inviouswriting · 2 years
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“It will all be over in a second. You probably haven’t even realized it yet.”
“Unto... death do you walk to me. Unto... I collect you.”
“Come with me.”
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specialagentalaska · 4 months
So, i've been thinking about it recently but, during her UNSC days Alaska was sent to an alien planet to help with preventing the convent from getting their hands on the weapons the species of that planet left behind and ended up getting infected by a parasitic A.I, essentially the species in question (a non canon species known as the Kivera), what they did was when someone important in their species died, they'd create an A.I and use a brain parasite native to their planet to create essentially a semi-biological A.I in order bring that person back, the parasite infects a host and attaches itself to their brain, taking over their mind and essentially becoming them, the A.I comes in to act as blueprints as to who the parasite should become once its taken over its hosts mind. A host can resist this if they have a strong mind, which Alaska did but it 100% gave her issues, mostly self-identity issues (which isn't as prevalent in her PFL and post PFL time, but still there) and where she gets her somewhat mischievous attitude (part of the A.I's personality). She'd never admit it but she misses the A.I in question, which she named White Rose.
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Emergence of the End
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Mentions of the OTPoly. Pre-EW
Everything...is mine again. 
True, the body was that of her shard. However, it was still hers. Lilith stretched the fingers, accustoming herself with the limbs of the lithe Au Ra. 
It was easy to fool her shard into accepting her. It was a stepping stone to annihilate the star, to destroy everything she hated about Amaurot in its ridiculousness for perfection. Hydaelyn shattering reality...well, that only gave Lilith more work. 
Shuri was battling futilely within the recesses of her mind. Her strength will fade over time and Lilith will fully regain autonomy over herself and her shard. Day by day, the Xaela was becoming weaker. 
That is just how I want it to be. 
“Shuri?” That familiar voice, belonging to the shard of her beloved, called out the name of her own shard. That’s right; he didn’t know. He didn’t know that Lilith could erase the presence of the woman he loved.
Such heartbreak. It would tug at her heartstrings if she had any left.
Turning with the face he recognized, Lilith could see the shock in Estinien’s ice-blue eyes. “Your eyes...” he murmured. “They’re silver.”
“Yes. They are.” A smile curved Lilith’s lips, feeling the aether within her flowing. So this is what Amaurotines felt.   
“You’re not Shuri.” Estinien’s voice was biting, his eyes narrowing as he reached for his lance. “You’re her, aren’t you? The part of her she merged with?” 
“Very good, my dear.” Lilith turned fully, spreading her arms as though to encompass the world. Just like her predecessors, with the aether running through her veins, she was able to form a glyph over her face. Just like Lahabrea; just like Hades; just like...
Just like papa.
“I took back what is rightfully mine. This body is my shard. It did not belong to the woman you know as your wife, Estinien,” Lilith continued, beginning to walk toward him. “And I intend to tear everything at the seams. These worlds should not have existed, yet Hydaelyn’s power shattered the very fabric of reality. I was to be Her heart, however...something went terribly wrong. Or...horribly right.”
“You know she isn’t like that. You should allow her to be in control of her body,” Estinien retorted. 
“It’s not her body.”
Estinien recoiled as Lilith approached, using Shuri’s body, the mania in etched on his wife’s face disconcerting. It didn’t fit, it wasn’t Shuri; it was her former self, conveying the madness she’s had within her, the madness she relished in. 
It was swift, but he was able to perceive Kivera coming to his side, aiming her scythe toward Lilith, her eyes narrowed. Despite her stoicism, Estinien could perceive a tremor in her arm. Hesitation. 
It was clear she wanted to excise Lilith from Shuri’s body; however, that would involve hurting Shuri--the last thing the reaper wanted to do. 
There was sick amusement in those silver eyes, the mad grin stretching further. “Your hesitation is so sweet,” she mocked, pressing a hand to her chest. “You don’t want this little shard to die. You were there, Kivera, when Amaurot fell. You’ve seen my sundering. And yet here you are, so fond of this little shard when you should have just taken her soul away. She shouldn’t even exist, is that not what your creed follows?”
Kivera grit her teeth before feeling Estinien’s hand curl over her wrist. She could feel his own hand shaking with rage at witnessing this, at beholding a mad homunculus wearing Shuri’s body no differently than Elidibus used Ardbert’s body. 
And there was no doubt Shuri was screaming from within. 
Turning on her heel, Lilith walked away from the two. “I’ve become quite fond of you both. Estinien being the shard of my beloved...it’s as though I have Lucifer returned to me. I want to keep you hidden away while I destroy the fabric of these shards. And I will use this body to do it. Can you imagine the sheer look of betrayal on the Scions’ faces when they see their precious warrior of light stand as an enemy?”
Glancing back at them, Lilith’s eyes were swirling with her madness, her unyielding need to destroy. “It will be absolutely delightful. And I hope to see you both on the battlefield when the time comes!”
The pain within their hearts was to an overwhelming degree to watch Lilith walk away--to watch their beloved being used no differently than Ardbert’s body had been.
And there seems to be no way to bring her back.
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novaeagle · 4 years
🎁🎁 For Kivera, and Kiya?
For Kivera, Casimir forges a Ring of Umbral Ice designed to protect the wearer from most forms of heat and fire. “To Protect your wings from the fires of Hell. Walk boldly, little Reaper, and don’t fly too close to the sun.” She also gives her an enchanted robe of pure white swan feathers, designed to morph with Kivera from form to form. “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and let everyone who beholds you see your Majesty.”
For Kiya, Blaise, Raven and Casimir all team up to give her and Aymeric a Christmas Dinner to rival them all, complete with a very disgruntled Estinien in a Maid Outfit (later Kiya gets a folder of pictures for blackmail). It all ends with the perfect view of Ishgards Starlight Fireworks show. The family also holds a Starlight Eve gift giving, where they all get new pajamas. Aymeric and Kiya open theirs to see that the Moreaus got them matching shirts, Blue with white lace trim and little snowflakes on them.
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thedeathstarspirit · 4 years
Kivera - Tough and Soft
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Tough Shell;
bruised knuckles. bloody noses. eye-rolling. empty bottles. messy hair. sarcasm. lip biting. unwashed jeans. coffee breath. loud music. broken neon signs. chipped nail polish. leather jackets. always wearing headphones. swearing. sneaking out at 3am. dark lipstick. frown creases. burning cigarettes. plaid shirts. under eye circles. dark colors.
Soft Inside;
honey tea. flower crowns. giggling. blowing kisses. dancing without worries. white lace. soft textures. fluffy throw pillows. using too many heart emojis. empathy. constant daydreaming. handwritten letters. fairy lights. bullet journals. designated driver. warm hugs. garden picnics. quiet. smile lines. optimism. flowy clothes. pastel colours.
Tagged by: @maiden-born-in-snow​
Tagging: Anyone who wants to.
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candideangel · 4 years
Setting Sail
more continuation from @invidia1988 ‘s AU from the previous night with mention of @maiden-born-in-snow‘s Shuri. 
A bit more of the Crystalangel couple just finding a moment’s peace.
Curing a hangover had not been what one would consider fun, dehydrated to the point that the head ached and the body didn’t know if the temperature was up or down. That was the first day on the trip for the Warrior of Light and the once known Crystal Exarch; lying in the bed of the quarters, drinking water and tea periodically with no appetite to call for. Not to mention with the fact that the slow bobbing of the ship didn’t help the empty stomachs that both yearned for food while not wishing for it at the same time. G’raha probably had the worst of it, half keeled over a basin for someone who wasn’t quite so used to the sea and as the sailors had mentioned he would grow his “sea-legs” once everything eased up. They were a little better during the evening, but not quite up to snuff to feel the urge to leave their quarters, piecing on bread, cheese, and chamomile tea for dinner instead of anything large and filling.
By the day after though, G’raha had gone above deck when the sun had fully risen, inhaling the air that surrounded his senses, ears fluttering slightly at the moment of joy. The air smelled of salt, the sound of the boat breaking along the surface, the sight of the stretch of dark blue touching a lighter blue horizon lined with puffy white clouds. All his senses were on an overdrive, and right now his body that had been so wound with tension eased a little. The only change was that the clothes Tataru had worked to make him had been swapped out for a simple white shirt and black pants and boots. They were a bit loose, but then again the Miqo’te sailor that had offered them to him was at least a little bit taller and had the muscle stature to add on it. It was a kind gesture all things considered, but perhaps Angelique’s Warrior of Light status had caused some type of warranted attention or even favors...and while he didn’t want to be the partner that used a title to get things, this was his only exception.
“It’s good to see you got the color back to your cheeks.” Angelique’s voice once more caused his ears to perk upright and one of them to cock towards the direction. Her own adventuring attire had been swapped as well, but that was from another patron on the ship. A kindly and fashionable woman who had offered a soft fabric top that draped against her chest, in a deep shade of hunter green and a skirt that billowed gently in the breeze. “And that we’re not feeling like we’re about to die.” she teased and G’raha smiled when she came to join his side, staring to the horizon. Limsa Lominsa was no longer a speck of darkness in the distance...it was long gone.
“Same to you. I wouldn’t think the great Warrior of Light and Darkness, slayer of gods and then some, could be brought down by a hangover.” G’raha Tia shot her a smirk but she just gave a challenging one right back.
“Claims the light-weight who rarely had alcohol and I nearly had to drag you to the Roost!” She chuckled slightly, even G’raha began to laugh. For a moment it was as if the tensions were gone, and perhaps they were at least tucked away for the moment. For certain though he would go a little lighter on the spirits until he could grow a decent constitution for it.
“It’s refreshing to see the ocean...I didn’t spend much time admiring my surroundings. Especially once the light waned in Kholusia…” He trailed off, remembering waking and coughing up the sea water from the exhausting swim back to the rocky and shell covered beaches of Kholusia after the Tempest, but for a moment when he thought he was simply seeing the light...saw the one person haloed by that light and he couldn’t help but smile that day as the cheers filled the distant bridges. “...We didn’t get to spend much time outside of the borders of Lakeland in general.”
“Well...you couldn’t help that.” Angelique shrugged as if it were no big deal. It certainly made their evenings a bit...stale as he worried. The late nights ghosting away to the Tower to curl up in the Umbilicus next to the Crystal Exarch, wrapped up in a blanket and lights slightly dimmed in the room but enough for them to read together. Hiding away in a place they considered a sanctuary. It was those moments that they cherished, even if the bard was a woman of action...and needed to move to ease the restlessness, trips further out were near impossible if she didn’t want to haul a weakened old man back to the Crystarium to recover. 
“Mm...do you miss it? Those quiet times, safe in our world?” He asked quietly during the sobering thoughts that had passed. “Do...you miss when I was the Crystal Exarch?”
“What’s there to miss, when I have you here and now, in my present?” Angelique would answer his inquiry with one of her own, turning to face him and lightly took hold of his hands, making him turn to face her. It was the present she did thank Kivera for, but the consequences...the ones who suffered for it...those were still the consequences they would be living with until forgiveness if at all would be found. G’raha had fallen silent then he let out a soft sigh before letting his forehead press up against hers, a small notion that followed with a small nuzzle. A sign of affection that Angelique returned; they were here to think, whilst at the same time letting everything clear up. Besides this time together was something that was long overdue. A plan to meet with two objectives.
With a soft kiss between the two, they stood by each other, leaning against the railing with idle conversation, just occupying time. Truth be told they had gone on this trip...they had gone half-cocked. They didn’t pack a change of attire outside the ones on their backs, no extra food rations in case they were out further away from civilization, but most of their time would be spent in Kugane, unless the urge to hunt called to the bard’s blood. Angelique had spent most of the previous evening splitting the gil between them so both herself and G’raha Tia could have some kind of spending money on this trip...and Angelique had half a mind to ask Feo Ul for a very, very miniscule favor, but she wasn’t going to bother the Fae King to gather their laundry. That would be rude and...she just didn’t know how ready she was to introduce them to the new G’raha.
“Oi! Storm’s brewin’ on the horizon!” A sailor called down to the patrons and G’raha and Angelique glanced over, they had taken to sitting down after their legs tired and Angelique was halfway to dozing off in the warmth of the sun against her skin. “Could have some nasty winds, for your safety we ask you head below decks for the time being. You don’t have to go to your quarters, but you can’t stay here.” He spoke before turning to head back to the bow as passengers were heading down below. G’raha would help Angelique to her feet and went with her with the others.
While they had idled in the main cabin for a time, Angelique had thanked the woman who had offered her the clothing, and strummed up some conversation for a while until the rain had started to be heard with the gale wind that caused the boat to rock harshly for a moment. The two mammets had occupied themselves in their quarters, following the rolling star ruby that had fallen out of Angelique’s travel bag.
“Oh, I forgot I brought that part with me…” Angelique muttered when G’raha shut the door and went over to the two mammets and reached over to pick it up as well as the two automaton on the floor. She looked at the ruby in her hand while the mammets climbed onto respective perches.
“...The music box that’s still broken back home…” G’raha muttered softly. “I...can’t apologize enough for that. My temper...I didn’t expect it to…”
“Raha, we’ve been over this, it’s okay. Something like that is easily repaired. Besides...I’ve been getting the urge to change the parts to play a new sound...and a new stone. So when we go back I’ll go to the Goldsmith in Ul’dah.” Angelique told him as she moved over to the bed and sat down as a loud clap of thunder could be heard outside but her fingers still idly rolled the gemstone between her fingers, brow furrowed in thought while the Miqo’te soon joined her. “...I want it to play Eternal Wind…” she spoke softly and G’raha looked surprised at the sudden proclamation.
“Eternal...Wind? You mean those old music sheets we found in the tower...so long ago…the ones I often played in my youth filled days…” He remembered at least...the times he did remember. They had found the old sheet music in the theater, and taken it with them to the camp, G’raha poured endlessly over the work until he could finally play it properly...and that was the first time he heard her sing after he translated it. One of those halcyon moments when he realized he was starting to find himself falling deeper in love. Angelique looked over to him and smiled sheepishly.
“It was one of the few things Rammbroes let me take from your tent. The set was so simple...that I practiced it...every night when I was stressed or not too tired to play a the flute or a harp string.”
“Heh,” he chuckled slightly and covered his eyes a little with a hand, covering the urge to sniffle, “...For so long we had loved one another, unable to express it...now..it feels almost like I’m walking in a daydream...and I don’t want to wake from it.” He could feel the tears sting his eyes but he wiped them away before gathering Angelique into his arms, mammets and all, and bury his face into the crook of her neck, his sanguine eyes staring at the star ruby that almost reflected the same color. For a beat he was silent then he asked a question as he pressed a soft kiss against the back of her neck, feeling the slight tremble under his hold.
“...Do you think they will come and try to find us? Now that Tataru can’t really tell them where we went aside from just sending mail by Moogle?” he asked softly to her, but the hyur only shrugged.
“We will just have to see. It wouldn’t surprise me if Estinien took chase at the behest of Shuri, but hopefully they’ll be understanding why we took off so suddenly instead of telling them. And hopefully they don’t harry the poor Moogle otherwise.” Her response came calmly enough, but she too wasn’t sure what everyone would be capable of if they were wanting to know terribly. For now though as she could feel the soft press of the Miqo’te’s lips on her soft skin and his tail find a way around her waist with only the sounds of the storm outside...she allowed herself to simply drift away. To forget. To find the calm they needed.
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dunnie62 · 4 years
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Happy Birthday, Joe Flanigan! I hope you’ll have a wonderfu day. :)
Credits for the collage pics are going  to Kivera SF on Pinterest. Awesome work. 
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anthropologyarda · 6 years
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Kivera Naynomis, Fall Collection 2012 - Photographed by Artur Hovakimyan.
Clothing for the Falmari
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inviships · 3 years
So made a personal blog for all my f/o things. Not a request blog sorry, I have a writing blog for that.
My f/os are.
Arjuna and his alters.
My oc Kivera
And I'll update this with more.
I might post some r18 related stuff so minors best not follow.
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wendypix · 8 years
1/18 pre-session (Solace)
Should’ve uploaded this one first, whoops
    Solace awoke to find the comfort of his chainmail no longer present on his skin. Cackling laughter emanated from the darkness beyond, which was little bother to him. But being stripped of his possessions, especially his arms was a bitter feeling he hadn't experienced in a long time. He noticed leather straps binding him and bumped into the cold metal bars encasing him.
    As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, Solace racked his brain and tried to remember what happened. Arrows flying out of the undergrowth as he made his way through a forest, catching him by surprise. He had swung his glaive through the bushes, but lost his strength as something struck his head from behind. He felt a wave of nausea as he recalled the moment, the harsh pain throbbing as a strong reminder. And...he wasn't alone. Someone had shouted his name as he collapsed.
    A cackle snapped him awake from his hazy memories, his eyes focusing on a goblin at the bars. A small, rough paw of a hand was prodding his shoulder, a sick grin on its face. The tiefling gave it the filthiest stare he could muster, which in his state would have little effect. Markus had told him about prisoners of war before: treated lesser than slaves, or even animals. But perhaps his unique appearance - horns, tail and all - would be of some impact to these goblins.
    The goblin stared at Solace for a few moments, before laughing again and poking him some more. The feral look in his eyes grew harsher, but his expression did not change. The less opportunity he gave bullies to mock him, the quicker their interest would wane. This, he had learned on his own before Markus came into his life.
    Sure enough, the goblin grew bored at the lack of response and moved onto another cage beside his. A woman's sobbing, followed by louder cackles told him he wasn't the only captive.
    He shut down his spinning thoughts for the moment; those could come later. For now, he recalled what Markus had taught him: assess the situation and procure a weapon. He needed a plan of action while he still had a clear head. The pain and fatigue from whatever happened before washed over him like a shot of lead. The arrow wounds had clotted, but barely. One wrong move or strain would reopen most of them. But he held onto his composure as he leaned his head against the bars.
    Taking a deep breath, he pushed out the pain out of his mind and looked around. Dozens of goblins littered the platform, ringing a large central tree. The spatter of warm blood and the gnawing of raw meat made it clear that the goblins were feasting upon a fresh kill.
    His cage was on the edge of the platform, and judging from how they stayed far away from the edge, it was pretty high up. A few cages were nearby, their captives smaller than he had expected. A child, maybe. But looking closer, he saw a female dwarf, a human boy and a girl. They were visibly shaking in their cells, faces pale even from this distance.
    He turned his sights back to the goblins, the immediate problem at hand. They were the typical loud but unorganized ones - which struck him as odd. These would never succeed in an organized ambush...not without an authority figure.
    And then he found his answer: a different group of goblins an assortment of weapons and armor. In their midst, a larger goblin was on its back, vicious slices and growing patches of blood all over its armor. The tallest one stood to its feet, its chainmail prominent among the crude hide. This one held a swagger in its posture, holding up a rather exotic yet familiar weapon. Solace's glaive.
    It barked out what seemed to be an order, and the lower-rank goblins all stood at attention. Even the ones tormenting the caged captives all stopped and left the platform. The better-armed ones were still there, however. Solace knew the odds were stacked against him should he bust out right then.
    Breaking the lock on his cage would make too much noise - he needed a bigger diversion for that. Instead, he focused on the leather twine that bound him. He took another deep breath, winding up his muscles and exerting his strength in one sharp exhale. The bonds snapped open with little resistance, but so did his brittle wounds.
    A sharp hiss was all he could utter before cold darkness enclosed him once more, dragging him into restless oblivion.
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inviouswriting · 2 years
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“Those dead stars are more than their husks. Two of them have resparked life to them, and I have been monitoring their progress.”
“There is something I’ve learned in my time as a bringer of the end. That those assigned to this kind of task are more humble about the living and respect life. We know what it means to suffer, and we know what it means to despair.”
“I’ve witnessed many stars come to an end, some at my hands; yet I am always willing to give a dying world a chance to rekindle itself. All it takes is one happenstance.”
“The stars have tales, I listen to them, I guide the lost and give rest to the restless.”
“I guide each face unto their next and I give them the tools they need to either challenge their fate or accept it.” 
“A little bird challenged entire existences, a foolish man fought with me at the sea of nothingness for the thrill of it. I gave what he wanted, I saw a world saved by its people. The ambitions of the living never ceases to amaze me. And the very spark I look for when I spare someone. They have to want to change it with everything in them before I lay my scythe down and agree to help them.”
“Death is never an ending you have to accept. Only after the fact, it is too late to revive someone meant at their time, their soul no longer lingers dispersed after they leave and they’re usually miles away from their body when it happens. It’s why I am so against necromancy, they just ensnare another soul within the area, never the one they truly are wanting. Even then, a good reaper has already seen that soul to the shores of Acheron.”
“I can never take mercy on those who wish to against the flow of death. I saw it work with that one man at the cost of all his younger selfs memories. Then again with a man who reinhabited his own body because he had a way to.”
“Do you look at death with such fear that you try to avoid it? those that do are the ones to truly fear, for they look for those forbidden magicks that enslave the dead and give unrest to the rested.”
“I hope for you, you never have to look at your loved ones twice as they perish in a manner more terrible than their original death,”
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The forests provided an adequate shield. Yet the caves that were hidden from prying eyes were much more sufficient. The darkness seeping from the heart of the cave was total, encompassing, lonesome. Touch itself could erode and corrupt anyone foolish enough to dare, to try and reach the creature that nestled within the confines of jagged walls. 
It broke him to see her like this from the afterlife. The beloved moon had fallen, consumed by the darkness that filled the void that he had left. The only pinpricks of light left within her soul centered around her family, the idle peace that warmed the dead recesses of her soul. 
She always doubted herself. He knew that well, from the first glance of her vulnerability to how her soul fractured under the weight of light. Darkness must have been a solace to the hollow husk that returned to their shared loved ones, fiercely clinging to the strands of light she had left. Deep inside, she never found herself enough. 
No amount of words could undo what was done. No one could save her from herself. 
The Darkwarden slept in her cocoon, strands of darkness surrounding her as a meager form of protection and comfort. She almost resembled the consort of Innocence, had she turned into a Lightwarden; alas, this form was not so. Dark aether saturated the very air, infecting it, yet sooner or later would her former comrades come to slay her. Or any other warriors that will dare to try for her head now that eternal darkness threatens the fragile peace. 
He wished to cross the bridge separating the living from the dead, to break the threshold just to touch her. Instead, he could only watch the Darkwarden curl further into herself, freshly born and passive. Not yet a threat, yet soon will be. 
The familiar guardian of the Warden strode into the cave. The reaper who oft took the form of a Miqo’te on the Source took a new form altogether, stopping in front of the hibernating Darkwarden. “Shuri?” Kivera’s voice was soft and the Darkwarden did not stir at the call of the name; nay, how could she, he wanted to say. It was no longer her name. 
The reaper seemed to realize this herself, for she continued in a murmur, “...Are you still able to dream....Anubis?”
The Darkwarden stirred at the name, eyes opening slowly to behold her guardian. Her expression was stone, devoid of any emotion. What was once Shuri was gone; Anubis had taken her place. “No one will harm you, my moon. I swear to it,” vowed Kivera, eyes intense as she gazed upon the Darkwarden freshly born, no kills staining her being yet.
But she hungered. Even her departed lover watching from beyond the lifestream knew it was a matter of time... 
A matter of time before Anubis becomes a threat. 
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thedeathstarspirit · 4 years
For The One of Light and one of Death.
Rp start for @meepsthemiqo
Kivera is use to the ire of people. Specially of the living. She has seen and been the one to claim many lives. Whether she wanted to or not. It surprised her that Meeps wanted to speak to her. She knew it was a matter of time that she would reach out to her.
She was the one who claimed Elidibus after all. She had seen and heard the interactions with Angelique. She herself dealt with her own feelings on the matter, as long as it wasn’t her, herself dragged into matters.
When she got a delicate summon from Meeps, she had a feeling of what the conversation was going to be, given her feelings over Elidibus. She knew of Fae, she was present during Amaurot’s fall, she had witnessed many deaths as the star had died. She was in between voids waiting for the fight with Elidibus to be over, as she was ready to collect the Ascian.
She never wanted to, but an exchange was made, with those that opposed Zodiark had won, and had changed the fate of The Source and The First. Kivera waited outside of the Goblet, being close enough to be sensed rather than knocking at her door.
She felt conflict and unrest within Meeps, that had been there since she first met the woman. Even when she narrowed her eyes to see bits of her soul, the sundered similar to Kiya. But much different in terms of their conditions.
Kivera had assured Shuri that this meeting should not be negative. To Kivera this was another soul coping with grief. She barely knew Meeps, except the brief interactions with her and Fae’a.
She waited for her to compose herself to want to carry out this meeting. She had even abandoned the miqo form in favor of her natural appearance. From ashen white skin and bi-colored wings, to her unique clothing. She remains unseen to normal eyes except to those she wants to see her. A faint burning cloves scent within the air to ward off other spirits.
Kivera holds herself and steels her resolve. She already knows she won’t be able to answer all of her questions. She had recently come from one of the interractions with Kiya. Seeing her and Aymeric go about their lives, the haunted look behind Kiya.
“Some things are best left forgotten to time.” She muses aloud to herself. All she hopes is that grief does not overtake rational thoughts.
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candideangel · 3 years
Kivera - ؟
"Her wings, they're beautiful. They're so...different, but also the same as people like to depict me with? Honestly, perhaps it's because there's beauty in darkness, and Kivera with her personality and her style, encompasses that. Sometimes it's hard to imagine she's titled a reaper. But...yes it's the wings that are the first thing that catch my attention."
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dunnie62 · 4 years
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Happy Birthday, Paul! I hope you’d a wonderful day. :) 
Credits for this great collage goes to Kivera SF who’s to find on Pinterest. 
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inviouswriting · 2 years
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Decider of fates. 
What do you have to fear?
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