#Alidaux Revacholiere
adahlenan · 10 months
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I want you to take me
Anywhere but here
Sequel to this
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adahlenan · 1 year
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- Moonfire Faire 2023 : Eorzean Heroes -
~ Ilsabard Contingency series ~
From August 10th to August 25th, heroes and familiar faces from across the realm return in a sizzling hot new limited-time event! Spend your Allagan Tomestones™ in the special Moonfire Faire gacha to have a chance to pull one of the new summer faire themed cards - including a chance at some holographic ultra-rare 5 star heroes! Even heroes need a vacation! Don’t miss out, this banner will be gone faster than you can say “cannonball!”
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adahlenan · 2 years
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Alidaux Revacholiere- the frozen heart
A young man all too familiar with the dark side of Ishgardian society, Alidaux picked up his arms in hopes of making a difference. A shield to protect, and a sword to cut down those who had forsaken their oaths and morals. Born from the cruelty of those who had sworn themselves to the defence of his nation, he promised to never again allow the Temple Knights to abuse their power. Unfortunately, he was only one man, and turning a blind eye had become the status quo in this game of high and low born. Becoming frustrated and disillusioned to his cause, Alidaux's already tall walls grew even stronger, blocking out anyone from growing close to him, even as he reached out to others for warmth. As one cannot expect others to be warm and open without giving the same in return, the young man found himself alone yet again, his original goal out of reach, and his stoic and guarded demeanour all he had left. Unable to face his family and his problems head on, he chose to flee. Signing up for the Ilsabardian Contingent and setting off for the war-torn and decimated snows of Garlemald, hoping that this time maybe he could make a difference for the better.
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adahlenan · 2 years
💐 : What is their courting style? How would they woo someone?
Ali.... Ali is complicated. His courting style is a mix of trying to be 'cool and aloof' like traditional Ishgardians try to be in marriages of opportunity, but trying to reconcile that with his want of being direct and forward, and also his quiet fear of a relationship.
However, his 'ideal' courting would be long and drawn out, beginning with a strong base of friendship before anything else could happen. Unfortunately there's no real room for wining and dining on a battlefield though, so in practice, it didn't really turn out that well for him in his current relationship. In a perfect world, he could've spend evenings with Sera, had fun getting dressed up nicely and going out to dinners or lunches together, walking the other home and saying goodnight with a kiss on the doorstep.
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adahlenan · 2 years
Teehee. 3, 9, 10, 16, 18. but #3 for Almari specifically
3. What did your muse's family look like? Parents, grandparents? Big or small? Who was around the house when your muse was a kid?
Almaricoux came into his family at an odd age, being adopted absorbed into the Zuicoix household at 6. Prior to that, he grew up in one of the many, most likely chronically underfunded and under-cared for orphanages in the Brume, but was a shy and quiet child who kept to himself more often than not. Going from being alone to being part of a large, loving family was certainly an adjustment considering he now has three siblings. Thankfully for him though, the family was able to spend their time together - save for his father having to work to support them - since Almari is very big on family time now to make up for lost time.
9. What was your muse's education like? Did they go to school? Did they like it?
Fiore was made for higher education. Blazing through the standard state education, they wasted no time before diving right into the specialized magitek academy in Garlemald. Like most Garleans they're very well educated on most matters, just through the lens of state sanctioned propaganda and an extremely narrow world view. Fio is brilliant however, not only in their chosen field of magitek machinery, but in other matters as well, picking up sign language rather quickly after losing their hearing and teaching themselves the common language shared across Eorzea simply out of curiosity and whatever texts they could stumble across in the Empire's grasp. Given the opportunity, Fio would jump at the chance to return to school in somewhere like Sharlayan - or even Ishgard - to study foreign engineering.
10. What responsibilities did your muse have as a child? Chores? Babysitting? How good were they at fulfilling their responsibilities?
Alidaux was on babysitter duty when he wasn't working odd jobs, or more like babysitting was his job when growing up. Even as a youth he hard worker with a strong work ethic, and babysitting his new baby siblings was no exception. Though he would never tell anybody, he was bitter about it at the time. Being a substantial amount older than his new half-siblings (by like 10 years), he couldn't help but feel annoyed by the expectation of being babysitter, as well as jealous of the more stable upbringing they would have. However it never caused him to be negligent or slack off in his duties. Outside of babysitting, Ali grew up with chores and odd jobs like many Ishgardian children, especially those trying to pad their future resume for the Temple Knights and provide for their families. Just.. please don't make him clean any more stables.
16. If your muse could say one thing to their childhood self, what would they say? Would your muse want to meet their childhood self in the first place?
Felix would most definitely not want to meet his younger self, not at any point in time or age. If forced to, the only thing he would have to say would simply be to apologize to himself. He certainly has regrets on how he lived his life in his youth; not leaving home sooner, allowing himself to slide into alcoholism and unhealthy coping methods that only exaggerated his mental health struggles. He couldn't look at his younger self without feeling guilty for putting them through all of that, even though by the end he came out strong, sober and with a support network that won't let him fall again.
18. What's one thing that instantly transports your muse back to their childhood? Why?
The good: To him it's silly, but the feeling of being tired and having a blanket placed on top of you, or feeling someone pull the covers up around you immediately puts Leomaunt at ease and reminds him of happier times in his youth. The simpler times of feeling safe and warm under the covers and knowing someone who loves you is right there with you and cares for you.
The bad: metal doors scraping shut along stone can be enough to trigger a full on dissociation episode and he may shut down over it, and he does not want to ever explain why.
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adahlenan · 2 years
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Moonfire Faire 2022
As the realm swelters in the summer heat, the decorations lining city streets and fireworks blooming in the night sky make for much more pleasant reminders of the season. Now is the time to escape to Costa del Sol, where tranquil waters and the Moonfire Faire await!
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