#Alexey Maklakov
meri-l · 4 months
Character posters for the movie Major Grom: The Game. Part 2
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n-rnova · 2 years
Diaries and Letters - Letters of Grand Duchess Anastasia
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Oct.25, 1914,p.42 "...It's 9.10 a.m. now. We are waiting for Grigory (Rasputin) to come. Olga is sitting idly and digging in her nose. S he is just a "swine"... I am in a great hurry to write as Grigory is coming soon... He has just come..."
Oct.28, 1914, p.44 "...Ortino and Tatiana are running about the room now. Mother is going to receive Maklakov at 9 a.m. and Malama will come, too, which is very pleasant. I took this picture of myself looking at the mirror. It was very hard as my hands were trembling. ...I had 7 classes today and tomorrow I am going to have 4 or 5... I am having a Russian class now and Pyotr Alexeyevich is reading Turguenev's "The Hunter's Notes" to us..."
Jan.30,1915, p.58 "...I taught Ortino to sit up and beg and today I've taught her to give her paw and now she can do it. She is so sweet..."
March 7, 1915,p.61 "...I'm so grateful to you that you allowed us to use your bath. We bathed there yesterday. It was such fun! I was the first to go. There was much water. I was able to swim around the bath and then jumped down from its sides. It was terrific! Then Maria and I played in the water for some time but, unfortunately,I had to get out soon. Ortino was running about all the time and barking. After that Olga and Tatyana bathes and also enjoyed themselves!.. . Mother has already got in her room the flowers which you like. You know those blue flowers which grow in front of Grandmother's windows. They have just opened. Tomorrow is Sunday. It's so good not to have lessons when you can lie about in bed longer than usual... All of us are kissing you including Ortino who is running about here like a mad dog... She is such a dear..."
Apr. 7, 1915, p.64 "...We have just finished dinner. Mother is lying and sisters are sitting nearby. Tatyana is out, of course, as usual. Shvybzik and Ortino are lying in Mother's bed and sleeping. They are such darlings..."
Apr. 8, 1915 "...The sun is so warm today. In front of the house there are some white and yellow little flowers and some little daisies but they are few. We'll have to go and break the ice today with Maria and Nagorny..."
601,1156, Apr. 16, 1915, pp.68,69 "...They bring different dishes to taste for Aleksey and we all and Pyotr Vasilievich come and gobble them. They are so delicious. Terrific!... It's evening now. We've just finished dinner and are sitting with Mother. The dogs are running about the room and barking loudly..."
601,1156, June 14, 1915, p.74 "...We've just had breakfast in the balcony. It was so pleasant. At the service the choir sang "Lord, have mercy upon us!" by Tchaikovsky and we were all thinking about you, Father dear. Yesterday evening we were at Anya's (Vyrubova). Demenkov, Shvedov and Zborovsky were there, too. We were to rehearse the comic item of the programme. We were dying of laughter looking at the actors... Uncle Pavel will, of course, have tea with us. So dull... When we are at home we sit in the balcony all the time and have dinner there, too... Ortino has rushed into the room and is running about looking for you. When she failed to find you she jumped up on Mother's lap... I am sitting now and grating carrots and radishes. Very tasty. At 11 a.m. I go to Aleksey's room and gobble Aleksey's food samples. Almost all teachers also take part in it. I miss dear Shvybzik (Anastasia's dog). I still have the cigarettes you gave me and I smoke them sometimes with pleasure and thank you very much. The lilacs are finishing blossoming already..."
601,1156, June 22,1915, p.78 "...My and Maria's bed is in the middle of the room. It's better to sleep there. We open the window and it becomes very pleasant and comfortable... Sometimes we have classes in Mother's balcony and once we had to go to the garden while they were leading the wire for the lamp there..."
Aug. 26, 1915, p.81 "...I am sitting on the sofa near Aleksey who is having dinner with M. Gilliard and Maria is running about making very much noise. After that we spent some time with Alexey. When we are free we usually do it..."
Sept. 4,1915, p.84 "...In the afternoon we were in our hospital at the concert. There was De La Zari, then 3 people who sang, a young lady who danced, then a young lady who danced and sang. And there was also the little man whom we had seen at Anya's in winter a long time before. He told such funny stories that everybody was dying of laughter."
Sept. 13,1915, p.86 "...It's so disgusting! There lives a mouse in Maria's and my bedroom. I saw it in the morning and at night I heard it make a scratching noise... Now I am sitting in Mother's big room and Anya is reading aloud to Mother..."
601,1156, Sept. 20, 1915,p.90 "...Yesterday was Saturday so I had dinner with Mother and stayed with her up to 10 p.m. and we were making an album..."
Oct. 3, 1915, p.92 "...Tell Aleksey that I play the balalaika as well as the sisters..."
Oct. 8, 1915, p.94 "...It's cold and foggy here, but cosy. They have already put the winter window-frames in all the windows but not here..."
Nov. 1, 1915, p.96 "...Sisters and I went to the Palace's hospital to see the concert there. The Tolstoys and a lot of their acquaintances played the balalaikas. Not bad... Olga is having a rest now and Maria is playing the gramophone. I like it..."
Nov. 6, 1915, p.98 "...Nothing is changing here - classes and nothing else but the hospitals which we visit almost everyday. I was sitting in the W.C. and playing the gramo- phone there. It was much more enjoyable. Maria and I still sleep the way we did in summer and don't want to remove our beds but Mother doesn't like it, I don't know why. I think, it's quite O.K..."
Jan. 5, 1916, p.113 "...Nothing special is happening here. Mother is lying and we usually have breakfast and dinner nearby. But we have tea in the bedroom. We all have pistols now and we like to shoot very much. In the evenings after dinner we go to play in the Corner room where Olga, Maria, Alexey and I hide from each other and then shoot at each other in the darkness, but Alexey is sometimes scared and does not enter the room..."
Jan.11, 1916, pp.114,115 "...I have recovered after the bronchitis already. In the mornings before breakfast I usually lie in bed and write or Sasha reads aloud to me. I have breakfast in the playing-room and after that I lie in bed there. Mother comes before tea-time and stays up to 6 p.m. Aleksey was in a very bellicose mood and did a lot of funny things..."
Feb.15,1916, pp.118,119 "...Yesterday the three of us, "the little ones" so to say, went to Anya's hospital and there was a concert there. It was very nice there. A small 10-year old girl danced a Russian folk dance to concertina's accompaniment. She looked so sweet. I felt a sort of pity for her. De La Zari was there as usual as well as Yu.Morfecy, Sasha Makarov and your friend Lersky. He told such a funny story about a drawing lesson that all tha soldiers cried of laughter. Then he told them a funny story about playing the piano in three different rooms on different floors and how it all sounded for someone who listened. It was also very funny and finally he told them about the Zoo... Olga and Tatiana were in their hospital at that time and also saw a concert there. The Ferzens, the Bezobrazovs, some young ladies and a lot of other people were playing the balalaikas there..."
601,1156, March 5,6, 1916,p.120 "...Maria asked me to tell you that the Tower was very good and that (...) poured rotten water on it which they took from the small pond near the Tower. Sidor was very funny when he gave it orders where and how it was to function. Fyodorov did not forget his duty either and gave orders to everyone..."
March 11, 1916,p.122 "...Aleksey rarely comes to the Tower. We walked a lot there yesterday. They carried lumps of ice up the Tower. One lump was as big as Aleksey and very broad so they could hardly carry it up the ladder. They slipped and fell down. Fyodorov shouted loudly and gave commands standing on top but fortunately they didn't break the lump..."
March 31, 1916,p.125 "...Maria and I are playing musical instruments together now. She is playing the piano and I am playing the balalaika. It sounds good but it's better when we play with Olga..." Apr.4,1916, p.127. "...We don't have classes this week but Alexey does have them because he is naughty when he has nothing to do..."
May 27, 1916, pp.134,135 "...The weather is still nasty, it rains every day, but we still have breakfast and tea in the balcony..."
601,1156, May 31, 1916, p.137 "...I am listening to your and Alexey's letters eagerly at hors-d'oevres and breakfast. Sorry I am using a different colour of ink now but I am writing in Mother's room..."
June 24, 1916, p.146 "...Maria and I have just been lying on the grass in front of the balcony... Yesterday the four of us made a fire and jumped over it. It was wonderful..."
July 3, 1916, p.149 "...Today they will show films to the wounded in the Manege. I am very happy as we all go and Mother, too... Maria and I rock in the hammock sometimes and she overturns me each time and I fall down right on my face..."
July 17, 1916,p.150 "...There'll be christening of Loman's grandson at 2 p.m. and Mother will be there as she is his Godmother and we four will accompany her to make a crowd..."
Aug. 12, 1916, p.156 "...It's 9.30 a.m. now. We've just had tea and now I am writing to you. I'll have a class soon and shall finish the letter there..."
Aug. 16, 1916, p.171 "...In the evenings Olga and Maria and I sometimes ride our bicycles about the rooms at full speed. Olga tries to catch me up or vice versa. We fall down some- times but are still alive. The lessons are over and I am going to have breakfast (she is using a German word for "breakfast" written in Russian) with Mother and sisters though I don't know if they have come back."
Oct. 31, 1916, pp.175,176 "...Yesterday we were at the concert in the Grand Palace. They celebrated the second anniversary of their hospital. It was rather nice there. Your friend Lersky was there. Mother saw him for the first time and liked him... Olga's cat is running about here now. I think she has grown up and looks rather nice..."
Nov. 9, 1916, p.179 "...I am writing to you between the classes as usual. Olga's cat is running about here all the time but now she can be heard as she is wearing a little bell on her neck with a blue ribbon..."
Feb.25,1917, p.188 "...I am sitting in a semi-dark room now with Olga and Tatiana (they are ill with measles)... We have breakfast upstairs in our classroom. Only Mother, Maria and me. Very nice..."
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worldoftheromanovs · 2 years
Anastasia to Nicholas II 28th October/10th November - 29th October/11th November 1914
“My precious and good Papa darling!
We just finished dinner. So I am sending you my nice picture. I am sure that you will be very happy. Today I sat with our soldier and helped him read, and it was so pleasant for me. He learned to read and write with us. Two more died yesterday, we even sat with them earlier. This evening Mama is leaving to Pskov with Olga, Tatiana, Olya and Anya. Today it was five degrees of warmth, but there was snow mixed with rain and rather strong wind, but not a gale. Right now Ortipo is running after Tatiana around the room. Mama is expecting Maklakov at 9 o’clock and Malama is coming too, this is very nice. I took this picture in the mirror, and it was hard because my hands shook. How is Nikolai Pavlovich? Well, I made a stain [on the letter] because Olga butted in. I had seven lessons today, and tomorrow four or five. Just came in, ending the little governor. It was very pleasant. Yes sirree! I have not written to Aunt Olga for a long time. Olga is hitting Marie, and Marie is screeching, like a foolish Dragoon, such a big fool. Well Malama just got here, is sitting in a chair with the sisters. Olga asked to send one more big kiss to you. I already washed up and now it’s time to go to bed. Tomorrow I will finish writing to you. Mama asked me to tell you that she spoke with Maklakov and that he has set everything up and that all is well. She sends you a very big kiss and is sorry she cannot write because she has no time. Tatiana sends a big kiss. Greetings, Your Imperial Majesty. Good morning. I am going to tea. Slept well without Mama and the sisters. I now have a Russian lesson and Pyotr Vasilievich is reading ‘Notes from the Hunter’ by Turgenev to us. Very interesting. Maria and I are working, I am using needles, while Maria a hook. Today is is 5 degrees of warmth, all the snow is gone and it is windy. Right now I will have the arithmetic [lesson]. Maria and I went to our soldiers. One of them does not know grammar, so I will bring him a notebook and a pencil. Then we will probably go to the warehouse. Well it started raining, so nasty. Alexei got a letter from you and was terribly happy. We already had breakfast. Now Marie and I will go to our infirmary, they brought Nikolaev there, the former officer of the Svodny Regiment. I wish you all the best. Regards to Nikolai Pavlovich. I send you 1000000 big kisses. Your loyal and faithful loving daughter, 13-year-old God’s Servant Nastasia (Shvybzik). May God keep you! Come back!!! Soon.”
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sanjaylodh · 7 months
It is not easy to get life back in this dying world of ours.
It is not easy to get life back in this dying world of ours.
The reason for this is to satisfy hunger
This is where the human community has brought about complete change over the centuries.
Life recovery by combining medicines
Medicine can definitely give life back.
Can medicine provide immortality to lives?
Can medical science make us immortal?
Immortality Is Impossible. Blame the Physics of Aging, Scientists Say. Theoretically, the systems in our bodies can repair themselves indefinitely. Practically, the laws of physics make that a futile pursuit.27 Sept 2023
Does medicine help people live longer?
Worldwide life-expectancy at birth was 30.9 years in 1900, 46.7 in 1940, 61.13 in 1980. As seen, there was a dramatic improvement in life-expectancy after 1940 which could be attributed to three factors: 1. A wave of global drug and chemical innovations: penicillin, streptomycin, vaccines, discovery of DDT, etc.18 Jan 2016
Is immortality biologically possible?
Immortality - Wikipedia
While, as shown with creatures such as hydra and Planarian worms, it is indeed possible for a creature to be biologically immortal, these are animals which are physiologically very different from humans, and it is not known if something comparable will ever be possible for humans.
why do we die
Causes of death can be grouped into three categories: communicable (infectious and parasitic diseases and maternal, perinatal and nutritional conditions), noncommunicable (chronic) and injuries.9 Dec 2020
Why do we die?
https://www.bbc.com › 20220805-why-do-we-die
5 Aug 2022
Certain jellyfish and their relatives offer tantalising clues as to whether immortality is possible – so why does death become the rest of us?
Of all the weird and wonderful aquatic organisms that bob about in our oceans and rivers, you would be forgiven for overlooking the hydra. Named after the Ancient Greek mythological serpent that could regrow its heads, it is a freshwater relative of jellyfish, anemones and corals. A little like a dandelion seed, with a long body and tuft of tentacles on one end, there's not much to see. But they have a remarkable property that makes them a curiosity of biology: they can regenerate. If you cut a hydra into many pieces, each bit will regrow into a complete, new individual.
Their regenerative properties have piqued the interest of biologists looking for evidence of immortality in nature. Why do these species appear not to die by natural causes? And is death inevitable?
Ageing was described in the mid-20th Century as a trade-off between reproduction and cell maintenance. Initially, organisms' bodies use their resources to grow and keep us healthy – to maintain our cells. Through childhood and adolescence, the emphasis is on staying alive and becoming as strong and healthy as possible. After sexual maturity, the priority switches to reproducing. Because, for most organisms, resources are limited, prioritising producing offspring can come at the expense of staying healthy.
Take a salmon that has swum upstream to spawn and promptly dies afterwards. Everything is expended to give the salmon the best chance of making it to the spawning ground, and once there it makes the most of the opportunity. The chances of the salmon swimming back downstream, surviving another year at sea, making the same return trip and successfully spawning again are so remote that natural selection would never favour these individuals. And in any case, they have already passed on their genes successfully once.
But the current understanding of why things die is a little more specific. When organisms reach sexual maturity, the force of natural selection weakens, and the ageing process begins, leading ultimately to death. But it's not to make way for the next generation, which might be "appealing from an altruistic angle", says Alexei Maklakov, a professor of evolutionary biology and biogerontology at the University of East Anglia in the UK.
What is the real purpose of our life?
love or hurt
Translate Hindi
हमारी इस मरणशील दुनिया में जिंदगी को फिर से लौट पाना आसान नहीं है
इसके कारण है भूख मिटाना
यहीं पर सदियां से ह्यूमन संप्रदाय संपूर्ण बदलाव लाया है 
जीवन पुनःप्राप्ती का दवाई को संयोजन करके
मेडिसिन पुनःजीवन जरूर दे सकता है
क्या जिंदगियों को अमरत्व प्रदान कर सकता है मेडिसिन
क्या चिकित्सा विज्ञान हमें अमर बना सकता है?
अमरता असंभव है. वैज्ञानिकों का कहना है कि उम्र बढ़ने की भौतिक विज्ञान को दोष दें। सैद्धांतिक रूप से, हमारे शरीर की प्रणालियाँ अनि��्चित काल तक स्वयं की मरम्मत कर सकती हैं। व्यावहारिक रूप से, भौतिकी के नियम इसे एक निरर्थक प्रयास बनाते हैं। 27 सितंबर 2023
क्या दवा लोगों को लंबे समय तक जीने में मदद करती है?
दुनिया भर में जन्म के समय जीवन-प्रत्याशा 1900 में 30.9 वर्ष, 1940 में 46.7 वर्ष, 1980 में 61.13 वर्ष थी। जैसा कि देखा गया, 1940 के बाद जीवन-प्रत्याशा में एक नाटकीय सुधार हुआ, जिसे तीन कारकों के लिए जिम्मेदार ठहराया जा सकता है: 1. वैश्विक दवा की लहर और रासायनिक नवाचार: पेनिसिलिन, स्ट्रेप्टोमाइसिन, टी��े, डीडीटी की खोज, आदि।18 जनवरी 2016
क्या अमरता जैविक रूप से संभव है?
अमरता - विकिपीडिया
हालाँकि, जैसा कि हाइड्रा और प्लैनेरियन कीड़े जैसे प्राणियों के साथ दिखाया गया है, किसी प्राणी के लिए जैविक रूप से अमर होना वास्तव में संभव है, ये ऐसे जानवर हैं जो शारीरिक रूप से मनुष्यों से बहुत अलग हैं, और यह ज्ञात नहीं है कि मनुष्यों के लिए कुछ तुलनीय कभी संभव होगा या नहीं .
हम मरते क्यों है
मृत्यु के कारणों को तीन श्रेणियों में बांटा जा सकता है: संचारी (संक्रामक और परजीवी रोग और मातृ, प्रसवकालीन और पोषण संबंधी स्थितियाँ), गैर-संचारी (पुरानी) और चोटें। 9 दिसंबर 2020
हम क्यों मरते हैं?
https://www.bbc.com ›20220805-क्यों-हम-मरते हैं
5 अगस्त 2022
कुछ जेलीफ़िश और उनके रिश्तेदार इस बारे में चौंकाने वाले सुराग देते हैं कि क्या अमरता संभव है - तो फिर मौत हममें से बाकी क्यों बन जाती है?
हमारे महासागरों और नदियों में विचरण करने वाले सभी अजीब और अद्भुत जलीय जीवों में से, हाइड्रा को नज़रअंदाज करने के लिए आपको माफ कर दिया जाएगा। इसका नाम प्राचीन ग्रीक पौराणिक साँप के नाम पर रखा गया है जो अपने सिर को दोबारा उगा सकता है, यह जेलीफ़िश, एनीमोन और कोरल का मीठे पानी का रिश्तेदार है। एक सिंहपर्णी बीज की तरह, लंबे शरीर और एक छोर पर तम्बू के गुच्छे के साथ, देखने के लिए बहुत कुछ नहीं है। लेकिन उनके पास एक उल्लेखनीय संपत्ति है जो उन्हें जीवविज्ञान की जिज्ञासा बनाती है: वे पुनर्जीवित हो सकते हैं। यदि आप हाइड्रा को कई टुकड़ों में काटते हैं, तो प्रत्येक टुकड़ा एक पूर्ण, नए व्यक्ति में बदल जाएगा।
उनके पुनर्योजी गुणों ने प्रकृति में अमरता के साक्ष्य की तलाश में जीवविज्ञानियों की रुचि बढ़ा दी है। ऐसा क्यों प्रतीत होता है कि ये प्रजातियाँ प्राकृतिक कारणों से नहीं मरतीं? और क्या मृत्यु अपरिहार्य है?
20वीं सदी के मध्य में उम्र बढ़ने को प्रजनन और कोशिका रखरखाव के बीच एक व्यापार-बंद के रूप में वर्णित किया गया था। प्रारंभ में, जीवों के शरीर अपने संसाधनों का उपयोग हमें बढ़ने और स्वस्थ रखने के लिए करते हैं - हमारी कोशिकाओं को बनाए रखने के लिए। बचपन और किशोरावस्था के दौरान, जीवित रहने और यथासंभव मजबूत और स्वस्थ बनने पर जोर दिया जाता है। यौन परिपक्वता के बाद, प्राथमिकता प्रजनन पर स्विच हो जाती है। क्योंकि, अधिकांश जीवों के लिए, संसाधन सीमित हैं, संतान पैदा करने को प्राथमिकता देना स्वस्थ रहने की कीमत पर आ सकता है।
एक सैल्मन लें जो अंडे देने के लिए ऊपर की ओर तैरती है और बाद में तुरंत मर जाती है। सैल्मन को अंडे देने की जगह तक पहुंचने का सबसे अच्छा मौका देने के लिए सब कुछ खर्च किया जाता है, और एक बार वहां पहुंचने पर वह इस अवसर का अधिकतम लाभ उठाता है। सैल्मन के वापस धारा की ओर तैरने, समुद्र में एक और वर्ष जीवित रहने, वही वापसी यात्रा करने और सफलतापूर्वक फिर से अंडे देने की संभावना इतनी कम है कि प्राकृतिक चयन कभी भी इन व्यक्तियों का पक्ष नहीं लेगा। और किसी भी मामले में, वे पहले ही एक बार अपने जीन को सफलतापूर्वक पारित कर चुके हैं।
लेकिन चीज़ें क्यों मरती हैं इसकी वर्तमान समझ थोड़ी अधिक विशिष्ट है। जब जीव यौन परिपक्वता तक पहुंचते हैं, तो प्राकृतिक चयन की शक्ति कमजोर हो जाती है, और उम्र बढ़ने की प्रक्रिया शुरू हो जाती है, जो अंततः मृत्यु की ओर ले जाती है। लेकिन यह अगली पीढ़ी के लिए रास्ता बनाने के लिए नहीं है, जो कि "परोपकारी दृष्टिकोण से आकर्षक" हो सकता है, यूके में ईस्ट एंग्लिया विश्वविद्यालय में विकासवादी जीव विज्ञान और बायोजेरोन्टोलॉजी के प्रोफेसर एलेक्सी मैकलाकोव कहते हैं।
असल में हमारे जीने का मकसद क्या है
प्यार या आहट
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mashkaromanova · 5 years
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Anastasia Nikolaevna, October/November 1914
“My precious and good Papa darling!
We just finished dinner. So I am sending you my nice picture. I am sure that you will be very happy. Today I sat with our soldier and helped him read, and it was so pleasant for me. He learned to read and write with us. Two more died yesterday, we even sat with them earlier. This evening Mama is leaving to Pskov with Olga, Tatiana, Olya and Anya. Today it was five degrees of warmth, but there was snow mixed with rain and rather strong wind, but not a gale. Right now Ortipo is running after Tatiana around the room. Mama is expecting Maklakov at 9 o’clock and Malama is coming too, this is very nice.
I took this picture in the mirror, and it was hard because my hands shook. How is Nikolai Pavlovich? Well, I made a stain [on the letter] because Olga butted in. I had seven lessons today, and tomorrow four or five. Just came in, ending the little governor. It was very pleasant. Yes sirree! I have not written to Aunt Olga for a long time. Olga is hitting Marie, and Marie is screeching, like a foolish Dragoon, such a big fool. Well Malama just got here, is sitting in a chair with the sisters. Olga asked to send one more big kiss to you. I already washed up and now it’s time to go to bed. Tomorrow I will finish writing to you. Mama asked me to tell you that she spoke with Maklakov and that he has set everything up and that all is well. She sends you a very big kiss and is sorry she cannot write because she has no time. Tatiana sends a big kiss. 
Greetings, Your Imperial Majesty. Good morning. I am going to tea. Slept well without Mama and the sisters. I now have a Russian lesson and Pyotr Vasilievich is reading ‘Notes from the Hunter’ by Turgenev to us. Very interesting. Maria and I are working, I am using needles, while Maria a hook. Today is is 5 degrees of warmth, all the snow is gone and it is windy. Right now I will have the arithmetic [lesson]. Maria and I went to our soldiers. One of them does not know grammar, so I will bring him a notebook and a pencil. Then we will probably go to the warehouse. Well it started raining, so nasty. Alexei got a letter from you and was terribly happy. We already had breakfast.
Now Marie and I will go to our infirmary, they brought Nikolaev there, the former officer of the Svodny Regiment. I wish you all the best. Regards to Nikolai Pavlovich. I send you 1000000 big kisses. Your loyal and faithful loving daughter, 13-year-old God’s Servant Nastasia (Shvybzik). May God keep you! Come back!!! Soon.”
- Anastasia to Nicholas II 28th October/10th November - 29th October/11th November 1914
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alexey-maklakov · 4 years
Представляю первую публикацию. Так как изначально зарегестрировался здесь для продвижения своего ютуб канала моряка ALEXEY MAKLAKOV , поэтому прошу не ругаться.
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evoldir · 4 years
Fwd: Conference: Online.EvolutionEcology.Jun22-26
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Conference: Online.EvolutionEcology.Jun22-26 > Date: 19 June 2020 at 06:33:09 BST > To: [email protected] > > > Dear EvolDir, > > Join us for the next week of our successful and popular online seminar > series in Evolution and Ecology. > > We are a group of postdocs from the research groups of Alexei Maklakov, > Simone Immler and Judith Mank at the University of East Anglia, UK, > and the University of British Columbia, Canada. > > Now that many departmental seminar talks and conferences have been > cancelled or postponed, we believe there is a great opportunity to > replace that otherwise missing stimulus, and to keep our international > research community connected. To that end, we are inviting some of the > most exciting scientists in the community to share their research. > > When: 5-6PM BST / 9-10AM PDT, up to 3 seminars/week Mon, Wed, Fri > > Where: talks live-streamed to our > YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMsYvoHLNVm4rbcTLj162zQ > , post your questions for our speakers via Slack > > Publicity: upcoming talks promoted on Slack & Twitter > @EvoEcoSeminars (https://twitter.com/EvoEcoSeminars) > > How to join: our Slack ‘Evolution and Ecology Seminars’ here > https://ift.tt/2zvIfod > > Our talks this coming week are: > > --- > > Mon 22 June > > Dr. Lucy Aplin (Cognitive & Cultural Ecology, Max Planck Institute of > Animal Behaviour, Germany) > > "Animal culture in a changing world: from diffusion of innovation to > cultural evolution in birds" > > --- > > Wed 24 June > > Prof. Craig Packer (Lion Research Center, University of Minnesota, USA) > > Title TBC > > --- > > Fri 26 June > > Dr. Jessica Metcalf (Dept. of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Princeton > University, USA) > > Title TBC > > --- > > Please follow our Twitter feed and join the Slack group for details of > future upcoming talks. > > Hope that you can join us!  Feel free to circulate to anyone who may > be interested! > > Many thanks, > > Dr. Elizabeth Duxbury > Dr. Andreas Sutter > Dr. Iulia Darolti > Dr. Wouter van der Bijl > > ---- > > Dr. Elizabeth Duxbury > Senior Postdoctoral Research Associate > Prof. Alexei Maklakov Group > School of Biological Sciences > University of East Anglia > Norwich Research Park > UK > > > "Elizabeth Duxbury (BIO - Staff)" > via IFTTT
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El misterioso caso de la financiación de la ciencia desaparecida
El misterioso caso de la financiación de la ciencia desaparecida
Varios escarabajos machos intentando montar a otros. Este comportamiento también se produce en las hembras que imitan la conducta de los machos. / Ivain Martinossi-Allibert
Referencia bibliográfica:
David Berger, Tao You, Mara Ruiz Minano, Karl Grieshop, Martin Lind, Göran Arnqvist & Alexei A. Maklakov. “Sexually antagonistic selection on genetic variation underlying both male and female…
View On WordPress
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meri-l · 1 year
Video from the set of Major Grom: The Game
It's time to open the veil of secrecy and look on the set of the movie "Major Grom: The Game". Especially for you, straight from Plus Dacha - an exclusive video from the team of BUBBLE Studios and Kinopoisk!
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evoldir · 4 years
Fwd: Conference: Online.EvolutionEcol.Aug5
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Conference: Online.EvolutionEcol.Aug5 > Date: 4 August 2020 at 07:11:00 BST > To: [email protected] > > > Dear EvolDir, > > Join us for the next week of our popular online seminar series in > Evolution and Ecology. > > --- > > Wed 5 August > > Prof. Swanne Gordon (Dept. of Biology, Washington University, USA) > > "Diversity in nature, why and how it is maintained: a test using a > 'non-model' model system" > > --- > > When: 5-6PM BST / 9-10AM PDT, Wednesdays > > Where: talks live-streamed to our YouTube channel > https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMsYvoHLNVm4rbcTLj162zQ , post your > questions for our speakers via Slack > > Publicity: upcoming talks promoted on Slack & Twitter > @EvoEcoSeminars (https://twitter.com/EvoEcoSeminars) > > How to join: our Slack กEvolution and Ecology Seminarsข here > https://ift.tt/2zvIfod > > Please follow our Twitter feed and join the Slack group for details of > future upcoming talks. > > Hope that you can join us.  Feel free to circulate to anyone who may > be interested. > > Many thanks, > > Dr. Elizabeth Duxbury > Dr. Andreas Sutter > Dr. Iulia Darolti > Dr. Wouter van der Bijl > > ---- > > Dr. Elizabeth Duxbury > Senior Postdoctoral Research Associate > Prof. Alexei Maklakov Group > School of Biological Sciences > University of East Anglia > Norwich Research Park > UK > > "Elizabeth Duxbury (BIO - Staff)" > via IFTTT
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chanelresort · 10 years
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Walter Van Beirendonck Fall 2013
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ericmcneal · 10 years
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STYLED FOR Fucking Young 
Alexey Maklakov
Styling.- Eric Mcneal 
Photographer.-Nekole Kemelle .Fucking Young 
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meri-l · 4 months
Major Grom: The Game | Actors about returning to their roles | Backstage
Tikhon Zhiznevsky, Lyubov Aksyonova, Alexander Seteikin, Alexey Maklakov, Sergey Goroshko and the creators of "Major Grom: The Game" share their impressions about returning to their roles and tell more about the upcoming premiere.
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thunderoni · 10 years
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thewhiteliquor · 10 years
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Alexey Maklakov and Alexander Charles
photographed by Nekole Kemelle
styled by Eric McNeal
in exclusive for Fucking Young! Online
more insanity.porn.vanity. here
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skt4ng · 10 years
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Alexey Maklakov and Alexander Charles at Red Model Management photographed by Nekole Kemelle and styled by Eric McNeal in exclusive for Fucking Young! Online.
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