#Alicia Raika
Universal Collision: Meet the Adventurer Support Assists!
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Name: Alicia Raika
Class: 5★ SP
Summoner/Duo: No
🎂Birthday🎂: No
Weapon Type: SPECIAL (EX Weapon: Angelic Pen)
Current character status: Released
A 2nd year of Arisera Academy, known for her kindhearted personality, lending to those in need of assistance alongside with her soft and pure vocals for White Black Roses. She calls those who visit White Black Roses's live shows as angels. Rumor has it that she comes from one of the wealthiest families in Sargnia and has been taking her parents money.
Now with everyone together, we'll replant the world! - Restore HP of all allies (XL) + type attacks +40% (1 Turn)
Lunatic (Mind's Eye) - Activate Lunatic with Status (Mind's Eye) on user (3 turns).
* Mind's Eye:
* Increase damage and healing +50% (Multiplier: x1.5)
* Weakness Multiplier +1
* Replaces the basic attack until used (1 activation)
Pink-White Cherry - SPECIAL attack on a single enemy (XL) and Restore all statuses of all allies (Excludes Time Stopper and Holy Weapon)
- When inside Crossing Fates Zone, Restore Statuses include Time Stopper and Holy Weapon
- When inside a Zone, initiate Awaken Zone (Once)
- When inside Awaken Zone, activate Lunatic (Mind's Eye)
Lily of the Rose - Crystal type SPECIAL attack on a single enemy x5 (XL) + inflict Weapon Break (Magic) (6 Stacks)
- When inside Lunatic, Stacks increase to 12 (Can be stacked to 24 Stacks)
- When inside Awaken Zone, stacks increase to 12 (Can be stacked to 24 Stacks)
Prayer's Verse - Intelligence of user +25% (5 Turns) and Cleanse all debuffs from user and grant Debuff Blocker on user (3 Turns)
- First 3 Turns: Intelligence of user +50% (5 Turns) and Cleanse all debuffs from user and grant Debuff Blocker on user (6 Turns)
Debuff Blocker: User cannot receive debuffs
Awaken Zone Effect
Goddess's chosen - Critical rate and Magic Critical rate of all party members +150%
0 notes
renatedagmarmilada · 1 year
grabbing Natalka and the Ukrainians
St Barths put all the Ukrainian community on the scanner…
  Anna by name, who was asked by the lab to COPY our story exactly was not ashamed when she received sympathy from it, as well as payment…
‘’We know what you Ukrainians have suffered…’’
Raika your friend is being tuned to tell your mother’s stories by the Lab, but she adds a bit of German brutality…with guarantee of being printed..
Because we murdered your father, writer Semen Telewny, we are getting a Ukrainian woman writer to write all your stories, she has orders not to change them, just add a little of her own..
As we make the physical torture heavier on you…possibly we might kill you now, but the Lab prefers you to live in total suffering..
I will not release you from the computer on which you and all you do is prisoner of St Barths until I have added a few more twists  of pain and and I do not want admiration for you from anyone, you work must be equaled by everyone.
..and now Maud, Miller and the other jewess of the lab who is using your poems you wrote after visiting Roman Road Synagogue in Leeds, taught by the Rabbi Rothschild, for whom I have packaged your work are safe….
…but these people worked with the Germans…
and is Maria Horobec – Scunthorpe at her level yet..the children of a Jew cathcher of Szalasentgrot, imprisoned by the government, whose both sisters have robbed the little family, tuned by the Lab for their kindness to them.
There is no copywrite in this country anymore if St Barths is involved.
The Lab of Human Research rules the rules and makes the rules.
1.12. 03..Alicia and her Diary C.D another of our thieves, will the Queen decorate her for theft too.
Ms Lipman tells me, ‘’talk about my theft if you want, but sue the Lab. They did it.’’
           18st Aug 1989
You need counseling
By another grouch
 I wish I hadn’t misused them so badly
Used for medical research as toys
Your Lives now nill and void
Belong to us at research
And all you create
Totally destroyed
Tel them they have volunteered.
 No one comprehends the siren of silence
Disturbing in a noisy world of sounds
Distrusting Motives
Disliking Honesty
They changed the first to a second
And then ordered blocks on any further education
They call this prison a programmed life
By research using unseen technology..
Using the worst sadists known to man
And we thought we had them…
All the while they were here.
Child with mothers first:
Using children for science play
Later we all pay
Their lives no longer sacred
Scotland was not alone in their trial
Therefore we use Abroathe
But Fiona shrugs as they give her work to copy
And guarantee its publication
Be quiet reverberating
clamour from outside
they robbed the old people of every penny
called it the Robe
they gave their life and toil to rebuilding this country
they left them nothing, nothing at all
for what they gave to this island so willingly…
and even murdered the old man
slit his gullet
and called it a practice
will this kill practice….
With the order
Fail everything she does from now…
Eton had picked up our beams of their life
And dare not even talk of what we did to the daughter and kids
Misreading louder messages than any words
Truth from many
Take another atrocities count of Britain
A regular quote from the Lab.
Sima, beast torturer woman of the Lab
Signs the pastels she had stolen from our house
By the Government thieves
We hammered them constantly…
And the Barclay’ Bank syphones hundreds
For whom might we ask
To pay for a bogus film the department made?
  SWEATER LADY ST BARTHS October 16, 2003
They all give themselves personas hence the silly names..has rewritten some of your work and has sent a soliliquy to a major newspaper with guarantee of print by the Lab..
 In America long ago
A lady appeared suddenly on the screen
In proper fashion
They just watched quietly
And did not offend her
Until she died
Impossible in Britain
Where all has to be capitalized on
And programmes impossible
From American folders
Are withdrawn and used
Any weakness or accident
So the circle turns
And everyone then capitalizes
On them…
The Kohl election totally fixed
You were that one
Along with deaths
And watched births
Now the country is run by its most evil
And Ann of the Lab
Is the most powerful woman in the Lab
Smiles and simpers
They gave me the power
They don’t stop me though they have the power
So don’t bother to complain
As another high level death is fixed.
As a new partner is fixed
Anything to break ancient moral laws
In these liberal times..
 We’ve seen it all before
So this is what we fled to….
Pitsmoor Donna and Dore Dora from Sheffield Town
Urged by the lab, rob yet again  
the Universal plague
the united nations agree to the torture
aged and helpless woman with children
we block and destroy every pathway they take
it is amusing for us to watch
and add a bit of torture
and a bit of robbery
to cover rogue Research
designers of the States used colours
so they must be given every line
by a thoughtless Lab. Just prying
and peeping with a license to kill.
Girl of the Lab throws all mail into bin, presents for children and grandchildren, letters to different departments of Waterstones with flyers of poetry book..all private mail from America etc..it is now the total prison the Lab said today..Octover 16. 2003
Thoughtless heroics which are vague
A whole family in brutal quarantine
To be used as guinea pigs
To test out lies and sadism.
On air and tongues
The Iraquis play
So had to pay
We do that in America
We peel slowly
It’s not so easy to detect
Just tune ordinary people
To rob
And call rape a new name
Sexing, like it was in Hitler’s camps
Of which my mother had laughed
When I was a child….
But put great care
To the smallest of crimes
Not to do with them….
Encompass desired action
Leper in solitude has reaction
Shouldn’t have taken part
And you would still be safe
In your solitutude
Children’s teevee also watched and took
So one thievie had to write Fairy Stories
Al la Renart
Only bring known sadists and not the clever
To pass and qualify in St Barths Lab
In their stupidity grows their brutality
And we can play a bit longer
They let us hack their bodies to bits
The old octogenarian volunteered St Barths told us
As Jasper tunes the Ambulance men to rob
An octogenarian heroine
And we had thought Hitler was from hell
Megele lives in Jasper
In all of western Human Research..
Can we see all the way from the States?
They did not stop us
It was their fault
All the civil servants
Each P.M. knew
It is not our fault…
We could not commit crime
If they did not take part too
It is not us to blame
It is them
If they destroy us
Their own parts will be found
Your mother was given sexual stressers by the Lab repeatedly when she was eighty plus..October 16th 2003.
 Unable to pierce velvet comfort
Considered ogre in fractions
Child of corners homes full of children grown in traction
Becoming Unacceptable
Adults Screeching for the respectable
“Don’t be seen or heard” type of reformation
Now require the opposite confirmation
A confounding away of orders.
Leave no room to be nor borders
Activating cancers from the highest to the lowest
My Forest Gate friend and angel in disguise dies
Though a sharp East End tongue was her delight
          Near give her cancer with her masoids
Get squashed we would like to watch you die
On the screen of pain and sadisms
Called human research
And I once read of cruelty to animals
Which was nothing compared to this….
Squirmishly manoeuvring towards
driven into please record anything
now record these copies as originals
science is the total truth now through all its lies
and Jews of Human Research forgot the past
and how science had caused the holocaust
and who had been there for them
and repeat what mad Hitler had done
and with such relish
and then mourn for their own…
 ‘now there we have a good arguement from the Prisoner, use it.”
       Sustained silences deriving benefit only from within
       Introspection abounds
Be decisive as the Deutsche Bank carries out its orders
To thieve from helpless elderly women
As once they had done from jews
Ordered by jews this time
Manifests its withdrawal
Concavenous creation
A hollow world rewards
Followed by all banks
But robbing the poor has such poor rewards
Another lesson in this great trial
To us it seems identical to Hitler’s trial
Yes, the Lords have forgotten
Get educated  
brimful with empty laughter meanings
so english
       Nothing but pain, give them pain
They saved jews
Give them pain by jews
Just be
Inhabited by unfathonable strangers
Felix adds a new one
Take out her hair by the roots
The queen of evil Anne is going white
The prisoner is not
Remove it by the roots
 Distance mirth
endless discussion of triviality
Magnitude reduction diurnal
Living within the care ,
shrinking daily
Shroven death sentence
are never quite sure if it was them
Having the right word to touch.
Put yourself forward what gentle reasons
tale of lessons  come learn with us the lies
and then your time of weeping will come
you gave us permission to destroy for learning
Taught, to forget preciously recklessly
All those seconds of eternity which are sobs.
Join a religion
Rights of sorrows,
Science takes another aircraft
This time it is the Gulf
The ageless Arab has at last dropped his guard
years robbed, he has returned to the beginning of his learning
 Unexplained, beg to be told
Repeatedly quotidian sold
Laden was promised the price not explained
The price was unexpected
As Ethopians say with wisdom
Lie once, lie twice, lie thrice…
And the agony continues from the Master computer
They say with agreement from the Military Supreme
But we have seen all this before
Twice infact Hitler and Stalin
And squint knowingly into the futre
Whilst they unseeing, uncomprehended
Think it is new and watch the crashes
Techniques now already thirty years old
Do something with mute eyes depended
        Understanding why unwithered children try
        Withering their hopes of death
        Seeds sown never grown cataclysm
        Living within ,you can’t make it a prison
        Staying for an outward sign thrown as pristine
        Of battered mind bitten we’ve seen all that
Though they torture us constantly
We know who will in the end be defeated
As so many others have been already
So willst though oh great science
Now traveling on the wrong path…
The Royals withdraw their support.
 At London Dental Hospital
A young man in a white coat enters a tiny room
with a steel hammer
please go there to take an X-ray
please open your mouth
Smashes four teeth
Walks out in silence
They used to do that in the Soviet too
He looks like the man in the raincoat
At Roman Road Park
When the Livingstone sound thrower
Threw its vilest
At rest not even normal life at the lowest level
From working on the hospital Ward
test from the debasement sound waves of vulgarity
thought of by Mark who is a criminal
mutters I only intended it for short periods
research took it over the years and years and years
not I…
bent  science is given too much information
sadism heaving through torrential jeers from the Lab
Mark banned used again
        Expiration shrouded still
The Asians don’t really understand crime
And are perfect
India says the man at Bombay
Is filled with every kind of idiot
And English always find them .
Are you living? We are
On huge salaries
Paid to torment and destroy YOU
Nothing else
For this the tax payer pays us
But we had saved jews..
        Unable to turn back the beyond the dragging forward.
        Live for gods sake resigned in calm hysteria’s break
        Praying for tranquility’s sake cocooned in the impassioned
        Anger sustained in wanton cabal Body and wind ballast
You can’t do: mystifying onlookers unable to hear the parody
‘that’              of forces on air waves castigating
  of forces on air waves ringing in cordons of avarice.
Giving rise to unending fears astounding.
Another drop out fed by chaos lodged in yesterday.
Too clever by half for tomorrow’s children depreciate
Never mind the dole feel the weight
One doctor feels the weight of his patients testicles
And that too goes onto their internet file of mine
As mini crime waves created by the Germans invited to the Lab cause headaches to the Lords and Councillors..
keeps them in concurrence.
21st Aug 1989                              Duty
 It’s a mothers duty to they tell us expounding
to love, to serve, to organize, to ……
Everything with no deviating
All encompassed in one inferior body.
One inferior mind
Or so they tell us blithely
God help you if you can’t promulgate
No excuses, No reasons, definitely no seasons
For any deficiencies, called human.
Martyrs one and all terminate
You mustn’t fail them crewman
With only two hands
(are we octopuses? Or are we even octupii?)
Don’t we try whatever colour.
Whatever creed to do it all.
Unstintingly, Unbegrudgingly
Lab lice and their women kill till we fall.
Free our eyes become taciturn
The skin on our hands is torn and worn
They call that love        
For this transaction
We get ……what ?
The lowest title of oration
Unmarketable product obsequious
Finally obsolete unless you are good and work with children
Or become a tart for some man’s pleasure fantasies
After they’ve buried us phlegmatically
They might remember precisely
Why is it really love?
Were likely monstrously
Missing our care, our work, our loyalty
Mother, don’t be facetious
Who worked so well so hectically grumbled muttering
You dared to leave them
Worn and  maligned by the female Jews  
Your worth is valued limpidly
Too late loathsomely
For you impartible
Can’t toil anymore for anyone, anyway.
Finally homage
Deserved facile rest
Who cared anyway
E lucidate a eulogy
 8.3.90           You have a child
Soft, warm, cuddly                        Mum
Milk in warm bottles                     worry, exhaustion, panic  
Sucking, licking, stroking             Do well, exams
Love unlimited,-protection           The future, don’t worry
The total world                               It’ll all work out
brushing, pulling, tugging               Mum
shoelaces, buttons, hair                   Distant, dreamy, untouchable
Behave, -naughty                            In love every week
Go to bed                                         spots, acne, clothes
Orders abound                                 Don’t be seen
                                                        Growing up
 Mum                                                 Mum
Crying, clinging, fearful                   Distant, dreamy, untouchable
Schools, strangers, socialisation       Quarrels, selfish, why
Don’t go, sit, be silent                        I know, you don’t
Got to learn                                       Friends, gangs
Discipline                                           voting now.
Somewhere, far away or near         Mum
Too busy, life of my own               gone now
Bashing rules to bits                        tears hidden
Kings of the road                             I loved you really
Young adulthood                             Too much to do
Wish you were here
Living life, making money
Getting on, this way or that
Forging for the future
We all know it all
I was so busy, now I remember
Where are you, you’re so small
So old, so helpless now
Forgot you,
Didn’t mean to
That’s life
Are you dead yet
Has the Lab murdered you yet
Though they’ll call it secret manslaughter?
bitter purgings
we walked hand in hand
over the hills
down the dales
of our new city
close as always
for twenty three years
soon after
you walked out
never to return
and never once said why
I asked
Is he still living?
     Taking my life
  You wrung it out
  Having more concern
  For that dishcloth
  Now I find it was a Lab’s conflict game
  not you
  now seen they put me into shock
and left the children alone with a sick mother
in a strange city to cope
  resigned to what has been
  What is to be
  It’s all clear
How little we mattered in our dance together
How distant we remained
To you dear husband and father of my children
But the Lab made the decision
 After twenty three years of married love
Each up and down we had conquered
we lost it all, in a glance from one Lance
The profit was all yours
Husband, lover, father?
Only repenting
Ego defending
Work excusing
Goy hated returning
Presiding always
So ?  
Who says the righteous always win
 Was it a sin?
To love my man
For the children to admire their father
It was my job
To keep their childhood happy
We are not jews like the Lab
Who make themselves bleed with no wounds
All just a game to them
You couldn’t feel our grief vibrating
Would you care?
In your immaturity and vehemence
You are the first to be tortured in this way
How often will it be repeated
No human on earth will ever repeat this
 How often will science say this we wonder
How often have we heard all this
Concentration camps and gas
And concrete in the womb as this started with
Now I understand what they did
And who created all the royal divorces?
Hitler too played these games with people
The jewish Labs just play them secretly
And are continuing the Auschwitz programmes
Too late dear they use these tools on their own students
The girls lose purity tuned  to be used by their bosses
The prize  a first and we and I fear not
 The torment and terror the Lab applied after that
Are still too evil to explain
But more than evil it’s never been allowed before
Anan Koffie himself signed a false report
Or was it one of his underlings
Who never checks the script
Maybe he cannot even read..
What was the reason developed the laser to its clicking
Beyond any normal mind as they laser everything
Sarah sends death threats via the screen on Friday nights
Leaving me lifting my prayer book high
As we believe God is still stronger than St Barths.
 They are our men
who for Gods sake
the men we clothed back then ….
and when she goes mad,
we’ll put her into one of our hospitals
we’ll walk around her bed talking
and then discharge her insane and mad…
Complexions we gave and continue the womb torture charges
Even to this very day often used as she was teaching
In Colleges classes filled with asylum seekers and ethnics
But our beliefs are different as they put over their hidden voices
called love, loyalty, truth
now have only one name
no wrath from us
Just mistrust
Doesn’t it sadden you
All we have shared and hoped
in voice throwers she threw you whore
and anything is possible now
but we are too evil in research to use it for good
I will drive you out of every institution in this country
Why do these people always get such high marks…
We lied to the top nurses too
In order to get you blacked…
There at Newham Hospital
That big red cross still doesn’t mean much
Even over here
We had used you too
We fear justice
And prison awaits us
If you live…
 going to the park for an ice cream to draw flowers
grieving my man
You couldn’t envisage my hands
Aching warily
To touch for verification
Not just to work vacantly
You were dead to my sighs
Telling unanimously
Everything too tranquilly
In soundless words
You never spoke
Shared thoughts not synopsis
Yourself tyro
We imagined you not wanting us
Son’s traumatized out of their minds
No one cared
No one knew us
When did you actually leave
I was so ill from their Lab computer shock
In milder form they did that to the Princess too
They say it is necessary to tear people apart
I really can’t remember
Except going to find some milk
Somehow I knew my children needed milk and bread
Without a penny you left us tuned by the men at the Lab
But not the first time
But my mother was a long way away
This time she couldn’t feed us
  Lacking any knowledge
  To guide tentatively
  Only to find subsequently
Our picture was painted closing its shutters
Our tally had different meanings
  When clarified to synchronize
You left us sleazily
As you came to me
A stranger
And never once explained why...
I still don’t know why you left us.
  Pounding the asphalt
Feet ahead with eyes averted
Scurrying rats follow rules with no emotions
No smiles without pleasure
Beaming complications from ware watery suns  
Telling other stories.
Now Britain is just a testing ground for the super power
All of us activated
Pain and death...
Summary for this nanny
Platonic prop my surrogate sons
Disarrange anguish they feel for me
But bring happiness of a sort back into our home
     I know you for terror
    Creating no pleasure
  Slowed permutations
  Since childhood’s freedoms
  Torn too early for comprehensions
  So long ago, yesterday
  Hugging tightly, you squeezed the black night
  Shining through each optic nerve
always forgotten from shock after shock
rememberances clear in milky hazes of Laboratory shocks
you followed me round art exhibitions
and stood on the steps of the Tate
Madmen singing London’s pride
Making up stories
Unreal created happenings created by doctors
Freezing anger they call sensing and destroying
Super strong emotional arousers from computer
Never melted pain in searching frenzy
Sincerely yours
I tried to find you
 But first I had to feed my children
I run down to the Cathedral for help and bread
The Lab has already been
What do I feed the children
               I depended on you for any money
And spent any I earned on you
What to do?
Maxwell asked for my head in plaster
Had grown gentle in age
We come from the same homeland
Not far apart
We knew you well
We each other
Because he knew the truth
He had to die by science
 A clear blue night
Of frost and snow
Everything died
Except despair
Turning in circular agony
For that unfindable probing for amusement
They are paid by the State so can play to keep busy
 Lost, losing every stanza
Unclear then art brought life slowly to life
Words and forms the saviours all my life
Yet again did their work for me
Where my refugee comrades had despaired and died
My deaths were on the papers and in verse
Did the world itself disintigrate
Or maybe it was me
In deepest memories
Caves filled with more trilling laughter
                    Healing water of our God’s mind
Breathing living life still
Present, ever dead
Since searching endlessly
Fundamental aroma turned
a sickening joke against all women by new women haters
Nowhere discovered
Restarted so often it is no longer possible
Living again as the lab keeps on trying to kill..
  A ten minute piece for Sheffield University Writers ....                 Performance Poetry  Sept.’89
(which my favourite home, London is very rich in)        
The fifth Our Joe
12 o’clock                                       Bye, see you…
12.05                                               Later
Let’s go to the supermarket           mmmm …
Later…                                           2.00
Now…Please…                               2.03--
12.30                                               --ah, you again
12.45                                               gotta watch these fifths—
help mummy put the groceries away            nurse!
Later                                               Three minutes now, is it?
Now…Please                                   Screens around this bed
1.45                                                 Shave
1.48 1/2                                          Hot bath
Oh dear, you’ve wet yourself         Caster oil
Can’t cook lunch                            2.45
Go get some chips                          2.47
Now…Please                                 Dear neighbour, your first is it?
Be good                                        Blib, blib, blib, blib…
Be back soon                                 What a pretty nighty
Later                                             What’s the machine?
Damned traffic                                my doctor’s really good (she
-got the suitcase
under the bed did you                 nothing is too much trouble for him                                                 nothing is too                               Who---?
Your mother and your…              All full---except B
Husband…                            It’s a fifth, be quick
And yours?…                               Warm pain, sweating
Oh, its my fifth                      bleeding relief
Later …                                         Slithering, sliding
They’ll all come later                   no longer while here starched
Been here so often…                    cotton
(hardly count anymore)               Help, please, give me
could do it on her own really       a hand up—
tick tock tick tock                         3.15
—cold steel trumpet again           It’s a beautiful healthy boy
what an enormous writhing lump   look
can’t wait to be born—                 Doctor’ll come
I’m listening—                              Later
2.51                                               more blankets
 2.15 1/2                                         Now
go on, short                                   Shock
someone help—                            There cup of tea dear
Quickly                                         Please
Now…Please                                No.o—Later
Delivery room                              Now.
   Hello Mrs Kenny just having our
Tea. Slipped on the way here                   alright
 Oh dear, patchwork to sew blankets      don’t worry
Ha ha, for my tea               Later
Hm hm
Fine healthy boy
Sucking his thumb, look
In his glass box
—like snow white
—and as the seven dwarfs wept
  They tripped
And she came to life again.
Perfect Baby Boy
Eject their poison
Back to the ward
What endless passages
Wheeling, flashing past
Alarming speed
Keep her covered Shock
And Later
For all of you
From the rogue branch of medecine
The Lunatics
 Sheffield University Writers Group..five minute piece
1.Feb.90                               Borsch
Borsch                                   all mixed in with beetroot
Day in day out                       its red hot too
It simmered it boiled             A bit of paprika
Thick and tun did                   We’re Hungarian too—
“Does you good”, mamuschka           Never measured
That’s why I’m so strong         always mixed
Tatuschka labours the point     what can you do
Mamuschka sniffing                 Each day as you come
Have to cook what he says         a home
He’s the boss                              with its never , ending
Pungent and strong                            pot—
Changes day by day                   that pot of borsch
Our pot is altered                       that haunts me still
According to pay                       sometime, I think I can
—I can’t bear it                         smell it stile
after three years or four             and taste it too
but we eat it                               It’ll be with me forever
all the more beetroot                 follow me wherever I go
cabbage, tomatoes                     sure dad, I grew on it
fat and pork too —ugh              grew sick of the smell of it
and garlic and spices                 yet.
With onions                               It was good for us
Good for the blood !! too
Kept us going so long
Through poverty, strife and need
our tradition
It’s only a memory
They sell it in restaurants. (so they say)
In delicatessens too
In super posh restaurants
Not for me thank you
I’ll slick to my vegetarian stew
They’re tasteless and smelless
Without the barrack smell and melting tar
And memories of how it was
And good for me too??
Mamushka and Tatuschka
 Tenor was in every moment
Now turned to gnarled old age
Fearsome was in every glance
Now turned to sadness
No more than a blind notation of the second
Time has eroded ingenious
Shifted power from them to others
Respect sown could not grow
With age…for age
Was mysterious
Deception completed by the filth of politics
 Detected then slaughtered again a second time
By experimental medicine
To save those we had saved
In heaving waist lines
Mottled skin and memories which remember silently
Warriors slowed
Arms laid down
Tension threads broken
Allow shocked breathing
Slowing mind forgets its bark
Racing life awaiting death
Tomorrow the children will live somehow
It was the only choice possible then
Has thrown its wand away
Purging all sins
Past and present
Now forgiveness is an easy concept
Sorrow in mellowness
For sunsets that were then
Sunrises that should have been
Actions dictated lost for ever
To be remembered in disproportioned flashes
After the grave
For nothing
For duty
Total deference saved our lives and outside calm
But was that life worth saving
If the memory could only die...
a New Illness                  
I was ill, very ill—so—why?
 How do you feel dear?
Now do be honest                            What did you feel dear?
About those nights as you sat           Tell it dearly
All alone                                         About that eternity you lived
Felling the baby moving               Not knowing the way,
                                                    No where to turn
Stirring                                          No one to blame
In slow movements                       Having the proof at last
To footsteps                                  No longer fevered imagined
Quickly                                         the proof that hid on a
Passing the time                            medical card
Waiting, Waiting…                        Forgetting, forgetting
 What do you think dear?         You never forget dear?
Do be clear                               Did you—
About those days as you waited     the pain of that moment
All alone                                The baby inside in revulsion turned
For ever                                     That silence became total
Expecting his ringing call         With the trust broken
Telling you                                Could never be repeated
Knowing his call                       eyes stopped shining
“Happy to be leaving”               that day, dear
Listening, listening                    and that night endless—
                                                  Still hasn’t ended
     A Believer 16. 12.90
     I believed
   An idealist of ideals
   I believed
   In love
   loyalty, tenderness, completeness
     I believed
   In honesty
   A helping hand
   held out to all
     We are one
   Equal in dignity
     If not the same
   If different in essence
     Each given a different name
   With each different version
     They call belief things like
   Religion, Marxism, democracy
   I called love belief
   I believed in vain
Reunite them all
Is what we want most of all
 Their revolutions
Which knows no end
 Their fodder
Prod and prong
Throw away—
 Whist they scream their prayers
To indifferent hungry ears
 Bellies blinded by running
 We are the experiment
That mistake of all mistakes
Humanities progress
In this worldly obmutescence
 Margined with ear-splitting rows
Daily living arthas
 Lost touches of reality
Chaotic actions bluster
In ordered unison keels
Ice drop drums cracking
 Blackened splintered shavings
All of it will come true
We just put it into code
Those who know..
   13.Oct.90 part poem. part lost          
 We despise you as a Mongrel        
                              I am amazed
I had not realised
That Israel was so pure over here
Israel the people from the Mediterranean
Who still havn’t found their roots
And still hang on their boots
It’s ok, I like Arabs too..
Somewhere they pinched and flinched
Their revolutions
Knows no end
Their fodder
To prod and prong
Throw away—
While they scream their prayers
To hungry ears  and sieved bellies
Blinded by running from gunning
That mistake of all mistakes
Humanities progress
 Speaking in channels
Senses abscond with sanity
Dumbstruck tongues dilacerated
Phalanx breath fluxes
The terminal civilization
Descry the heels in tanks and gun wheels
Of quaking depth science makes death
Until the fireball ingurgitates
Survival in toto
But the Reform didn’t hurt me...
Religious people are nearly always nice
And it’s necessary to die a billion deaths to provide for life
   29.Aug.89                              Break down
having felt it all
simulated fogs
The thought and subordination
Experienced every variation
         Every nuance of pain
Life and the Lab had taught
         An endless lesion of interpretations
Yet now another pain watched by the boys from Spain
         Supersedes all others
 More poignant, drawing no open sympathy
Waiting which is over
          Whilst waiting
Always alone allowing the Lab to hammer unabated
That deepest pain to remove
Immovable, destructive, frustrating
corrupt beyond the imagination
 There is no reason visible
To continue striving is hollow triumph
on and on ,wondering—why—
Dignity of endless tears harden
Become a wall of pressure
Unreleased resentments no longer needed
Once heroic become Lab rats for their enjoyment
Having no hostile reason, to fall
 Why have you gone?
 Watching, seeing; the suffering heart
Feeling, hot prickling skins as the media repeats again and again
Sorrowing from all the borrowing
Its appearance
Each second a reminder
 After twenty three years
 Another day wasted
Another night pasted
I lived more than twice as long
as with you
what they did with my parents!
Along and called it the Robe..
 Tinged with regrets for them
Because we had yet again met the Jew
Whom we had saved
Within over crowded city life to hide
Filled with milling crowds of solitariness
Waking each dawn in our refuge of response
feeling sliced under the experimental machine
Betray us for all,
Aimed for only their profits,
seeming not real in amazement
but we gave you life then
why do you do this to us now?
A thundering anxiety within skinny ribs
Hollow dragging beyond each day and year
Measured unreality even the United Nations
Of future goals to future generations
Aware only instinctively as Germans whisper
Survival is no more, no less
But I would not believe them
Not of you..our friends and cousins
They told the truth.
 And ashes to ashes
With time, the time has flown
With excruciating time to wait
Replaced by the departed
So lets have male prostitutes
“I meant no wrong”
Punished for nations
Still weeping in the bath as the doctors whisper
 That old lecher meyer
And  miller, my tears fill oil
Oil replaces stinging soap
Choking life—trying
Burn to death then
and I don’t know why
but we liked your naked body...
MANAS at Synagogue
 a chance to glance at them at prayer
we saved them then
Scaring, searching faces
Worshipers with easy with cases
Knots swooning , all bigots
Chairs appear more rigid
in the pattern of gods
Undiscovered divinity
 Where is your true sign
Put your money where your faith is
To eat the full load
Nothing buried just the goading
Do they see more clearly or am I blind
Reverend piety and fears hover
Strangers gather to pray
And the Cathedral no longer helps
Nor the Priest speaks to children
But we try to believe in them.
 Nothing  touches the fine
to hear lechers singing
the nuns speak nicely but too gently
without the fear no one senses
Perceiving, sensing insincerity of impossibility
Theologians nightmare,
each religious dream
Turned to shambles
With profit and no lover  
We didn’t know women preferred celibacy
Well it isn’t the english gels
Their morality has similarity.
 Deity to discover
Representative shackles, to be dispersed
And fundamentalist’s bread is the fastest
Wading through incomprehensions in nests
Of placid spirituality by militant obedience
383 observing laws
 From time immemorial bowing
Humanity excluded as cowing
Within that inclusion of belonging
A game of extension turning
Selection and Existentialism
Versus pantheism represented
Unthinkable truths depressing the norm
Dropped chared offerings reflect
cannibalism of missions and holy men
drink of my blood, eat my flesh
eat a nun and you will be holier.
 Healer of entrails in tatters
bringer of spare answers spatters
never listened to!
Continues with  
Deity to discover
in a wiff of formality
in fluted neutrality of many John Kennedys
 I am god to you
Feared, humoured, unheard and sometimes pitied
Figure of contempt by all modernity
To teach the within
Thwarted psychology of hopes without any ropes
Misunderstood context of despair
Allowing no parallels
Parables of communists
Ramblings of life in the hereafter
And a truth no one wants to listen to...
The Lab will ask Dana to use this up.
White bastards and that Ahmed
Brown enigmatic smile
Saying from nothing dries
Curling tendrils portrayed deep within
A ark glistening eyes
Check the dole and tries
Black market workers fry
Flowing silence cries
Of gibbering Currie
(Lets send our jews,
no one dare upset them
Its uncivilized to be seen anti-semitic)
Silent nod of the head
Understood crop reaction of the mindless
Truth readings and the thermometer splinters as it drops
Another chalk mark, another insult
Compounded wisdom just an insult of submission
Hidden fury disguised with a smile
Shuttered within remission
eye globes never flicker
To be added to that endless list
Multiplying within unspoken fists
disappointed hopes they silently call compensation
Unheard by future recipients
Feelings so damning the chairs shake
In readiness for some future day
Praying for another mistake, quakes
The meaningful roars of scandalized bores
Shocked at the thoughts of a nation turning gently browner
Yet spend a fortune tanning every summer
Frizzing and perming in aping fashion
 Playing, toying, blind disgrace using every Muslim
The time of the Muslims tears has started
In warmless puritanical disregard
Excluded red , derided white, tolerated blue
A dying island race
unadmitted anihalation
a purpose sublime
 Unremitting account of debit
Against the passbook of proof
Or crime
When needed, only when needed
Easily, instantly discarded love story
Excercised and excused within Christianity
Weird morality seeded
And they always use sex to destroy
tells our sikh Historian on our sub continent
even then within their truth
 onwards Christian soldier is meaning less
Ignorance sharing the answer
To wards the master’s accumulation
Its culture a wealth to create and soothe
Not the slow dripping destruction
Of the great queens flames
Burning blazes of indifference
—one day brother
Account will settle
We’ll own all of you —
Nodding our heads in obedience
Another Irish club
A barb from another bard
Crowded blank interest
Appraising the stage
—“Where’s the TEA?”
Performance and performer
—“asks the Priest from his pulpit”
Nodding approval
 To another man’s sweat
And the lump dare not complain
Changing their beds in shifts
Pouring messages in the tricklets and bricks
As the whiskey flowed forrgetfulness
Rivulets of experience hidden sorrows
Encapsulated is song for today and tomorrow
Black’s tars stings and sings for everyone
And orange men weep
Thrilling words on fleeting moments
A living race, condemned
A beauteous land penitent
Undestroyable quotations so blatant
Forming passionate pleas without ears
Brits get out all over the world
In Sheffield’s granite city...
   Scribbled is panic—
upon not finding the teaching block
1st day of BE’d
Row upon row
Keen and witty
Willing to —what—?
We’ll teach the future
We’ll reach and future
Taught what to teach, ourselves
We’ll blank their thinking
This citizenry to be
With opened pigeon holes
Filled with monitored facts
To produce
The next lot of moduled models
Who’ll perform
Who’ll teach
By Government training
The next layer upon layer
Caged and peppered by pacts
No lateral thought
not permitted thinking
Because we taught them all
By government order
They call it education
In the hall
  1st day of BE’d
 Starting today
I wonder what it is I’m doing.
—I was into thought—but—
battling inside my head is the notion
that big brother has won after all
Telling us how to think yet again
And exactly how to repeat it
Pass it on
And teachers must look tidy—in suits
Is this a  finishing school for big blouses?
All spurned—churned out
To produce the canon fodder for righteous profits
For our future
For our capitalist society
And bribes with airy status
 Suddenly I need to protest
Seeing in reality myself
Tied mouth, dumb hands
Another product of organized thought
A gory of mind, enslaved, desperate
And I wanted to teach
Thinking, thoughts to mushroom
We just shackle, really
Teaching dominance
Wiping away heeding
free-doom’s freedom
Oh dear and they really are so young
And its all planned already
How many jobs at the end
So give me the child
And I’ll turn him into a willing doley
If it has any originality left
by a laughing
Books          person of wit
 They give me books
Into to library
And books and books
I try to read them all
Hoping to expand
hoping to fill my mind
To blank out all I’ve learnt from living
I feel dejected
I feel stupified
I feel blanketed
I feel frozen solid by so much knowledge!!!
Not for me they told me
all this thinking
Just copy the masters did
that’ll do
everyone jumps on their back
we don’t need thinkers
to spoil our planners
For whom are we learning
Who needs all this to live
Do they teach us anti-living
With government preaching
With religions teaching
The massive don’ts
So Here a sermon of won’ts
But stile we need
To read and read
Jsut go out and breed!
Despair as day goes on/an first day of BE’d.(P.E)
  I watch your words
My typist keeps typing bed for BE’d
Does this mean something?
 They sink in
Understand not a jot and got
I scream for you and you ignore me
This is not my game
They’ll hate me for it I already know
Same old trademarks
She’s haughty, thinks she’s too good
But my thoughts cry with interest lacking
The english girls all complain
In that smarmy way they do
Whilst I just disappear down to the Computer room
For peace and not to be seen
 I want to learn—deep thoughts and thinking
I want to learn—to touch words
That excite
That give meaning and forms
To that endless stream of thought
—dictated to by necessity
I sit and listen
And slowly dry out and crumble
—to make a living
mother again—my needs come last.
thereby lost
 My learning unimportant
So easily created
Then long ago
Love is a heavy taskmaster
Then you find out
You are to so dumb
As they all had you believe..
Time should have been filled
With words
With images
With thoughts
Encompassed in progress
Within an outward creation
Daily happenings were tied
To lonely drudgery
To household tasks
To created tenderness
Unnoticed inverted maid
Misses freedom all given with love
Only within the chanters of roving dreams
Daily songs hummed
Wordless sounds of humanity
 What cravings were hived
it could have been like
Living on a cloud
Longing for a footstep
Trembling for a voice
wondering about long past
 Too late for matured dreams
Too far, all gone too far
Work, like a hapless prison, beckons
Is recompense for nothing
One second , two, in the minutes of life
It seemed.
Just may be
Maybe there might be a moment
Life could soar on wings
And dreams could become more than
Gutteral speculations
And a refugee could use its pen..
For battle and thought
Banished to sleep
That moment gone now forever
The seconds tick frantically
And I used to wake
With those shards teasing as
Daily companions
Pain sharp and clear
No one to tell
No one could see
After nights of horror
The magnitude of vivid incomprehensions
With shudders left deeply tormented
Leaving a pretended forgotten age
Pressing tears of memory
Time renews covering open gashes
With a new skin of different names
A graft that’s impossible to remove
Vale of irony
An endless away of sharpened blades
Performing walzes on bleeding soles
sealing a million satin filled hearts
Bring the only relief
Running on.
having been sentenced and sectioned
all of us
our whole family
for the comfort of criminal government professionals
who never go to the confessional
nor need to confess anything
Become part of our normal world
Who’s more mad?
The mad
Those that think about the mad-
And so they tell us
What the normal world
Induced ideas and norms
Force brain washed lives of indifference
To comprehend an order
Seemingly clear until seeing
Takes over
Depression of tears, hidden
Hearts buried is frustration
And formal capitalism
Adhering to its rules
Profit for something else through normality
Men of loin please join our game
Bending with all the rips and tears
Scarred nature fits its pattern
To lives lost in living
Phenomenal cost of success
Cease to be, be normal
No other way, it has to be
That flew clinging to their normality
Bleating upon battered straws of theology
Tentacles of self realization
For that inner man
Needs expression as succumbing to
Loses itself to bitter task masters
Of dull useless ache
Modernity over brimmed with contradictory reactions
Twisted echoes of response
Causing inactivity
Endless futures leave reeling mind
And force explosion of incomprehension
Normality achieved.
Waning alone at jot
 Each autumn attests to the fears
Is tingling crushed awareness
Graying sighs of living
A mourning of endless nights
Evenings cocooned is darkness
Disappearing hazy whispers of yesterdays sunlight
Closing the circle of existence
Leaving only flight
Hidden in artificiality
All its limitations exposed
Fragilities weakened
Man and beast
To instinctive reaction
And child abuse records its horrors
Forwards a closing book
Withered heart beats of warmth
Shrouded stretchings covered
Aligned to musky nature
Labour. Upton. Park ward
 Eligible conspiracy of politics giving
Appearances of greatness which convulse
Success or failure –no question of which ?
It doesn’t count
Members only qualify for broken promises
Hand in hand
I’ll nominate
You-?We’ll rejoin with our egos maintained
Your country needs you.
so march for withdrawal from Ireland
And It’s all lies, have you got you stage
Apologies Ladies and Gentlemen?
It’s such an absurd anomaly
Combating racial harrasment that’s my party
-baleful dubiety
There may be some things
frail and fragile
recorded by actual
The money spent,
efforts taken
Results achieved
-        with their usual instantaneous intelligence
Money which sent impulses/
dubious financiers
Signing the power game at the back
Briskly, with catachresis
-the copy of generosity
Father Xmas knows no bounds of ……
Y move he enter by the side entrance
Not the tunnel of fumes
As tinges appear of deferred smells
each tradesman’s entrance-
Next naïve question-?
Louder please
Repressive revulsion dessicates
The eyes have it, for the have’s
For chauvinism for flag waving fascism
No support though for the lapsed
We all frankly object……
It’s questionable whether we can cope with all the eyes
Of truths and Out of ace
the business losses-
divulge or stifle
Putting it forward with all that cash
Views which report too much
Unex purgated started the memberships of democracy
Visitors definitely signed-
Archetypal, accursed, nefarious batards
Treachery on the flat!
He has the letters
Pass it on with explanations
To the uncaring carers
With those letters after their names
Deleting one thing after another
So necessary to life-
I do not wish to overthrow, just to win
Other peoples impossible
would be developing the improvement
Improve on nature? -directive
Interesting to see and
The deign, who?
Another investigation or is it investor
who knows
Covers for those comedians
Have you got the front,
the nerve,
the verve
No and I’ll just go to the sponsor
                 To conquer and combat
Grapple with the strikers
sacked if they don’t spike her
Return to work haranguing and disputing
Not being helpful.
they scream
Can you hear them whimper
From the doss cars as they simper
Not yet gone altogether
My impression spoken to someone else
Resolutions for revolutions of apathy-
Blearily watching, rebuffs which mortify
The movement of a snail
Up dated on latest position-screens
And bottom line as always is nothing decided
 And yet another meeting with more
Deputy secretary and
Leaderships and
Meantime more resolutions from
Chairs of corporate services
Attenuating on further possibilities
Issues of outstanding problems sidle into
Unrealistic hopes committed
Indulgent schemes
Inadequate abstentiousness
All appeared on central records
Moderation expected - the eternal
Battle cry shrouded in doubt
Job doesn’t exist
Job not appropriate
Please retain at all costs, engage, hire
Abstruse, commission or enlist
Take on, take up – We say it all - be off
What ever the wording would be
One firm job often is all they need or want
“System doesn’t work at the moment ladies and gentlemen”
Temporary contracts with consequent renewals
After the last contract
Following the last
And before the last, victimization
Yes too, bully, cheat, exploit, all with amiable complacency
Just people who were acquisitive:
are then persecuted, used apprized
If your face fits, invitations pour in
Otherwise not, so negotiate, negate
Stop listening, fight, scream, be heard
You fool
Tread, stamp, march, not for your country for you
Against capping beaurocrats
Who cap through grapevines –friends
The drums holler, anesthetized
Let’s look seriously, look through everything
At these nonentities – in their magnanity
Angels are business, so major speaks
The shop floor to be cleared
Angels removed and profits counted
Compulsory reviews, offers on orders from acheion
And management versus workers
Charlatans of old –
Valuable resource, botchers at work
All in who’s who
Hadn’t appreciated idiosyncratic
Partnerships promising appeasement
Of shady suspicion with more partnerships
In private sectors promising
Community care
Everything is profit making or eradicated
The city appeases
all are challenges
In crumbling schemes of hopeless messes
And it all stinks
As another meeting closes.
  31.3.93 U.E.L.Cultural Studies      
 They drink tea
Those people – you know – those
Those – reds under the beds
Those ruskies, and ukys, Cossacks, not those
We had hot – then  and Uzbeks and them –
And the loot they ate.
Good food
But they don’t
Would you believe it
They don’t, because they’re commis –
 We drink tea too
Smile as much
We do. Laugh sometimes. Really laugh
And the government can’t cope
 I drink tea too
Her majesty
And her majesty’s government
Sub – humans by her majesty’s governments
Promise to bow to orders
Feeling pain pushed out
Trained with past colonials
Bring tea...
Madness Series –
   Mary Jane on WARD16.
Were you mad that day Mary Jane
As you strolled the past with lapping tufts
Tearing your hair inside your scalp?
 Were you mad as you watched, Mary Jane
With eyes turned into shedding suns
A fog of a fireball inside your head
Yes Mary Jane, were you mad?
 They said so Mary Jane
As your blood turned into a box of pins
And the days into needles, punctured all through the night
With tears much larger than life or death
Were you mad?
 I cried for you then Mary Jane
As I cry for you now on that some spot
Slowly stroked roots into pivots of hair
For you Mary Jane
And taught you to see words again Mary Jane
Instead of the future’s distant timelessness
It was all a concert of sounds Mary Jane
It shouldn’t have been –
And you had to learn to exist all over again
Without any help as then – you see, don’t you?
 For I’m you Mary Jane and you ‘re me
And those punctures have rotted away
We remember it both Mary Jane
That day we went mad.
 How do you feel now Mary Jane?
You and I soundlessly
With vibrating handles screaming for help
We’re learning silence again
But Mary Jane
As twilight dawns
The pictures appear once again
And we sit together you and I Mary Jane
Dripping that madness away
 Your food became pills Mary Jane
And pills were your food
They kept you up right on your canvas
all through the night
As you lived in your mind far, far away
That world on your thumb print Mary Jane
It’s all splintered in wheels of past days
Yet – Mary Jane – yet, you learnt the whole truth
On that day you went mad.
 MY COTTAGE plashet road. E13.
The vacant buses pass
Roman revenge                                                    
Brown beech trees
Gooseberries sinking
Dried cracked thorns blinking
Crowns of thistles
Happiness no matter what life brings
As I walk into the door
The Hetman’s four
Snarling, gnashing
Noise of loneliness
Wounds hiding
Imagined tender aspirations
Never came book
Familiar deer handle
 Of the beloved
Tenderness and caning
Of the faceless one
With a thousand faces
 I am a woman
I dreamed as a girl
Of wooing
Of being loved
Shared laughter and chatter
Of holding hands
Along seashores
I dreamed of sharing dreams
Is a world of harsh realities
Of the eternally displaced person
Taught never to demand
Duty and loyalty above all
Gain through world
Thought work would equal love
Walked the wedding plank
Not noticing his reality
Only the outward Anglo – Saxon fairness
That longing of every foreigner
Eternally different
The home a shelter, divided
Children foreign too unshared
Distanced separateness a noiseless wall
So different
Neither laughter nor rage
Only barbs
Enforced with superior brow beating
The strangers lot
 Learning, their ways are learnt
       Their outside coverings
       The casing as hard as steel
Allowing no visions or dreams displayed
But still
I am woman
From warm earth which nurtures responses
Its seeds slice lurking within
Frozen in sorrow
Never able to grasp why
 Unfinished sadness at life
Dull miscomprehension of conceptions
Spewed out
And the weeping sickness
 Clinging by living
To drowning ideals
Slice searching
 In this silent world
Brimming with ear splitting rows
Daily living
lost touch to reality
Chaotic actions
In ordered unison
Ear drums cracking into ice drops
Of splintered showings
Called being normal
Speaking in channels
Fleshy cheeks watched
With the bones of successes
Senses flown
Tongues torn
Forcing breath flown
with the last civilization
Finding the heels
A silent quaking deepens
Until the fireball swallows it all whole
you’re mad
 Living alone is that silent world
Nobody spoke a word
We’re too busy to bother was the excuse
And so are you
Now they ask why I didn’t shout
You’re dumb as he walked out of the door
And who kept their lives running so smoothly
I ask
And never a glance who or how
Through sickness or health from any of them
 My voice was printed is a thousand verbs
Long lost around the world
Life’s experience is brown envelopes
Exchanged for a million ideals
Conversations with heavens
Sin daily written style
Till – you’re mad they all declared as one
You make no sound
This was my silence which I now declare
 They distort and contort
Diffusing the very pattern of me
Individuality, ill fitting
 It’s etched
Messages of the might
Seeking tranquility
And the pharmacists answer
 This personal experience
Called making art
Is it imitation
At it loftiest
Elitism gone mad
Does it allow freedom
Freedom to what
The quest of all mankind
Expressing itself
In its textures of shrapnels
And shades of tenor
To hide in
Who have refuge
The model
Searching the strands of her pores
Probing her skin
To find
Only ourselves
Of pain and joy
Imortalising life
Whilst she sits
In her chaotic peace
For the oblivion of the human race
Under the blazing lights
Its human flesh
Reveals the profanity of living
In dragging truths
And breathless voice
Encumbrant civilization reverant
In non – belief
Seconds giving each lie
A lifetime’s story
And disorientated thoughts
Its brain washing reputed
By shadows
That second before death
 Stunted and splintered
Existing only to die
Life holds no future
        No expectations
Leaves no tender past
Daily grind of automated celibacy
In continued waves of silence
Perished yet never ending
Misunderstanding reasons professed
Is reasonings
Giving the lie
Unwished for contracts
Of continuing wash
Daylight formed of necessity
A cry for contact
Why the trials alone
A refugees lament
Grey clouds burning holes into emotions
Tied into grey eyes, keyed into grey skin, staring
Its all pervading sadness
Down beat land
Land of our refuge
If only the sun would shire
Even our pores are turning rusty from damp
Flocking here
Viewing your greatness
Finite understanding
From clenched anger
Of Churchill’s betrayal
Resentment still burning
As interlopers
Women conservation
                                   He went lovely, did he?
Dear me, lovely               and so did they
Soon be forty                 you sit all alone lovely
How many years              and so do I
Three or four you say           lost your way lovely
Dear me lovely               whilst they all played
Lines around the eyes         They’re all got someone lovely
The kids are grown lovely       while your heart broke
And his are wandering
Your work is done             without a penny lovely
Spent a lifetime lovely           you sit and wait
Sorting them out               it’s a long wait lovely
Hang on lovely                 till the grave eats you up
What’ll happen if he goes         they didn’t train you lovely
You’ll have nothing lovely         that’s for other
Gave it all to them               who didn’t give so much
How will you manage lovely       They seem to have it all lovely
If you let him go                 while you seemed to
Go wandering for his youth lovely   live in vain
Whilst you’re grown old           live now with those memories
That keep you upright
And keep you awake lovely
As the years drag you down
You’re told /you’re too old now lovely
Too old for what
And your time’s passed
 What was it all for lovely?
They said it was love –
The day the wall: to Joe
Came down
 They’re opened up my homeland
Oh god what will this mean
Can I go see, find out
Will it change me, us
My images, reflections with aged newness
My breast beats savagely on hearing
Home’s like the nearly lover
Who walks across the sleet
Never to ached and bitter sweet
Those memories that could have been
To risk the pain to risk the looking
At what’s been missed and al gone by
Is it too late to dare
Touch histories of scattered memories
Stories of Slovaks made jewish by implication
By Jewesses of no talent by the british
As is the file of lies, lies by implication…
Now the crippling begins, under the Red Cross
A jewish Red Cross with medical fronts…….
-        over there time moved on –
Standing stiles in our treads
In mellow warmth of distant past
A land now different to all that was
Where do I come how, belong
These strangers here
Or those strangers there?
Waiting for interview at Northern General
 Seconds in between
Its met quite like I thought
All carpets, smiles and tea
This interviewing lark
 The tea gets churned is nerves
The smiles turn boiling reds
Now they’re said – yes
  Hip hip hurra
Only three more years ahead
You worry and you scurry
Is this really right?
Am I good enough
Will I do
Oh god, should I be here at all
It’s all so doubtful now
Courage courage
It’ll all work out
They haven’t bit you yet
But will you ever qualify
Pass exams, do alright
Well, got to have a go
That’s life
 There’s people here and there
It’s like a great big town
A miniscule universe
Within the hospital ground
There’s those in charge
And those below
And those who laugh and cry
And then there’s even some who work
To make the place go round
There teachers, preachers, folks who pray
Those spending their last days
And those who tremble at the might
Of all within their sight
-        I’m coming to join them all, I think
To hide within this crowd
I’ll do my bit and moan and groan
Just as they all do here
And beneath it all be filled with faith
About the way to go
I’ve filled my little jug with wee
And answered all their questions
With answers that were right for me –
Can’t except much more than that right now
Given them my honest thoughts
Now they’ll expect my labours too
What makes it all worth while I ask
This work and caring so immense
Well, there’s the wage –
Is that so big?
Eeh, I don’t know, you’ll see
They tell me naught
Watch carefully what I do
Can’t see that tickle in my turn
Excitement hope and a new start
With all I’ve learnt from life’s bashes
To use in service – here –
Can they use flying spirits though ,I ask
Gotta wait and see
When I come back they’ll tell
If I’m worth it or no
 Autumn.tern.89.[BED]shades of flokinokinihilipilification
Look what I found is this bucket of mothers
Shining with gold
Cared for coiffeurs
Attired is fashioned articles
And I expected the thinkers
And we’re the strugglers
Powdered and puffed
Needing interest
To add to their pampered lives –
So what of us
The losers
Well yes, a bit different
It’s all a bit difficult
Its pocket money to them
Three peoples total assets to us
But nevertheless moving mountains
We become
Hoping to teach
Have a profession
Starving to get there
No free roofs of marriage
No luxuries for the children
The LEA thinks – methinks
We belong to the moaners
   New Year.89
What are we doing
We artists of live form or colour
Or frightened of
Of disarranging for ever
As we disappear
Hope to live for ever
As obsessive line, form or colour
Obsession for what
What makes us
Who make us
For what purpose
Put our souls on paper
On view to the world
Shouting our emotions
Fleshy syllables in lines and forms – colour
Textures excused by profits
We’ll sell we excuse
It isn’t so, we need to
Create in existances name
Performance Poetry
           Stratford Dole Office
Whilst Waiting
         Waiting on benches at Stratford
the area I live in
Is ok
But life’s a shit
You know why?
It’s Britain
Hurrah for Britain
We sit – on benches
And claim
Fresh claims and general enquiries
 To feed
The excecutive
Hail now Marx
Come and help us
Lets raise the flag
 Where are we going?
Our next
For the system
No one starves
Where - ?
In Britain doze
That’s why we sit
Waiting for the officers
What officers
We won the war
We freed Britain
With all our new claims
 Join the Army
Join the Dole
Join the Queue
Just don’t ask
For what?
What are we asking for
Do tell us
About what
What’s free about Britain
What’s the percentage
Percentage of what
Black, white, brown
But they only come here
For what      
and yellow too
The grand life style of course
of the empire
That’s why we sit here
On our benches    
Its compensation
Shit –
What’s this
Hunchbached gargoils
It’s like church
Isn’t it?
There they fed obedience
What dill they give us in
And school
School too
What do they give us
In the wonderful
The wonderful, the wonderful
The wonderful what
Oh yea
The wonderful British establishments
Where they teach
 Now my belief is
That –
What’s my belief
 I give
What do I give?
I give the dole
Where its at
Where what’s at
We’re society man
We’re society
We’re big and little
And skinny
And fat
And and and and.....
And we went to school
And we went to church
Honest we did
We did
And they taught us
They taught us
Now let me remember
They taught us how to sit on benches
To say
Yes sir
Yes miss
Cause you know it all
Miss – sir
You got it all – right
  Sir Sir Sir.....
And I stick your hand – out
For the care
Miss Miss Miss
And why aren’t you telling me
What to do now
Miss – sir
You’re standing up there sir – miss
You’ve got
A job
A car
A house
A holiday
Even –
I’ll bet you’ve even got
 Got Got Got.....
Shall I tell you – miss, sir
What your establishment got me
I got to sit on benches
Sir – miss
Does that tell you something
Miss – sir
Does that tell you
Does that
  Shit sir – miss
What does that tell you?
I know what it tells me    sir – miss
If tells me
Hey, you’re the brain box
You’re the ore who knows it all
You stand up there
All of you
And tell us
On all the benches
That we’ve sat on
Shit sir – miss
Since we were –
I can’t remember anymore when
Pant of your machinery
Your plan
Sir – miss
Your great big almighty machine
That sits people on benches
Sat us
All over
Your system
And tidy little plans
Of how
Should look
Sir – miss
 Did you think
When you spewed me
from your machinery
On to your waste – valve
 Did I get it wrong
Sir – miss
Or did you?
 Visiting the Writers syndicate.
Often clinking
coffee at East Ham
In a café
    They don’t collect rubbish anymore
The East end                   and the streets are
Is yellow grit                     paved in gold!
Is plastic orange chairs
Is green tea/afloat with bits
Specks of multi – coloured life
Life and lives
Warm skins of dancing cool greys
Dancing is that daunted eternity way
And I am still new
new old way
 Winter cloths with pitted teeth
(fake or true)  obtained from the dole
no truth here
children conceived and born to feed
with endless opportunities to sigh no
in the rain
in the damp
watching ……for the opportune moment to scream at officials
each stocky feat full of skinny housewives
with their purses bulging with dole
and he? Himself – in their sky – scrapers scraping for the skies
grinning at some sow of a civil servant
is yet another got office,
and she
like an over decorated got covered Christmas
Amazing trellis
With the wellies to wade through the dirt
It all goes in mulch
Quite reverently
Seeing the buses pass
Strangers in the night
Trudging like
Ships that parse
Or something like that
He declares he wants his love
Well floured
A man needs a tart to cheer
his worship the dole
Just around the corner at the Muslim pub
On black plastic
Jesus watched too watches from below
Lights suggested it all passing
The red lights
Passing by that pink glow
Passing away
Where all sat listening
To plastic creaking
Springs, squeaking
Through rotten walls
Shiny black plastic
Of unknown qualities
Quantity unknown
And the lights flickered over the tombs
Of London
all  night long
Londoners enjoying black plastic
Shiny black plastic
Filled with rubbish
Such a waste
Raised with the sweat of competitive racism
And a million or more
And more millions folk
All perspiring
Into driblets of salty cracked sewers
Jerking spewing out – trash  
Mice and rats
Around the blacks
Glassy black plastic realities
Orange green glass cup
Over the bar of differences
East Enders, who
What’s local
In London
all spit on
the black shiny plastic
Equality pegs longer
the same equally
They’ve changed it all as we watched
Unseeing not caring
Sit again and there’s yet a church
or some one’s house of god
Talk of church windows
Squares of honesty
Latticed with theology
Smelling of breweries
How all its accomplishment
Knowing that Jesus can’t
 The coloureds preach
To us now  and I thought we had damned Jesus to them
Even the temples
And smells of drugs
With their handled virginity
As everyone gives their arm an opinion
Lots of thoughts for others
To peruse over
And eat in sickening knuckles of gristles
Pork or penises
Yes and no’s
Scream through the chattering
Of clattering irony
Shining reflections
To deflect the holy wood never ending
Immigration circular
Movements of the world
Screen at its veins of crunchy marrow
Hollows burning into osteopaths
Levered by politicians
Munch in the same skeins
Of baby pale – blue cotton wool clouds
Robust threads
Running through glazed policies
Magnifying goodness
Please welcome to Sheezan
And Imran Kahn
Invites you to his clinic
Or is it restaurant
Is it Halal
Butchers relax
We’re all watching you
Trays piled with magnetized strengths
Sepia smells wafting
With taunted restraint
Isolated performers
Anglicization Protected
Stifling the dusty brilliance
Turquoise masses leaning
Held in a net of sun shine leaving
The gauges washes in the grimy waters
the Thames flows in these quarters
Like pee
Life added to yet another
Setting sun
Course Committee of students
 I am the student
Who is the reptile?  
Profile Please
Feed back if they ever
Evaluation of dried leaves
Subject leaders under foot
An afternoon inspiration
Odd writings locked in this room
 Consulting bodies air waves
Advisers – teachers tear savers
Organizing and chaneling park lands
Thoughts and actions dark hands
The melee
Which ignores,
which wanders,
which dawdles
Through it’s all in orders
Deaf as atone to all
This specification and that squeezing
 We invoked
What did you say
A future for the few
A life of promise
What promise?
In happiness, I cried out
This king
Of those
Left –
Who’ll never live
Who’ll never know
That glory and honour
Of becoming
Left on the sheep of living
Without a plan
 Mathematics of words
Literacy examined
By examination and figures
Sounds of beauty
Music is corporate
Washing the tepid suds
Of artistic depths
 We discuss
They tack
So necessary
Such a loss
But dear
oh dear
We could
Wonder on crispy leaves
-        such heroes
are we
talking and
Oh so, so necessary
Minor politicians
One and all
Except me
 Rationalize thoughts?
How can you –
Big brother squeezing personalities
Into shape
Herds of manageability
-        increased cooperativity
Grey life matter
Given distance, close up
Not me
Black motes
White notes
Secondary dances
Porous, cellulose voices of living
Putting sounds into actions
Protruded debates
Waftings all clarified
Of yesterday’s hopes
Nostalgia and beauty
On faceless boards
 Sad words of rejection
Words of analyzing
Humanity lost it’s touch in numbers
Love words
Words of love
Words of hate
Afield listening organisations
With wonderment programmed
Candidates are lumps of flesh
Suddenly turn to life
Emitting their time subject
Sounds of and colour character targeted
Wondorous wonder
How did man aquire
fluctuating musical sounds
Binds them with draw
Overwhelmed tell all
In grunts groans that have of belief become
Lofty wisdom
Sound thudding
Distant whispers
Hollow booming
Leaves its marks
Patches of oval reasonings
Opposed voices of action
Conformity technique
Interview application break
With later identifications
Now what was said in this meeting
Broken problem issues mentioned
Spokesmen’s particularness support transferred
Talking groups council jargoning
On conducted occassions
Don’t ask me at the combines
meeting what was said at this meeting
8.10am over the TV.on sixth November 1997
 NOV. 1997
I wouldn’t have believed it
I’ve got away with it
I think I’ve got away with it
Per the British and other governments
Murders with much pain
Thousands robbed
A life destroyed
An artist destroyed
Misery for 20 years to now
Much beyond yet
Britain’s advancement
To save its corrupt Jews
 Christmas 93
 Khounlivong Cheng’s party
Khounlivong Cheng – Ost str 60.
Cheng visits [Berlin]
Rice sticks
Sticky balls
Of food
And Mao wrote beautiful verse
That politician of dreams
That student of ancient poetry
Fighting a waiting attack
through out the night
In his caves
 Cheng knows
Farms are watered
Filled with the blood
Of this philosophy and that
 No one wins
 Cheng reads
Cold nights
damp mountains
Was it worth it?
eating would
Or was it the power of the mushroom?
 The bones rotted
Cheng shivered
Who remembers?
Cheng worries –
Whose bones?
 Cheng sits cross legged
cold earth
Thinks of chrysanthemums
And lives his celibacy
In a strange
strange land
Where they cry
smiling –
 Cheng tells
If they see black hair
It’s dangerous.
Cheng reasons
Then they made rope from such black hair
Friends end up in hospital
Beaten like steak
Cared for by the state!
 Cheng smiled as he visited
Learned to know
Smiled as we shivered
Read as he smiled
Smiled as we sat
And cried through the telling
Sitting up in hospital
 We all sighed
Three years later
A boy was killed
Here on the streets of London
After a football match
 A Dutch boy
The hatred never ceases
Because he looked like a German
By a mob of football fans.....
Those dogs
 you’re not bad for a German he said
Tho’ I hate them like dogs
Our German sergeant dug trenches
For all of us
to live
When we refused
There battling for them in Italy
And sat there laughing at him
Soldiers of the Wehrmacht all of us
-        he was one hell of a worker!
 Our officer was a dammed efficient guy
Couldn’t fault him
They did miracles
We never got kicked by them
Like the British
Well Scotts Guard kicked us
But I hate Germans
They’re hard working
Yes and decant
And quiet
But I hate Germans
In the end
a few took my life quite without cause.
In democratic Britain
but I hate the Germans, like dogs!!
He sighed
 The Priest, Protestant ofcourse because we are Catholics, who was asked into the Human Research Lab of St Barths to watch the vilest of lewd films for an illegal highly dangerous, banned unofficial programme made by their licensious staff, says….a programme of manipulation and destruction as has never been known before, yet totally secretly…
“however you have written good ideas,” chirped the English man, “good thoughts, I will use them in Sermons.”
 And Raika, my childhood friend from Elsham Camp, Lincolnshire,  is now tuned to explore every second of our camp life to ensure I cannot talk of any of it. She writes, friend alters and Lab ensures all is printed..
It is considered ‘’revenge’’………yet, hadn’t my mother ensured that over two hundred of their women were fed and kept safe and alive in humane conditions……..
No avenue must be left, no voice will be given to these people we have damaged, destroyed and murdered murmures the Lab.
M/s ‘’they are going to try a monetary collapse next. The tidal wave hasn’t come off yet.’’
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Blog: @universalcollisionleaks00
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Meet the Adventurer Support Assists!
Main Story | Parallel | Adventurer Assists (Right now) | Anniversary
Released (Characters in italics mean that they have stellar awakening):
Airi Amano, Ais Wallenstein, Shano Himegami, Subaru Akehoshi, Akane Maruyama, Rinku Aimoto, Isuka, Elias & Maritimus, Violet Lancer, Yukino, Elijah & Lailah, Madoka Kaname, Akaira Shinakura, SMG4, Axol, Miyu Sakurada, Nagi, Toka Takao, Dunarith, Lokido, Eugene, Catherine, Drez, Ichika Hoshino, Kasumi Toyama, Saurus, Tsukiha, Hatsune Miku, Gwyneth, Hung, Orthros, Yukina Minato, Kyoko Yamate, Neon (AdventNeon), Retrospecter, Izzurius, Ran Mitake, Aya Maruyama, Kokoro Tsurumaki, LAYER, Saki Izumo, Rika Seto, Tsubaki Aoyagi, Michiru Kaibara, Unrecorded CarlosYT, Melina, Alter Isuka, Suzette, Aak, Kikyo, Brewster, Alma, Alter Premaya, Tevor, Marshmallow, Audric, Creator, Mami Tomoe, Fatum Sisters, Nico Yazawa, Makoto Yuki, Kotone Shiomi, Hiyoko Saionji, Framton, Moonlight Flower, Mana Kase, Ibuki Niijima, Sparkling Party!, Glorious Tactician, Chronos, Curio, Alter Suzette, Alter Dewey, Captain Caviar Cookie, Capsaicin Cookie, Steve (Minecraft), White Clad Swordsman, Alicia Raika, Morgana, Nevanthi, Rinko Shirokane, Seiza Ataki, Yura, Cait Sith, Aoi Miyake, Kasumi Daikara, Beautiful Stranger, Mountain, Ayaha & Otoha, Part 2
Kami 12 (Refers to OG 12 adventurer assists):
Subaru Akehoshi, Rinku Aimoto, Isuka, Akane Maruyama, Elias & Maritimus, Violet Lancer, Yukino, Elijah & Lailah, Madoka Kaname, (SP) Akaira Shinakura, (SP) SMG4, (SP) Axol
Upcoming (Require Description; Is also the order of characters):
Red Wolf, Cyrus Albright, Tithi, Partitio, Nicole Saito, (Old) CarlosYT, Ulala, Honoka Kosaka, Chika Takami, Ayumu Uehara, Veigar, Colorful Striker, Golden Knight
Update 5/28/2024: This Upcoming section has been moved to Part 2 since this place can hold up to 100 links
Contest Winners
Steve (Minecrafft)
AprilYT Introductions
5* Assists
A4FES — Memories —
2022 — I always answer —
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Main Story | Alter | Adventurer Assists | Anniversary
Meeting beyond Anniversaries and Universaries
2nd Anniversary Set
Aki Rosenthal, Shu Ujigawa, Hivemine, Kaito
3rd Anniversary set
CarlosYT, Alicia Raika, Iiko Hanamatsu, Luna, Rina, Ved
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