#Akira Agarkar Yamada
weeb-polls-with-pip · 6 months
Autistic Anime Boys Prelims - Propaganda Division - Group 8
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Itsuki -
"Does things in ways the protagonist sees as strange and talks in a very formal and roundabout way. He also talks with his hands a lot. He has admitted to faking his personality to be more to Haruhi Suzumiya's liking in both the main timeline and the timeline where he's an ordinary human."
Akira -
"Akira cares deeply for animals maybe even more than other people, he’s completely oblivious to the fact both his best friends are in love with him and when he fuses with a demon to become a demon hunter he calls himself Devilman because he’s a demon and a man at the same time."
Yukiteru -
"Yuki is incredibly socially awkward but also has a knack for befriending odd people, he writes everything he sees in his diary and is super dedicated to keeping the format exactly the same every time oh and did I mention his ‘imaginary friend’ is a science themed god?"
Haru -
"He's really into the patterns of storytelling, and his goal in life is to be a "protagonist". Once he becomes an Appli Driver, he places a lot of his self-worth in being a protagonist and the role he fulfills (which, in my opinion, is a type of script-following) and he winds up in a bad place when he realizes him being a protagonist was built on a lie. He spends all of his free time reading & sometimes gets so invested in reading that he skips out on social activities (and lets his 2ft monster (Gatchmon) go trick-or-treating in broad daylight all on their own). He always has the same pair of goggles on his head but wears them maybe once. His buddy Appmon (digimon partners are often reflections of their human partners) is basically the personification of a search engine and will go on tangents about whatever they've looked up."
Mio -
"Has special interests in ancient medicines and photography. Abstract thoughts and oblivious to social norms. Resists change (example: reacted negatively to the schools curry being unavailable since that is his possible safe food). Other characters notes him as being strange. Poor reasoning (example: Thinks it more efficient to just take supplements instead of eating). Ignores other in pursuit of his interests."
Akira Agarkar -
"A 25 year old man who works for a government agency named D.U.C.K., where flamboyant/eccentric people investigate aliens, and goes undercover as a highschooler to gain information about Haru; doing a poor job of trying to blend in. He is a quirky silly man and his best friend is a duck named Tapioca who he talks to. He also has a special interest in fishing and gets so excited by it that he sometimes yells "FIIIIIIISHH" in English when he reels them in. Bad puns upset him so much that he is physically incapacitated and lies on the floor. What else can I say, I love him."
Kaiji -
"Can't tell when he's being tricked by other characters, and sees human connection as pointless because of how isolated he feels. Says that other see him as weird and that 'being difficult' is easier for him than acting like someone he isn't."
Shou -
"His special interest is math. He uses math terms in regular conversations and calls people yoctograms/zeptograms which earned him monikers such as "math man" and "pi-face". Speaking of Pi, he once shouted 155 consecutive digits of it through a megaphone just because he could. He's so normal."
Saguru -
"high school detective who shows up to crime scenes in full sherlock holmes cosplay because this is totally a normal thing one does, right?"
Souji -
"this lonely genius used to be a computer-like man, now he's a (tragic) villain. the bisexual who swings both ways and misses both times, he's associated with insects/butterflies, flowers/black roses, anachronism, beautiful memories, elevators, and coffins- but who in SKU isn't, really? oh, and fire. he's also voiced by Midorikawa Hikaru at his raspy best."
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ghoulishtomato · 9 months
Tsuritama is a story about how putting in the effort it takes to do something is worthwhile and makes you a stronger person in the end. Even if you don't want to, you're nervous, or mess up at the thing at first, especially when it comes to forging relationships, you should still at least try over and over again, because eventually you'll get it right. And Tsuritama tells you all this by using fishing as a metaphor. Welcome to my Ted talk, in this essay, etc etc
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mothy35 · 7 months
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what ive gathered 5 episodes in
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fisherman-fight · 5 months
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AKIRA - "He’s a secret agent. He has a pet duck named Tapioca. He infiltrated a high school and introduced himself to his classmates by admitting he’s 25. He hates puns. His power level is off the charts." "Learns fishing as part of his secret mission, discovers that he genuinely enjoys it"
MARV - "All he does is fish. He stands in a puddle and still manages to fish. His email is [email protected] . He knows fish more than he knows anything else. He is The Fisherman" "He's kinda hot. And old."
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coolpikachu · 2 years
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drew the boys for tsuritama's 10th anni earlier this year!!!
maybe i've never gotten over them. maybe they've changed me irreparably. maybe i think about the official art of akira being asked out Every day of my life. what then
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fractalflare · 10 months
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TOU – Icons are free to use, free to edit, with or without credit, likes and reblogs are encouraged. Please don’t re-upload or claim as your own. Please let me know about any broken links —  DOWNLOAD
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fuumiku · 2 years
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Day 2 (3?) of having my wisdom teeth pulled out: Akira fever at 1 am
I really prefer my art messy so sorry for the experimental sketch style
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hotarucreations · 5 months
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Akira from Tsuritama fanart (2012).
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fates-theysband · 1 year
Clash of the True Forevers: Akira Agarkar Yamada vs Aurelia Hammerlock
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meeedeee · 1 year
[AMV] Under the Sea by Hikari
Your name is "Haru". You are an Alien!
You come across a boy one day named "Yuki" and decide you want to befriend Yuki, who seems to have very strong Anxiety issues. (You yourself may have very strong Anxiety issues.) But you secretly had a big "problem" that is surpassing even your own abilities to solve on your own... Also, you love fishing. You love to fish! You want Yuki to try fishing! And you really really like the color "red".
This AMV is a re-post (for AO3) of an A.M.V. I made some years back. Yuki Sanada and Haru are heavily featured (main) characters, Supporting ensemble includes Akira Agarkar Yamada and Natsuki Usami as their support, Coco and Kate Sanada also appear briefly. This A.M.V. implies and spans the entire wider storyline of the series and contains spoilers for the ending episodes.
Song featured: "Under the Sea", from Disney's The Little Mermaid (1989). The version used is a cover version in Japanese sung by Miyu Irino, Haru's voice actor.
(Feed generated with FetchRSS) from Search Works | Archive of Our Own https://ift.tt/eq6DKxZ via https://ift.tt/GanypLE
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newgroundstier · 2 years
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happy 10 year anniversary tsuritama my beloved !!!! here are some lil guys
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from-a-distant-end · 2 years
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Tsuritama Opening | Tranquil Monochrome by FUJIFABRIC
他の事なら気にせんが 知らず知らずに待っていた...
If I’m mistaken, don’t mind me, but I’ve been waiting unconsciously...
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tsuritama10th · 2 years
Tsuritama 2020 Blu-Ray Short Story
Since this story is fairly short, I wanted to give it a real line-by-line translation. Please be aware though that this is a cleaned up machine translation. I did try to double-check all of the lines, but my Japanese is beginner level and there is a big margin for error!
Thank you so much to my friend Felix for the scans!
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He hadn't seen Haru since yesterday.
Yuki deftly put a small colorful fish on the hook and immediately stopped thinking about it again. There were many other things to think of. Much had happened in the last year and a half.
The Enoshima Boom that was caused by the turmoil a while back had come and gone. Though a few tourists still came by to see the Enoshima Dance, Heihach's shout that "The Era of Enoshima has come!" did not actually come true. The island returned to its original tranquil state.
It was Yuki's second year working at HEMINGWAY now. The store manager (the cat) had gotten fat again. The Tapioca drink that's served on a duck shaped coaster was as popular as ever. Ayumi, who had successfully become Misaki's husband, was currently repairing the roof of the store. The typhoon last week had blown off a part of the roof.
When the typhoon came, Yuki had remembered the turmoil of back then for a little, but he didn't say that out loud.
Ayumi still had a habit of dashing to the shore and shouting, but now he only did it when Misaki gets mad. He releases the screams of his heart to the ocean that way.
Misaki was pregnant but her belly had not grown yet.
"What do you think would be a good name for the baby?" Ayumi asked Yuki every time they met, but Yuki didn't feel like that's his place to decide so he never answered seriously.
The other day Erika, who had started fishing under the influence of her boyfriend, dropped by with him to buy matching lures. Yuki still felt a little swell of pride that he was able to speak to them very naturally.
He had changed from back in the day. By now, it was alright for him to man the store on his own. His customer service was decent. The days of the Hannya-face were a nostalgic memory now.
After that fiasco, Yuki was able to talk to his classmates at school a lot. They asked him many things about fishing. Yuki, Haru and Urara also went fishing every week.
These days, it was only once in a while...
Well, it's probably one of those things...
'It's been a year and a half', Yuki thought to himself. It's been a really long time since Natsuki and Akira left Enoshima... It'd been a lot of fun since, but there was also an indescribable feeling in Yuki's heart.
Boredom? Emptyness? A sense of loss?
Those words came to mind, but none of them seemed to fit.
Every day was fun, but what lies ahead?
Yuki had applied to some universities, but he aimed to high and failed. No, no. Really it was because he'd been fishing when he really would have needed to work harder.
Anyway, Yuki decided to stay in Enoshima.
A year passed quickly as he was studying, working part time and helping out at home. Yuki was getting kind of fidgety. "What are you going to do in the future?" was the question he was most scared of.
Would they ask it, too...?
Tomorrow, on March 31st, Natsuki would temporarily return from studying in the US and Akira will rush in from Finland, where he was currently posted.
Yuki hadn't seen them in a year and a half. That's why he had been reminiscing about what happened in that time.
Why tomorrow? Naturally...
March 31st - Yuki's Birthday April 1st - Haru's Birthday
Around this time, Yuki can't help pulling away from Haru, who was always next to him. That's annoying. He disliked himself for thinking this way sometimes.
While Yuki always got a bit moody around now, Haru was forever like a child. It was impossible to explain that frustration to him. They didn't go fishing these days because they got into fights over the smallest things. Urara had been pretty troubled because of that. He's a really nice guy.
Yuki had been trying hard to think about a birthday present for Haru. He thought of a surprise and then went 'oh, well' and contradicted himself again. It had been like this since yesterday.
But... oh well.
Yuki wasn't sure why, but he had a feeling that all his moodiness will be gone when he sees Natsuki and Akira again tomorrow.
There was something he wants to tell Natsuki.
Yuki recently met up with his real father. He didn't remember how long it had been, but it made him happy. But even though they went fishing together, it wasn't really exciting. They didn't know what to talk about and parted without making any plans for a next time.
Yuki wanted to talk to Natsuki about that.
After finishing up with work, Yuki went back to the empty house and got into the futon alone to remember the last year and a half from the beginning again.
Where should I start...?
Thinking about that, his thoughts got all messy and he fell asleep before he knew it.
And so came March 31st. The day of the memorable four person reunion.
But Haru didn't come back.
Even though he was looking forward to it so much...
Yuki was pissed off, sad, and for some reason lonely, and for the first time in a long time, and only on a day like this, his Hannya face returned!
After Natsuki and Akira laughed at his face and took a lot of pictures with their phones, the group went to the East Promenade of Katase Fishing Port near HEMINGWAY, where he'd fished for the first time, and fished together.
Natsuki was working towards becoming a professional bass fisherman in California under the guidance of an American bass pro. His hair was as shaggy as when Yuki first met him, and Yuki was glad to see that he was concentrating on fishing. For a birthday present Natsuki gave him a dark blue cap "for everyday use or for fishing".
It seemed that Natsuki had learned about more than just bass fishing in California.
"I am in nature every day. Everyone calls it "nature," but it doesn't really have a name. When you are in it every day, it sometimes seems like you don't have a name either." he said and Yuki didn't quite get it, but it was good.
Akira, now twenty-seven years old, currently lives in Finland and seems to be fishing as usual. For a moment Yuki thought he had brought two Tapiocas, but it seems like it was Tapioca with her lover. Yuki was surprised that it was a different one from the one he'd heard about before.
Yuki and Natsuki laughed when they saw Tapioca sharing the ham that Akira had given her with her lover, but Akira didn't laugh, instead he let out a long breath through his nose and looked at the ocean.
Yuki was given a brightly designed apron by Akira. "You've been cooking lately, haven't you?" Akira had a good memory, probably because of his job.
Yuki said, "Thanks," and then added, without looking at the two of them, "Grandma's fine, by the way." He somehow had gotten the feeling they were worried about that.
Ironically, it was Akira who was most worried about Haru's disappearance.
"Sometimes there are aliens. Sometimes there are aliens who suddenly disappear..."
But Haru didn't disappear.
Whenever he got into one of those "annoying" situations that are so common these days, he turned into a yellow fish and retreated into his goldfish bowl. His temporary home was in a place Yuki doesn't frequent these days, so he couldn't find him. It's the hospital room where Kate iwas staying.
Kate had been here more often than not lately.
Today, Haru swam in the goldfish bowl on Kate's bedside table and talked.
"Yuki says 'Things are changing, aren't they?'"
Haru felt that Yuki has been cold these days. He was in a bad mood and doesn't hang out with Haru as much as before. But Yuki says "no matter who, no matter what, nobody can avoid changing".
"Yuki has changed! He doesn't come to see you, Kate, and our house is a mess."
"There are also times like this," Kate said, "That isn't all there is to Yuki."
"I know. Yuki makes good food. Urara has also gotten better."
"Haven't you changed as well, Haru?"
"Not at all. I hate change!"
"Oh, but haven't you been saying 'it's such a pain' a lot lately?"
"I... might have been saying something like that..."
A year ago, Haru came back to Enoshima because he didn't want to be without Yuki. He thought they'd be together until they died.
"... but it doesn't look like that's going to be true..."
Coco, who had returned to their home planet, had told Haru to come back soon. And definitely, their home planet was pleasant and enjoyable. Haru always told Coco that it also feels really good here, but recently he'd been wondering if that's actually true. He's felt a lot of loneliness and sadness.
That's what he thought when the typhoon shook the house.
"But 'sadness' isn't just sad."
Haru's reply was a tantrum-like whine. "I don't get it!!"
"After all... Even when you feel sad, you eat when you're hungry. You laugh when you hear something funny, right? "
"Nothing is ever just the one thing. So don't decide it is, Haru. Look, even though I'm alive, I might also have died already."
"Kate is alive!"
"That's right. Surprisingly, I haven't died yet. That's what I mean. Sometimes it feels like it's over, but then surprisingly it's not. I'm always excited to find out what happens."
"Que sera, sera!"
That was something the two of them said in a chorus.
And as Kate said, Haru was sad and still, he laughed.
In the end, only Natsuki caught three fish. Yuki and Akira got nothing. Afterwards, they lazed around on the grass in front of HEMMINGWAY and, as if they had agreed on it, fell silent.
As Yuki listened to the soothing sound of the waves, he thought that he had expected everyone to talk much more, about many things.. It was so quiet that he sneaked a glance at the others' profiles.
Natsuki seemed to be looking beyond the sky, while Akira seemed to be looking even beyond that.
After a long silence, the topic of 'what if the world ended tomorrow' came up.
"First I'll ascertain that that's actually the truth," Akira replied.
"Sorry for being boring, but I'l probably be fishing," Natsuki said. "And you, Yuki?"
As he was asked by Natsuki, Yuki pushed a thought of Haru's smiling face out of his mind and replied: "I'd probably be with grandma." He felt like he could hear Haru saying "You haven't visited her at all lately" in the back of his mind, but he pushed that out too.
Haru didn't show up after all.
Giving Haru his presents was postponed until tomorrow and the party broke up much earlier than Yuki had expected.
Natsuki had wanted to go home since they were wishing. Yuki first thought he wanted to see Sakura, but then he remembered little Satsuki was also there and that was probably it. When talking about his youngest sister who couldn't even talk yet, Natsuki smiled so much that he didn't even seem like Natsuki.
"If she cries, what do I do? I see her over smartphone sometimes, but she still doesn't recognize me as her older brother."
Akira seemed to still be in Enoshima tomorrow, but he hadn't said where he was staying.
As they parted, Yuki slipped in the story about going fishing with his father. Natsuki and Akira looked a little surprised, but quickly recovered.
"There's still a lot of stuff," Natsuki said, "It may not work out at first, but I think it will in the future."
"I wonder..."
"I'm sure of it. I feel like you once told me you were jealous of me, but now I'm jealous of you."
"I think so as well," said Akira. He looked straight at Yuki and continued as if he had been prepared for this all along. "Yuki, don't worry too much. You saved the world here, but from now on you'll save yourself. If you start worrying about important things before they've even started, you won't be in charge of your own body and mind."
After all, Akira was an adult.
Yuki wasn't sure what to say or do, but Natsuki gently poked him.
"Get along with Haru." When Yuki didn't know what to say yet again, the other two looked at each other and laughed.
What's with those two...
The three of them parted ways there. They did not make any concrete plans for tomorrow.
After all, the thing Yuki had been afraid of, the question "What are you going to do in the future?" had not come up. Nobody asked it, though they may have wondered in their hearts.
The sun was setting before Yuki knew it.
"No way," Yuki muttered as he looked out to the sea. If he met up with Natsuki and Akira, all this moodiness would surely disappear. That couldn't be true.
When he came to, he was running. It had been a while so he was immediately out of breath.
Pathetic. I'm still only 19.
There was someone waving in the distance and it was Haru, after all.
"Happy Birthday, Yuki!"
"You too..."
"I'm only tomorrow!"
"I know."
"Here, your present!"
They had both gotten each other lures. They're similar at first glance, but if you looked at them closely, they were completely different lures.
Yuki should have been pissed off, but he had to laugh.
"That's a cute lure! Thank you, Yuki!"
"... yeah. Thank you as well."
"Hey Yuki, become my friend again!"
"What's with that..."
"Please! Say it's okay, please, pleeeaaaase!"
Haru was clinging to Yuki's arm in a tantrum. Yuki still didn't like it, but there was nothing he could do about it.
"We'll be friends again." He decided to accept the strange proposal. "I don't really get it, but let's get along."
Haru jumped in joy, just when Urara stepped out to call them for dinner.
"The Miso is read Miso with whitebait today."
Even though Yuki was simply told what's for dinner, his feelings seemed to reset.
Is that what a mother looks like?
Mother? No, that's an alien.
Yuki felt kind of embarrassed and laughed, blaming it on the bright glare of the setting sun.
As he sighed at being dragged inside by the arm by Haru, Yuki thought that tomorrow he should go fishing with Haru, Urara, Natsuki and Akira, and after that he should visit his grandma.
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inputanimeoutput · 3 years
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阿三 || 臨界 *** Reprinted with permission from the artist.  Do not repost or delete source information.
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alvistem · 4 years
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mazitdynasty · 4 years
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Sunrise Fishing Trip 🐠 🌅
[Just the bg]
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