#Akai would definitely pull stuff like this
ninthfeather · 8 months
Ho Ho Ho Hello! 🎅🏻
It’s „funny“ that seemingly it was a tumblr wide bug that questions got eaten! I saw other blogs complaining about it as well!
Anyway it’s an interesting thought!
Do you have headcanons if any characters might be badly wounded or even die in the end battle? For the drama?
DCMK Exchange Secret Santa
Ugh, I thought it was just a me problem; I tried to save a partial answer as a draft and instead of saving it tumblr froze and the ask disappeared into the aether :/
So, I think there will definitely be injuries, but Gosho has not been very interested in having anyone seriously injured in a way that they don't eventually heal completely from. The sole exception is Kansuke (my beloved) who was injured pre-canon and was presumably created as a character with an injury-related disability. Gosho likes to play fast and loose with medical stuff specifically so that his characters can survive injuries with fewer effects than they'd have IRL, and I don't think he's gonna stop doing that for the finale.
As for deaths, I think there's a chance, but Gosho is, once again, much more comfortable killing people off For Real in the backstory than in the present of the story. He has done it, but a lot of the notable incidents were earlier in the series; I think as DC went on he became (understandably!) more nervous about making permanent alterations to the cast.
I think there's a very good chance that at least one of the spies will either get killed or be thought dead for an extended period of time. I think Camel is probably at the highest risk of this; I think Rei would be a narratively resonant and painful choice too but that he's too popular for Gosho to do that with. Hidemi could also be in danger, but it's been a while since she's been a foreground character and killing her off would not be as impactful now as it would have been like a decade ago.
I think probably most or all of the Japanese police will survive; Takagi's gonna have a near death experience for sure and Sato's gonna lose her mind about it for a bit but they'll both pull through. If Gosho lets the Nagano police be involved, they'll also have some close calls probably. Megure might get shot again, but again, I don't think he'll be killed or seriously injured.
Heiji is also gonna be injured, probably in a way that looks very serious, but again, I think he'll recover without issue. If KID is allowed to show up for the DC finale, he will probably seem to be dead at some point but will turn up later completely uninjured. Ran, Kogoro, and Sonoko will all be in serious peril but none of them will actually get hurt except maybe Kogoro.
As far as antagonists are concerned, I don't feel like the series can end with Gin alive. I would bet on Akai being the one to kill him, but I could be wrong. Probably several other major Black Org characters will also die (specifically of falling off something/being buried under debris/something else indirect), and I would be willing to bet that Vermouth will go out in a way that makes the police believe her dead but leaves Shinichi suspecting that she survived.
I'd *love* if Shinichi got injured in some significant way, because I think it would be symbolic of the impact of this whole thing on his life and because it would increase the Shinichi & Kansuke parallels that I live for, but I do not think it'll actually happen. Every single "Shinichi is injured in a disabling way post Black Org showdown" fanwork lives in my heart, though.
On a related note, I really feel it would be more narratively satisfying if Shinichi ended up with some sort of heart issues post-APTX-4869-cure. I know the part where the temporary cures caused heart issues/were super dangerous was just Gosho's way of making it so he could have Shinichi be fullsize occasionally while still keeping him as Conan most of the time, but at this point, with all of Ai's fussing, it'll feel a little narratively cheap to me if he goes back to being a teenager with absolutely no health complications whatsoever.
I hope you're having a wonderful day and thank you so much for the ask!
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bluevelvetea · 2 years
Rye: It's pretty cold outside.. wanna hold hands? We should stay close.
Scotch, blushing: Okay.
Bourbon: It's fucking summer.
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chemicalmagecraft · 3 years
Taiyuu OCT Bonus Round 4
Character Nicknames: Aura-sensei: Kyoukka Nora Fuwa-chan: Zuruko Kayaki Akai-chan: Naishin-Sunomu Seisho Wolfie-sensei: Kuzu Onoma
x x x
Yukino leaned against the counter in the common room, staring at Aura-sensei. She was about to head to bed, but then Aura-sensei barged in smiling like she had some grand idea she wanted to share with everyone.
"I know you guys are a little tired after the midterms and everything," she said, "so I figured we could do something fun! Goudalone, Sheriff, and I are gonna be manning the grills for a barbecue this weekend, so I hope to see everyone there!" She happily left once she was done with her announcement. Yukino shrugged and went to her room. Who knows, it might actually be fun.
x x x
The barbecue smelled delicious, actually. There were ribs, brisket, burgers, hot dogs, and pulled pork. And that was just the meat. Yukino was surprised that they had the budget for it. Though Aura-sensei probably paid for it out of pocket or something. Otherwise, Yukino would've been a little annoyed they were blowing money on a party instead of fixing any of the actual issues going on in Taiyuu.
Yukino got to the barbecue a little late, so she ended up being one of the last to get food. Yukino wasn't mad about that, it was on her. Besides, she could wait to get food like a big girl. What was annoying her a little, though, was the fact that she was right behind Fuwa-chan. Sure Fuwa-chan finally deigned to turn off her damn Quirk and stop erasing everyone's memories all the time, but that was so far below the bar for decent human being that Yukino was surprised she hadn't been burnt to a crisp by the heat of Earth's molten core. Yukino still had no desire to even be polite to her. Luckily Fuwa-chan was an antisocial asshole, so she didn't even acknowledge Yukino's presence.
Feh. The whole situation got on Yukino's nerves. Fuwa-chan put almost no effort into controlling her Quirk, which Yukino considered to be very irresponsible due to it being something that literally only negatively affected other people, but the staff of Taiyuu never addressed the issue until a schoolwide mandatory counseling meeting, when she miraculously gained the ability to turn off her Quirk seemingly overnight. They didn't try anything to negate or counteract the memory-erasing Quirk's effects on the students, made no effort to reduce the students' exposure to it, and didn't even tell the students that attending Taiyuu would mean having their memories erased on a near-daily basis.
Simply put, they exposed students to the effects of a mind-affecting Quirk without their informed consent (which Yukino was pretty sure was hella illegal even if Fuwa-chan was somehow off the hook), because there was no way they didn't know what Fuwa-chan's situation was. Hero schools usually had to ask for at least the general details on a student's Quirk, to make sure they knew how to train them. Yukino knew for a fact that Taiyuu, despite its utter lack of due diligence, did that; they did it for her, at least. Plus they were continually "supporting" Fuwa-chan due to her "difficult" Quirk, so...
Shit, Taiyuu had Yukino's Quirk data. At this point Yukino didn't trust them at all with her personal information. Unfortunately she couldn't do anything about that at the moment, but when she left she would definitely make sure that she took her personal information with her...
But that was something to talk to her brother about later. For now, though, the line had progressed enough that she was about to start serving herself. She smiled as she took a burger, a hot dog, some brisket, and some baked beans. She hummed as she left the line and looked for somewhere to sit. They didn't have any benches, so the Aura-sensei had just laid a bunch of blankets and towels on the ground. Yukino walked around, looking for a free spot. Ooh, Akai-chan was sitting by herself.
"This spot taken?" Yukino asked.
Akai-chan shook her head. "No, go ahead."
Yukino smiled and sat down next to her. She started eating her burger.
"Are you okay?" Akai-chan asked.
Yukino sighed. She could tell... "I don't wanna unload on you."
"I don't mind."
Yukino looked at her. "You sure?"
Akai-chan nodded.
"If you say so..." Yukino shrugged. "I... hate Taiyuu. The students are fine, most of them anyway, but..."
"I have seen some problems with how the school is run," Akai-chan finished. "It seems that they barely have the budget or staff to actually run a school, and are only scraping by thanks to the Quirks of some of the staff members, especially Laccadaisy's."
"Yeah," Yukino said. "I feel like... they needed to have thought this through a lot more before actually opening the school. Y'know, actually made sure things would run smoothly?"
"Yes, that sounds about right," Akai-chan agreed.
"And then there's the thing with Fuwa-chan," Yukino grumbled.
"Fuwa-chan?" Right, Akai-chan probably didn't know that nickname.
"Zuruko Kayaki," Yukino clarified. "I feel like they're just covering for her, when they should've tried to mitigate the effects of her Quirk on others." She clenched her fists. "You know how disturbing it feels to notice that there've been holes popping up in your memories for months?"
"That sounds disconcerting, especially put that way."
Yukino smiled. "Thanks. Somehow that was so hard for Fuwa-chan to grasp when I tried to bring it up to her, though. I'll admit I probably got a little heated, but I have no idea what happened after that because I stopped 'writing' it down with my Quirk. And you know what happened when I brought my concerns up to Wolfie-sensei?"
"I have the feeling you're not going to say 'it was addressed in a manner that I deemed satisfactory,'" Akai-chan guessed.
"I was not. To be fair, I'm pretty sure it was addressed, but you know how it was addressed?"
"Was that around when the teachers congratulated Zuruko regarding her epiphany with her Quirk?" Akai-chan asked.
Yukino snorted. "An 'epiphany' that most kids with Emitter Quirks figure out before they're ten if it's even relevant, and usually the ones with the more obviously dangerous Quirks tend to get scolded when they don't." She gave an annoyed shrug. "But hey, there's absolutely nothing wrong with permanently erasing other people's memories against their will, I guess."
"I can see why that would frustrate you."
Yukino gave her a weak smile, then returned to her annoyed scowl. "And the worst part is that the staff don't seem to fucking care about it. Fuwa-chan doesn't even seem to try to control her Quirk, but the teachers say nothing about it while givin’ other students flak for tiring themselves out n’ stuff like that! And her attitude! I don' think she even cared about what I had to say when I asked her to try to turn her damn Quirk off, when I told her I didn' want my memories erased!" She sniffled, trying to fight back tears. "If that's what Taiyuu considers hero material, especially enough that she gets preferential fucking treatment, then I don' wanna be a Taiyuu hero!"
Akai chan put her hand on Yukino's wrist. Yukino sniffed, then gave her a grateful smile.
"Thanks..." Yukino muttered. "To be honest, I've been planning to leave Taiyuu for a while now. I know you have trouble with technology, so we can’t text or anything, but I want to keep in touch with you if that's possible."
Akai-chan nodded. "I would like that, too. And I think it's fine that you're leaving, if you're worried about that. You clearly don't like it here at Taiyuu, so you should leave as soon as you're able."
"Yeah, thanks." Yukino picked her plate back up and took a bite of her hot dog. She winced. "It's already cold..." She usually kept a good grasp on her Quirk, but recently it seemed like a small amount of it was slipping out more often when her emotions spiked. Considering the frost on the edges of her plate, that looked like the most likely reason why she had cold barbecue when it was still Summer... She sighed and scarfed down her cold food, hoping there was enough for her to have seconds.
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tmbgareok · 5 years
I’ve been geeking out on my Yamaha RX-11 and Alesis HR-16, and they have made me wonder if you and John sequenced your patterns on the machines themselves or if you were sequencing with Performer for your first and second albums (and early demos)? If you did use the machines, did you use the tape backup features to save patterns? Or did you save stuff on your Macs? Did you ever perform live with the actual drum machines instead of backing tapes?
JF: Just yesterday I pulled out a box with our HR-16 and a later version-the HR-16B?-in a black housing, but I haven’t plugged them in. I loved that box. 
There are always big transitions in music technology, but the technology of electronic music was moving really really fast between ‘83 until…. it’s hard to say when it stopped. It kind of came out of the lab and into pop music in those years, with lots of surprising drum machines, keyboards and ultimately sampling devices that would  make the whole music scene seem like there was unlimited newness just over the horizon.
There were one and a half big years between the Yamaha (which basically defines much of the drum sound of our first album) and the Alesis (which is the sound of Lincoln) Yes, we sequenced drum patterns of songs directly on the RX-15 and used the cassette tape back up feature extensively. There were a lot of features that made the Yamaha cool but limited at the same time, like the lack of sensitivity in the pads (kind of uncool) freed things up to allow heavy handed hammering on the hard metal buttons (which was a blast) 
Over the course of making our first album (made with essentially no money with tracks often built on 4 channel rhythm tracks constructed for our show and then used as the foundation for demos) our methods evolved with an eye on keeping sounds cleaner and cleared. The struggle of working against hiss and noise was constant, and was in no way charming. But for us in ’86-’87 hiss still seemed preferable to early attempts at syncing systems. It seemed we were constantly walking into sessions where the people leaving were pulling their hair out having NEVER been able to get things to fully sync or having lost sync at the worst moment as they were trying to mix their master. I don’t know exactly when MIDI rolled out but between the Roland proprietary sync and witnessing early MIDI adopters, it all just seemed like a world of pain. 
That all changed very quickly in ’88 while tracking Lincoln, when we moved our base from where we had recorded our first album, Studio Pass (the public assess studio primarily set up to help out experimental electronic musicians), to Al Houghton’s Dubway (a small studio facility in The Music Building off of Times Square) and actually committed to working with sync track and discovered the joy of the emerging MIDI technology.
We tracked much of the Lincoln album syncing MIDI from Performer (now Digital Performer) off a floppy disc with an Apple Macintosh (I think this was the original one, pre-SE…) our trusty RX-15 and bass often from the studios Akai sampler. 
We had received an urgent message from Mr. Chris Butler (from the band The Waitresses) who had either witnessed a demo of or caught word that the new Alesis HR-16 was awesome, and we should seriously consider waiting to mix our album after the box hit the market, which was just a couple of months off. The sounds of the Alesis were significantly more sophisticated than anything on the market, and the unit offered a lot of mixing versatility. We followed his advice, which made for what was a fortuitous, but essentially backward process of deciding on the drums and bass sound AFTER the rest of the audio was tracked. (Maybe it would be better described as a second layer of decision making informed by the rest of the tracks of the song, but it definitely made the recordings more powerful and focused) Reflecting on it now, the Alesis actually sonically pulled things BACK from full tilt bone-crushing KAHH! snare sound of the RX15 to either the HR-16s (kind of authentic?) sounding piccolo snare ping or it’s papery white-noisey “brush” snare. Those sounds were simply not available from a drum machine before ’88. And while there are production values on the Lincoln album that fully place it squarely in the big 80s, I am grateful that the varied and often smaller sounds of the HR-16 arrived just in time
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backtodc · 6 years
As fun as it is to throw salt at Gosho I think this could be a good time to talk about some good DC cases. So, which are your top ten cases so far?
Hmmm, this took some thought–presented chronologically because I couldn’t pick preferential order XP
Billion Yen Robbery (013-016): Even disregarding its long-term impact on the plot, this case on its own had a good twist in how Akemi disguised herself and the lies she told to track down her robbery partners. I’m always a fan of people, rather than going for big heavy-duty disguises, just using little details of makeup and presentation to completely change their appearance. Ran’s big heart was evident in this case and how strongly she felt about “Masami”‘s safety after just meeting her twice, and this one also what is still one of my favourite ninja-Ran moments to date. Potential kidnapper/murderer across the street? Maybe we should call the police, or run down the stairs OR I GUESS WE COULD JUMP OUT OF A FIRST FLOOR WINDOW AND CHASE HIM ACROSS THE STREET AND DO A FLYING KICK TO DESTROY HIS CAR WINDOW AND ALSO HIS NOSE
Akemi’s death opens up a shitton of plot, and, despite how it gets slightly overused later on (not quite to “did you know Bruce Wayne’s parents got murdered” levels but definitely a biiiiit overused) it’s still one of the most genuinely tragic deaths, especially since Shinichi admitted his real name to her to try and offer her some comfort as she died. TEARS Q_Q
A Haunted Mansion Murder Case (017-019): The case that introduced the Ayumi, Mitsuhiko and Genta. I always think of this one quite fondly. It had a genuinely creepy atmosphere–the “haunted” mansion looks the right side of cliche-creepy, especially once it turns out there’s actually someone around, and honestly I can forgive the incidents of the kids wandering off alone and vanishing because they’re six, of course they’re gonna do silly shit like wander off alone in a haunted mansion. And the truth of the matter is something that’s vanishingly rare in Detective Conan, something I wish we saw more often: a crime of passion. 
There’s no clever trick to the murder: the son, Akio, just loses the rag under a torrent of verbal abuse and smashes his father’s head in with a candlestick. There’s no clever trick to the cover-up, either; his mother messed with the crime scene a bit and reported it as a robbery, and given that the family’s obviously very wealthy, money probably changed hands if any investigating officer did think to suspect anything other than a robbery. All she’s thinking about is protecting her son from the consequences of his crime; all he can think about is his guilt and horror over the murder he committed. The case goes from genuinely creepy to honestly tragic. It’s a proper emotional story, and at no point do any six-year-olds have to witness a human corpse, which I’m always in favour of. And I like Genta, Mitsuhiko and Ayumi and I’m glad they were introduced shut the fuck up
The Hatamoto Family Case (020-025): This was another case with good creepy atmosphere, a solid closed circle situation, classic big fucked-up family situation but at the heart of it, Natsue and Takeshi are a genuinely sweet couple who really don’t deserve all this bullshit and you spend the case really hoping for them to be safe and things to turn out okay for them, the traumatic deaths of several close relatives aside. The murderer is pretty sad, though I feel like Gosho intended him to be more sympathetic than he actually was–he certainly could’ve done with less abuse from his grandfather and been allowed to emotionally invest in his art more, but the cousins thing aside, murdering multiple people over a girl you’ve never even approached marrying somebody else with whom she’s had an actual relationship and is in love with is… not sympathetic. But I’m also glad that the nice chef uncle came out alright too, and that all three of the sympathetic family members reappeared in later cases since they were all very likeable characters. 
Moonlight Sonata (062-067): This one sticks in a lot of people’s minds, and I think it’s for the same reason that the haunted mansion case sticks in mine; atmosphere. This is another one with a good, genuinely creepy atmosphere from the immediate sense of “small town with a dark secret” we get as soon as the Mouri Detective Agency arrives on the island. Gosho was very good at building these atmospheres once upon a time, I would’ve liked to see him write a horror manga. The case is deeply tragic from start to finish, from the murders of the Asoh family, to the fact that Seiji/Narumi got the idea for the “curse” from playing a funeral song for a man who’d just had a heart attack after admitting to murdering their family, to the complex nature of Dr Asai’s grief and guilt that they felt the need to avenge their family but simultaneously called for a detective in the hopes that they’d be stopped, to their suicide at the end because they can’t live with what they felt obligated to do. There are Gosho’s usual… issues… with gender, and given the bigotry that became obvious later he probably had no clue at all what he was doing with Dr Asai’s gender, but I feel like they weren’t handled unkindly for an AMAB character living as a woman? I could be wrong and I wanna open this one up to the trans folk in the audience because I’ve never found a trans fan’s commentary on Dr Asai and how they think they were handled, but goddamn I still cry thinking of their suicide at the end and I appreciate that this was a one-off case that had a visible long-term emotional impact on Conan.
Magic Lovers’ Murder Case (192-196): As well as being an interesting murder involving some quite sympathetic characters, this is a really good case for seeing what Kaitou Kid’s like under the mask (or was like; I feel like he’s lost depth since this?) as expressed through Katsuki Doito. He came along to investigate suspicious user activity, but he joined the magic-lovers’ forum because he is a nerd for stage magic and stage magicians and enjoys nerding out about stage magic and stage magicians. He gets to unapologetically fanboy over his late father with other magicians, with is pretty goddamn cute imo. He also gets to show off knowledge and fondness for other magicians, and his knowledge of magic tricks is useful in solving the case, even though, by his own admission, he’s no detective, and it led to tragedy. We don’t really see how Kid felt about being unable to prevent that murder, since he was still being played as pretty mysterious at the time, but it was a good choice for his second appearance in DC imo since it cemented him as Not A Bad Dude. Also, Conan gets to be one of Those Shonen Protagonists by running across a burning bridge, which, y’know, is always cheesy, but also always kinda cool (the artwork was particularly effective imo)
Twilight Mansion (299-302): I genuinely enjoyed the gathering of the knock-off famous detectives and was pleasantly surprised by Hakuba’s appearance (back when I still held out hope that that kind of thing meant that Kid would get more involved in the plot). The mansion itself is actually quite gorgeously designed and rendered, especially at the end when the exterior crumbles, and again, DAT CREEPY ATMOSPHERE. I guess it’s officially plot-important now, too, which I just wanna say, I officially called nine years ago, but also I was hardly the only one calling BO involvement with Karasuma. 
Most of all, in general, I just really like watching and reading things involving skilled people being very competent at what they do, so the fact that ALL of the gathered detectives (save that one dead one) figured out what was up and were able to communicate and come up with a plan without revealing themselves to the brilliant detective BEHIND the whole thing, and the execution of that plan, were all very, very good and I liked it. I might reread this one right now, actually, while I’m thinking about it, I really do enjoy it top to bottom.
Golden Apple Case (350-354): PEAK interesting backstory on the part of Vermouth and Yukiko, a reasonably interesting murder, Yukiko’s RAD driving scene, and one of my favourite Ran moments ever. The confrontation with the serial killer/Vermouth is tense as hell, and the fact that Ran reacts instinctively to save his life and just can’t bring herself to drop him and let him die, to be responsible for a death, no matter whose, is a very powerful statement on the integrity of her character. She’s just to her core, and Shinichi does steal the moment a bit by helping her pull the serial killer up and getting the really good “you might need a reason to kill, but you don’t need a reason to save a life” line, but this still feels entirely like a Ran moment for me. We find out later that this incident had a profound effect on Vermouth, too, and is possibly the entire reason she’s hiding Shinichi’s secret from the BO and explicitly the reason she doesn’t want Ran to come to harm. Shame we haven’t had much Vermouth character development in a while because this stuff was JUICY.
Two Cases Under One Moon (429-434): An ICONICALLY good Bo-fightin’ case where everybody involved is putting in Maximum Effort. Heiji puts on an extremely good show as a fake Shinichi (the boy’s an extreme drama queen and Heiji does that very well), Yukiko’s disguise skills are valuable and well-used, we finally get the revelation that Vermouth has been Dr Araide for a while AND that she’s maybe immortal (…not… that we’ve gotten ANYTHING on that since..) AND we get the VERY interesting nature of her feelings concerning Shinichi and Ran. Also, we get Ran so concerned about Ai’s wellbeing that she hides in a car boot and then jumps into gunfire in order to protect her, GOD that’s SUCH a good Ran moment. Shinichi, Jodie and Akai all also get to be very brave and very smart and very badass, and ugh really I just wanna go back to everything about Vermouth in this case and explore more of that forever. Please. Also more Jodie, whose backstory we finally got in this case after revealing that she’s not Vermouth. What is it with interesting women disappearing as soon as their backstory is out MOVING ALONG 
Clash of Red and Black (595-609): This case is a cracking case. This one was long and complicated and many-layered and everybody involved was on their highest gears and it was great. Akai and Conan work as a fantastic team and Conan gets free reign to do some very good detective work for the FBI (I still believe he told Akai who he was during this case, it would make sense and undercuts how concerned I am with all of these grown adults letting a six-year-old run all around an active incident). We get a good look at the incredible power and cruelty of the Black Organization when they cause immense collateral damage just to flush the FBI out. We get the story on both Akemi and Akai’s relationship AND the Hondo family, and OH BOY THE HONDO FAMILY.
It’s also one of the most interesting Eisuke cases, imo, where not only does he do some solid investigation to find Mizunashi Rena, we get a glimpse of some real deep trauma over losing his last family member that’s driven him to be willing to attack Rena with scissors out of desperation to get answers about what happened to his father and sister. I mean, I am most definitely not advocating stabbing coma patients, but for Eisuke a lot of the trauma of your whole beloved family dying or disappearing was just implied and not explored, and then he got booted from the series immediately after things got interesting with him, so bleh. We also barely see Hidemi after this, and ?????????? because she’s a CIA agent who’s in DEEP to the BO after surviving a HORRIFYING situation where she has to proudly boast of murdering a man who was secretly her FATHER, who SACRIFICED HIS LIFE TO PROTECT HER… why are we dicking around so much with Mystery Family instead of exploring this one??? This case is kind of the last hurrah for anything interesting happening with the Hondos so I love it for that.
And I love the complicated counter-bluff involved in delivering Kir back to the Black Organization without looking like they were delivering her. Again, this was apparently in exchange for her assisting the FBI and she barely appears after this…? Nope this isn’t about salting at Gosho moving on
The Life-Threatening Broadcast of Love (804-808): I love this one solely and 300% for the part where Miwako Sato jumps out of a helicopter, shoots a noose off of her boyfriend’s neck, grabs him, wraps her coat around him to protect them and knocks both of them out of the range of a bomb blast at the last second, like the goddamn action hero that she is.
So in no particular order, those are my top ten: how about the rest of you?
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prettyallfriends · 3 years
Pretty Rhythm Rainbow Live: Kirakira My☆Design (RL) Chapter 4, 5, 6 English Translation
(No Cosmo :( )
RL Chapter 4: A Sparkling Prism Live with Rinne
Naru: Cosmo-chan hasn’t shown up since then, huh? Maybe she’s busy getting ready for the Harajuku Style-Jack? Her Design power was really cool though! Player-chan’s My☆Deco power and Cosmo-chan’s Design power are both so happynaru! Right, Momo-owner?
Momo: Momomomomomomo… I want more desserts…
Naru: Hey, Owner! Were you listening to anything I just said!?
Momo: Huh!? Of… of course I’m listening!
Naru: This isn’t the time for sleeping~
Momo: I was just thinking!! The two who hold these powers… I mean, I thought My☆Deco and Design were just legends. Player, do you know why you have the power of My☆Deco? ...What!? Akai Meganee told you!? Akai Meganee asked you to come to this world!?
Naru: Wait, so you’re from another world???
Momo: But it doesn’t seem like you’re from Prism World. What kind of world did Meganee take you from, and why? Hm… the mysteries keep piling up…
??? (Rinne): ...the prism sparkle…
Naru: Oh! I’ll introduce you! This is…
Rinne: ...Rinne… I can feel… a sparkling radiance… Do you like prism shows, Player?
Choice: I love them! / I’m not sure yet
Rinne: I’m glad… The wings of my heart… are flying… Believe… in the wings of your heart… Don’t fear… the shining sky… Fly to a new world, Player…
Naru: A new world???
Rinne: ...Prism Live…
Naru: Player-chan can perform Prism Lives too!?
Rinne: ...let’s go, Player… Open the door to a new world…
(prism show)
Naru: Amazing!!! You pulled off a great Prism Live!
Rinne: Did you feel the new world…?
Naru: If you can pull off a Prism Live, you’ll make the audience even more happynaru! Work hard so that you can learn looooots of new stuff, okay?
Rinne: And your heart… will shine…
Momo: Your shining heart can open the door to a new world… Okay! You’re gonna try lots of new things! If you do, you’ll definitely find the reason you were called to this world! ...Probably~...
Naru: “Probably”... Gosh, Momo-owner~...
Momo: By incorporating prism lives, you’ll be able to think of brand new shows!! ...just you and Naru.
Naru: Whaaat!?!? You won’t be helping us think of new shows, Momo-owner!?
Momo: You shouldn’t need me, you’re the manager!!
Naru: That’s not fair!!!
Rinne: ...Player… Thank you… With your radiance… you’ll surely… save this town…
Naru: Waaah~ We have to think up some shows, Player-chaaaan!
Momo: In order to open the door to a new world… And in order for me to be able to eat lots more desserts!!! You gotta work!!!
Naru: Waaaaaah!!!
RL Chapter 5: 100% Lovely Naru~
Naru: Hmmmm… She suddenly tells us to think up a new show… What kinda show would be good? What do you think, Rinne-chan?
Rinne: ...Milk…
Naru: Okay…
Rinne: ...I like… milk…
Naru: Good point. Hot milk’s yummy too~ But we can’t make a show based on this!! What do we doooooo!? What kind of show do you think we should do, Player-chan?
Choice: I want to try a new jump / I want to do a unique show!
Naru: A new jump… Yeah, that could work! And the audience will love it. We’ve come up with a great idea! It wouldn’t be Prism Stone if we didn’t make the audience happynaru! Hey, can I ask for a favour, Player-chan? Since you learned how to perform Prism Lives… why not try a Seventh Jump next? When we do a prism jump, the audience becomes dyed in our coord’s colour. It really gets the audience pumped up, and makes them feel happynaru! When we gather enough of that happynaru feeling, we can perform a Seventh Jump!
Rinne: Seventh Jump… happynaru…
Naru: I’m sure you have a bunch of coords that would work. Lovely, pop, cool, sexy, feminine, ethnic, and star! Perform each style’s Seventh Jump! First up is lovely, my favorite style! Do you have 3 lovely My☆Deco stones? Ooh, of course you do! In that case, it’s time for your Seventh Jump Challenge! If you can perform the lovely Seventh Jump, and get 1,200 carats in your performance, today’s prism show will be a huuuge success! Good luck dyeing the audience's hearts lovely pink!
(prism show)
Naru: Woooow!!! It was super happy pink! You pulled off 100% Pure x2 Arrow super well!!! You were able to get the audience to create lots of lovely power! Your show also made me really happynaru! I hope more and more people come see your shows!
Rinne: ...Yummy…
Naru: Hm? What’s up, Rinne? You hungry?
??? (Ann): Wait wait wait! What was up with that show just now!?!?
Naru: Oh! You were watching the show, Ann-chan?
Ann: Yeah, it was a super yummy show! A fluffy sweetness like candy floss… It had a really lovely flavour! And the person who put on that show was… wait, you!?!?
Naru: I’ll introduce you, Player-chan. This is…
Ann: Come with me for a sec, Player! I have something to ask you!
Naru: Wait up, Ann-chan! You can’t just drag Player-chan… wherever you want!!! ...They left! Wait just a minute, guys! Listen to your manager!!!
Rinne: ...There, there…
RL Chapter 6: Harajuku Style-Jack: Start!
Ann: Over here, over here! Ha… we’re here! Well then, let’s start. Are you readyyyy!?
Choice: Hell yeah!! / Huh? Ready for what???
Ann: Yeah! I really like motivated people! Let’s staaaaaart!!
Naru: Wai- wait a second! Hah… hah… hah…
Ann: Hm? What’s up, Naru?
Naru: What do you mean, “what’s up”!? You dragged Player-chan here!! You didn’t even introduce yourself or anything!
Ann: Ahaha, sorry! I guess I did drag them away pretty suddenly. My name is Fukuhara Ann.I’m in charge of the desserts at Prism Stone. Nice to meetcha, Player! ...hm? Why do I know who you are? What are you talking about!?!? You don’t mean… you haven’t seen it??? Here, look at this, it’s Harajuku Style Snap.
Naru: Popular Fashionista Special Feature… Look! There’s an interview with Cosmo-chan! And her top rival… here! Prism Stone’s… Player-chan!!! Woooah!! She talks about My☆Deco too1
Ann: I wanted to meet you as soon as I read it! Hey, Player… I have something I want to ask you!!! Could you help me think up some pop dessert?
Naru: Pop dessert???
Ann: Yeah! Prism Stone’s becoming more popular lately, so I want to desserts that will shake up their hearts like the pop style of clothes! Your heart’s power sparkles pure white like a marshmallow… So will you lend me your power…?
Momo: ...dessert…
Ann: Ahh! This ominous feeling is…
Momo: I would also like you to help Ann make desserts!!
Ann: Owner…
Momo: Good idea! If you make a new dessert… you’ll attract even more customers! So go and make some!!
Naru: You just want to eat whatever they make, don’t you Momo-owner…?
Momo: That… that’s not true… I… That’s it! I simply had an idea! If Ann teaches you about the power of pop, you may be able to perform yet another new jump, Player!
Naru: The pop Seventh Jump!!!
Momo: Exactly! It’ll be a peach of cake!!! A heavier cash flow and the pop Seventh Jump… It’s a win win, two birds with one stone! Mo~mo~mo~mo!!!
Ann: Great!! So, do you have 3 pop My☆Deco stones, Player? Ooh, nice! You do! In that case, let’s start your Seventh Jump Challenge!!! If you can perform the pop Seventh Jump and get 1,500 carats, your pop power will help me create a pop dessert! Put on a yummy show!!!
(prism show)
Ann: You did it!!! Here’s my pop dessert, eat up!
Momo: Dessert!!! Give me some! Momomunch momomunch momomomo… Delicious!!!
Naru: What a colourful pop dessert with lots of fruit! And this sweet smell will definitely bring in customers, and maybe people we meet may also become customers...
Momo: ...and we’ll get further in the Harajuku Style-Jack!
Ann: The what now? Someone you meet might become a customer? Harajuku Style-Jack?
Momo: Oh yeah, you don’t know yet! I’ll tell you all about it! First I’ll explain how someone you meet can become a customer.
(streetpass tutorial/explanation)
Momo: Well? Do you understand StreetPass now?
Ann: Yeah, it sounds fun! Let’s go meet people!
Momo: Wait! I still need to tell you about the Harajuku Style-Jack!
Ann: Oh yeah! Tell me, tell meeee!
Momo: Geez, you’re a real peach of work… Well, first off, look at this!
(cosmo on billboards everywhere)
Momo: This is what Harajuku looks like right now. Cosmo is everywhere… However, there’s no need to worry! The battle has just begun! We can also dye Harajuku the colour of Prism Stone!
(harajuku oshare jack tutorial. The tutorial is one page long and basically just says ‘do stuff lol’)
Momo: If you My☆Deco, do prism shows, and meet lots of fashionable people, people who’ve witnessed you power will show up as customers, Player! You can check the number of customers in the Prism Pod in the main menu!
Ann: Oooh! That’s yummy! Now I wanna make more desserts to hype up Prism Stone! It’s thanks to you that I was able to make this pop dessert, Player! Thank you! From here on out, let’s make our prism shows and Prism Stone even yummier together!
Naru: I’ll work hard with you guys! Let’s meet new people in new places from now on!
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dragon-seahorse · 4 years
Kaitou Joker
Anon i hope you're ready for this
haven’t heard of it | absolutely never watching | might watch | currently watching | dropped | hated it | meh | a positive okay | liked it | liked it a lot! | ((loved it)) | ((a favorite))
don’t watch period | drop if not interested within 2-3 episodes | ((give it a go, could be your thing)) |(( 5 star recommendation))
fav characters: KAITOU JOKER,Hatchi, Roko,Akai, Shadow Joker,HOSSHI 
 least fav characters: PROFESSOR CLOVER,  and there's this other guy that I can't remember the name of but he's the last villian and he's a jerk, I'm also not very fond of Queen
fav relationship: Akai and Joker(both ship and friendship) and Hatchi and Joker (BROTP right there)
fav moment: honestly I love everything that happens in this series but definitely one of my favorite moments is there's a point where Joker gets sick and has to stay in bed so its up to Hatchi and SHADOW JOKER of all people to pull off a heist and honestly I love that entire episode
headcanons/theories: Joker has been seen several times in disguise wearing glasses, my headcanon is that they are actually really and not fashion ones the reasons why I head Canon this is kind spoilers but if you don't mind that then Spoiler Warning: when Joker was a kid he was trying to help save some friends of his that he made that day of course professor clover and his goons stop that by proceeding to shoot young Joker and thus giving him a pretty nasty scar.
unpopular opinion: N/A cause I just don't have the energy rn to do so plus the small fandom we have is really chill from what I've see
 how’d you find it: ironic around the time I first started working i was looking for stuff to watch on kissanime before i went to work and this popped up and honestly I'm really happy that I did find it,it literally means the world to me it's my go to comfort anime 
 random thoughts: plz watch this show I would to have more people to talk about it with plus it does have some actual science for when they use their escape techniques! It's really cool! Sometimes a bit whacky but still!
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