#Ahmanet Brahms
terrovaniadorm · 1 year
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Vampire for a vampire
Here's my part of my art trade with @the27th ! With her beautiful character Ahmanet, beloved family head >:)c went with her WWDIS inspired outfit bc she looks good in white
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terrovaniadorm · 2 years
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" An invitation from an old friend, to a grand hotel all for themselves but what if things start going wrong? "
I'm trying to write a little fic inspired by Andhra's idea! I'm not a very good writer but i'll try
Elvina, Vladimiras and Ahmanet belongs to @the27th
Johan belongs to @rookvonhunt
Nicholai belongs to @twsted-princess
I- The Hotel
It's been 96 years since Elvina has actually seen any of her old dormmates, the way everyone simply vanished was a shame. She only heard of what happened and how they came back recently thanks to head of her family, she was too busy trying to take care of this wicked, bothersome hotel-
It wasn't the time to dwell on her clingy husband now, she wanted to organize a special event just for the sake of her dear friends.. A small reunion just for them. Elvina walked through the halls of the hotel, making sure every inch was clean and candy bowls properly placed - Making sure there was no licorice - just for the occasion. Staff was just as helpful, mostly because after the preparations Elvina promised to dismiss them for this holiday.
"Miss Brahms, the last room is cleaned." 
Elvina looks back, ignoring the painting on the wall she was trying to fix for a moment. "That's great, thank you…Lena." the maid bows and she dismisses the last hotel staff for a week.
Then Elvina waits patiently for her guests.
As does her husband.
II- Invitation
Vladimiras finds his vice head disciplining a poor soul, it was amusing but he had more urgent things to do. After the student left he approached Samuel, with a black envelope in his head as he got closer he noticed Samuel's annoyed expression quickly changed to a curious one.
He asked enthusiastically "What'cha got there?" which made Vladimiras giggled, "My daughter Elvina invited you and some of our dormmates to her hotel." he answered, handing the letter to the shorter boy. Samuel snatched it and read it fast as possible, Vladimiras couldn't tell what he was thinking exactly but-
"OH! This is great actually, let me tell the others and we can get ready tonight!" before Vladimiras could protest, Samuel was gone in a blink of an eye…
He wondered what this trip would entail. 
-Intermission: Road trip-
Watching Johan and Samuel trying to sit together was going to take a long time, Nicholai was sure of it. It was already a hassle to get Johan out of the dorm - they somehow managed it - but he didn't consider how the road itself would be. As the other two pushed and yelled at each other, Nicholai observed others: Garfield was sleeping - snoring loudly -, Vladimiras was quietly watching Johan and Samuel right and Hecate was-
"Oh dear this hotel seems interesting, I heard a lot of rumors about it!" the woman in question mused, Nicholai turned to her direction to look as she was reading a booklet about their destination. They joined in and got distracted until the carriage stopped, in front of a mansion. Suddenly everyone was silent. 
A woman walked towards the carriage, opening the backseat door, she gave a proud smile. "You're on time, Vladimiras." "Of course Lady Brahms, Elvina made sure every arrangement was perfect." 
The woman sat next to Samuel and Johan, the duo looked at each other and continued their ruckus. "Ahmanet!! Johan is bullying me!" 
"NO IM NOT!!!" 
It was going to be a long road trip. 
III- Portrait
After a painstaking road trip to Grimoire badlands, the group finally made it to the Hotel. It was huge, Samuel was already looking in awe behind Hecate's back. "What? You never seen a hotel before?" Garfield leaned down, teasing his younger friend. "Hmph!" Samuel turned the other way in annoyance, it was amusing to everyone else. 
"Welcome to Hotel Capriccio." the hostess, Elvina appeared in front of the door, bowing down. Vladimiras walked up to her and smiled, "I'm so glad you invited us, precious."
With a long groan Garfield ran towards them, patting Elvina on the shoulder "Hey! No need to be so uptight it's just us here right? Or are you embarrassed of your pops and good ol' pals?" Elvina rolled her eyes and elbowed his abdomen, jokingly. "Oh shut up Gary." 
"Let's move inside shall we? We have so much to catch up on." 
Inside the hotel was grand, Samuel, Johan and Nicholai were too busy looking at the decorations while Gary bothered Elvina alongside her father and cousin, the trio’s eyes were locked on a beautiful portrait of a orange haired woman. It seemed like a photo but it was a painting, "She looks sad y’know." Samuel commented,Johan looked closely while Nicholai rolled his eyes, "It’s a portrait. She looks bored to me." to his friends' response the short boy pouted, Johan leaned down to read the gold plate under the portrait. "The Singing pearl…"
"Her name is Saratiana, she was apparently a singer at the hotel"
The trio looked sideways to Hecate approaching them, "She had a beautiful voice, she was involved with another musician but their relationship ended and she left the hotel. Quite a sad story!" She read outloud from the booklet, "Oh wow, Miss Hecate is really into that booklet huh." Johan jokes, which earned him a giggle from her "It’s interesting to learn about this place, anyways when you finish looking around Elvina called the three of you to the dining area. Don’t be late boys!" With a smile Hecate left, probably to the dining area.
"Well you heard her, let's go." Nicholai put his hand on his friend’s shoulders to drag them away. Johan signed and floated as they pushed him but Samuel had an urge to turn back, just to get a last glance at the portrait.
Though he didn’t expect it to wink at him.
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terrovaniadorm · 2 years
"Can't sleep" with anyone you want 🥺 ?
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The ship was swaying slowly, it's magic after all. Bradamante sat in the deck, watching the night beautiful night sky, of the dorm, She was lost in thought until she heard a meow.
"Hey Zach." she said to the black cat that jumped onto the ship, slowly approaching. "Didn't expect you here." "Why not, you know i visit all dorms when it's night, it's not like they can hurt an innocent cat." the cat responded.
Brad giggled, inviting Zach to her lap, "I take that you couldn't sleep and wanted to see me?" she teased, petting behind his ears, "Yeah i could say the same to you - HEY don't pet me!" his response almost made Brad laugh, though she managed to keep it down, for the sake of her dormmates.
After the both sit quietly a bit, Zach spoke up "I thought it would be easier sleeping in Ignihyde, the dorms quiet but... It didn't work so i came here." Bradamante didn't know how to answer, still petting him lightly.
"You can sleep here, i don't mind but i don't know if we can explain it to the dorm if you forget to leave in the morning." the pirate tried to lighten up his mood, it seemed to work as Zachary purred. "Well. I can always use 'cute cat charm' people like it right?"
"Right.. Let's just watch the sea till then."
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"Quinn? What are you doing here?" Ahmanet held her candle up, it was dark in the dorm without magic, she didn't expect Pomefiore's dorm leader to be in Terrovania. Though she could guess why he was here...
"I was checking up on Sammy... He seemed upset today, we just returned from home so i..." he couldn't finish, his face seemed paler than usual, something must have happened back at home during the holiday.
"You don't have to explain, do you want to and sit in the lounge a bit you don't look so good." she hoped he'd accept, he really looked bad, to her surprise he nodded. "Alright.. Let's go sit."
The duo went to the lounge, Ahmanet made some tea for Quinn, she noticed his hands were shaky, she could almost hear his heartbeat, "Thank you.." he quietly stared drinking, Ahmanet watched silently.
"Quinn.. You can always talk with me." she tried to reassure, putting an unsure hand on his knee,"We are.. Friends. You can always confide in me, same goes for your brother." "Friends... Yeah..We're friends..." he repeated quietly.
With a deep breath Quinn turned to Ahmet;
"You... Know our mother, right?"
He poured his heart, Ahmanet listened.
She wished she could help.
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terrovaniadorm · 3 years
HEEYYYYY 👶 * grabs you respectfully* Can I have a kid for a what if Quinn never disappeared and married Ahmanet with Diana and Pleiade please ?
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A son for miss Ahmanet and Quinn, Lazarus Garfield Brahms, looks mostly like Ahmanet, pretty tall and a charming young man who's very into art, likes bullying his uncle Samuel and his friends.
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And a daughter for Pleiade and Diana, Patricia Capella Campbell/Karamazov (they couldn't decide who's surname to take), she's a polite and loyal girl that also had a taste for chaos, like Diana she has some ungodly strength and a dangerous unique magic like Pleiade
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terrovaniadorm · 2 years
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Part 2 of this thing
As usual Elvina, Ahmanet and Vladimiras belong to @/the27th
Nicholai belongs to @/twsted-princess
Johan belongs to @/rookvonhunt
After the three friends finished their little tour, they headed to the dining area as asked. Samuel’s thoughts were at the portrait but he just thought it might be a trick of Johan. "Hey! Earth to O'Devlin!" Samuel looked up when Johan waved his hand in front of his face, Samuel shook his head "I'm fine! It's just that everything here is sooo fancy~!" the boy giggled, waving his legs back and forth on the chair as his legs didn't reach the ground like everyone else. "Well yeah we're in a grand hotel genius of course it's fancy." he mocked, making Samuel pout. 
Soon everyone's attention turned to Elvina as she clapped her hands to start the dinner, she made sure everyone got their favorite food. - She asked her father for help. He was a great cook after all - "I'm happy you're all enjoying your time already." Elvina smiled, it seemed genuine. Garfield snorted, no one noticed before but the scarred side of his face seemed redder than usual, "It'd be better if SOMEONE didn't slam the door in my face." he mockingly complained, to which Ahmanet frowned. "I'm telling you. It wasn't me!" "Sure sure! It was a ghost!" The irony of the statement caused a few giggles on the table as the two adults bickered. 
Though no one noticed the look of distress in the hostesses face as she took a sip of her wine. 
V- Lovers
After everyone had their dinner, they kept on chatting, about old memories - as much as some remember - skipping over the sensitive parts of their pasts. Everyone seemed to be having a good time, even Vladimiras and Hecate who weren't at Night Raven in their time joined in the friendly environment. Hecate especially, she had a great time talking about the embarrassing memories of her two undead companions. Garfield hid his face under his hat as Johan laughed right next to his ear. 
As the night went on, Elvina led everyone to their rooms,letting them settle and rest for the rest of the night. Though a certain family head decided to stay up late. 
"I wasn't expecting you to be drinking whiskey." 
Ahmanet turned around, she was watching the outside from the roof, seeing her cousin she smiled. "It's been a while since I relaxed at all, Vina. Cut me some slack." she took a sip "How are you holding up?" the dark haired woman asked. Elvina stayed quiet, watching the night sky "I suppose you feel out of love but -" "It's alright, I've been doing well. He's dead and that's all that matters." she didn't want to answer, at least answer with the full truth, she wasn't going to let him win. "How are YOU holding up?" Elvina turned the question to Ahmanet. 
Elvina knew about Ahmanet's dead love too, even if they never knew about each other's feelings it was obvious. Poor Quinn. His death changed a lot of things, including Ahmanet. "It's been decades." "Are you over him?" "... No." another sip. Suddenly they both got quiet neither of the Brahms ladies spoke, with a hesitant hand on Ahmanet's shoulder the silence broke. "You should rest too. You came from a long road." as the sun started to rise, Ahmanet sighed "Fine I'll rest, you go sleep too Vina." 
As the two cousins left the roof, the ghostly apparition of a man frowned. 
VI- Alone time
Garfield was still upset about Ahmanet slamming the door in his face, he was just making a harmless joke about her family he didn't expect her to be this offended. Though Nicholai gave him some ice to ease the pain he found his dear friend's reactions unbearable. Getting bored of Samuel and Johan's laughter Gary left the room, still holding the ice pack. 
"He seems upset." Nicholai commented 
Johan, managing to calm his laughing down, wiped a golden tear from his eye. "He deserved it." Samuel stopped laughing too, "Though Ahmanet must've been pretty upset if she slammed him like that. He probably deserved it!" and the duo kept laughing. 
Meanwhile Gary was walking around the hotel, looking at the portraits, photos and many articles about the hotel. Though one got his interest and ire, Gilles Beaudelaire, another old classmate, one that - maybe fortunately - didn't return. Despite everyone's fondness of the man Gary never liked him. He always thought of the man as someone who's dishonest, the picture made him snare. Gary didn't want to look at his face any more, as he turned to leave he saw Elvina in front of him. 
"Heh, you're really quiet you could've give me a heart attack."
"Only if you had one." 
"Huhu i was joking! What are you doing here? Aren't you with Sammy and Johan?" Elvina tilted her head, red eyes staring deep into Gary's soul, he pouted "They were laughing at my face! I ain't staying there!" to his response the hostess gave a laugh, now Gary was even more annoyed. 
"Sorry.. Sorry about that. I know you like to drink, we have a bar here. I can fix you something as an apology?" Gary smiled, Elvina was a great host, he wasn't completely surprised but it was a nice change compared to life in Night Raven. 
"Well if it's on you sure, Vina."
The pair made their way through the hotel, chatting about their respective jobs, Elvina was surprised to hear Gary returned to his job in NRC and he was surprised she became an economics teacher, they came to Hotel's bar. Gary was amazed, the interior was beautiful, it was like-
"A blast from the past?"
"Y-Yea... It does look like places from our time."
"Knew you'd like it." Elvina said with a proud smile, she went behind the bar to prepare drinks for both of them "Anything you want?" "Anything you want." Gary replied, he could really drink anything now. So Elvina did what she could.
The two took their sweet time, drinking and talking, they were laughing about their school days, mostly about Gary's school life, Elvina patted him on the back and looked at her glass "Hm. Do you want another glass?" Gary nodded, "I can get another one or two glasses of this."
Checking behind the bar Elvina made a face "Strange... Did we really drink a lot..I'll be back Garfield." Gary raised his glass, smiling sheepishly "See ya Vina." he downed the last bit of his drink as Elvina left, as he waited he lay his head on his arms, looking around. He realized he was spending time alone with Elvina, away from others, just the two of them. It made him smile, back then he wasn't able to confess to her, she was already with Giles. Even as adults he still liked her, though he would never tell Elvina about it.
"You seemed bothered, sir." a male voice made Gary look up, his vision was a little blurry, was he really that drunk? "This one is on the house." the male voice said pushing a glass of alcohol in front of him. "Well.. Thank ya i guess..."
"Gary? Who are you talking to?" he turned around to see Elvina standing in the doorway with another bottle of wine in her hand, his vision clear as day, confused he raised a brow.
"To your bartender-" then he turned to the booth, the empty booth, that was definitely weird. Elvina sighed, "We probably should stop, we forgot about the other too." she sounded a little tired, Garfield wanted to spend more time here alone but she was right. Samuel might start nagging them about not including the others.
"Yeah you're right... Let's go." he got up and left the bar with Elvina.
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