#Alara-Star Khan
lashbrook11 · 16 days
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Behind the scenes of The Serial Killer’s Wife on Paramount+. Jack Farthing and TV daughter Alara-Star Khan.
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robynsassenmyview · 5 months
To be, above all, decent
"To be, above all, decent", a review of James Hawes's film 'One Life'.
JEWISH mom with a mission: Helena Bonham Carter plays Babette Winton, in James Hawes’s One Life a film about the life of Sir Nicholas Winton. Photograph courtesy Variety.com WHAT DOES IT mean to be a hero? Ask British novelist Lee Child and he will present the classic loner, a man with no ties who fixes the world and goes back to wherever he came from once the baddies are vanquished. Another…
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milliondollarbaby87 · 6 months
One Life (2023) Review
Based on the very true story of Nicholas Winton a British humanitarian who helped save the lives of hundreds of children in Central Europe from the Nazis on the eve of World War II. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Continue reading Untitled
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movienized-com · 1 month
The Serial Killer's Wife
The Serial Killer's Wife (Serie 2023) #AnnabelScholey #JackFarthing #AngelaGriffin #MorganaRobinson #ShobnaGulati #TimDaish Mehr auf:
SerieJahr: 2023- (Dezember) Genre: Drama / Mystery / Thriller Hauptrollen: Annabel Scholey, Jack Farthing, Angela Griffin, Morgana Robinson, Shobna Gulati, Tim Daish, Hari Dhillon, Benjamin O’Mahony, Alara-Star Khan, Matt Rentell, Luke Treadaway … Serienbeschreibung: “The Serial Killer’s Wife” (Die Frau des Serienmörders) ist eine spannungsgeladene Thriller-Serie, die auf dem gleichnamigen…
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dukereviewstv · 2 years
Duke Reviews TV: The Orville 1x06 Krill
Hello, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews TV Where Today We're Continuing Our Look At The Orville By Looking At Episode 6 Of Season 1, Krill
This Episode Sees Ed And Gordon Going On An Undercover Mission To A Krill Vessel To Scan What Is Supposedly Their Version Of The Bible Known As The Anhkana (I Hope I'm Spelling That Right) So The Union Can Try To Understand Krill Culture A Little More In An Effort To Possibly Make Peace With Them...
Will Ed And Gordon Get The Scans And Make Peace With The Krill?
Let's Find Out As We Watch Krill..
The Episode Starts In The Mess Hall With A Scene Involving Gordon, Lamar, Bortus, Alara And Issac Where They Talk About Alara's Latest Breakup..
And Make Fun Of Bortus Because His Species Can Eat Anything Without Feeling Any Sort Of Discomfort (Even Wasabi)...
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But Eventually They Get A Call From Kelly Who Tells Them To Report To The Bridge As Another Human Colony On The Planet Kastra 4 Is Being Attacked By The Krill, And Sadly This Has Been Happening Alot Recently...
They Hail The Krill Ship To Tell Them To Cease Fire Or They Will Attack But All That Does Is Just Put A Target On Their Backs As The Krill Ship Approaches To Attack Them...
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But After A Little Tricky Manuvering Done By Gordon, They're Able To Not Only Destroy The Ship But They're Able To Get Ahold Of A Krill Shuttle...
Visited Afterwards By Admiral Ozawa (Played By Lady Deathstrike) She Gives Them A Mission To Use The Krill Shuttle To Sneak Ed And Gordon Into A Krill Ship Where They Will Scan The Krill Bible Known As The Anhkana, In Order To Give The Union More Information On Krill Culture And To Possibly Find A Road To Make Peace With Them...
As They Don't Have Much Information About That And Believe That If They Went To War With The Krill They Would See It As A Holy Crusade, Which Would Last Decades...
Which Is Fine As We Learn Some Of The Krill Want Peace As Well, However, After Recent Episodes, I've Come To Believe This About The Krill...
(Start At 1:08)
Especially When It Comes To One Character Who Later Appears In This Episode, Now, I'm Not Saying This Character Is On The Same Level As The Joker, But This Character Is Pretty Much Up There With Khan From Star Trek...
(Start 0:20, End At 0:38)
Yeah, That Bad People, That Bad...
So, Using Miniature Holographic Generators (Courtesy Of Issac) To Disguise Themselves As Krill, Gordon And Ed Enter Krill Space And Come Across A Krill Ship..
Once Inside, They Speak With The Ship's Captain, Haros And The Ship's High Priest, Sazeron, As They Act Like Idiots As They Name Themselves Chris And Devon...
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And How They Don't Instantly Get Discovered By Having Names Like That I Have No Clue...
Anyway, They Tell Them What Happened To The Krill Ship And Say That They Were Working On The Shuttle At The Time Of The Attack On The Krill Ship And When It Exploded The Shuttle And Them Were Thrown Into Space..
But Despite Believing That "Chris And Devon"...May Have Information That May Help Them With Their Current Mission, They Decide To Hold Off Their Questioning For Now As It Is Time For Church, So To Speak...
But Before We Continue With "Krill Mass" So To Speak, I Got To Talk About Gordon In This Episode...
I Love Him When He's On-Board The Ship, But When He's On The Krill Vessel, He Doesn't Seem To Be Taking The Mission Seriously And Any Attempt At Humor He Does Comes Off As Either Awkward Or As Well..
I Mean, Ed Is Even Looking At Him In Some Scenes Like "Dude, Shut Up"
And It's Here, We Meet...Her....
This Is Telaya, The Character That I Was Talking About Earlier And If There Was Living Proof That The Female Of The Species Is More Deadier Than The Male, Then This Heartless, Emotionless, Monster Is It..
And Yes, She Is Every Bit A Female Version Of Khan, Sure, She Doesn't Go Around Quoting Lines From Paradise Lost Or Moby Dick, But There Is One Scene In Season 3 That's Pretty Close..
(Start At 0:35, End At 1:17)
Pretty Close, Huh?
But As The Old Saying Goes, Evil Isn't Born It's Made So, Let's See How Telaya Starts Out...
She Meets Ed And Gordon (I'm Not Continuing To Call Them Chris And Devon, Sorry) At Krill Mass And When They Reveal That They Were On The Destroyed Krill Ship, She Reveals That Her Brother Was On The Same Ship...
(Sniffs) Is That Motive I Smell?
Anyway, We Get A Good Joke From Gordon For 2 Seconds Only For Him To Kill It To The Point That Ed Tells Him To Finally Shut Up As Krill Mass Finally Starts And...
How They Expect To Make Peace With This Race Especially When They Massacre A Human Head At Mass Is Beyond Me...
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After Mass, Ed And Gordon Sneak Into The Krill Church And Begin Scanning The Anhkana, But Before They Are Finished The High Priest Sazeron Enters...
Wondering What They Were Doing, They Tell Sazeron That They Wished To Seek Further Guidance And Comfort From Anhkana After The Destruction Of Their Ship...
Sazeron Buys The Story (But He's Somewhat Onto Them) And The 2 Go Back To Their Room On The Ship Until The Ship's Night Shift Begins, Only Then Do They Return To Continue Their Scanning Of The Anhkana...
However As I Said, Sazeron Is Somewhat Onto The 2 And Asks The Captain That Guards Be Placed By The Chapel, Telling Them What Ed And Gordon Were Doing...
But Despite Initially Believing It To Be A Good Thing, The Captain Grants Sazeron's Request...
But Eventually, Ed And Gordon Face Problems As Not Only Are Their Holographic Generators Acting Up But So Are Their Scanners..
With The Guard Arriving, Ed And Gordon Seem Pretty Screwed But Luckily They Manage To Escape And Get Back To Their Room Without Being Spotted...
Turns Out Their Scanners And Holographic Generators Were Jammed By Electromagnetic Interference From A Krill Bomb Which Is Producing High Levels Of Neutron Radiation...
Yeah, But Here's The Odd Thing, It Doesn't Look Like A Bomb, It Looks More Like A Missile Than A Bomb, But Still It's Bad News...
Realizing That If That Weapon Activates It'll Wipe Out Billions Of People, They Turn To Telaya Who Not Only Gives Us A Little Bit Of Character Development By Revealing That Because Of Her Brother's Death She Has Retreated Further Into Krill Faith..
But Also That The Bomb Is Meant For Destroying A Human Colony On Rana 3 (Which Has No Defenses) As Krill Believe That Which Is Not Krill Is Without A Soul....
With Gordon Realizing They Have To Warn The Union And Get The Hell Out Of There, Ed States That They'd Never Be Able To Send Help In Time So They Have To End It There And Now...
So They Come Up With A Plan To Use The Emitters (Which Run On The Same Frequency As The Bomb) To Activate The Bomb From The Shuttle Despite Their Mission Being To Find A Way To Make Peace With Them...
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Realizing That They'll Need Tools They Attempt To Go To Their Ship Only For Telaya To Temporarily Delay Them By Asking Them To Help Her With Some Trainees Of Hers, Leading To More Awkwardness But A Sad Scene As They Realize There Are Krill Children Aboard...
Which In Turn Leads Ed To Change His Plans As Whether They're Krill Or Not Killing Innocent Kids Is Wrong And If They Destroy The Ship Now, They'll Just Prove Telaya's Point Right That They Have No Souls...
Eventually, After A Krill Boy Named Koja Enters, Ed Realizes That The Reason The Krill Are Pale Is Because They're Like Vampires...
(Start At 0:24)
Yep, They Burn When They're In Sunlight...
Therefore If They Turn The Lights Up By Inducing A Power Surge, They'll Burn To Death, But What About The Kids You Ask? Well They'll Just Blow The Lights Out In The Classroom And The Kids'll Be Safe...
Setting The Timer For The Power Surge To Start In 10 Minutes But Gordon Is Caught By Sazeron, Leading To More Awkwardness Before Gordon's Holographic Generator Acts Up...
With Alarms Going Off As Ed Arrives To Talk To Telaya's Class More But Discovers That Student That Questioned Him Earlier, Koja Is Missing...
Asking Telaya To Keep The Kids Safe On Her Brother's Honor While He Looks For Koja, Despite The Guards Looking For Him, Telaya Promises To Keep Them Safe...
With The Ship Arriving At Rana 3, They Prepare To Activate The Bomb As Ed Finds Koja And Gets Him To Telaya's Class Just In Time As The Power Surge Happens And Everyone Except Telaya And The Kids Fry...
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As For The Bomb, Gordon (Who Was On The Bridge For Questioning) Fires The Ship's Torpedoes At The Bomb, Destroying It, Before It Gets Onto The Planet...
Contacting The Orville, They Get Telaya And The Kids On Board The Ship With Ed Visiting Her In Sickbay As Who He Really Is Before Alara Takes Her To The Brig...
They're Arresting Telaya For What Her Crew Attempted To Do But Arrangements Have Been Made To Return The Children To The Krill Homeworld Because They've Done Nothing Wrong And They're Not Their Enemies, But Telaya Pulls A Yoda And Says They Will Be 2 Times...
And To That I Throw In Another Star Wars Quote At You, Telaya...
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Cause, God Knows We Haven't Seen The Last Of Her....
And That's Krill, And Despite The Awkward Scenes With Gordon, It Was A Good Episode..
But It's Only Good Because It Started The Villain That Would End Up Becoming Not Only The Orville's Biggest Threat But The Union's As Well, So For That Alone I Would Rewatch It, But Otherwise The Rest Of The Episode Is A Major Skip...
Till Next Time, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
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planarchaosproject · 7 years
Planar Chaos: Chapter Twenty-Eight
 Heart of Hearts
Marthel was right. The wurm constructs abandoned their pursuit after Maelstrom Wanderer cleared the perimeter of the crystal sun.
"That was close," Lisandra sighed.
"Yeah," Odom said, hanging off the side of Maelstrom Wanderer and tending to the elemental's wounds. He coated the area where his dear friend's wound had been with his own body's ooze. "A little too close. Vilhelm where were you back there?"
"What do you mean?" Lisandra said. "He was right next to me."
"I know he was there physically, but," Odom hauled himself up, allowing the extra arms to drip away into a pool of green ooze at his feet. "He wasn't exactly mentally present."
"Sometimes artifact creatures are harder to read, okay?" Vilhelm said defensively.
"It shouldn't be a problem," Sa'Raah said, striding forward. "I remember you. You came to us from Esper to try and convert the Cylian elves to whatever lifeless existence those people who replace their bodies with metal lead."
A shiver ran down Kyari's spine as she remembered the world she and her hydra had visited during her very first planeswalk. The mechanical chicken carcasses, a type of creature she had no name for and had never encountered on any other plane, came to the forefront of her mind whenever anyone mentioned Esper. She'd been there and knew that no such beings existed either before or after it merged with the rest of Alara, but the idea of a forced conversion from living being to metal husk terrified her to the core. She felt Brock's arm tighten around her shoulders but shrugged him off.
"That doesn't mean that it'll be easy overriding something's programming, especially if it was constructed pre-Mending like those might be." Vilhelm's eyes flicked to Rinok, who saw a quick flash of desperation.
"Guys," Rinok cut in, "we survived and nobody had any injuries. Everything should be fine. Let's just keep going."
"Well, there could be injuries if you want…" Rhyne winked suggestively at Sa'Raah and Lisandra. "Maybe even, dare I say it, a few little fatalities?"
"Ugh," Kyari groaned. "Can we not?"
"Seriously, Rhyne, it's getting a little… creepy," Brock said.
Through the entire exchange Marthel sat to the side, away from the core of the group. The set of his jaw kept the others away from him, except for Nadia and Sverre.
"Marthel, what's wrong?" Sverre said. From the outside, the chaotic planeswalker appeared to be meditating, except for his furrowed brow. His left eye twitched and he bared his teeth.
"Minutes ago we were working together in perfect harmony, fighting a common enemy and working towards a common goal in sweet synchronicity. Now it devolves into bickering."
Sverre sighed. "Sometimes people aren't meant to work together. I know you had this grand vision, Marthel, I do, but maybe it won't come together as seamlessly as you'd hoped."
"It doesn't seem to be coming together at all," Marthel snapped. "I know once we get to the center the fighting will start again. Brock wants to hide Urza's gift to us, Sa'Raah and Odom have entered into some bargain with Niv Mizzet, don't think for a second I don't know about that, Rinok's out for blood and I've never been a huge fan of weapons of mass destruction. They're far too impersonal."
"Yes," Nadia agreed. "You've been one to prefer blood on your hands literally as opposed to metaphorically. Several incidents come to mind after we returned to Tarkir to find it entirely changed."
"Surrak, my Khan, my friend, didn't even remember me. I had to start from scratch," Marthel chuckled darkly. "They took me before Atarka, you know, to see if I was good enough to stay in the clan. She didn't attack, didn't growl or anything. She just looked at me and actually spoke, a rare occurrence for something so ferocious. And more to the point, I understood her. I felt that ferocity deep inside of me and it resonated with her. I suppose that's a reason I consider her my mother."
"I doubt Oona would recognize Lorwyn if she went back," Sverre said. He delicately scooped his sleeping wife out of his hood and cradled her in his hands. "I doubt anyone would recognize me if I went back to my home either."
"You're from Dominaria, right? Like Vess?" Marthel asked.
"Yes, but I'm nothing compared to Her Ladyship. The countess has achieved permanent immortality through her own means. Mine is more conditional. Come to Helheim during a Ragnarok sometime and you'll see what I mean. That said, I know the old me died when I left. I was just a simple wizard with simple wizard powers, but in planeswalking I found something grand. I gained the ability to raise the dead, which is how Jormungandr is able to avoid the cycles of Helheim. I found something so rare and precious that I've committed countless acts of murder and desecration to keep her safe."
"A big softie is what you became," Marthel chuckled.
"Surely in all your travels you've found someone who makes you want to tear down empires and explode stars," Sverre retorted.
"Not really. There have been people, men, women, an aetherborn or two, which is an interesting sensation, let me tell you, but incredibly short-lived and resulted in a fair amount of heartbreak. I have this on-again-off-again thing with Exava sometimes, but it always ruffles Nadia's feathers when I bring her home."
Nadia gave Marthel a look that could have killed a man if she were still on Bant with the power of her sisters to draw on. "Do not take it as petty jealousy, Jace Marthel. You recall what happened to that warrior who crossed you."
"He said I didn't belong, I told him the Cult of Rakdos sent its regards." Marthel smiled maliciously, flicking his finger against his knife.
"Woah." Sverre felt himself start to lean away from the dark skinned walker, but stopped himself.
"As you know, Sverre, my magic tends to shift with my emotional state, and my emotional state is also influenced by the magic I use. If I get caught in a cycle, Nadia tends to be the one to snap me out of it."
The angel nodded. "If anything happens, I'm your last line of defense."
"Why are you telling me this?"
"Because we're friends, aren't we?" Marthel asked.
"I suppose we are," Sverre replied.
Marthel sighed and looked off to the side. "Just look at them, how can they be so insane and so cute?"
Sverre followed his line of vision to where Odom lay with his head in Ashleigh's lap, their abomination of a child/pet curled up on his chest. Ashleigh was absentmindedly playing with Odom's hair as they talked about some topic or another.
"I guess," Sverre said, "that their insanity works together rather than against each other. We've all got our hangups and neuroses, Marthel. We just need to surround ourselves with people who complement them rather than clash."
"I wanted to learn more about planeswalkers. I guess I got my wish." Marthel looked at the darkening expanse of Xerex's pathways. The labyrinth sprawled away in every direction.
"Hey, what's that up there?" Sa'Raah peered into the distance. What appeared to be a simple pentagonal podium jutted up from the gray pathway, surrounded by five obelisks hewn from the same material as everything else around them. Each obelisk was marked with a different symbol, a fireball, a raindrop, a tree, a sun, and a skull.
Marthel jumped up, grabbed Lisandra by her hood, and towed her along behind him towards Maelstrom Wanderer's head.
"Is this it? Did we finally find it?" he frantically asked.
"I don't know," Lisandra replied. "Sverre, can you help translate?"
Without coming to the front of the elemental, without more than a glance away from the sleeping form of his fairy wife, Sverre answered their question. "We're here. This is the Heart of Hearts."
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