thevioletwicche · 1 year
A drabble I wrote a long time ago with my OCs using the making out as a distraction trope.
They moved quickly, her heels clacking against the paving stones of the narrow streets. Cat was growing weary and may have stopped altogether had her Master not grasped her hand to pull her along beside him. He'd thrown his cloak around her to cover her gown, and the length and heaviness of the material made it difficult for her to keep his pace, but he squeezed her hand and so she persisted.  
He seemed to move lithely without those cumbersome robes and for a moment she was rather distracted by the way his waistcoat brought out the curves of his lean form. But only for a moment before another frantic pull from the Sorcerer brought the two down another narrow alleyway.
 Suddenly Alistair stopped short and Cat stumbled into him. He cursed under his breath and she soon saw why: A wall. It was a dead end. The two stood for a moment breathing heavily and staring, until the footsteps and the yells of their pursuers grew louder.
 Alistair turned cursing again. His dark hair obscuring his eyes, but framing his nose and mouth.
Though she could not see his eyes, the way he clenched his jaw was all she needed to see to know that they were trapped.
 He turned to face her again and quickly ushered her to the wall, blocking her as best he could from view, he was still breathing heavily and clutching her right hand.
  “Can you use a spell to get us out of here?” Cat asked quietly. “It’ll take too long.” “Can you transport yourself?” He gave her a quick look of confusion.
“Yes, but…” “Then do it! I don’t want to be parted from you again…  they won’t do me much harm, but  I'm frightened of what they will do to you." “I am not leaving you!” “Please! I care too much for you to let you be hurt!” “Cat…” He searched her face his gaze dropping to her lips and then back to her eyes again.
 There was a strange expression to them.
"I have an idea." 
"What is-" “Kiss me.” he said hoarsely.
Cat gaped at him, a blush spreading across her face.
She did as she was bid,  shyly standing tiptoe to press her lips lightly to his.
 In an instant his arms were around her, pushing her against the wall and his lips were sealed on hers. She felt light headed and as though she would faint. She wrapped her arms around his neck in an attempt not to fall.
 His grip tightened as they heard their pursuers round the corner.
 After what seemed like a dreadful eternity they had gone leaving Cat and Alistair alone.
 She stared at him bewildered and blushing 
 He reached  to brush a lock of hair from her face, also looking flush. 
  But the moment passed and he glanced over his shoulder.
 "We'd better go." He said quietly.
 Cat nodded though made no move, until he took her hand in his and gently pulled her along, their hurried footsteps on the paving stones, resembling the pounding of her heart
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