#Alexandre Almeida
enterfilm · 2 years
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FRANCISCA (Manoel de Oliveira, 1981)
“Nada corrompe la fatalidad”
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aplausosbrasil · 1 year
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Jovens atores dos anos 1990:
Ademir Zanyor
Alexandre Lippiani
Alexandre Moreno
André Gonçalves
Ângelo Antonio
Ângelo Paes Leme
Danton Mello
Selton Mello
Eduardo Moscovis
Fábio Assunção
Felipe Folgosi
Fernando Alves Pinto
Fernando Almeida
Henrique Farias
Humberto Martins
Ilya São Paulo
Jorge Pontual
Leonardo Bricio
Leonardo Vieira
Luciano Quirino
Lui Mendes
Marcos Winter
Marcos Palmeira
Mauricio Branco
Mauricio Gonçalves
Norton Nascimento
Paulo Gorgulho
Pedro Vasconcelos
Rodrigo Santoro
Tuca Andrada
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genevieveetguy · 2 years
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The Mutants (Os Mutantes), Teresa Villaverde (1998)
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hugoalexandrecruz · 1 year
Prova de doutoramento de João Miguel Almeida Barreiros no Iscte
Prova de doutoramento de João Miguel Almeida Barreiros no Iscte by Iscte - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa Via Flickr: A prova de dout0ramento em Psicologia, "Prosocial selectivity: How behavioral information of a potential beneficiary influences decision making", por João Miguel Almeida Barreiros, teve lugar no auditório B2.03 do Iscte, 20 de dezembro de 2022. Fotografia de Hugo Alexandre Cruz
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momo-de-avis · 1 year
Oh, that Jeronimos gossip sounds interesting. What do you mean, it was a scandal?
In the 19th century, everyone in Europe was traversing an identity crisis and sought to define their own nationalism. So nations in europe looked back at their past and tried to think, which moment of the past signified our biggest glory? The answer to this question is whatever revival you see in the country's capital city. Paris with Gothic. England with Tudor. Greece is easy to answer. Italy, take a guess.
Well we realised, it has to be Manuel I, because that's when we were an EmPiRe. Glorious constructions! Colonialism! Imperialism!
More so, at this moment, and this when the subject of Art History is being developed into a field of studies and not just an "I have opinions" type of thing, people figured it was at this moment that Portugal, because it had so much money, developed its own style. A style uniquely portuguese, an architectural language that willingly (willingly!) rejected the renaissance, which could only mean we were SO POWERFUL. A style that is comprised of all these new ExOtIc things we were discovering across the globe, and which apparently celebrates the discoveries because wow look at all these ropes on these windows!
On a side note: now that we're in 2023, that is 90% false. Most art historians disagree that Manuelino is an architectural style at all. The "ropes" are not ropes and never were. There is some "exoticism" in the buildings, yes, but they're not there because "haha white man never seen an elephant before". They're actually symbols of power and they're documents of events that happened in history. Fun stuff, but as usual, the romantics were wrong.
So with this settled among the portuguese people, everyone decided we must find the most glorious example of this architecture! And hey! We have it! It's the Jeronimos Monastery! The greatest gem of Manuelino!
Just one problem.
In the 19th century, the monastery was in ruins.
In 1833, religious orders were annhiliated off the face of this country, for several reasons that to this day bother the shit out of historians, but the fact of the matter is that we have a fuckton of them, way to fucking many, and they're been hoarding shit like fucking dragons. To give you an idea, there was so much shit (and I mean art, jewellery, paintings, sculpture, etc) that entire wings of the National Museum of Ancient Art were FILLED with just the crap found inside these convents.
The Jeronimos Monastery was one of the many shut down, the monks then had to go elsewhere (which is when they sold the recipe for the custard tarts of Belém to the store that is still today, and why it is still a secret). Soon after, the Monastery became home to Casa Pia, which is kind of like an orphanage for the non-portuguese people.
When this debate was happening, the monastery was in near-ruins. I mean, completely run down. So it was a huge shame at the time.
Now, mind you, this is the kind of debate that the average Zé doesn't give a shit about, and at the time, the government wasn't really concerned about this.
Enter Alexandre Herculano, and Almeida Garrett got his hand in this too. The historian decided to raise a campaign to call everyone's attention to the sorry state the monastery was in, and how shameful it was for us, the portuguese, to leave such a building to be in such a state.
It was also around this time that the word "manuelino" was coined. Vernhagen comes up with the term, but it's Almeida Garrett (WHO WAS ENGLISH, I HAVE TO KEEP REMINDING EVERYONE HE WAS ENGLISH) defined the style.
Herculano's campaign worked, and the government decided to find a project to recover the monastery.
This is when the scandals starts.
I don't know from memory, but we're looking at something like 6 different architects who were rejected. Now, this is the 19th century, a time when the concepts of "restoration" and "conservation" are being discussed. For a quiuck rundown on the two: in western europe, there's Conservation, led by John Ruskin, who defends that buildings should have no intervention, but instead, we should do our best to preserve them and then let nature run its course, until collapses. And then there's Viollet-le-Duc, in France, who defends Restoration: that we absolutely must intervene in buildings, and we are free to rebuild parts of it and make additions, even if they are 500 years away, but to do so, we must use modern materials such as iron or steel, so that the untrained eye can immediately see that this is different, and thus this must be recent. In Portugal, we mostly follow Viollet-le-Duc's perspective.
So, with Viollet-led-Duc being the favoured theorist here, when we talk about "restoring" the monastery, we're talking about heavy intervention. But this was still fresh, so the enlightened individuals at the time took this to mean "let's just make shit up".
The entire souther wing of the monastery, what is today the archeological and naval museums, was made up. Admittedly, it was rebuilt based on what it used to look like, but... much more. Compare it with this painting from, I believe the 17th century:
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There's something really funny here, which is: the monastery was in a shit state because of neglect. The 1755 earthquake actually, and miraculously, barely affected Belém.
You see that tower there? That is the original belltower. It's simple, because that's the dominating style at the time, and what the original architects went for. Today there's this thing
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this was designed by an architect who, and I am sighing as I type this, came up with this shit, "an indian-style dome", to honour Vasco da Gama's achievements and our presence in India. It's no wonder this shit was Salazar's wet dream.
Eventually, they just keep adding shit. The entire southern body, as I stated, is one of them, which used to be the dormitories. When you look at what the monastery looks like today and compare it with the 17th century painting, you'll notice that the 19th century version is "a lot more". There's just a lot more shit going on. They basically waged on verticality, and added and added shit to make the monumento not only more vertical, but more symmetrical, which is NOT what was going on with the monastery before this.
If you look at that painting, you'll notice that there's something there that is not in the monastery anymore. Where today is the main entrance, kind of like a closed atrium that leads you not only to the monastery proper but the façade of the church (the western portal), in the painting, it has a massive body built on top of it. That body is gone, instead there's an open space, that ugly ass dome, and two spires opposite from it--both a 19th century invention. That "body" was meant to be one of two things: a sort of customs for every commercial ship coming from india, or a connection to a Palace Manuel I might have wanted to build here (this second one seems most likely to me). They tore the whole fucking down.
Then comes the graver thing.
So, by 1880, 12 projects had been submitted, each one of them is fighting for dear life to reconstruct this shit. At one point, this became a political matter. There's a lot of background to why this became such a heated debate: the britsh ultimatum, for example, really depressed the people enough that it was the perfect event to speak of Portugal's clonial past with nostalgic tears, and then there was this massive mound of stone that was falling apart that was supposed to signify this lost glory. Restoring the monastery meant restoring PORTUGAL'S PAST!
In this wild fever of "making shit up" and, as one intellectual of the time called it, I sincerely don't remember who but I can still hear my professor quoting this in class, "make Manuelino more than Manuelino truly is", then comes, I think he was an italian architect, and he has a GREAT idea.
Let's build a fucking tower.
Now, this tower was supposed to go in the middle of the southern body, standing where today is the main entrance to the Archeological Museum.
Let's look at this again
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As you can see, no tower.
(Slight edit: there is a tower, but it's barely tower, it's so tiny I didn't even consider it a tower lmfao this thingw as really not bothered about VERTICALITY)
Like, I cannot highlight enough how 90% of what you see here today is just entirely made up, a completely made-up version of Manuelino that is NOT what we know Manuelino to be today, and a reflection of 19th century nationalism (which, to be fair, is different from Salzar's nationalism, though in a way that a rightist grandpa is different from his rightist grandson). But the tower was the epitome of this, and when shit got so wild they FINALLY stepped back and said "maybe we took it too far".
This italian guy goes ahead and just starts building the tower. I dont' remember the exact height, but this tower was HIGH. So high, immediately people who knew their shit told this guy it couldn't hold, because the building was from THE FUCKING 16TH CENTURY and didn't have the tructure to hold so much vertical weight. My man gave no shits. This is about when the myth of gothic being "high constructions cause people were trying to reach god" comes along, so they kinda thought this was the proper way to honour Manuelino and make it, as the mysterious dude said, more manuelino than manuelino truly is.
Here is an engraving of HALF of what it was supposed to look like, made during construction:
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In 1878 construction starts. In December, the entire thing collapses, killing 10 workers.
This is exactly where this very famous photo comes from
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This is what the Monastery looked like after it was botched and botched repeatedly. It started off as the gem of manuelino, and ended as the duchess of Alba of monuments, essentially.
This was so scandalous, EVERYONE wrote about it. Not only had further damage been caused to the monastery, it had caused the deaths of 10 workers. Those who had been trying to warn everyone to maybe don't overdo it, finally had their time to shine.
My absolutely favourite criticism comes from Ramalho Oritgão, who said about this new tower: "It couldn't fall from old age, so it fell from shame."
They had to abandon every project from this moment on. Reconstruction of this part of the moment would resume quickly, but they abandoned the idea of a tower altogether. But the entire campaign would only come to a complete end in 1940, by when this entire area of Belém became a fascist's wet dream to welcome the Portuguese World Exhibition. By then, however, MOST construction was concluded, and it was just soom rooms that were wrapped up.
The most interesting thing about this is that one of the people who witnessed this collapse was an englishman who would go on back home and, inspired by this event, build his own church, his own massive tower, and then do it disproportionately so it would collapse, all because he was so fascinated by this event. I keep forgetting who this was and what church we're talking about. I keep getting Fonthill Abbey but I'm not sure if that's it. And the reason he did that does have to fo with Ruskin's conservationism theories, where, if you're going to preserve things until the end, then you're going to love ruins (which is why so many british gardens have these small made-up ruins to discover), so this guy really wanted to build a church that would look like a ruin, couldn't come up with it, came to Portugal, witnessed this shit, and... voilà.
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betofontes-blog · 8 months
Que fique registrado...
Segue a lista dos que vivem no 'Pais das Maravilhas' !!!!
01) Anderson Torres - ex-ministro da justiça
02) Daniel Silveira - ex-deputado federal
03) Bismark - humorista, canal Hipócritas
04) Ivan Papo Reto - influencer
05) Serere - cacique
06) Gabriel Mont. - ex-vereador há + 5 meses
07) Mauro Cid - auxiliar de Bolsonaro
08) Max Guilherme - auxiliar de Bolsonaro
09) Sérgio Cordeiro - aux. de Bolsonaro
10) João Carlos - aux. de Bolsonaro
11) Ailton Gonçalves - aux. de Bolsonaro
12) Luís Marcos - aux. de Bolsonaro
13) Allan Frutuozo - jornalista
14) Divesos patriotas - 08/01/23
15) Wellington Macedo - jornalista
16) Allan dos Santos - jornalista, site 3° Livre
17) Adriano Castro - Ex-BBB
18) Pablo Marçal
19) Deltan Dallagnol
20) Jair Bolsonaro
21) Monark
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65) Jaques Wagner
O clamor popular vai obrigar a se escolher magistrados de carreira e verdadeiros juízes imparciais. Vamos divulgar. Se cada um enviar para as pessoas, só assim tomarão conhecimento dessa vergonha!
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allatonceness · 10 months
100 Conferences
Belém Lima 
Luisa Penha 
Rui Neto 
Bartolomeu costa Cabral 
João Paulo rapagão 
Cristina Guedes 
Carlos Castanheira
Jean Pierre Porcher 
Troy Howie 
João Pedro Serôdio
Gil PitA Penumbra 
Carlos Lobo 
João Mendes Ribeiro 
Alexandre Alves Costa 
Francisco Providência 
Zalraa zawcwi 
Nuno Senos 
Arquitectos anónimos 
Eduardo Aires 
Andre Tavares 
Go Hasegawa 
Jean phillipe Vassal 
Manuel Graça Dias 
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Frances Kéré 
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Arq. G 
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Pascal Flammmer 
Arno Brandhuber 
Valerio Olgiati 
Humberto Napolitano 
Rui Furtado + Ricardo Bak Gordon 
Job Floris 
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Manuel Mendes 
Madelon Von Vriensendrop 
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Olivier Marboeuf 
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Nuno grande + Adriana Calcanhoto 
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João Luis Carrilho da Graça 
ESM+ NBC+ Luis Ferreira Alves 
Bernando pinto de almeida + JM + Nuno Lacerda Lopes 
Eduardo Souto Moura
Morrettin arq. + Mapa arq.+ Cristina Guedes 
Arq associados + Laboratório de projectos da FAUUSP
Metro arq. + MMBB + ÁLVARO Puntoni 
Vijitha Basmayaka + Guilherme Wisnik 
Camilo rebelo + João Mendes Ribeiro + Alexandre Dias 
Ricardo Carvalho + NBC
101.Marina Tabassum + Inês lobo
Steven Holl 
Ruy Nishizawa
Joan Oackman 
Joan Oackman 
Tom Avermaete 
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pirapopnoticias · 10 months
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livrosnaoedicoes · 1 year
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COLECÇÃO VÁRIA, #3 Florilégio
organização:  Maria Sequeira Mendes, Joana Meirim, Nuno Amado leituras/ensaios por:  Akihiko Shimizu, Alberto Manguel, Alda Rodrigues, Alex Wong, Amândio Reis, Ana Cláudia Santos, Ana Maria Pereirinha, Ana Matoso, Ana Sofia Couto, António J. Ramalho, Bernardo Palmeirim, Clara Rowland, Diogo Martins, Fernando Cabral Martins, Frederico Pedreira, Golgona Anghel, Gustavo Rubim, Helder Gomes Cancela, Helena Carneiro, Inês Rosa, Joana Matos Frias, Joana Meirim, João Dionísio, Jorge Almeida, Lawrence Rhu, Lúcia Evangelista, Madalena Quintela, Madalena Tamen, Margarida Vale de Gato, Maria Rita Furtado, Maria Sequeira Mendes, Miguel Tamen, Nuno Amado, Pedro Serra, Pedro Sobrado, Rita Faria, Rosa Maria Martelo, Sara Campino, Sara de Almeida Leite, Silvina Rodrigues Lopes, Tatiana Faia, Telmo Rodrigues, Teresa Bartolomei poemas de:  Abade de Jazente, Adélia Prado, Adília Lopes, Alberto Pimenta, Alice Oswald, Ana Hatherly, Anna Akhmátova, Anthony Hecht, António Franco Alexandre, António Gedeão, Arthur Rimbaud, Bernardim Ribeiro, Carlos de Oliveira, Charlotte Smith, Christopher Middleton, Elizabeth Bishop, Ellen Davies, Emily Dickinson, Fernando Assis Pacheco, Florbela Espanca, Frances Leviston, Francisco Alvim, G. E. Patterson, Golgona Anghel, Ian MacMillan, João Miguel Fernandes Jorge, John Betjeman, Jorge Sousa Braga, José Afonso, José Miguel Silva, Kenneth Goldsmith, Kudo Naoko, Leopoldo María Panero, Luís de Camões, Luiza Neto Jorge, Manuel Bandeira, Manuel Gusmão, Margarida Vale de Gato, María Elena Walsh, Maria Velho da Costa, Raymond Carver, Raul de Carvalho, Ricardo Tiago Moura, Rosa Maria Martelo, Tonia Tzirita Zacharatou, Wilfred Owen capa e ilustrações:  João Concha ISBN:  978-989-53985-1-5 n.º de páginas:  232 tiragem:  350 exemplares 1.ª edição:  Março, 2023 Recomendado no Plano Nacional de Leitura LER+ PVP  20,00 euros | ensaio |
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flordomamore · 5 days
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Sábado, 4 de Maio, pelas 14h30, na Casa Regional dos Transmontanos e Alto-Durienses do Porto, apresentação da obra "Lendas e Contos Populares Transmontanos, Vol. I", de Alexandre Parafita, por Barroso da Fonte e José Almeida.
Não percam.
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tvbrasilnoticias · 13 days
Lula Anuncia Isenção de Imposto de Renda para Quem Ganha até R$ 5 Mil em Ato em SP
O presidente Lula marcou presença no ato do 1º de Maio, em São Paulo, promovido pela Central Única dos Trabalhadores (CUT) e outras centrais sindicais, realizado no estádio do Corinthians, o Itaquerão. Ao lado de ministros como Geraldo Alckmin, Alexandre Padilha, Cida Bento, Anielle Franco, Silvio Almeida e André Fufuca, o presidente reiterou sua promessa de que os brasileiros que recebem até R$…
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ocombatente · 1 month
Presidente da Alero participa de entrega de equipamentos agrícolas no Centrer
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O Centro de Treinamento da Emater (Centrer) recebeu na manhã da última sexta-feira (8) diversos equipamentos agropecuários para potencializar a agricultura familiar na região central do estado. A entrega foi realizada pela Entidade Autárquica de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural do Estado de Rondônia (Emater) e contou com a participação do presidente da Assembleia Legislativa de Rondônia (Alero), deputado estadual Marcelo Cruz (Solidariedade) e da secretária Municipal de Agricultura e Pecuária (Semagri), Juscelia Dallapicola. Dentre os equipamentos adquiridos por meio de emenda parlamentar do deputado estadual e que foram distribuídos estão: plantadeiras e secadores de café, trator, tratorito e carreta agrícola. Na oportunidade também foi anunciada a aquisição de grades aradoras que foram disponibilizadas por meio de emenda parlamentar. Para Juscelia Dallapicola, é uma satisfação receber diversos equipamentos e contar com a presença do deputado Marcelo Cruz na região central do estado. “Tenho uma gratidão enorme pelo deputado, que é um parceiro da nossa cidade e que buscou atender nossas demandas trabalhando em contato com o diretor presidente do órgão, Luciano Brandão. São ações que vão somar a força de trabalho dos nossos colaboradores para potencializar nossa produção agrícola. É um parlamentar jovem, sonhador e que almeja o melhor para o estado de Rondônia principalmente para a agricultura familiar”, resumiu. O diretor presidente da Emater, Luciano Brandão, destacou a atuação de Marcelo Cruz como um grande parceiro do órgão e da agricultura familiar. “A parceria entre os Poderes Legislativo e Executivo tem rendido muitos frutos para Ji-Paraná levando recursos e equipamentos para quem mais precisa. Vamos continuar promovendo muito mais ações pois é uma determinação do nosso governador Marcos Rocha e contamos com o apoio do deputado Marcelo que é um apaixonado pela agricultura familiar”, acrescentou. O deputado Marcelo Cruz valorizou a atuação da Emater que tem sido potencializada com recursos para a agricultura. “É uma grata satisfação contar com a presença de todos aqui a este órgão que dá um grande suporte para os produtores. A Juscelia é apaixonada pela agricultura familiar, me sinto orgulhoso por seu trabalho e por colaborar com benefícios para o produtor rural. São vários equipamentos e implementos para beneficiar à população que necessita de ajuda do poder público. A política me deu a oportunidade fazer um amigo e eu o Luciano conseguimos estabelecer essa amizade que tanto contribui com quem coloca comida em nossa mesa que são nossos agricultores”, frisou. Valorização da Emater Na oportunidade, o diretor presidente Luciano Brandão solicitou apoio do deputado estadual Marcelo Cruz para promover a melhoria salarial dos servidores da Emater. “A valorização salarial é necessária até para reconhecer o trabalho desempenhado pelas pessoas que contribuem para o desenvolvimento deste centro em Ji-Paraná em um trabalho em conjunto entre Executivo e Legislativo”, ressaltou. Marcelo Cruz se colocou à disposição para defender os interesses dos servidores da Emater. “No meu primeiro mandato, estive na linha de frente pela aprovação do plano de carreira dos servidores do DER. Agora vocês também terão um defensor da Emater dentro da Assembleia. Além da valorização é necessário também abrir um concurso público pois, através dessas visitas, temos observado o número reduzido de profissionais em um órgão que sustenta a produção do nosso estado”, encerrou o parlamentar. Texto: Alexandre Almeida I Secom ALE/RO Fotos: Rafael Oliveira I Secom ALE/RO Fonte: Assembleia Legislativa de RO Read the full article
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cavenewstimes · 1 month
Jailton Almeida vs. Alexandr Romanov now set for UFC 302
A new heavyweight matchup has been confirmed for Jailton Almeida at UFC 302. Almeida is set to face Alexandr Romanov at the pay-per-view event, which takes place June 1 in Newark, N.J. The matchup initially was reported by Ag. Fight and confirmed to MMA Fighting by multiple people with knowledge of the news. Almeida originally was set to face Alexander Volkov at the June 1 event. But UFC CEO Dana…
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hugoalexandrecruz · 1 year
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AI'topia Performance e Instalação sobre a Inteligência Artificial by Iscte - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa Via Flickr: Performance e Instalação sobre a Inteligência Artificial. 18 de abril a 2 de maio, na sala de exposições do Iscte. Curadoria/Organização, Luís Botelho. Ideia e conceito original, Hugo Alexandre Cruz e João Sousa. III atos, o passado, o presente e futuros. O diálogo de forças entre o Homem e as Máquinas ao longo do tempos. Vídeo - Digital Arts Lab of Iscte Dali, Grupo de Teatro do Iscte, Miscutem, Alexandre Almeida e Hugo Alexandre Cruz. Música e paisagem sonora - Tuna do Iscte e Dali Fotografia e imagem digital - Dali Pintura e instalação - Khaoula e Luís Miguel Botelho, Performances - Miscutem e Tuna. Fotografia de Hugo Alexandre Cruz
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opcaoturismo · 2 months
ADHP vai realizar o seu XX Congresso nacional em Aveiro
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08MAR24 - O XX Congresso da ADHP – Associação dos Diretores de Hotéis de Portugal terá lugar nos dias 20 e 21 de março no Centro de Congressos de Aveiro. Sob o mote “Pilares da Hotelaria e Turismo”, o encontro vai discutir as principais tendências da hotelaria atual, desde a formação executiva à análise de dados, colocando em perspetiva a direção hoteleira no contexto global de um setor turístico cada vez mais integrado e interdependente. O primeiro dia do XX Congresso ADHP, 21 de março, arranca às 14h30 com a sessão de abertura. O momento contará com a presença do presidente da ADHP, Fernando Garrido, do presidente da Câmara Municipal de Aveiro, José Ribau Esteves, do presidente do Turismo do Centro, Raul Almeida, e do presidente da Confederação do Turismo de Portugal, Francisco Calheiros. O primeiro painel terá lugar às 15h30, com o tema “O impacto do ‘evento-marca’ para o destino”. Num ano em que Aveiro assume o título de primeira Capital Nacional da Cultura e Albufeira recebeu a Gala Michelin Portugal, José Ribau Esteves, Pedro Machado, Lídia Monteiro e Nuno Ferreira vão discutir a forma como os destinos podem capitalizar grandes eventos para dinamizar e qualificar o turismo local. Os trabalhos do dia 21 terminam às 16h30 com o painel que dá nome ao Congresso, “Pilares de valor da hotelaria”. Jorge Aníbal Catarino será responsável por um keynote address em que irá aprofundar o tema já discutido no “Be Our Guest” da ADHP. Mariano Faz, Miguel Proença e Timo Gangl vão conversar sobre os principais alicerces de valor na hotelaria com base nas suas experiências em funções de direção. Segue-se a palestra “Decifrar L.Í.D.E.R.”, que ficará a cargo de Alexandre Monteiro, autor do best-seller “Os segredos que o nosso corpo revela”. O dia encerra com o habitual jantar e cerimónia de entrega dos Prémios Xénios 2024, com início às 19h30, que voltarão a reconhecer e premiar os melhores diretores de hotel e parceiros de negócio. O segundo dia de Congresso, 22 de março, tem início às 10h00 com o painel “A importância da formação executiva no contexto de trabalho internacional”. Segue-se uma discussão com os presidentes de quatro associações europeias de diretores de hotel, Fernando Garrido (ADHP – Portugal), Manuel Vegas (AEDH – Espanha), Bartolo d’Amico (ADA – Itália) e Jürgen Gangl (HDV – Alemanha), que trocarão impressões sobre a importância da formação executiva em cada um dos respetivos mercados. Às 11h45 será vez de debater a relação entre hotelaria e análise de dados. Moderado por Luís Brites, que apresentará um estudo levado a cabo pela empresa, o painel “Hospitality data trends for 2024” juntará Nuno António e Sérgio Guerreiro para uma discussão aprofundada sobre o papel da ciência de dados no sucesso da operação hoteleira. Às 14h45, a ADHP Júnior, secção juvenil da associação, fará uma intervenção sobre a importância dos jovens para a hotelaria. O último painel do dia, às 15h00, vai incidir sobre “A importância da aviação no destino”. José Lopes (EasyJet), Francisco Pita (Ana), António Moura Portugal (Rena) e Sofia Lufinha (TAP) compõem o grupo de oradores que vai debater a relevância das ligações aéreas para o sucesso do ecossistema turístico de um destino. Às 16h15 terá lugar a entrega de diplomas do CEDH, seguida pela conclusão das sessões de trabalho e sessão de encerramento do Congresso. O programa completo poderá ser encontrado aqui. Read the full article
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