#AidaIro I am on my knees treat them better
iamhereinthebg · 8 months
Fic reccomandations for seven mysteries family?👀❤️
I desperately need fics.
If there's none I'll write/draw it 😭
Also what are your headcanons for them?
Hello hello :DDD
Unfortunately there is absolutely none of it and I am dying a lil bit more everyday about it :'))
The only one I can recommend is this one which has Akane, Mei, Mitsuba and Hanako in it ^^
(a lot of things is not how I see the characters but tbh at this point idc I am desesperate and this one is really funny on a lot of lil scene (my fav one being Hanako slapping the shit out of Akane to be sure he has a nosebleed))
Here is a bit of an old post so some stuff are outdated but it's still a lot of hcs for the stupid family 👀
Here are some more that are coming into mind:
-The mystery kids act like long time siblings and are being super dramatic about it when they've known each other for like.. 2 months. Making a scene when they have to share food or making schemes to have things asked from the adults. They work together mostly when they all gain something from it.
-Akane is the only one who thinks Mirai is as stupid as her feet, because she never shows her more serious personality in front of him and plays with it a lot. Mitsuba and Hanako now never want to be left alone with her (scadery cats)
-Yako is usually the one who force the adults to have meetings since she is the one controlling space, she has to physically drag Hakubo and Tsuchigomori a lot of time.
-Mitsuba already went to Akane's house for a night and bragged about it for one week. Mei sometimes appear out of nowhere in his house too and he always has heart attacks. Hanako usually sulks when everyone is talking about going to Akane's house.
-Yako is the most defined mystery with Kako but can go absolutely feral when people are on 'her territory'.
-Tsuchigomori is the one cooking sweets and foods to everyone and left them on the meeting tables like it just appeared. He is a terrible liar though so they all know he is the one who did them.
-The mystery kids have a board to count how many stuff Akane breaks when he is annoyed in his supernatural form. The other 4 make bet to see which objects he will break during the days (chairs being a big winner) They have the same counting system for Mitsuba's screams.
And that's all I can come up with for now but I do know I have more ^^ I am always happy to see more people talking about the mysteries :DD
and if you wanna draw/write for it I beg you to link it to me TvT We need more mysteries enjoyers out here
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mari-lair · 1 year
Y'know I've just realised that now that Aoi can see supernaturals it's going to be really interesting to see how she's going to influence the plot. Because her first interaction with supernaturals was nearly killing her childhood friend, getting attacked multiple times, watching who was meant to be her saviour (because Teru was the strongest person in that situation, he had to be the one to save Aoi because no one else could) nearly die, and slowly crumble away herself. That was horribly traumatising! And now she has to keep living her life with a numb hand and the understanding that (in particular) Nene and Akane are doing incredibly dangerous things. And since it seems the clockkeepers are becoming relevant again, Akane is almost definitely going to be in danger. Again. All the other characters have an at least somewhat positive relationship with supernaturals (as seen by the most recent chapter) but Aoi's got nothing. It'll be interesting to see how her place in the story is going to change given how in the past all she had was the distant amusement about the school's rumours.
Aoi does have a few positive interactions with supernaturals! Noticeably, with the mokkes, who she helped and they helped her back.
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And with Hanako, who she doesn’t know had planned for her to die, so in her point of view, he is a friendly guy that helped her in the Far Shore. He is also someone that Nene has a crush on, and vise versa, so Aoi can fall back on her usual “love talk” with him to comfort herself, as shown by how she talks a bit about her feelings on the train, and is even able to relate to him
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And while her trust in him is not blind, she does listen to him.
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Her overall view is understandably still negative though.
She was clearly traumatized by all the events you listed since she kept the bracelet Teru gave her: A gift that surely brings bad memories but serves as protection.
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And I suspect she still wears the bracelet in school, she just hides it, since she suddenly started to wear long sleeves, something no one else has done in her class.
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So is not like the days got colder and students changed uniforms, Aoi was the only girl that made a conscious choice to wear long sleeves even if it would make her stand out.
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I would love to know how her interest in supernatural rumors would be transformed now that she knows they are real and that they can be as cute and fluffy as a mokke or as dangerous as Hakubo. Or how she addapts to seeing these creatures in her everyday life.
(Please Aidairo I am on my knees begging you to explore Aoi more.)
Aoi usually worries about Nene easily, but she seems to trust Hanako with her safety, since he was so protective when Aoi threw them in the trash’ and Akane, one of the few people Aoi trust, also trusts in Hanako's competence.
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As for Akane, I really really really hope she doesn’t just go “He has Teru to protect him, is okay” because while it would make some sense, considering Teru was the one that rescued Akane and led the group that came to save her, I want her to be a relevant part of this arc! Akane was so important in her arc, she should be relevant in his arc too! Not just be a goal (her hand). Let her help him somewhat. I would love that so much!!
If you want to see how a character without a single positive relationship with supernaturals would fit the narrative, we already have two: Akane and Teru. Exorcist life is not very comparable to Aoi’s situation, but please take a better look at Akane.
Akane was a normal person that has consistently been tormented by supernaturals. Since his complaints are mostly treated as a joke, people might forget that Akane never forgave the clock keeper for putting Aoi’s life at risk and tricking him to work a job he really hates.
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When directly asked about his opinions, the manga drop the ‘comedy lenses’ and shows us point blank that “the clock keepers recruitment trick stuck with him even after all these years. Akane hates them on a fundamental level.”
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He isn’t looking at Hanako here, his eyes are unfocused, he is thinking about the day Aoi almost died and using a ton of '...' in his dialogue: It is a trauma. Just because he tries not to think about it, and it isn’t as brought up in the narrative as the main characters' traumas, it does not make it any less of a traumatic event: Many of his beliefs and attitudes got shaped by that event.
Even the mokke try to attack him to steal his School Mystery seat. So he really has no exceptions. 
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It makes sense that every supernatural is either an uncaring asshole or a beast in Akane’s eyes. Sure, he can be forced to work with them for the greater good, he is a guy that values his word and his duties, but he will never respect or like them.
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