#Aiden ariean
inviouswriting · 5 years
Original writings - Liar
Prompting comes from @witterprompts under their phrase “If you weren’t such a terrible liar, this could have worked.”
Killian still has no idea how Aiden drags him into these predicaments. The zodiac spirits knew the risks of what they were doing, even as they roam the library belonging to their leader.  Black and white feathers littered on the black tiles, a sign she spends most of her time there. They were after one of her books, an arcane one that holds dimensional traveling.
Killian regards the Aries spirit with disdain as they sift through the piles of books on a table. Purple eyes glance over the titles, some in different languages till he finds a more decorated book. The one that belonged to Chiron, Aiden grabs it careful not to topple the stack. 
“Find it? If so we should leave soon. It always feels she is watching.” The Cancer spirit folds his arms, he looks at one of the statues. He almost jumps out of his skin if he could when he sees a pair of ruby eyes staring at him from on top of a bookshelf. Killian tugs Aiden’s arm pointing up. The wings of the creature open, and down she jumps. They both breathe a sigh of relief. It is Silvara the sphinx of Chiron’s maze, not Kivera. Kivera would have said something if it was her.
“You know, she will find out.” Silvara  ruffles her silver wings, her lion like body settles next to a fire kept for her. She appears more animal than human.
“You wouldn’t tell her?” Aiden holds the book to himself.
“I won’t tell her anything unless it is Vanth. Can’t say I am thrilled to lie to her.” She makes a face at secrets. 
“How long till she arrives back?” Killian asks, they had entered into her very home, a paradise outside of paradise itself. He looks up to the sky, the roofless house. He sees one of the moons lighter. Their time is almost up, but Kivera is always unpredictable with her timing.
“Hmm... why don’t you ask her yourself?” Silvara puts her head into her hands. She sees the person in question, she has been leaning in the door since Killian and Aiden first walked through the first shelf aisle.
Both of them spin around, green eyes meeting purple and blue. The latter two with fear. 
“Kivera, It is good to see you.. here!” Aiden tries playing it off. She only stares, she heard more than enough.
“Save your excuses.” She is quick to cut him off. Her eyes go to the book in Aiden’s hands.
“Why do you have that?” A twitch in her black wing. Aiden thinks of the reason he infiltrated her home for the book.
“Research?” He offers. He didn’t want to tell her the true reason.
““If you weren’t such a terrible liar, this could have worked.” She quips moving from the door to stand in front of the trio. She gives Silvara a stare for going along with their requests.
“You. You dragged Killian into it.” She corrects him.
“Fine, I wanted to see other realms. I heard tales of one on the edge of the universe. I lack the ability to shift between realms like you do. Thought I’d learn.” Aiden outs himself knowing he can’t lie to her. He scratches the horns on his head that curve downwards. 
“What purpose would you even have there? You know better than to interfere with other dimensions. That is my role to stop it. Or let fate happen.” She mutters under her breath. 
“Chiron has said Vanth is missing.”
“Vanth is not your concern as much as he is mine. If I see something wrong. I will check it out. You are spirits. I am a demon. You are souls I won’t risk in that fray if it is him.” Her voice is softer as she addresses the concern.
“We can’t just sit idle, not with what happened on the shores of Acheron.” Kivera’s face falls at the mention of it.
“Please, don’t talk about that.” Green reflects to blue.
“I will handle it like I said. If there is need for you guys I will come and get you myself.” Kivera holds her hands out for the book. Aiden reluctantly hands it over to her.
“What happened there was unfair.”
“What happened there was my transgression against fate itself.” Kivera takes the book. 
“I knew the risk, I just didn’t expect the catalyst to be him...” They knew who she was talking about. Killian and Aiden both look down at seeing the blue in her green eyes.
“Aiden, let’s drop this.” Killian starts to drag him out of the library. 
Silvara looks between the group, her wings droop at the mentions of Acheron.
It had only been a week since Kivera had lost Damien to a different fate. She feels her soul ache at what she agreed to, to spare him. She gave up their life together. He would have no memories of them, or even know who she is. Yet Kivera remembers everything. 
Kivera holds all their memories, even Damien’s. Of what they had, what they were, and it is torture to her. To feel love from someone who can’t give it to her anymore. She would never dare approach him, for if she went back on her deal with Kronos, he would make her watch a fate worse than death given to him. She sacrificed enough just to bring him back. If it meant she lives with the aftermath of her transgression. She will do it.
“Aiden.”  Kivera looks over to the Aries spirit.
“Yes?” He notes how her eyes hold a different sadness to them. Not like when she first lost out and was inconsolable.
“What would you intend to do in another realm if you are given the chance to explore?” She questions him, feeling her hold loosen on the book a little.
“I would see if there is a use for my skills.” Aiden is unsure of why she asked him twice. He answers more honestly knowing she can see through a lie. He is tossed the book in her hands.
“If you find him. You better summon me.” Kivera turns to leave. 
Killian stares at Kivera’s back as she leaves the room, the black and white wings stretch out for flight. He looks back at Aiden.
“Did she just give us permission?” 
“I think she did. Let’s go back to Paradise. We can meet with Parn.” Aiden won’t look over this gift given. That haunted look she had told him more than anything. 
She wants to find Vanth as much as they do. 
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inviouswriting · 2 years
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Star Tales - Twins - Gemini.  and Aiden - Aries.
Original story.
Content warnings - Death of characters, and necromancy talked of.
These are my ideas. So please do not take from me. Also I only post my stories to Tumblr and ao3. So if you notice them in other platforms let me know.
“Gemini has always been made up of two souls. And like the rest of us, have experienced twisted fates. Their names are Calista and Castila. Slight difference, but they mirror the story of Castor and Pollux.”
“I was present during these events, Maedryn... was the first city I was assigned to, after Salem. An event I still get scorn from by both inhabitants I come across in the underworld and Aiden.”
“They both lived in Maedryn before it burned. Maybe I should have told Aiden’s story first. Or maybe all three of them. Since they were all intertwined together.”
“The twins grew up in poverty. Stealing what they could just to get by. They were visited by Aiden. Calista is the older of her sibling. Castila does not have a specific gender. They have chosen not to disclose everything, and I don’t pry unless needed. That’s not important as their story.”
“Like anyone who wants to change their circumstances. They sought opportunities to make money themselves. From entertaining. Castila was blessed from Hermes and Apollo, while Calista had blessings from Demeter and Aphrodite.”
“Their blessings were music. They’d stand in markets to entertain where they could. Often getting chased out because when others are set in their greed. They can’t even spare a single coin for young ones.”
“They had made a mistake and stole from a visiting noble.”
“As a result of their theft, there was a new punishment instilled to those who stole, or tried to swindle others. They were to be chased through the city by a minotaur.”
“Slowly the people came to enjoy it as a blood sport. Setting the tone for beings like Vanth to slip in unnoticed.”
“When I started to walk around the alleyways, things were already grim among the slum areas. The twins continued their methods even against the warnings of others. Until they were all brought to the center for a purge. Against the minotaur and a manticore.”
“Castila did not put up much of a fight like their sister did. They accepted their death swiftly. I held their hand when they were thrown off the edge. Took away their pain.”
“Calista still wanted to live, she had dreams of leaving the city and finding another home. So she fought against the minotaur and had won. But was also stung by the manticore. So she ran through the city chased by both. Till she ended up cornered by the people and the manticore.”
“Through Demeter’s blessing she was protected from the venom in her body. However... not by the people bent on seeing blood that day. Calista began the catalyst to Maedryn burning. She managed to turn the manticore on the others after removing a talisman on it.”
“Cornered beasts tend to fight harder than when they’re on a platform. So through the chaos, Calista had circled back to Castila. Manticore venom is fatal, no matter the dose, so she was already on borrowed time and staved off the inevitable. She sat holding onto her sibling much like how I sat with Divinity.”
“I placed a hand on her back, the only comfort she had gotten in life. next to her sibling leaning on her shoulder.”
“Aries... Aiden. My insufferable companion who causes me alot of trouble.”
“He was a protector to Maedryn. He was gifted a form to change into a golden ram, at his feet fire would burn when he ran. Across water he’d pull boats, across land the flames would burn along with the sunset or rise.”
“He was blessed by Ares and Apollo.”
“Maedryn had no religious deities, it was a free will place. Aiden visited every single person in a day. There was never a day he didn’t spend with the young ones that had no homes or families.”
“There was a medicine man who came. During a plague that was bringing havoc, promising the heal them. And even.”
“Bring them back from the dead...”
“This medicine man used the name Vanth.”
“I knew who he was, but because of fate, I could not intervene, and I was not as powerful then as I am now. Still a fledgling reaper.”
“So when these “miracles” started to happen. I could do nothing but watch as the citizens were bewitched. Vanth was gaining notice fast, bringing lives back. Those with a death sight... know that the soul was not the same.”
“They were merely dolls. The spell on them would last maybe a few weeks. Depending on the body. Or the will to live of that soul. Sometimes the magic and the soul are compatible. But they still had the same effect. Slowly they’d rot.”
“Aiden was sent to deal with a hydra at this time. Otherwise Vanth would have never been allowed to set foot in Maedryn.”
“By the time Aiden arrived back, there was chaos among the inhabitants, those that participated in the rituals lost their minds. A price paid for their hand in the magic.”
“And people that were once set to rest... were walking around with vacant looks.”
“I had asked several times to Hades and Thanatos to end this city. They both told me, to watch what was happening and the Fates themselves said this had to happen.”
“Aiden had walked into the heart of the events of the manticore on a rampage. The twins with their deaths, whom he treated like his own family. The inhabitants driven insane, and the dead walking or crawling.”
“Like any person driven to despair at the state their home is. Aiden awoken with a fiery blast. When a spirit awakens, the area they’re in burns bright. They can plunge a place deep into the ground, or just burn it to ashes.”
“Aiden burned Maedryn to ashes. He had ran through the city itself as this gold ram. Leaving naught in his path unscorched.”
“Vanth had left after he had collected enough “friends” to use in his next ritual or to walk with him to the next. Devotees and those who adopted his methods and craft. So by the time Aiden came home. There was nothing to be done. I could not take a single soul out of Maedryn.”
“What ever a lich touches. Death cannot reap it. It abhors fate, and it leeches the life of other souls and creates masses. Like the ones in Purgatory, only acidic and nothing grows after they cross a plain.”
“So I stood with Aiden outside of Maedryn. Listening to him lament and curse everything in his grief.”
“It was there, that I made a promise to him, that there would not be a new circle of our kind.”
“How cruel fate was to remind me of that, when it came my turn to awaken.”
“I offered my hand to Aiden, but he did not take it. He accepted his immortal status, and wanted to see to the end of Vanth.”
“Unto... how cruel immortality can be.”
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inviouswriting · 5 years
Original writing - weapons
Prompt comes from @witterprompts under ““Hey, how come you get a cool scythe and I don’t? That’s so unfair.” I saw it and it fitted Kivera and Aiden. Two of my originals.
Aiden has a habit of roaming Kivera’s home when she is not around. A lot of the zodiac spirits do, it is a sense of peace considering Kivera’s home is the safest anyone can get. Why it was named Sanctuary. On the outskirts of Purgatory and outside Paradise in its own dimension. No one can get in unless they are one of the spirits, she has brought them there, or manage to slip pass the reaper.
The Aries spirit had a fascination with her, but it never developed pass friendship or acquaintance in Kivera’s eyes. He earns more ire from her than praise, but he has also earned those scathing glares he gets. Even now he is in one of the old rooms she had from decades past where weapons from beings she has faced and won. A trophy room of sorts long with decay to them in dust and webs.
His hands ghost over a worn sword, one he recognizes as the one she took when she first fought against Vanth and succeeded. Back when the lich was just a necromancer and human. How that single win cast everything they knew into chaos. He remembers the day Kivera collected Divinity’s soul for the circle. A catalyst day, as the awakened souls of the zodiac are always born of tragedy.
Aiden remembers when she came for him, but Divinity will always be in his mind. It was the first day he had seen Kivera’s compassion, and how she protected someone that threw themselves to chaos. Her hover over a sea of people aiming to maim her, all spewing venom and hate at her for what she was, only seeing a demon. He didn’t understand why she just took it, he even asked her. 
“Why did you let it happen? You could have stopped them all.”
“Aiden, you know why. The same as you and I. It had to happen. I could have stopped it, I wish I could have, but an event set in motion cannot be stopped no matter how much I wish it.” Kivera had given Divinity’s spirit to Chiron. The worn scythe she had then had broken, and it was time to replace it.
“Kivera, you should seek Hades. I think it is time you gained a weapon more permanent. Tell him I sent you for Adamantite.” Chiron sent her on her way, while he works on tending to the Libra spirit.
“What do I do about payment if the question should arise? You know that material is protected.” Kivera makes a face at having to ask the Underworld lord, for it.
“I am sure you can think of something. He is a lonely man still.” Chiron misses the look of disgust that comes from Kivera’s mouth. She would have to pay as a woman. 
Aiden thought nothing of it, just thinking she had to pay the god in coins. It was moons later when Kivera returned with a new fashioned scythe, but her demeanor had changed. Her skin had ashen more, and her features sharper. 
Aiden’s eyes land on the scythe.
““Hey, how come you get a cool scythe and I don’t? That’s so unfair.” Aiden had no idea the prices Kivera paid, and ignores the look in those green eyes. 
“Aiden, you turn into a giant gold ram. You hardly need a weapon.” Kivera places the scythe out in front of her. It is as ornate as its owner. From black metal blade, a snath that seemed to glow blue under light. The design work of twisted weavings around an ornate orb. It looked meant for her. It was made for her. Just as the boots she wears.
Kivera motions to the orb and it blinks awake into a red eye in smoky black. 
“Antares. It’s time to go to the living realm.” Aiden hears her talk to it like it is a human. It perplexed him, when Kivera left he asked Chiron about it.
“Seems Hephaestus, used her heart. Haven’ t seen a weapon imbued with a soul before. Nevertheless. You should not pry unless you can handle the answers.” The centaur had finished healing Divinity, except for her sight. Kivera told him she does not want to see again. Fitting of the soul of Libra. Blind justice. He didn’t blame her with the horrors they call home. Even he didn’t want to see what traveled through sometimes.
“Aiden, would you guide Divinity to Amon in Paradise for me? Instruct him that Divinity is Libra, and he will take care of her from there.” Aiden nods, and takes Divinity by her hand. She is so small to him, he remembered that she was only 17 at her death. Burned alive by people branding her a heretic for practicing medicine.
Kivera had returned with grim news that Vanth was no longer anything human. He had transcended into a lich. Their days got dark, and their fights harder in search for more of their spirit friends. All they had to find left was Taurus and Aquarius.
They knew Kivera was Scorpio, but she had not awakened as the spirit. How Aiden would give now, to never seen her awaken. The pain she went through, the loss she paid. Kivera still holds that pain in her eyes. She had lost her lover, gained him only to lose him in a way. Tortured through him not knowing or remembering her. And Kivera not able to tell Damien about herself otherwise he would burn for eternity in Muu.
Aiden feels eyes on him in the room and turns to see the green eyes he has grown use to.
“What are you doing in here?” Kivera leans against the door frame, black and white wings folded behind her. 
“I don’t even remember.” Aiden is honest for a change.
“I was just wandering, and ended up in here.” He explains. Kivera’s eyes soften as she approaches the old worn sword.
“A lot has happened. Since we met. You have grown a bit. Still reckless, but not as reckless.” Kivera compliments his growth, then steps back out of the room.
“Thank you.” He calls after her. 
She is still by far the most deadliest weapon man could ever face or have on their side.
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