#Akira kurusu is Kazuma Majima just to clarify
mariogman25 · 7 years
Akira Kurusu, The Yakuza Prince of Kamurocho - Part One: Kiwami Family
December 11, 2005
It was getting to be Christmas time again and the temperature seemed to agree, even with winter temperatures slowly rising, Majima always being bothered by global warming ever since before losing his eye and his blood brother. But he didn’t have time to worry. Kazuma Kiryu is finally back in town and has already fought him on more than one occasion. ‘MAN he’s really out of shape. Guess having to be a good boy in prison will do that to a man.’ Majima thought to himself. He’s been wandering all over town looking for Kazzy. Though things are a bit different tonight. Everyone in his Family was busy on a job tonight so he hand to bring Kazuma with him. He decided it was kind of an awkward idea to name his son after Kazzy now that they’re both going to be in the same area. He’ll just keep calling Kiryu Kazzy or just Kiryu and his son Kazuma to keep things simple in his head.
Kazuma Majima seemed like an ordinary child, but having a father that’s also a high ranking and rather crazy yakuza has all it’s benefits and drawbacks. Today he was dragged all over town by his dad so he can fight Kiryu. From what his father has told him, Kiryu got into a fight with him before being arrested so Majima swore a sort of revenge on him. Though only being around 4, he didn’t really understand that much other than maybe Kiryu made fun of his dad. Whenever Majima saw him, and he wasn’t exactly hard to miss either. The guy wears all white with a red-pink undershirt in a sea of black and grey clothes. Kazuma thought he looked funny. He was no newbie to his father’s fighting tendencies, watching him fight plenty of people on the street, growing his admiration of his father: Goro Majima.
Kazuma didn’t know but his father held back a lot whenever he fought around him. It was more or less unavoidable considering himself. He didn’t want his son being sprayed with blood or teeth whenever he got into a street fight, I mean what self respecting parent would? In his recent fights against Kiryu, he decided to keep Kazuma a secret so Kiryu wouldn’t hold back in front of children either. At most he usually just kept him off to the side, or maybe even be a lookout for him whenever he hid in something. Though he guesses it looks a little strange for a 4 year old to be hanging out around giant traffic cones, manhole covers, and the like. 
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To make sure his son had a good time, he made sure to go to fun places as well. Just recently he brought him to a place full of remote control car races, an arcade, and the bowling alley. Though it seems Kazuma is strangely good at blending with people, even in a city like Kamurocho. Goro nearly has a heart attack whenever he doesn’t see Kazuma in a crowd and then his son just sneaks up behind him and almost scares his coat off with a simple hi.
There was a little girl with Kazzy sometimes. Goro found it sort of odd but thought nothing of it. Though it did give him a new idea to use later without Kazuma being around, strictly a him and his Family operation. No place for kids minus the one Kazzy was with. What Majima didn’t know was that Kazuma seemed to of struck up a friendship with the older girl. She said Kazzy was her dad*, and Kazuma said that Goro was his dad. Her name was Haruka. 
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Once enough fights happened though, they started placing bets. Unfortunately, Goro was on a losing streak tonight and Kazuma lost ¥500^ at the end of the night.
“Hey Kazuma.” Majima asked his son, “Dad?” Kazuma replied “You think this counts as an early Christmas gift? Traveling about the town and all that noise?” “Hmmm…” His son thought for a few seconds… “Nah.” Majima couldn’t help but give off a goofy laugh. He sort of expected that answer, but would honor it just the same. Kazuma yawned. Goro looked at his phone and saw it was getting pretty late and he hadn’t seen Kazzy anywhere. “Guess it’s time to go home, kid.” Goro told him. Kazuma nodded and they headed in for the night. They made their way to a cab and headed off to Majima’s apartment.
Unfortunately, Kazuma decided to start racing Majima without telling him right when they entered their building** and ran off. Goro, surprised by Kazuma suddenly running off, is stunned in silence for a couple seconds, before he runs after him.“Get back here!” He shouted a tad to angrily. Though the anger was more at himself than anything, for not realizing what was going on. Commence a chase sequence for a weirdly fast 4 year old and an oddly flexible 41 year old. Goro sees Kazuma up the corridor and running up the stairs, giggling all the way. Goro shakes his head and chases after the smaller Majima. Once up the stairs, he sees another pair of tenants carrying a couch through the hallway. Thinking Kazuma is stopped, Goro slows down a bit and jogs, but something happens that nearly makes his eye bug out of his head. He sees Kazuma somehow jump on one of the guy’s shoulders and ROLLS OVER THE 2 GUYS AND THEIR COUCH, and he continues running still!
After a brief moment of everyone processing what just happened, Majima continues running and slides between both guy’s legs like a pro baseball player. After running up some more stairs, Majima sees Kazuma enter their apartment and he dashes in after. When he closes the door, he can’t seem to find Kazuma anywhere. “Kazuma, get out here! Don’t run away from me like that!” He hears some small child laughter from in the bathroom and Majima enters it, and Kazuma dashes past him and starts climbing a nearby shelf. “GET DOWN FROM THERE YOU LITTLE DAMNED DEMON!” Kazuma stares back at him in shock and climbs back down and sits on the floor. Staring away from Majima. Majima can see him start crying. “Oh… oh Kaz I didn’t mean it!” Majima walks over to the sobbing Kazuma. He doesn’t exactly know what to do, since the kid has been pretty quiet ever since he was 2 and stopped all the regular baby crying.
Having a similar thought process flashing back to when he first found Kazuma, which boils down to ‘Do something’. He just straight up blurts out, “He Kaz, you wanna see something really special to me and my Family?” Kazuma looks at Majima with tears in his eyes, nodding after a few seconds. Majima really didn’t want his kid to know about the whole back tattoo thing, since he was still young and it might freak him out, but now he’s said too much and he really doesn’t want to show him the knife that gave him the eye patch... And image flashes in his head back to that fateful moment...
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Putting that image out of his head, Majima slowly turns around and dramatically throws off his snakeskin coat to reveal his Hannya Mask + White Snake back tattoo. Kazuma flinches but stares at his father’s tattoo. “See, I’m a demon too.” Majima said with a grin as he turned his head to look at Kazuma. After a taking a little bit to process it, Kazuma responds “It’s… really… cool…” through sniffs and tiny sobs. After a few more seconds, Kazuma starts laughing and Majima turns around and kneels back down next to him. He chuckles, “See? Being a demon isn’t so bad, eh?” “Does that make me Little Demon and you Big Demon?” Kazuma responds. Majima thinks for a moment then laughs once the joke gets to him... 
And so whenever the 2 visit the family HQ, the family calls them The Mad Dog and Mad Pup of Shimano behind their backs…
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A couple days later…
Goro Majima, following Kazzy Kiryu as usual, though this time Kazuma Majima is at school, so Goro Majima is alone for his usual stalking. He hopes Kazuma is doing good in school... Majima puts that out of his mind for now though. He sees something suspicious. A lot of goons seem to be following Kiryu around. Not wanting for Kazzy to die before he’s reached his full potential, he decides to text him and warn him about what’s going down and to take a cab. Majima himself also gets in a nearby cab and tells the driver to get to the pier.
He tells Kiryu what’s going down and right as he finishes up explaining, the goons that were following Kiryu around were formerly part of the Dojima family before Kiryu killed their boss. Majima doesn’t care too much and just wants these guys out of the picture so Kiryu can survive until his full potential. After their brawl, Majima finishes up kicking the other guy’s asses. After beating the hell out of the last guy, who took a lot of punishment before going down, another guy woke up for a few seconds and somehow got lucky enough to shoot Majima in the side. He wasn’t prepared for the shot and he stumbles back… ‘why isn’t there any ground?’ He wonders to himself, but now, it’s too late. 
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He’s falling and his back isn’t hitting anything solid. Majima crashes into the water with a hard splash. He sinks into the water, blood flowing out of the wound in his side, pain overwhelming his senses, water entering his lungs. He can’t focus enough to start swimming. Is this the end for him? His eye starts blacking out. ‘Wonder if… Kazzy will save me…’ moments pass and nothing happens, as Majima continues to sink further into the ocean. ‘Damn…’ He’s getting too waterlogged and losing too much blood to properly swim anymore… His eye is blacking out more… ‘Sorry… Kazuma… Makoto… Saejima... I fuck up…’ Something flashes blue in his mind before fully falling unconscious...
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...To Be Continued?
* She’s just keeping up the illusion that Kazzy is her dad so nobody gets suspicious.
** Yes I’m having Majima live in a dingy apartment. He just doesn’t seem to care enough to live anywhere fancier.
^ $5 in American money. They’re children, it’s not like they’d have fucking stacks of cash on them.
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