#Ahk would love cat filters
deuce-t · 4 months
Have some shitty fake tweet edits
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littlemisslol-fic · 4 years
Varigo Week 2020 baby!! Much love to @alistairwrites for setting this up!!!
Day One: Cozy/Soft
There was something about mornings that Hugo’s always hated. He’s not sure if it’s the light, or the rude awakenings he’d experienced as Donella’s lackey in a time that seemed forever ago, or even the consistent feeling that he’d never slept enough. It’s hard to pin exactly what the worst part of it, was, but one thing remained a constant.
 Mornings were the worst.
 Hugo pries green eyes open with a groan, slumping that little bit deeper into the plush bed underneath him. His mouth cracks open in a large yawn, stretching out with languid limbs like a content cat, hands reaching towards the ceiling. One of his hands comes down to rub at the bleariness in his eyes, pulling at pale skin in an attempt to wake himself up. His vision swims for a second, the stone ceiling above blurring in a sudden mess of colours. A sudden shock of cold metal against the skin of his face perks him up, the blond shaking himself to stare at the hand that he’d been rubbing at his eye with.
 A simple, golden ring stares back at him.
 Oh. Oh right.
 A sudden, giddy feeling fills Hugo at the sight of his new wedding ring, the polished gold shining in the early morning sunshine. The warmth of the bed suddenly seems all the more cozy, soft and warm and welcoming in a new way. His surroundings, still blurry without his glasses, slowly fuzzes into focus; the ornate bedroom they’d tumbled into after the reception was aglow with the morning sun, light bouncing off high ceilings and stone walls; every flat surface of the walls covered in drapery and fine paintings of kings gone by and battles won. Yesterday’s wedding had been a flurry of activity, of frantic servants and staff all scrambling to make it perfect for Hugo and-
 A small snuffle sounds to Hugo’s left; he finally notices the slight weight on his chest with a small grin.
 Varian, still fast asleep, burrows his face into Hugo’s shoulder with a sleepy noise, grumbling as the morning light filters through the windows. His hair is mussed and wild, looking like a crow’s nest from their busy night. Hugo can’t help but grin as he looks down at his new husband, something soft and simple as he leans down to press a kiss to the crown of Varian’s head. Varian snuffles again, a hand unconsciously coming up to lay right in the center of Hugo’s chest. From there Hugo can see the matching ring on Varian’s finger, a simple golden band that glitters.
 His chest fills with warmth at the sight of the ring, Hugo idly reaching his own hand up to link their hands together, tangling their fingers so he can see both rings side by side. Varian murmurs something at the small movement, unconsciously kissing at the junction of Hugo’s shoulder and his neck. The blond can’t help but laugh at that, leaning down to press another kiss to his boyfriend’s hair. There’s something warm that settles in his chest at the movement, a fuzzy, soft heat that curls around his heart and squeezes tight. Hugo breathes deeply at the feeling, basking in the moment- the light, the softness, the warmth of Varian here with him-
 “You’re lucky you’re cute when you sleep,” Hugo murmurs, “Of I’d be waking you up to go get breakfast.”
 Varian answers with a snore.
 Hugo laughs again, settling back into the pillows. Something in him was still so shocked that this was his life- five years ago he’d never thought he’d be married to the man of his dreams, curled up on a luxuriously soft bed together in the early morning without a care. Hugo hadn’t thought it possible for him to be this content, this at ease with where he was in the world. He had a job he loved, a purpose beyond figuring out where his next meal would come from, and the promised future of a forever with Varian at his side; it was all laid out in front of him ready for the taking. Hugo had never been so excited to see a new day before, never thought towards the future without that impending sense of dread, never-
 “What’re you thinking ‘bout?”
“Nothing, Sweetcheeks.” Hugo grins, looking down at his new husband. “Just something from the library is all.”
 Varian blinks at him, the sleep still thick in his gaze. Hugo wants to coo, to cry, to mess up his hair even worse than it already is- Varian looks like a tired puppy this early in the morning, and it’s adorable.
  “Stop lying.” Varian mumbles, shoving his face into Hugo’s chest with a yawn. “I hate when you do that.”
 Hugo reels back as much as he’s able, meaning mostly just a small lean of his neck and shoulders, looking at Varian with a sense of offense. “How did you even-”
 “Your nose does a little crinkle when you lie.” Varian answers without looking up, content to close his eyes and settle down again, laying on top of Hugo like a particularly boney blanket. “And you stare right between my eyes instead of actually looking at me.”
 Hugo… can’t help but laugh. “You got me,” He mutters, leaning his head to prop his cheek against Varian’s head. The blond is quick to wrap an arm around his husband- and oh, by the Maker is he never going to get tired of that- and tugs Varian closer to him. The shorter man goes willingly, curling closer and hugging Hugo tightly. They stay like that for a few minutes in silence, quietly basking in the other’s presence, before Varian peeks up to look Hugo in the eye.
 “Really, what were you thinking about?” He asks again, “You had your thinking face on.”
 Hugo snorts, kissing the crown of Varian’s head. Varian smiles up at him with a dumb look on his face, utterly besotted. Hugo’s had that look directed at him before, even from Varian more times to count, but gods does it still set Hugo’s heart racing to see it.
 “I’m just thinking about last night.” He grins in his most sultry voice, “Was it good for you too- ahk!”
 Varian snatches a pillow and whaps him with it, cutting Hugo off with a cry of protest. Hugo takes the beating like a champ, letting Varian bap him with the pillow a few more times before the younger calls it quits.
 “You’re an ass.” Varian grunts, flopping back down onto Hugo’s chest like he hadn’t done a damn thing wrong in his life. Though, if you ask Hugo he’d defend that stance.
 “Yeah, but I’m your ass,” Hugo smirks, letting his arm wrap back around Varian’s waist loosely. Varian pushes into the touch, hugging tighter. The shorter alchemist grabs at Hugo’s hand, the one with the ring, and intertwines their finger the same was Hugo had done previously. Varian pulls their hand close to his lips, pressing a long kiss to where their rings touch before settling back down into their nest of pillows.
“Yeah,” Varian says with a smile, “You are.”
 Hugo feels himself melt a little at that, hugging his husband tightly. The morning sun continues to shine through their windows, catching off the golden bands on their fingers, on Varian’s eyes, on the shining floors of their bedroom. It’s like a beacon, calling Hugo forwards into the future. A new life, a new start, with the man of his dreams and a purpose he loves. It’s here, in the softness and the warmth and the comfort of this new beginning, that Hugo pauses and thinks:
 Maybe mornings aren’t that bad after all.
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