#Aisling is a grandma disguised in a young person really
greypetrel · 1 year
Oooh tell me about Aisling and Raina's clothing styles and eating habits?
With pleasure! :3
Dividing into two for easiness. Aisling clothing style will come with a post... Who knows when, hopefully soon! (A spoiler tho: "Everything changed when the Inquisition nation attacked.")
Everything is under the cut because IT LONG.
Tis the prompt list
Clothing style: She likes tailoring more than anything else, so clear lines and very shaped forms in bold, dark but saturated colours, Wool, velvets and the occasional Brocades, something with a body to it. She's not much for jewelry because it annoys her (she's practical), but she likes tiaras, and some necklaces. A scarf on and very well covered, she suffers the cold and will get covered. She's very practical, so she won't go for frills or fancy clothing because she can't work with them, and she really cares little.
But, particularly as Inquisitor, she came to consider fancier clothing as an armour of sort, making her look more like the Inquisitor she ought to be. She still will go for cleaner, smoother and more classic styles.
In matters of fashion history, she'd be all for 1920s, fancy patterns, but simplistic lines. Her palette goes in teal, deep warm forest greens tending to blue, warm yellows, purples and blues, greys.
Oh, also.
She came to appreciate skirts very gradually. Very very gradually. No amount of insistance from Leliana and Josephine and jabs from Vivienne brought her to wear shoes. She wore slippers at Halamshiral. And hated every minute of it. Won't wear anything she's not comfortable with or in a style she hates, the shoes were the exception and she strongly refused stockings ("If I have to explore I'll take the shoes away and I can't run or walk in silk stockings")
In the DadWolf AU, she'll be a metalhead when she'll reach her teenage years, so imagine a lot of band tees, chokers, black black black, a more punkish inspired wardrobe.
Eating Habits: Coming from a Dalish clan, she values food a lot. Will eat anything and anywhere because you don't know if you can't eat tomorrow or you won't be able to get many fresh things bwcayse you're running from slavers and hunting is dangerous and needs to be kept to a minimum. She doesn't particularly like pickles, but will eat them anyway. I picture the Lavellan as more Indian-like (she's adopted, again), so everything in Haven felt a little bland to her. She never complained tho, food is food, just asked extra mustard when she could.
In the Inquisition after a moment of settlement over so much food, she adopts the sane eating habits of a Hobbit. Six meals a day including snacks. She's the hugest sweet tooth, LOVES citruses and fruit desserts in particular. She has two secret candy stashes in her room she stores with biscuits and candies and long-term conservation sweets. One is not so secret, meaning that Sera discovered it and started helping herself. So she made another one, the first has stuff for guests and she keeps it full for Sera... The second is very secret and for her and Cole when he comes around, he won't tell.
Oh. She WILL check that you've eaten. Keeper training coming in full force. Will check everyone ate, will prod you if you didn't. She made friends with Cullen because she noticed that he was skipping lunches and made it her mission to bring him food and check he was eating. When he got clear that she didn't do it just with him or out of pity/considering him weak or in need, they made it a habit.
Clothing style: Leather, wool, or silk if she wants to be fancy. Strictly masculine clothing, she's a butch lesbian thank you very much. Will get rushes from wearing skirts, she feels VERY uncomfortable in it and walks very badly in heels (Leandra tries to teach her. She did her best. Never could do much.). Has a thing for military styles, structured jackets, tight pants and high boots.
Will fill herself with spiky jewelry in silver and black, no stones.
She's practical too, but with style, spiky things, she wears a very strict palette of deep, vivid reds and black, with tans from leather. But if she can have her armours and leathers dyed black SHE WOULD. Practical clothes with lots of pockets because she'll be dead before wearing a purse, will buy clothes from man's section, lots of secret places where to hide daggers. Secretly into Lacey, frilly lingerie, but will die before admitting it with anyone else that's not Isabela and Merrill.
She'll wear a gown if Bela or Merrill will ask her to.
Regency male clothing would be her fancy historical choice. Otherwise, pirate fashion. In a modern day AU? GRUNGE.
Eating Habits: Trash raccoon habits. She'll eat whatever and whenever, doesn't stick to meal times if she's not reminded of them, but eat when she's hungry, slip in the kitchen and sack the pantry.
In a modern AU she'd probably survive with instant ramen and frozen meals badly cooked. Will digest even you if given the chance.
Doesn't like sweets very much, loves spicy foods even if she can't really bear the spiciness. Will eat Thai food crying and snotting, red as a beet, and say she's loving it.
Orana quickly got the hang of it and has a habit of stacking the pantry with sandwiches and snacks Raina can eat when the urge comes. She LOVES how Orana seasons tomatoes, and her bruschetta, will ask her to put diced tomatoes dressed in oregano, olive oil and thyme everywhere, in all meals.
Once she scared Fenris shitless when he was sneaking out of Garrett's room and headed for the door, and she popped out of the kitchen, arms full of stacked plates, a slice of bread in her mouth, in full darkness and silent because she was barefoot. And that's how she knew her brother and Fenris got back together.
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