#All the empty frames for a legacy photo wall <3
plasma-janes · 2 years
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Revamping an old legacy save home: The Blooms
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home is where my team is - Chapter 3
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“Today will be the final test I have to take in order to become a Genin, just as you and father have been before. Please, watch over me.” 
She bowed slightly, her hands together in a prayer sign in front of her nose, before opening her eyes and pushing herself off of her knees to stand. She quickly patted her black pants, getting rid of any left over lint from the pillow she sat on, and she stared at the Dainichi Buddha that stood tall and proud with his eyes closed, in the middle of the elevated floor surrounded by the four other slightly shorter Buddhas on each cardinal sides. 
Lines of black tiles, rectangular and short with white paint engraved in kanjis, sat in rows and columns along ascending stairs that flanked beside the Buddhas closer to the wall, with bigger tiles reserving their spots closest to the statues. The big tiles soon transformed into framed photos with a tablet in front of it as you descended the stairs, with the most recent addition being the only one in colour. 
The Hyuuga Shrine found in the northern part of the Hyuuga Compound is a homestead for the gods and the names of their ancestors and recently departed. While the Konoha cemetery was where most of their relatives would be buried, allocated under their appropriate place reserved for specific clans or among the fallen, this shrine was more so a safekeeping of their past, of their legacy, and of their tradition. The walls, though faint and dull from age, had traces of paintings of the Hyuuga clan's rich history and unique style of fighting, tracing all the way back to before the formation of Konoha as they know it today.
Rarely did Hinata come to the family shrine to pray, and rarely does she pray at all. She was unsure i f she truly believed in the gods that protected their family, and she was much more unsure of whether the spirits of her ancestors were truly watching over her. If anything, they were probably looking down at her with disappointment in their eyes and disapproving shakes of the head at how the heiress of the Hyuuga Clan turned out.
Poor Lord Hiashi,  they were probably whispering amongst themselves.  It was bad enough that he had no sons, but the eldest daughter is weak in nature! What will become of the Hyuuga clan at if Hinata were to remain heiress?
She only came to the shrine when she needed time alone and away from the entire compound, a place where she may talk freely to the air and without having to feel the weight of disappointment from the elders of her clan. Solace was found in the shrine that was hidden amongst the trees, away from prying ears and scrutinizing glances. Though, it was the limited access to the shrine that allowed the shrine to be almost always empty; this sanctuary is only allowed to be accessed by the lucky few that were born into the Main House of the clan.
The lucky few like herself.
Hinata wasn't fond of that rule, thought she was never fond of  anything  concerning the divide between the Main House and the Branch House. She was taught from a young age about the relationship between the houses from the elders that watched over her: the Main House was the brain of the clan, the most important organ that allowed all the knowledge and secrets hidden within this family to carry on throughout the generations, while the Branch House was the vessel that protected this important organ, working only as a reactionary mechanism of the Main House. 
The Branch House's purpose in life, the reason they were born, was to protect the Main House from outsiders who sought to obtain the ultimate knowledge of the Hyuuga Clan, and inherently, want to obtain their prized kekkei genkai: the Byakugan.
But the shrine is a place for someone to seek solace and guidance in the gods, with the Buddhas being those who transcended into omnipotence, a teacher to all who wish to pursue their knowledge. 
Why, then, should the Branch Family, who, despite only being seen as protectors of the Main Family, not be allowed to enter this shrine that praises the gods that guided the principles of their clan? Do they not carry the same clan name? If their sole duty is to protect the Main House, then they are in an equally honourable position as them; without the members of the Branch House, the Main House lineage would have to fend for themselves. They should have the right to seek solace, the same right as the Main House have to seek faith.
That’s what Hinata wished she could say. 
But she knew that the house dynamic in the Hyuuga clan was much more complicated than that, running deep into the roots of their lineage. She knew it was a game of power, a game of authority. They were the Hyuuga clan, after all, and they were considered to be one of the most prestigious clans in Konoha, one of the four noble clans to actually found the village; control was a given to a clan as secretive and powerful as her own.
That’s why they performed that cruel technique that even the Hokage had to turn a blind eye to; to maintain power and control.
Maybe one day she could change the way the Hyuuga clan was. Maybe one day, the Main House would come to co-exist with the Branch House in a more equal way. But if she wanted to do any of that, she needed to be stronger than she is now.
And the only way to do that is to pass today’s test.
If you’re there, Mother,  Hinata thought as her eyes returned back to the coloured image along the ancestral lineup. The woman in the photo, with deep blue hair that hung behind her shoulders with a few strands shaping her face and pale irises, looked back at her with a soft smile.  Please give me the courage you had.
She took her white hoodie and backpack from the floor beside where she sat and put it on as she started to walk across the wooden floor towards the doors of the shrine. As she gets to the bottom of the stairs, she took one last breath of the incense scented room. 
She had plenty of time to spare before heading out to the Hokage Rock, her usual morning practice session (or, as she liked to think of it, her usual morning  torture session) with her father and grandfather was put on hold for the time being. But first she had to pick up her lunch from the kitchen- her grandmother was likely there to make sure Hinata would pack more than enough to eat, insistence that if she wanted to become stronger for the clan, she would build her body that way. 
It was conflicting with what all her aunties would say. They would tell Hinata to cut down on the food, or else she would gain weight.  Or worse , they would say when her grandmother mentions being stronger,  you’d look like a guy with big muscles . It didn’t help that ever since she turned 10, for some reason, her waist had gotten wider and her chest was bigger than most girls her age. Luckily, the hoodie she had was not only useful for the cool January weather they have in Konoha, but also helped hide her body from judging eyes.
She crossed a short way into the main house found in the centre of the compound, trying to maintain her step as she crossed the floorboard that lined around the perimeter of the house. She kept her eyes glued to the ground whenever she could see an elder Hyuuga walking down the hall, trying to ignore them and save herself from an impending lecture. 
As she entered the hallway towards the kitchen, Hinata turned the corner quickly, when she suddenly felt a sharp collision with someone that made her rebound back onto the floor. 
Her face twisted slightly at the pain of her nose hitting against the other person’s shoulders, and she let out a small ‘ow’. 
“Watch where you’re-” a sharp voice suddenly scolded her, before abruptly stopping. Hinata looked up towards the person she had just hit, and she could feel a slight sense of dread building up in her stomach.
“O-Oh,” Hinata managed to mumbled, as she scrambled to get herself up, not wanting to seem completely knocked out from what was a simple collision (even though her nose was still stinging). "Neji-niisan."
Her cousin stood before her in his usual shinobi garb of brown shorts and eggshell washed shirt, looking down at her from his slightly taller stature, his angular eyes narrowing. His headband with the Konoha symbol gleamed slightly when he tilted down, the metal rectangle being stitched onto a brown headband instead of the usual blue, with long buckles hanging from each of his temples and going past his shoulders.
Neji was her cousin through their fathers, his father Hizashi, who had passed away when she was too young to remember what had truly happened, being her father’s younger twin. He was Hinata's senior by only a year. He had graduated from the Academy and became a Genin during the previous year, yet he looked much older than the average 13 year old that he should be. It could be because of how hardened his face looked compared to a lot of kids around their age, making his face look sharper than it actually was. He balanced it out with his long brown hair, that flowed up till his waist as it would traditionally be grown by the men of the family, held by the end with a hairtie. 
Hinata was often time envious of Neji. He was considered what a Hyuuga should be, disciplined and stoic, and efficient when it came to mastering the basic forms of their family’s fighting style, the Gentle Fist. She wished she had not only his natural gift of picking up skills with ease, but also his confidence and surety with every calculated strike he made- it would definitely make her life easier if she were that way.
That, and she wished she had his looks as well. She had heard the long running comments made by the women of the family; “ Hiashi’s eldest is cute and all, but Hizashi’s child is the prettiest out of all the cousins”  and “I wish my daughter looked like Hizashi’s child”.  
And most of the times, Hinata agreed with them.
“I’m sorry!” Hinata quickly exclaimed, feeling nervous by how his white pupils seemed to be looking into her soul. “Are you alright?”
She could see that he was trying not to show his scowl at her, but was proving to have difficulties when she saw the corners of his mouth twitch downwards, lines evident on his pale skin.The dread seeped in deeper, and she could feel her shoulders curl inwards, trying to make herself small under his gaze.
Neji never smiled at her. 
He always frowned.
Even when Hinata was younger and tried to talk and play with him, Neji never smiled at her. He only forced out a reply here and there, and that’s only if her father was around.
“Lady Hinata,” Neji replied courtly, his tone much cooler than before, but he still glowered at her. “Please watch your step. You can hurt yourself by not being careful.”
“O-oh,” Hinata muttered as she glanced away, his piercing eyes making her nervous. “Okay. But are you-”
Before she could finish her sentence, Neji immediately walked past her with a quick step, turning the corner she came from without a single word, leaving Hinata alone. 
“...hurt,” she finished in a whisper, the dread now turning into hurt at being dismissed this way. 
She really did try her hardest to get to know Neji but to no avail. The young boy never seemed to want to talk to her, never mind be around her. If he was, it was only because Hinata couldn’t be left alone and needed someone from the Branch House to watch over her; and usually, Neji would be the prime candidate, handpicked by Hiashj, being the closest to her age compared to the other clansmen. It has always been this way, their relationship has always been rocky, but Hinata never understood why Neji always refrained from talking to them. 
Were they not cousins before anything else? Was he not supposed to her older brother, the one she should seek guidance from?
What had she done to Neji, except be born into the Main House? 
But at the same time, if she were him, would she not resent her as well?
Hinata didn’t have time to ruminate over what had just happened, and tried to push it down to the back of her mind, as she often does. She fixed the straps of her bag so it fit snug on her shoulder and continued to walk down the halls at a slower pace.
She got to the part of the complex where the faint sounds of pots clanking against one another and fresh fish and eggs sizzling on top a pan could be heard, and Hinata could feel her mouth salivating. She was just in time for a quick breakfast on the spot.
She slid the door with a gentle hand, revealing a pair of woman, both relatively young and wearing a white bandana across their forehead, swiftly shifted between the countertop and the stove. Another woman, middle aged with a few grey hairs, stood near a giant pot on top of a coal fire near the open doorway on the opposite side, letting the steam from the rice cooking waft out to the back court. An elderly woman with grey hair secured in a bun and slightly hunched shoulders shuffled along the countertop, a bento box sitting in front of her as she stuffed sliced vegetables inside.
"Lady Hinata," all three women acknowledged her as they did a bow to the young heiress. Hinata bowed to them, them being her aunties, even if they were apart of the Branch House - she was still raised to be respectful of her elders. 
And even then, Hinata found that it was harder to maintain a separation of houses between the women of the Hyuuga clan- regardless of the house they belong to, and regardless of whether they are of a lower branch, it seems that often when the women and girls are together without the demeaning eye of men, there is not as big of a drift between them, save for maintaining standard titles protocols. 
It didn't help that often times, marriage between the Main House and the extended Branch House. After all, her own grandmother, her father's mother, was from the Branch House, further along the line, and married her grandfather of the Main House. These marriages blurred the lines of formality at times.
Though, what the women lacked in standard house tensions tends to take the form of more personal grudges towards certain family members, from meager things like forgetting to return the favour to downright gossiping about an aloof relative over tea.
Ah, the benefits of having a large family.
While Hinata would try to avoid having a conversation with relatives (mostly because it causes her an existential crisis with their incessant questions and because she already had enough whispers about her), these three aunties were the ones she was most comfortable with. They were often the ones in the kitchen, the ones making the meals during the day for the entire clan; diplomacy was the least of their concern when they had to make copious amounts of food.
"Good morning, Aunties," Hinata replied in a soft tone, smiling as she stepped towards the elderly lady, to look at the contents of the bento box. She could feel her stomach churn at the amount of rice that was on the exposed layer, and that was just one of the two. "Grandmother, you know I can't eat that much food..."
"Nonsense," her grandmother said without looking at Hinata, her frail little body shaking as her hands closed the lid of the bento box. She started to fold the cloth, a baby blue cloth, around the box in a slow manner, the slight twitching of her hand with each tug worrying Hinata, but she didn't stop the woman from doing it. "You need all the energy you can get to become stronger. How would you bring honour to the Hyuuga name if you do not become a strong heir like your father, and his father before?"
Maybe I don't want to be the heir , Hinata wanted to say, but just smiled shyly, eyebrows pulling in. "I can be strong without eating a meal for two."
“Mother Homura," one of her aunt's with the white bandana started from the stove. "Lady Hinata does not need to eat more than she needs to. They won't put her on any taxing missions right away."
"Aunt Kayake's right, Grandmother," Hinata nodded along. "I'm just doing a test-"
"If it's the same type of testing they did with Hiashi, then you most definitely need more than this," Homura replied, her eyebrows, fine and grey, raising as she tried to turn her body to put the bento box back onto the table.
"N-no, it's alright!" Hinata took the box with both hands before Homura could set it down. She started to guide Homura towards a rocking chair in the corner of the kitchen, where a tea set has already been placed on top of a table nearby. "This is enough! Thank you."
"Have they already assigned your team?" the woman stirring the pot of rice, her Aunt Suzume, distantly related to Hinata as is Kayake, started, drawing Hinata’s attention towards her after she allowed Homura to take a seat.
"Yes, we were assigned to them yesterday," Hinata said, unraveling her grandmother's hands to hold onto the bento box in the blue cloth. "I have been placed on a team with Kiba Inuzuka and Shino Aburame."
"An Inuzuka?" The other woman with the bandana, Kayake's younger sister and Hinata's Aunt Mitsu, giggled. She continued to slice open the shrimps from their shells on a cutting board, placing them in a separate bowl. Mitsu leaned forward slightly towards the other three woman, keeping her voice low so that only Homura, with her age causing her poor hearing, could not hear.“The Inuzuka men are quite rugged, don’t you think?”
“Mitsu, we do not care for your love affairs,” Kayake waved her sister’s comment off, returning her attention to the stove, but Suzume’s face contorted in a frantic frown.
“Mitsu! Do not plant such ideas in Lady Hinata’s mind!” Suzume scolded her with a hiss, lifting the rice paddle from the pot, waving it slightly as if she were about to hit Mitsu with it. Hinata could feel her neck start to flush slightly as it started to reach her cheeks at her implications. “She is still a child!”
“Tell me, Hinata,” Mitsu ignored them and ushered Hinata to come closer. The young heiress gravitated towards them. “What are your teammates like?”
“They’re…” Hinata started, hesitating slightly about the words she could use. How  were  her teammates like?
She was apprehensive of being placed on Team 8, and she was sure Shino and Kiba were too. She saw how Kiba’s friends, the two boys and the girl he always sat next to, snickered and whispered amongst themselves when they heard Hinata and Shino's name, and something about them being 'weirdos'.
Hinata wasn't surprised by their words. She knows that, compared to the rest of her classmates, she was off. Painfully shy and quieter than a mouse, Hinata was a stark contrast to what the usual kid her age was like. Her mannerisms, her voice, hell, even her looks, made her a wallflower, a pale white wallpaper that people know is there, but never bothered to be looked at. Only her blood made her truly visible. The only times that people willingly engaged with her is when her family's name is mentioned during a lecture, in which all the kids would turn over to wherever she was sitting to look at her, to see her reaction.
Most of the time, she would look away.
She didn't like looking at people. She didn't like making eye contact.
She felt it was too heavy, too intimate, too much for her soul to handle. She feels like people try to analyze too much of what she says, trying to reach into her soul, trying to unlock the pandora box that is her emotions.
And she didn't like that.
That's why she liked Shino a lot. She knew they would get along well, he was equally as quiet as her, though he was by no means shy. If yesterday's team meeting probed anything, it was that Shino Aburame was vocal, raising himself as an equal to whoever he spoke to. But he respected their space, respected Hinata's space, not looking at her unless she initiated (though, it could be because his glasses made it hard for her to see his irises, making her feel at ease).
Kiba on the other hand, she wasn't sure what to say. He was on the opposite spectrum to her, being outgoing and rowdy with his ways, and the confidence he exudated made Hinata envious. She didn't mind loud people- she found them fascinating and admirable. 
But he was also subtly witty, something that she didn't think she would describe the Inuzuka as. Usually he is vocal about how he feels, calling someone out on their nonsense without a second thought, but yesterday showed her that there was more to him than meets the eye. 
She had to admit thought; while envious of Kiba's personality, she was incredibly intimidated by him. It's not as if she didn't see his bad side, when he would dive head first into a fight against another kid if they talked smack about him to his face, his fists brimming purple with bruises and face speckled with blood. And he always came out victorious with a grin on his face, and Iruka-sensei fuming as he had to drag him off of the poor kid who tried to get a rise out of him, only to be crying on the ground with a bloody nose.
Just remembering it sent chills down her spine.
She definitely did not want to get on his bad side.
"They're nice," she said, fidgeting with the bento box as she glanced away, the way Mitsu looked at her with anticipation making her nervous. "A-and, they're very interesting."
"Interesting in what way?"
"Mitsu, you'll get in trouble if Lord Hiashi hears what you insinuate," Kayake warned her sister with a weary look towards Homura, but the old woman barely heeded their words, enjoying a cup of tea as she swayed slightly in the rocking chair.
Mitsu giggled at her words and straightening herself, before continued slicing the shrimp's shell in her hand. "Can't I ask the young heiress about these things? It's not like they won't ask her about it later."
Hinata could feel herself blush at her aunt's notion.
There was someone that she admired in her life...but she was not going to disclose that to them, not until the entirety of hell freezes over.
"Do that when it is time to do so," Suzume scoffed. "Knowing Lord Hiashi, however, it would be a long process."
I hope it doesn't happen anytime soon,  Hinata thought, biting the bottom of her lips slightly. Talks of marriage and whatnot were not her main concern- perhaps one day, but right now, she had more things to worry about than her supposed betrothal.
"Isn't it interesting though," Kayake suddenly started after a pause, turning back to look at towards the two other women and Hinata. "That they always put an Aburame, an Inuzuka, and a Hyuuga on the same team whenever the graduating class had all three?"
To this, Hinata's eyebrows raised slightly. Her words were too precise not to ignore. "A-always? Who was apart of the last of this group formation?"
All three women looked at one another when Hinata asked her question, their faces suddenly become weary, and Hinata could feel the room fall still all of the sudden. She glanced between them, not knowing what to do, and suddenly felt like becoming very small to hide herself, not knowing what had warranted this tenseness.
"Lord Hiashi hasn't told you yet?" Suzume asked in a suddenly low tone, hushed as if she didn't want anyone else to hear. When Hinata nodded, she glanced around for a second, her eyes flitting cautiously towards the door, before landing back on Hinata. "Well...it doesn't hurt to know but...the last time they had a Aburame-Inuzuka-Hyuuga team was with-"
They suddenly heard the tatami door wiggle a bit and abruptly stopped talking, waiting for the person to reveal themselves.
“Lord Hiashi,” all the women in the kitchen said in unison as they bowed, and Hinata turned around towards the tatami door, a tall man in a deep blue yukata and a darker grey jacket standing between the frame. 
Her father had his usual stoic face, his eyebrows naturally arched to look like he was frowning most of the times and his mouth in a straight line. He gave an acknowledged bow to Hinata’s grandmother, his mother, before looking over to Hinata.
“G-good morning, Father,” Hinata quickly whispered with a slight bow of her head, gripping the sides of her lunch box. Hiashi stared at Hinata for a moment, as if analyzing what he saw, trying to pick out any sort of flaw in how she appeared.
“Today is your final test, is it not?” Hiashi asked in an even tone, never breaking eye contact from Hinata, who glanced away towards the lines of the floorboard. “Why are you still here? And look at me when I speak to you.”
“Yes!” she squeaked at how much sharper his tone became, and straightened her gaze. “I just had more time left so...so I thought I could take my time today.”
Hiashi narrowed his eyes.
“ Heedfulness is the path to the Deathless. Heedlessness is the path to death. The heedful do not die. The heedless are as if already dead* .” Hiashi quoted the proverb from ancient scriptures without missing a beat, and Hinata could see the frown lines deepening on his tanned face. “If you were going to mindlessly be on the compound this whole time, then you could have been practicing your forms. Your sister has already mastered all of the basic forms; you have yet to perform them efficiently.”
“I-I,” Hinata started, now feeling her neck burning in embarrassment of being put on the spot in this way, but she couldn’t finish her sentence, feeling the heat rising to her face.
“Mother,” Hiashi turned his attention towards her grandmother, who had simply been keeping her mouth closed as Hiashi gave Hinata the third degree. “Hinata is grown and she can make her own meals. You’re spoiling her by making her lunch.”
“Hiashi,” Homura said with a slight hum to her voice, soft and slow, as she started to sway lightly on the chair. "If you believe this to be true, then you should make your own tempura from now on, do you not think so?"
To this, Hiashi eyes slightly widened in hesitation for only a split second, but he quickly fixed himself back to neutrality. Hinata had to stifle her laugh, and she looked down to hide the amused smile she couldn't suppress.
Leave it to Homura to be as eloquently blunt as her son.
"That is not the same," Hiashi replied coolly. "The food you make is for the entire family."
"Tempura is usually reserved for dinners," Homura said as equally calm. "But you still insist on eating it for breakfast as well. You should eat better; you're a grown man."
Hinata could see her father's jaws clenching, muscle along his jawline flexing- being told off by one's mother in front of an audience was not on the top of every clan leader's to do lists.
"Hinata." His eyes returned to her, and she quickly kept her lips in a line. "It is best if you left for your test. You don't want to keep your team waiting for you."
I didn't even eat breakfast,  Hinata thought, but refused to say this outloud. She didn't want to be scolded anymore than she needed to be. "Yes."
“Do not be a burden to your teammate,” Hiashi said courtly, before stepping aside to let Hinata walk through the open doorway. 
Hinata gritted her teeth, feeling her throat suddenly lodged with emotion, but she kept it to herself. She nodded, and quickly exited the kitchen, giving a quick bow to her grandmother before she made her way towards the courtyard to leave the compound.
I won’t burden anyone,  Hinata thought as she inhaled and exhaled slowly, trying her best to maintain her confidence, but she could already feel the tips of her eyes started to sting with tears.  I promise, I won’t burden anyone.
When Hinata made it to the top of the Hokage Rock, she was surprised to see that Shino was the only one there, waiting underneath a tree. She glanced up to the sky, the morning sun bearing white in the east slightly above the horizon. It was nearly time for their test, she could tell, but where could their sensei and Kiba be?
She wasn't sure where Shino was looking at, his dark frames shading his eyes from anyone to see, but from the way his face tilted down, she could tell she was looking at the ground with intent. 
Should I call out to him?  She thought, ready to raise her hand to wave towards him, but hesitated slightly.  No, he looks busy...I don't want to disturb him. But, then again, I should ask him where everyone else is...
Hinata continued this debate on whether she should call out to Shino or walk up to him as she crossed clearing, but she wasn't given the opportunity to think it through. All of the sudden, she heard a high pitched bark becoming louder from the trail she just walked on, and a voice yelling, "Akamaru! Wait up buddy!"
She knew who it was immediately, and spun on her heels to look behind her. Unfortunately, she was not prepared for the small flash of white coming towards her at full speed, already a metre away from her.
Hinata didn't have time to react, and she wasn't sure whether she could or not- by the time she blinked, the flash of white had jumped up towards her and hit her chest, pushing her backwards and making her land on her behind, before laying flat on her back.
Talk about a double whammy. This is the second time she was sent flying onto her back. Her tailbone was starting to hurt a bit. It didn't help that she had her backpack on during the fall, and had placed her bento box inside, making the impact harder against her lower back when she fell, the side of the bento box digging into her sharply.
Hinata blacked out for a few seconds, eyes closed in shock and her ears momentarily blanking. When she slowly opened her eyes, she was greeted by a little brown nose against hers and the sound of slight panting.
Her eyes started to take in everything beyond the nose, seeing it attached to a white puppy with long, floppy ears and small, brown eyes that looked at her with excitement. The puppy barked at her once, and she could feel a  thump thump thump  on her abdomen, his tail wagging happily.
"H-hello...Akamaru," Hinata managed to say in a soft voice, remembering the puppy's name from how Kiba had introduced him as yesterday. This only made Akamaru even more excited because he barked a few times and his tail wagged faster, before he gave Hinata's cheek a little lick.
Hinata could feel her heart soar at this little gesture by the puppy. Is this what feeling wanted is like?
"Akamaru!" Kiba's voice exclaimed as he ran up towards Hinata, who was still being licked by the puppy. "Get off of her! Sit!"
Akamaru did as he was told with a slight whine, and hopped off of Hinata's chest, sitting down beside her as he looked expectantly at Kiba. Hinata managed to prop herself up with her elbows, lifting her back up into a sitting position. She glanced up to see Kiba standing near her feet, both hands on his hips as he gave Akamaru a disapproving look.
Hinata could feel her heart start beating fast while looking at her now teammate; he was much more intimidating from where she was sitting, narrow eyes shifting around with a frown on his face. Kiba had always scared her slightly, with his red markings making him look like a warrior on his way to a battleground, and the way his eyebrows, sharp and fierce, made his narrow eyes look even more piercing. She was half ready to apologize, but then she saw his frown disappear as he softened his look, now looking at Hinata with...was it concern?
"Sorry about that," Kiba said, almost in a mumble, and Hinata could see that his cheeks flushed pink suddenly, as if embarrassed. "I swear, he's usually better behaved than this."
"It's okay," Hinata replied softly, and Akamaru barked at Hinata, taking a step closer.
 "What d'ya think you were doing, Akamaru?" Kiba looked at Akamaru with a stern look, his arms crossing over, eyebrows pulled in. The puppy stopped in his tracks and looked up to his owner, his dog wagging in the air.
"Arf! Arf!"
"So what? You could've hurt Hinata!"
"Arf! Arf, arf, arf!"
"I don't want to hear it," Kiba huffed. "Now sit and think about what you did! You're not getting any treats until you obey!"
Akamaru let out a whining sound, his happy demeanor dropping as his tail stopped wagging, his eyes looking back at Kiba big and glistening in woe. When Kiba raised an eyebrow at Akamaru, waiting for the puppy to continue, Akamaru stopped his attempt at persuading Kiba to let him be and he laid down on his stomach sadly, a whine emitting from his throat.
"...you need a hand?" Kiba asked after a moment when Akamaru settled down. 
Hinata, meanwhile, was preoccupied staring between him and Akamaru in awe, watching them have a conversation she couldn't understand, only going by Kiba's words. What kind of technique helped you communicate with animals? She knew about shinobi being able to summon animals for their services, forming a blood pact between the master and the animal, but she often heard of summoning animals being able to speak in their tongue.
When she noticed Kiba's hand reaching out towards her, she looked at him for a split second, feeling less intimidated by her new teammate. Should she accept his aid?
I won't be a burden,  she reminded herself, while shaking her head lightly.  I won't be coddled.
"N-no," she said quickly, her inflection making her voice crack, and she stood up, brushing her behind while doing so. She added in a much more normal rhythm, "Thank you, t-though."
"Hinata, are you hurt?" a low, monotone voice suddenly said behind her. She nearly jumped by how close the voice, low and soft, was, but she stopped herself from doing so upon recognition, and turned around towards the source.
"I-I'm not," Hinata said with a slight smile, tilting her head up to look at Shino, him being taller than she, even with her sandals. She placed her arms slightly in front of her, refraining from showing any signs of pain from her back. "I'm fine."
Shino stood by with his hands in his coat pocket, half his face still being hidden the collar, not saying anything for a moment. Hinata couldn't tell where he was looking, but from the way his arched eyebrows pulled in slightly, she assumed she was looking at Kiba. He softened his face again quickly, as if realising that they were staring at him.
"Did something break in your bag?" Shino asked smoothly, without moving whatsoever. He paused again for a split second, before continuing, "Because I heard a crack when you fell."
"Oh!" Hinata exclaimed in a light voice, swinging her bag around in front of her quickly, remembering her poor bento box that she had inside. She opened her bag and peered inside and…
"Oh no," Hinata moaned as she looked at what was supposed to be her lunch.  The rice, vegetables, everything was outside of the bento box, scattered everywhere and she could see the box has a slight fissure along the side, likely due to her landing. 
"My l-lunch," Hinata mumbled, and she could feel her stomach churn at the sight of food being spoiled. She really should have eaten something before leaving.
Shino leaned over slightly, head barely moving downwards but Hinata could tell he was looking into her bag. He stood there motionless for a moment, before tilting his head slightly on the side, looking beyond Hinata. 
"Can't you keep your dog on a leash?" Shino said suddenly, his voice low and a bit forceful, inflecting slightly at the end as if unsure how to end the sentence.
Hinata could feel a shift in the atmosphere amongst them at Shino's words, and she stared at him wide eyes before looking over at Kiba. Kiba stared at him for a split second, eyes blinking at Shino, before his eyebrows pulled in quickly, jaw clenching, when their teammate's words were finally processed in their minds.
"What did you say?"
"I said 'can't you keep your dog on a leash'," Shino repeated in an equal tone. The atmosphere was tense as they stared at each other, and Hinata took a slight step back, not wanting to be caught in between, fidgeting with her fingers slightly.
"His name is  Akamaru,  " Kiba replied sharply, his words punctuated with a slightly louder tone, and Hinata could see the flame of anger spark in his eyes as he glared at Shino. "And  Akamaru  isn't some  pet  I can put on a leash. Like how  you  don't put your bugs in a  container ."
"We're talking about Akamaru, not my insects," Shino replied stiffly. "Maybe you should train him to listen to you more before using him on our mission. Because it looks like he doesn't even obey simple commands."
"Arf!" Akamaru barked lightly, looking between the two of them, but Kiba ignored him.
"She said she was fine, didn't she? It wasn't like he was attacking her- and besides, you don't need to tell me what I should do with  my ninken!"
They had an important test that would determine whether they could become Shinobi, why were they having an argument at this very moment?
Hinata wasn't sure what to do with herself at that moment, finding herself hesitating to even look at either of the boys, fearing they might explode into an altercation if she dared to see. Should she stop them from arguing? How would she even stop them? What if they start getting into a fight? Would she be able to stop them? No way.
She was too weak, too cowardly, no way would she be able to stop a fight. 
"U-uh, guys," Hinata started, but her voice barely came out, a light airy tone that was easily overpowered by Kiba's voice.
"What's your problem with me, huh?" Kiba started, suddenly taking a step forward passing Hinata to stand directly in front of Shino, his fists clenching. "If you got something you want to say about me, then say it to my face!"
"I have nothing to say to you," Shino replied. "I was talking about your dog."
"If you have a problem with  Akamaru  , then you have a problem with  me ," Kiba said, his voice filled with venom as he looked up to Shino, who didn't flinch in the slightest. "Yesterday you had a lot to say- why are you acting all mute now?"
They stood there for a moment, neither of them moving. Akamaru let out a slight whine, and shuffled closer to Hinata's leg, as if seeking some sort of comfort, but she couldn’t move. The pressure in the atmosphere is making her head tense up with adrenaline, and Hinata could feel her forehead starting to scrunch up. She couldn’t activate the Byakugan, not now, no, and she tried to focus by glancing between them, waiting for someone to say something. 
Shino was the first to break the silence.
"If you don't know how to use him, then you shouldn't have brought him today," Shino said slowly and dully, as if talking to a child who didn't understand what he did wrong. "It would only hold us back. This test is important and we can't jeopardize our chances."
Kiba gritted his teeth, and Hinata could see his fists started to clench. 
Oh no. 
Was he going to swing at him? She shifted her legs slightly apart, ready to intervene, but she could barely move otherwise.
Before Kiba could move, the wind started to pick up pace around them, swirling in front of the trio and forcing them to plant their feet on the ground and concentrate on not being blown away. Hinata could see the leaves from the trees nearby creating a sparse tornado as a sudden figure appeared in the middle of the vortex.
“K-Kurenai-sensei,” Hinata mumbled as she watched with wide eyes as the leaves settled around the figure, revealing their long black hair and deep red outfit.
"Looks like everyone came here on time,” Kurenai looked between them with a nonchalant smile. “I was going to give you guys some time together, but it looks like something was happening. Is everything alright?”
Kiba unclenched his fists and placed them in his hoodie pockets, balling them up inside. He gave a dejected, “Yeah, everything’s fine.”
She glanced over to Shino, who didn’t say anything and was looking away from her, before her eyes landed on Hinata. Hinata felt flustered and started to glance away, her nerves getting the best of her as red eyes scanned over her, waiting to see if she had anything to say. 
"Y-yes," Hinata said, still glancing away. "All fine."
"Alright then," Kurenai replied after giving them another questionable look, and she reached into her dress pocket and pulled out what appeared to be a small clock. "Since everyone is here, we can get started with the test. Gather around."
All three of them obeyed and followed Kurenai as she walked towards a wooden picnic table underneath a tree nearby. After leaving their bags on the table, they formed a semi circle around Kurenai, with Hinata standing between Kiba and Shino as Akamaru rejoined his master by his side with a few little bounds off his small paws. It took a good amount of self-restraint for Hinata to not look at the puppy and coo at how cute he looked as he sat down, his tail waving around slowly as he waited for Kurenai to speak.
"Since this is my first time having a Genin team, I decided that this test would be much easier that I had originally planned,” Kurenai started, her gaze resting on them as she spoke. “Your test will be…” 
There was a fraction of pause in her sentence, and Hinata could feel the anticipation in the air as they hung over her every word. What was the test going to be? Are they going to have to prove their worth by winning a match? Would have to fight each other? 
Or worse; would they have to win a fight against Kurenai? 
Hinata gripped a string of her hoodie, her hand already placed over her chest while she was standing and listening to Kurenai talk, and she swallowed. 
“A little game of hide and seek tag," Kurenai said, and Hinata could have sworn there was a flash of amusement on her face. "With a little added twist of capture the flag. Sounds fun, right?"
Hinata glanced over to her teammates, and she could see Kiba shift his eyes around to them as well, apprehensive and wary about her intentions.
"You've played those games before, haven't you?" Kurenai asked with a slight quirk of her fine brow, looking between them as they stared silently back, uncertainty in the atmosphere.
"We have," Shino responded for the group. "As children, though. "
Hinata noticed the slight hesitation in Kurenai at his words, her lips pursing slightly, but it left as quickly as it came. She smiled instead, and continued in a much softer voice, "Then you should already know the rules. But there are a few things I added and changed for this test."
She held a hand up and placed a finger onto the metal plate of her red headband, right beside the Konoha symbol edged deep. She tapped it with the tip of her deep red nails. 
"This headband right here is the flag,” she said in the same tone. “The goal of this test is to get this headband off of my forehead."
Hinata felt an overwhelming sense of anxiety and worry building up in her stomach at Kurenai's words, and her eyebrows refused to relax from the frown. This doesn't sound like a hard task, but considering that this is a Jonin they were facing, only a rank below the Hokage, makes this little task...well...much more difficult than anything they had ever gone through before.
From her ranking, and from what Hinata remembered from the previous day, she knew Kurenai's strongest skill was in the realm of Genjutsu. Genjutsu in itself was such a vast field, limited only by the users' own unbrittled imagination. It is the art of illusion, after all, preying on the senses of your opponents by affecting the specific parts of the brain in order to make them believe that the illusion are true, making them vulnerable to experience things that are not happening in the physical world. Unlike Ninjutsu, though, it was much harder to control, with the user having to be able to control their chakra as well as being able to come up with a way to reach the opponents senses, those being five more extra things to worry about, unlike the other ninja arts. 
The expanse of Genjutsu was not taught during their Academy years, instead focusing on Ninjutsu and Taijutsu to prepare them as shinobi. The only Genjutsu they had to learn was the Clone Illusion Jutsu, but even that D-level jutsu was incredibly hard to master, taking many a year to make at least one competent clone illusion. 
Even Iruka rarely employed that technique during the mock battles he would have with another teacher, opting for the easier Ninjustu,  Clone Jutsu , telling them that clones are better used to distract the enemy and less taxing for them to control.
"Okay," Kiba replied slowly, eyebrows furrowing slightly. "What's the hide and seek part for?"
“That’s the fun part," Kurenai replied. “Like a usual game of hide and seek, I'll hide around the Village with the flag, and you three would have to find me in order to capture the flag. I’ve decided to make it easier, though, since this is the first time I’m doing this test. The only places I’ll hide is on the Hokage Rock or the training grounds. Nowhere else in the Village."
A game of capture the flag that required them to find the flag in a pretty expanded area ...
This was definitely not an easy task, but it was definitely not a hard one. They’ve played these kind of games in the Academy, in the form of a treasure hunt in the middle of one of their training grounds in order to utilize their survival skills for a few hours, but it was limited to a certain area and one target. That, and they usually had a much more obvious trail to lead them on the right path. 
It was clear to Hinata as why Kurenai set up the test in the way she did. She must have read their datasheets when they were first assigned to her: with Kiba hailing from the Inuzuka clan and having a keen sense of smell, and Hinata having the Byakugan that allowed her heightened sight, this test was to see how they would do in tracking a target. Hinata wasn’t sure exactly how Shino fit into the team, but she knew he was extremely perceptive, more so than she was, even without her clan’s abilities.
Hinata felt like she should have an advantage for this task, with her Byakugan and all, but she still had an immature grasp of the skill. It was taxing to control, and took up a good amount of her strength to maintain; even with all those years of training, she couldn’t understand how to control it efficiently.
And that’s what worries her the most.
She should have an advantage, but this advantage was easily be a disadvantage.
"That's it?" Kiba said, a smirk growing on his face. "That makes this too easy!"
"There’s three extra rules, though,” Kurenai added as she smiled at Kiba's enthusiasm, as she held up the clock. “The first one is the time limit. I’m only giving you exactly five hours from when we start to find me. I’ll leave the timer here.”
“Would that be wise?’ Shino suddenly asked. Hinata looked at him questionably, as did everyone else, and it took him a minute to continue his though. “It’s possible that one of us could change the clock, and give us the advantage of having extra time."
“Good point Shino, but this is mostly for you three,” Kurenai said. “I don’t need a clock to tell time. Besides, if one of you touch this clock, it would self implode. You could try it yourselves if you don’t believe me though.”
Hinata gulped as she stared at the clock in her hand as it sat on the table. No way is she going anywhere near that.
“This leads me to the second rule. If none of you get the headband before the designated five hours, then you  all  will fail the test and be sent back to the Academy.”
That made sense. This was like a final exam, it made sense for her to be this strict on them.
"The last thing is the most crucial part, so listen carefully," Kurenai continued. "The reason why the Academy decided to put you in a team because each of you possessed the abilities to become impeccable trackers.”
"But after meeting all of you yesterday, I gave it some thought," she said slowly. "I figured that there's no point in having all three of you become Genin when we could use the person with the  best  tracking skills so far. Therefore, the first person to find me and capture the flag will become a Genin. The other two will return to the Academy."
“Wha-” Hinata muttered in shock, taken aback by her words, her fist clenching tighter on her chest.
"Are you even allowed to do that?" Kiba asked. "There must have been a reason to put us all together like this!"
"Yes, there must have been. But at the end of the day,  I'm  the one who has to teach and guide you to becoming a remarkable shinobi during your time as a Genin," Kurenai emphasized. "The Academy doesn't have control over who passes here on out- but I do. And I have decided that whoever is the most capable gets to be Genin."
That’s not fair,  Hinata wanted to say, but she held her tongue, realizing the stupidity in her thought. The ninja world is never fair to begin with; so why would this testing be?
"Remember you only have 5 hours," Kurenai said as she hit the button on the clock. The clock hand started to tick, and Hinata instinctively took a shuriken from the blue holster around her leg, readying herself. “Do you have any more questions?’
"Do we need to give you time to hide or-" Kiba started, his question tapering off as he took a stance, readying himself for Kurenai to move. Hinata’s eyes never left her sensei, who simply smiled at them.
"There's no need," she said as the wind suddenly picked up pace around her, the grass around her twirling at a rapid pace. "The real me is hiding already. This…"
Hinata’s eyes widened as Kurenai’s legs started to blend into the background, fading away and being replaced by pink petals. Her body morphed against the gradience, rising up to her body as more petals fell, as she watched in amusement with how taken aback they were.
"Was all a genjutsu."
Her face faded as an echo in their minds, and the wind stood still as the last petal from the top of her head fell to the ground on top of the rest. The three of them stood still, none of them knowing what to do for a split second. 
Shino was the first to move, taking a step forward towards the stacks of flower petals.
“Hey, wait,” Kiba started as Shino squatted down, holding one of the petals between his thumb and index finger, carefully surveying. “What are you doing?”
“Checking if this is real or not,” Shino said. “It could be useful to track her down.”
“Whoa, don’t hog the whole thing to yourself!” Kiba exclaimed as he ran towards Shino, Akamaru barking as he ran behind Kiba. 
Hinata snapped out of her faze and found control over her feet, trailing behind Shino, unsure of what to do.
“You got her scent?” Kiba asked Akamaru, who let out a bark. Hinata could see Kiba’s nose move a bit as he inhaled sharply, moving his head around until he set towards east to where they were standing facing the other side of Konoha. “Alright. We got this. Let’s go Akamaru!”
“Hold on,” Shino said suddenly, making Kiba halt in his spot, and turn around quickly. 
“There’s no ‘hold on’,” Kiba said, crossing his arms as he frowned. “This is a test and only one of us can pass.”
“That’s why I said hold on,” Shino continued. “There’s something weird about it.”
“And?” The Inuzuka asked sharply, his patience running thinner by the second. “What about it.”
“Listen,” Shino replied equally as fast. “It’s weird because her reasoning for only passing one of us is incredibly vague. Don’t you find it strange that they would go through the trouble of putting us in specific teams only for one of us to pass?”
Kiba grimaced, staring at Shino for moment, as if conflicted with his words. He then replied, slight hesitancy in his voice,“It...It doesn’t matter who I’m with. Even if I weren’t with you guys, I’m pretty sure the rules would be the same.”
Hinata felt a slight pang in her chest when he said those words, the bitterness seeping through like tea through a filter. She had to grit her teeth to refrain from being too hurt.
 “Besides, she said it herself,” he continued as he started to turn his back towards them. “She’s in charge of us. There’s nothing stopping her from booting us back to the Academy. And there’s no way I’m going back there.”
“Kiba,” Hinata tried to start, but she couldn’t finish her sentence. She didn’t know what to say. 
An uneasy silence fell over them.
“She’s headed towards Training Ground 1,” Kiba suddenly said in a quiet tone, never turning back to look at them. He tilted his head down, and said “Let’s go, Akamaru.”
With a bark of agreement from the puppy, he sped off at full speed, towards the direction of the training ground he mentioned, the one closest to the Hokage Rock and filled with hills and forest near the wall that encompasses Konoha. 
That’s one of the larger ones , Hinata thought, as she stood there, trying to gather her thoughts. She could see from the corner of her eyes Shino looking at her, not saying anything, as if waiting for her to move. 
Her gut was telling her the same thing that Shino was doubting; the reason for only one of them felt too vague, as if Kurenai wanted them to break that rule. Sure, they all have skills for tracking, but there’s something more to it than that.
But no, that wouldn’t make sense; she was very clear that she only wanted one. Why would she deceive them into believing a fake rule? Was Hinata thinking too hard into this?  
“He’s right,” Hinata said when she made her decision, and she glanced up towards Shino. She looked directly at his glasses, dark enough to cover his eyes under the sun in the atmosphere, and maintained. “Even if we all work together, only one of us can pass.”
“Hinata-” Shino started, but stopped abruptly. He just stared at her in silence for a moment, and Hinata couldn’t tell what he was thinking, or even why she was standing there to begin with.
“I’ll see you there, Shino,” Hinata offered softly, and she started to run off towards the direction, focusing her chakra towards her legs to help them pick up her pace.
I won’t be a burden to myself, Hinata thought, a new sense of determination swelling in her stomach.  I can take care of myself.
Can I?
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despressolattes · 4 years
book one masterlist » book two masterlist
this book’s masterlist
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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It seemed almost as if most of the world seemed to just mold around the absence of Hope Mikaelson, filling in the void she left. No one asked questions about the random occurrences that had no real explanation to how they happened. Landon Kirby and Rafael Waithe's life at the Salvatore school continued, almost as if no one wondered how they got to the school in the first place, how Landon woke up at the Malivore hideout... as if no one wondered who even discovered Malivore in the first place.
Everyone's lives just continued.
The Mikaelsons had photos with some girl they didn't know, but just chose to ignore them as if it made sense. It was life as usual, photos with some random girl not mattering anymore.
For Lilah, she "woke up" with tears on her face—but she had never gone to bed. She was sitting in the car on the side of the road, unsure where she was. In fact, she tried to piece together the last decade. What had she been doing all this time? She saw a road sign that said she was a few miles out from Mystic Falls.
She furrowed her eyebrows. Mystic Falls? That was where Stefan's life without her was. She winced as she felt pressure on her head, letting her forehead fall onto the steering wheel as she tried to breathe, memories flooding her brain.
She remembered moving to New Orleans when her father and his siblings made it back there, wanting to take back their old lives once it was made clear the Mystic Falls gang, Stefan's friends and family, didn't want them there. She remembered watching from afar as turf wars had broken out between the supernatural factions.
She remembered somehow getting tangled up in Mikaelson drama despite trying to stay away from them. She made friends with Josh Rosza, one of Marcel Gerard's vampires, and with Davina Claire, one strong teenage witch. She soon became integrated in the supernatural politics of the town, fighting alongside the Mikaelsons while they had no clue who she was. She was just Lilah Desmarais.
Her close bond with Elijah was equally comparable—by his siblings—to the one Klaus and Marcel shared. When the Hollow had hit New Orleans, looking for something to possess, it found its way into all of the Mikaelson siblings.
Being unable to stay away from his brother, Elijah chose to lose his memories and lived in France. Lilah tried her best to help Freya, who she would always see as her first mother figure, try to find a way to reunite their family without the Hollow taking over.
In the end of it all, Klaus took on the Hollow himself and chose to die to make sure his siblings could remain safe and together, Elijah going with him.
Lilah regretted everyday that she was unable to tell him the truth about herself, but when he died, she felt there was no need to tell anyone else.
As she turned the key to start her car and wiped her face, she nodded slowly, as if accepting the memories now in her brain. She clenched her jaw and shut her eyes once more, attempting to figure out why she was near Mystic Falls. It had been two years since the death of Elijah, but she had no idea why she was there.
Her phone was in her lap. She picked it up, seeing a call from an unknown number for a second, but then her phone got hot. She dropped it, and when she picked it back up, it was gone. Her phone started to go off, ringing. She jumped back in her seat, startled, until she saw that it was Josh's name.
"Josh?" she asked, whispering because she was still confused.
"Where the hell are you?" he asked on the other side. "I woke up and thought we were cleaning the apartment, but you're just... not here."
She looked around at the empty road, heaving out a heavy sigh. "I'm near Mystic Falls."
"Mystic Falls?" he exclaimed, before sighing. "Lilah, how many times have we discussed not trying to get in contact with Stefan's family? He passed away, you never got to see him again, blah blah blah, it's better we don't interrupt their happy lives?"
She nodded slowly, those memories also coming back to her.
"I don't know why I'm here," she said honestly. "But... I'm on my way home right now."
"What do you mean you have no idea why you're there?"
"I just... like... woke up?"
"We can have Davina check that out when you get here," Josh decided.
"Y-Yeah," breathed out Lilah, starting to pull back onto the road, starting her drive back home.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
When she had gotten back to her apartment, the one she shared with Josh, she was still in a puzzled state of mind. It was like her memories were unlocking the more she got closer to New Orleans, like a door was opening to the life she lived. Things were fuzzy and then clear, while other things felt like they were just slipping from her. A girl's laugh and smile was stuck in her head for a while, until she up and forgot about it entirely.
She opened the door to the apartment, seeing Josh and Davina sitting on the couch. They both looked worried as she kicked off her shoes. In a picture frame by the door was photos from Davina's wedding to Kol, where she was the maid of honor, standing right next to Davina while Josh filled in as Kol's best man. She started to remember that night as well.
Josh and Davina stood up, quickly walking to her.
"You look like shit," Josh said, earning a glare from Davina. "What? Look at her! She looks like she fought someone."
She furrowed her eyebrows and ran to the bathroom, surprising herself when she knew where it was. She looked in the mirror, seeing her untamed hair wild, dried blood on her in places where there was no cuts.
"What happened?" Davina asked from behind her, her and Josh following her.
"I have no idea," replied Lilah, shaking her head. "I-I feel like... like..."
"Woah, woah woah," she heard Josh's voice slipping, getting slower and deeper as she felt like she was levitating, falling maybe, and she saw the ceiling of the bathroom before her eyes closed completely.
"...maybe she turned off her humanity?" a familiar, raspy voice said, muffled by the walls of the apartment.
Lilah regained consciousness, seeing she was in her bedroom. She looked around, memories of moving in, decorating, living there coming back to her. She got out of bed as she heard Freya's voice from the living room. Her aunt, the girl who she felt like was the only mother she had, now and back when she was with Dahlia. But she'd never know.
"For just a night? And turned it back on? Is it really that simple?" Davina asked.
"Uncommon, luv, but not impossible," another voice, an accented male one. Kol.
She rounded the corner into the living room, gaining the attention of everyone.
"Hey," Josh smiled at her. "How are you feeling?"
"Disoriented," she replied, sitting down next to Freya.
The Mikaelson woman put an arm around Lilah, and she remembered meeting Freya for the first time, trying not to cry the first time she ever hugged her. She tried so hard for so long to live a life that was parallel to the Mikaelsons, but she just couldn't keep living that way.
She sat still while Davina and Freya ran some magical tests on her, trying to see if they could dig out what happened, but they couldn't. Instead, Kol said it would make sense if she had just gone on a ripper binge for the night, which would have explained the blood on her when they found her, perhaps turning off her humanity and then switching it back on in the morning.
That frightened her. That she had no recollection of what she had done, how many people she had killed, what kind of mess she left. She was able to remember her old Ripper days, and it left her an eerie feeling. But she just listened to everyone around her, deciding that would be best.
Josh placed his hands on her shoulders as he stood behind her, massaging her to try to get her less tense as everyone piled out of their apartment. Josh had decided that cleaning could wait, and that Lilah looked like she was in need of a drink, so they all went to Rousseau's, where Lilah helped manage.
She didn't even notice the photos on the wall, pictures of Freya and some unknown girl. It wasn't common for her to look at those photos, so she walked straight passed them and sat at a table with Kol, Davina, and Freya as Josh went behind the counter to grab them some drinks. As she spent more and more time awake, the disoriented state she was in rubbed off, and she felt normal again, like she was fully in this life. Eventually, somehow, everyone at that table seemed to all forget that Lilah was even in Mystic Falls or missing in the morning.
Her new life in New Orleans was just starting, but to her, it felt like that had been where she was the whole time.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Welcome to Book 3 of the Lilah Mikaelson/Side Character series! I've been trying to figure out what I wanted Lilah's life to look like after Hope jumped into the pit, how I wanted to have the memory loss affect her. As we all know, everyone seemed to just... keep living their previous lives, just without Hope. Even though it would make sense that they'd ask questions as to how so much happened: i.e: landon and raf's arrival, why hayley was with the mikaelsons for so long, why elijah and klaus died, etc. everyone only had their memories of hope repressed, but none of the other memories of their lives with her erased.
i tried the route where lilah also had her memories repressed like everyone else, but after trying to figure out how to incorporate lilah into legacies' actual storyline, i decided to go about it my own way. lilah is a whole different species of vampire, things that affect everyone else doesn't affect her.
so, why not have her entire past few years just erased? but not just erased, she gets filler memories... and everyone else gets filler/fake memories of her. where there's a Hope-shaped gap in the Mikaelson family's lives is almost filled with a whole new life for lilah. and those that knew her at the salvatore school... she just... also disappears with the memories of her cousin. even roman doesn't remember her—which is going to end with roman not being a student at the school, btw!
instead, the mikaelsons all "remember" life with lilah where hope never existed. i wanted to touch a lot on fate here. how lilah still ended up mixed in with the mikaelsons without hope, relationships she makes in the future without hope.
and i thought it'd be interesting to see how lilah would've lived her life in a world without Hope. in Side Character, we learn she only gets close to the Mikaelsons because of Hope. she would have never gotten close to them—since she hadn't been for centuries—if it weren't for Hope. so how exactly would her life in new orleans have been? and i just sat on that idea until i came up with this chapter, what life would have been as a consequence to hope never existing.
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isakthedragon · 7 years
Super Sonic Thieves Chapter 3
Chapter 3- The Case of Thieves and ‘Killers’
Intro Cutscene:
Sly: “Another look into the Thievius Raccoonus led us to visit England during the Victorian Era. Our family had an ancestor during that time, Thaddeus WInslow Cooper III, that was known as one of the richest families at the time. Besides being known as a wondrous mechanic, building one of the earliest flying machines, he was also a well-known detective from Scotland Yard as well.  There was something very worrisome about it though; not only is that information missing, but it seems he was arrested for committing attempted murder he was investigating! Looks like we’ll have to put on our thinking caps and grab the magnifying glasses to solve what has happened to my ancestor.”
Sly Cooper and the Gang in…
*An old timey book opens up to an empty page and a raccoon hand comes in with a red-inked quill and writes: ‘ The Case Of Thieves and ‘Killers’ ’. The ink slides down off the letters a bit, looking like blood.*
Hub Layout:
The gang has their hideout just outside of London to the West in an abandoned farm (so they can hide the van since they don’t exist yet) during the winter, so not many people are outside as well, along with a covering of snow everywhere. The police department, and the jail as well, are in the center of the city, just West of the River Thames. Nearby is Big Ben, chiming on the hours. Since this is the 1800s, the city is much smaller, and is more filled with houses. The map ends on the River Thames though, so you can’t go any farther. The north side of London is the home of a huge manor and in the air is one of Eggman’s airships floating about, creating all the badniks.
Crows: Black crows that flutter about the roofs in search of thieves, or anyone breaking the law for that matter. They will caw for other guards if provoked. Carries/drops 5-7 coins to pickpocket has 10% chance of treasure.
‘Werewolves’: Wolves that walk around, patrolling the streets with their heightened sense of smell for blood (Wolves in Sly’s world are anthropomorphic already, but they are ‘werewolves’ for being more fluffy and having longer claws, seemingly being transformed by the London moon.) They will counterattack with their claws with a nasty claw swipe that is almost unavoidable. Carries/drops 7-9 coins to pickpocket has 25% chance of treasure.
Horses: Brown-colored stallions that search the streets with their flashlights for anyone where they aren’t. Attacking these guys will make them retaliate with a hoof kick, but it does take them a bit to charge up. Despite what you’d think, it’s best to stay real close in front of their face if there is no alert about as they can’t see in front of their own head for a few feet. Carries/drops 7-12 coins to pickpocket has 50% chance of treasure.
Bobbie Pawns: Egg Pawns acting as the actual police force of London, but will club at anyone with their oversized clubs and will whistle for other enemies if left alone. Don’t attack their head as their have a spike on their cap that is NOT for show and WILL hurt. Drops 6 rings when smashed.
Egg Fighter Knights: Also wearing a police uniform, these guys opt for a sword and shield instead (But forgot their spike caps). Either hit them from the top or from the back to destroy them. Drops 8 rings when smashed.
Egg Gunners: Eggman’s blatant disregard for time has had him send his futuristic (And humanoid looking) badniks to fight Sonic and co. They can float in the air and fire at you with their vulcan cannons. Sonic and the others can handle them, but the Sly characters may need to get creative to smash these things. Drops 10 rings when smashed.
Nebula: Helicopter like badniks that drop spike balls on you if you pass underneath them. Better destroy them before that happens. Drops 4 rings.
Balkiry: Fast bird baniks that jet towards you. Better smash them when you see them. Drops 5 rings.
Turtloid: A small turtle badnik that controls a bigger turtle badnik that fires small missiles at you. Destroy the smaller one to make the bigger one useless. Drops 6 rings.
From Guards:
Bronze Quill: Worth 40 coins and 20 rings.
Silver Quill: Worth 60 coins and 30 rings.
Gold Quill: Worth 80 coins and 40 rings.
From Pedestals:
Pearl Necklace: No bobby trap. Worth 400 coins and 200 rings. Found around Annis Fox's home. 
Gold Crown: Bomb booby trap, with 2:00 timer. Worth 450 coins and 225 rings. Found near the courthouse.
Silver Clock Hands: Bomb bobby trap, with 1:00 timer. Worth 500 coins and 250 rings. Found on Big Ben’s roof.
Golden Magnifying Glass: Fall Damage Sensor booby trap. Worth 600 coins and 300 rings. Found near Thaddeus’s home
The coins here have an old Victorian England Coat of Arms on them.
Secret Sighting of Clockwerk: Acting as a gargoyle statue in a park. Maybe he’s a Weeping Angel? :P
Another London ‘Murder’ Mystery
Find a disguise for Sly
Go talk to Thaddeus
Steal the case info
Head off to the manor and take recon.
Sly: “It feels weird that I am going to a police station voluntary again.”
Carmelita, through the radio: “Giving you bad memories? Preferably in shocks!” *She chuckles.*
Sly: “Huh, so that’s why my tail has a tingling sensation near you.” *He chuckles back.*
Sly: “Buzzkill.”
Carmelita: “Indeed.”
Bentley: “We don’t got time! We need to hurry in and find Thaddeus! His trial is tomorrow, and we need to figure out to save him before then, but first we need to talk to him!”
Sly: “Alright, Bentley, don’t get your shell cracked. We’ll talk to him, although I wonder if they might arrest me for looking like him…”
Espio: “Don’t worry, I’ll distract them, but perhaps you might need a disguise…”
Bentley: “I would guess the evidence locker for clothes might have something you can use. Now come on!”
*Sly and Espio head into the Police Station. The player has them sneak around, avoiding and distracting police officers with various things to get their attention as they make their way to the evidence locker where they store clothes. There are waypoints in the room for things to collect.*
Sly: “Alright.” *He puts them on.* “Heh, should fool them enough. Now to find Thaddeus.”
*The player continues sneaking on, making their way to Thaddeus’ cell. Once there…*
Thaddeus was sitting, looking away from the bars. “Huh? Who goes there? Another annoying bobby making fun of a ‘lost’ detective?”
Sly: “Quite the opposite really. I want to help restore your reputation.”
It peaked Thaddeus’s interest, with his ears twitching and tilting his head a bit. “Oh, really? And who might you be?”
Sly: “Well, it’s a long story, but I am an ancestor of yours. My name is Sly Cooper.”
Thaddeus turns and walks up to the bars to look at Sly. “Hmmm… it appears you are a Cooper alright. But what are you doing here?”
Sly: “Well, it seems obvious you aren’t meant to be in prison. I know you are a great detective, but someone has altered history to put you in here.
Thaddeus: “Is that so? How? And why? You didn’t have something to do with this, did you?”
Sly: No! ...Well, I hope. Anyway, I’m afraid I can’t explain right now. Can’t risk overstaying my welcome here. But what can you tell about what’s going on. How’d you get arrested?
Thaddeus: “Ah, it is the most infuriating thing! I was framed for attempting to murder Lady Fox, a fox of extraordinary wealth.”
Sly: “WHAT?!”
Thaddeus: “Yes! Even though I’ve never been nor had any reason to ever visit her place, the law found my items in her living room where she laid comatose, and her own valuables were missing! Being from a family of master thieves, I was of course accused of the crime despite none of those valuables being in my possession.”
Sly: Blamed for a thieving you didn’t even commit. Unbelievable…
Thaddeus: Oh, I shudder to think of how tarnished my legacy has become with this unfortunate event...
Sly: Hey, don’t worry! Me and my gang are going to do everything we can to clear your name! I’m not going to let one of my favorite ancestors go down like this!
Thaddeus: A thousand thank yous, my dear descendant. I bet if you want to know anymore of the case, they probably have the information handy, since my trial, which is gonna be more of a death sentence than anything, is soon.”
Sly: “We’ll figure out some way-”
Espio interjects quickly. “Someone’s coming! And we can’t hide you!”
Sly: “Don’t worry, I got this.”
Police Officer: “Hey?! Who are you? What are you doing here?”
Sly (In his favorite accent, Italian :P ): “Oh? A-me? I’m-a the defense lawyer sent to defend Thaddeus. It’s-a my first case.”
Police Officer: “Hah! I see they found a sucker to defend Thaddeus! No one wants to touch that! Good luck, buddy, his case is a lock! Better be prepared to lose!” *The thought was apparently funny enough that the officer leaves.*
Espio: “That was close.”
Sly: “Guess I’m gonna defend you then, Thaddeus.”
Thaddeus: “Knowing you’re doing it, I feel relieved. I wish you luck.”
Sly: “Thanks.”
*The player now makes their way back out, taking the case info someone left out along the way.*
Bentley: “So you had to tangle yourself with the case huh?”
Sly: “Well, someone has to defend Thaddeus! Besides, it might help with whatever plan we come up with later.”
Bentley: “True. Well, I guess you should make your way to the manor then. See what the crime scene suggests.”
*The player heads off to the manor and in disguise, enters it. They make their way to the master bedroom, where the crime occurred.*
Sly: “Hmmm… quite a mess in here…”
*The player takes recon photos of the broken window, hole in the wall, the neat bed, and the trail of loot leading out of the open empty safe.*
Bentley, on the broken window. “It seems to be where the criminal entered, considering the glass on the inside floor.”
Bentley, on the hole in the wall. “That shape seems quite odd. Maybe we need to ask Sonic and his friends on that.”
Bentley, on the neat bed. “Hmmm, for the mess in the room, the bed looks oddly neat. This Ms. Fox must have been put to sleep before she could even react.”
Bentley, on the trail of loot. “Whoever did this seems to have dropped a money trail, literally. I think we should check where it goes.”
Sly: “That seems to be everything interesting we can find here.”
Bentley: “Alright, come back to the hideout so we can read the case info and we’ll go on from there.”
Bentley: “Alright. Here seems to be their case for the prosecution: Yesterday morning, nearby neighbors awoke to the sound of glass breaking from the manor. Worried for Ms. Fox, they immediately went to get the police. They came quick and found her comatose on the bed and her safe open and completely empty of money and valuables. Finding what was a calling card for Thaddeus, they immediately arrested him and took his cane along with them. Oddly, the cane is missing from the evidence log, so it can be assumed it was lost on the way to the station. They threw him in jail, and now it’s just waiting for the case to finish to kill him.”
Vector: “Seems like they have a really good case against him, especially with the calling card.”
Charmy: ♪ “Heh, maybe we should take it back so they have no case!” ♫
Bentley: “That’s what we were thinking. We need to steal it so they will have a harder time prosecuting him. And it might also free Thaddeus for the time being.”
Charmy: ♪ “Sweet! So who gets to go?” ♫
Bentley: “We’re gonna have Espio and Carmelita go in to find the evidence. It’s too dangerous for anyone else.”
Charmy: ♪ “AW! I wanted a mission!” ♫
Bentley: “Don’t worry, you got a mission with Vector. You guys will follow the money trail to see where it ends.”
Charmy: ♪ “YAY!” ♫
Vector: “We won’t let you down!”
Follow the Green
Follow the trail of money to its end
Vector: “Alright, we’re under the broken window that the trail of cash leads to, but it seems the snow is covering more it.”
Bentley: “Darn, I see the snowfall has been heavy recently. How are we going to find it?”
Charmy: ♪ “OH! Oh! Vector can find it! He can find the trail, no problem!” ♫
Bentley: “Really? How?”
Vector: “Heh, well, I have somewhat of a sense of money. I can smell it from a distance.”
Bentley: “Great! Go on, then! Follow the trail!”
Vector: “Got it.”
*The player has to hold down a certain button to make Vector sniff the ground, which makes green clouds float above the ground, showing the money trail. The player has Vector and Charmy follow it among the streets, alleys, and roofs throughout town, until they reach Big Ben.*
Charmy notices them stop. “What is it?”
Vector: “For some reason, the trail stops here in front of Big Ben. It might continue, but we can’t get up there.”
Bentley: “It’s alright, guys. Come back to the safehouse. We’ll find a way up there.”
Freeing the Innocent
Enter the evidence locker and steal back the evidence leading to Thaddeus
Save Carmelita from the police officers.
Carmelita, wearing a period accurate police uniform stolen earlier by Sly. “I wonder if they will believe me in this get-up.”
Espio: “Well, I just need you to convince them long enough so I can get through the evidence locker for Thaddeus’ stuff.”
Carmelita: “Hmmm, if they are like present day evidence holding rooms, it should be alphabetized. So look under ‘C’ .”
Espio: “Got it.”
*The player enters and takes control of Espio as Carmelita grabs the attention of the police around. The player makes their way to the evidence locker and enters it.*
Espio: “Oh my!”
Bentley: “What is it?”
Espio: “For being the 1800s, the place sure has modern-day lasers.”
Bentley: “Hmmm… I wonder if Eggman has messed around in here?”
Espio: “Well, it’s not going to stop me. I got this.”
*The player makes their way through the evidence locker, avoiding the lasers and other modern-day traps to reach Thaddeus’ evidence, which Espio grabs.*
Espio: “Alright. Time to get out of here.”
Bentley: “You better hurry. Carmelita seems to be having trouble keeping up out there. She sounds mad.”
Espio: “Got it.”
*The player now has to make their way out, noticing Carmelita is overwhelmed. The player has Espio make some noises and distractions to help Carmelita escape. Once it works, they leave to finish the mission.*
Bentley: “Alright. I got good news and bad news.”
Sly: “I’m guessing the good news is Thaddeus is now free from jail?”
Bentley: “Yes.”
Sonic: “That seemed too easy.”
Bentley: “Well, that’s the bad news.”
Thaddeus: “Apparently, someone claims they saw me putting Ms. Fox to sleep and stealing her money, and they are testifying in court tomorrow. I’m free to move around the city, but I can’t leave.”
Charmy: ♪ “Darn! All that for nothing!” ♫
Thaddeus: “Well, I’m here now, and I want to help you find the real criminal!”
Sly: “So what are our plans on doing that?”
Bentley: “Well, Silver and I will be entering Big Ben to continue on the trail of the money. I have a feeling it will lead us to who did all this. Also during this time, Murray and Vector will check on Ms. Fox.”
Vector: “I think what has made her comatose is an Egg Flapper badnik. The hole in the wall matches up to one.”
Bentley: “Besides, she could be useful in solving the case. Finally, Thaddeus, Sly, and Sonic are going to take Thaddeus’ plane into the air. I think that airship is producing all the badniks down here and it might make our plan harder if we don’t take it down.”
Sonic: “Sweet! Some air time!”
Sly: “Huh, flying with my ancestor. Never thought I’d see the day.”
Going Cuckoo
Make your way through Big Ben
Steal the cane back from Bark the Polar Bear
Tails: “I can see you guys are at Big Ben. Now how to help you guys get up on the roofs.”
Bentley: “Hmmm… nothing seems obvious…”
Silver: “Can I try something?”
*The player has Silver telekinetically grab Bentley…*
Bentley: “WHOA!”
*... And place him on the roof nearby before telekinetically floating Silver there too.*
Tails: “Well, that worked.”
Bentley: “I flew! But please warn me next time you do that!”
Silver: “Heh, sorry, and alright.”
*The player makes their way across the roofs of Big Ben tower, following the money trail as it takes them into the belfry's. It’s a bit of a dangerous trek, avoiding various swinging parts and for some reason, lasers again and being spun around on gears and destroying junk and walls with Bentley’s bombs. The money trail ends at an ajar door that they enter. Inside they find the vault contents and something more…*
Silver: “Look! The money!”
Bentley: “Shhh… that’s not all.”
*We pan to see Bark the Polar Bear sitting in a lounge chair, talking to Eggman.*
Bark: “Well, it’s a bit unconventional, but I’m going to be testifying to get Thaddeus executed.”
Eggman: “I can only guess that pesky hedgehog is the reason why you have to.”
Bark: “Sorry.”
Eggman:”It’s fine. I’m used to failure. Just make sure your case is solid!”
Bark: “It is, I promise! It can’t be disproven otherwise!”
Eggman: “You better hope so!”
Bark: “Well, if it’s any consolation, I have the info for Thaddeus’ cane and moves and stuff.”
Eggman: “Good. Send it over.”
Silver: “I think I can grab the cane, but we need to distract Bark first.”
Bentley: “I think if I hit the various bells and stuff above him, it should annoy him enough! I’ll use my darts to work them.”
*The player has Bentley shoot darts at various gears and bells, making them work to make a big cacophony that makes Bark cover his ears.*
Bark: “AH!!! The noise! So deafening!”
*The player has Silver take the distraction and telekinetically get the cane over to Silver.*
SIlver grabs them once they are close. “YES! I got them!”
Bentley: “Let’s get out of here before he notices.”
Grey’s Robo-Anatomy
Defeat the enemies in the hospital
Save Carmelita’s ancestor from the Egg Flapper
Vector: “Alright, Tails. We have made it to the hospital… although it looks quiet.”
Murray: “Too quiet. The hospital looks dark.”
Tails: “That doesn’t sound good. You guys better check it out and find out what’s happening.”
*They enter and find the place swarming with badniks and guards chasing the hospital staff.*
Tails: “Oh my! They seems to be attacking the staff and patients! You guys better stop them before anyone gets hurt!”
*The player goes on a protection mission, finding hospital staff and protecting them from the badniks and guards.*
*Once everyone is saved:*
Vector “Alrighty, we saved everyone.”
Murray: “But still no sign of Ms Fox.”
Tails: “Hmmm… I’m seeing a strange mechanical reading from one of the rooms that’s covering up someone’s signature. I’ll put a waypoint. See what’s in there.”
*The player goes to find the waypoint and enters the room to find…*
Murray: “ *GASP* Sly’s not going to believe this, but it appears Ms. Fox is actually Carmelita’s ancestor!”
Vector points out the badnik next to her. “Looks like she’s being held asleep by that Egg Flapper!”
*The robot wises up and flies out of the room.*
Vector: “After that badnik!”
*The player know has to chase after the Egg Flapper, throwing things at it to make it crash onto the ground so it can be attacked. Once destroyed, the player returns to Ms. Fox’s room to find her slowly awaking.*
Ms. Fox: “Oooh… what happened… feels like I’m drunk…”
Vector: “Hello, Ms. Fox. You were in a comatose state, but we found a way to wake you again.”
Annis Fox: “Mmm… please, call me Annis. And thanks. But why was I in one, and why am I in a hospital.”
Murray: “We can explain, but it might be safer to do it someplace else.”
Vector: “Is that alright, Ms?”
Annis: “Mmm, anything better than this hospital seems good at the moment.”
Robots in the Sky with Coopers
Survive the flying badniks
Take down the airship
Thaddeus: “Ah, home sweet home. I was worried I wouldn’t make it back.”
Sonic: “Why have you taken us here again?”
Thaddeus: “I’m your way of getting into the sky!” *The doors to the shed open, revealing a plane belonging to Thaddeus.*
Sly: “Wow! I saw it in the Cooper Vault, but seeing it here makes it look that much more awesome!”
Thaddeus: “It should work, but this will be my first time flying it, so I’d like apologize if things go south.”
Sonic: “Heh, it wouldn’t be my first crash landing.”
Sly: “Mine neither.”
Thaddeus: “Good. Your friend Bentley seemed adamant on taking out those robots flying up there. I guess you guys can balance on the wings to attack them. I’ll do my best to keep steady.”
*The trio get on the plane and Thaddeus takes off. The camera goes to 2D as a level like Sky Chase Zone starts.*
*The player is zoomed on forward, attacking badniks as they pass by. Sly is useful for close combat while Sonic can hit the more distant (floaty) badniks more safely.*
*Once that is all done, the airship closes in on them and cannon shells whiz by.*
Sly: “WHOA! What was that?”
Sonic: “Cannon shells. Eggman always outfits his airships with cannons. We better get off and destroy that airship as we are still close.”
Thaddeus: “I’ll distract them, but please hurry and destroy them first! I can’t save you guys otherwise!”
*Sly and Sonic jump off. The player now has them destroy the cannons on top of the ship then go into the interior and destroy the computers and other guidance systems to force the airship to crash. The player must then get out and get onto Thaddeus’ plane.*
*Getting on will let a cutscene play of the airship crashing into the River Thames.*
Sonic: “You keep building them and we keep knocking them down, Eggman!”
Sly: “Guess I can check that off on things our gang has destroyed. Let’s go return to Bentley with the news.”
Bentley: “Alright, Thaddeus’ trial is today and we need to get him found innocent. I got… no plan.” *He sounded sad.*
Sly: “Well, I am acting as Thaddeus’ defense attorney. (In his Italian accent.) “I shall-a find-a my client not-a guilty!”
Bentley can be heard slapping his face. “We’re doomed.”
Sly: “The only thing I need to do is just convince the judge Thaddeus didn’t do it by countering Bark’s testimony. Is there evidence I can use?”
Charmy: ♪ “Well, we do have the money trail leading out of the manor and to Bark and the valuables!” ♫
Sly: “That’s a good start, but I worry they might think I planted it then.”
Vector: “Well then, how about Ms. Fox’s testimony.”
Sly: “Sure, that would- wait, what?!” *He notices Annis.* “Carmelita?!”
Annis: “No, I’m Annis. I was told already and she knows about me being her ancestor around this time.”
Sly: “I… I see.”
Carmelita: “Don’t get any ideas, Cooper!”
Sly: “I’m not! I’m still surprised to see an ancestor of yours.”
Bentley: “I’ve made some calculations. Using her will most certainly free Thaddeus and implicate Bark! But we have to make sure she can survive a trip to the courthouse.”
Carmelita: “Blaze and I will do it. We’ll get her there safe. Just don’t mess it up Sly.”
Sly: “Heh, knowing I’m at the end of that barrel will keep me from messing up.”
Operation Turnabout
Get Sly and Thaddeus to the courtroom
Protect Annis Fox
Stall the Courtroom
Defeat Bark
*The player controls Sly and Thaddeus, helping them make their way to the courthouse. But thanks to a heavy guard presence along the ground since the airship crashed, the duo have to stay among the rooftops to avoid being shot at.*
Sly: “We need to make it to the courthouse in one piece.”
Thaddeus: “Being eviscerated is for court.”
*Once they get there, the camera returns to the safehouse, everyone leaving ahead save for Carmelita, Annis, and Blaze*
Bentley: “We’ll scout ahead to make a path, but you guys will have to deal with any stragglers.”
Carmelita: “I’ll make sure they don’t lay a hand on my ancestor at all.”
Blaze: “I’ll make sure of that.”
*The player now has to escort Annis to the courtroom, taking down any guards and badniks along the way. Annis is not much of a fighter, but can dodge somewhat. Just make sure to not let any enemy get close to her and you’ll be fine. Once at the courthouse, they immediately enter...*
*The Judge snaps his gavel to quiet the gallery.*
Judge (He’s an owl): “Order, people! The attempted murder trial of Ms. Annis Fox is to begin now. Is the defense ready?”
Sly: “As-a ready as we can-a be, ‘Udgy!”
Judge: “And the prosecution, Mr ‘Wolf?”
Prosecutor Edge-Were-Wolf: “Despite some setbacks, yes.”
Judge: “Setbacks?”
Prosecution: “Someone… stole some evidence…”
Judge: “But that means there’s no case from what I read.”
Sly: “Then-a my client should-a go free!”
Prosecution: “HOLD IT! We may not have evidence, but we have the next best thing! Testimony from someone who witnessed the crime and certainly put Thaddeus as the killer!”
*The gallery murmurs.*
Judge: “Then bring him out! We got executions and cases to get to!”
Prosecution: “The prosecution calls Bark the Polar Bear to the stand.”
Sly whispers to Thaddeus: “Alright, you ready?”
Thaddeus: “I am used to this, but are you?”
Sly: “Yeah, if it means I save you.”
*Bark takes the stand*
Judge: “Please state your name and occupation for the court. Not that it matters.”
Bark (Having a British accent): “My name’s Bark and I’m Annis’ butler. I know what I saw when I walked in! Thaddeus was there!”
-WItness Testimony-
Bark: “I had finished my work for the day and left, but I forgot something and went back in. There, I saw Annis’ bedroom in ruin and Lady Fox on the bed motionless. And I saw Thaddeus, that very raccoon, pilfering her most treasured items with an evil grin!”
Judge: “Well, that seems to wrap this case up quite nicely! Be the quickest conviction ever! I find Thaddeus-”
Sly interrupted: “OB-JECTION, ‘Udgy, but did-a you forget I’m here to counter?!”
Judge: “Why should you?! Seems pretty open and shut, honestly.”
Sly: “I can find some-a holes, trust-a me.”
Judge: “Fine, but don’t waste our time.”
-Counter Argument (The player decides if Sly presses, objects, moves on, or moves back a statement with dialogue trees from Sly 3. Wrong objections empty the penalty bar, doing it twice gets a guilty verdict and must start over from the beginning.)-
Bark: “I had finished my work for the day and left, but I forgot something and went back in.”
Sly- Do I press him for more info, object to the statement with evidence, or move on to a new statement?
-*If Press is chosen: (CORRECT OPTION)*
Sly: “HOLD IT! What is it you forgot-a to do that required returning back to the manor bedroom?”
Prosecutor: “OBJECTION! Does it really matter?”
Sly: “I-a think so! It might be-a important!”
Judge: “I’ll allow it. Witness?”
Bark laughs nervously: “I… uh… forgot to lock the safe.”
Prosecutor: “WHAT?! You didn’t tell me that?!”
Bark: “It didn’t seem relevant… you’d have to be a part of her staff to even know if the safe was locked.”
Sly: “See! I-a told you it was important!”
Prosecutor: “Ob… Objection! As he said, it’s not relevant totally”
Sly: “Is it? The crime occurred-a when the safe was-a unlocked! Smells of an inside job if you ask-a me!””
Judge: “I have to side with the Defense. Witness, amend your testimony.”
Bark: “I had stupidly forgotten to lock the safe.”
Sly: “Do I press him for more info, object to the statement with evidence, move on, or go back a statement?
*If Sly presses*
Sly: “Hold it! Why did you forget to lock the safe?”
Bark: “I was… busy… Annis had pushed me around a lot that day. It slipped my mind.”
Prosecutor: “I don’t see a problem here, honestly.”
Sly: *Is there?*
YES (Incorrect)-
Sly: “I… I think?”
Judge: “Allow me to decide: No!”
Sly: “D’oh!”
NO (Correct)-
Sly: *Mmm, he is right… if I was busy, I could forget something important.* “Fine, move on.”
Bark: “There, I saw Annis’ bedroom in ruin and Lady Fox on the bed motionless”
*If pressed*
Sly: “Hold it! How did you know the bedroom was in ruin?!”
Bark: “Well, the safe was ajar and the bed was a mess, like with a struggle!”
Prosecutor: “Is there a point?”
YES (Correct)
Sly: “Yes! I took a photo of the scene and found the bed to be neat and tidy, as though she never got out of bed in the first place!” *Shows a period accurate picture of the bedroom for the court.*
Bark: “Oh… darn...”
Prosecution: “Damn it…”
Judge: “The witness will refrain from lying on the stand.”
Bark: “Sorry… I just forgot…”
NO (Incorrect, but just does nothing, as it requires a revisit)
Sly: “No… not that I can see…”
Judge: “Please continue.”
Bark: “And I saw Thaddeus, that very raccoon, pilfering her most treasured items with an evil grin!””
*If pressed.*
Sly: “Hold it! How do you know it was Thaddeus?”
Bark: “It was him for sure! I saw his cane!”
*The prosecutor slaps his face.* “Damn it!”
Judge: “HUH?! Why the outburst, Prosecution?”
The prosecution seethes. “That… was the missing evidence.”
Sly: “Perhaps we can-a help?”
Prosecutor and Judge: “What?!”
Sly: “We found the cane.” *He shows it to the court.*
Judge accepts it as evidence. “Where was it?”
Sly: “Well, it might-a not help the prosecution. But we found it in Bark’s possession. He-a dropped it.”
Bark starts to look worried.
Sly: “And while we are-a on the subject, I think the police should-a visit Big Ben! We did some detective work and found a money trail leading for Annis’ home to his secret hideout in Big Ben. And we found the lost valuables!”
Bark now looks angry.
The judge is surprised. “You found the money and valuables?!”
Sly: “Yeah, and Bark’s testimony seems to neglect the hole in the manor wall and the glass on the inside of the window on top of the hole!”
Judge: “How about you tell us your theory, Defense.”
Sly: “I-a think Bark doesn’t work-a for Annis, and was actually planning on-a robbing her! He-a knocked her out beforehand with one of-a those weird things flying around outside, creating the hole and making her comatose!”
Judge: “So weird things outside belong to him?”
Sly: “Yes! Then he crashed in-a through the window and then robbed her of-a her stuff, leaving a trail to-a his place! Thaddeus is wrongly implicated here!”
The prosecutor smiles: “And can you prove this?”
*A voice can be heard in Sly’s ear at this time.*
Bentley: “Sly! We’re here! We can hear you! Finish it off!”
Sly: “Yes!”
The prosecutor loses his smile fast. “Wait, what?”
Sly: “Why-a don’t you ask Annis Fox yourself?!”
Judge: “But she’s comatose!”
Sly: “We-a found a way to revive her! Just ask her! I call Annis Fox to the stand!”
*The court doors open and Annis walks in.*
The prosecutor: “A-a-a-a ANNIS FOX?!”
Bark: “Damn it…”
Annis: “I heard the defense, and he is right! I believe I saw a bear outside a few times beforehand, and Bark looks just like him! I feel confident that he robbed me!”
The prosecution is speechless.
Judge: “I guess that wraps this up nicely. I find Thaddeus -”
Bark: “NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!”
-*If Object is chosen at a wrong time.*
Sly: “I-a Ob-ject!”
Prosecutor: “On what grounds? Even a fool could tell nothing is wrong there!”
Judge: “Sorry, but I’m with the prosecution. Penalty for the defence”
Sly: “D’oh!”
-*If penalty bar is empty*
Judge: “I’m sorry, but I must stop the defense from making a fool of himself. I find Thaddeus: G U I L T Y.”
Sly: “Sorry Thaddeus…”
*In a fit of anger from losing, Bark pulls out a button switch*
Sly: “What’s that?”
*He presses the button, and sounds can be heard outside…*
Sly: “Everyone! Get out now!”
*One of the crashed airship’s last cannons, still operational apparently, aims itself at the courthouse and fires a powerful shot. Everyone scrambles to get out of the courtroom before the shot collides. Once the shot hits, the roof collapses and the debris wreck the courtroom with only Carmelita and Knuckles remaining inside, the rest of the team unable to get back in due to the debris blocking them.*
Knuckles: “Ugh… Oh thank the heavens, we’re alive.”
Carmelita: “Urk, yeah… Unfortunately, we’re alone with him now.”
Bark: “Dammit! How did that not kill anyone?! No matter! I’ll take you both down and then kill that brood like I was supposed to!”
Carmelita: “HA! Good luck with that! I’ll have you know I’m Interpol’s top detective and I’ve taken down criminals far stronger than you! And if you think I’ll let you kill my ancestor this easily, you’re very mistaken!”
Knuckles: “Yeah! And my strength easily outmatches yours! You have no chance, Polar Bear!”
Bark: “We’ll see about that, you echidna lastling!”
*Carmelita fires an electric blast from her Shock Pistol at Bark. Right when the shot was about to hit Bark, it disappears and the polar bear is not affected*
Carmelita: “What the-?!”
Bark: “Hehehe, my boss prepared for your arrival and gave me a device to activate an Electric Shield! It protects me from electricity and gives me a shocking punch!”
*Carmelita growls and jumps at Bark, intending to deliver a powerful kick to his head, but he catches her foot and tosses her into one of the rubble*
*And so the boss fight against Bark begins. Thanks to his Electric Shield, Bark is completely invulnerable to Carmelita’s shots. Thankfully the Electric Shield will disappear should Bark suffer a powerful enough hit but he is tough as bricks, so only Knuckles can do anything about this. The first part of the fight has Knuckles and Bark duking it out like boxers. In other words, this part of the fight plays like a simplified fighting game; the controls have you punch, block, dodge, and move, with the objective being to deplete the Electric Shield’s “HP” to zero. Once it’s gone, you can switch to Carmelita and start unloading her Shock Pistol at Bark and whittle away at his health. Once his health goes down 25%, Bark will bring up another Electric Shield and the process begins again. While fighting against Knuckles, he’ll start off with just punching, then jabbing quickly (75%), throwing uppercuts (50%), and finally fake-outs (25%). And while fighting against Carmelita, he hide more often and throw stuff at you the more health he loses.
*Once Bark is defeated*
Bark: “I may have lost… but Eggman is still winning…”
Outro Cutscene:
Sly: “After knocking out Bark, the court deemed Thaddeus as not guilty for the crime and arrested that polar bear on the spot. For both the crime and destroying the courthouse, Bark was to be sentenced to death! But we couldn’t let that happen, both to keep the timestream stable and because we can’t allow anyone from Sonic’s universe to die in our world, so we managed to convince the law to let us apprehend Bark and then toss him back into Sonic’s world. After having to solve that whole mystery, we all decided to stick around with Thaddeus for a bit and get some downtime. With the way Eggman and his goons operated so far, we need all the energy we can get. Besides, with time travel, it’s never too late to do anything.
Sly: “Heh, Thaddius sure is spending quite a bit of time with Annis, talking about cases and the like. Guess he must of convinced the Fox family to go into law enforcement.”
Next Time: Sly and Sonic batten down the hatches in the 17th Century Caribbean.
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architectnews · 3 years
Hum3D spring competition: without borders
2021 Hum3D spring competition: without borders, Architecture Competition, Design Contest
Hum3D Spring Competition – Without borders 2021
16 June 2021
Without borders Challenge Winners
Without borders 3D Challenge Winners Announcement!
We are very happy to announce the winners of the Without borders Challenge.Participants were to create a 3D work with a famous building from their country, that would be the best place to visit by a traveler. Environment in the work should be made in 3D.
Without borders Challenge First place
Aspire Tower (Doha, Qatar) by Ramees Muhammed
Made with using 3ds Max and Corona Renderer.
Also Ramees gets a Special prize from Corona Renderer team for the best work made with using Corona and a Special prize from Nevercenter team for the Best sky in a work.
Nevercenter team: “The sky in this render is full of a mood, and illuminated nighttime clouds like this are a sky worth taking time to pause, look at, and escape into”.
Corona renderer team: “This work nails everything, from mood and atmosphere, composition (we love how the tower “reaches beyond the moon”), to rendering quality”.
Comments from the Jury:
Yurii Lebediev: “Symmetrical composition is boring in most cases (for me personally). But Moon and all other elements that break this symmetry make this render special. I love the night lighting and the position of clouds in the background too”.
Martin Krasemann: “Lot of work on this one, creating a nice night scene is a complex task and the tower is really well lightened. Composition works also very well. The reflection on the water looks nice also”.
Alessandro Maniscalco: “Great architectural rendering with amazing modelled and detailed structure. I was shocked about environment crispy details. Great night atmosphere”.
Agnieszka Klich: “Realistic image, nice composition, interesting lighting setup! A great way of using the contrast between cold and warm lights to balance composition and focus interest on the main subject of the image – the tower”.
Kenny Zou: “Excellent rendering and mood-setting, especially with the moon so big, nice work!”.
Calvin Bacon: “The lighting, composition, and mood that this render portrays are fantastic. The incredibly high level of detail and realism make this my top pick”.
Jonathan Holmes: “Eye-catching design with beautiful lighting and a very melancholy atmosphere. Loving it!”.
Jacob Norris: “Fantastic mood and the minimal use of colors really helps to highlight the shapes of this beautiful architecture”.
Emanuele Serra: “This work attracted my attention, simple in its composition, but very interesting in the use of night lights, expressing the intense strength of the structure. I like how the colors and contrasts of the composition have been balanced”.
Paul Roberts: “The main building is very well modelled with an atmospheric mood and detailed context. The composition is strong with the form defined by using a predominantly dark building defined against the lighter sky. Modelling is to a good standard with a good amount of information communicated in the surrounding site without it distracting from the main focus”.
Nicolas Wirrmann: “I particularly liked the mood, the lighting work and subtle post processing. The result is an elegant photorealistic render. (The moon might be a bit too much though )”.
Quick interview with Ramees:
– How long have you been into 3D modeling? Please, tell us about yourself.
I have been in the industry for the past 10 years. For the most part, I’ve produced Forensic 3D Animations and Technical Graphics used in construction disputes and tenders.
In recent years I’ve also produced architectural visualizations as well as being involved in commercial projects.
I did a Bachelor of Science in Visual Communication and an Advanced Diploma in Multimedia.
– How much time did it take you to create your work? Did you face any difficulties?
The project took me around a week to complete as I worked on this during my time aside from my dayjob. Most time was taken to plan the scene composition and also spent a bit of time on tower modeling.
The key challenge was to make the scene a bit dramatic and to add as much detail on the building model and the nearby landmarks (Stadium, Arena). Other than these, the process was straightforward as well as interesting and I have enjoyed every bit of it.
– Do you have any advice for future participants in the competition?
As we all are always learning and striving for perfection in this arena, the best thing I could advise is to keep participating without a fear of losing.
Competing will always give us the chance to learn from others and it’s always a win-win situation, and one day it will be our turn to inspire others.
Without borders Challenge Second place
Mode Gakuen Cocoon Tower (Tokyo) by Todor Vladev
Made with using 3ds Max, V-ray, Megascans and Photoshop.
Also Todor gets Special prize from Exlevel team for the “Best Environment”.
Exlevel team: “Very realistic image. Render looks like a photo!”
Comments from the Jury:
Lynette Clee: “The composition of this piece is wonderful, using the pathway to draw our eye into the frame and up to explore the details of the tower. The balance of architecture and nature seems very thoughtful, and the lighting and reflections help to bring this scene to life with great photorealism”.
Martin Krasemann: “The only reason this one didn’t end up in the 1st place is because the walkway in front of the camera feels really empty, I would have loved to see people and bicycles”.
Alessandro Maniscalco: “Amazing dusk environment render with amazing modern architecture. Very good composition”.
Fabio Allamandri: “Very nice shot. I like the composition of the image”.
Maciej Ptaszynski:” Very cool image! I love the lighting and the materials. One of my favourites. Congrats!”
Calvin Bacon: “The composition does a great job of drawing the eye to what should be in focus, which is clearly the powerful skyscraper. The final result is a render that is executed beautifully and to a very high technical level”.
Tom Grimes: “Have to admit it was the wet ground and blurred lighting that rounded out this image for me, giving a sense of early morning perhaps, or after some light rainfall. The sharp detail of the tower then contrasts nicely”.
Jonathan Holmes: “Nearly a photograph” render that really impressed me. Fantastic lighting and composition skills here!”.
Jacob Norris: “A great choice for a very interesting building and presented in such a beautiful way in this simple, yet exciting piece”.
Paul Roberts: “A strong architectural render with some excellent modelling of the main building and texturing of the surrounding environment. Good use of light to create some interesting reflections”.
Arseniy Korablev: “Professional and realistic artwork. I like the city feeling here”.
Stephanie Schenck: “Great photo-realistic render of the scene; we especially like the reflection of the sky textures and surrounding elements on the curved parts of the tower, and the feel of the sidewalk tile. You can feel the slight-slipperiness, the gentle imperfections within the uniformity, the transition to rougher textures for the raised bumps. Well done”.
Quick interview with Todor:
– How long have you been into 3D modeling? Please, tell us about yourself.
I have been doing 3d modelling and visualization since 2015. I have a big passion for 3d and visualization. In my spare time I usually work on personal projects which are more of an artistic approach. I always try and find better and more efficient ways of doing things and keep on top of the latest techniques in 3d visualization.
– How much time did it take you to create your work? Did you face any difficulties?
The image took about a month from start to finish. There were a few modelling challenges with the Mode Gacuen Cocoon Tower. The tower is made up of 3 main sections and the roof as another section. Each floor slab then had to be modeled separately to match the curvature of the tower with the interior walls. Everything had to precise and match to the millimeter while modelling. The tower turned out quite accurate at the end.
– Do you have any advice for future participants in the competition?
My only advice for future participants would be – Always work from a reference image, for modelling, materials and lighting.
Without borders Challenge Third place
Ottoman Legacy – Dolmabahce Palace by Kay John Yim
Made with using Redshift, Cinema4D, Rhino, Speedtree and ZBrush.
Comments from the Jury:
Yurii Lebediev: “I adore pictures with soul. And this is the case. Not just hyper-realistic render but great attention to the mood and vibe of the moment”.
Martin Krasemann: “Love the poetic atmosphere that is getting out of this image”.
Alessandro Maniscalco: “We love the happiness and colors of this picture. The beautiful atmosphere is everywhere and the compositing is very good. Great compositing and environment objects…”.
Agnieszka Klich: “The image of the palace drew my attention instantly. It tells a story about the place – thanks to this the author added extra value to the visualization. The building not only has a monumental look but the composition of the image also gives an impression of some mystery behind it (by giving us – the viewers – the possibility to be unseen observers) which we are willing to uncover. The soft color palette gives the place the ‘inviting to visit’ look. Great framing, nice color balance, and story included… all the aspects that make the image successful”.
Fabio Allamandri: “This image is a little bit over exposed for my tastes but I like the easter feeling very much. Lots of details! Very good job!”.
Maciej Ptaszynski: “Great mood and very nice composition. Beautiful render!”
Jacob Norris: “Fantastic work on the architecture and atmosphere in this piece. The flower petals floating in the air and the strong glow from the lighting help to make the artwork feel magical”.
Emanuele Serra: “This work is immediately caught my eye, I did not know Dolmabahce Palace, but as soon as you look at this work, you can feel the history and magic of that place. I like how the author reinterprets that place, using a very poetic light, increasing this feeling even more by using petals that rest on the water, while a sailing ship plows the sea towards the palace”.
Arseniy Korablev: “Festive and solemn artwork. And besides, beautiful and very detailed!”
Nicolas Wirrmann: “The amount of modelling work is impressive”.
Stephanie Schenck: “This render is more like a painting, effectively capturing the *feel* of visiting the space, with all of the dreams, immersion, swept-away-ness of the scene”.
Ralph Huchtemann: “This one has a very special composition with the boat at the bottom and the tree branches coming from above, which give the palace a frame. Another special thing about this one are all the falling leaves. Very unique composition”.
Quick interview with John:
– How long have you been into 3D modeling? Please, tell us about yourself.
As both a Chartered Architect and a CGI Artist, I have been into 3D modeling for about 8 years.
My journey into 3D began with CAD softwares while I was studying architecture in University – Rhino being my primary 3D tool for its unique capabilities in handling freeform curves and NURBS surfaces.
A couple of years into learning 3D, I struggled with the limitations of rendering packages available for CAD softwares. That was when I started to look into DCCs like Cinema4D and Houdini – which led me to a whole new world of possibilities in CG rendering. I spent all my waking hours outside work learning and practicing rendering as a hobby.
When I officially passed my exam to become a RIBA Chartered Architect in the UK, I made the decision to specialize in architectural visualization, with just the bare minimum knowledge of rendering that I learned and practiced in my free time.
I have since worked at the forefront of concept design at SPINK Partners – a British architectural design practice based in London – delivering CG renderings for marketing, design development discussions and eventually construction.
When COVID lock-down dawned upon London, I treated the extra time as an R&D opportunity to learn new CG software and publish CG art regularly on social media, with the goal of honing my CG skills and connecting with like-minded people online.
– How much time did it take you to create your work? Did you face any difficulties?
It took me about 2 months to complete my rendering for final submission, of which around 80% of the time was spent on lighting and rendering, and 20% on modeling and texturing.
I have faced a lot of difficulties – one of which being long rendering times.
“Ottoman Legacy” was one of the most detailed projects I have ever worked on – the main building alone consisted of over 1 trillion polys. Previously I would have created a low poly version of the scene, but I took the challenge as an opportunity to see how far I could push the boundaries of rendering in Redshift, for the sake of retaining as much detail as possible.
Needless to say my workstation crashed countless times during look-dev, and a 2-week project ended up taking me 2 months to complete – but it was worth every second.
– Do you have any advice for future participants in the competition?
I think that practicing consistently is the most important habit that I have formed over the past year, and I would advise every 3D artist to do the same; for me personally I practice and learn a little 3D consistently every day as opposed to scheduling a whole weekend of work, when I am most likely to be distracted.
In addition to consistent practice, I think that studying photography and cinematography rather than focusing on the technicality of 3D can definitely go a long way – 3D software are evolving so quickly these days anything could easily become obsolete tomorrow.
Hum3D spring competition 2021: without borders winners images / information received 160621
Previously on e-architect: 18 + 17 Mar 2021
Hum3D spring competition: without borders Contest
While most borders are closed, and restrictions do not allow travel we still can use 3D visualization to visit new places and share their beauty with others.
Create a 3D work with a famous building from your country to help other participants to see this beautiful place. Tell its history and why it’s the best place to visit.
The famous place can be exterior or interior (e.g., Sistine Chapel). Environment in the work should be made in 3D as well as a final image. Minimal use of third-party assets such as vegetation, street elements is allowed. Building models should be made by you.
The first-place winner will get prizes worth a total of $13,000: license and content from 30 sponsors, leaders of ArchViz world industry. Also, everyone has an opportunity to receive additional prizes. The winners will be chosen by voting from a professional jury team.
We invite all 3D artists and architects to participate. You can see all rules and prizes on the challenge page https://hum3d.com/without-borders
Dates of the event: March 17 – June 3.
Today (March 17) Hum3D launches an online competition for 3D artists and architects. Organizers ask participants to create a 3D art with a famous building from artist’s country. This will help everyone to be involved in a short traveling around the World and visit various beautiful places without borders and restrictions. The name of the event is “Without borders”.
The main idea: help everyone to be involved in a virtual traveling around the World, discover new countries, and see iconic buildings by using 3D art.
Slogan: “While most borders are closed, and restrictions do not allow travel we still can use 3D visualization to visit new places and share their beauty with others.”
What exactly to do: artists need to create a 3D work with a famous building from their country, that would be the best place to visit by a traveler. Environment in the work should be made in 3D as well as a final image. Participants need also to tell history of building and why it is the best place to visit.
The famous place can be exterior or interior (e.g., Sistine Chapel). The winners will be chosen by voting from a professional jury team.
Why architects should participate: the first-place winner will get prizes worth a total of $13,000: license and content from 30 sponsors, leaders of 3D world industry. Also, everyone has an opportunity to receive additional prizes.
The challenge runs until June 3, 2021.
About Hum3D
Hum3D has held annual creative competitions since 2013. Among them the largest contest in the 3D car industry. Among sponsors are Chaos, Corona renderer, OTOY, Substance, Artstation, Gnomon, Keyshot and many others.
Hum3D is a creator and seller of the biggest collection of vehicle 3D models on the Internet. Their assets are available in the Chaos Cosmos library.
Page of the event – https://ift.tt/3gHe4fh
All previous challenges – https://ift.tt/2TDitYy
Hum3D home page – https://hum3d.com/
Page of Chaos Cosmos – https://ift.tt/35rDbNT
Hum3D spring competition: without borders images / information received 18 + 170321
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newstfionline · 7 years
Economy races ahead, but land-rights turmoil leaves many Cambodians behind
Peter A. Ford, CS Monitor, July 11, 2017
PRAEK TANOUB VILLAGE, CAMBODIA--The squatters who call this narrow raised strip of red clay home are largely not here by choice.
Some have left behind drought-affected farmland in the country’s south. Others have nowhere else to live, after falling into debt.
The 4.5-mile irrigation dyke, constructed with forced labor when the Khmer Rouge regime controlled Cambodia between 1975 and 1979, offered a small piece of free land on which to attempt to rebuild their lives.
Just 45 minutes north by car lies the booming capital, Phnom Penh, where skyscrapers and malls illustrate Cambodia’s ongoing economic transformation: today, the country enjoys about 7 percent annual economic growth, and the number of Cambodians living under the poverty line is steadily dropping. But as land has been bought up, it often comes at the expense of residents’ land rights. Claims to land here are often unclear, in part a legacy of the brutal Khmer Rouge regime, and the loss of rights is exacerbated by long-term state land leases to business investors, human rights groups say, despite a moratorium imposed in 2012.
Officials tout Cambodia’s growth as a sign of improved living standards, but that “masks the actual distribution,” says Sophal Ear, a Cambodia expert and associate professor at Occidental College in Los Angeles. “The authorities have managed to use land rights to give the wrong people the land: tycoons and the powerful.”
Confusion about land rights has combined with agro-industrial development to make alleged land grabs a persistent problem. In what’s touted as a bid for growth, the government has utilized long-term leases of state land to private companies, which now account for almost 17 percent of the country’s land. Some 700,000 Cambodians have been adversely affected by these economic land concessions (ELCs), according to the Cambodian Center for Human Rights, and many more live in legal limbo--like the families in this village.
Most villagers have certificates conveying ‘soft’ land title that are meant to ensure compensation or relocation if the government moves them, but many don’t have the nationally recognized ‘hard’ titles, says Meach Mean, who moved to Praek Tanoub in the mid-1990s. Some long-term residents, however, have neither.
“Everyone has experienced hardship [in Cambodia]” says Meach, now in his 70s. “I wouldn’t want to live on the dyke [with the squatter families], but I understand what may have forced them to live here.”
The tree-lined dyke is flanked by a patchwork of verdant rice and lotus fields, and is home to about 50 families, according to long-time resident Hong Pov. She and her family moved here in 1997 after they found themselves unable to meet loan repayments for their fish-farming business. The sides of the dyke provided the only unused land in the area on which to live.
“When we arrived there were 15 families. Now it’s 50,” she explains, showing off the home they built four years ago for $2,000: metal sheeting for walls and roof, supported by a simple wooden frame; rough wooden floorboards; and decorated with family photos. Hong is resigned to the fact that this will be her home from now on.
“There is no choice,” she said, as she cannot afford to buy land anywhere. Because her husband has a longstanding illness, she is the family’s only breadwinner, earning less than $15 per week as a pot-washer at nearby weddings.
Unlike villagers, the dyke families lack official titles to the land on which they live, despite many having lived there for at least five years before 2001--the prerequisite for the land-titling process to begin. Hong, who claims the government only makes an effort to issue land titles in more remote provinces, says she was given a ‘soft title’ certificate in 2005, but cannot locate it.
Village chief Von Pheach stresses that the families on the dyke may continue to live where they are, although provincial authorities have barred any new residents.
However, “they are not landless in the normal sense,” he adds. “Many of them sold their land elsewhere due to debt. They destroyed themselves, and then had to move there.”
Throughout Cambodia, land-rights conflicts stand poised to grow: the continued growth of Phnom Penh means land is at a particularly high premium nearby, with ‘new’ land created by filling the last remaining lakes of this former swamp with sand.
But land rights have been a persistent problem since the Khmer Rouge came to power on April 17, 1975, following a bloody civil war against the United States-supported government. The regime sought to turn Cambodia into a mythological agrarian utopia, and emptied the country’s cities--including Phnom Penh--to achieve this. Millions were moved into the countryside and were forced to construct large-scale farming projects centered around communal living and eating. Money was banned, private property abolished, and all land titles were voided.
The combination of civil war, American bombing, and the executions and forced work perpetrated by the Khmer Rouge not only led to the fragmentation of Cambodian society, but also left as many as 3 million people dead. The regime was removed from power in 1979, but the country’s recovery was hindered the group’s long-running guerrilla conflict, which did not formally end until 1998.
Since then, Cambodia has risen to qualify as a “lower middle-income” country, by World Bank standards, with one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. But if the land concessions known as ELCs--which include sugar cane plantations, cassava processing plants, mines, and tourism attractions--have contributed to that development, they have also compounded land-rights issues.
Along with resident displacement, ELCs can contribute to deforestation and loss of livelihood: In a country where almost 50 percent of adults work in agriculture, those without land can find themselves exiled to the extremes of society.
Five years ago, Prime Minister Hun Sen imposed a moratorium on new ELCs, promising an investigation into existing concessions; the government also began a land-titling initiative. As of 2016, 4.3 million land titles, or 61 percent of total land plots, had been recognized, according to a paper from the Foreign Affairs Ministry. Licenses for a number of ELCs found not in compliance with their investment conditions were revoked, but rights groups argue that the government has never published a full list of the agreements.
Much of the problem, rights groups say, boils down to enforcing the law, and better education around land rights. Technically, anyone who inhabited land for five years before 2001, when a land law went into effect, may apply for a title. Most people do not know how to obtain formal documentation, however, according to a 2015 US State Department report, which criticizes an official Cambodian commission for failing to clearly identify state land.
Meanwhile, human rights groups have accused the government of targeting land-rights activists with threats, violence, and arrests, while entire communities have been subject to forced evictions and relocation.
For now, at Praek Tanoub, residents are free to stay.
Retired vegetable farmer Nut Yaen, who was born here seven decades ago, says he would love to have official title, to pass his land onto his children. However, he accepts that that is unlikely. For his day-to-day life, the lack of proof that he legally owns the land on which he has lived for decades does not bother him.
“I like it here; it is my hometown. I wouldn’t live anywhere else.”
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