puppybugthing · 4 months
the constant hornyness has gotten out of hand im fantasizing about sucking my friends off when i visit them..
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akariarda · 3 months
Will you ever stop breaking my heart ,all over and over again...
Ep9 While Lloyd and Skylor face off against Garmadon, Misako has trouble saving Pixal.
"You hide ." Lloyd mumled to Skylor. "I'll distract him and then you touch him."
Skylor nodded silently and became invisible (thanks to her encounter with Mr. Pale earlier).
"Where are you hiding?" Garmadon called Lloyd.
"I'm here, father." Lloyd stepped out bravely from hiding to face Garmadon.
Suddenly, Lloyd felt overwhelmed with emotions because of everything his mother had told him. He could still be a good person...
"So, you have come to me..." Garmadon laughed softly. "And what about the red-haired one?"
"She's in the other corridor." Lloyd swallowed, they couldn't afford to fail...
Skylor suddenly stopped moving. She couldn't make a sound, she couldn't breathe... So close to touching him.
"You came to fight?" Garmadon looked fiercely at Lloyd.
"Not in the way you think." Lloyd gave him a dangerous look.
"Nanananana." Ultra Violet giggled foolishly as she tinkered with something around Pixal.
"This could end well. When I restart this robot and make it my servant..."
Misako heard in the nearby room. She entered to see Pixal unconscious, hooked up to several devices.
"Hang in there." Misako whispered to her and sneaked into the room.
"...I'll be done soon..."
Misako listened to Ultra Violet's babbling as she tried to find something heavy.
"I'll make you the most powerful ninja robot servant..."
"Nice try." Misako said to Ultra Violet, lying on the floor after being hit with a wooden box.
"You..." Ultra Violet looked at her disdainfully. She tried to get up, but Misako tied her up.
"Now you will tell me how to bring Pixal back." Misako stared at her sharply.
"Just hope for it." Ultra Violet mocked.
"It's just a matter of time before one of my people comes. Then you'll be back in prison. I just need to shout a little louder...ahgga."
Ultra Violet tried to say something, but couldn't because Misako stuffed a cloth into her mouth.
"Hang in there Pixal." Misako said and approached the computer.
Everything was so messy... she had no idea what to do.
Probably didn't have much time either..
"Come on, attack me!" Garmadon called Lloyd.
"I won't." Lloyd replied dangerously.
"Then I will!" Garmadon smirked and tried to hit Lloyd with his powers.
"I can not fight you, but I can resist you." Lloyd said as he dodged Garmadon's attack.
Garmadon attacked fiercely, and Lloyd resisted with the same words.
"I can not fight you but I can resist you."
"Got him!" Skylor appeared behind Garmadon.
"Good yob, Skylor!" Lloyd exclaimed joyfully.
"You!" Garmadon yelled and tried to hit Skylor with his powers.
"Oops..." Skylor awkwardly dodged.
"Now I have you." Garmadon shouted and unleashed his powers again.
"No!!" Lloyd shouted and jumped on Skylor.
They both lay on the floor when they heard a BANG!!
When Lloyd turned around, he saw that part of the wall had broken off.
"You go, I'll hold him back." Lloyd told Skylor as they stood up.
"How will you hold me back if you can't fight me?" Garmadon laughed.
"Sure?" Skylor raised an eyebrow.
"Someone has to stop the Colossus." Lloyd insisted.
"Let's go!" Lloyd yelled and hit Garmadon, who clearly didn't expect it.
"Aghh!" Garmadon yelled and grabbed Lloyd by his gi.
"Let me go." Lloyd resisted as long and hard as he could, but it was useless.
He looked behind Garmadon and was relieved to see that Skylor had left.
"It's over, son." Garmadon spoke in a creepy voice.
He led him to the edge of the wall he had broken earlier.
Lloyd couldn't see down, but it was obviously very high, they were almost at the top of the tower.
"I'm doing everything I can to believe that this isn't you." Lloyd calmly spoke to Garmadon as he felt the wind blowing against his back.
"Grrr!" Garmadon growled and just as Lloyd had accepted that he would be thrown from the tower, he changed direction and threw him into the corridor.
"Get up and fight." Garmadon said and tried to hit him again with his powers.
"I can not fight you but I can resist you!" Lloyd repeated the same words.
"Ultra Violet!" Someone from the hallway. "Where are you?"
Harumi. Misako cursed under her breath.
"What now?" She looked despairingly at the buttons.
She knew a lot about mechanics and was almost done, but she just couldn't figure out the last step.
If she messed this up, it could be fatal for Pixal.
"Red or yellow?" Misako tried to think of something as Ultra Violet tried to call Harumi.
"Shut up..." Misako whispered to her softly, but she knew it was no use.
"Let it be red." Misako closed her eyes and cut the red wire.
Soon she heard Pixal moving.
"Misako?" She said slowly, as if waking up from a long sleep.
"Thank God, Pixal." Misako exclaimed happily.
"What's happening?" Pixal asked in her robotic voice.
"What?" Harumi looked puzzled from the door.
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multi-purpose-clown · 2 years
I'm so good at Abobr illiterator
Look at this vector art! very poggers
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