#All the art with bad wonky proportions and terrible anatomy
ne0nwithazero · 1 year
It's strange how I kind of went from consistently disliking my art, to like, disliking individual pieces, but when I look at my overall work I just get filled with so much joy and pride
It's not like I'm doing anything groundbreaking or utterly amazing, but I guess it's the thing of like, seeing myself as an ordinary human capable of creating things? I just see so much beauty in humanity's capacity of creating things, and I guess I had to teach myself to see that beauty in my own capabilities as well, no matter how mediocre they are
It's hard to say I like things I create because I fear people will think I'm full of myself, but I just have so much pride in my work. If I start looking too closely at my art, I start seeing all the mistakes and everything I hate about it, but if I step back and take in the bigger picture of all I've done and how far I've come? I don't know, it's a strange feeling to describe
It's best described as this sentiment of fulfilment that makes me realize that there's nothing else I'd rather be doing with my life other than creating art I love and sharing with people
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feathered-serpents · 2 years
Why don't you think your art is good? All the sketches and stuff you've posted is definitely commission level good.
Hey! Thank you, I appreciate that. The reason I'm not satisfied with my art is because I can't draw most things. Like, I'm stoked you liked that sketch I posted! The full image came out like this and I'm really proud of it
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Like that looks pretty good! This was honestly a pretty big breakthrough for me in terms of facial proportions, there are still anatomy mistakes and it's not like a masterpiece or anything but it's been 24 hours since I finished it and I still don't hate it! Yay! But there's a reason this picture stops at her neck and why you can't see the collar of any clothing she might be wearing, and that's because I can't draw it. Full bodies and clothing are currently something I cannot draw
I would also have liked for her to have a more dynamic facial expression, but I can't draw facial expressions yet. I would've liked to have her head tilted in more of a cocky way, but I can't draw heads from different angles yet, and I would've wanted to put her in an environment, but I can't draw environments yet
I would've liked to have drawn her in a different style, but I can't, I would've liked to color her in a more interesting way, but I can't. That's why I'm not satisfied with my art yet. I can draw one thing right now, I want to be able to draw more than that
And like I said, this painting still WAS a breakthrough for me. The fact that her face looks somewhat properly proportioned and that she's smiling AT ALL without it looking too wonky was a bit deal! It's not really me thinking what I can draw is "bad" I don't think it's GOOD but I don't think it's terrible, it's that I want to be able to draw more stuff and I just can't yet. Maybe I'll be able to soon tho!
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