bloodbrown · 6 months
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lies-of-fox · 4 months
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sanaez214 · 10 months
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Lies of P fan art. When you meet Hugo again, after you told the truth to Eugénie...🪓
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hyakunana · 10 months
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Treasure Hunter Extraordinaire! ✨
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venigni · 10 months
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This is exactly why I headcanon P getting a lil bratty and sassy once he's at full humanity. Because everyone in the game wouldn't stop fucking spoiling him rotten with praise and sweet pet names! Now he expects it!! And tbh it's what he deserves but!!!
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toxicsherman · 10 months
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lopstuff · 9 months
Alidoro's Face (Unused NPC icon & model)
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But… which "Alidoro", that is? 🤔
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ash-arts-a-thing · 11 months
Specter Carlo AU events for Chapters 4 & 5! I was originally going to add 6 to this too, but since a lot of big events happen with Romeo in that chapter it would make the post too long 😮‍💨
These two chapters cover more of Carlo’s dialogue as well as the start of the branching conversation and reaction between Truth and Lie playthroughs
[Character Notes] [Chapters 1-3] [Chapter 6]
Chapter 4
• The hike through the mine shafts and Twilight Town remain unaltered until arriving at the tram cart. Carlo will coment once you get on the tram regardless of whether or not Pinocchio uses the stalker salute to get on, though his response will be different depending on the scenario.
• If Pinocchio killed the Atoned, Carlo will comment: “Does it feel good? Killing people? Do you even feel anything at all when you get splattered in their blood?”
• If Pinocchio lied and used the ‘stalker salute’, Carlo will coment: “It’s weird, you know? Seeing a puppet lie, it’s almost like… Hmm.”
• Gemini will still have his usual little spiel, either nervously laughing and changing the subject to something more light hearted in the truth playthrough, or just taking Carlo’s silence as his queue to make a joke.
• Giangio is unaware of Carlo... Right?
• When Pinocchio enters the chapel Carlo will will coment: “This place is swarming with those freakish monsters, things just keep getting better, don’t they?”
• Carlo will coment on Cecile upon meeting her, he will say: “She seems devoted. I wonder what she’ll do if you can’t find that mark.”
• Upon meeting Alidoro, Carlo will have a different response depending on what you tell you him.
• If you tell Alidoro about Hotel Krat he will say: “You told him about the Hotel? Really? The Stalker? You really are a naive puppet.” (Note that he will also say this if you tell him about the hotel when you see him again at Venigni Works).
• If you send Alidoro to Venigni Works he will say: “Can’t believe I’m saying this, but good idea. You don’t know this guy or what he’s capable of. It’s best not to tell him about the Hotel.”
• Carlo will have new dialogue options when summoned before the Archbishop.
These dialogue options are:
“What do you think of the chapel?”
Carlo: “It isn’t my thing. I have never and will never have any interest in religion. They sure spent a pretty penny on this place though.”
“Do you think the Gold Coin Fruit tree actually exists?”
Carlo: “Yeah I do. What? Sometimes it’s fun to believe in something childish. If it turns out to be real I’ll even play you a song on the piano. If I ever get a tangible body, that is.”
“Tell me about this boss.” (He will have multiple responses to this.)
1. “I heard the bishop was obsessed with wealth. I guess it’s true, money really can corrupt anybody.”
2. “We only saw part of what the Archbishop became before he crawled down that hole earlier. Expect the unexpected.”
3. “With that long snake body and messed up… ‘wing’ it looks like he’s going to have a pretty far reach. I wouldn’t stand too close to him, but that’s just me.”
4. “I just know it’s going to smell horrible in there, there’s no way the home of a monster is going to be clean in any capacity.”
5. “I’d suggest using fire. Besides the irony of a holy cleansing flame, he’s still organic. Being set on fire isn’t going to feel good.”
Battle dialogue for the Archbishop:
1. “Oh wow, that is… very hard to look at.”
2. “Who would’ve thought chicken legs could be so strong!”
3. “EUGH! Really?! With its tongue?! Disgusting!”
(Phase 2)
4. “Somehow he’s gotten even uglier.”
5. “Make him regret coming out of his shell!”
6. “God chose you to be an Angel alright. Just not one that roams the earth.”
• If Cecile was given the mark and Pinocchio returns to find the letter and the record Carlo will say: “A killer turned nun, that’s something I didn’t expect to hear. I guess it just shows how much people can really change if given the chance...”
• If Cecile isn’t given the mark and Pinocchio returns and kills her monster form he will say: “I guess that’s what she’ll do. Even the nun isn’t free of sin.”
• Upon heading back to the hotel Carlo will have new things to say should Pinocchio use the mirror in his room again.
• At this point his dialogue will start to branch, certain dialogue only appearing during certain playthroughs or choices.
These dialogue options are:
“What are you thinking about?” (He will have multiple responses to this.)
1. (If you told Alidoro about the hotel) “I still can’t believe you told that mongrel about the hotel. You know it’s going to come back and bite us right?”
2. (If Alidoro comes to the hotel on his own) “I really don’t like that Stalker being here. Don’t get me wrong, I admire Stalkers as much as the next guy, but that guy? Something is off about him.”
3. (If you killed the Atoned) “You know, killing that Stalker at the tram wasn’t necessary. You could’ve lied. Unless you… like killing humans?”
4. (If you lied to the Atoned) “It was smart, lying to get past that Stalker like that. Why have unnecessary blood on your hands. Although, it’s strange that you would care about that, isn’t it?”
5. “Glad that business with the church is over with, that place was making me itchy. I didn’t even know I could get itchy when I’m like this.”
6. “Seeing all those books in the church makes me miss being able to sit down and read. If I could I’d be opening up my favourite book right now.”
7. “Something about that Giangio guy seems suspicious to me, like he isn’t telling the whole story… What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
Chapter 5
• Carlo will be unable to coment along the Path of Pilgram due to a lack of reflective surfaces, but rest assured that he is not happy being there.
• Once it starts raining upon reaching the bridge to the Malum District he will be able to talk again, this will trigger a conversation between Gemini and Carlo.
The conversation will go:
Carlo: “Finally, that place was creepy as hell. You always take me to such nice places, don’t you?”
Gemini: “If you hate it so much then why are you here? Can’t you just go somewhere else?”
Carlo: “Despite how much I complain, cricket, I would still prefer to keep both of us alive. I don’t know how many times I have to reiterate that.”
• Carlo will have say something depending on what you choose to do with the Fox and Cat.
• If Pinocchio agrees to have them follow along and after the Cat calls him an idiot, Carlo will say: “You heard him right? He called you an idiot. I’m not gonna lie, I kind of agree.”
• If Pinocchio refuses to have them follow along, Carlo will say: “I don’t think they’d be helpful for very long anyway. Did you see those bells on their jackets? Looks like somebodies eyesight is going.”
• After the youngest of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood has complimented Pinocchio’s looks (and subsequently insults him), Carlo will coment: “She may have insulted you, but at least she has taste when it comes to the looks department.”
• Carlo will have new dialogue options when summoned before the Black Rabbit Brotherhood.
These dialogue options are:
“How do you feel about the rain?”
Carlo: “Why are you asking? Is it because I was complaining about the heat? Well, funny man, I happen to really like the rain, so no complaints here.”
“Are you scared of the monsters?”
Carlo: “Afraid? No. Disgusted and appalled? Yes. Nobody should be subjected to this. Especially not somebody that’s been afflicted by this disease.”
“Tell me about this boss.” (He will have multiple responses to this)
1. “Good thing you summoned me for this one. They were probably planning on making it four against one, kinda makes them look a bit… hmm… pathetic?”
2. “Usually I think Stalkers are pretty cool, they all seem to hold themselves with this sort of… nobility? That might not be the right word. Whatever the word is though, I don’t feel it with them.”
3. “Maybe in another life these guys could’ve really helped people. Then again, maybe they would’ve turned out the same.”
4. “Try focusing on the smaller siblings before focusing on the big guy. I say that because I already know they’ll all going try to dog pile you, don’t let them get the upper hand.”
Battle dialogue for the Black Rabbit Brotherhood:
1. “Ha! What a joke! That’s not a rabbit mask, he looks like a pig!”
2. “Would somebody shut her up already!”
3. “Half of you aren’t even rabbits! Bucket Head over there looks like a dog!”
4. “Oh this guy is the most pretentious of them all.”
5. “How pathetic and you call yourselves stalkers? Don’t bother coming back!”
• The portrait is still collectable upon entering the town hall, if acquired Gemini will still have his original dialogue, but Carlo will also chime in and trigger a conversation between the two.
• The conversation will go:
Carlo: “That’s… an interesting find. Gemini is right, it does look just like you.”
Gemini: “Wow, he actually called me by my name!”
Carlo: “Don’t get used to it.”
• The conversation with Giangio upon finding the Gold Coin Fruit tree stays the same, as well as the cutscene of picking the first fruit.
• Dialogue with Gepetto upon handing over the portrait will also stay the same.
• Carlo will have new dialogue upon speaking to him in Pinocchio’s room.
These dialogue options are:
“About the tree…”
Carlo: “I still can’t believe it exists and I literally saw it with my own eyes. On top of that, I was definitely not expecting it to be in the Hotel garden. I guess… this means I owe you a song on the piano sometime.”
“Why do you look up to the Stalkers?”
Carlo: “Have you seen their swordplay? It’s legendary, well, most of them anyway. I’ve always wanted to be taught how to fight by one of them.”
“What are you thinking about?” (He will have multiple responses to this.)
1. “I was expecting the Brotherhood to be better than that. They claim they’re constantly fighting puppets, yet they get taken down by one? That’s sad. (If it’s a lie playthrough he will add) Uh, no offence.”
2. “I kind of miss all that rain, it was nice. Even when we were slogging through knee deep water. I hope it rains again soon.”
3. (Truth)Carlo: “Why are you so nosy? Don’t you have better things to do than bother me?”
Gemini: “You don’t have to be so rude, you know.”
Carlo: “And you don’t have to be so annoying, yet here we are.”
4. (Lie)Carlo: “Nosy, aren’t you? Well, if you want to know that bad, I’m thinking about an old friend of mine.”
Gemini: “You had friends?”
Carlo: “That’s fair, I can’t knock you for that. There were only two people that could ever really tolerate me. Even my own dad didn’t… Ah, nevermind.”
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deltacygniart · 7 months
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the 🐶
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kpopgalaxy28 · 11 months
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So hyped after watching the Director’s Letter earlier!
These pictures have me so excited for what’s the come with this game and the sequel
And I was really hoping we’d be able to get Alidoro’s outfit and soon I’ll have it 👀😭 so excited
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milkyberryjsk · 11 months
the real alidoro would have really cherished those gloves btw
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butbabeitsnotreal · 11 months
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misio-dangisio · 11 months
Day 19 friend
There is already a day for crickert and Lampy, I decided to draw Alidoro. There's even a word "a dog is man's best friend".
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I think this episode shows what 'enemies to friends' is.
This is Alidoro concept art(yes I'm South Korean). Since he's a police dog I added Bloodhound and Rottweiler's appearance and personality when desinging him.
+I also drew Medoro since he is also a dog in Pinocchio
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togetherhearted · 1 year
Immortal journey Alidoro
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dailydoodlesofp · 26 days
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fuck u alidoro
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venigni · 11 months
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Would've been funny if they had added a line where Alidoro freaks out for a sec cuz he thinks you're like. The ghost of the real Alidoro back to haunt him or some shit. Like hinting at what's to come.
I wonder how new players will earn this gear?
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