#Alicia Corrales
eqqulate · 6 months
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Alicia Corrales if they returned to SIX! (Realistically they are not getting the bangs but…shhhh)
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but-im-unbreakable · 1 year
if i had a dime every time a principal howard became some kind of cover i would have four dimes, which isn't much but it is weird it's happened four times
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sixcostumerefs · 1 year
I don't understand what a rehearsal swing is or why they're needed. Can you explain that to me?
The very, very short explanation is that they’re actors who join rehearsals to learn the show and don’t immediately go onboard with the cast, but are prepared to do so later if they’re needed due to injury/illness/etc. Ships typically try to minimize the number of people who need to be onboard to try and limit the number of resources required - housing, food, dressing room space, etc all has to be provided by cruise ships for their employees. Since space and resources is limited, the number of actors they bring onboard also had to be. But only being able to have one onboard cover for each role also puts them at risk of not having enough coverage. If there's just a temporary issue that will be resolved with a week or two, they usually just cancel shows until they have enough actors. Of course you know from personal experience that that happened quite a bit with the first casts coming back from Covid lockdowns - they had some Covid outbreaks and between that illness and the initial longer quarantine periods, there were quite a few shows that got cancelled. Six usually only performs 3-4 shows per week and cruise attendees pay for the cruise rather than the specific show, so it is disappointing but won't be a major issue for them. If there's a significant longer-term issue, like an actor getting a major injury that requires them to leave the ship, they're in a tough spot. That's where the rehearsal swings come in - if any are available, one of them can jump on board to replace that actor (although it's not always as straightforward as a 1-1 substitution). That rehearsal alt allows them to have someone on hand who already knows the show and can quickly join and get into the swing of things with minimal rehearsal. All around it's much easier (and much more cost-effective) than having to re-cast the role, sign the contracts, fly someone in for fittings, teach them the whole show, and have them tech it.
With Six, a rehearsal alt has only gone onboard in that capacity once. In Bliss 1.0, Alicia (Howard) had to leave the ship about halfway through the run. Bryony Duncan (B/S/H alt) took over as principal Howard. They brought in Lori McLare (rehearsal alt A/C/H) as an understudy Howard, but since she didn't know B/S they actually had Bryony continue to understudy B/S while acting as principal Howard, and Lori just understudied Howard. And to make alllll of that more complicated...Caitlin Tipping (Seymour) had to temporarily leave the show for a few weeks, but Bryony was now Howard and Amy Bridges (rehearsal B/S/P) had already joined Breakaway 1.0 as Seymour, so neither of them could replace/join. They actually wound up having Natalie Pilkington add Seymour as her fourth cover, to act as a temporary replacement. At that point they still had alt costumes so she was just able to wear her black Parr variation with no issue. (Noting here that all of this was more complicated than that, but for the sake of keeping things as condensed as possible this is the simpler version)
It does seem like it would have made the most sense for Lori to take over as principal Howard and Bryony to just continue as B/S/H (and maybe take over as S instead). Not sure why that didn't happen. Might have been a costume thing.
Anyway. That's the very shortened version of what their basic, as-advertised role is and the one time we've seen that happen! There is more complexity to it than that, and I did just write up a longer post on some of that here if you're curious! But I hope that's helpful as a Rehearsal Swings 101!
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dxntloseurhead · 2 years
all nonbinary six queens (so far) and what pronouns they use!
aja simone baitey (they/she) - bliss 4.0 parr
alicia corrales-connor (they/she) - bliss 1.0 howard/uk tour 2.0 understudy howard
baylie carson (they/them) - west end 4.0 boleyn
claudia kariuki (she/they) - west end 3.0/4.0 seymour
hazel karooma-brooker (they/she) - bliss 1.0 boleyn
maddison bulleyment (they/them) - uk tour 2.0/3.0 boleyn
oliver wickham (they/them) - student run cleves
shannen alyce quan (they/she) - australian tour 1.0/2.0 swing
toby marlow (he/him) - co-writer/composer/west end emergency cover parr (july 2019)
willow dougherty (she/they) - bliss 4.0 swing
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365 Days of Six Queens
↳ Day 143 → Alicia Corrales-Connor as Katherine Howard
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unwrittenemmy · 1 year
Day forty-eight of posting every six queen
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musicalgifs · 2 years
i also just think that alicia corrales-connor <3
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zepskies · 5 months
Show Me - Part 1
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Pairings: Dean Winchester x Plus-sized Latina!Reader || Sam Winchester x Eileen Leahy (background)
Summary: Dean meets your infamous ex-boyfriend at a fallen hunter’s funeral. You just forgot to mention that he’s a hunter as well. Maybe because he still has the power to get under your skin…in the worst of ways.
AN: Another story for the Espresso-verse! This is set after “Devour Me,” and plays on plot threads in “Midnight Espresso” and the flashbacks in “In Bad Weather.”
Word Count: 3,100
Tags/Warnings: Angst, body shaming, body insecurity, protective Dean.
☕ Midnight Espresso Masterlist
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Part 1: “Objects Are Closer Than They Appear”
Hunter funerals aren’t supposed to be lively affairs.
Alicia Jackson is special, however. She’s known so well throughout the hunter community that news of her death creates a kind of reunion at her mother’s house after the funeral, not unlike Asa Fox’s wake last year.
Even you had known Alicia, though not particularly well. You met her through Eileen. They’d called for your help on a ciguapa case a few months ago, and ever since, Alicia had insisted on buying you a beer anytime she was in town.
So today, Sam and Dean are really supporting you and Eileen by coming along.
Alicia’s mother, Martha, is a lovely Haitian woman in her late sixties. Her house is modest, but welcoming. She’s a gracious host to have so many rough and tumble hunters in her home.
The wake is mainly gathered in the backyard, where plastic tables and chair have been set up. Most of the hunters have collected into groups of the ones they know, sharing stories, laughing, eating, and drinking.
You’re in the kitchen with Martha, as you’ve offered to help her put out some more beers on the table outside. The smaller woman falters for a moment when she glances at a framed picture of her daughter on the wall. Alicia was beautiful, with coal-dark skin and soulful brown eyes she’d inherited from her mother.
You end up holding Martha’s hands in comfort when she nearly crumbles again. Your heart breaks for her. Even if you hadn’t been that close with Alicia, you’d hope that someone would take care of your own mother in a situation like this.
“She just has so many friends,” Martha says, with a tearful chuckle. “I never realized…”
“We try to look after each other,” you reply, smiling. “Everyone here knew your daughter, if not personally, then by reputation. And guaranteed, all of them have at least one good story to share.”
Martha nods. Somehow, she’s able to smile through her tears as she pats your hand. 
After spending a few more minutes with her, you predictably find Dean by a long table of hors d’oeuvres and desserts.
“Babe, you gotta try these mini quiche. They’re delicious,” he says, after popping another pastry into his mouth. You can see that he’s eaten nearly a whole tray while he’s been waiting for you.
“You realize we’re at a wake, not the Golden Corral,” you lightly tease. He shrugs.
“Still gotta eat, right?” he says.
His capacity for food knows no bounds, but you love him for it.
You glance over at Sam and Eileen chatting with a small group of hunters under the shade of a tree. They’re sitting close together at a picnic table. Your lips form a subtle smile, and you lean in close to Dean.
“Look at your brother, being a supportive non-boyfriend,” you say. They’ve been loosely “dating” for weeks, though you aren’t sure they’ve put an official label on what they are together.
Dean’s expression turns both fond and amused. “Think they’ve sealed the deal yet?”
You glance over at him. “What do you mean?”
“You know…” Dean waggles his brows suggestively. You do know what he means, and you playfully smack his chest. Mostly to stop him before he starts making lewd hand motions.
“Come on, that’s none of our business,” you reply. Inside though, you’re wondering the same thing.
Dean spies the look on your face and smirks.
“See. You’re curious too,” he says. He gestures at your face with the same hand that holds a bacon-wrapped cocktail weenie. You have to raise a hand to fend him off when he tries to veer it into your mouth.
“Don’t point at me with your sausage,” you quip.
“Funny. I’ve never heard that particular complaint outta your mouth before,” he smirks.
He eventually gives up on feeding you and eats it himself. His warm gaze is still on you though. You start to blush.
“Again, we’re literally at a funeral reception,” you say, despite your growing smile.
His gait becomes more flirtatious as he leans in to whisper in your ear.
“Like I said. We still gotta eat, don’t we?”
You splutter laughing, though you attempt to contain it behind your hand. Dean’s chuckle resonates through you when he pulls you in by your waist. His thumb brushes your hip. He’s not so much into PDA, and certainly not as “touchy” as you, but this much will do for now. You lean into him in turn.
He finishes off his umpteenth hours d’oeuvre and sets his nearly empty beer on the table. After letting loose a barely stifled belch, he mentions something about finding a bathroom.
“Dogs are already barkin’, huh?” you tease.
“Yep,” he freely admits, patting his stomach. “Give me five minutes…or ten.”
He squeezes your arm in parting before he takes off down the hall at a purposeful pace. It leaves you to contemplate the mini quiche.
Damn, they do look good. You bend over the table slightly to peruse your options, when a familiar voice drawls behind you.
“Still got a fat ass,” he teases.
You freeze. Slowly, you straighten up, and you turn to blink in surprise at the man who stands there, holding a beer and wearing a playful smile.
Yours is polite at best as you try to get through your shock.
“Carter,” you blurt out. What the hell are you doing here?
He greets you with an incline of his head. The way he says your name is both familiar, and a little unsettling.
You cross your arms and lean back on your heels. “You knew Alicia?”
“We tangled a few times,” Carter replies with a nod. His smile laces with a bit of innuendo, but his eyes have just enough heaviness to convince you that he really did have some kind of relationship with Alicia.
Oh, Ali. You could’ve done better, you think. You wish you’d known that tidbit of information when she was alive. You would’ve warned her.
“I’m sorry for your loss then,” you say. Carter nods again. A silence falls awkwardly between you two.
“Is that all we’re gonna say to each other?” he asks. “It’s been…what, a couple years?”
“Almost four,” you supply. You and Carter had ended just a few months before you met Sam and Dean, a little over three years ago now. You and Dean hadn’t started dating until last year.
“All right,” Carter says, rubbing at his chin. His gaze roams over you with a slight smile. They take you in from your high-heeled boots and jean-clad curvy thighs, to your green blouse, laced loosely in the front. You’d decided to dress a little nicer for the occasion.
“You know, you look the same,” Carter says. His head tilts. “But different somehow.”
You raise a brow. “Different?”
“Yeah, like…” He draws closer and leans on the table beside you. He sips at his beer. “Confident. Like you’re not hiding yourself anymore.”
He mimics the hunch of a turtle in its shell.
“You used to be like a little mouse sometimes,” he adds with a light chuckle.
You know he means to be teasing, but you’re not laughing. If you’re not hiding anymore, it means you’re not trying to bury yourself under shapeless clothes, along with much of your inner self.
“Don’t you think that’s a little tight?” he’d asked you once, before you two went out together. It wasn’t the first time. (And it wouldn’t be the last.)
“I’m just saying,” he would often say. “You might feel more comfortable in something a bit looser. Cover these up a little.”
You remember how he’d squeezed the softness around your sides or your stomach. You also remember a well of anxiety in your chest that had made you feel almost grotesque when you’d studied yourself in the mirror afterwards.
Objects are closer than they appear…
You remember agreeing with him. Changing clothes. Drowning yourself in crewneck shirts and breezy buttoned-downs. Always wearing pants and baggy shirts to bed. Thinking all of this was to make you comfortable, and not the man who didn’t really love you.
So now, you give him a passive look as you take Dean’s forgotten beer and finish the last sip. Carter wears a hunter’s red plaid over jeans and his old leather boots. His blonde hair is shaggy around his ears, his face a little rough with stubble, his eyes still a deep blue.
He looks exactly the same. He probably is the same.
He’s right about one thing though. You’re not the same.
“We’re not in the profession of hiding,” you finally reply. “Guess I just got tired of it.”
Carter seems to sense your shift, and maybe, what you’re really saying. His smile falls into contemplation. He crosses his arms.
“Did I spot you with one of the Winchesters earlier?” he asks.
You nod. “Yeah, that was Dean.”
Before you can add the boyfriend part, Carter whistles lowly and shakes his head.
“I’d steer clear of them if I were you,” he says.
You quirk a brow. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me. Those two are walking hurricanes of bad luck, blood, and mayhem,” Carter says.
“You don’t even know Sam and Dean,” you counter. Your voice is sharp and your brows knit together in thinly veiled irritation. “So I suggest you shut your mouth and steer clear of me.”
You set the beer bottle a bit hard on the table and mean to brush past him. You spot Sam and Eileen again, still sitting in their same table under the tree. You aim to head over there to wait for Dean, but a hand wraps around your arm.
“Come on, sweetheart. Don’t be like that,” Carter frowns.
“I’m not your sweetheart,” you tell him. You’re discreet in the way you try to twist your arm out of his grip. You glance around to make sure no one’s watching you two. The last thing you want to do is make a scene here, but Carter is being a stubborn ass.
Even though you manage to wrench out of his hold, he grasps your hand next to stop you from pulling away. He looks down at your hand, brushes his thumb over your skin. His gaze looks heavy, almost melancholy.
You know that funerals tend to bring out the sentimental shoulda, coulda, woulda in hunters, but you think he might be looking back on your time together with rosier glasses than he ought to be.
“Look, I'm sorry. Can’t I at least get you a drink? We can catch up,” he says.
“Consider me caught up,” you toss back. Frustration begins to set you on edge. “I don’t know why you’re pushing this. I mean, God, we weren’t even good together.”
At that, his grip tightens on your hand. Confusion and denial cross his face.
“That’s not true,” he protests.
Unbidden, you’re forced to remember the weeks you and Carter spent in Miami, where you’d met him. You remember how he’d convinced you to leave with him after his hunt was done, and to leave your family behind. A decision you regretted to this day…
You lean in closer just to whisper hotly. “You know it is. We didn’t have a relationship. We had a transaction, in which you liked what I could do for you. But you never loved me. You never even really knew me.”
At that, his hold finally loosens in his shock. You take the opportunity to slip your hand out of his. Another familiar hand rests along your lower back, and a firm wall radiates warmth behind you.
“Hey, party people,” Dean says. He gives Carter a “pleasant” smile, and you a more genuine look. You okay? it says.
You let out a subtly relieved breath and nod. “Hey, was just gonna go check on you.”
“I’m good,” Dean says. He looks over at Carter, whose expression has cooled considerably. Still, Dean inclines his head. “Hey, man.”
“Yeah,” Carter says. His tone is bland, until his gaze slides back to you.
“Don’t tell me you’re shacking up with this one now,” he says, leveling a finger at Dean. Then he gestures across the lawn, over at Sam. “Or is it the former anti-Christ over there?”
Both you and Dean bristle. Your temper has a thin fuse right now, and while you still don’t want to make a scene, you might have to make an exception.
“Why don’t you remember where the hell you are and have some decency,” you hiss. “Do us all a favor and fuck off.”
Once again, you try to walk past him. This time when Carter grabs you, it’s because he smarts at you getting the last word. A sharp breath escapes you, and Dean intervenes with a firm, warning grip on the other man’s wrist.
“Hey, you wanna act right, before you make yourself a problem?” Dean says. His face is relaxed, but behind his eyes are a very real threat. “I got no issue laying you out right here, in front of all your buddies.”
Carter has a moment of indecision. He notices a few pairs of eyes drawing their way, and so he lets go of you, even as he sneers at Dean.
“Shove the Prince Charming bit, asshole. She ain’t a damn princess,” Carter snaps. “She don’t act like one, and she definitely don’t look like one.”
You roll your eyes at his spite, but Dean can’t quite let that one slide off his back. 
His grip tightens on Carter’s wrist as he pulls him in. He pats Carter hard on the back and smiles as if they’re old friends. But really, it just gives him the vantage point to speak lowly near the man’s ear.
“All right, douchebag. Keep talking shit. I’ll bet that’s how you’ve gotten this far in life,” Dean says. “But touch her again, and I’ll break every damn bone in your hand. And maybe, I won’t stop there.”
He tilts his head, so he can see the glimmer of intimidation hidden well behind the other man’s eyes. Then Dean lets him go. He turns and lays a hand at the small of your back. The two of you fall into step together while walking across the lawn in the backyard.
“You didn’t have to do that,” you say quietly.
Dean frowns and notices the way your gaze has lowered. His hand moves around your waist and squeezes to get your attention. Without him realizing, it just reminds you of the way Carter used to point out the thicker curves on your body.
Cover these up a little.
“Hey, you okay—”
“I’m fine, Dean,” you say, easing out of his hold.
It leaves him feeling unbalanced, and a bit put out. Dean remains quiet as he follows you over to his brother’s table.
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“Are you all right?” Sam asks you, discreetly, but with concern. The wake is coming to an end, and by now Dean has filled him in on your run in with your ex, Carter Hall.
You give Sam a nod and a smile that doesn’t quite reach your eyes.
“Yeah, I'm good,” you reply.
Dean is quiet. He stands beside you with his hands in his pockets. Eileen has invited you and Dean to join her and Sam at a nearby bar to keep the evening going with a few other hunters, but this has already been one hell of a day. You’re ready to make the long drive home and call it a night.
Eileen’s also agreed to take Sam home (eventually). You notice how they share smiles, how Eileen ducks her head with the beginnings of a blush. You’re happy for them, even as you and Dean part ways with a more stifled silence on the way back to the car.
It’s late, and it’s cold. You walk beside him with your arms crossed, just to brace yourself against the windchill eating through your jacket. You glance over at your boyfriend and feel a measure of remorse for the way you brushed him off earlier. You have a feeling that’s part of the reason why he’s quiet, giving you your space.
You decide to close the distance. You sidle up closer and curl your arm around his. Your hand slips into his as well, threading your fingers together with Dean’s.
He looks over at you with a slight raise of his brows. His lips quirk at a smile, and his hand tightens on yours. You’re able to give him a more sincere smile in return.   
“Can I tell you something?” you ask.
“Yeah,” Dean says.
You look up at him and bite your lower lip. “I’m starving. I never did get to try those quiche.”
It only takes a moment for you to devolve into a quiet giggle. It’s infectious, and Dean laughs with you.
“Okay, we’ll stop somewhere,” he nods. Though his eyes widen in realization. “Damn, that means you haven’t eaten since, what, this morning? Before the funeral?”
You mentally count back the hours, and you have to agree with a sheepish nod. Dean shakes his head in disapproval.
“Come on, sweetheart. You should’ve said something.”
You shrug, even though you know he’s right. Your free hand curls around his bicep, and you lay your head against his arm. He looks down at the top of your head and heaves a sigh, despite his lingering smile.
Though the peace you’ve brokered is soon interrupted.
Dean had to park down the road of Martha Jackson’s house. Two cars down is Carter, who’s about to climb into his old Honda Civic.
Damn. He’s still driving the same piece of shit too, you note. His head raises, and as if he knows he’s being watched, his attention turns toward you and Dean. You don’t allow yourself to react, other than staring across the way, directly at Carter. You wait until he looks away first, opening his door and getting into his car.
You expel a breath and brush your thumb over the back of Dean’s hand.
“Let’s go,” you say.
Dean nods. He guides you toward the passenger side of the Impala, but his gaze lands beyond his car, to the Honda still parked and warming up. He finds Carter’s gaze through the front window for a moment.
It’s Carter who once again breaks first; he revs the ignition and peels onto the street, and down the road past them without looking back.
Dean's lips curve. Bitch.
Shaking his head, he rolls his shoulders and rounds the car towards the driver’s side.
He’s more than ready to go home.
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AN: *sighs* Okay, originally this story was going to be a one-shot, but it just got too damn long. Let me know what you think of Dean finally meeting her ex-douchebag, Carter.
Part 2 (coming next week) will include all the angsty hurt/comfort and smut to come...
Next Time:
“I’ll just speak for myself then,” he says. His hand trails lower... “If you need me to remind you how beautiful you are, how goddamn sexy…then I got no problem showing you.”
His hand moves down the soft slopes of your body and comes to rest at the curve of your waist. Hearing your faltering breath, Dean pulls back so he can see your face.  
“Let me take care of you for a change,” he says. His lips pull at a grin, and it makes you smile in turn.
You take his face in your hands and bring him down to you for a kiss, languid and a bit devouring. It makes heat lick up Dean’s spine.
“Okay,” you whisper, close to his lips. “Show me.”
Keep Reading: PART 2
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Series Masterlist
Dean Winchester One-Shots
Dean Winchester Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Ko-Fi Me ☕
Dean W. Tag List:
@hobby27 @kazsrm67 @letheatheodore @agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesbrainworms @foxyjwls007 @wincastifer @iamsapphine @simpforbuckyb @vanillawhiskeyflavoredkisses @roseblue373 @this-is-me19 @emily-winchester @spnexploration @deans-spinster-witch @deans-baby-momma @iprobablyshipit91
@melancholictearz @nic-kolas @sanscas @sleepyqueerenergy @wayward-lost-and-never-found @thewritersaddictions @just-levyy @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @deanwanddamons @antisocialcorrupt @lacilou @adoringanakin @theonlymaninthesky @teehxk @midnightmadwoman @brianochka @branj19
@agalliasi @venicesem @chriszgirl92 @lyarr24 @ladysparkles78 @solariklees @xsophianicolex @deansbbyx @candy-coated-misery0731 @curlycarley @sarahgracej @bagpussjocken @deanfreakingwinchester @chernayawidow @beskarfilms @mimaria420
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lightleckrereins · 4 months
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The end of an era: Six cruise productions have officially closed
13 productions (plus two cancelled ones), four and a half years and 103 queens later. A chaotic but iconic era in six history is over.
Candace Furbert, Hazel Karooma-Brooker, Caitlin Tipping, Sophie Golden, Alicia Corrales, Viquichele Cross, Natalie Pilkington, Bryony Duncan, Lori McLare, Jasmine Jia Yung Shen, Kelly Sweeney, Amy Bridges, Jessica Niles, Georgia Carr, Amelia Walker, Liv Alexander, Elizabeth Walker, Jade Marvin, Lucy Aiston, Gabriella Stylianou, Scarlet Gabriel, Rebecca Wickes, Megan Leung, Abbi Hodgson, Sophie-Rose Middleton, Artemis Chrisoulakis, Ellie Sharpe, Melinda Porto, L'Oréal Roaché, Wesley Carpenter, Maya Christian, Brianna Brito Mooney, Meghan Dawson, Marilyn Caserta, Ashlee Waldbauer, Lauren Irving, Danielle Mendoza, Shelby Griswold, Kennedy Monica Carstens, Abigail Sparrow, Jarynn Whitney, Madeline Fansler, Channing Weir, Gabbi Mack, Casey Esbin, Ellie Wyman, Sasha Renae Brown, Nicole Lamb, Aja Simone Baitey, Willow Dougherty, Kayla McSorley, Jessie Bodner, Jasmine Hackett, Janice Rijssel, Lucia Valentino, Elena Breschi, Princess Sasha Victomé, Rae Davenport, Gianna Grosso, Kathryn Kilger, Reca Oakley, Jillian Worthing, Bethany McDonald, Sunayna Smith, Hannah Taylor, Sarah McFarlane, Eden Holmes, Fiorella Bamba, Lucinda Wilson, Haley Izurieta, Caitlyn De Kuyper, Amanda Simone Lee, Gabriella Boumford, Meghan Corbett, Analise Rios, Ruby Gibbs, Cydney Clark, Caroline Siegrist, Eloise Lord, Deirdre Duncan, Audrey Fisher, Lorren Santo-Quinn, Billie Kerr Amelia Atherton, Giulia Marolda, Izzy Formby-Jackson, Laura Blair, Maddison Firth, Emily Harrigan, Kara-Ami McCreanor, Sadie Hurst, Adrianna Glover, Alizé Ke'Aloha Cruz, Kristina Walz, Chelsea Lorraine Wargo, Emily Rose Lyons, Meg Dixon-Brasil, Lois Ellise, Jasmine Smith, Jaelle Laguerre, Kate Zulauf, Brooke Aneece, Hannah Lawton
Plus Gabrielle Davina Smith, Melissa Ford, Kaylah Attard, Fia Houston- Hamilton, Rhiannon Bacchus and Rhiannon Doyle who were set to join Breakaway before lockdown.
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redladydeath · 9 months
Oldest Aragon - Olga Szomanska (40) Youngest Aragon - Renee Lamb (19)
Oldest Boleyn - Ji-woo Kim (39) Youngest Boleyns - Hazel Karooma-Brooker, Maddison Bulleyment, Millie O'Connell (21)
Oldest Seymour - Anna Peller (42) Youngest Seymours - Caitlin Tipping, Jasmine Forsberg, Lucinda Wilson (22)
Oldest Cleves - Ji-sun Kim (42) Youngest Cleves' - Kenedy Small, Maya Christian, Sophie Golden (23)
Oldest Howards - Anna Terpiłowska, Ryeo-won Kim (35) Youngest Howards - Alicia Corrales-Connor, Caroline Siegrist (20)
Oldest Parr - Nikolett Gallusz (49) Youngest Parr - Jarynn Whitney (19)
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janedances · 8 months
Full list of Principal - Alt occurrences:
Courtney Mack: Howard on Tour - Alternate on Broadway
Alicia Corrales Connor: Howard on Bliss - U/S Howard on UKT
Bryony Duncan: Howard on Bliss - Universal Super Swing
Abigail Sparrow: Howard on Breakaway - Standby in Canada
Gabriella Stylianou: Seymour on Bliss - A/S in the West End
Wesley Carpenter: Seymour on Bliss - Universal Alternate
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six-costume-refs · 1 year
Every Single Duplicate Costume Combo (May 2023)
Harriet Caplan-Dean and Esme Rothero both performed on the West End yesterday, which meant we saw the first double silver performance! Here’s the rundown of every combo we’ve seen so far:
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Collette Guitart and Cassandra Lee, UK Tour. These queens only played one show together, as Aragon and Cleves (pictured) when Collette was an emergency cover in Dec 2019. They never performed a show together in their primary costume.
Liv Alexander and Collette Guitart, West End. These queens performed a few shows together in two combos of queens. Note that Liv has Grace Mouat’s 2.0 costume while Collette’s is her 3.0 redesign. (photo by @/shonalouise_photography)
Cassandra Lee and Natalie Pilkington, UK Tour. These queens performed in the same production in black alt for nine months and did numerous shows together. They never had the same variations, which seems to have been intentional.
Jennifer Caldwell and Cherelle Jay, West End. These two queens played many shows together in various queen combos. Despite both wearing shorts and the primary top for Boleyn/Parr, they never got to do a show together both in that variation. (not sure on photo origin, please link me if aware!)
Bryony Duncan and Cherelle Jay, West End. These queens also played a few shows as various queen combos, as well as performing in West End Live together. They never had any of the same variations.
Shannen Alyce Quan and Madeline Fansler, Australia Tour. These queens performed together as Parr/Boleyn and Aragon/Howard. They never had any of the same variations.
Lauren Drew and Alicia Corrales-Connor, UK Tour. Back in winter 2019-20, Lauren Drew wore a temporary costume made out of modified pieces of former band costumes while she waited for a new Aragon costume. A few weeks later, Alicia left the Norwegian Bliss and temporarily joined the UK Tour as Howard understudy. However, her costume was left on the Bliss for Bryony Duncan to wear, so she also wore a modified band costume when she performed. Alicia went on twice and both times the two of them were on in their modified band costumes. (photo from @/aliciatyra_cc, unsure of origin)
Hana Stewart and Harriet Watson, West End Live. These queens only performed together for West End Live. They both wore their only variation, which were identical.
Esme Rothero and Harriet Caplan-Dean, West End. The newest addition to this post! These queens performed together yesterday for one show as Howard and Parr, respectively. Esme wore her A/H skirt and Harriet wore her pants. (photo from @/elliemaxx)
And a few honorable mentions:
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Pictured: Grace Mouat and Collette Guitart (West End), Jennifer Caldwell and Bryony Duncan (UK Tour). Despite us having behind the scenes photos of these queens together in their costumes, these two sets of queens never actually got to perform together onstage in these costumes.
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justarandomsixfan · 5 months
Six swalts who never hit swingo
[The final dump x]
Actress: Liv Alexander (Swing, Breakaway/Uk, 2019-2022) Played: 4/6 (A/B/S/C) Note: After leaving the Uk productions, Liv would return to the breakaway production as Principal Boleyn!
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Actress: Bryony Duncan: (Swing, Bliss/Uk, 2019-2021) Played: 3/6 (B/S/H) Note: During her time in the Bliss cast, she would take over the role of principal Howard, whilst Alicia Corrales departed to cover Howard with the Uk tour, Along with a growing distaste for cruise life.
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Actress: Casandra Lee (Alt A/C, UK Tour, 2019-2022) Played: 2/6 (A/C) Note: Despite having character-specific wigs made for her, Casandra would only ever play her first covers. This was apparently her own choice!
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Actress: Hannah Stewart (Alt S/P, W.E, 2019-2021) Played: 4/6 (A/S/H/P) Note: Shortly after leaving the London cast, Hannah would be flown out to New York to temporarily join the Broadway cast as an alternate!
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sixcostumerefs · 9 months
The other day I mentioned that 22-23 UK Tour was now the first to have each of its' alts perform in another production, or in that scenario specifically emergency cover on the West End. Here's where others are at. 2019 West End: Vicki Manser (Tour principal promo), Shekinah McFarlane (pre-cast Tour promo); Grace Mouat (none), Courtney Stapleton (none)
19-21 West End: Collette Guitart (UK Tour), Cherelle Jay (UK Tour), Hana Stewart (Broadway); Zara MacIntosh (none)
21-22 West End: Roxanne Couch (standby for UK Tour), Rachel Rawlinson (standby for Hampton Court/proshot); Esme Rothero (none), Paisley Billings (none), Danielle Rose (none)
22-23 West End: Rachel Rawlinson, Esme Rothero, Monique Ashe-Palmer, Danielle Rose, Leah Vassell (all none)
19-22 UK Tour: Natalie Pilkington (West End and UKT), Jennifer Caldwell (West End), Harriet Watson (West End and universal), Alicia Corrales-Connor (standby for West End); Cassandra Lee (none)
22-23 UK Tour: Harriet Caplan-Dean (West End), Grace Melville (West End), Leesa Tulley (West End), Natalie Pilkington (West End and UKT)
23-24 UK Tour: Izi Maxwell (West End); Shakira Simpson (none), Ellie Jane Grant (none), Tamara Morgan (none)
20-22 Broadway: Nicole Kyoung-Mi Lambert (standby for Broadway), Courtney Mack (principal promo for Aragon Tour), Keirsten Hodgens (Aragon Tour); Mallory Maedke (none)
Aragon Tour: Cassie Silva (Broadway and Boleyn Tour), Kelly Denice Taylor (Broadway and Boleyn Tour), Kelsee Kimmel (Broadway); Erin Palmer Ramirez (none)
22-23 Boleyn Tour: Aryn Bohannon (Aragon Tour); Cecilia Snow (none), Jana Larell Glover (none), Taylor Pearlstein (none)
Bliss 1.0: Natalie Pilkington (joined UKT/see above), Bryony Duncan (UK universal), Lori McLare (joined onboard), Amy Bridges (principal promo for Breakaway 1.0)
Bliss 3.0: Marilyn Caserta (US universal)
Breakaway 1.0: Liv Alexander (UK universal, principal promo for Breakaway 2.0), Elizabeth Walker (principal promo for Breakaway 2.0), Maddison Firth (planned principal promo for original Breakaway 2.0); Laura Blair (none) Breakaway 3.0: Madeline Fansler (Aus); Channing Weir, Princess Victome, Sunayna Smith (none)
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heartofsix · 1 year
things from six that don't make sense to me:
why they didn't make shantel cribbs t/r cleves in st. paul
courtney became alt b/s/h and nicole could've went back to alt a/c/p after shantel was ready
why they didn't make alicia corrales-connor t/r howard between vicki & sophie on the west end
she knew the part, left the cruise during the time period, and jen could've stayed on tour
why they didn't hire a second universal alternate for north america
with aryn being on aragon tour it's clear they need one
why natalie pilkington didn't stay as the super swing for the 2022-23 uk tour
she had usable costumes with enough variations and she's dance captain anyway
why they're not sending the australian cast over for the seoul stint in march
they're much closer and their tour is ending in february anyway
cutting the get down reveal even when cleves still had the open jacket instead of the full reveal
the jacket strip was still fun even though it's not as exciting as the full reveal
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ivanreycristo · 2 years
VIRGINIA MAESTRO.. siguiendo con la operacion de URGENCIA de SARA CARBONERO (nacida en Corral de Almoguer.. Donde desayuno el jugador de Real Madrid y su delegado de campo CHENDO nada mas venir del mundial de MEXICO'86.. para a continuacion continuar viaje y tener un accidente con su coche y carnet de conducir nuevo matando a su hijo recien nacido y el cual nacio el 12 oct 1961 dia nazional de España x el descubri-miento de AME-RICA como el Maratoniano DI-EGO GARCIA q murio con 39 años el dia antes de su HOMENAJE x su RETIRADA y nombre q comparte con TWANGERO con el q grabaste SABOR A MI q unio a TEQUILA SUNSET en su LP GALLO NEGRO).. el 10-marzo-2022 invitaste a su nuevo novio NACHO TABUADA cantante de COLECTIVO PANAMERA a cantar EL RELOJ.. 9 dias despues fuiste al programa VIENTOS DEL SUR y empezaste con I'M SORRY d BRENDA LEE con una botella de Agua AQUA DEUS (al fondo cuadro electrico con simbolo de ALTA TENSION).
Por isa KRANKY tambien acompaña a la guitarra a PATRICIA LAZARO (q sale en su avatar de Twitter EXPULSANDO HUMO) q ha lanzado cd GLORIA PELEA tras su cd debut TODO IRA BIEN, MAMA en el q colaboro el TWANGERO.
X cierto.. Isa KRANKY tiene un hermano llamado LUKA KRANKY q poso con una tal ALICIA RAMOS frente al rio MANZANA+eRES
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