#All Tech About - Learn Blogging SEO Link Building Tips
writeforususa · 2 years
Write For Us USA - Business & Technology
Are you looking for a writing opportunity that allows you to share your unique voice with a global audience? Look no further than Write For Us USA! We are currently looking for writers who are interested in guest posting on our blog. 
Whether you’re a professional blogger who has an exciting new article idea or just wants to share your thoughts on a topic, Write For Us USA is the perfect place for you. 
Our experienced editors will work with you to develop your post and make it as engaging as possible. So why wait? Apply today and start sharing your views with the world! You can contact us via mail id: [email protected] and share your new or trending thoughts or article via mail.
We Have Accepted Guest Post On The Website
We are excited to announce that our website now accepts guest posts! This means that anyone can write a blog post about their experience working with us, or about anything related to marketing. If you have any topics you would like to explore, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We would love to hear from you!
Pick You Favorite Topics In Below Mentioned Categories Now
People often ask me what my favorite topics are in general, tech, or software. But what about business, food, and lifestyle? Here are my picks for the top three: 
1) Business. I absolutely love learning about how businesses operate and grow. I also enjoy reading business news and articles to stay up-to-date on the latest trends.
2) Food. This one is a no-brainer for me! I love trying out new restaurants and researching different types of cuisine. Plus, I love cooking at home so that I can create my own unique dishes.
3) Lifestyle. This category includes everything from fashion to travel to hobbies and interests. I enjoy exploring all of these options and finding new things that interest me.
Topics On Which You Can Write A Blog To Our Website
Food & Dish
Ethical Hacking
While Writing Should Read Website Guidelines For GP
Guest posting is a great way to gain exposure for your website and attract more traffic. However, you need to follow the guidelines set by the website you are guest posting on in order to maximize your chances of success. Here are some tips:
1. Make sure your post is original. Don't simply copy and paste content from other sources without adding your own insights or taking the time to improve it. This will only reinforce the negative perception that guest posts are spammy and unoriginal.
2. Try to be as concise as possible. Concise writing is one of the most important elements of effective guest posting because readers want to get right to the point. Keep your post under 1,500 words and avoid filler words like “very” and “actually”.
3. Use strong keyword placement.
Two Links Can Be Added In The Guest Posting Article
Adding a link to the content of your guest posting article can help draw attention to it and increase the chances of being shared. One option is to add a link in the middle of your content, while another option is to add a link in your author bio. Either way, linking to other articles or websites within your post will help further promote it.
Search Terms For USA Writers For Guest Posting Websites
Guest posting websites are a great way for writers to get exposure and build their writing portfolio. But which keywords should you use when submitting your work? Here are some popular search terms for USA writers:
The article should be unique or plagiarism free
The article Should Be Written Around 800-1000 Words
The article Shouldn’t be Published else on any website
Attached are two images with the article submission
The article Should be SEO optimized
Two links will add in the article first in the middle of the content & second in the author's bio
Keywords That Will Assist You To Find Out Our Website On SERP
Looking for a guest posting site to help you get your content published on the web? Look no further than readoutthekeywords.com! This website offers a search engine optimization (SEO) tool that can help you find a guest posting site that is both reputable and will accept your content.
To use the search engine optimization tool, type in the keyword or phrase you want to find guest posting sites for and hit “enter”. The website will then return a list of websites that have mentioned that keyword or phrase. From here, it’s easy to select a site that is reputable and will accept your content.
Search Terms For Guest Posting Website
Write for us USA
USA write for us
Write for us tech
Tech write for us
software “write for us”
business write for us
Information technology write for us”guest post"
"startup funding"
"write for us"
"guest article"
"this is a guest post by"
"contributing writer"
"want to write for"
"submit blog post"
"contribute to our site"
"submit content"
"submit your content"
"guest posts wanted"
"guest blogger"
"become a guest blogger"
"submit news"
"submit post"
write for us “Business”
write for us “SEO”
write for us “Digital Marketing”
write for us “Health”
write for us “Tech Blog”
write for us “Technology”
write for us “finance”
write for us “marketing”
write for us “Tech News”
write for us “content marketing”
write for us “education”
“submit a guest post” Business
“submit a guest post” SEO
“submit a guest post” Lifestyle
“Submit a guest post” Digital Marketing
“submit a guest post” Web Development
“Submit a guest post” Softwares
“submit guest post” Reviews
Write for us India
India write for us
Free guest post sites 
“submit guest post” Laptop
“submit guest post” Health
guest post
guest posting sites
guest blogging sites
guest blogging
guest posting sites list
guest bloggers wanted
guest blog post
guest posting blogs list
guest blog posting sites list
buy guest posts
guest blogging opportunitiesContent Marketing “write for us”
SEO “write for us”
SEO write for us
SEO + write for us-
Mobile SEO “write for us”
startup "write for us"
social media marketing "write for us"
business "write for us"
Technology + "write for us"
Technology “write for us”
technology blog "write for us"
app development "write for us"
Marketing "write for us"-
Digital Marketing “write for us”
Online marketing "write for us"
Statistics “write for us”
Web Design “write for us”
Web Development “write for us”
UX Design “write for us”
UI Design “write for us”
Let’s Make Itself A Professional In Blogging World
If you want to make a name for yourself in the blogging world, then sending articles with us is the way to go. We are always looking for new and interesting bloggers to work with and we will help you get started on your blog journey. 
Our team of experienced editors will help you polish your writing skills and improve your blog content. Plus, our fast turnaround time means that you can start seeing results quickly. So what are you waiting for? Start sending articles our way today! Send your article to us through our website mail such as [email protected] or stay connected to make a strong collaboration.
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abdulrehmann · 3 years
How to Migrating an AngularJS App to Angular
I would like to start with the issue that nowadays developers have been creating incredibly contemporary progressive, amusing, useful, and interesting apps that stand out and gain an enormous number of users. As a consequence, it’s definitely obvious that if you are crazy about attracting more attention it is necessary to be the number one on the range of the developers, that’s why you should all the time get acquainted with something new, always fall in with the latest news in the sphere of developing and try to operate with exceptionally latest categories of computer programs. It is considered that the sphere of IT has been progressing over the years, so to stay in that range you have to do something. https://www.alltechabout.com/
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itskeshav057 · 4 years
7 Ways To Make Money Online In India 2020 (Without Scam, No Investment)
I can tell you the exact methods that I used to make money online. It took me about 6 months to learn the basics of writing, content marketing and website building. During the learning period, my earning was zero.
If you are looking for magic then you are in the wrong place.
The reality is that..
The Internet cannot give you instant money but you can build long term wealth from the internet
Quick tips for you
Data entry jobs providers are mostly scams. Don’t waste your time & money.
There is no quick way of earning money except in crime & scams. Stay away from both.
If you are in immediate need of money, then get a personal loan and work hard to pay off the loan as soon as possible.
You can earn a lot of money online, if
If you have a passion to learn a new skill (like content writing, SEO, designing, video editing)
You can work on starting a profitable blog and expect some income in 6-8 months depending on your smart work.
All you need is an internet connection, laptop and less than Rs. 10,000 to start online business.
The only way to get success in life is to learn (a profitable skill) and invest in our knowledge
(Ask yourself, can you invest $10 today for your learning?)
If you are still reading, means you are willing to work hard to make an online income, right?
#1. Become a Freelancer
If you are a good programmer, designer or marketer then you can find a lot of paid online jobs in India. You just need to be patient and willing to learn more.
You need to have two skills to become a good freelancer. One is your core skill, and the second skill is marketing. If you are not a good marketer, then seek help from an experienced marketer to make your profile. You have to have excellent communication skills to get clients.
I have written two in-depth articles on how to earn up to Rs. 5000 per article as a Freelance writer.
#2. Learn Stock Market Trading
You don’t need any money to start a freelance work but you would need a little money to start your career as a stock trader.
You can earn money online by doing stock trading if you know how to pick the right stock. You need a demat & trading account to start trading.
I must make you aware that you may lose money in stock trading so better to start with less money and invest more time in learning the basics of stock trading.
I have written an article on intraday stock trading in India for beginners. You can read the article if you want to learn the basics of stock trading.
Discount brokers are best for intraday trading as they charge fix brokerage up to Rs 20/trade irrespective of trade volume. You can check the reviews of my 3 favorite discount brokers 5paisa review, Upstox review and Zerodha review.
#3. Become a Consultant
You can sell your advice and knowledge to many people. You don’t have to be a super expert in one domain to become a consultant or teacher, you just have to be better than your student or client.
I acquired content marketing skills by working with a lot of startups. Sometimes I got success and sometimes failure, with every failure I learned something new in content marketing. Now people call me content marketing expert and gladly pay me Rs. 5000 per hour for my advice over the phone/skype.
I help them in making a content marketing plan. They get more business by running better marketing campaigns.
Anyone with a core competitive skill can become a consultant and find clients online. For example, if you are a legal or finance professional, then you can make your website, and start attracting clients online.
You can either monetize your existing skills, or learn new skills that make money online.
Don’t expect to make quick money without having skills.
I am saying it again, It is possible to learn online skills in few months of dedicated time.
#4. Earn Online Money from YouTube
You might not know that people are making millions from youtube. Again, not an easy option, but very much doable for anyone who can record & upload videos on a particular topic.
Two kinds of people can make successful YouTube channels, one who make funny & entertaining videos, second who can make highly helpful videos for a niche audience (like students, mothers, housewives, tech geeks).
#5. Make Money from Facebook, Instagram
There is no limit on the earning potential through Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Hey, I am not cracking jokes. There are people out there who charge as much as 20,000 rupees for just one tweet or Facebook post. Now close your mouth, it’s true.
Here are some of the ways that I am aware of, to earn money through Facebook. I myself paid money directly to admins to promote my content on Facebook pages (not to confuse with Facebook advertisements).
The social media fan base is an asset for such people, most of them are in the entertainment domain. People related to fashion and entertainment domain can monetize their Instagram page. You can check the fan base of BhakSala, Gabbar Singh and StoryPick, and you can imagine how valuable those can be for any company who want to advertise on such pages.
#6. Start Blogging to Earn Money Online
You can make money from your writing skills in two ways.
Write to someone and make money immediately
Write for yourself and make money slowly, but consistently
That is the difference between a freelance job and owning a business. Your blog can be your online business, it will take some time to build your audience. But once you start earning money from blog, then your blog generate money even when you are sleeping.
#7. Make Money with Affiliate Marketing
Starting affiliate marketing is similar to running a retail shop. You signup with retailers like Amazon and Flipkart, promote your favourite products on your website and social media to make decent money.
I am discussing affiliate marketing as a separate option because it can fit with any kind of online business, in some scenarios people don’t even own a website but make money through Affiliate marketing.
I simply curated a list of my favourite books and linked to Amazon so that interested people can buy books.
Three people bought on the same day and I earned a small affiliate commission. If someone goes to the amazon website by clicking your link.
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adstargets · 4 years
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How To Make Money Blogging Ultimate Guide ($7,000+ a Month) https://bit.ly/2WqnPW8
If you are wondering how to make money blogging after a few months of some valuable blog posts, you are not alone.
In fact, there are hundreds of thousands of bloggers out there asking the same questions such as "How to make money with a blog".
It will also shock you to know that there are hundreds of solutions out there written by other bloggers sharing their income strategies.
what made this different is that, you are getting a full package of what you need to do from scratch to start your blog and make real money blogging shared by an experienced blogger.
I have been blogging for over 8 years, I ranked hundreds of blogs that made real money for me and my clients over the years.
In this blog post, I am going to explain in plain language step by step and all that is involved having a great blogging career.
So first of all, I will assume you already have been blogging for some time and started getting some reasonable traffic before the search for ways to monetize your blog.
First things first, let's clear some myths about blogging
Can you really make money blogging?
According to Google asked the question, this is one of the most asked questions by bloggers or people aspiring to start blogging.
The answer to this question is ABSOLUTELY YES!
You can really make money blogging. In fact, there are bloggers that make 7 figures blogging such as Arianna Huffington of the Huffington Post is known to make over $2 million and considered the word's richest blogger.
Also, another rich blogger is Michael Arrington, the founder of TechCrunch makes over $800,000 a month from this Tech blog.
Other bloggers like Neil Patel makes over $300,000 blogging about digital marketing and so many others making around $100,000 monthly blogging.
This only proves that it's possible to make money blogging.
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Image credit: Problogger
In another survey by blogging.org, 1000 bloggers were surveyed and asked how much money they were making: About 81% never make $100 from blogging
#1. About 9% made enough to sustain their personal lifestyle blogging 4-6 hours a day
#2. About 8% make enough money to support a family
#3. About 2% make $150K+ blogging 1-2 hours a day
#4. With this evidence, you can agree with me that you can really make money blogging.
Here is how to start blogging
I assume you already have been blogging or have your blog set up already.
If NOT, I will refer you to take your time and read in detail how to start a blog and all you need to need to start growing your blog traffic in the button below
How to start a blog and make money blogging
You will learn step-by-step all that is listed in the image below to get you started the right way to avoid errors.
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To get started with your blog, get a great hosting plan and a free domain here with all the benefits
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Click here to Sign up
Best blogging platform to make money
Wordpress is hands down the best blogging platform to make money. This blog you are reading right now is created with WordPress.
The reason why the majority of professional bloggers use WordPress as their blogging platform is the following
Wordpress is very easy and flexible to use for both beginners and professionals.
Search engines love it as it takes care of 80% of your SEO issues.
Endless customization opportunities to design and optimize your blog appearance.
Wordpress gives bloggers the opportunity to integrate third-party functionalities using various plugins.
It's built for all. Everything you want or desire to do with your blog, you can do it with WordPress.
It's the most popular blogging platform and loved by all Webhosting companies and they all have WordPress hosting plans to get you started.
Make money wordpress
Hence, WordPress comes with all possibilities to integrate third party services. You have opportunities to build shops and other e-commerce services like drop shipping to help you create recurring income.
This allows you to have payment gateways that allows people to pay for your services and products making you money.
Also, with WordPress, you can have all your forms that lead to your sales funnels plus your email funnels which allows you to control everything within the same platform.
WordPress is simply a money making machine.
Types of Blogs that make money
This is a tricky one! I would say all types of blogs make money. However, there are some that make more because of the niche, industry and the demand around it.
And of course, it mostly depends on your efforts. How much work you put over time.
One of our writers wrote about top blogging niches that make bloggers the most money here: How Niche blogging will make you a smart blogger.
He explains the benefits and discussed each of the types of blogs as well as tips to help bloggers grow their blogs specifically.
Top 10 blogs that make money
Food and Recipes
Food & Recipes
Health & Fitness
Travel and tourism
Personal Finances
Personal Development
Money Making
Beauty & Fashion
Tech/Gadgets Review
These are the top 10 types of blogs that make insane money. The reason is the high demand and massive organic traffic within these sectors.
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Also, there is so much to promote among these niches which give bloggers endless opportunities to make money faster as they grow their blogs and traffic.
Ways to make money blogging
So without further delay, I will discuss some of the most profitable ways you can make money blogging.
So let's get started.
CPA Marketing
CPA stands for Cost per action and the marketing part of it explains how you market the CPA offers to make money with your blog.
This has made the number on our list because it's gradually taken over the traditional blog monetizing practices simply because it pays 200% more than display ads on your blog.
Generally this is how CPA marketing works.
As a blogger, you are required to sign-up with a CPA Ad network and promote offers using a referrer link on your blog widgets. Each time someone signed up for the offer you get paid.
While display ad networks like AdSense may pay $0.5 per clicks or $1 per 1000 impressions. You make up to $15 or more for just one action your visitor takes through a CPA offer you are promoting.
Watch how you can make money with CPA marketing
The beauty of CPA marketing is that you are not necessarily required to sell products before making money as far as your visitor's register or signup on some of those partner site, you are credited.
Affiliate Marketing
Bloggers make millions of dollars with affiliate marketing day in day out. This is a green light that you can also do the same.
It's not rocket science and involves just a few clicks to sign up, get your affiliate link(s) and start promoting affiliate products to make money while you focus on creating content.
This work best if you promote niche related products or services on your blog.
There are great affiliate programs such as Amazon affiliate which is one of the most popular affiliate programs.
Others include web Hosting companies that also pay very good commissions and multiple affiliate ad networks you can sign up and promote hundreds of affiliate offers to make money.
Sponsored content
If you ever wonder why bloggers sometimes write reviews for brands or company products and services, the reason is pretty simple. They are paid to do so and it's called sponsored content.
Brands pay bloggers to write positive reviews for their new products and services and they pay heavily for those sponsored posts because of the exposure they derive from it.
All you need to do is to contact some brands (businesses) within your niche and offer then sponsored content offers and you be surprised how positive they will respond.
Bloggers charge from a couple of hundreds to hundreds of thousands of dollars for sponsored content.
It all depends on the size of your traffic and reach. Be cautious when asking for the price as overpricing will scare them away.
Sell digital products
You can create or buy digital products with resell rights and start selling them on your blog right from the first day. Digital products also include various training for various digital skills.
The demand for these products is much and growing every day as many people aspire for skills that will create them more income streams or become their own boss by starting up various businesses.
You can buy multiple digital products on Amazon or eBay. Buy then and offer some as gifts and sell some to make money using tools like ConvertKit.
You will need to research on what is related to your niche and what possibly your readers will be interested in buying such as e-books or video tutorials to get it and sell it on your blog keeping 100% revenue.
Sell physical products
You can also sell physical products on your blog even though you don't build or create those products and here is how to sell a physical product to make money blogging.
Buy products on websites like Aliexpress and other dropshipping websites, in your country or area. Once you have those products, list them on websites like Amazon or eBay and sell for profit.
Display Advertising
Displaying Ads on your blog to make money is one of the most popular ways of monetizing blogs and still used by most bloggers.
However, it's not the most profitable nowadays which is why is not on top of our list but highly recommended.
The good thing with selling ads or display ads on your blog is this. You make money every day and night as far as your audience keep coming to read your blog.
This is why Google AdSense has over two (2) million publishers using AdSense to monetize their blogs.
AdSense, as well as AdsTargets, are typically the best Ad Networks for bloggers to make money blogging through display ads.
How to make money blogging
Now that you know most of the ways to make monetize your blog and make money. Let's look at how you can actually make money blogging.
Create an email funnel / Email List
The first-way process is creating an email funnel that will allow you to keep your audience engaged and keep coming back to your blog as well as sell your products to them through your funnel using services such as ConvertKit
Building an email list gives you endless opportunities to grow your blog traffic and increase your search engine rankings. Each time you create a new post, you will be able to send an email to all your subscribers to read your blogs.
Your email list helps you also to market your affiliate and CPM offers as well as other digital and phisical product you may choose to promote on your blog.
Content and Content marketing
Content is really the core or the pillar of your blog money making strategy. Whatever you want to achieve with your blog center's on your content.
Content should actually be your first priority because in this game, content is the king and every other strategy depend on your content.
You should focus on creating unique and quality content. Aim to have at least 100 quality blog posts and well optimized for your relevant keywords.
This way, you will be able to get free quality traffic from search engines such as Google, Bing and others. This will be explained more below.
Search engine optimisation (SEO)
So why search engine traffic? Well, you need search traffic to actually make money and it's the best long term strategy to get quality free traffic.
Everything from setting up your blog, creating content, establishing authority all depend on your search engine optimisation. Here is how you should implement your SEO on the blog (Blog SEO).
#1. Keywords research:
Keyword research is the foundation of your blog SEO and traffic. Research and use the most relevant keywords in the main pape of your blog in the title, meta description and in the body section of your blog.
This is the first step of informing search engine what your blog is all about.
Imputing those keywords makes it easy for your audience to find you whenever they search for queries or related keywords bringing you tones of quality free traffic.
#2. Title tags:
On every page of your blog, you need to optimise your title with at least your focus keyword(s) and is should not exceed 65 characters.
This makes it easy for search engines to easily crawl and index your pages as well as understanding what your page is about.
#3. Meta description:
Just like the title tags, your meta descriptions is a bit longer with 165 characters which explain a bit more about your page content.
It is very important you include the same keywords you include in your title tag here as well for consistency making it easy for search engines and people to understand your page content.
Well optimize titles and meta descriptions helps increase your click through rate in search engines results.
#4. Content length:
Content length matters especially when it comes to blog post. On the main page (Home page) of your blog, I will suggest your content exceed 600 words.
The same applies for your blog post. Recommended words should be at least 600 words. However, we advise your blog posts should not be less than 1,200 words.
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The reason for this is, Google, as well as other search engines, prefer longer and valuable content. Having longs and well-detailed content will have a positive impact on your ranking and even when you don't have high page authority.
#5. Sitemaps
Make sure you create at least XML Sitemap in the public html forder on your host.
XML contains all links on your website which make it easy for search engines to find and index your pages and have a better understanding of your content.
You can use free SEO plugins in WordPress to create sitemaps or use free tools like XML Sitemaps to create, download and upload those sitemaps in your host.
#6. Robot txt
Robot.txt file is responsible for allowing search engines to index your websites and links on your website and is a must-have.
You must make sure you have it live at all times in your public_html folder to always give search engines access to index your blog.
This can be done in your Google webmaster tools.
#7. Internal links:
Always make sure you link to other pages on your blog especially pages with similar content.
This is great for your SEO and considered as one of the ranking factors.
Internal linking makes people spend more time on your blog reading your posts which tells search engines your content it valuable which increase your rankings in search engines.
It also helps both your new and old posts rank faster and better in search engines providing more value for your SEO.
#6. External links (backlinks)
External links also known as backlinks serves as recommendation or upvotes for your blog to search engines.
It basically tells search engines that your content is valuable which is why other blogs are referring their visitors your content.
This has a massive impact on the overall rankings of your entire blog and individual blog posts.
Although it's not easy to acquire backlinks, there are ways can reach out to other bloggers asking them to link to you using tools like Semrush to find prospects or HARO to contribute to journalists and experts so they can link back to you.
Guest blogging is another great way to acquire backlinks. You will have to reach out to your niche related experts and ask to write for them to get backlinks.
How to start a blog for free and make money
There are multiple free blogging platforms that allow you to start a blog for free such as Wordpress, bloggers spot, Tumblr, Wix, Reddit, github.io etc.
In fact, you will pretty much do a lot with these free blogging platforms such as monetizing with Ads, selling stuff, collecting emails, affiliate marketing and much more.
However, with free stuff, there is always a limitation and to be frank, these free blogs comes with crazy URLs that are not easy to remember by your audience as well as some limitations to customize and manage your content.
If you would ask me my opinion about using free blogging platforms.
My advice would be this... Please budget at least $100 and start a blog by buying a domain and a hosting plan to start blogging.
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Treat your blog like a business and you will make more money blogging than using free blogging platforms.
People and other business partners won't also take you seriously. Some Ad networks might not even accept your registration.
Blogging is a business and should be treated as one if you really want to make some money blogging.
From the first day, you decide to start a blog, map up a strategy to create quality content consistently. Always remember that content comes before anything.
Your second priority should be to reaching out to other bloggers within your niche to collaborate. This will get you backlinks, increase your domain authority, increase your visibility and organic traffic.
Thirdly, Your blog monetization strategy should be diverse and broad.
This is what really makes you money and make your blogging life more interesting.
Choose a niche you are interested and make it unique in your own way. This will keep your audience engaged and you won't be bored working on your blog.
I wish you all a successful blogging career.
Please, let us know your opinion about this post in the comment section.
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alliancetechindore · 4 years
How to Promote a Product Using Digital Marketing Methods
You have a product and you know how awesome it is. But if you’re the only one who knows about it, then how are you going to sell it? How to promote a product when there are thousands of competitors out there?
Merely having a great product is not enough. People need to know about it. The only way people are going to know about it is if you market it to them.
So what’s the plan?
You have to choose the best and efficient platforms available on how to promote a product your product.
And that’s where digital marketing comes in.        
Digital marketing can be any form of marketing that uses electronic devices or the Internet or other techniques. It’s a proven method. Some might even say it’s a foolproof way to market one’s product.
Don’t believe us?
Here are the facts:
Research shows that constant Internet use among adults is still on the rise – about 5 percent in the last three years.  Increased online presence means increased online shopping and buying. Offline marketing is being left behind, way behind.
Your key to success is to choose the right digital marketing method on how to promote a product the right way. Below we’ve listed some of the top most effective ways you can choose from to learn how to promote a product.
Effective Ways on How to Promote a Product Online
#1 Facebook Ads
Are you thinking about using Facebook ads? You should be!
Let’s look at the facts:
•    Approx 3 billion people all over the world use social media, and half of them use Facebook.
•     Facebook has 2.23 billion monthly active users and 1.47 billion daily active users.
•    Around 79% of people using Facebook.
•     Around 74 percent of people use Facebook for professional reasons like a business and for earning purpose.
So introduce your product in front of them with Facebook ads!
Now you can see why Facebook is a great place to sell almost any type of product as long as it’s legal and doesn’t go against Facebook’s advertising policies.
Some of the products that get the most number of clicks on Facebook are the following:
•          Tech
•          Apparel
•          Retail
•          Fitness
•          Health
•          Beauty
There are a couple of important things to keep in mind when setting up your Facebook ads campaign. One is to set clear goals for your campaign by thinking of the reasons why you’re running the ad in the first place. The other is to define what your objectives are.
#2 Google Ads
Google Ads is another great platform to use when learning how to promote a product.
After all, Google Ads has become Google’s main source of revenue. That’s certainly saying something about how effective it is.
Google Ads is a type of pay-per-click (PPC) ad in which the advertiser pays the ad publisher each time a new lead clicks on the ad.
What're your profits for using this particular digital marketing method?
Look at the facts:
•          Google Ads is going to help your business appear on the coveted first page of search engine results.
•          About 64.6% of people click on Google ads any time they’re looking to buy something online.
•          Google Ads is picked by 4 out of 5 businesses that engage in PPC campaigns. This is directly tied to Google’s popularity.
•          Brand awareness can get a boost of up to 46% by using google ads.
•          Google Ads will double your investment if you choose to advertise on this platform.
•          Google Ads is actually faster than SEO because you can start getting impressions and clicks right away.
•          Google Ads complements the other marketing efforts that you have going. An example of this is remarketing, which targets those who have shown interest.
#3 Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Search engine optimization (SEO) organic process to promote our business.
If you do SEO right, then your website is likely to end up on the first search engine results page (SERP).
SEO has become quite important to a successful digital marketing campaign. This is all because of how SEO itself and its paradigm have evolved and shifted over the years.
Therefore, a sound SEO strategy is called for. Here are some of the points that you need to look into when setting up a solid SEO strategy:
•          Use Google Analytics to help identify your target market.
•          Consider more search engine options.
•          Be more mobile-friendly.
•          Create top-quality content that is relevant and consistent.
•          Your website should be user-friendly and should have clear navigation.
•          Build quality and relevant links to get a high number of quality traffic.
•          Set up a social media platform that is both comprehensive and constantly updated.
•          Fix relevant keywords to help correspond with your ROI.
Always keep in mind that SEO is an ongoing process. You can never rest for too long even if you are currently successful. Everything is constantly changing and evolving, from the search engines to the customers and their behaviors as consumers.
#4 Email Marketing
Email marketing is one of the most effective digital marketing methods, yet it’s also one of the simplest. As one of the methods that help you learn how to promote a product the right way, you can’t go wrong with it. Email marketing messages have resulted in 66% of consumers making a purchase.
No one can discount such a high figure!
Here are a few tips for you if you want to utilize email marketing as part of your strategy:
Personalize the email by adding the name of the recipient.
Subject lines that are over 70 characters in length should be included.
Timing is everything. The best time to send your emails is on weekends or at night.
Make sure to do A/B testing so that customer engagement rates will increase.
When thinking of how to promote a product using email marketing, consider the use of newsletters. Sending a newsletter via email is a great way to reach out to both existing and potential customers. You get to send the latest information and development of your product. You can also share relevant news and even photos that might interest them.
And to stir up some excitement among your customers, you can also, use email marketing to
send exclusive offers,
exclusive discounts, and
promotional deals.
#5 Content Marketing
Content is king.
You hear that all the time. It’s a cliché, but it still holds true, and that’s what’s important.
Content marketing is a major pillar of the methods used in learning how to promote a product. As much as 70% of consumers learn about products through the content medium.
When you consider that figure when compared to traditional advertising, then you need to take notice. Most people will only pay for something that they know about or understand.
You will use content to educate and inform them about your product. And you have plenty of options too!
Below are some of the types of content that you can create and use to boost your digital marketing campaign:
Ad content
Blog posts
Case studies
Social media posts
Website Pages
White Papers
One more tip: If you have a successful content marketing piece that you used in a particular digital marketing method or medium, don’t discard or forget about it. Simply re-purpose it by using it across all your other digital marketing campaigns. If you feel that you need to reformat it, then by all means do so.
#6 Social Media Posting
Facebook obviously has its own place at the start of this section. It has to, given just how big and influential it is among the social media platforms.
But social media is so much more than just Facebook and you need to take advantage of that. Social media users are growing by the day and are already at 2.6 billion according to Statistic. With that kind of number, it only makes sense to explore what else it has to offer.
The first thing that you can do on social media is simple enough. If you have a new product that you want people to know about, create a post about it. Talk about the features of your new product, how it can help people or make their lives better. In short, make them excited about it.
Another thing you can do is to create a great hashtag. What we mean by this is that your hashtag should be unique and stands out from the rest. People, or to be more exact, potential customers, will be able to find information that is related to your product using the hashtag. Fuel the excitement further by adding some behind the scenes content about your product. This can be photos, posts, or videos showing some interesting stuff that you did not initially show to the public.
Social media ads are pushed by your advertising dollars so that thousands of more people see them than they would a regular, organic post. Different social media campaigns optimize for different purposes as well, so you can create campaigns focused specifically around website traffic and sales!
Whether you use social media organically or you use social media advertising, you can leverage both methods when learning how to promote a product.
#7 Website Design
Last but not the least on this list of how to promote a product is to make use of your website design.
Here’s a revelation for you if you don’t already know it: your website is your best marketing tool.
There are really few better ways that you market your product to the public. There are so many ways to do this but let’s talk about the two most important ones.
First, engage people with your visuals. Use visual content, a lot of it. These can include infographics, photos, and again, videos.
Second, make sure your website visitors experience easy navigation. Your visitors came to your site to meet a specific need and they want it to be met right away.
If it takes them to long to do what they came for, then they’re likely to click away and exit your site. Worst case scenario is that they never come back to visit.
There are many methods that you can use when exploring how to promote a product.
Using digital marketing offers not one but several methods that can lead to what you want. And that is for people to be aware of your product and then purchase it.
Just remember that all these strategies and campaigns continue to evolve and change just as your audience evolves and changes.
Digital marketing is become now most important entity if you want to promote your business online and Alliance Tech gives you the best digital marketing services in all these segments.
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grinferbv · 4 years
Top Mistakes Online Instructors Make (And How To Avoid Them)
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Top Mistakes Online Instructors Make (And How To Avoid Them)
What can be better for a student than after waking up in the morning to pour a nice cup of coffee, turn on a computer, and see what’s new and exciting in the world of e-learning. No more missed classes because “the alarm didn’t go off”. No need to spend money on gas while driving to the campus. No more hassle with carrying lots of heavy books to class with taking classes on online teaching platforms. No surprise, e-learning steadily gains popularity. Since the world of online education expands, it allures more recruits to online learning videos. Having the option of taking courses online is probably one of the most useful things the Internet has ever offered. How is teaching online different from face to face? No entry tests for enrollment to become a student, no eligibility requirements for entering a digital class and taking a course. You’ll always get your chance to pick through the online course just to make sure it is something you need or can handle.
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But what about those instructors who create online courses? Every online course has somebody who stands behind the curtain and creates content. Online instructors are those who navigate you through the information with teaching techniques they developed for learning process improvement. However, if a student is under the impression that he is experiencing a lack of information or not learning enough, this is something that will become a problem for course creators.  Let’s go over some common mistakes that online instructors make while creating and teaching online courses. Get some tips on teaching online classes and tips for online classes. 
Don’t teach online without a business plan once you’ve gone free float
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If you are not a part of a brick-and-mortar school or college, most likely you decided to go free float and work independently to become an online teacher. Moving online to teach is a great idea, but keep in mind all the challenges that come with teaching colleges online.  How to be an online teacher? Before gaining vast benefits from your self-employment, realize that it won’t be even tied to any location whatsoever anymore. So, think about creating an essential analysis of expenses and marketing efforts you are going to invest in your new reality. Online teaching is like any business – it needs the right approach and a business plan for teaching online courses successfully. And then, after you succeed in implementing your business outlines, you’ll get a level of freedom that you only dreamt of during your summer vacation at the regular job. Online teaching is like any business – it needs the right approach and a business plan for teaching online courses successfully. Check out some online business podcasts or websites before you start teaching courses online. If you need help with creating a business plan, you can check an online course on how to write one, so it might be a great place for you to get all pros and cons first, and then start building your business plan for the year. Here are more reasons why lacking a business plan would not contribute to your online teaching business: Reveals and evaluates any weaknesses of your business;Discovers new business opportunities you haven’t thought about before started teaching online course;Strengthens your business idea through the market analysis and analysis of competitors;Develops strategies on resolutions that deal with any potential challenges teachers experience, which can derail a startup you launched;Designates your target audience and shows ways of reaching them as a creative teacher;Encourages you to go through some calculations to determine how much money you need to gain profit and provides online advice for your startup capital;Makes you look good and professional in the eyes of potential partners. Also, keep in mind marketing tools that are needed for a promotion, collecting and billing methods, website building, and SEO practices for boosting social media presence in case you want your unique online school. All of these factors and elements should be incorporated into your business plan too unless you’re willing to use online marketplaces like Grinfer. 
Use best practices acquired at brick-and-mortar schools for teaching a class online
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Online education demands new approaches to teaching online courses and learning techniques. Yet, omitting or forgetting the best practices you used in the classroom is a mistake. Don’t skip traditional methods like portfolios, team-based learning, small-group discussions, etc. Another thing that you should maintain as an online instructor - your positive attitude. Be friendly and care for your students. Working from home can be tricky and can set you in the mood of being isolated. Try to build positive relationships with your students and your colleagues through online forums and social media groups. Realize that trying to create a one-path-fits-all approach may not be too beneficial to your online teaching experience and the way how to teach a class. Be friendly and care for your students. Here are more tips for you in finding ways to succeed in teaching online: Convey individual goals expressed by students into your own teaching approach. This strategy is useful for those who provide 1-on-1 consultations and lessons. Trial lessons would be most handy since this will help you to understand what level students are at and get the feel for their learning pace.Make sure that your teaching speaks to modern realities. If you haven’t been changing your teaching methods and techniques since the 90s, odds are students will not come to you for learning. Stay up to date with the current world and update your syllables.Stay up to date with tech tools. Keep an eye on new technologies and developments used for online teaching. You derive information about most current events in the world of technologies by following podcasts, picking through blogs, and publications posted regarding this industry. Don’t overwhelm your students with too many tech tools though. Most people just simply don’t have enough time tinkering around all the innovations.
Don’t teach online without providing timely feedback to students
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How do online college classes work? Since online students mostly learn through self-study, structuring a day, and staying on track with assignments can be challenging for some. That’s why providing timely feedback, online class tips, and evaluations is really important. That way learners will know that they are all on the same page and going in the right direction. Timely feedback shows either there was obvious progress in studies or whether a student needs to identify areas they are struggling with, so interact while teaching. It is also a good way of suggesting or recommending more useful methods and exercises used for improvements of learning. Teaching feedback can be provided in the following ways: videos, responses in written format, audio recordings, teacher comments. Written feedback is given directly in the Learning Management systems or (LMS). In some LMSs (such as Canvas) there are already built-in voice and video recorders. Here are some software used for free in case the LMS you’ve been using does not allow either video or audio feedback: Vocaroo - uses audio podcasts for providing verbal feedback. The instructor's comments regarding students’ submissions are recorded and provided with links available for playback.Jing - combines screen capturing with verbal feedback, which then delivers video responses to learners. Screen captures can also go along with verbal feedback, which later elaborates on written comments. A link with video feedback is usually delivered to learners along with their assigned grades.Zoom - can be used as a video conferencing software for hosting virtual sessions and offers vast applications for providing feedback.Knovio -  a platform used for creating video presentations. On this platform, learners get a chance to view the online edition of their work being corrected while they can watch their teacher talking about it at the same time. It is a useful tool utilized in flipped classes. It can also be utilized for providing video files that contain feedback responses. How to get teaching experience and manage teaching time with the online approaches for learning? Master your organizing methods by creating a Teaching Toolbox for collecting and providing feedback to students. Teaching Toolbox is a repository of responses produced and accumulated over a certain period of teaching. The main purpose of such a toolbox is to save time while searching for a particular response, as well as for adding new content for later use. You can either create a text document with a table of content where everything will be sorted by headings, or use MS Word Quick Parts. Its function allows saving blocks of text and then later access signature blocks which can be used as shortcuts with repeated comments provided to students.
Don’t teach online with focusing too much on creating lengthy videos
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Once starting to make videos for online courses, many educators get caught up in chasing after creativity and entertaining content. Your course content should not shout very loud: “Take my online class!” The final result might be very surprising – long videos with fewer ideas. That's where the idea that less is actually more becomes obvious. In most cases, creating shorter content feels like putting serious constraints on the process. How to overcome this challenge and yet create substantial videos for your great online course? Tips for online instructors for the effective video-making process: Know your target audience and examine their pain points – with a general topic in mind which you are about to cover, determine what possible gaps or downfalls in the knowledge your target audience has. Focus on these parts to make your video more instructional.Make a clear objective for the learning process – try to set a clear learning goal and stick to it while making videos.Choose the right format for videos that best suits your topic. You can choose either animation or live-action videos (or both). It depends whether you speak about abstract concepts or want to show complex actions such as doing makeup, cooking a dish, or making a craft. If you’re creating an instructional video, then try a screencast for showing how to use some software or application. Try a useful software called Asana, which is a project management program that mixes live actions with screencast videos.
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While creating instructional videos with different scenario branches, it is better to write separate scripts for each scenario just for avoiding confusion.
Don’t teach online without being fun for your students
The final question is - who is an online instructor really? The answer is - a person with a positive attitude and somebody who likes to have fun. So, give some room for a good laugh with some subtle jokes. You don’t have to look serious in order to provide learners with useful information. Make your students smile and move on with your learning process with a positive attitude!
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elizabeth5908-blog · 4 years
SEO & Blogging at All Tech About, we cover several topics such as Blogging, SEO, Social Media, WordPress, Web Hosting, Adsense, Affiliate Marketing, Make Money Blogging and much more. our Aim to help the new blogger.
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cindylouwho-2 · 4 years
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Welcome to my latest summary of recent ecommerce news, resources & studies including search, analytics, content marketing, social media & Etsy! This covers articles I came across since the early May report, although some may be older than that. Due to a need to get my taxes filed, and a continued busy jewellery business, I don’t expect to be able to do another update for a few weeks. You can follow me on Twitter for important breaking news, though! 
Have any topics you would like to see me cover in more detail? Drop me a line here on Tumblr, or email me through my website.
Small businesses can survive the pandemic and beyond, if they learn to provide what customers are now looking for. From desks to 3-D printed face shields, to including toilet paper on your takeout menu, to moving online, acting quickly has given these businesses hope. ABC also did a piece on this topic. [text & video; mentions Etsy & masks] Here’s another article discussing adapting to pandemic ecommerce “new normal”, with interviews with staff from Etsy, TechStyle and Zulily.
Ecommerce is about to get way more competitive (it probably is already), & arguably the retailers who will succeed are the ones who already put plans in action, including advertising plans. (mentions Shopify, Google Shopping & Etsy.)
Facebook and Instagram will now have “Facebook Shops”, which are free to set up. Sounds like it will be a slow rollout, though. Many take this as direct competition for marketplace sites such as Etsy, but it will probably also have a large impact on small website builder sites such as Indiemade. 
Etsy’s first quarter for 2020 was good, but April was astonishing by any standards; I covered it all here. 
Etsy Payments will soon be available to sellers in Turkey, Malaysia, & Mexico. This will likely be welcome news to sellers in Turkey in particular, who haven’t had an easy way to accept payment for Etsy orders since PayPal left Turkey a few years back. It looks like this move will be optional at the moment for those 3 countries, unlike those of us who are forced to use EP if it is available in our countries. 
Etsy gave some listing credits and ad credits to shops who had substantially lower than normal sales in late March through April; the credits don’t kick in until July, though. 
Etsy is beta-testing a new listing video tool. You can join here; if you want more info first, here are some details. Note that the videos must be quite short, and will not include sound. 
Etsy is still getting some good traction from the face mask initiative: “I would argue they were just in the right place at the right time," says Kodali. "When you think of who is able to consolidate the power of a million sewers in the country, the only answer is Etsy."  However, they are also getting some criticism for masks taking forever to arrive, if at all. The slow customer support is also annoying many of these new customers that the CEO was so happy to attract, with little to no response from Etsy. 
The Wall Street Journal did a well-received article on people buying food (mostly baked goods) on Etsy [paywall]. Other sources have picked it up, although some are a bit skeptical about safety. 
More trend info directly from Etsy: first, summer at-home ideas with Dayna Isom Johnson [podcast links with transcript]. It also covers what to do for socially-distanced celebrations. “[P]eople are taking what they would typically do for a birthday, but then doing it virtually. So many people love paint night parties and I've actually seen quite a few paint kits that Etsy sellers are creating. It’s a wonderful way to celebrate your birthday and still have that experience of expressing your creativity and having fun with your friends, but just through a screen.” Also, “tie-dye is blazing hot right now.”
Second, craft supply sellers get their own trend article for a change. Supply searches close to doubled in April, with “346% YoY increase in searches on Etsy for “diy”. Many buyers are making their own masks with supplies from Etsy; “2,089% YoY increase in searches on Etsy for “elastic”. Do read the whole article if you want to spin your shop in this direction, as there is a lot of good info included. 
Google pushed out a core algorithm update starting May 4, which finished rolling out on May 18. It seems fairly large, maybe the biggest in some time, and may have hit more areas than other recent core updates. They did take some criticism for releasing it during a pandemic. Possible targets aren’t agreed on yet by the people tracking it, but could include cryptocurrency, travel, real estate, health, tech, finance & dating. Or maybe we shouldn’t rush to pick winners & losers so quickly? News media changes may be affected by the regular algorithm reaction to people reading a lot more news these days, and some ecommerce companies had a boom that could affect their rankings. This article discusses Etsy among other companies, who might have benefitted from the update. [I’m not sure on the Etsy complaints, as I have been seeing multiple links for some searches for well over a year now.]
Link building is generally the hardest part of Google SEO, in part because you aren’t allowed to do any of the obvious things that might get you easy links. Anyone confused about the rules & the benefits should check out this guide for 2020. 
While you can learn a lot from general SEO guides, if you have a Shopify site, this guide provides some specific SEO tips. 
LinkedIn managed to de-index itself from Google on May 6, at least for the United States. Here’s one theory. Well-paid webmasters for major internet companies can still screw up, it turns out. 
(CONTENT) MARKETING & SOCIAL MEDIA (includes blogging & emails) 
If you are one of those organized marketers who plans their campaigns ahead of time, here are 5 content marketing ideas for June. 
With so many people not working as much as usual, this might be a good time to start a podcast. Gizmodo has compiled instructions on doing it cheaply.  
The best time to send an email depends on the purpose of the email. For example, “General site traffic emails have always been most effective mid-week — mid-morning or mid-afternoon. Mondays and Fridays tend not to perform as well” while “A general awareness campaign can be sent almost any time to be effective.”
Refreshing your evergreen content can be more productive than producing new content. That has some really good ideas for many types of businesses produce
Facebook bought Giphy, and while it will still be available to people without Facebook-owned accounts, it will be integrated directly with Instagram. 
Instagram is testing new fonts in its Stories feature. 
Twitter is enabling users to see how many people quoted a tweet, but so far only on IOS. They also have a new test where you control who can reply to your tweets. 
LinkedIn is rolling out both video events and polls, but maybe it is too late to get a big bump from either change? 
Online advertising can be expensive; here are some stats on the cost of various search engine ad clicks as well as a bit on social media. 
Google Merchant accounts now let you compare your prices to other sites and also look at trends in clicks. 
Here is a good brief overview of the new free Google Shopping listings, including the 3 main reasons the author believes Google made this change. Here is another much longer overview, with screenshots for those not in the US, and info on how to set this up for your website. The PayPal integration is now available. 
Online advertising clicks seem to be bouncing back from the worst of the pandemic, according to several sources, including this one. It is still far too early to tell if this will last, however. 
YouTube has re-conceived its premium ad program, now called YouTube Select.  
If you have ads that slow down people’s computers or drain batteries by being too “resource-heavy”, note that Chrome is going to begin blocking those in August. “Chrome will filter ads based on the following thresholds: 4MB of network data or 15 seconds of CPU usage in any 30 second period, or 60 seconds of total CPU usage.”
Seeing all hits to one page in Google Analytics is a lot easier if you exclude the URL query parameters (but note that sometimes they are useful, such as for various pages on Etsy.) If you like the idea of filtering your GA results in general, here is another tutorial on that. 
If you want to do A/B testing on your website, here is a fairly straightforward introduction to Google Optimize, which is free to use. 
Many online companies had a good first quarter despite the pandemic, including Shopify, which beat income estimates and saw its stock rise 5% after its first quarter report. “New stores created on the company’s online platform jumped 62% between March 13 and April 24 as many brick-and-mortar businesses migrated online.”
Shopify rolled out software that allows its users to more easily do curbside pickup orders. “...Shopify was already in the process of redesigning its POS before the coronavirus, but decided to accelerate the development of a few new features, namely fulfilling curbside pick-up orders and home delivery. Shopify said that by the end of April, 26% of its merchants with a brick-and-mortar presence were offering local delivery or buy online, pickup in-store, compared to 2% in February.”
Rolling out for the US first, Shopify is also getting into financial products, offering a new debit card which you can use to receive your sales income on the same day you earn it. Shopify Balance can be described as “a merchant account with no fees and no minimum balances.” It’s also setting up an instalment plan feature for customers. 
Also new with Shopify: a Pinterest app for turning all your products into shoppable pins. 
An Amazon VP quit - very publicly - over the company firing several whistleblowers and labour organizers. “Amazon declined to comment.” The company is taking heat for those issues as well as poor management of and information about how many employees have tested positive at various warehouses. Several employees are known to have died of COVID-19 so far. 
Amazon has extended its order performance suspension exceptions for the pandemic to May 31. Which is a good thing, because it seems that buyers are leaving more bad feedback than ever before [soft paywall] “More than 11 percent of reviews left for sellers in the past 30 days are negative. That’s nearly twice the level of frustration vented by shoppers regarding Amazon’s third-party sellers during the holidays, when customer anxieties spike over not getting presents on time”. eBay extended some seller protection changes until July 19. [note: if you sell on these platforms outside of the US, lease check for your own country’s rules, as some of them are different.]
Amazon Handmade sellers from the US got a boost from a new local makers page and the accompanying blog post. [I was unable to find any similar promotions for other countries; seems like a missed opportunity]
Buyers in Canada and the US are trying to get class-action lawsuits certified against Amazon for their policy preventing/discouraging its vendors from offering lower prices elsewhere. This article includes the US class action complaint paperwork. 
If you are wondering about Prime Day, Amazon is apparently going to try for September, but there is no official announcement yet. 
eBay will be changing the fee structure for sellers using managed payments, including charging one fee on the entire transaction instead of separate commission & processing fees. 
USPS, complaining of deficits and being pressured by Trump, is reportedly reviewing its package delivery contracts with large companies such as Amazon. “According to the Washington Post, over the last few weeks the USPS has been seeking bids from consulting firms to reexamine what the agency charges companies like Amazon, UPS, and FedEx. Contracts are generally reviewed on a yearly basis, and analysts have repeated warned that suddenly raising package prices that drastically would cause more bad than good, not just for the USPS or Amazon, but for small businesses and individuals too.”
Square has created an easy online checkout option that works without being connected to a website/shop. (US only)
Google has introduced a new Trends-like tool that covers recent top product searches by the amount of growth. Yes, it is free!
Gen Z wants to see “fun and exciting advertising” during the pandemic, because they are bored. They are apparently not really fond of “things are different now” ads. Also: “A survey taken seven weeks ago indicated that younger consumers were more likely than older adults to say they wanted to see purpose-driven advertising that showed how companies were helping others.” Actually, Gen Z isn’t alone in wanting something different from commercials right now 
Consumers want to see companies taking positive action and supporting their employees during the pandemic - and claim they will remember who did a good job, so they know who to support with purchases. 
Not surprisingly, mobile usage is up during the day time since the pandemic was declared, and people are also staying online later during the week. Web browser usage is up, and more serious news and information is getting attention. 
There will likely be many more bankruptcies as the effects of COVID-19 ripple through the economy, but some businesses don’t have enough cash flow to go bankrupt. [text & video]
Canadian retail sales were down 10% in March compared to 2019, but many things went up, including general merchandise stores (6.4%) and online retailers (40%). Note that the online numbers didn’t include sales made from Amazon.com or Amazon.ca and delivered in Canada, so ecommerce was actually higher than that. In the US, March retail sales were down 8.7%, but April looks like it turned around for many ecommerce sites. 
So-called “cookie walls” are not enough to comply with the EU’s privacy laws. “[I]n order for consent to be legally valid under Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) there are specific standards to meet: It must be clear and informed, specific and freely given.  Hence cookie walls that demand ‘consent’ as the price for getting inside the club are not only an oxymoron but run into a legal brick wall.”
Website layouts (and even other elements) are starting to look like each other more & more.
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How To Make Money Blogging Ultimate Guide ($7,000+ a Month) https://bit.ly/3ctJIcQ
If you are wondering how to make money blogging after a few months of some valuable blog posts, you are not alone.
In fact, there are hundreds of thousands of bloggers out there asking the same questions such as "How to make money with a blog".
It will also shock you to know that there are hundreds of solutions out there written by other bloggers sharing their income strategies.
what made this different is that, you are getting a full package of what you need to do from scratch to start your blog and make real money blogging shared by an experienced blogger.
I have been blogging for over 8 years, I ranked hundreds of blogs that made real money for me and my clients over the years.
In this blog post, I am going to explain in plain language step by step and all that is involved having a great blogging career.
So first of all, I will assume you already have been blogging for some time and started getting some reasonable traffic before the search for ways to monetize your blog.
First things first, let's clear some myths about blogging
Can you really make money blogging?
According to Google asked the question, this is one of the most asked questions by bloggers or people aspiring to start blogging.
The answer to this question is ABSOLUTELY YES!
You can really make money blogging. In fact, there are bloggers that make 7 figures blogging such as Arianna Huffington of the Huffington Post is known to make over $2 million and considered the word's richest blogger.
Also, another rich blogger is Michael Arrington, the founder of TechCrunch makes over $800,000 a month from this Tech blog.
Other bloggers like Neil Patel makes over $300,000 blogging about digital marketing and so many others making around $100,000 monthly blogging.
This only proves that it's possible to make money blogging.
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Image credit: Problogger
In another survey by blogging.org, 1000 bloggers were surveyed and asked how much money they were making: About 81% never make $100 from blogging
#1. About 9% made enough to sustain their personal lifestyle blogging 4-6 hours a day
#2. About 8% make enough money to support a family
#3. About 2% make $150K+ blogging 1-2 hours a day
#4. With this evidence, you can agree with me that you can really make money blogging.
Here is how to start blogging
I assume you already have been blogging or have your blog set up already.
If NOT, I will refer you to take your time and read in detail how to start a blog and all you need to need to start growing your blog traffic in the button below
How to start a blog and make money blogging
You will learn step-by-step all that is listed in the image below to get you started the right way to avoid errors.
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To get started with your blog, get a great hosting plan and a free domain here with all the benefits
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Click here to Sign up
Best blogging platform to make money
Wordpress is hands down the best blogging platform to make money. This blog you are reading right now is created with WordPress.
The reason why the majority of professional bloggers use WordPress as their blogging platform is the following
Wordpress is very easy and flexible to use for both beginners and professionals.
Search engines love it as it takes care of 80% of your SEO issues.
Endless customization opportunities to design and optimize your blog appearance.
Wordpress gives bloggers the opportunity to integrate third-party functionalities using various plugins.
It's built for all. Everything you want or desire to do with your blog, you can do it with WordPress.
It's the most popular blogging platform and loved by all Webhosting companies and they all have WordPress hosting plans to get you started.
Make money wordpress
Hence, WordPress comes with all possibilities to integrate third party services. You have opportunities to build shops and other e-commerce services like drop shipping to help you create recurring income.
This allows you to have payment gateways that allows people to pay for your services and products making you money.
Also, with WordPress, you can have all your forms that lead to your sales funnels plus your email funnels which allows you to control everything within the same platform.
WordPress is simply a money making machine.
Types of Blogs that make money
This is a tricky one! I would say all types of blogs make money. However, there are some that make more because of the niche, industry and the demand around it.
And of course, it mostly depends on your efforts. How much work you put over time.
One of our writers wrote about top blogging niches that make bloggers the most money here: How Niche blogging will make you a smart blogger.
He explains the benefits and discussed each of the types of blogs as well as tips to help bloggers grow their blogs specifically.
Top 10 blogs that make money
Food and Recipes
Food & Recipes
Health & Fitness
Travel and tourism
Personal Finances
Personal Development
Money Making
Beauty & Fashion
Tech/Gadgets Review
These are the top 10 types of blogs that make insane money. The reason is the high demand and massive organic traffic within these sectors.
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Also, there is so much to promote among these niches which give bloggers endless opportunities to make money faster as they grow their blogs and traffic.
Ways to make money blogging
So without further delay, I will discuss some of the most profitable ways you can make money blogging.
So let's get started.
CPA Marketing
CPA stands for Cost per action and the marketing part of it explains how you market the CPA offers to make money with your blog.
This has made the number on our list because it's gradually taken over the traditional blog monetizing practices simply because it pays 200% more than display ads on your blog.
Generally this is how CPA marketing works.
As a blogger, you are required to sign-up with a CPA Ad network and promote offers using a referrer link on your blog widgets. Each time someone signed up for the offer you get paid.
While display ad networks like AdSense may pay $0.5 per clicks or $1 per 1000 impressions. You make up to $15 or more for just one action your visitor takes through a CPA offer you are promoting.
Watch how you can make money with CPA marketing
The beauty of CPA marketing is that you are not necessarily required to sell products before making money as far as your visitor's register or signup on some of those partner site, you are credited.
Affiliate Marketing
Bloggers make millions of dollars with affiliate marketing day in day out. This is a green light that you can also do the same.
It's not rocket science and involves just a few clicks to sign up, get your affiliate link(s) and start promoting affiliate products to make money while you focus on creating content.
This work best if you promote niche related products or services on your blog.
There are great affiliate programs such as Amazon affiliate which is one of the most popular affiliate programs.
Others include web Hosting companies that also pay very good commissions and multiple affiliate ad networks you can sign up and promote hundreds of affiliate offers to make money.
Sponsored content
If you ever wonder why bloggers sometimes write reviews for brands or company products and services, the reason is pretty simple. They are paid to do so and it's called sponsored content.
Brands pay bloggers to write positive reviews for their new products and services and they pay heavily for those sponsored posts because of the exposure they derive from it.
All you need to do is to contact some brands (businesses) within your niche and offer then sponsored content offers and you be surprised how positive they will respond.
Bloggers charge from a couple of hundreds to hundreds of thousands of dollars for sponsored content.
It all depends on the size of your traffic and reach. Be cautious when asking for the price as overpricing will scare them away.
Sell digital products
You can create or buy digital products with resell rights and start selling them on your blog right from the first day. Digital products also include various training for various digital skills.
The demand for these products is much and growing every day as many people aspire for skills that will create them more income streams or become their own boss by starting up various businesses.
You can buy multiple digital products on Amazon or eBay. Buy then and offer some as gifts and sell some to make money using tools like ConvertKit.
You will need to research on what is related to your niche and what possibly your readers will be interested in buying such as e-books or video tutorials to get it and sell it on your blog keeping 100% revenue.
Sell physical products
You can also sell physical products on your blog even though you don't build or create those products and here is how to sell a physical product to make money blogging.
Buy products on websites like Aliexpress and other dropshipping websites, in your country or area. Once you have those products, list them on websites like Amazon or eBay and sell for profit.
Display Advertising
Displaying Ads on your blog to make money is one of the most popular ways of monetizing blogs and still used by most bloggers.
However, it's not the most profitable nowadays which is why is not on top of our list but highly recommended.
The good thing with selling ads or display ads on your blog is this. You make money every day and night as far as your audience keep coming to read your blog.
This is why Google AdSense has over two (2) million publishers using AdSense to monetize their blogs.
AdSense, as well as AdsTargets, are typically the best Ad Networks for bloggers to make money blogging through display ads.
How to make money blogging
Now that you know most of the ways to make monetize your blog and make money. Let's look at how you can actually make money blogging.
Create an email funnel / Email List
The first-way process is creating an email funnel that will allow you to keep your audience engaged and keep coming back to your blog as well as sell your products to them through your funnel using services such as ConvertKit
Building an email list gives you endless opportunities to grow your blog traffic and increase your search engine rankings. Each time you create a new post, you will be able to send an email to all your subscribers to read your blogs.
Your email list helps you also to market your affiliate and CPM offers as well as other digital and phisical product you may choose to promote on your blog.
Content and Content marketing
Content is really the core or the pillar of your blog money making strategy. Whatever you want to achieve with your blog center's on your content.
Content should actually be your first priority because in this game, content is the king and every other strategy depend on your content.
You should focus on creating unique and quality content. Aim to have at least 100 quality blog posts and well optimized for your relevant keywords.
This way, you will be able to get free quality traffic from search engines such as Google, Bing and others. This will be explained more below.
Search engine optimisation (SEO)
So why search engine traffic? Well, you need search traffic to actually make money and it's the best long term strategy to get quality free traffic.
Everything from setting up your blog, creating content, establishing authority all depend on your search engine optimisation. Here is how you should implement your SEO on the blog (Blog SEO).
#1. Keywords research:
Keyword research is the foundation of your blog SEO and traffic. Research and use the most relevant keywords in the main pape of your blog in the title, meta description and in the body section of your blog.
This is the first step of informing search engine what your blog is all about.
Imputing those keywords makes it easy for your audience to find you whenever they search for queries or related keywords bringing you tones of quality free traffic.
#2. Title tags:
On every page of your blog, you need to optimise your title with at least your focus keyword(s) and is should not exceed 65 characters.
This makes it easy for search engines to easily crawl and index your pages as well as understanding what your page is about.
#3. Meta description:
Just like the title tags, your meta descriptions is a bit longer with 165 characters which explain a bit more about your page content.
It is very important you include the same keywords you include in your title tag here as well for consistency making it easy for search engines and people to understand your page content.
Well optimize titles and meta descriptions helps increase your click through rate in search engines results.
#4. Content length:
Content length matters especially when it comes to blog post. On the main page (Home page) of your blog, I will suggest your content exceed 600 words.
The same applies for your blog post. Recommended words should be at least 600 words. However, we advise your blog posts should not be less than 1,200 words.
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The reason for this is, Google, as well as other search engines, prefer longer and valuable content. Having longs and well-detailed content will have a positive impact on your ranking and even when you don't have high page authority.
#5. Sitemaps
Make sure you create at least XML Sitemap in the public html forder on your host.
XML contains all links on your website which make it easy for search engines to find and index your pages and have a better understanding of your content.
You can use free SEO plugins in WordPress to create sitemaps or use free tools like XML Sitemaps to create, download and upload those sitemaps in your host.
#6. Robot txt
Robot.txt file is responsible for allowing search engines to index your websites and links on your website and is a must-have.
You must make sure you have it live at all times in your public_html folder to always give search engines access to index your blog.
This can be done in your Google webmaster tools.
#7. Internal links:
Always make sure you link to other pages on your blog especially pages with similar content.
This is great for your SEO and considered as one of the ranking factors.
Internal linking makes people spend more time on your blog reading your posts which tells search engines your content it valuable which increase your rankings in search engines.
It also helps both your new and old posts rank faster and better in search engines providing more value for your SEO.
#6. External links (backlinks)
External links also known as backlinks serves as recommendation or upvotes for your blog to search engines.
It basically tells search engines that your content is valuable which is why other blogs are referring their visitors your content.
This has a massive impact on the overall rankings of your entire blog and individual blog posts.
Although it's not easy to acquire backlinks, there are ways can reach out to other bloggers asking them to link to you using tools like Semrush to find prospects or HARO to contribute to journalists and experts so they can link back to you.
Guest blogging is another great way to acquire backlinks. You will have to reach out to your niche related experts and ask to write for them to get backlinks.
How to start a blog for free and make money
There are multiple free blogging platforms that allow you to start a blog for free such as Wordpress, bloggers spot, Tumblr, Wix, Reddit, github.io etc.
In fact, you will pretty much do a lot with these free blogging platforms such as monetizing with Ads, selling stuff, collecting emails, affiliate marketing and much more.
However, with free stuff, there is always a limitation and to be frank, these free blogs comes with crazy URLs that are not easy to remember by your audience as well as some limitations to customize and manage your content.
If you would ask me my opinion about using free blogging platforms.
My advice would be this... Please budget at least $100 and start a blog by buying a domain and a hosting plan to start blogging.
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Treat your blog like a business and you will make more money blogging than using free blogging platforms.
People and other business partners won't also take you seriously. Some Ad networks might not even accept your registration.
Blogging is a business and should be treated as one if you really want to make some money blogging.
From the first day, you decide to start a blog, map up a strategy to create quality content consistently. Always remember that content comes before anything.
Your second priority should be to reaching out to other bloggers within your niche to collaborate. This will get you backlinks, increase your domain authority, increase your visibility and organic traffic.
Thirdly, Your blog monetization strategy should be diverse and broad.
This is what really makes you money and make your blogging life more interesting.
Choose a niche you are interested and make it unique in your own way. This will keep your audience engaged and you won't be bored working on your blog.
I wish you all a successful blogging career.
Please, let us know your opinion about this post in the comment section.
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entrepreneurnut · 2 years
9 Best Ways To Make Money Online With Google In 2022
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9 Best Ways To Make Money Online With Google In 2022
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Google is one of the biggest companies in the world, and it has provided us with lots of opportunities to make money.
Love them or loath them, there are several great ways you can make money online with Google.
Here are 9 of the best ways to earn money with this tech giant.
Use Google Adwords
The most common way to earn money from Google is through advertising. This involves placing ads on websites around the web using Google’s ad network. Ads can show up on all kinds of sites, including blogs, forums, social media pages, and mobile apps.
The good thing about using Google Pay Per Click (PPC) ads is you only have to pay when someone clicks on your ad.
The average cost per click (CPC) can vary depending on how competitive the keyword is that you are bidding on, as well as a few other factors. The more competitive keywords you bid on, the higher CPC you’ll pay.
If you want to get started with PPC ads, here are some tips:
Choose a niche. If you don’t know what kind of niche you want to go into, then a good place to start is to use Google Trends to see what is popular right now
Use the Google Keyword Planner to discover if there are any keywords in your niche that people are already searching for. You also use other free tools like answerthepublic.com or ahrefs.com to find out which keywords are most profitable
Find or create a product. If you don’t have a product of your own to sell, and if you don’t want to make one yourself, then a good place to start is to look for a good affiliate product related to your niche
Set an initial budget. How much do you want to spend? Remember, this is going to be ongoing so it might not be wise to set too high a price initially
In some cases, you can run your ad directly to your affiliate link. Alternatively, running your ad to a custom landing page where you can also collect visitor email addresses before you pitch your product will help you to build a long-term business
Using AdWords is a great way to make money from ads. However, you know that there is a learning curve when it comes to working with paid ads. If you don’t know what you’re doing, you can also lose a lot of money, so please be careful.
If this is your first time working with paid ads, then I recommend you take a course on paid ads first to limit your risk and maximize your chances of success.
Use Google AdSense
Google AdSense is an advertising service that allows people to place text or image ads on their own website or blog.
It’s super-easy to use, and you don’t have to do anything other than set it up. Once it’s set up, the ads will appear automatically when someone visits your website. If a person clicks on one of the ads, you get paid a small commission.
The first step to earning money with Google AdSense is to create a website. Your site must contain unique content and get consistent page views.
If you don’t know how to build a site yourself, then you can find a web designer to build one for you here at a very affordable price.
If your site only has a few pages and little traffic, then it will not get approved to use Google AdSense. So, the first step (presuming you already have a website) is to add content and build some steady traffic.
Then, you’re ready to sign up for a Google AdSense account. Once you’ve created an account, go to the settings page. Click on “Display ads” and then “Content”. Choose a category that you want to monetize.
The amount of money you can earn with AdSense will vary depending on your niche, how much content your site has, how much traffic you are generating, where your site visitors are located, etc.
Start SEO Consulting
Another great way to make money using Google is by becoming an SEO consultant. This means finding clients who want to rank higher in search results and then helping them achieve this goal.
If you’re looking for a quick way to start a side hustle or even a full-time business, then you can learn the basics of SEO and get started pretty quickly by recruiting a few clients. Once you have your first client on board, you can continue to build your understanding of SEO as you go.
Many SEO consultants outsource the majority of the SEO work to an established marketing company. You can reach out to a few marketing agencies that would be happy to do the bulk of the work in exchange for a cut of the profits. Then, all that’s left for you to do is to recruit and manage the clients.
you can actually earn quite a sizeable income as an SEO consultant while getting others to do most of the work for you.
Start a YouTube Channel
Since Google owns YouTube, starting a YouTube channel is also a great way to earn money online with Google.
This is probably one of the easiest ways to start making money, and YouTube statistics show that there are a lot of people making good money on this platform.
It’s free to upload videos, but if you want to monetize them by allowing YouTube to show ads on your videos, then you’ll need to first get at least 1,000 subscribers to your channel, and 4,000+ hours of watch time during the past year.
Don’t worry, if this seems like a daunting task, you can actually monetize your YouTube videos from day 1 through affiliate marketing.
Simply place your affiliate links in the description of your YouTube video, and encourage people to click your links.
If you are promoting good affiliate programs, you can usually make a lot more money than you would otherwise make via YouTube ads.
Having said that, once your channel reaches the above threshold to allow YouTube ad monetization, then getting this set up will earn you extra money.
If you want to speed up the process, you can find a good video editor here, and someone to help you market your videos here.
Start a Blog
Blogging is an excellent way to make money online with Google. If you enjoy writing about topics you’re interested in, and you can find related affiliate products that convert well, then you can make very good money as a blogger.
To gain traction in Google and the other search engines, you’ll need to learn at least the basics of SEO. Then, combining your new SEO knowledge with your writing skills can, in time, earn you passive income by placing affiliate links in your blog content.
The first step to get started is to choose a niche. It is important to make sure that your niche is not too broad, has a large enough audience to generate consistent traffic, and is actually a niche that people are spending money in.
Here are a few good niche examples for blogging:
Personal finance
Home improvement
Sports, cars
DIY projects
This is by no means an exhaustive list. If you want some more niche ideas, then check out my article on evergreen niches and sub-niches.
If you are serious about taking this path, I recommend you take an affiliate marketing course that teaches SEO.
Use Google Opinion Rewards
If you’ve ever wondered how surveys can pay you, Google Opinion Rewards may be a great option.
The rewards-based program was first launched as a survey mobile app, available for iOS and Android. The app allows you to take surveys and earn rewards.
Getting paid for taking surveys has never been easier! And the best part? You can start earning rewards as soon as you sign up. You can find the app on iTunes or Google Play.
Each survey requires 10 to 20 minutes to complete, and they are completely anonymous. All you need to get started is a mobile device and internet connection to take the surveys. You can also opt into the Audience Measurement Panel, which will provide you with more opportunities.
As a member of Google Opinion Rewards, you can choose to participate in surveys from all types of companies. There are also several categories, including opinion polls, product satisfaction, and hotel reviews.
Once you’re signed up, you must take a brief introductory survey to confirm your eligibility. Once you’re approved, the system will begin searching for surveys based on demographic data and your preferences.
Create an App For Google Play
Google Play is one of the most popular app stores out there. It has millions of apps available to download, ranging from games to productivity tools.
If you want to make money with Google Play, it’s important to know what types of apps will earn you the most revenue.
There are two main types of apps that will help you make money with Google Play: free apps and premium apps. Free apps are typically available to everyone, but premium apps require payment before downloading.
Premium apps will tend to earn you the most money, but don’t discount free apps completely. Even free apps can still generate significant amounts of revenue through advertising. And if you’re smart, you can collect an email address from users when they sign up for your free app, and then market to them via email.
You can create your own app using either HTML5 or Java. To do this, visit Google Play’s developer site and click “Get Started.” This will walk you through the process of creating your first app.
You can also use third-party sites like Appsfire to build your app. These services offer templates and support for uploading your finished application to Google Play.
So, if you have a tech mindset, then building apps to sell on Google Play can be a great gig for you.
if this is new to you, you can find someone to build your mobile app for you here.
Sell eBooks On Google Play
Another popular way to earn money from Google is through selling digital content like eBooks on the Google Play store.
If you want to start making money from this method, you’ll first need to set up a Google Play account. Then you’ll need a product to sell. Finally, you’ll need some way to market it.
Writing a book is hard, but if you have a passion for writing, then this will be a great option for you. Alternatively, you can find someone to write the book for you on Fiverr.
Next, head over to Google Books Partner Center and sign up to be a publisher. To get an idea of how much you should price your book for, browse the Google Play store for b=ooks that are similar to yours and see how much they’re selling for.
To earn extra cash from your eBooks, consider placing relevant affiliate links throughout the content of your book. When someone clicks on your link and then makes a purchase, you’ll get paid a commission. This is a great way to earn additional money through affiliate marketing.
At this point, you’ll still need to find ways to promote your book and drive traffic to it on the Google Play store. Some great ways to do this include blogging, or using social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok.
Google Remote Careers
If you prefer the employment model, then you may be able to work for Google remotely. Google is one of the biggest companies in the world, and they always need new people for various jobs and tasks.
Google does not only employ in-house staff, and they do also sometimes take on freelancers too. So, if you’re already working as a freelancer, then Google may have some extra work for you. And if you’re not a freelancer, don’t worry, you can still apply for these positions too.
By searching the Google Remote Careers page, you might be surprised to find the perfect part-time or full-time job waiting for you.
Final Thoughts: How To Make Money Online With Google
Google is a massive company worth billions of dollars, and they have provided many ways for you to make money online.
While some of these methods to earn money with Google will likely only earn you some extra beer money each month, others have the potential to make not only a full-time income but life-changing money.
It can be tempting to want to try several of these money-making ideas. However, I recommend choosing one method that interests you the most and putting time into that until you find success.
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Azeem Mohammed glasgow Turn Yourself Into A Master Of Lead Generation
Azeem Mohammed glasgow Skilled tips provider. Are you interested in learning how to generate more customers to your business? If you are then you need to understand how lead generation works. The article below has many tips to help you get those high-paying customers to your business via high-quality leads.
Survey your current customers about where they typically congregate online. To generate quality leads, you need to understand where your audience hangs out. Once you know, get involved in that community any way you can. That may mean advertising or it may mean becoming a thought leader in the community.
Get rid of any opt-out privacy issues people have. You've got to be on top of the leads that have chosen to opt in for an offer. You're not only going to miss out on sales, but you're going to irritate the people that have asked for privacy.
Set time every week to follow up with potential leads. It usually takes more than one touch point to turn a potential qualified lead into a real hot lead. SO after you've made first contact, set time a week or two later to touch base again. It's about frequency here to make this person into a customer.
Do not pre-judge your lead gathering technique. Though you may think you are not going to get great results, or you are overly confident about the success, you cannot be sure. The only way to know if your lead generation is working is to put it into action without preconceived ideas about results.
Don't shy away from paying for leads if you're on a budget. There are low cost solutions to lead generation out there. Pay per click campaigns are one. These search marketing campaigns give you lots of brand building impressions, but you only pay if someone actually clicks on the ad itself. This can be a very effective lead generation method.
Don't be afraid to pick up the phone. A lot of people get scared of making a call to generate a lead. They think it's akin to annoying telemarketing. But if you've got a solution to a problem a company is having, you'll definitely get phone time with someone. Even if it's not a long call, pitch it and get a meeting to continue the conversation.
Azeem Mohammed glasgow Skilled tips provider. If you're not wanting to pay for a generated lead list, paying in the form of cost per click advertising is not a bad idea. This can really jump start your leads while other strategies are going to take time. In this way, you're balancing your efforts and driving new customers to your site immediately.
Look around for local lead groups. These groups include diverse business people who swap leads. The possibilities created by this can be surprising. You can respond with leads as well.
Take a class which would better your skills and talk to the other students. They might just be honing their skills because they aren't very good at what you're good at, and maybe they can use what you're selling to make up for the fact they can't do it on their own.
Consider who might have an insider's view on who would be interested in what you're selling. For example, real estate agents could get tips from local HR professionals on people moving to the area to start a new job. Who would know of people who would need what you are selling?
You can already start getting quality leads by taking the time to interact with the consumers you do have. Ask your current customers to opt-in to your marketing messages. Since you are asking people you already know to opt-in to receive messages from you, you have a higher chance of winning them over since they can already identify with your business.
Remember that trending on social media isn't the be-all and end-all of marketing. If you can get any positive buzz at all about what you're selling, you're generating leads. When using social media, the content is king as long as you present it in a way which doesn't sound like spam.
Don't overlook the concept of actually paying for quality leads. It can take some time to generate leads on your own using SEO or pay-per-click methods, but paying for leads can help get your business off the ground. If you are looking to pay for leads, make sure that you do so from a reputable company.
Pay for leads if you must. Buying or renting them is perfectly acceptable if it increases your bottom line. Find a source of high-quality leads, and use them in addition to other methods until you get your business off the ground. Once you have enough leads coming in from other directions, you can stop using a pay-per-lead service.
Sign up for Google AdWords. These ads target potential customers who visit various websites across the Internet. The beauty of this is that you only have to pay when someone actually clicks on the link that leads to your site. Once you have them on your site, you can convert them to a paying customer.
Create landing pages for each type of marketing campaign you engage in. For example, have a page just for those you target with direct mail - are they local? Then mention that on the page. Your email newsletter won't be going to local people, but they will be tech savvy, so focus on that.
Be sure to join blogs, groups and forums online which fit your niche and participate daily. Include a link to your site in your signature so that others can follow you and what you do. As long as you stay professional and offer up your expertise, you'll find leads are generated.
Make things simple in your marketing and branding. People respond very positively to simplicity in advertising these days. If you make your product too complex, you'll likely lose people's interest pretty quickly. Give a simply call to action, a simple offer, and a simple way to contact you. This will lead to a lot more leads.
Azeem Mohammed glasgow Skilled tips provider. Hopefully, you now understand why you need to have good, solid leads. Good leads can create lifelong customers. Remember these tips to help you succeed.
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8 Actionable Ways to Use Content Marketing for eCommerce Sales
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The primary goal of owning an eCommerce website is to boost sales and make enough revenue to get a return of investment (ROI), create a consistent and viable income source, and make enough money to pay for business operating costs, including monthly bills, employee payroll, and product development.
The key to a successful eCommerce site is to get enough traffic to your store. Traffic might not be actual sales and it does not exactly pay the bills, but there is a higher chance of making sales with having more leads.
To make it simpler; you need sales to earn more money, you need leads to get more sales, you need site traffic to get more leads, and you need content marketing to get more traffic.
With that being said, it is clear that content marketing for eCommerce in fact, not only generates leads but ultimately boosts sales as well. What better way to deliver content than through blogs? Thus, the need to start a blog if you haven’t done it already.
Today we're going to show you ten tips on how to use content marketing for eCommerce sales. I will start by explaining what content marketing is in the world of eCommerce.
What is Content Marketing
Content marketing is a step up from common ads. It focuses on creating high-quality and engaging original content that is created to attract and interest your target demographic.
Its primary goal is to generate more leads, driving customers to your website, and eventually generate more income through sales.
It involves communicating with your online niche market at potential customers without dropping cold emails and calls.
You have to admit that it is annoying when you receive spam, disruptive ads, and everything too sales-y. It might be helpful at some point but does not deliver the same quality as content marketing. Statistics state that 80% of the population would rather learn about a product through a blog post or article rather than reading a traditional ad.
It eliminates the need for traditional sales pitches that a lot of people avoid without even hearing what they have to say. It is a new form of marketing that is entertaining and informative at the same time.
Now that you have an idea of what content marketing is, let's talk about how you can use content marketing for eCommerce sales.
1. Stick to the Most Effective form of Content
If you have tried using content marketing for eCommerce in the past, the best thing to do is stick with one or two forms of content. Going across all platforms might give you a better chance for sales, but it is just not worth all the time and resources if you already have a reliable way of driving traffic to your site.
Apple, one the leading companies in tech, sticks to visual aspects of marketing such as stunning images and videos of their products. They stick to this type of content, mainly because their products are highly visual and engaging.
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2. Share your Content on Social Media
Within the world of eCommerce, multichannel marketing allows you to reach and interact with customers through different mediums. Sharing content on social media is a great way to get the word out.
Although blog articles don’t really go viral on platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, you can make content such as videos and images that can go viral on social media, which can then link to your eCommerce site.
Before you share on social media, it is also good to know your target audience and which platform they are using. Social media is not the only way to share your content, but it is kind of an important one since there are over 3.5 billion users recorded as of last year. It is definitely a market you want to penetrate.
Which platform can you leverage to engage with your audience?
Facebook: Facebook is an older platform that people's parents are using, meaning it is a great social media platform to get leads from different age demographics. Making real-time tutorials and infographics are easy with the Facebook Live feature.
Instagram: Instagram is all about photos and short videos. It is a great social media channel for sharing high-quality photos that are shareable through Instagram stories. It is a great place to find the millennial and gen Z market since most of the young people are not on Facebook to avoid their parents from spying on their accounts.
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Grill em’ All is a burger joint in California, and they got popular because of sharing content on social media. Using stunning images is a great way to gain followers and convert sales.
Twitter: Now, if you have a blog and most of your content is informational and text-driven, Twitter is a great platform that bloggers can use to drive traffic to their site.
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Popular fast food chain, Wendy’s is highly popular for using Twitter to market their beef by starting beef with other chains.
Pinterest: Pinterest is a search engine that heavily focuses on visual appeal. You can share your listicles and other DIY content material on this platform, and it is also faster to rank on this search engine.
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This example is an article written by Urban Outfitters. It showcases a unique product, with a high-quality photo, and a short concise description that will ultimately lead people to going to their online store.
YouTube: If all of your content for marketing focuses on video, creating an official YouTube channel is a great way to share your content. Videos are the most engaging type of content and most people on the internet are more likely to watch a video than read an article. Creating reviews for your product is a great way to build trust. A lot of eCommerce stores are creating their own product reviews, or you can hire content creators to do the job for you.
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This example shows you how to add product reviews on your Shopify store to gain trust from future customers.
I also wanted to add that you need to carefully curate the content to make it more effective. Make sure you share the right content on the right platform. For example, Instagram is a visual platform meaning, blocks of text might not be the right form of content to share on this platform.
3. Become an Expert and Answer the Internet’s Burning Questions
This next idea is a great one. It involves you going undercover and going on different forums to answer questions. This method allows people to see you as one of them and it is how you let people know that you are an expert at what you do.
After reading your answers and comments, it would drive them to your site to read your articles, and eventually buy the products that you are selling.
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In this example, entrepreneur Ramneel Saini, crafted a great Quora answer. It kind of looks like a real blog post that subtly links to his blog to get more readers and drive in traffic.
4. Create Informative Pamphlets using Photos
If people are not aware of your product, you can create high-quality photos and provide them with information about your products. You can add information on the materials used, sizing charts, FAQ sheets, and more.
As long as it makes your product look good and it doesn't look like you are trying to sell people anything, these forms of content are a great way to drive leads to your site. It is also a great way for people to become aware of your product. This example is from My Creative Shop, a great platform for creating marketing content for your business.
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5. Share Customer Feedback and Stories
People want to hear from real customers, which is why it is a great marketing strategy to share client feedback on your products on your social media pages, either on Instagram stories or Facebook posts.
You may also want to include snippets of what real customers have to say about your products on your website.
If they see that you have happy customers, it will develop a certain trust. Make sure that the stories are inspirational and interesting. Also, make sure you ask permission from the people who posted the content before sharing.
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6. Host Webinars and Offer an Online Course
Online webinars are a popular - and effective - way to reach potential business prospects. You can personally present a product related topic, generate interest in your brand and start to build relationships with new leads.
You can provide free online lessons and online courses to teach people about your products. There are tons of excellent webinar software that allows you to interact with your subscribers and convert them into paying customers. You’ll need to design your marketing funnel and landing page to do just that and more!
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7. Amp Up your Email Marketing Game
Another way to build relationships with your potential customers is to amp up your email game. Instead of sticking to traditional and annoying spam emails, why not create personalized emails that are interactive and engaging?
The subject line is the key for people to keep reading. Creating an awesome subject line is crucial for your email not ending up in the spam folder, or worse, in the trash.
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Need help with your next eCommerce email?
Book a free call to learn how our team of marketing experts can help you create high converting email or social media contests today.
8. Create an eCommerce Blog
Most eCommerce stores have a blog section, and it is their way to rank on Google and drive more traffic to the site. Make sure that you create a blog section and write high-quality content to subtly promote your products.
Business blogs are different from hobby blogs. So if you choose to go down this path, make sure you take it seriously by planning the content for better SEO ranking. Your goal is to land on Google's first page to increase traffic and boost sales.
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Writing a blog may require extensive knowledge on the subject to make writing content more natural, which is why it is a good idea to write something you are passionate about. Creating an eCommerce blog can seem like a hassle, but it's worth the work. In the long run, you'll be able to captivate your audience with your expertise, collect emails, upsell products, and so much more.
If you’re ready to start blogging here are eight tested ways to use your eCommerce blog to capture leads and then some:
The Benefits of Using Content Marketing for eCommerce
eCommerce can benefit a lot from content marketing and I really feel that these two ideas and concepts are truly made for each other.
Optimize Your Website for Search Engines: Having your website at the top of search results or on the first page of Google will drive more people to your site and you can rank organically by researching the top keywords people usually use when searching online for your products or services and incorporating them in your articles.
Increased Conversions and Sales: A solid content marketing strategy will lead to increased conversions and sales, which will ultimately give you consistent revenue to keep your business afloat and earn more money for you.
Investing in content marketing will provide you with a significant ROI for your eCommerce site. With more traffic going to your site, an average of 2.72% of your visitors will likely make a purchase.
It only shows that driving more people to your site through content marketing can increase your sales and conversions.
Build Relationships: Another benefit of content marketing is that you get to build relationships with your subscribers and past customers. Now that people trust you, they are most likely going to make a second purchase and refer your site to their friends.
Having credibility is everything when it comes to content marketing and generating sales. Without testimonials and someone to vouch for your products, it is going to be challenging to find someone who is willing to trust you and purchase your products.
Starting an eCommerce business is one of the best small business ideas you can do to generate income.To bump up the sales and your content marketing efforts you’ll need to follow at least two of the ideas stated in the list above. To sum it up:
You need to choose one or two forms of content and stick to what works the most.
Use social media as an effective tool for sharing your content, and choose the right platform for your content and demographic. ( e.g. Instagram is for visual, and Facebook is for any age demographic)
Answer questions on Quora or Reddit, and make sure you drive people towards your eCommerce page by answering questions related to what you are selling.
Use photos as visual aids for creating product guides, so people understand what your products are useful for. Instead of writing boring texts, creating informational pamphlets with high-quality images is the way to go.
Share real life stories from real customers on your website or on your social media pages. This develops a sense of trust.
Allow people to learn more about your products by hosting webinars.
Email marketing is essential, but you have to make them more interactive so that they don’t end up in the spam folder.
Blogging is a good way to drive people to your eCommerce store. Make sure you write content that is directly related to your products, and make sure you can reach the top of the search rankings to get a slew of traffic.
Get influencers or celebrities to try out your goods. Unless you know a famous person personally, It might be hard to get a celebrity to show-off your products. However, there are some influencers with thousands of followers that can help. Some will even post positive stuff about your products if you send them a free swag bag.
Seek out bloggers to write guest posts on your site. If you are too busy to handle a blog, there are other people willing to collaborate with you. Writing guests posts for another person’s blog can benefit both of you, so make sure you tackle this point if you think it is relevant to your products.
About the Author
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Hanson Cheng is the founder of Freedom to Ascend. He empowers online entrepreneurs and business owners to 10x their business and become financially independent. Connect with him on LinkedIn and Twitter.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8230801 https://ift.tt/3otT25S via IFTTT
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Impressive Search Engine Optimization Principles For Competitive Campaigns
Many people consider SEO confusing. There is a lot to learn about to ensure your success. Here in this post, you'll learn some of the basic tricks and tips that can help.
Even more important than search engine ranking is having great content on the site. One major piece of SEO centers on getting repeat visitors that are actually spending long periods of time on the site. These two things will increase your overall site rank on search engines.
You should correctly anchor your text when internally linking on your site. If the text you use is generic, like "click here," you are missing out on a great opportunity to optimize your site a little more. It's important to use keywords in your anchor text so that they can get picked up by search spiders crawling your site.
Be sure to use header tags. Use CSS to alter the size if your header is too big. The major search engines use the headers for ranking websites. The tags H1 and H2 should highlight your service or product.
You can do this by creating a robots. txt file and putting it in the root of your directory. This will prevent any search engine from being able to gain access to particular files on your site.
Ask a non-profit to be your affiliate. Search engines respond favorably to sites which reputable sources linked towards. Provide useful content that will encourage quality websites to feature links to your site. Create material that these companies will benefit from.
When it comes time to improving your traffic, start by editing its content. Visitors won't remain at your page unless they are getting what they want and need from it. Therefore, content is king.
Keep your focus to just one subject per page. Don't throw all your eggs into one basket. This is going to be confusing to the customer and not good for search engine optimization purposes. Crafting a page that is concentrated on one topic is sure to generate more success.
If you want to further expose yourself to search engine selection, make sure any blogging that you do is done through your own website. Of course this leads to increased visitor numbers viewing your website.
Invest in adbrite, adwords or other advertising options. DIY SEO does not always produce the jump in rankings you want. Advertisers such as these work to increase the number of people visiting your page. Google's own advertising site can bring in a lot of viewers.
If you use the plural form of keywords you can increase SEO. Keyword stemming is used by some of the search engines. If you chose a search term like "accountant" for your keyword, your site may not be included in search results relating to "accountants." Use the longer form of words, such as adding -ing or -ly, to take advantage of keyword stemming.
Creating engaging, fresh content is very important when you are trying to maintain a high ranking on a search engine. To attract traffic, you need to provide information that is different from that on other sites and other Web pages. People who like what they read the first time they visit your site are likely to come back a second time.
Make sure the service you use doesn't block the ownership information of your domain. Google may flag you as a spammer and won't even rank your website.
Establishing a search engine with clearly defined parameters allows you to optimize your website efficiently. Use definite commands that will give you the most results for whatever you are looking for when you are optimizing a search.
Use search engines to drive good traffic to your site. Your site will get the best search engine results if you make it spider friendly. Search engine spiders catalog text. Make sure you add tags to any pictures on your site. Use lots of good keywords when providing descriptions.
Learn about on-page SEO. Ranking highly on Google will get you a lot of traffic.
You need to know what kind of options you have to get links to your site. These can be press releases, message boards, blogs, and article writings. SEO success relies heavily upon obtaining strong outbound links.
If English is not the language used on your website, use the meta tag for language in your code. This will build your rank when someone searches in that language.
Use phrases in your SEO efforts. Most internet users do not search for just one keyword. You need to attract traffic to your site that is actually looking for what your site has to offer. Use localized tidbits in your text, such as "There is a sale this weekend at our Toronto location!" " rather than "A sale is on the horizon! "
Search engine optimization, which is also called SEO in the tech world, is a form of marketing. With search engine optimization, you tweak the content of your site to meet the desired criteria of popular search engines like Google or Yahoo. This is the best way to bring people to your site.
Search engines will rank the page higher if you do this. Meta descriptions are best thought of as a request for action, as they appear beneath the hyperlink for the website in most search engines. Content management systems allow you to write a meta description in an individual page.
Insert links to other pages on your website. Keyword phrases and link related keywords help get higher rankings. Avoid using keywords that are generic. Try and make them unique.
Ensure that your links are intact and carry your keywords and phrases. Use phrases instead of terms like "click here." That way, your SEO outcomes will be better.
A lot of different factors lead into SEO, so there is an abundance of ideas and advice you can find about being successful. Using the tips in this piece is an easy way to get your SEO efforts on track and start seeing real results.
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webbygraphic001 · 4 years
You Won’t Win SEO With Hacks, Here Are 3 Winning SEO Strategies
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The world of search engine optimization was born with all sorts of different hacks and shortcuts that many people use in an effort to grow their business.
Knowing effective SEO tricks would be incredibly profitable, but unfortunately it’s not that easy
This becomes evident as soon as you do a Google search about anything SEO-related, only to find pages and more pages replete with blog posts and videos disclosing all the tips and tricks you “need to know” in order to achieve the best SEO results, in the fastest way possible.
Knowing effective SEO tricks would be incredibly profitable, but unfortunately it’s not that easy.
In its essence, SEO isn’t about hacks, shortcuts, and hidden optimizations, but rather about resource allocation. Keep reading to learn why!
Be Careful About Over-Reliance on Hacks
Before we start talking about resources, it’s important to understand why the quick and easy SEO hacks we’ve all read about online aren’t as reliable as they might seem.
The reality is that yes, there are some traditional hacks and optimization tactics that many people swear by. However, SEO has become way too competitive for these hacks to still work.
Think about it: anyone can learn about these hacks and shortcuts in a matter of seconds, which means that anyone can use them, which means that they’re not going to help your website stand out. By way of example, when thinking about keyword usage, many websites simply decide to put them everywhere on their website, without actually planning and strategizing. Perhaps years ago, doing so would lead to excellent results, but that’s not the case anymore.
What I want to go over, and what I mean with this article, is that when developing your SEO plan, you should think less about hacks, and try to focus on strategy and resources instead.
As tempting as they might be, most SEO hacks won’t really go that far.
What does go far are those strategies and resource allocation decisions, which you can master as long as you know three things:
Who your competitors are;
What you have;
and What strengths you can double down on.
Base Your SEO Strategies on Your Business’s Resources
So, SEO is about resource allocation – we know that now…but what exactly does that mean?
Well, this logic is based on something you might have heard of before, and that is the three pillars of SEO.
As a refresher, everything in SEO revolves around three pillars:
Link building and referring domains;
Content development and content marketing;
Technical SEO.
Many businesses have a limited digital marketing budget and, as if that wasn’t enough, their SEO budget tends to be even more restricted.
This means that we can’t try every hack out there or do every campaign we can come up with, hoping it will lead to positive results. On the contrary, it means we need to be methodical and understand which strategies have the most potential and are actually worth exploring.
In summary, there’s one big challenge that every SEO team and company experiences, and that is the limitation of resources versus possible operations, and that leads us to a question: what mix of SEO pillars will give us a good shot at ranking high and surpassing our competitors?
Develop Your SEO Strategies Based on Your Inherent Strengths
The mistake that a lot of business owners make after reading SEO articles or hearing about amazing case studies is that they try and copy the strategies they learned about, from beginning to end.
However, contextually, each case study or article could refer to a strategy that was specifically optimized for a different type of business.
So, although copying what other successful businesses can work in certain situations when speaking about SEO, it’s best to borrow ideas and use the ones that fit your inherent strengths.
Based on the pillars of SEO that we discussed earlier, there are three strong points that a company can have:
If You Have a Strong Network…
Some businesses don’t have the resources to create an in-house content development team or outsource writing services.
However, they have another strong suit, which lies in their ability to go out into their community, speak, and be heard. They can do this because they have built a strong network over the years and, in cases like this, what we often do is use a backlinking approach.
When working with businesses that have a strong community presence, go out and double down on their network. Pitch their relevant contacts for guest speakership and guest posts, building thought leadership, while also driving links to their website.
If You’re Not That Popular But Are Good With Words…
Right now, some of you might be thinking: “Yeah, well, that’s easy when you’ve built the exposure, but not all of us are lucky enough to be well-known”.
Listen, I get it, we’ve all been in that position.
For clients and businesses that feel like they don’t have the brand equity or exposure to develop a strong backlinking strategy, opt for another route, and invest much more on content (and/or technical SEO, see below).
If the client has a team who’s ready to put its head down and get to work, then focus on producing a lot of content for their website.
Ultimately, the goal is to build a content library that is thorough and expansive, and that provides the client with more opportunities for keyword rankings, while also reinforcing the relevance of their website for those specific SEO keywords.
If Technical Knowledge is Your Forte…
You may not like (or have time) to write and you may not have a strong community presence, but if you have advanced technical skills and the ability to create a strong website quickly, then there’s another approach you can take.
This leads us into the third pillar of SEO: technical SEO.
This solution is indicated for technical teams that can create large websites, databases and user experiences in no time, and it is typically adopted by tech startups that are trying to create an app that provides user value.
First and foremost, winning at technical SEO requires strong technical skills that will allow you to build the web assets that you need, but that’s not all. It also requires you to understand how you can double down on these skills and manage large websites in the rather complex Google ecosystem.
So you need, for example, to know how you can get Google to notice and properly index the new pages you create on your website, even if you already have 100,000 pre-existing pages.
Or to ensure that each of your new pages is properly optimized for the best keywords.
Needless to say, using technical SEO does become a complex operation. However, when done right, it can lead your SEO to grow by sheer size, with the hopes that certain relevant keywords will start to rank for your business naturally.
Conclusion: Your Strategy Will Probably Be a Combination of the Three Pillars
When it comes to SEO, honing in on your strengths and accepting the fact that you can’t do everything is definitely the way to go.
When you’re running an SEO campaign, you should always focus on what you’re good at, know your resources, and augment what you already master – and that will put you in the right direction.
By focusing your resources on any of the pillars of SEO (or even a mix of them), you substantially increase your chances of achieving long-term success, which will not happen if you go for hacks and shortcuts instead.
A long-term, highly-organized, resource-allocated SEO strategy won’t only guarantee continuous success, but it can ultimately become self-sustaining, meaning that it will allow you to keep growing and growing, becoming an organic part of your marketing plan.
I’ve seen a lot of people try SEO hacks for two weeks, only to realize that they didn’t work and that their efforts had been in vain. 
It’s unfortunate because by doing so, you’re turning your back on a marketing channel that is very valuable to a lot of people, and these hacks trick people into thinking it’ll be overnight.
So remember, resource allocation over hacks and shortcuts!
Source from Webdesigner Depot https://ift.tt/2HIxmTu from Blogger https://ift.tt/2TvokvI
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