#Ales Hrdlicka
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Pierre Tarin, Ales Hrdlicka - Osteo-graphy, or Description of the bones of the adult, the fetus, etc. Preceded by an introduction to the study of the solid parts of the human body, 1753.
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lindahall · 1 year
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Aleš Hrdlickǎ – Scientist of the Day
Aleš Hrdlickǎ, a Bohemian physician and anthropologist, was born Mar. 29, 1869, in Humpolec in what is now the Czech Republic.  
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mvydude · 1 year
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archaeologysucks · 1 year
The Smithsonian has formed a task force to address the massive collection of human remains held by its museums, which includes 255 human brains that were removed primarily from dead Black and Indigenous people, as well as other people of color, without the consent or knowledge of their families. The so-called racial brain collection was revealed by a Washington Post investigation. It was mostly collected in the first half of the 20th century at the behest of Ales Hrdlicka, a racist anthropologist who was trying to scientifically prove the superiority of white people.
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transpondster · 1 year
On the day Mary Sara died of tuberculosis in a Seattle sanitarium, the doctor caring for the 18-year-old offered her brain to one of the most revered museums in the world.
The young woman — whose family was Sami, or indigenous to areas that include northern Scandinavia — had traveled with her mother by ship from her Alaska hometown at the invitation of physician Charles Firestone, who had offered to treat the older woman for cataracts. Now, Firestone sought to take advantage of Sara’s death for a “racial brain collection” at the Smithsonian Institution. He contacted a museum official in May 1933 by telegram.
Ales Hrdlicka, the 64-year-old curator of the division of physical anthropology at the Smithsonian’s U.S. National Museum, was interested in Sara’s brain for his collection. But only if she was “full-blood,” he noted, using a racist term to question whether her parents were both Sami. The 35-year-old doctor removed Sara’s brain after she died and mailed it to Washington, D.C., where Smithsonian officials tagged it with a reference number and stored it in the museum, now the site of the National Museum of Natural History, alongside scores of other brains taken across the world.
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A photo of Mary Sara arriving in Seattle in 1933. (Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Jan. 17, 1933)
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andronetalks · 1 year
Smithsonian apologizes over collection of 255 BRAINS gathered by white supremacist for warped scientific studies
Daily Mail News UK By LAURA PARNABY FOR DAILYMAIL.COM PUBLISHED: 17:07 EDT, 14 August 2023 | UPDATED: 17:32 EDT, 14 August 2023 The Smithsonian museum has apologized for ‘unethical’ historic collections including brains harvested by a white supremacist former curator in the 1900s – as furious families demand the return of their relatives’ remains. Ales Hrdlicka, the DC institution’s first curator…
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crossroad1960 · 1 year
Peccato che mancasse il suo…
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neero73 · 1 year
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carolyn-b · 1 year
Smithsonian apologizes over historic collection of 255 BRAINS gathered by white supremacist for war… https://mol.im/a/12406255 via https://dailym.ai/android
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Entry 2: What does it mean to be Indigenous?
There is this big idea for settlers to create this narrative for what an Indigenous person to look like and what they should be. We see that with the blood quantum definition. The United States Government has pushed Native American Tribes off their land, but also is erasing Indigenous folks as a whole. Anton Treuer says this in an interview for NPR, "The system was designed in the late 1800s but further refined in the early 1900s, and this was the height of the eugenics movement and so forth. And really, the system was designed to kind of have native people breed themselves out of existence and it was really a highly flawed measure. Just to give you one example, the White Earth Reservation in northwestern Minnesota actually had all kinds of shenanigans going on over land speculation and fraud and a lot of native people lost their own private land parcels within the reservation borders. In the contest that ensued, there were scientists named Albert Jenks and Ales Hrdlicka who came to White Earth to determine who was actually native and who was not, who was a full blood, who was a mixed blood. It would scratch someone's skin and if it changed color, they were coded as a mixed blood. They measured craniums. They measured the height of cheekbones. And everybody from, you know, people on the street to scientists know that this was not real science. But believe it or not, the lists that they developed in the 19 teens are actually the basis for tribal enrollment at the White Earth today."  (Anton Treuer) These measures were created to eliminate, but they are now the basis for Tribal Governments to decide citizenship in the tribe. The whole idea though is from the mindset of the colonizer. But, this narrative of what it means to be Indigenous needs to change from what the colonizer sees, and change to what Indigenous folks want that to mean. It is so much deeper than what colonizers have reduced it to be. 
Works Cited:
Martin, Michel. “Who Is Native American, and Who Decides That?” NPR, NPR, 1 Nov. 2012, https://www.npr.org/2012/11/01/164101913/who-is-native-american-and-who-decides-that.
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urwelcomeforthis · 5 years
the lovers in the crosshairs
find the rest on AO3 here 
6 months ago
Lena was fucking furious, and the cocksure blonde-haired FBI Agent grinning at her, hands low on her own hips, that stupid multicolored tie standing out against her white dress shirt and black suit was the direct, and only cause.
“I am not coming with you Agent Danvers.” She was barely keeping her voice contained – anger causing her cheeks to flush, her jaw clenching in the way it did when she was incredibly agitated.
She had never felt such intense dislike for another person before, but the Agent always managed to rile her up in 10 second flat.
“You definitely are. Got it signed off by your boss and everything Luthor.” Agent Danvers’s blue eyes are wrinkled at the corners as she continues to grin that stupid lopsided smile and Lena wishes she could scream.
“No. I have much more important things to do than be at the beck and call of the FBI.” She begins to walk away from the Agent, but the taller woman infuriatingly comes to stand in front of her, placing her large hands on Lena’s shoulders.
“I’m afraid that’s not really how this works. You kinda have to come with me.” There’s still amusement lacing her tone, like she knows she’s got Lena backed into a corner.
“You can’t make me, Agent Danvers. I will file a formal complaint with your superiors if you try.” She shakes off the hands on her shoulders and stomps off from the way she came, cursing inwardly when she hears the Agent’s hurried footsteps behind her.
“Wait! Wait. What can I do to get you to come to see this body?” She jogs in front of Lena, coming to a stop, halting her movements.
“Say you need me.” She crosses her arms over her chest and quirks an eyebrow. She’s aware she’s being petulant at this point – she’s a federal employee and if her boss signed off on this, she really doesn’t have a choice, but still.
She doesn’t care for being yanked from doing her actual job.
Agent Danvers splutters for a moment, but must realize Lena is completely serious, because she throws those broad shoulders back and stares directly into Lena’s eyes.
“Dr. Luthor – I and the FBI need you to help us identify the remains we found. Please come.”
She’s infuriatingly earnest but it does little to quell Lena’s anger.
“I want to be a full partner. No more being stuck in the lab. If I do this, I want in on it all.”
At this, the earnest look on Agent Danvers’s face shifts to one of complete and total incredulousness.
“No. Out of the question. I’m not letting a squint into the field.”
Lena smirks. “Well then, I guess we are at an impasse Agent Danvers.”
She turns to walk away but is stopped by a gentle hand on her elbow.
“I’ll have to clear it with the home office.” She has a crinkle in-between her eyebrows, like she’s worried she may not get the clearance, but Lena feels somewhat mollified.
She decides to push her luck.
“And I want a gun.”
Agent Danvers snorts. “I’ll get you in the field but absolutely no to the gun thing. Why do you even need one? You’ll have me.”
“All the more reason, Agent Danvers.” She scoffs but the Agent just rolls her eyes.
“Get in the car, Luthor.” She drops Lena’s elbow and makes her way to the black standard issue SUV sitting on the corner, not even bothering to open the passenger’s side door.
“It’s Lena!” She shouts helplessly after the agent, but follows, nonetheless.
Present Day
“The FBI and the Washingtonian have been working together since the Bureau’s initial conception. However, forensic anthropology first came to the Washingtonian in 1903 with Ales Hrdlicka, the first curator of physical anthropology. It’s a proud tradition, and we now help not only identify the remains of those long lost to history, but we assist the FBI, State Department, and sometimes even national security.”
Lena pauses, swallowing down her nerves as she looks out into the packed crowd of Georgetown students. She shuffles the papers on the podium in front of her, pausing when she sees a set of blue eyes peering back at her from the third row.
They make contact, and for a moment Lena can feel her face warm. Clearing her throat, she looks away, and returns to the words in front of her.
“I am proud to be a part of that history and tradition, the first woman to be named the head of the forensic anthropology department…..”
Her presentation had gone over well, the students had asked engaging questions, and she had walked off the stage feeling like maybe she had interested a few of them into looking into the field.
She had just finished shaking the Dean’s hand when she saw Agent Kara Danvers leaning nonchalantly against the wall, black suit jacket hung over her shoulder, pants hung low on her hips, gun visible in its holster as she scrolled through her phone.
Her ridiculous belt buckle gleamed in the light, the four-leaf clover with the words “rub for luck” making a mockery of Lena’s Irish heritage; tie donned with small ice cream cones wholly unprofessional for the gravity of her job.
As was becoming common to Lena, she felt a slight flutter in her chest as she took in the Agent’s casual way of taking up space, blonde hair in a ponytail, biceps straining against her shirtsleeves.
She pushed it down, telling herself it was nothing and cleared her throat.
Kara’s head snapped up, an easy smile gracing her face as she took in Lena. Shrugging her jacket on she made her way over.
“Hey partner. Good job up there.” She gave Lena a double thumbs up after she slipped her phone into her jacket’s inner pocket.
“Thank you. I’m surprised you came; I know how you feel about scientific presentations.” She replied as she smoothed down the front of her dress.
Kara just shrugged as they began to walk side by side down the hall towards the exit.
“Well I mean, the big words confused me, but I got the gist.”
Lena snorted, aware by now that Kara was much smarter than she liked to let on, used to the easy banter they often fell into.
“Do we have a case?” She asked, trying to suss out Kara’s true reason for being at the university that day, as they stepped out into the harsh D.C. summer sun.
“Yep.” Kara replied, popping the p as she slid her aviators on and jerked her head towards the black SUV that Lena had become familiar with these past 6 months.
Kara opened the door for her, a marked change from the contentious beginning of their partnership, and Lena murmured a thank you before climbing in.
“So, what is it this time?” She asked once Kara had gotten settled in the driver’s seat of the SUV.
She felt the car jolt forwards as they merged into the heavy traffic and looked over to see Kara’s pursed lips. “Well, you see it’s an interesting one apparently. Kind of high profile. I had to fight to get you on it.”
“Why?” Lena was genuinely surprised at that – she had more than proven herself to the FBI and was the world’s foremost forensic anthropologist. She was an incredible asset to any case.
“Because of where we’re going.” Kara supplied unhelpfully and Lena felt the agitation rise at being kept in the dark.
Kara liked to do this to her, she had figured out early on. Make her play some odd version of the children’s game 20 questions before finally telling her what it was that they were walking into.
“Kara, I don’t have the patience for this, just tell me where we are going.” She sighed heavily, preparing herself for some smart quip, but when she was met with silence she glanced over.
Kara’s jaw was clenched, her hands tight around the steering wheel, and she took a deep breath before replying.
“There’s a burnt body, on the rooftop of a hotel. It’s strung up, like a crucifixion.”
“Well that’s interesting. Why would you have to fight for me to be on a case like this? Logically I’m the most likely one to be able to identify remains such as those you’re describing.” She furrowed her brow, mind racing over all the burnt and charred remains she had identified in war torn countries, unable to understand why she wouldn’t be wanted.
“It’s not that. You’re the best, I know that. It’s because of what hotel it is.” Kara’s voice was soft, like it only got with Lena, when she was trying to break something down to her in a way Lena would be able to process.
“I don’t really understand why the location would preclude me from being brought onto a case.” Lena huffed, frustrated at the idea of such an insignificant factor having anything to do with her credentials.
She sat in thought for a while longer, Kara staying silent as she let Lena figure it out on her own, as she often did at times like these.
When her mind stumbled on to it, she felt her spine go rigid in the leather seat.
“It’s Luthor Grand.”
(the rest is on A03 the first chapter is like 6,000 words and I didn’t want to put all of that on tumblr lol) 
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artsculturevienna · 5 years
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Alfred HRDLICKA “Mahnmal gegen Krieg und Faschismus” Alfred Hrdlicka betonte immer - den Zusammenhang zwischen “Macht, Gewalt und Sinnlichkeit (& “Sexualität”) und warnte for der “Ästhetik des Faschismus”. In einer Zeit des raffinierten “Corporate-Design” & der “great presentation” könnten wir seine in “Stein gehauene Stimme” als Warnung verstehen... Alfred Hrdlicka’s “Mahnmal gegen Krieg und Faschismus” - “Memorial to war and fascism” is a clue to the relationship between “Power, violence and sensuality (& "sexuality)” and warned for the "aesthetics of fascism". In a time of sophisticated "corporate design" & "great presentation", we could understand his "rock-cut voice" as a warning ...
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Georg Büchner
Suelo obsesionarme muy facilmente con libros y autores. De camino al trabajo devoré en un par de días "El nervio óptico" de María Gainza. Entonces busqué información de ella, otras obras, entrevistas, etc. En una mencionaba a este libro entre sus influencias. Corrí a buscarlo y, una vez más, Elena Fortún me lo tenía esperando entre sus estantes. "El 20 de enero Lenz caminaba por la sierra" arranca. El libro recorre entonces el viaje de este poeta por las montañas, su encuentro con Oberlin y un desenlace que evitaré mencionar para no quemar el libro. La edición de Nórdica libros es preciosa y trae hermosas ilustraciones de Alfred Hrdlicka (al que no conocía y me hizo acordar mucho a Bacon). Cierra con tres ensayos acerca del autor a cargo de Goethe. Me encanta cuando autores que admiro me hacen conocer otros autores geniales. Gracias Maria y Bibliotecas de Madrid por esto una vez más.
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happynaturalhair · 3 years
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Feathers 🪶 Up 2 The Choctaw Original Dark Skin Complexion Copper Colored Indians As We Autochthon Aboriginal Indigenous Original Native American Copper Colored Indians Stripped of Our Ancient Culture Want 2 Brain 🧠 Wash 🧼 Us That We R From The Continent When We R From Turtle 🐢 Island Known Today As North America We In the Age of Truth for 2157 Years The Gig is Up We Wasn’t Stolen From Anywhere We Were Prisoners of War in Our Own Land & The Massive of Indigenous People R Calling Themselves A Crayons 🖍 Black when They R Dark Skin Complexion Brown Skin Copper Colored Skin Complexion & Light Skin Complexion with Beautiful Brown Eyes 👁In the 1950’s If U Called A Colored Person Black Those Were Fighting Words The Government Only Reclassified U As Black in 1980 & 1970 U was Reclassified as Brothers & 1960 U was Reclassified as Negroes & 1950’s U Was Colored & 1940’s Boys & 1930’s Spooks 1920’s Coons & 1910’s Pickinnies & 1900’s Darkies & 1800’s Niggers & 1700’s Savages & 1600’s Natives which the 3 most dangerous men Melvin Herskovits created the Genocidal LIE of American Negroes Coming From African Slaves Only Changing Their Cultural Identity & Walter Plecker Eugenist Took Away The American Negroe Indians Benefits & Gave it 2 Caucasians & Caucasian Mexicans & Ales Hrdlicka Changed the PICTURE of Original Indians From Negro Indians 2 Mongol Asians This is Y The So Called Black American is Confused Look 👀 How Many Reclassification Name Changes From The 1600’s I will post the illustration of it for The 4th Day of American Indian Heritage Month Once U Know Your Heritage U Know Yourself The Time is Right Now! #americanindianheritagemonth #knowyourtribe #doyourownresearch #honoryourancestors #wewasalreadyhere #choctaw #donate #170 #to #to #potato #famine #ireland #never #forgot #their #kindness #igisshadowbanningme #knowledgeispower #feathersup #knowyourhetitage #knowyourtribe https://www.instagram.com/p/CV1wbqls3NX/?utm_medium=tumblr
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awesomesallysoulla · 5 years
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Some results of recent anthropological exploration in Peru, with four plates, by Dr. Ales Hrdlicka ...
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prazskytankista · 5 years
Janoušek a Hrdlička? ČT je namáčí do restitucí. Jde o dost peněz
V největší restituční kauze stojí před pražským městským soudem tři úředníci. Měli přiznat dědicům nárok na pozemky v hodnotě přes miliardu korun. Dnes už víme, že tento nárok nebyl oprávněný, stát jim majetek neměl vydat. Soud případ neřeší jako sofistikovaný podvod, ale jako chybu. Jak ale k této chybě došlo? Dědicové nebyli nikdy obviněni. Jsou to vesměs staří lidé bez právního vzdělání. V jednání s úřady je zastupoval vlivný advokát s kontakty na známé postavy pražské zákulisní politiky – Tomáše Hrdličku a Romana Janouška. Ti také měli z chybné restituce největší prospěch. Před soudem ovšem nestojí. Případ zmonitorovali Reportéři ČT. source http://www.parlamentnilisty.cz/arena/monitor/Janousek-a-Hrdlicka-CT-je-namaci-do-restituci-Jde-o-dost-penez-613971
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