#Albedo Piazzolla
conjuredcrow · 8 months
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Xenoscribbles Episode 2! I really enjoyed this entry, maybe even more than Episode 1, but I can see why it's the least beloved of the trio.
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linesonwhite · 1 year
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Every time there is a game presentation, I keep hoping for a Xenosaga Trilogy remaster of some kind, and whenever it does happen I hope that the world finds a use and need for this image of Albedo I have created.
You can also find it in this tweet.
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foxceus · 11 months
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the way in which we were created is still debated heavily...
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kukai · 1 year
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recent urtv memes i doodled. happy urtv week and happy pride
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tadashidumba · 2 months
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I needed to draw the boys as the Crusher "Again" cover bc it fits them too well ghjhgjcfjh. A big challenge for my limited skills, but I am fulfilling my weeb dreams.
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stunnedswallow · 2 years
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i’m really sorry about this one
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actualaster · 2 years
Whenever I see somebody talking about a character named "Albedo" my first thought is always this asshole (affectionate), not whatever character it actually is (usually Genshin these days)
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chiakinanami82 · 1 year
Albedo Piazzolla: Best Villain
      If you’re a Nintendo fan, you’ve probably heard of the Xenoblade Chronicles series. Well, a couple of years prior, Monolith Soft released a trilogy of games known as Xenosaga on the PlayStation and later on, remakes were released on the DS only in Japan. This was Tetsuya Takahashi’s second attempt at creating an epic sci-fi story spanning multiple games, anime, and manga. I could go on and on about this game, but then this essay would never end. One of my favorite villains ever hails from this game. Let’s talk about Albedo Piazzolla. Also, there will be spoilers for all of the games, so please stop if you don’t wish to be spoiled. Anyways, I’ll start with the basics.
         Albedo has a ton of qualities that make him unique, charming, and terrifying. First of all his design is striking, especially with the sharp shape of his cape and the overall white everywhere. The cape provides him with a unique silhouette. His English voice actor, Crispin Freeman, surely brings this character to light expertly. His theme is brimming with madness, which is fitting for a man as insane as Albedo. Most characters in fiction who are deemed “insane” are simply sadistic sociopaths, but Mr. Piazzolla is truly insane. This is seen in his encounter with MOMO, which I’ll go into more detail in the fourth section. He’s also hilarious at times, especially with “Yo, Rubedo.” It’s such a great line. Even his name is significant. Albedo is one of the steps of the alchemical process and he has relationships with Nigredo and Rubedo, the other two steps of said process. Now, it’s time for his backstory, as it ties to both Rubedo and Nigredo.
         Albedo’s and Rubedo’s connected pasts is the main aspect of Episode II. All three of them are Realians, artificially made humans, created by Dmitri Yuriev to combat an entity called U-DO. Because they are unique, they’re bullied by the other Realians. Albedo, protecting his twin brother Rubedo, beats up one of the bullies. Alby doesn’t understand why it’s a problem, considering that he thought that all of them had the ability to regrow limbs. It is here that he realizes that both Rubedo and Nigredo will die before him, and he breaks down into tears while hugging his beloved twin. After a while, the encounter with U-DO arrives. Rubedo receives a vision of the destruction of the universe. This freaks him out and he cuts the link, leaving all of the others to die or to be driven to madness by U-DO. This gives a proper reason for this man’s insanity. While we’ve seen his past and come to know his general traits, let’s look at a few scenes to really illustrate my points in action.
         Albedo Piazzolla has some of the best, most memorable scenes in all three games. In Episode I, he kidnaps a young Realian girl named MOMO, and he sits on a pile of her sisters’ corpses, holding one in his arms. He breaks the arm of the deceased girl and tosses her aside like a doll. In the Japanese version, he brandishes a knife, but it was removed in the American version, which honestly improved this scene. He dismembers both his arm and his head, showing his immortal power, all while a choir of haunting voices fills the atmosphere up with utter dread. Another significant scene is when Albedo learns that his healing powers are unique to him. First, he demonstrates his powers to Rubedo and Nigredo by blowing off his head and instantly healing. The two are surprised. Albedo realizes the implications and runs to his brother, hugging him and begging him not to leave him, tears leaking out.
         This essay spells out Albedo’s backstory, specific moments, and overall character to showcase this insane mad lad. Usually, I’m not a fan of insane villains, but Albedo is the exception.
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imhatsunemikurealz · 1 year
Albedo Piazzolla unhinged character bingo!
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xenosaga peeps where you at! I have a MASSIVE crush on Albedo and he's so crazy and i wouldn't take a bullet for him cause the bullet hole would just instantly close up cause he's immortal and stuff and just AAAAA ALBEDOOOOOO! HIS V O I C E AND HIS WHITE HAIR AND ASHDHDIRURHDISHSJWIAHSKWUSNS HE'S SO HOT!
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ohhhmomo · 2 years
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Maybe this is common knowledge amongst the fandom but I was today years old when I learned how rare Xenosaga Episode III is.
Apparently there were only 340,000 copies made *worldwide* and approximately 120,000 of those were distributed in North America. I’ve had mine since 2006 and kept it with the rest of my Xeno collection never thinking anything of it until I saw an article today that covered some of the most rare PS2 games.
It’s selling for anywhere between $250-$300 pre-owned right now.
The game is way too sentimental for me to ever let go of, but my mind is blown.
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thinking abt him
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dearlymrme · 2 years
U-TIC covets everything Lost Jerusalem they can find. That included old books that have gone on lost and forgotten to time. It’s not uncommon to find an old statue, classic paintings, or lost physical copies of books, given Albedo’s little throne is a very pretty but headless statue. I firmly believe that they would keep all this stuff in The Song, because that ship has its own intricate defense systems to stop intruders as well as it being, ya know, The Song. So Albedo, being raised by U-TIC, Margulis, his practically surrogate father, explains his well-roundedness and culture, given his theatrical and poetic performances.
Well, Jr. got all his physical copies of books from U-TIC raids. As is said in the game before 2 and he finds Jin’s bookstore. So I figured, I bet there’s all kinds of books Jr. hasn’t read that are still classics and Albedo, Albedo has read them.
When Albedo has merged with Jr. after 3. I figured it would be a nice thought that some nights when Jr. can’t sleep and Albedo stir’s, Albedo would read him a story. Maybe Atlas Shrugged and The Divine Comedy. Ironically enough, Red Dragon, and maybe To Kill A Mockingbird. I figured the U.R.T.V.’s are designer soldiers, why would you design a soldier with shitty memory? I wouldn’t put it past Yuriev to make it so that they couldn’t memorize a book or two.
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foxceus · 11 months
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hrodvitnon · 6 months
I was thinking.
In Abraxasverse, Ghidorah is analogous to the Flood and Spacegodzilla/Xenilla is akin to the Reapers. So what other Horror from a Sci-Fi Game can be potentially referenced? (What can Gigan be (even if loosely) mapped to?)
Albedo Piazzolla from Xenosaga. Just... Albedo. If ya know, ya know. If not, well...
Obligatory Content Warning Because Holy Anime Space Jaysus: Harm to minors both living and dead, unspeakably creepy behavior towards a minor including but not limited to pulling a knife on her, self-harm, self-mutilation, self-DISMEMBERMENT, and an instance of "censoring" a SELF-DECAPITATION that ends up being far more brutal than the original version. Don't say I didn't warn you.
...this game came out in 2002.
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thetentaclecommander · 4 months
Thanks for the tag @goth-automaton!
5 comfort characters, 5 tags
Let's see, who are my comfort characters?
Nemesis (RE 3/3make) - The man, the myth, the legendary BOW since 1999 that has captivated my heart. Also has a nice ass and a perfect smile and while I liked mons way before him, he is my bias. My 'no shit, sherlock' choice.
Jill Valentine (RE 1, 3/3make, 5, Rev1) - arguably RE's most well trained soldier (don't @ me you know I'm right) who was an inspiration to gamers and can hold her own no matter how long Cap keeps her on forgotten character island. I just find her never give up attitude inspiring.
Revy (Black Lagoon) - look, I adore this toxic woman. She's on that edge of 'are you okay?', while being a rude and and vicious mercenary who wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet in you with an amused smile. Underneath all her shit is a peek at someone just full of emotional scars which is just catnip to me.
Integra Hellsing (Hellsing/Hellsing Ultimate) - I have a thing for hard women, okay? She also locked down herself an all powerful god tier vampire and even without Alucard's help locks shit down, cigar at the ready.
Albedo Piazzolla (Xenosaga I, II, and III) - …oh man is he …unwell. Can't fuckin die, desperate to have his brother's love, and does just the -worst- shit to lash out about this. This game series was the first to have me literally turn off the game in shock (it takes a lot to make me gasp even, think twins + tree) and this guy spurned my love for creepy, tragic yet sadistic villains. Also, he's hot and his theme is awesome, so there. Honorable mentions: Roberta (Black Lagoon) and Rebecca Chambers (RE0, 1). Polite terminator dressed as a French maid who is loyal to a fault who ticks my tragic and scary woman likes. A tomboyish science nerd that while not as fighty as the other Resi ladies still holds her own (nerds can be bad ass, too! though they did her dirty in Vendetta). I got's a colorful list of straight up baddies, morally grey folks (and depending on how Cap plans to take her Jill being my least morally grey person here ooops) I just find folks fun to pick at an examine which is just comforting to me. Join in the fun if ya want:
@the-bar-sinister @damadisangue @naerwenia @coiled-dragon @s-dei @lmshady @depraveddove @unchartedperils @sweet7simple (you can join in even if I didn't tag ya, I'm not your parental unit)
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gaast · 7 months
What do you find most attractive in fictional characters? Give one physical trait and one personality trait if possible!
"If possible."
It really all depends, but you know that, on a basic level, I'm a sucker for blond anime boys for some reason. If they're the type to just smile mysteriously instead of answering a question about themselves, so much the better.
But I think my favorite characters in general are the ones who are determined to do what they think is right regardless of how painful or self-destructive it might be to do so, or how futile it might be overall (Hikigaya Hachiman, Lightning Farron, Siffrin). As you can see, I also really like characters who have to learn how to be vulnerable and learn how to (let themselves) express their feelings, especially with people they come to consider family.
I LOVE when characters are cheerful and never fully lose their optimism but have to acknowledge that they have been wrong wrong wrong and hurting people who they care about and let their friends help pick them up and learn and grow (Rex, and, in a way, Luke fon Fabre). But I also really love when characters just let themselves descend into their worst tendencies, acknowledging their own flaws while refusing to change them, just becoming a poisonous wreck incapable of forming meaningful comnections in favor of idolizing the self (Isamu Nitta, Albedo Piazzolla).
Of course, I also adore supremely cheerful characters whose lives are so fucking tough and to whom the world is almost nightmarish and who absolutely refuse to let that stop them from being happy and kind and helpful and naive (Marona, Sora). I love when characters who dont deserve that nightmare world decide to take revenge on it and then find the people they love and calm down and find peace and forgiveness in their hearts (Roxas, Axel, Walnut, Godot). But I also love when characters who wanted so desperately to do good end up so broken that they decide to become the villain (Big Boss, Lusamine, Guzma, Egil, Sprout).
Of course, I also adore characters who INSIST that they are evil but only if you frame it the right way (Laharl, Rozalin). I mean, characters who know they're evil but have a pathos about them get me too (Sigma, Metallia). But I think better than even those is when a nightmarishly powerful, truly deadful, overhwelmingly evil character decides to allow themself to change and be changed and become better people (Killia, Lambda).
But shoutouts to idealists who fall and never comfortably fit into villainy (Jin), idiots with ahoges who Blue Screen over something truly devastating happening to them only to decide their own new identities and throw off the reigns of the patrons who had for so long been manipulating them (Yumihiko Ichiyanagi, Shulk), and the characters who the developers didn't even realize they were queercoding (or maybe they did) who let us read so much pining into them it hurts (Reyn, Neku Sakuraba).
Also I love love love love LOVE when a character will sacrifice themself to protect someone, even if it's fucking STUPID of them and all they need to do is TRUST PEOPLE (Simon Blackquill), and characters who trust the protagonist but who the protagonist just can't trust implicitly (Klavier Gavin), and those very protagonists (Apollo Justice), and, yeah, I love a lot of characters and types.
I just love complexity and messiness and idealism in the face of despair (Makoto Naegi) and despair in the face of hope (Nagito Komaeda). I love bastards who know they're bastards, I love good people who fought long and hard to be good people and who will never acknowledge it (Solid Snake), I love good brothers (Gladion), I love cute friends (Hau), I love happiness and joy and I love sadness and despair. I love a lot. I have a lot of love.
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