#Al Brightspot
asktherandomfam · 7 months
The door flew open, smashing against the dresser on the otherside. A small banged up looking skitty walked through, hollering at someone on the other side of the door as they walked in. However they managed to cuss out the person or rather pokemon on the other side of the door, before slamming the door shut..
"Idiots.. Just idiots I tell ya Al.. And if I could- I'd run them through the ground- You know what I'm saying?"
An anthro looking Umbreon was sitting on a nearby couch, looking quite saddened by something..
"Yep, mhm..."
"Ayo man! What's your deal?"
"Its nothing Wisk.. I just... Have been missing my siblings again.."
"Again?? Aye Dios Miho, man- Just sneak out and go see them! That's what I do when I wanna see my family-... You didn't heart that by the way.."
"But my mother Whisk... She'll just find me all over again... and- and I... I just..."
The umbreon, AL, began to tear up..
"Hey, hey! No tears on my watch buddy.. You've just got to stand up to her- You know?"
"But.. I can't.. I've tried and tried, but I don't know.. It's like, she's got full control of me now... And IM JUST SO SICK OF IT AND HER!!"
Al, picked up a nearby alarm clock, and threw is against a nearby wall.. Causing it to shatter against the wall... After doing so, Al finally calmed down.. But was still in tears...
"Al, man.. I can-"
"Can you please just go Whisk? I.. Need a minute..."
The Skitty was a bit fearful to leave but that the same time was even more afraid to stay.. So he did as Al said..
"Alright man.. Just take it easy for a bit tho- Kay?"
Al now sits alone in his dorm.. Shall you try to comfort him?
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asktherandomfam · 9 months
Dear Journal,
This school year has been alright so far.. Being able to see my friend, Whiskey, again.. And having freedom from my mother's ever so watchful eye..
Time seems to bave really flied though.. Before I knew it, was Christmas, then New Year's... So hopefully the rest of my last school year will go by pretty fast too..
Al Brightspot 1/8/24
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