost.
On Friday (April 2), two days after the official announcement, the Huaxia Alumni Association, attended by many entrepreneurs and investors, was held at the Xiaomi campus. A photo of Lei Jun with Wang Chuanfu, Li Bin, Li Xiang and He Xiaopeng was widely circulated.
Cheng Wei, the CEO of Didi, was also at the table with Li Xiang and Li Bin, but in the group photo, Li Xiang were on stage and Cheng Wei and Yang Jun were in the audience.
Mr Cheng has previously said Didi does not build cars and is not seeking to become the biggest car operator in the future.Didi's core competence is to serve its users and car owners well, and to keep investing and making breakthroughs in big data and technology.
Mr Cheng may have to eat his words. He and Didi will also be in the car building business.But from the business logic, it is good news.
Didi has more on its plate than just building cars.Didi plans to go public this year. In order to achieve better market valuation, Didi has carried out more diversified business expansion, including "Orange Heart Preferred", which is now a key business community group purchase.Community group-buying is also a capital-heavy track, and brings together the giants with the strongest financial strength at present -- Meituan, Pinduoduo, Ali and Jingdong all regard it as an important direction.
Bloomberg had previously reported that Didi had plans to inject about $3 billion into its preferred unit.Didi is also working with financial advisers to raise about $1bn from outside investors.
More deeply involved in and led the launch of customized online car hailing, into the self-driving truck, into the community group buying market, Didi will be listed this year, the new moves continue.Didi, which has always been considered by the market to be relatively cautious in making decisions, showed a sharper ambition on the eve of its listing.
Risk note: the author's or guest's opinions above all have their own specific positions. Investment decisions should be made on the basis of independent thinking.Futu will do its best but cannot guarantee the accuracy and reliability of the above information and will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by any inaccuracy or omission.
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justforbooks · 4 years
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Here’s how coronavirus spreads on a plane—and the safest place to sit
Global travel opens new roads for outbreaks, like coronavirus and the flu—but which is more dangerous, and how can you stay safe?
WHEN AN OUTBREAK strikes, it is natural to become leery of hopping on an airplane. It is even more alarming when two serious viruses are circulating at once.
The world is gripped by a new coronavirus that started in China and has since moved into more than two dozen other countries, including the United States. Meanwhile, it is also flu season, which so far has caused 10,000 deaths in the U.S.
Major airports have begun screening passengers for the coronavirus, and more than three dozen airlines—including Delta, American and United—have cut their flights to mainland China. But those measures may not provide much solace to anyone who has to board a flight. After all, you can avoid the person who is sneezing in line at Cinnabon, but you’re more or less left to fate once you’ve strapped on that seatbelt inside a flying metal canister.
While there is still much to learn about the Wuhan outbreak, scientists do know a bit about similar coronaviruses and other respiratory illnesses like influenza. So how do those viruses spread—and specifically on airplanes? And how serious is the coronavirus threat compared to the likes of influenza? Let’s take a look.
How do respiratory illnesses spread in general?
If you’ve ever sneezed into your arm or steered clear of an office colleague with a hacking cough, you already know the basics of how respiratory illnesses spread.
When an infected person coughs or sneezes, they shed droplets of saliva, mucus, or other bodily fluids. If any of those droplets fall on you—or if you touch them and then, say, touch your face—you can become infected as well.
These droplets are not affected by air flowing through a space, but instead fall fairly close to where they originate. According to Emily Landon, medical director of antimicrobial stewardship and infection control at the University of Chicago Medicine, the hospital’s guidelines for influenza define exposure as being within six feet of an infected person for 10 minutes or longer.
“Time and distance matters,” Landon says.
Respiratory illnesses can also be spread through the surfaces upon which the droplets land—like airplane seats and tray tables. How long those droplets last depends both on the droplet and the surface—mucus or saliva, porous or non-porous, for example. Viruses can vary dramatically in how long they last on surfaces, from hours to months.
There’s also evidence that respiratory viruses can be transmitted through the air in tiny, dry particles known as aerosols. But, according to Arnold Monto, professor of epidemiology and global public health at the University of Michigan, it’s not the major mechanism of transmission. “To be sustained, to allow true aerosols, the virus has to be able to survive in that environment for the amount of time it’s exposed to drying,” he says. Viruses would rather be moist, and many fade from being infectious if left dry for too long.
What does that mean for airplanes?
The World Health Organization defines contact with an infected person as being seated within two rows of one another.
But people don’t just sit during flights, particularly ones lasting longer than a few hours. They visit the bathroom, stretch their legs, and grab items from the overhead bins. In fact, during the 2003 coronavirus outbreak of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), a passenger aboard a flight from Hong Kong to Beijing infected people well outside the WHO’s two-row boundary. The New England Journal of Medicine noted that the WHO criteria “would have missed 45 percent of the patients with SARS.”
Inspired in part by that case, a team of public health researchers set out to study how random movements about the airplane cabin might change passengers’ probability of infection.
The “FlyHealthy Research Team” observed the behaviors of passengers and crew on 10 transcontinental U.S. flights of about three and a half to five hours. Led by Emory University's Vicki Stover Hertzberg and Howard Weiss, they not only looked at how people moved about the cabin, but also at how that affected the number and duration of their contacts with others. The team wanted to estimate how many close encounters might allow for transmission during transcontinental flights.
“Suppose you’re seated in an aisle seat or a middle seat and I walk by to go to the lavatory,” says Weiss, professor of biology and mathematics at Penn State University. “We’re going to be in close contact, meaning we’ll be within a meter. So if I’m infected, I could transmit to you...Ours was the first study to quantify this.”
As the study revealed in 2018, most passengers left their seat at some point—generally to use the restroom or check the overhead bins—during these medium-haul flights. Overall, 38 percent of passengers left their seats once and 24 percent more than once. Another 38 percent of people stayed in their seats throughout the entire flight.
This activity helps pinpoint the safest places to sit. The passengers who were least likely to get up were in window seats: only 43 percent moved around as opposed to 80 percent of people seated on the aisle.
Accordingly, window seat passengers had far fewer close encounters than people in other seats, averaging 12 contacts compared to the 58 and 64 respective contacts for passengers in middle and aisle seats.
Choosing a window seat and staying put clearly lowers your likelihood of coming into contact with an infectious disease. But, as you can see in the accompanying graphic, the team’s model shows that passengers in middle and aisle seats—even those that are within the WHO’s two-seat range—have a fairly low probability of getting infected.
Weiss says that’s because most contact people have on airplanes is relatively short.
“If you’re seated in an aisle seat, certainly there will be quite a few people moving past you, but they’ll be moving quickly,” Weiss says. “In aggregate, what we show is there’s quite a low probability of transmission to any particular passenger.”
The story changes if the ill person is a crew member. Because flight attendants spend much more time walking down the aisle and interacting with passengers, they are more likely to have additional—and longer—close encounters. As the study stated, a sick crew member has a probability of infecting 4.6 passengers, “thus, it is imperative that flight attendants not fly when they are ill.”
What does it mean for the new coronavirus?
As Weiss points out, we don’t know yet the preferred way that the new coronavirus transmits. It could be primarily through respiratory droplets, physical contact with saliva or diarrhea followed by oral consumption of viral material, or perhaps even aerosols.
He notes that this model doesn’t include the transmission of aerosols, though the FlyHealthy team hopes to research this topic in the future. In the study, the researchers also warn that this model cannot be directly extrapolated for long-haul flights or airplanes with more than one aisle.
Landon agrees that we don’t yet know how the coronavirus transmits, but believes the results of this study are applicable. All previous coronaviruses have transmitted through droplets, she notes, so it would be unusual if this new pathogen was different. And indeed, the new coronavirus is behaving much like SARS in many respects. Both are zoonotic, meaning they started in animals before jumping to humans, and both appear to have started in bats. The pair also transmit from human to human and have a long incubation period—up to 14 days for the Wuhan coronavirus, compared to about two for influenza—which means that people might be sick and transmitting the disease before symptoms show up.
With all that in mind, Landon suggests following the CDC guidance for infectious diseases when you’re on an airplane.
That includes washing your hands with regular soap or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer after touching any surface—especially since there’s evidence that coronaviruses last longer on surfaces than other illnesses, around three to 12 hours.
You should also avoid touching your face and contact with coughing passengers by whatever means possible.
What’s worse, the coronavirus or influenza?
There are many ways to estimate the risk posed by a disease, but let’s focus on two numbers often used by public health researchers: the reproduction number and the case-fatality ratio.
The reproduction number—R0 or “r naught”—simply refers to the number of additional people that an infected person typically makes sick. Maia Majumder, a faculty member at Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, has been tracking exactly that.
Her preliminary results indicate a transmissibility rate for the new coronavirus ranging from 2.0 to 3.1 people. That’s higher than influenza—1.3 to 1.8—but similar to SARS, which has a basic reproduction number in the 2 to 4 range. So, coronaviruses are slightly more prone to spreading between people.
The case-fatality ratio—or death-to-case ratio—is the number of people killed by disease divided by the number of people who catch it. Seasonal influenza, despite being considered a global scourge, technically kills a relatively small proportion of its cases, with a case-fatality ratio around 0.1 percent. The reason the flu is an annual public health emergency is because it infects boatloads of people—35.5 million in the U.S. across 2018 and 2019, which led to 490,000 hospitalizations and 34,200 deaths. That’s why health officials perpetually recommend that people receive a flu shot.
The case-fatality ratio also helps explain why public health agencies send up alerts over emerging outbreaks of coronaviruses. SARS had a case-fatality rate of 10 percent, about 100 times higher than influenza, and the rate for the new coronavirus is currently near 3 percent, which is on par with the 1918 Spanish influenza pandemic.
If SARS or the Wuhan coronavirus ever reached millions of people, it could be devastating. Unlike with influenza, Landon says, the entire human population is susceptible to this coronavirus because no one has ever had it before—and there is no specific treatment like a vaccine. Health officials and the public are dependent on infection control, such as washing hands, reducing contact with afflicted individuals and quarantines. Monto suggests that these public health measures could make a difference in turning the tide against this coronavirus as they did with SARS.
“That’s the hope here, that it can be controlled by standard public health measures—because that’s what we’ve got,” he says. “With flu we have vaccines, a couple antivirals. We don’t have those for this coronavirus.” Note: This story originally published on January 28, 2020. It has been updated to reflect the latest statistics and news on airline cancellations.
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3 Reasons Your Decorative Concrete Is Broken (And How To Fix It)
Unrestricted design probable for what ever ambiance you want from dazzling and energetic to stylish marble or faux stone and wood designs.
Some styles can be found in many layouts as indicated by mat coloration. Floppy mats are created in the same designs as our texture mats, but are thinner for adaptability in restricted areas.
An short article within the time mentions The truth that it took so lengthy mainly because they experienced to help make the concrete blocks on internet site, and wait for them to cure. The Rectory upcoming door is usually manufactured from decorative concrete blocks. We have a handful of properties inside our downtown place also manufactured completely of decorative concrete blocks.
Whether or not you may have a single or several industrial organization places and regardless of what is your company of enterprise, your local Concrete Craft craftsman can Consider your flooring desires and assist you to make your best option of stained, stamped, or resurfaced concrete to enhance your facilities.
There are plenty of re-coloring selections which might entirely restore and rejuvenate the color and presentation of light stamped concrete. Concrete dyes[edit]
The perform is completed in various levels by passing over the concrete with successive grit diamond pads till it's a tough-glassy finish. Both equally acid stains and concrete dyes can be utilized through the polishing course of action. Engraving[edit]
This consists of caps, stamped blocks, and in many cases parking bumpers. We've decorative possibilities in addition that can help raise the aesthetics of a company. We can even personalize a block specifically to match any shade or style.
The transformation of concrete into decorative concrete is accomplished from the usage of a variety of products that may be utilized throughout the pouring process or once the concrete is cured, these elements and/or programs involve but usually are not limited to stamped concrete, acid staining, decorative overlays, polished concrete, concrete countertops, vertical overlays and even more.
Concrete blocks can play a vital part in different functions. Regular concrete blocks are valuable for creating obstacles to assist in traffic Management or storage bins to store salt, landscaping components, aggregates, or other bulk supplies.
Welcome attendees with realistic faux stone finishes or elaborate stained concrete layouts. Concrete Craft will help you up grade your image with customized decorative concrete types that will definitely get you found!
Implement in 4’ x 4’ sections. Begin with the roller in the center from the part and roll outwards in random directions. Keep away from regular styles and knock down tough edges utilizing the roller.
Stamped concrete could possibly be applied on driveways, patios, professional streets and parking a lot as well as interior flooring.
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Stacked two’x2’x6′ decorative blocks Not simply do decorative concrete blocks present the same basic safety in controlling visitors as a standard concrete block, but their decorative style also adds a worthwhile aesthetic profit.
The Retro glimpse of your display screen block, often called breeze block, is building a tremendous comeback in latest masonry style. The Empress Screen Blocks Heart diamond and curved corner layout continues to be one of the most well-liked display screen block layouts for decades.
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scntlss · 3 years
11 Ways to Completely Ruin Your Stamped Concrete
This includes caps, stamped blocks, as well as parking bumpers. We've got decorative solutions at the same time to help boost the aesthetics of a company. We may even personalize a block especially to match any color or layout.
Block partitions can be used on both household and commercial Qualities, making them exceptionally adaptable. Decorative concrete blocks may also produce a really timeless glimpse, making them an awesome option for any property.
On account of inconsistencies while in the area volume of concrete floor, acid staining produces a variegated or mottled overall look that is unique to each slab. The colour penetration ranges from one/sixteen to one/32 of the inch. More mature exterior concrete surfaces might not coloration and also inside surfaces because the surroundings has leached or percolated out the mineral written content. Too, any exposed mixture (rocks) in worn concrete won't take staining.
Skim Coats and Micro Toppings — a thinly applied product positioned atop present concrete is often layered in many lifts to make dimensional results. Finishes could be broomed, troweled, or textured. These cement-centered toppings give wonderful toughness with a particular glance.
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From Enterprise: ExperSeal is a neighborhood, household-owned organization that's been providing decorative concrete surfaces for more than 10 several years. We satisfaction ourselves in remaining the ideal during the…
The get the job done is achieved in numerous stages by passing about the concrete with successive grit diamond pads until finally it's a tough-glassy finish. Equally acid stains and concrete dyes may be used during the sharpening system. Engraving[edit]
Exclusive to Ozinga are corner blocks. The benefit of making use of these provides a locking toughness to façades, bin wing walls and retaining techniques through a T-lock layout. Ozinga maintains numerous concrete block shapes and sizes which offer far more overall flexibility in design and style, style of get the job done, or software.
Coloured concrete is usually obtained from a lot of Prepared blend concrete organizations and plenty of have shade charts out there. Acid staining[edit]
From residence foundations through to polished concrete flooring, driveways and decorative features, our workforce can perform everything! Hardwood flooring and concrete are a wonderful choice and you’ll under no circumstances go Erroneous with it! Decorative polyurea polyaspartic and household epoxy flooring not only.
Stamped Overlay — a decorative poured-in-location topping comprised of coloured or uncolored cementitious large effectiveness content is put on major of existing concrete, then textured and stamped. Lots of the identical methods made use of with regular stamped concrete can be employed when stamping an overlay.
Our household is block on the main floor and siding on the next story. Some settling has occurred and a few blocks must get replaced. We've been thrilled you shared this with us. And among the businesses you proposed is just 45 minutes away! Thanks once again!
Decorative concrete blocks had been the rage in household making from about 1890’s towards the 1930’s. These decorative concrete blocks arrived within an assortment of models and sizes.
Concrete blocks can Engage in an important job in various functions. Conventional concrete blocks are useful for making boundaries to help in visitors Handle or storage bins to retailer salt, landscaping supplies, aggregates, or other bulk products.
Optimal Radiant Heating — whether or not within a slab-on-ground or cement-based topping, decorative concrete is ideal for use with radiant floor heating because of its exceptional thermal mass Attributes.
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poeticanus · 3 years
How to Explain Stamped Concrete to Your Grandparents
the perforated facade of 'household within a grove' is built by STO.M.P to combat solar radiation and facilitate cross air flow.
Then add the rest of the h2o and sand and mix to the workable consistency. Once the proper regularity has become arrived at, the batch must then be combined for a further full 5 minutes.
The Retro glimpse in the screen block, often called breeze block, is earning a large comeback in current masonry layout. The Empress Display Blocks Centre diamond and curved corner style has been certainly one of the most well-liked screen block designs for many years.
Polymer cement overlays, consisting of the proprietary combination of Portland cements, numerous aggregates and polymer resins, had been introduced about 20 years back. The purpose of adding a polymer resin into the cement and mixture should be to drastically improve the general performance qualities and versatility of traditional cements, mortars and concrete resources.
Other firms can use these solutions to generate bins for their own individual goods, for instance salt, sand, or various other merchandise and components. When developed accurately, product bins won't only continue to keep components independent from contamination with other goods and The weather.
In case of eye Make contact with, flush immediately with a good amount of h2o for a minimum of quarter-hour and get health care notice; for pores and skin, clean carefully with cleaning soap and drinking water. If swallowed, get healthcare notice right away.
Release agents are accustomed to support release the stamps from the concrete with no sticking. Launch agents are available both a liquid or powder sort and can be found in a wide range of colours. Epoxy coating[edit]
Coloured concrete can be attained from a lot of All set blend concrete organizations and lots of have coloration charts obtainable. Acid staining[edit]
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Pigment color is additional specifically into your concrete mixer, without any added water. Using an extra concrete bonding agent is recommended but optional. Controls in a position site should be in position in order that color is additional in the right pounds ratio, mixed adequately, that components aren't contaminated and stay reliable.
Stenciled Concrete and Overlays — through the utilization of paper stencils, that is a technique of making a specific sample on current or freshly positioned concrete, replicating brick, cobblestone, and other shapes.
The installation is made up of urgent molds into your concrete while the concrete remains to be in its plastic condition.
Associates are qualified professionals effective at serving to you end up picking the proper ground process in your concrete. For appropriately sealed residential flooring, a simple cleaning schedule of sweeping and moist.
Visualize in mid-Wintertime the municipality you control operates away from road salt and you also are with the mercy of supplier inventory amounts and peak year sector prices. For Julius Hansen, director of public operates for your Village of Glen Ellyn, working away from salt is just not an alternative.
The transformation of concrete into decorative concrete is realized through the utilization of a variety of materials Which might be used during the pouring procedure or after the concrete is cured, these resources and/or programs involve but will not be restricted to stamped concrete, acid staining, decorative overlays, polished concrete, concrete countertops, vertical overlays plus more.
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nguyentat-thanh · 3 years
The Urban Dictionary of Stamped Concrete
Not able to get ordered blocks? Working with our huge community of hauling capabilities, we could arrange to deliver them directly to you or any web-site.
Stamped concrete is usually a desirable finish to concrete locations, however with time and don the colour dyes fade along with the surface seems patchy and unpresentable.
With enhancements in stamping tools and coloring solutions, it’s nearly impossible to distinguish in between natural elements and decorative concrete.
Normal concrete blocks are beneficial for creating obstacles to aid in targeted traffic Regulate or storage bins to retail outlet salt, landscaping components, aggregates, or other bulk products. Bigger blocks could also give additional levels of protection. Decorative concrete blocks can aesthetically increase an operation.
Given that they appear in a number of sizes and models, they supply a cost-effective and rapidly way to develop the safety, Handle, or storage you may need.
Stamped concrete could be utilized on driveways, patios, commercial roads and parking a lot and perhaps interior flooring.
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Decorative flooring is a huge financial investment, so the quality of the supplies you are specifying plus the standing of your contractor are essential things to consider. In accordance with the Tile Roofing Institute, there are several factors to recall When selecting an installation contractor:
Chances are high that you've got come to our website as you require to find a concrete contractor in your local area. Perfectly, you have come to the ideal place.
Decorative concrete blocks ended up the rage in dwelling constructing from about 1890’s for the 1930’s. These decorative concrete blocks arrived in an assortment of styles and measurements.
Concrete blocks can Enjoy an important function in several operations. Conventional concrete blocks are practical for building barriers to help in visitors Management or storage bins to retail outlet salt, landscaping elements, aggregates, or other bulk supplies.
This information requirements additional citations for verification. Remember to support enhance this article by including citations to dependable sources. Unsourced product may be challenged and eliminated.
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Liverpool vs Barcelona, UCL Semi-Final, 7th May 2019
Pic 1: Divock Origi reacts first when Marc-André ter Stegen parries a shot from Jordan Henderson directly into the Belgian’s path. The crucial early goal to help propel Liverpool into a potential comeback?
Pic 2 and 3: Georginio ‘Gini’ Wijnaldum shoots a first timer straight at ter Stegen... who inexplicably allows the ball to travel through his body and send Anfield into raptures. Wijnaldum is stamping out the attempting time wasting by the crimson faced goalie.
Pic 4: Minutes later, Wijnaldum scores a majestic header into the top left bins, nothing ter Stegen can do except watch and concede. It’s now 3-3 on aggregate. As it stands, no further goals would see extra time being played out but Barcelona clutching an ‘away’ goal would see Liverpool needing to come up with two additional goals to cancel it out. The comeback was in progress, but not complete.
Pics 5 - 7: One of the most iconic English goals ever scored. A crestfallen and downtrodden Barcelona are caught with their hands in their pockets and their thoughts adrift. Trent Alexander-Arnold whips in an unmarked corner, Divock Origi is the first (and only) man to respond and - in what was, despite the ‘open’ net, still not the easiest finish for someone who isn’t an elite striker - shot the half-volley into the roof of the net, with Barcelona now well and truly mentally extinguished. There was still fifteen minutes to play and a Barcelona ‘away’ goal still would put them through to the final... but they were done. Look up any highlights package, there’s nothing of threat from Barcelona until James Milner sits on the ball as the final whistle reverberates around the *screaming* Anfield.
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disposalqueen · 3 years
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newsflurrysworld · 3 years
Last Halloween, two land engineers, a workmanship seller and a renowned craftsman arranged a distribution center gathering in New York. The setting: Mott Haven, a Bronx neighborhood where a large portion of the populace resides underneath the destitution line. The subject: "The Bronx Is Burning," a reference to the 1970s, the most obscure period in the ward's set of experiences, when whole city impedes in a real sense torched on account of government disregard and surrender.
The one percenters of New York design and craftsmanship took selfies with neediness themed style: vehicles loaded with slug openings and trash bin fires. Naomi Campbell was there. So were Kendall Jenner and Adrien Brody. The music was given by Brooklyn techno saint Frankie Bones, known for his Storm Rave parties during the '90s, and Kool Herc, the Jamaican-conceived, Bronx-reproduced DJ who pretty much imagined hip-bounce.
"We're creating around 2,000 condos along the waterfront in the South Bronx," said Keith Rubenstein, head of Somerset Partners, the land venture firm that supported the occasion. He addressed a columnist from Women's Wear Daily while models blended around him. "Around evening time is an astonishing chance to acquaint a totally different world with the South Bronx, and praise its legacy."
The media plunged on the occasion's coordinators for the musically challenged idea. "Downplaying authentic local area concerns isn't gladly received," tweeted City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito. "Nor are endeavors to eradicate the local's way of life and history." Others disagreed with the bulletin that had gone up the prior week, which rebranded Mott Haven as the "Piano District," a gesture to the piano production lines that once stood close by. There was even a hashtag, #WhatPianoDistrict, where local people went after engineers for attempting to control the local's picture.
In any case, there was something different disrupting about this scene. What resembled a normal distribution center gathering was really an instrument to drive improvement into overdrive. This may appear to be a peculiar erratic throughout the entire existence of New York land ploys, however nightlife and improvement have a muddled history in the Big Apple, and it isn't in every case simple to tell the casualty from the culprit. Clubs and settings frequently drive the primary influxes of improvement in New York City. They're likewise survivors of their own prosperity—setbacks of rising rents and segment moves that accompany an area's elevated profile. Like most New York transfers, they're up to speed in a cycle that regularly feels out of their control. As they're estimated out of focal areas, they can incidentally become complicit in pushing more unfortunate individuals farther into the edges of the city.
Mr Sunday is the open air disco run by much-adored nearby DJs Eamon Harkin and Justin Carter, who additionally run the name Mister Saturday Night. The week by week mid year arrangement started at a crude part in Gowanus, Brooklyn, a modern zone by a waterway that once conveyed load transports all through the New York harbor. Everybody from Caribou to Omar-S came to play under the disco ball they'd hung surrounded by trees covering the dance floor.
Harkin and Carter in the long run got kicked out by condominium engineers. By 2018, what was once Gowanus Grove will be a 700-unit complex contribution "24-hour attendant porters," "valet administration," an "outside pool" and "wellness focuses with yoga studios and turn rooms." Thankfully they had contacts at another open air setting—a greater and better one. The solitary issue was it was somewhat in the center of no place.
"I have a companion who had recently gotten recruited at Industry City," Carter advised me via telephone from Tokyo, where he and Harkin had gone through the week DJing. "She said, 'Hello, we have this yard.' And I resembled, 'I realize that patio!'" Industry City, previously known as Bush Terminal, is a rambling post-modern complex on the South Brooklyn waterfront, around a 30-minute drive away from Midtown Manhattan. It sits on the opposite side of the thruway from Sunset Park, a private neighborhood of generally common workers.
With no irate neighbors and space for many individuals, the patio was ideal for Carter and Harkin. It was ideal for the proprietors as well, who had spent the most recent decade attempting, and coming up short, to load these structures with occupants who might pay great cash for space in the complex. By at that point, business had begun to get and they'd pulled in various independent ventures: tech new companies, a little bunch pickle brand, an art refinery, plan workshops.
In contrast to different gatherings, Mister Sunday's group isn't simply youthful ravers. It incorporates hip experts and families searching for where they can carry their little children to the dance floor. They additionally end up being ideal expected occupants for Industry City, upwardly portable inventive sorts who may move their organizations there sometime in the not so distant future.
"Gatherings like Mister Sunday, alongside upscale swap meets, distinctive food occasions like Smorgasburg, and craftsmanship occasions have since quite a while ago flagged the coming flood of improvement to once-disintegrating mechanical backwaters," composed columnist Erica Berger in a 2014 Fast Company article called "Improvement, Inc." Berger theorized on the overflow impact that Industry City may have on the lease costs in close by Sunset Park, which positioned among the city's best 15 improving neighborhoods in a report from NYU in March.
Neighborhood people group coordinators say they're as of now feeling it. "Certainly we've seen a flood in badgering with respect to land owners attempting to get migrants out of their lease settled condos," said Marcela Mitaynes of the lodging backing bunch Neighbors Helping Neighbors, in a meeting with City Limits. "Outlandish claims, retaining fixes and upkeep."
This isn't the first run through engineers have utilized performers and specialists to build the estimation of their property. "A hip, youthful set willing to drive the limits into once-disliked areas" is a fundamental piece of the "condition of improvement," Berger called attention to. "In any case, so are the keen land engineers who follow everything they might do, prepared to pour quickening agent on the cycle."
However long the expression "improvement" has existed, property managers have utilized culture to upsell New York areas. A 2007 New York Times profile of one Lower East Side designer, Sion Misrahi, shows how successful that technique can be. He didn't skirt the real issue: "We chose to lease to bars and eateries who might acquire the trendy people and change the area." It's uncommon to hear engineers talk so authentically about these sorts of strategies on the record, however it's a recognizable story in most American urban communities.
At that point, Misrahi functioned as an advisor for building proprietors nearby. He urged them to lease retail facades to tense inhabitants who might build the region's social reserve—bars, dance clubs, an exhibition space work in vaudeville. He even convinced one landowner to offer a 10% markdown to a sex-toy shop and calfskin obsession store. "He in a real sense improved the neighborhood over numerous years," that property manager clarified in a similar article. "To do that, he painstakingly viewed as each inhabitant that he masterminded with the structure proprietors. Plantation Street had been a moderate shopping territory, however now it has gotten more hot."
During the 1980s, property managers utilized a similar strategy in the close by East Village, however with painters rather than clubs and sex shops. In her 2012 book The Gentrification Of Nightlife And The Right To The City, York University educator Laam Hae made those associations understood.
"The improvement of the East Village expressly relied on the feel and vibe that the local's nonconformist and bohemian specialists had made [during] the 1960s and 1970s," she composed. "The media's regard for this [movement] bit by bit changed the mainstream image of the neighborhood from low and minimal to focal and intriguing."
Clubs frequently play out a similar capacity, she said: "Flourishing nightlife has introduced and even established a fundamental piece of the renewal of neighborhoods." Her examination showed that nightlife can "revalorize discouraged property and trigger improvement, empowering landowners and land financial backers to procure 'syndication lease.'"
Engineers regularly advantage from the buzz that hip dance club produce for done for neighborhoods. In any case, Hae contends that when new, upmarket inhabitants move in and begin whining, they side against nightlife. This will in general be their attitude toward expressions of the human experience also. "Regions [sponsored] workshops and lodging sponsorships as an anchor for future land capital interest in bedraggled areas," she clarified. "Later [they] eliminated the appropriations to migrate craftsmen somewhere else once improvement kicks in."
It's hard to draw a causal connection between energetic nightlife and uprooted networks. Yet, a lot of land major parts over the most recent 40 years have attempted to saddle music scenes as a feature of their improvement plans. Furthermore, a lot of social makers are worried about the job they play in aiding improvement along.
"In case you're running a DIY space, you're regularly carrying individuals to a local that they wouldn't come to something else," Joe Salina said via telephone from his Babycastles central command in Chelsea. The aggregate, which puts on craftsmanship shows and electronic music occasions, outgrew the first Silent Barn area in Ridgewood, Queens. It later moved to the Williamsburg stockroom setting 285 Kent, which was supplanted by the Vice Media central command in 2014. "You wind up affecting their relationship with that place, and impacting the reality of them needing to be there," he said.
A DIY space is a completely or mostly unlicensed setting. They range from stockrooms to rural storm cellars to temples and public venues. In New York, the DIY development developed from troublemaker and outside the box rock. It crested during the 2000s with a tremendous proliferati
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bubmyg · 5 years
genre/warnings: restaurant owner!yoongi, some sort of business manager!oc, f2l if you squint, fluff
word count: 1,402
summary: your work party was a disaster from the moment taehyung ordered shots for everyone or you have seven different sauces splatted down the front of your shirt but yoongi tastes better anyway.
a/n: the third request of this batch from @yoongiseesaw !! reposted as a text post because tumblr fucked up the formatting of the other post afjkslaf
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Dabbing a paper napkin into a marinara stain was a futile action regardless of the type of fabric or the dampness of the paper crunched in your sweaty hand but none of it stopped your frustration from resorting to furious scrubbing, effectively worsening the glob of faded orange in the dead center of your shirt. It was the twin puzzle piece to the glob of ranch on the corner of your shoe, the mysterious alcohol tipped onto the collar of your shirt from when Taehyung had tried to “do it for you”, the black (brown?) specks lodged underneath the keratin on your thumbs. 
The crumpled napkin bounced across the ruined plastic table cloth, a five dollar number you couldn’t wait to ball and shove into the nearest trash can, similar to the mentioned napkin when it fell to the floor below. You groaned instead, metal folding chair unforgiving on your stature when you slumped backward into it, neck folding into round of the back of the chair, mysteriously scented fingers curling under your eyes and dragging down your cheeks. 
“You’re still here?”
You made out a glob of fluttering white through the blurred spaces left by your fingers, the gentle smile attached to Yoongi gradually focusing. He moved closer, still fiddling at various aspects of his white button down, untucking it from his belt, bow tie hanging loosely around his neck where the collar was popped and peeled back from his collarbone, cuffs rolled to his elbows. He glanced up at you while rolling the second cuff, raising an eyebrow, steps stalled at the head of the table. 
“I’m not letting you clean this mess alone,” You gestured vaguely to the tornado left by your employees. 
Exposed forearms braced on the edge of the table and Yoongi leaned forward, blonde fringe draping into the teasing glint in amber irises, “Who said I’m cleaning this?” When your mouth fished, he shook his head, “I’m kidding. I pay people to clean this room, you don’t have to.”
You made a show of lifting your watch to your eyes, hand curled well past closing and there was no sound of another soul in the restaurant other than the air conditioning rumbling into overdrive. 
“Oh yeah?” You peered at him over your arm, “Where are they?”
Yoongi hummed, shoving himself up for one hand to crook around the back of his neck and he studied something over your head, the mountain of silverware Jeongguk had proudly created most likely, “...okay maybe it’s just me tonight.”
“Then, as I said—” You followed his gaze, pointing to the pyramid of cutlery, “I’m not letting you do it alone.”
Dismantling Jeongguk’s creation into a thick grey bucket, slivers of silver sprinkled on top of dirty plates and bowls and pans, barricaded by frosted glasses of untouched soda and water in favor of the separate plastic rack Yoongi hauled in specifically for the expensive containers alcohol was served in. He returned after depositing the dishes into the dishwasher, the roar in the room over sounding over the methodical crinkle of plastic as you peeled away the surface soaked in various edible substances. 
Your fingers brushed when you handed him one end of the table, letting ring wrapped fingers do the rest as you nudged his side with your elbow instead. He raised an eyebrow in acknowledgement, nose wrinkling when rolling fingers landed directly in something sticky. 
“Thank you for letting us rent the room,” You spoke of the private room attached to the serene restaurant outside the door reserved specifically for events of any kind. 
Yoongi shrugged, turning to shoot the tablecloth ball into the nearest trash bin. Score. “You paid for it,” He made eye contact with you, opposite eyebrow quirking, “and believe it or not? We’ve had worse.”
“Worse? What could be worse than the children I employee?”
“Actual children,” He waddled to the doorway, ducking around the corner to return with a rag and a spray bottle. One of each item was tossed to you before he returned to your side with matching ones, “At least your children pay for hundreds of dollars in alcohol. And are potty trained.”
You eyed the flex of his joints as he sprayed some of the substance out before smacking the rag down on top of splatters of disinfectant spray, rubbing in wide circles. “Debatable…”
You continued to study the curl of his fingers into the dishes he stuck underneath the faucet, handing off the final bowl stained in a similar color to the one now dampened on the front of your shirt before turning to the counter space next to the sink. You’d know much as slid onto the space when a reprimanding spray of water was drenched to the denim wrapped to your thighs. 
“Hey!” You flattened your palms in concession until he turned the stream back to the dish at hand. 
“I’ll have to clean that now, you know,” Yoongi gestured to the counter with a shake of his head. “I’ll do it.”
Dishes clattered together as he loaded the last bit into the washer, turning to you in wait with arms crossed over his chest. 
“Maybe you should just come work here again.”
You thought to your headache inducing mass of employees and the corner office you enjoyed because of it versus the aggregated position you’d held at Yoongi’s restaurant upon its grand opening after he’d showed up to your apartment in the third most frantic state you’d ever seen him in (The second was when he’d bought the building for the restaurant. The first was when he’d locked his keys in his car in your driveway in the middle of a snowstorm) begging for you to help him just until everything took off. 
He leaned into the sink, knees brushing your thighs and you reached out to nudge him with your foot. “You’ve made a lot of improvements since I stopped working here,” You drummed gentle fingertips into the metal counter, “You do a great job. Especially on the food.”
“Thank you,” Yoongi’s neck unhinged shyly but it caught and his squinted at the slouch of your stomach, “...saving some for later?”
You didn’t have to look down to know what he meant, “You just now noticed the stains on my shirt?”
“Maybe,” His cheeks remained pink as he leaned over the sink to retrieve a sponge, advancing on you with the dripping blue in hand, “Want a trick to get it out?”
Yoongi took your gentle nod as consent, pressing his hand up underneath the hem of your shirt to sprawl his palm underneath the stain, knuckles brushing against bare skin as you tried (unconsciously) not to breathe. “This water will be cold,” He warned lowly, sandwiching the sponge between both palms and the fabric of your shirt. Some of the water dribbled between the spaces in his fingers, dipping into your navel and you hissed at the temperature. 
He tossed the sponge aside, studying the damp circle on your shirt now with his tongue sanctioned between his back molars, eyebrows pulled together at the bridge of his nose. Gentle eyes fluttered up underneath long eyelashes and he shrugged with the tiniest of embarrassed smiles lighting his teeth. 
“I think it’s a little better than before.”
Your body recoiled in the awkward angle you leaned forward, fist curling into the open lapel of his collar to pull him close enough to press a soft kiss on the apple of his pink cheek. 
“Thank you, Yoongi,” You praised into the proximity, nose nuzzling across his cheek and your you’re welcome came in the form of the seam of his lips slotting between yours, hand curling around your thigh to fit himself between them. 
He pulled away natural to the resounding beep of the dishwasher, smirk confident in contrast to the shy light of his eyes training on yours as he murmured, “...you must really like our garlic bread.”
You jammed your knee into his thigh in jumping off the counter, snatching the hose spicket in retaliation and you followed Yoongi’s shriek of retreat around the corner of the dishwasher. 
“Expect a shitty tip.”
“I’m not your waiter.”
“Do you want to be?”
Yoongi’s fluffy hair peeked around and you managed to get a solid squirt in to his chin before he ducked back to splutter, “Is that one of your odd kinks?”
“Min Yoongi—” 
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The safest place to sit on a plane to avoid catching a novel virus such as COVID-19 (the “Corona virus”) from an infected passenger is next to the window, according to medical experts.
Researchers from Emory University modeled the movement of passengers around an aircraft to show how viruses can spread, and found that people in aisle seats are much more likely to come into contact with infected passengers.
They said that passengers who are worried about contracting a virus should stay in their seats. This is because the more you get up and move around the plane, the more chance you've got of finding yourself next to someone with the disease.
The longer you are in contact with an infected passenger and the longer you are near them, the greater the chance of becoming infected yourself.
The researchers studied passengers' behavior on flights lasting between three and five hours.
They found 38% left their seats once and 24% more than once, but passengers by the window barely left their seat at all.
This reduced the number of contacts with other passengers from 64 for those sitting in the aisle to just 12 for window seat holders.
The World Health Organization says contact with an infected person is being seated within two rows of one another, but the Emory team say it isn't that simple.
They say people don't just sit down during flights, they visit the bathroom, stretch their legs and grab things from overhead bins.
'Suppose you're seated in an aisle seat or a middle seat and I walk by to go to the lavatory,' Howard Weiss, study author told National Geographic.
'We're going to be in close contact, meaning we'll be within a few feet. So if I'm infected, I could transmit to you...Ours was the first study to quantify this.'  
Although people sitting in aisle seats are more likely to come into contact with other passengers, this doesn't mean they will necessarily become infected, as each encounter is short.
'If you're seated in an aisle seat, certainly there will be quite a few people moving past you, but they'll be moving quickly,' Weiss said.
'In aggregate, what we show is there's quite a low probability of transmission to any particular passenger.'
With COVID-19, it is still unclear exactly how that novel virus is transmitted, so the team say they can't tell precisely what impact it will have on flying.
They say it does appear to transmit from human to human and has about a 14 day incubation period - which means people might be sick and transmitting long before any symptoms show up.
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Understanding the Paper Recycling Process
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First Phase of Paper Recycling Process
The paper recycling procedure involves various steps that start with the assemblage, transportation, and classification:
Waste papers are gathered from collection bins and deposited in a larger recycling container along with the stuff received from other collection bins.
All of the found or collected paper waste then gets transported to the paper utilization plant on a collection van or truck.
After getting transported to the recycling plant, the papers are classified into different paper classes, such as newspapers, cardboard, newsprint, magazine paper, and computer paper.
Manufacturing recycled paper preserves 100% of the trees, 31% of the energy and 53% of the water, and produces 39% less stable material.
Main Phase of the Paper Recycling Process
Once the paper is classified, it is processed into useful raw materials. This phase involves multiple functions that include:
Making pulp or slurry: 
Pulping requires water and chemicals. To pulp the paper, machines first cut it before chemicals and water are added. The mixture is then heated up to break down the piece into paper fibers. Finally, the mixture turns into a soft mix, known as a pulp or slurry.
Pulp cleaning and screening: 
To take off impurity from the pulp, the pulp is strained through screens with a gap of different sizes and shapes to take out contaminants like globs of glue and bits of plastic. If the pulp still holds any massive contaminants like staples, the pulp may be spun close to big cone-shaped containers. The cylinders stroke the dense pollutants out of the cone using receptive force, while low-density contaminants move to the middle of the cone and are abstracted.
Next start out the removal of ink from the paper fibers of the pulp, while viscous materials, known as “stickies,” are also isolated. De-inking is finished through an aggregation of mechanical actions like shredding and the increase of chemicals. Light and small ink particles are abstracted using water, while dense and larger particles are separated using air bubbles in a procedure called flotation.
Refining, color stripping, and bleaching:  
In the refinement stage, the pulp is beaten to form the paper fibers swell. Beating the pulp also removed singular fibers to alleviate new paper production from the separated fibers. If coloring is needed, color uncovering chemicals are added to the fibers to get rid of the dyes from the paper. When the goal is to make white recycled paper, the pulp is dyed with oxygen, chlorine dioxide, or hydrogen peroxide to make them whiter or gleaming.
Final Phase of the Paper Recycling Process
In the last stage of the process, the cleaned paper pulp is then set to be utilized in the creation of the new paper. Usually, the pulp is mixed with pure wood fibers to give the original piece with added capability and smoothness. 
Although recycled paper fibers can also be used alone, at this stage, the paper pulp is integrated with chemicals and baking hot water. The percentage of baking hot water in the mixture is far greater than that of chemicals and paper fibers. 
The mixture is sustained into the head-box of a paper manufacturing machine and sprayed in a nonstop jet onto a giant wire mesh-like screen moving very quickly through the machine. 
As the water from the mixture starts to drain, the recycled paper fibers start out to bond to form a watery sheet. The sheet relocates rapidly through a series of felt-cover press-rollers that squeeze out much water resulting in a newly manufactured sheet of paper.
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