#All while Vivek just looks on as if to say 'Are they seriously going to fight over an alien from area 51?'
shyshiny · 1 year
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Hello everyone! Good morning, afternoon or evening, depending on when you are viewing this post.
I had no ideas until I remembered again the relationship that Shrike and Zeckoy would have (in addition to recently watching "Cut along the dotted line" and its sequel) that's why I wanted to draw them but not just with the two of them alone, this is Zero ( from the series already mentioned before, I love him btw), Vivi (again) and Juno (@havockingboo oc). Just that, I wanted to draw all 5 of them because I wanted to do it lol
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afaithy · 4 years
81 for Takari like their brothers are fighting again and one of them just goes "I'll take care of it"
I hope you enjoy it!
It was really fun to write lol
Just in case! This is sequel to I liked them blonde
I’ll take care of it
“Dramatic is a classy word for being stupid.”
― Vivek Thangaswamy
Yamato was used to dealing with Taichi's strange occurrences. His friend was a good person, but his impulsiveness sometimes led him to make silly mistakes that he eventually regretted. A clear example of this was the sometimes ridiculous fights that the boy used to have with Sora at least once a month.
So when Taichi entered his room unannounced and without even asking for permission, Yamato was not surprised. Taichi looked irritated, that at least was clear to the naked eye. The question was ... why?
"You know, there’s something that normal people do...called knocking.” the blonde replied while he played a chord in his guitar.
“Forget about knocking.” Taichi replied, waving his hand in front of his face “We need to talk.”
“Wow...that almost sounds serious. Who let you in?”
“Takeru…” Taichi replied without giving it importance and this is serious.”
“Oh…” Yamato said, putting away the guitar and leaning back in his chair “Ok...so what did you do to annoy Sora?”
“It has nothing to do with Sora?” Taichi said with a frown” Everyone always ask me that.”
“Well, 60% of the times you comer angry or panicked is because you were stupid enough to say something to make her get angry.” Yamato shrugged “the other 40% splits into 30% due to something related to your sister and 10% some miscellaneous thing. So, what did you do? Did you tell her hat made her head look swollen again?”
“THat was when we were 12 years old and, in my defense, the hat did make her head look big.”
“Taichi...you just don’t tell those kinds of things to any girl.”
“Like I said I was 12, and this is irrelevant.” Taichi said, crossing his arms “No, it’s not about Sora.”
Yamato snorted. He leaned against his desk and looked at his friend with curiosity.
“So...what is it?”
“LIsten to me carefully, Yamato.” Taichi said, grabbing his friend’s shoulders “very carefully…”
Yamato was surprised by this gesture and he looked at Taichi dumbfounded.
“I think….damn...I can’t even say it.” Taichi said, turning away dramatically.
“Taichi, just spit it out.”
“Ahg...fine. I think Hikari has a crush on you!”
There was a brief moment of silence as both boys stared at each other, and then Yamato broke into a fit of laughter that made Taichi look at him confused. The boy couldn’t see what was so amusing about what he’d just say. 
“Sorry...I think I heard you wrong. What?” Yamato said, when  his laughter finally died away.
“You heard me right, ok?” Taichi replied, annoyed, “Hikari has a crush on you…”
“Yeah, right…” Yamato said skeptically “ That’s impossible. She thinks of me as another brother, so no way…”
“Well...believe it because she definitely hinted at it.”
“Are you sure you are not misreading things?” Yamato said, frowning, “It wouldn’t be the first time you misunderstand something.”
“No, I am sure I didn’t.” Taichi said firmly “That is why I decided to talk about it with you.”
“With me? What are you expecting me to do?”
“Well, yeah. Get yourself a girlfriend...or do something to make her lose interest!”
“Ok...hold on a second…” Yamato said “Why do you even think this is possible?”
“I did my research and there is a very high chance of girls her age to fall in love with older brotherly figures!”
“Ok...right, but if that is your reasoning,Jou and Koushiro could be an option, too. It doesn’t have to be me!”
Taichi let out a sigh. 
“I hate to admit this, but. You are probably the one who fits the good looking brotherly figure, the protagonist falls in love with…”
“That makes...wait. Did you say protagonist? Where the hell did you research on?”
“Isn’t it obvious? I paid a visit to the shoujo manga section.” Taichi replied, as if the matter was the most obvious thing to do.
“Ok...I don’t know if I should be annoyed or if I should laugh my ass off.” Yamato said , resting his hand on his forehead “Taichi, what in heaven’s name made you think that shoujo manga is actually  good reference material?”
“Why not?”
“Those are always so  dramatic, exaggerated and unrealistic.”
“Have you read them?”
“Then how do you know?”
“It’s called common reasoning.” Yamato replied, rolling his eyes “Does Hikari even  read shoujo manga?”
“I don’t know...maybe? The point is...you are the cool bro. I mean...I am the coolest, but obviously I am not an option.”
Yamato let out a skeptical snort.
“I have a lot of things to say about that remark, but...for the time being, I’ll let it slip.” Yamato replied, frowning, “ Look...Hikari is a sweet girl and we get along, but she definitely has no crush on me.”
“But it HAS to be you. I mean you’re the one who fills up the profile.” Taichi groaned “i’ve been thinking about it for days! And it definitely has to be you!”
Yamato took a deep breath and pinched his temple. Taichi could be his best buddy, but sometimes, the guy could be a real fool.
“Ok...enlighten me.” Yamato said, crossing his arms. 
The blonde was pretty sure that nothing that Taichi could say would convince him that Hikari had -remotely- a crush on him. He was no expert with middle schoolers with crushes, but he had his own fan base, and he’d seen girls crushing on him before. Even if they tried to make it less obvious, you could tell easily: the way they couldn’t look straight at your face or how they wouldn’t speak freely with you.
Hikari was not like that. In fact, she was as natural with him as she always was or even worse. The girl even began teasing him about his fan base and he blamed that on Takeru.
“Ok.” Taichi began “It took me a lot of skillful talking to get this out of her but…”
Yamato snorted once more. Skillful talking, coming from Taichi, translated to popping his head in her room and randomly asking her things.
“For starters, she has a boy she likes.” Taichi said dramatically. “I know this would happen someday, but gosh...I was hoping it would be when she was 25 or something…”
“Yeah, sorry. Naturally, after hearing about that...I had to inquire. So it seems the guy is close to her. She said he’s always worrying about her and helps her whenever she needs it or not. She said it sort of made her feel safe, almost as safe as when she is with me. You notice? With me!”
Yamato rolled his eyes.
“But no matter how much I asked she wouldn’t tell who it is.” Taichi said, annoyed “Tell you? So that you can go and pester him around when he doesn’t even understand why? Forget it.” he added in a very poor impression of his sister “so...I had to take the clues I had and be smart and put the points together.Hikari has few boy friends, so it has to be so it has to be one of us...”
“So...you concluded it was me.” Yamato said, raising his eyebrow “You know that description is pretty generic. Everyone in our group acts like that with her. It could be anyone…”
“Ah...but there’s the thing. There IS one thing that totally points at you…”
“And that is…”
“She likes blondes.”
There was a short pause. Yamato stared at his friend in shock and disbelief. That little detail had automatically turned his friend’s attention to him when there was a second and -most likely the right one- person that fulfilled all those qualifications even better than himself.
Yamato was about to voice his thoughts when a soft knock at the door made both boys turn to the opening door. Takeru with his usual green hoodie and his fisherman’s hat poked his head into the room with an innocent grin.
Talk about the hen. Yamato thought with a smirk.
“Hey!” Takeru said “Just letting you know, Hikari -chan  texted me saying that she wanted to go grab ice cream in that new ice cream parlor in the park. Told her I would go with her, but I’ll probably be back by dinner. Do you want me to buy something on the way back?”
“Sure, why not?” Yamato replied. Taichi was staring at Takeru and Yamato couldn’t help but wonder if his neurons had finally pieced it together. 
“Oh, ok. Then see you in a bit. Bye Taichi-san!”
Takeru waved at them and left the room, closing the door. The two older boys stared at each other in his silence for a minute or two, until Taichi growled.
“Holy numemons….” Taichi said “Takeru is blonde!”
“How come you realized this until now?”
“Hey, don’t blame me! How do you expect me to remember such a thing when he’s always wearing those silly hats.”
“That’s no excuse…” 
“Damn it...I never considered Takeru! I was dead sure it was you….”
“Taichi...let it be. If Hikari has a crush on my brother let it be. You know he’s a good kid.”
“But...Hikari...what if he breaks her heart. He’s her best friend! Ah...this is even worse than you!”
“I’m sure it will be fine, Taichi.”
“How do you know?”
“Because...I know.”
“That’s not convincing at all.”
“Seriously. Don’t worry. I’ll take care  of it.”
And take care of it, he would. Yamato hadn’t pressed the matter with Takeru, since the boy was still in denial and he had thought the feelings were one sided. Taichi had just confirmed him otherwise, so there was no way he would let his little brother be an idiot any longer if he could help it. 
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My Yamato turned out looking like a baby version of Cloud LoL
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simpstyle · 7 years
Grown-ish Recap: Season 1 Episode 5, "C.R.E.A.M (Cash Rules Everything Around Me)"
This season of Grown-ish has really began to flourish within each episode. Targeting social issues that takes place around students and college life.  Most of all you get to see not just Zoey grow with the show, but the talented actress that plays her, Yara Shahidi as well. So, did you tune into Wednesday night's episode? Well did you?! Lets recap shall we simpies?
Warning: Spoiler Alert!
We start off in the episode with Zoey and Cash totally booed up now, and living their best lives as the new 'it' couple on campus. As Cash is making all the winning shots on the court, Zoey is eating up all of the popularity and fame she's getting, just because she's Cash's girlfriend. But where there's fame, there is bound to be hate. Of course people being who they are, react to the 'it' couple's glow up, and begin to troll Zoey in Cash's comments, calling her "fat", a 'ho' and how some random dude "smashed" Zoey, you know, all of the things jealous people would say. Cash clearly wasn't having that, and decided to 'clap back' at the haters by replying, "My bae is pure!" while hash tagging, #Virgin.......so here is what we're not about to do Cash! (Insert hand clapping!)
Obviously Zoey was pissed after finding out what he wrote, seeing as though everyone on campus knew now that Zoey is a virgin, she was even trending online as #TheVirginZoey. Cash had completely lost Zoey's trust by sharing her sexual history with the world. Although it pretty much never existed, it was the principle of the matter. When Zoey confronted Cash about it, Cash tried to apologize and didn't think it was going to get that out of hand, clearly it did since the post received a hundred and thirty thousand views (yikes). 
Boy Bye!
Zoey immediately looked toward her friends for advice about what Cash did, and of course they were not with the shi%$. They convinced Zoey to break it off with him, claiming that what he did was inexcusable, except Vivek, who desperately needed Cash's fame for his birthday party. (poor Vivek)
While Zoey was too busy being mad at Cash and ignoring his texts, she finds out from Luca that Cash has been going through a lot back home to deal with whatever drama is going on in 'perfect Zoey's' little world. Turns out that Cash's estranged father, has been auctioning off Cash's possessions for money. The news had been circling around the media all day and Zoey knew nothing of it. 
Loyalty, Loyalty, Loyalty
Although Zoey was seriously pissed off with Cash, she felt horrible that she wasn't there to support him on what he was going through at home. Mad or not, she was still his girlfriend, and still cared about him. Zoey decided to drive with him down to his home, to confront his dad (The ultimate ride or die chick). As Zoey awkwardly drove beside Cash in his car, she was still being pretty petty with him by giving him the silent treatment. Cash decided to come clean and tell Zoey, that he purposely posted about her being a virgin because, it would be good for his brand. (Oh hell no)
Shocked about what she just heard, Zoey shouts at Cash to pull the hell over. Cash not wanting Zoey to call the police on him, convinces Zoey to come back in the car, where he explained everything about his troubled past. He explains, that they're driving to buy back Cash's own champion ship items, before his father sells it all for drugs. Cash confesses to Zoey about their differences. "You fit inside what I want to be, you're also good on paper. Your'e pretty, you're smart, you come from a good family, and then you got the virgin thing". he admits. "I come from nowhere. The bottom" When they reach his house. Zoey witnesses Cash trying to talk to his dad from the car, holding out a wad full of money to his father, only to be pushed and then his father snatching the money from out of Cash's hands.
Don't Come For Me Unless I Send For You!
Zoey and Cash had to ask each other if they weren't the inexperienced virgin, or the hot shot basketball star, would they still be dealing with each other? It was a question neither one could give an answer to, because neither one knew the answer themselves. When Zoey returns back to school, she finds her friends (at an empty Vivek's birthday party) awaiting her return, with an annoyed look on all of their faces. Her friends call Zoey  and Cash out on their relationship, and legit tries to drag Zoey.....this is where they F%$#@& up. Zoey begins to black on each and everyone of them, coming for their whole lives. She was frustrated. None of them knew what Cash was going through or about his life. Shocked on how Zoey reacted, her friends did apologize to her, and  explained that they cared about her and her feelings for Cash.
Bae Goals
When Zoey catches up with Cash she apologizes to him on how she reacted and felt sort of special the way Cash stood up for her. Cash apologizes to her as well, and explained that he's never meant anyone like her. They both agreed that they would've dated each other regardless of their baggage. Zoey and Cash decide to face whatever obstacles that are thrown at them, together. (Awww!)  The episode ends with Zoey and Cash, retiring for the night in Cash's room...hmmm?
I don't know about you but I think anything could've went down in Cash's room that night. Could it be that Zoey finally lost her virginity? Despite everything that has happen between Zoey and Cash, it still doesn't explain Cash's reckless behavior. Yet, Zoey is lured back into his charms after seeing his struggling past. Just like that, you've forgotten everything he's done. Is it that easy? Which brings me to end this article with this question. Would you forgive and forget your significant other, for exposing your personal buisness?
Until Next Time Dolls!
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theboywhocriedbooks · 7 years
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Queer & Trans Artists of Color, Vol. 2 by Nia King
A celebration of queer and trans Black and brown genius... Building on the groundbreaking first volume, Queer and Trans Artists of Color: Stories of Some of Our Lives, NIA KING is back with a second archive of interviews from her podcast We Want the Airwaves. She maintains her signature frankness as an interviewer while seeking advice on surviving capitalism from creative folks who often find their labor devalued. 
In this collection of interviews, Nia discusses biphobia in gay men's communities with JUBA KALAMKA, helping border-crossers find water in the desert with MICHA CARDENAS, trying to preserve Indigenous languages through painting with GRACE ROSARIO PERKINS, revolutionary monster stories with ELENA ROSE, using textiles to protest police violence with INDIRA ALLEGRA, trying to respectfully reclaim one's own culture with AMIR RABIYAH, taking on punk racism with MIMI THI NGUYEN, the imminent trans women of color world takeover with LEXI ADSIT, queer life in WWII Japanese American incarceration camps with TINA TAKEMOTO, hip-hop and Black Nationalism with AJUAN MANCE, making music in exile with MARTIN SORRONDEGUY, issue-based versus identity-based organizing with TRISH SALAH, ten years of curating and touring with the QTPOC arts organization Mangos With Chili with CHERRY GALETTE, raising awareness about gentrification through games with MATTIE BRICE, self-publishing versus working with a small press with VIVEK SHREYA, and the colonial nature of journalism school with KILEY MAY. 
The conversation continues. Bear witness to QTPOC brilliance.
Ah! This was such a great read, as I expected it to be. I read the first volume last year, I’m pretty sure and I loved it so much. This, like the first, are very important to me because of the literal fact that queer and trans artists of color deserve more exposure. I don’t think I’d say I’m an artist exactly but I would maybe call myself a writer, and a lot of the people in these books write. They write books, poetry, short films, etc etc, and it’s really awesome to read about. In a general sense, the books subject is qtpoc being creative and as a queer poc that really means a lot. One of the things I liked about these books is the variety of the people who are interviewed. because it’s not only a variety in terms of race/ethnicity but also gender and sexuality. Some of the peoples words just made me feel even more proud to be latino, queer and they also made me feel like I can do anything. Which is amazing. So yeah, go read it because I’m going to go on about it in spoiler-y detail!
I don’t even remember how I saw that there was a new volume out, I think maybe amazon recommended it to me? or something? I’m not sure, but I saw it and got my hands on it and I am so glad. I’ve already said most of the general thoughts I’ve been thinking about it, but again I just think it’s such important work. These interviews are coming from Nia Kings podcast, which in itself sounds (I haven’t checked it out yet!! smh) awesome and important. So many of these people create so many awesome things, and it’s often focused on their struggles or the struggles of others, and bringing that to light in different ways that can make a difference. Art is impactful in that way.
I personally relate a bit in my passion for reading, and reading queer things specifically. I love to read a variety of books/comics that focus on queer people and I talk about it on the internet. I have a small SMALL following, here and on youtube, but I know that it makes some sort of difference even if just one person tells me they’re grateful I was able to inform them about a book that seriously impacted them. Privately, I’m pursuing an english degree (trying to survive academia) and writing a little tiny bit here and there. There’s so much, and so thats why hearing these people who have their lives at least a bit more figured out than me talk about them is great and inspiring.
Things that they touched on in this book were stuff like biphobia and transphobia, especially within our community, I’m neither trans nor bi but these are two things I’m pretty passionate about. I think someone in the book mentioned that we have to go beyond just our own identities in a way, like we can fight for gay latinos but you should also fight for people who aren’t in your very specific identity like black trans women.
One of the interviews that really stuck out to me was Tina Takemoto’s because it discussed the Japanese American incarceration camps. I took an asian american history course a few semesters back and it was the first time I actually felt interested in a history class because it was the first time I was learning a history about nonwhite people, and especially one taught by a nonwhite professor. It was amazing. We had to pick topics for our term paper and I chose the Japanese American incarceration camps and learned a bit about them. It was horrible and heartbreaking and gross frankly. One thing I hadn’t thought about were the queer lives in there, and this interview really shed a little bit of light on that, what little that could be shed at least. So that was so interesting.
I also really liked the last two a lot, for Vivek Shreya and Kiley May. I think its because they were kinda focused on writing (one was very focused on publishing and one on journalism school, so yeah), and many of the other people were writers in some regard but those were special to me because I was able to connect as well in different ways.  
Honestly, I feel like I sound redundant because I keep saying these books are important to me but thats all I can really say! So I’m looking forward more in the future if that happens, and I hope to be someone who can be a quarter as influential as the people who were interviewed, as well as King.
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waynebomberger · 5 years
Eat Up: The Best Restaurants in Nashville, According to Me
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Many of you are probably coming to Nashville soon for the NFL draft, or maybe CMA Fest or a bachelorette weekend or another excuse for a long-weekend getaway. No matter how you’re experiencing Music City, you must make time to eat your way through it—the food scene is absolutely on fire, and some of the best restaurants in Nashville are also the best in the country.
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The restaurant scene is so dynamic, in fact, that many have closed already before I even had a chance to write them up (R.I.P. Kuchnia & Keller, I hardly knew thee, though I loved what little I saw—and tasted). It’s harder than ever to be a restaurant in Nashville and make it long-term, so kudos to those chefs who are killing it.
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Looking for where to eat? Nashville has so many good restaurants, it can be hard to decide which one is your best bet. So I broke it down by occasion in hopes of solving all your Music City dining woes.

For a one-of-a-kind experience: Tailor Nashville
For years, Vivek Surti was Nashville’s most famous chef without a restaurant. He worked for the wine auction, he ran VEA Supper Club on the side, and he cooked for just about everyone around town who would ask him. He’s a phenomenal chef who fuses his Indian heritage with other South Asian cuisine for a mashup of tasty dishes unlike any other. All of Nashville rejoiced when he finally bit the bullet and opened up Tailor Nashville, a dining club-type experience in Germantown, with partner Heather Southerland at the end of last year. The eight- to 10-course menu rotates seasonally and features a snack, vegetable, fish or meat, rice dish and a dessert for $60, which does not include sales tax and gratuity. Drink pairings are an additional charge, which I highly recommend. There are only 35 seats available at 6pm and 8:30pm on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, so if you’re coming from out of town, make sure you make a reservation well in advance.
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For any occasion: The Farm House
I’ve professed my love for Chef Trey Cioccia’s winning combination of atmosphere and contemporary Southern fare on the blog before, but every time I go back, his ever-changing menu impresses me even more. Pork belly pop-tarts? Pimento cheese beignets? Gnudi of the day? Forget about it! Just give me one of everything, please. On top of dinner six nights a week, TFH serves lunch from Tuesday through Friday and brunch on Sunday.
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For your new neighborhood hang: Hathorne
I was a huge fan of John Stephenson’s all the years he was at the helm at Fido, then I followed his food to the Family Wash (R.I.P.), so I was really excited when he debuted Hathorne on Charlotte Avenue last winter. There’s so much to love about Hathorne, from the design that incorporates pews recovered from the church next door to the plates of shaved Brussels, pork pierogis, roasted heirloom carrots and grilled acorn squash that are meant to be shared. Hathorne has a daily happy hour from 5 to 6:30pm, then a “joyful hour” from 10 to 11:30pm, staying true to its mission to bring in the neighborhood locals.
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To impress an out-of-towner: Pinewood Social
If you haven’t heard of this restaurant-meets-bar-meets-swimming pool-meets karaoke joint-meets bowling alley-meets cafe, you’ve been living under a rock (or else not reading C&C … or Vogue … or Esquire … or any of the hundreds of publications that have featured it in the handful of years since Pinewood’s inception). The drinks are stellar, the food is great, and the atmosphere is on point—what more could you ask for out of a dining experience?
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When you’re feeling indulgent: Biscuit Love Brunch
There’s no nicer couple in town than Karl and Sarah Worley, and it doesn’t hurt that they also have the game-changing recipe for the best biscuits in Nashville. After two years of dominating the food truck market, this dynamic duo launched their own brick-and-mortar in 2015, open seven days a week from 7am to 3pm. There’s never not a line, so you’re better off going on a weekday if you can. Just know: It’s worth every second you wait. Also know: You should order the Lily while your friend has the East Nasty, which was named as one of Bon Appetit’s favorite sandwiches in the country a couple years back. Or have your savory but order a plate of bonuts for the table. If you’re not feeling biscuits, there are plenty of other options on the menu, like the Lindstrom, a seriously decadent shaved Brussels sprouts salad. Want to feel cool? Order the “Nasty Princess” (a mash-up of the Princess and East Nasty) off-menu. Pro tip: Biscuit Love has another location in Hillsboro Village that is often less packed during peak meal times. There’s also a third outpost down in Franklin.
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For Sunday Supper: City House
City House is a must-eat any night of the week but it’s especially good each Sunday night when the menu rotates to include even more creative pizza and pasta dishes (I still remember an apple, onion and chili pie I had years ago). You’ll need a reservation to get into Sunday Supper, though you can always nab a seat at the bar if you forgot to call a couple weeks in advance. Note: City House is great for small groups, but can be really loud and not ideal for a first (or second or third…) date. The belly ham pie with a cracked egg on top never goes out of style.
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When you’re downtown for lunch: Liberty Common
The fist thing that will catch your eye is just how downright dreamy the interior of Liberty Common is. On my inaugural visit here, I was dining alone and working from the bar, but I couldn’t stop creeping around taking photos of the design. It’s just so damn pleasant. And it boasts murals from one of our favorite artists Tara Aversa, the visionary behind the Manchester Magnolia, too. The food itself is very Parisian bistro style, and the drinks follow form. Traditionally, Nashville didn’t have a lot of great downtown restaurants, particularly ones that cater to the business crowd, so I’m pleased as punch that Liberty Common has joined the fray.
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For a stylish diner vibe: The Mockingbird
The tagline says it all: “modern dinner, global fare.” The menu at the Mockingbird is all over the place, which is precisely why I like going there. It’s the kind of restaurant you can dine at with friends who all have very different culinary preferences, whether you want a corned seitan veggie reuben and your bestie is dying for a chicken pot pie. It’s comfort food at its finest, in a very stylish space (and I love that all the food is served on mismatched plates procured from antiques stores). If you have a chance to chat with owners Brian Riggenbach and Mikey Corona, take it—they’re both a riot. And don’t leave without ordering a platter of cookies served in a birdcage.
When you’re in the mood for Italian: Nicky’s Coal Fired
I first met Tony and Caroline Galzin when they were at Fifty-First Kitchen and were instant fans. Not only are the Chicago transplants great people, but they bring a different kind of culinary pizzazz to the Nashville restaurant scene. When they opened up Nicky’s Coal Fired in the Nations a couple years back, they were one of the only restaurants in the area; now, the neighborhood is positively booming, and their seats are packed with those flocking to taste the artisan pizzas fired up in their four-ton, coal-fired oven named “Enrico.” Nicky’s also has a selection of antipasti and seafood dishes, though I usually order one of the seasonal pasta dishes to start and share a thin-crust pie or two with friends as my main. The cocktail menu is on point, and there are always a selection of spritzes from which to choose.
For a classy business affair: Etch
This downtown spot is the brainchild of culinary master Deb Paquette, who whips up inventive fare, such as an octopus and shrimp bruschetta or a cauliflower steak. Deb has led the charge on Nashville’s food evolution and now has Char and Etc. in Green Hills, as well. It’s also one of my very favorites in town—and I’m not just saying it because my college roommate is the ace pastry chef (proud friend alert)! Just ask Zagat or a number of any other ratings guides: Etch is la creme de la creme, whether for lunch or dinner. The cauliflower appetizer is a must-do anytime of day, and my regular lunch order is the creamy, oh-so-tasty Thai Chicken & Quinoa. And tasting your way through the dessert menu, created by my former roommate Megan Williams, is a must-do, so be sure and save room in your stomach!
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For the best Indian street food: Chaatable
Maneet Chauhan is a ball of sassy energy, and that energy could not be more apparent than in her latest concept Chaatable, which channels an Indian street market in all its colorful glory and dreamy Indian bites with punny names like the O.M.Ghee, This Spuds For You, Puff Puff Pass and the Go Shorty. She also collected thousands of Indian bangles to build a bangle wall, which serves as the perfect greeting (and so very Maneet, too) when diners walk in. Pro tip: Don’t leave without ordering one (or three) Pani ‘Rita, the tamarind margarita that is currently one of my favorite drinks in Nashville.
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To satiate your sweet tooth: Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams
Have I gotten the point across yet? I LOVE JENI’S ICE CREAM. And now that there are multiple locations in Nashville, my waistline is in immediate danger. I finally met Jeni Britton Bauer at the opening of her Hillsboro Village store—dangerously close to where I live—and had a major fangirl moment. I’ve tried about every flavor she makes, and while you can’t go wrong, the combo of salty caramel and brown butter almond brittle is always my favorite.
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For breakfast/lunch/dinner any day of the week: Fido
The sweet potato waffle can’t be beat, but neither can the burger, or the coffee for that matter. Basically, all you need to know is that Fido is as good as they come, and if you find yourself hungry in Hillsboro Village no matter the time of day, you can pop in and fulfill your craving, no matter what that may be. Then head across the street to Jeni’s for dessert or next door to Hot & Cold for a Las Paletas pop, and all will be right with the world!
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For the best $200 you’ve ever spent: Catbird Seat
Before I ate there, I wondered just how any meal could be worth $200 (note: that price does include pairings). Well, let’s just say, I would have paid double that for the feast we had at our inaugural Catbird experience last spring! The restaurant itself is very no-frills, which means the focus is entirely on the food and whatever the chef and his team are whipping up that night. Reservations open up exactly 30 days in advance, and as there are only two seatings of 20 people Wednesday through Sunday, you better get on that if you want to indulge in this sinful experience.
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For your green juice fix: Juice Bar
Like every other city in America, Nashville has experienced a boom in juice spots. I do several juice cleanses a year and have yet to find one I like as much as the Juice Bar, which now has multiple locations in Nashville and Williamson County. My go-to location is the Germantown one, as street parking is easy during the day. I also frequent the Juice Bar in Berry Hill, but often there’s nowhere to park (#NashvilleProblems).
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For a menu you’ll have to Google: Rolf & Daughters
You won’t understand half the ingredients on the menu, but that’s half the fun. People bemoan the service (or lack thereof) at Rolf—it’s a hipster hangout first and foremost—so know before you go. But that’s never deterred me from heading to RAD when the urge strikes. And if it’s a nice evening, arrive early and claim a spot on the patio, which is first-come, first-served.
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For a community experience: Josephine
This 12South hotspot debuted at the tail end of 2013 to much excitement, but its new 10-course X|X: Josephine experience really helped keep it relevant. Each Friday and Saturday night at 8pm, 10 lucky diners take the table as they are served a steady stream of 10 dishes on a long 2-by-10 wooden board, each  presented by theme (e.g., snacks, asparagus, spring, pretzel, morel mushroom, scallop, pork belly). Better yet, the meal is just $90 with an optional $55 for six beverage pairings, an absolute steal for as much food and drink as that gets you. Just be sure and make reservations, as with just 10 spots at the table, they go quickly!
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For bad-ass BBQ and bushwhackers: Edley’s
BBQ purists may call it too trendy, but I don’t care. I LOVE this BBQ joint that now boasts three locations locally, one in Chattanooga and one in Kentucky. The Tuck forever gets my order, and even though I nearly died from bushwhacker consumption a few years ago (don’t ask), I can’t stay away. Love nachos? Can’t go wrong with BBQ nachos, topped with a heaping pile of pulled pork.
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When you’re looking to eat on Braodway: Acme Feed & Seed
The walk-up counter on Acme’s ground floor is always a safe option if you’re out on Broadway midday or into the evening and looking to grab a quick bite among a sea of trashy country music star-backed options (though I do like the food at Whiskey Row if we’re being honest).
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For a drink on the go: Bajo Sexto
A cocktail I can carry around downtown with me? Don’t mind if I do! Jonathan Waxman’s first Nashville endeavor has authentic Mexican food and delicious drinks, like the bourbon horchata, and it’s conveniently located between the Omni, the Music City Center and the Country Music Hall of Fame, so perfect for those of you staying downtown.
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For all. the. meat: Martin’s BBQ
Pat Martin has become legendary in Nashville with his huge of the whole hog and his ever-expanding empire. He’s now got three locations in the Nashville area, as well as has expanded to neighboring states, too. My favorite of his many spots is the downtown outpost with its 13,000 square feet of space for dining, lounging, drinking beer and playing games with your buds.
For beer with a side of tacos: Butchertown Hall
Butchertown Hall is dangerously close to my Nashville yoga studio, and it’s open all afternoon long, something I struggle with in Nashville with weird hours and so many places closed from 2 to 5pm. So it’s become my go-to spot post-yoga when I’m getting a late lunch or drinks with friends. The street tacos are bomb, and the beer selection is mighty. The clean design and so much natural light only makes you want to camp out here for hoursi. On warmer nights, Butchertown’s lovely side patio is perfect for sipping saison after saison.
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For the celebrity chef experience: Chauhan House
Every time I’m feeling indulgent and wanting all the curry, I head straight for Chauhan Ale & Masala House, Maneet Chauhan’s first of four concepts to open in Nashville. I particularly love it for lunch, a time of day when I feel like Nashville dining options aren’t abundant. The lunch items may be heavy, but man is that meat-and-three worth it (though I often oscillate between the thali and the chicken tikka masala—both are oh so good). Weekend brunch is also the prime occasion to make a ressie for Chauhan. I crave that Stop Monkeying Around always, and the What Came First, the Chicken or the Egg? is divine.
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For a meal in a coffee shop: Frothy Monkey
Frothy Monkey is the coffee shop empire in Nashville, and yet people often overlook them as an option for meals, which is insane as their food is oh-so-good and runs the gamut of sandwiches, salads, soups and heartier entrees. The Nations location has become one of my lunchtime go-tos when I’m meeting a friend for coffee with a side of food. Looking to start your evening somewhere? Consider going to Frothy for Wine Down Wednesday with three pours of wine (or six beer tasters) and snacks for the bargain deal of $15.
For brunch without a wait: Saint Anejo
There’s hot chocolate French toast, there’s chicken and waffles with jalapeno syrup, and there’s a horchata French toast. I say order them all. Also a winning factor? Two-for-one cocktails every single weekend day. Done.
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For old Hollywood glam: Sinema
Sinema debuted in the summer of 2014 to become one of the pricier joints in town. It’s definitely a special occasion type of place, but even if you aren’t in the mood to spend $35 in a plate, it’s worth grabbing drinks in the upstairs lounge and popping into the bathroom for a #SinemaSelfie.
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For the best chocolate in town: Goo Goo Cluster
I’ve often sung the praises of Nashville’s own century-old candy company but the new chef series, in which they roll out a different Premium Goo Goo every week or two, has me stopping by the downtown shop more often than not to see what these culinary masterminds have whipped up on any given week.
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For a true taste of Nashville: The Farmers’ Market
The Nashville Farmers’ Market is open every day of the week and boasts dozens of purveyors of local food and products, from Music City Crepes to Batch. It’s always bustling, and it’s always good. If you need a lunch spot that’s guaranteed to fill you up and leave you satisfy, this one’s for you, and you’ll be surrounded by actual Nashvillians who break from the office to eat here daily.
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For a bit of everything rolled into one: Walk Eat Nashville
In Nashville for a short time and don’t have the chance to try it all? Book a spot with Karen-Lee Ryan’s Walk Eat Nashville, and I guarantee you will get the highlights reel in your informative and tasty, three-hour walking tour of East Nashville, SoBro or Midtown.
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For pizza, pizza: Five Points Pizza
Nashville used to have hardly any pizza options, and now it’s got several. Five Points Pizza, with a location in East Nashville and one off of Charlotte is by far my favorite. You can order whole pies or from a select menu of pizza by the slice. I often get carryout from the right side of the restaurant, though if it’s not packed and you feel like a brew, settle in at a booth on the left side and enjoy the craft beer selection.
For dinner with a side of champagne: Geist
Germantown is the neighborhood in which I spend the most time, and I was happy when Geist joined the fray back in 2018. One of my favorite mixologists Freddie Schwenk heads up the bar which is set in an old 1900 blacksmith shop, and I often just order “whatever Freddie is feeling today.” I don’t drink a lot of bubbles, but even I can’t deny the attraction of the Champagne Garden, with its champs served outside in a full outdoor garden and courtyard; there’s even the option to saber a bottle if you’re feeling frisky. On the food front, Geist has a small selection of sharable veggie plates, starters (may I recommend the bacon jam and baked brie?), and entrees like salmon, scallops and cavatelli. If the key lime pie is on the menu, you must order it—it poses as a real lime, but is actually pie inside when you crack it open. A true work of art!
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For dinner with a dose of history: Woolworth on 5th
The most interesting thing to be about Woolworth is not the food—though, don’t get me wrong, it’s great, too—but the fact that this historic building was the site of many sit-ins during the Civil Rights Movement, and that the owners decided to keep all of those scuff marks intact as a reminder of the turmoil this city (and the South as a whole) went through not that long ago. The Art Deco-y Woolworth on 5th is a great spot for a work lunch as it’s right downtown in Nashville’s version of a financial district, but it’s also a good spot for a pre-show dinner with TPAC right around the corner. Expect Southern fare like fried green tomatoes, fried chicken, and shrimp and grits.
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For the best damn rabbit rolls in town: Black Rabbit
Rabbit rolls may seem like a weird thing to be obsessed with, but that’s likely because you haven’t been to Black Rabbit, a chic, 1920s-inspired lounge on the cusp of Printers Alley that will offer small plates, creative craft cocktails and live piano music on any night of the week. With Kathy Anderson behind the design, Black Rabbit’s ambiance is built around the old wood floors and exposed brick walls leftover from the late 1800s and utilizes velvet sofa, leather lounge chairs and plush booths for seating. The wooded chef’s island provides prime seating for those keen on studying the talents of this passionate team of chefs, who will be cooking up various canapes like butterfolds, squab rillettes, rabbit spam sliders, twice-baked patatas bravas, roasted oysters and pickled shrimp. This swanky cocktail lounge off of 2nd Avenue is a much elevated breath of fresh air for downtown with an expansive whiskey collection and a cocktail menu that reads like a tome. Don’t overlook it as a dinner spot, though; you’d be remiss to pass on Chefs Trey and Chad’s elevated fare.
For sushi and other Asian fusion: Sunda
Chef-owner Billy Dec brought his popular new Asian concept from Chicago and opened a Nashville location, as well, last summer. There aren’t a lot of places that will get me to the Gulch anymore—it’s way too hip and far too crowded for this simpleton—but Sunda will do just that. Not only is the interior large, roomy and chic, but the menu boasts dim sum, sushi, nigiri, noodle dishes, curry, ramen and so much more. It’s basically a one-stop lunch, brunch or dinner spot for all kinds of Asian fusion (and a really great sake selection to boot).
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For an excuse to dine in a restaurant: Henley
From a style standpoint, Kimpton’s lobby-level restaurant Henley is one of the most polished places in town, weaving in bold art and tile patterns with an equally creative menu to follow suit. Whether you’re staying at the hotel or just looking for somewhere to eat in Midtown any meal of the day, Henley is one of your top contenders.
For the hardest weekend brunch table to land: Tavern
Call it a college bar if you will, but M Street’s Tavern has been a mainstay of mine in the seven years since we’ve been back. It’s consistently delicious, and one of the only places in Midtown open in the middle of the day, so my gal Beth and I have had many a mid-afternoon cocktail with snacks (the buffalo cauliflower has never let me down). It’s also a slam dunk for weekend brunch—if you can get a table. Avoid at all costs on a Vandy home weekend, but any other time, get there minutes before they open and grab a table (or put your name down). If you’re there promptly at 10 (or maybe just before), you should get in just fine. And the hash and the red velvet waffles with cream cheese drizzle are totally worth the wait, too.
When you’re feeling Japanese: The Green Pheasant
If you haven’t been to Two Ten Jack, start there—but I’d venture to say I like the food at the Green Pheasant even more than I do the original izakaya and ramen joint in East Nashville. Even better that it’s based downtown and the perfect dinner spot before a night at the Symphony or a show at the amphitheater. The menu is small, but plates are very sharable. On my first visit, I went with five girlfriends, and we ordered pretty much every dish on the menu and shared them. I immediately went back the following week with SVV, because no one appreciates Japanese food more than he does. A few standouts: the spicy crab noodles, chicken wing gyoza and the broccolini. Park in the adjoining parking garage, and you can get your parking validated to make it just $5 for 2.5 hours.
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For seafood in a land-locked state: Henrietta Red
Ben and Max Goldberg teamed up with their childhood friend, Chef Julia Sullivan, and her business partner, Allie Poindexter, at the helm a couple years back to open this bright spot in Germantown, an Instagrammer’s dream with its striking tile and abundance of natural light. Sullivan brings her culinary panache, honed at such notable restaurants as Blue Hill at Stone Barns and Per Se, to the kitchen, and the raw bar is laid out to be communal with an additional 70 seats in banquette- and table-style seating in the adjoining dining room. In addition to a dozen or so types of oysters, other seafood dishes like smoked mussel toast, wild striped bass and wood-roasted mackerel round out the menu. My favorite excuse to go to Henrietta Red, though, is the weekend brunch, which I’ll put up against any other in town.
For the best tacos you’ll eat, ever: Mas Tacos Por Favor
Ask an East Nashvillian old or new what their favorite restaurant is, and nine out of 10 of them will tell you: MAS TACOS. You order at a window, then your name is called out, and they move very quickly, so don’t be deterred by the line. Since these are street tacos, I recommend three to make up a full meal—and you can’t pass up on the fried avocado one—as well as a side of street corn and agua fresca. Mas Tacos totally upped its game when it added a bar, and margaritas became part of the mix, though you’ll order those at the back bar. On warm evenings, the patio is the perfect place to dine.
For brats and baseball: Von Elrod’s
One of my qualms with Nashville dining has always been that the patios aren’t big enough. Enter: Von Elrod’s with its massive outdoor space. This beer hall with a focus on German cuisine debuted a couple years ago right across from First Tennessee Park where the Nashville Sounds play, and it’s a great spot to get a brat and a pint or two before you head into the stadium for the evening. Von Elrod’s boasts 36 beers on tap with even more available by the bottle. They’ve also got weekend brunch and offer specialty classes like pretzel-making.
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For vegetarians: Butcher & Bee
Let’s state this upfront: Butcher & Bee is not strictly vegetarian, and yet, I feel like it has one of the best menus for veggie-loving diners in town. It’s the kind of place you go for healthy shared plates and a mean cocktail, and you must take my word for it that ordering the whipped feta is a non-negotiable; ditto to the fire-roasted carrots. Another, more under-the-radar veg spot is Sunflower Cafe in Berry Hill.
For all things Greek: Greko Street Food
Nashville restaurant vets and first cousins Bill Darsinos (Southside Grille) and Tony Darsinos (Gondola House Pizzeria in Hermitage) joined forces to bring Greek food to East Nashville. Designed to offer an authentic Athens street food vibe, Greko will serve an array of dishes like fresh-baked pitas; lamb, chicken and pork cooked on a rotisserie over a live fire; souvlaki; and Greek fries with oregano and Myzithra cheese. All of the meats will be cooked over a live vire, and the bulk of the ingredients, such as olive oil and wines from their home region of Nemea, will be imported directly from Greece.
For a happy hour kind of dinner: Lockeland Table
Anytime I’m in East Nashville between 4 and 6pm, you can bet I’m likely kicking it at Lockeland Table with my friend Matt for the daily Community Hour, which features a selection of $5 cocktails and some snacks to share like Korean beef tacos and deviled eggs with chow chow at discounted prices.
For when you need a brunch ressie: Le Sel
French brasseries are not a dime a dozen in Nashville, so Le Sel filled a void in the market when it came to town with a European-influenced menu heavy on the oysters and plenty of wine selections to match. Le Sel offers dinner, though I’m not overly wild about French cuisine, so I prefer it for weekend brunch (if you love ratatouille, though, this is your place). Savory crepes, croque Madams and Bayonne ham Benedicts? I’ll take one of each!
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For breakfast any day of the week: Marché Artisan Foods
Margot McCormack is one of Nashville’s food pioneers, and her pair of restaurants—Marché and Margot—in Five Points are always packed, no matter how buzzy their newer neighboring restaurants are. I love this European-style cafe for weekday breakfast, as it’s not too crowded (weekends are another story), and it’s really hard to find places in town that serve a full brunch menu Monday through Friday.
For that international flavor: Thai Esane
I could eat Thai food every day for the rest of my life and never grow tired of it. Unfortunately, while Nashville dining is many things, diverse it is not. Which is why Thai Esane’s 2014 opening was greeted with a collective cheer from those of us who crave Asian food at every meal.
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For a swanky night out in the Gulch: Tànsuǒ
Tànsuǒ, another Maneet concept, is sandwiched between Chauhan House and Mockingbird. The darkly-lit, bi-level space is meant to reflect a Chinese night market (albeit, a very cosmopolitan one), and the menu is an exploration of contemporary Cantonese cuisine like Toishan Pork Sui Mai, Peking Duck and a spin on classic Chinese fare such as General Tso’s Chicken.
The above is an exhaustive, though not completely comprehensive list of some of favorite places to eat over the years, but just know, that these are definitely not the only options. And many oldies but goodies like Cafe Coco or Miel that often fly under the radar didn’t make the list simply because I haven’t been there in eons to even know what the food is like anymore (and others like Firefly Grille and Tin Angel have recently closed, R.I.P. to them, too).
Here are a few more Nashville restaurants to check out, depending on what you’re in the mood for:
Hot chicken: Hattie B’s, Pepperfire, Bolton’s Spicy Chicken & Fish, Party Fowl, Prince’s Hot Chicken
BBQ: Jack’s Bar-B-Que, Peg Leg Porker
Burgers: Hopdoddy, Burger Up, The Pharmacy, Gabby’s, Farm Burger, Hugh Baby’s, M.L. Rose, Jack Brown’s
Pizza: Folk, Emmy Squared, DeSano, Slim & Husky’s
Steaks: Kayne Prime, Oak Steakhouse, Bourbon Steak
International: Lyra, Epice, Plaza Mariachi, King Market, Azadi International Food Market
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This post was last updated April 2019.
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from Camels & Chocolate: Travel & Lifestyles Blog http://bit.ly/2i41ich
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richardmperry88 · 4 years
15 Absolute Must-Reads for Women Working in Tech
Let’s face it, ladies. The tech industry has been a boy’s club for far too long.
But times are a-changin’!
Even though women have a long history in the industry, it’s taken decades to get a seat at the table. Today we’re developers, team leads, and CEOs. Of course, there are still miles to go in the march for equality. But with women around the world raising their voices to make tech companies more inclusive, it’s hard not to get just a teensy bit excited for the next generation of female go-getters.
If you want to be a part of this positive change — and help other women succeed alongside you — you’ll need a game plan.
We’ve got you covered.
Looking beyond Sheryl Sandburg’s Lean In (required reading for aspiring women in any field), we’ve rounded up 10 must-read books, blogs, and more for women in tech. Add these to your reading list (or blog feed) for a dose of tech news, opinions, career and leadership advice, and solidarity from women like you.
Related: The State of Women in Tech
15 Must-Reads for Women in Tech 
1. Innovating Women: The Changing Face of Technology
“Where are all the women?”
This is the question technology and entrepreneurship researcher Vivek Wadhwa considered at the TechCrunch Crunchies Awards in 2009 — at the nudging of his wife, Tavinder, who was the first of the two to notice a deep gender gap at the Oscars of the tech world.
Inspired by that experience, Wadhwa joined forces with journalist Farai Chideya and set out to take a look at women in tech (and the lack thereof), the challenges they face, and why they are needed in the field in their book, Innovating Women.
Yeah, our first women-in-tech book recommendation originated with a man. But don’t worry!
Acknowledging that he wasn’t exactly qualified to speak from the heart on this issue (and wanting to avoid mansplaining), he crowdsourced funding and worked with female contributors, ranging from former Google VP Megan Smith to venture capitalists to startup CEOs to middle managers.
A collection of stories, interviews, and essays from hundreds of leaders around the world in STEM careers, the book shares the experiences of various women in technology and entrepreneurship. It’s also a book about innovation and an exploration of the most creative (female) minds in the field. It shows what women are doing to close the gender gap in the field, what contributions women are making in their fields, offers encouragement and advice to women who want to enter and succeed in tech, and shares how women tackle an unbalanced work environment.
It’s a great read if you’re looking for a feel-good book that shares inspiring stories and ideas.
2. Girl Code: Unlocking the Secrets to Success, Sanity, and Happiness for the Female Entrepreneur
If you’re a lady with an entrepreneurial itch, Girl Code is your book, whether you want to build a side hustle or the next social media empire.
But don’t read for advice on how to start up a startup or how to create and run your business — author Cara Alwill Leyba digs a little deeper into the foundations of what makes a good entrepreneur, and specifically, a good and successful female entrepreneur. She takes a look at how to build confidence, brush yourself off after failure, ignore the haters, and avoid jealousy of other people’s success.
Central to her book is the importance of women supporting other women in their goals and entrepreneurial endeavors.
“In today’s competitive marketplace, the fiercest thing a female entrepreneur can do is to support other women,” Leyba asserts.
The ultimate girl-power guide for entrepreneurs written with a “girlfriend-to-girlfriend” voice, Girl Code is full of helpful advice and support for your entrepreneurial endeavors.
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3. The Glass Universe: How the Ladies of the Harvard Observatory Took Measure of the Stars
You’ve probably seen (or read) Hidden Figures, the story of the Black women who worked as “computers” for NASA, running the math that powered the first rocket launches that sent astronauts to the moon.
The Glass Universe runs in a similar vein: think ladies, space, science, and an unhealthy dose of gender bias. Author Dava Sobel highlights the sadly unknown and under-appreciated role of women in the history of science by exploring the lives and legacies of women who worked in the Harvard College Observatory in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
These students — math whizzes, astronomy buffs, physics majors — were among the few women at the time to have the opportunity to work in science and technology. Their contributions included groundbreaking work in studying, documenting, and photographing the stars in the night sky and lead to the creation of the first academic fellowships and research grants for women in the sciences.
The struggles of these women in a male-dominated field — much more lopsided than it is today — will feel familiar. But more than that, this book will make you immensely grateful for all the brave women who paved the way for your generation and mine.
4. Hardball for Women: Winning at the Game of Business
Hardball for Women is a classic — an oldie-but-goodie updated, as the newest edition boasts, for the “post-Lean In era.” This book asserts that women are not men — duh — and the rules and tactics that help a man get ahead may, sadly, be detrimental to a woman, thanks to subconscious gender biases.
For example, an assertive man may be rewarded, while an assertive woman may be considered lacking in social skills. Because advice given to and by men may not always be helpful to a woman looking to advance in her career, author Tammy Hughes tailors leadership guidance specifically for women.
While not specifically focused on technology fields, Hardball is written for women who work in male-dominated careers — or, at least, a male-dominated office. The author coaches women who want to get ahead in their careers and develop leadership skills to be aware of gender biases and how men and women behave differently in the workplace, and how to use that information to their advantage. Hughes aims to help women promote themselves and use language, verbal and nonverbal to be assertive and effective in communicating.
Overall, this book looks at the challenges men and women face in working with each other and how they can work together to create a balanced workplace culture.
5. SheGeeks.net
Tech entrepreneur and writer Corvida Raven started blogging as a 19-year-old college student and has since drawn attention (and awards) to her blog, SheGeeks.net. She’s known for blogging about social media, tech gadgets, and more — and for her trademark style of writing about tech in “plain English,” which she says draws on her days helping family members with computer problems.
For an introduction to her style and ethos, check out her post about inclusion in technology and browse around her Instagram and Twitter accounts. In 2009 Raven was named one of the 50 Most Influential Women in Technology, and she’s worked in social media and more with General Motors, FastCompany, and TED.
Check out SheGeeks for no-nonsense reviews of new technology, social media how-tos to beef up your online presence, and for easy-to-read articles you can forward to your non-techie friends (and hopefully help another woman spark interest in the field).
Related: 30 Ways to Be an Ally for Women in Tech
6. Women of Silicon Valley
Inspired by the on-the-street photos and meaningful interview snippets of Humans of New York, college student Lea Coligado set out to find the female powerbrokers of Silicon Valley.
On “Women of Silicon Valley,” hosted on both Medium and Facebook, Coligado interviews women professionals in technology, uncovering surprising anecdotes and advice — and sometimes showcasing the good, the bad, and the ugly of the real world of women in tech.
For example: Pinterest’s Tracy Chou described facing “blatant sexism . . . so outright as to be comical,” while Sara Mauskopf of Postmates described becoming the first woman at her company to have a baby: “Now that I’m pregnant, I am more driven than ever to make something of myself, if for no other reason than to prove it can be done . . . working with such awesome and supportive colleagues definitely makes my ‘trailblazing’ easier and enjoyable.”
Quick-to-read Q&A profiles are posted regularly, so be sure to look through the archives and give Women of Silicon Valley a follow — and maybe submit a friend for consideration to be featured on the blog.
7. Women in Tech: Take Your Career to the Next Level with Practical Advice and Inspiring Stories
This book starts readers off with a sad statistic: in 1984, 38 percent of computer science degrees were awarded to women. Not too shabby for the “olden days.”
But fast forward to 2010, and that number dropped to 10 percent. While other fields like law and medicine are attracting more women, the tech field, says author Tarah Wheeler Van Vlack, is failing. She blames (spoiler alert) a cultural unconscious gender bias, and sets out to do her part to make the tech industry more appealing and less mysterious for women.
Women in Tech combines practical career advice and personal stories from female entrepreneurs and tech professionals to motivate, inspire, and show women what a career in the field is like and how to succeed in it. Guest writers include Brianna Wu of Giant Spacekat and Angie Chang of Women 2.0 (another women-in-tech blog worth a follow).
Geared toward women who are considering jumping into tech, this book is a great read if you are just launching your career, or if you are looking for a boost further up the career ladder. Or you may want to get a few copies of this book to pass on to your mentees or women you want to encourage into the field. Bonus: this book started off on a Kickstarter campaign — it doesn’t get too much geekier than that!
8. The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage
Did you know that the world’s first coder was a woman?
Ada Lovelace, born in 1815, was the only legitimate daughter of the poet Lord Byron — and one of the first computer scientists. Her mother, determined to make sure Ada never became a head-in-the-clouds poet like her father, had her tutored solely and extensively in science and math.
At age 17, Lovelace teamed up with Charles Babbage and envisioned a machine that can calculate and envision anything — numbers, music, words — and she even wrote a sample computer program for it. While the machine was never built, her notes were referenced by engineers creating the first computer.
In The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage, author Sydney Padua turns Lovelace’s story into an exciting graphic novel that’s mostly accurate — well, other than envisioning an alternate ending in which the duo succeed in building their computer, which never actually happened.
This steampunk-esque novel is an adventure through the early history of modern tech — and while it takes liberties with reality (ahem), it’s filled with notes that keep you grounded in the “real” history.
Interested in a more straightforward history featuring the pioneering work of Lovelace? Walter Issacson’s The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution frames a history of the tech world with Lovelace’s story, tracing its influence to the present day. 
9. Tech Diversity Files
As a woman, do you ever feel a bit out of place in so-called “tech culture”? Tech Diversity Files is a blog about inclusivity in tech hosted on Medium with a handful of contributors, all looking to expand the vision of a programmer or coder as a twenty-something white male living off Hot Pockets and foosball.
Women in the tech field might start with this article by entrepreneur, professor, and developer Rachel Thomas. The gender disparity in tech is not, she argues, a pipeline problem, but because it’s a field that can be genuinely hostile to women who make it there. She describes how she fell in love with programming — but not with “tech culture,” so much that she considered leaving the field, which “would have been devastating, but staying was tough.”
Thomas continues: “I’m not the stereotypical male programmer in his early 20s looking to ‘work hard, play hard.’ I do work hard, but I’d rather wake up early than stay up late, and I was already thinking ahead to when my husband and I would need to coordinate our schedules with daycare drop-offs and pick-ups.”
“Kegerators and ping pong tables don’t appeal to me. I’m not aggressive enough to thrive in a combative work environment. Talking to other female friends working in tech, I know that I’m not alone in my frustrations,” Thomas says.
Check out Thomas’s article for stats, problems, and solutions for both men and women to help close the gap — and make sure to poke around and follow the rest of Tech Diversity Files for conversation and stories about inclusivity in tech.
Related: 3 Ways to Debug Tech’s Diversity Gap
10. Recode.net
Where do you go for the latest in tech news? Mashable, Gizmodo, and Wired are great sources — and regularly tackle issues of gender and inclusivity in the field, and they feature female writers and bloggers.
But if you haven’t already, add Recode.net to your list.
While not specifically geared just for women, its founder and executive editor, Kara Swisher, is a powerhouse woman in the tech world. Swisher is a longtime tech journalist who previously wrote articles and a tech column for the Wall Street Journal. After leaving the Wall Street Journal, Swisher founded Recode as a source for tech news.
She’s the tech writer most followed by other US techies, so adding her work to your regular reading list would put you in good company.  And while not technically the written word, don’t forget to check out Swisher’s podcast, Recode Decode, for more news, interviews, and discussion.
11. Reset: My Fight for Inclusion and Lasting Change
In 2012, Tawainese-American investor and activist Ellen Pao sued Kleiner Perkins, the then-leading Silicon Valley venture capital firm, in a gender discrimination lawsuit. In the lawsuit, she called out her former employer for workplace discrimination and retaliation against women and other minority groups. Pao tells her powerful story in Reset: My Fight for Inclusion and Lasting Change, shining a light on the homogeneity issues in the tech industry. 
As the former interim CEO of Reddit, Pao is also credited for forcefully trying to change the company’s status quo, banning revenge porn and unauthorized nude photos on the social platform and shutting down parts of Reddit over online harassment. 
Not only that, Pao helped found Project Include, an award-winning nonprofit aimed at promoting more diversity and inclusion in tech. Named “the face of change” by Time magazine, Pao is an author to follow if you want ideas on how to build a more inclusive future in Silicon Valley (and beyond). 
Related: The State of Women in Tech
12. Pivot: The Only Move That Matters is Your Next One
If you’re thinking about taking on a new role at your company or maybe even considering an entirely different career path, pick up Jenny Blake’s Pivot: The Only Move That Matters Is Your Next One. 
A former career development program manager at Google, Blake uses the Pivot Method to show you how to find new opportunities and use what’s already working for you to guide your next career move. 
Want to eventually be your own boss? This book will guide you in transitioning from your current gig to a new, more adventurous opportunity — as long as you’re willing to pivot. 
Winner of the Axiom Best Business Books award in the careers category, Pivot led to the Pivot Podcast, listed by CNBC as a top career advice podcast and named one of the top 20 female-hosted business podcasts by Entrepreneur. These days on the podcast, you can find Blake chatting about the COVID-19 crisis in the series “Pivoting Around a Pandemic.”
13. STEMinist.com
Created by software developer Ann Hoang in 2010, STEMinist.com features profiles on women in — you guessed it — Science, Tech, Engineering, and Math. After reading an editorial in Glamour magazine in 1997 entitled “Women, wake up about computers!”, then 21-year-old Hoang registered for Computer Science 101 and taught herself how to build a website. 
The intersection of social justice and tech inspired Hoang to take action — STEMinist aggregates stories of women in STEM with the hopes to “increase the visibility of women in STEM; promote and elevate the perspective of women in these traditionally underrepresented fields; encourage younger women and girls to pursue careers in STEM; capture a social media snapshot of what’s trending for women in STEM.”
Although there hasn’t been a new STEMinist profile in a couple of years, it’s still easy to get lost in the multitude of fascinating and insightful interviews with women from all over the country. Featuring everyone from student researchers to data scientists to engineers and entrepreneurs, these profiles highlight women’s top accomplishments, biggest inspirations, advice for future STEMinists, and lots more. 
14. BlackWomenTalkTech.com
Black Women Talk Tech was founded in 2017 by Fundr co-founder Lauren Washington, Nexstar co-founder Esosa Ighodaro, and TresseNoire co-founder Regina Gwynn — with the simple goal of connecting Black women in tech. With more than 500 founders of business and tech companies and 10 chapters of national and international “mastermind groups,” this organization actively works to provide Black women the knowledge and tools it takes to build big-business brands. 
“Black Women Talk Tech is a collective of Black women tech founders who have a unique understanding of the challenges we face and the advantages we bring in the industry. We’re here to identify, support, and encourage Black women to build the next billion-dollar business.”
Through a variety of events and initiatives, Black Women Talk Tech focuses on supporting Black entrepreneurs looking to grow in tech. In February, they held an immersive three-day conference called “Roadmap to Billions” and are currently offering  COVID-19 resources and a relief fund for founders. 
Related: What it’s Like to Be a Black Woman in Tech — Q&A with Kaya Thomas
15. Women of Color in Tech: A Blueprint for Inspiring and Mentoring the Next Generation of Technology Innovators
It’s no secret: There needs to be more diversity in tech. In Women of Color in Tech, Susanne Tedrick offers practical advice and inspiring stories that will help you develop the tools and mindset you need if you’re a woman of color — whether you’re simply considering working in the industry for the first time or struggling to get ahead. 
By breaking down specific issues that may be challenging for BIPOC women, Tedrick proves that today’s tech careers can be fun — and aren’t limited to coding jobs — if you are able to build a professional network of reliable mentors who understand your goals and struggles. With the right guidance and support, it’s possible to overcome the obstacles that often prevent women of color from pursuing (and sticking with) careers in tech. 
Aimed specifically at BIPOC women, this book has great advice for female innovators looking to take their career to the next level. With the right communication, public speaking, and networking skills, Tedrick argues it’s possible to break through barriers and build a rewarding future in tech. 
Honorable Mentions
Hungry for even more reads, digital or otherwise? Check these out!
The Secret Loves of Geek Girls: A graphic novel anthology (including contributions from Margaret Atwood and Trina Robbins) about the passions, plights, and love lives of geeky girls who code.
Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy: After the unexpected loss of her husband, Sheryl Sandburg, Facebook COO and author of Lean In, explains how to develop resilience in the face of difficult times.
Melinda Gates on Medium: Melinda Gates, wife of Microsoft guru Bill Gates, focuses her philanthropy (and her blogging) on girl power. Start with her post on five badass women of science.
Femgineer: The blog and digital innovation education platform created by Poornima Vijayashanker, a Mint.com founding engineer, to help techie entrepreneurs from all backgrounds build companies and products. 
— Reporting by Sara Atwood and Ellice Soliven
The post 15 Absolute Must-Reads for Women Working in Tech appeared first on Website Guides, Tips and Knowledge.
from Website Guides, Tips and Knowledge https://www.dreamhost.com/blog/must-reads-for-women-in-tech/
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jeanettethibodeau · 4 years
India Alert | New Episode 324 | Jaanleva Driving ( जनलव डरइवग ) | Dangal TV Channel
There is no reception here.
From whom do I take helpon this remote road? Please.
I have a flat tyre.
I’ll not be able to fix it on my own.
Great if you could help me.
Uncle, don’t worry at all.
We’ll change it.
Unlock the trunk.
Do you have a spare tyre? Yes.
– Unlock.
You help me.
Thank you.
You? I’ll call the cops right away.
Get the old man.
– What happened? Sari, serve the breakfast fast.
I’ll be late for work.
I’m doing it.
Good morning, mummy.
Good morning, papa.
Good morning, son.
God bless.
Mummy, has Geetanjal still not come? Not yet.
Yes, brother?- Where are you? Aren’t you done with your jogging? Yes.
I am coming.
We are waiting for youfor breakfast.
Come fast.
– Okay.
Sudhanshu, come to the town office.
Some samples are going toarrive there.
Of clothes.
Check them.
I have a meetingat Golchakkar.
I’ll finish it and be there.
Let’s have breakfast.
Good morning, father.
Hi, brother.
Good morning.
– You’re back.
Go change quickly.
Come and have breakfast.
God knows where she goesearly morning on a long stroll.
– Yes.
Give my chequebook.
And pen.
I’ll get it right away.
Come on.
Why do you keep doing charity? It’s not right to be so nicethat people fool you.
This is not foolishness.
It’s charity.
God has given me so much.
If some of it can be useful tosomeone it can be of help to him.
You don’t understand.
The world today is something else.
People are experts at conning.
As it is, how are we going toknow whether this money.
is used to help someone or not.
Try to understand.
People will take advantageof your naivety.
You shouldn’t think so much.
Sarita, give this chequeto the child association guys.
Try to understand.
It’s not right to be so nice.
give me.
Okay, mummy, pappa.
See you.
One minute.
Where are you going? Forgot me? You take a lift for free everyday.
Take an auto.
And one day these peopleof the driving school.
will file a case against us.
Come on.
You overact and how.
As it is, my college is on your way.
Where are you going?Have breakfast at least.
I have to go.
Come on.
Drop her too.
Bye, mummy and papa.
Hi, Vivek.
How are you? Great.
– Hi.
Come on.
We are getting late.
Drive keeping to the left.
Vivek, you were right.
My confidence is increasing.
At first you feel scared.
But then as you driveconfidence increases.
That’s true.
I bring my sister along every day.
You would feel your car isbeing used to drop her to college.
What are you saying? As it is, your sister’s collegeis on the way.
It’s okay.
She’ll also learndriving looking at you.
That’s true.
One plus one free.
By the way, the idea is not bad.
I will also learn driving.
As it is, I want to learn driving.
It’s easy to say.
You’ll understandwhen you sit on this seat.
Isi t? Then get off.
Get off the seat.
Let me sit.
Look at her excitement.
What excitement? You are just scared of me.
That I might become abetter driver than you.
I want to learn driving today itself.
Right now.
Learn from tomorrow.
We’ll fill the formand pay money tomorrow.
Now don’t trouble Vivek much.
Don’t take advantageof his goodness.
What are you saying? We can fill the form anytime.
If your sister wants to learndriving today then I’ll teach her.
Free of cost at that.
I won’t charge for today.
Vivek, come on.
Please don’t hurt meby saying such things.
Now even Vivek has said.
It’s okay.
Do this.
Pull up to the left.
Geetanjali, you come to the front.
– Yes.
Drive carefully.
– Yes.
Get down.
I’ll drive better than you.
Hold on.
Let me pull up.
And hand brake.
That’s it.
– Thank you.
Come on.
Basics first.
Put on the seatbelt.
Let me clear the basics first.
Look, A for accelerator.
Okay? Excuse me.
And C for clutch.
B or brake.
You know everything.
You see, brother.
Your sisteris one step ahead of you.
Today only God can save us.
Drop me to my office safely.
Brother, you just let it be.
Now what? Press the clutch.
And the first gear.
If you push it like this this way, it’s the first gear.
This way? Very nice.
Press the accelerator slowly.
And release the clutch slowly.
Balancing both.
Like that.
Very good.
A little.
A little.
Now put the car in second gear.
While pressing the clutch.
Very good.
Geetanjali, you’re driving really well.
Do you see?- Yes.
I am watching.
She is driving wellon the first day itself.
She is my sister after all.
Just pull up to the left.
I’ll be right back from the garage.
Okay? – Okay.
That’s it.
Pull up.
What is it? Why are youcalling me so many times? You know I am at work at this time.
Such was the matter.
What could I do? What happened? Tell me quickly.
I need 2 lakh rupees very badly.
– What? 2 lakh rupees? Why? What happened? I lost in gambling.
You lost 2 lakhs in gambling.
Are you mad? 10, 000-20, 000 was fine.
But 2 lakhs.
Such a big amount? Please.
Please save me.
It’s him.
These guys are really dangerous.
They’ll not leave me.
Don’t worry.
I’ll see what I can do.
Do something.
Do something.
– I’ll do something.
I’m sorry.
Let’s go.
What happened?You look really upset.
Just generally.
Vivek, tell me.
What happened? What do I tell? I have a friend Ashok.
His mother is seriously ill.
He needs 2 lakhs for her treatment.
I don’t have a mother.
But I consider his mother my mother.
But what can I do? Even I don’t have money.
That’s the problem.
So borrow a loan.
What loan? Who is going to give us a loan? We don’t have a proper residenceor guarantee.
And what income should I show? I am not in that category.
And what if I am not able torepay it on time? They’ll not even give me time.
– That’s right.
But don’t worry.
We’ll find a solution to it.
Anyways, leave it.
Come on.
Add the entry of Sohamlal trading.
– Yes, papa.
Papa, your file.
What else is left? Brother, what happened toVivek wasn’t good, isn’t it? Yes.
That’s right.
But it’s all your luck.
Why? What happened? Papa, Vivek our driving teacher.
He is in quite a big problem.
Vivek? What happened to him? He is a really nice boy.
Mummy, his friend’s motherwhom he considers his mother is ill.
He needs two lakh rupeesfor her treatment.
Was he asking?- No.
He didn’t even tell anything.
He met his friend.
And we asked him.
In today’s world no one caresabout their own mother.
And look at Vivek.
He is so worriedfor his friends’s mother.
He didn’t even ask.
Or this is how people takeadvantage these days.
It means he is a decent boy.
That he is.
He is trying to arrange money.
I wish someone helps me.
Someone else too will have toshow kindness like him.
Right? Right.
Someone will have to take a step.
Sudhanshu, I’ll give him money.
Call him tomorrow.
He is a nice boy.
That’s fine.
He is in problem.
That’s also right.
But how can we givesomeone such a big amount? Ours is a small town.
His shop has been there since years.
Where can he run away? Whatever.
What if something goes wrongand he doesn’t return the money? Leave it.
Why are you worrying so much? One day your large-heartednesswill cause your doom.
I’ll give him money.
Call him tomorrow.
Okay? Yes.
Tell me.
What are you doing? I’m at home.
I was about to go to bed.
I have somegood news for you.
Good news? What good news? Papa has agreed to give you2 lakh rupees.
What? Your papa is really nice.
You guys are so nice.
Ashok’s mother will give youloads of blessings.
Your family is really nice.
See you tomorrow.
Thank you.
Good night.
– Bye.
Ashok, money has been arranged.
What?- Yes.
What are you saying?- Yes.
It’s true.
Thank you so much.
Wow, brother.
Sister-in-law has alreadystarted doing wonders.
Right, Ashok.
I wish everyone gets asister-in-law like her.
She is not your sister-in-law.
I want to stay away from her.
That’s wrong.
She is crazy for you.
She does so much for you.
She loves you.
So she loves me.
Not I.
As it is, how does it matter to us? Let her as long as she does.
Why should we bother? Cheers.
I am really pleased to know thatthere are still people like you.
who consider other’s paintheir own.
Actually my mother is no more.
So I know what losing a mother is.
Hence I don’t want my friendto go through that pain.
Son, your thoughts are so noble.
I remember only a few thingsabout my mother.
which I always keep in mind.
Every child should get such values.
Here you go.
You have helped mein such a big way today.
I can never forgetthis favour of yours.
Sir, .
I promise you.
I’ll return all your moneyin 2-3 months.
Why do you think so? Don’t think so.
Here’s the money.
Go repay.
And be free.
I have worked really hardfor this money.
And I got this moneyafter much difficulty.
Just make sure you return iton time.
So that there are no problems.
I have asked for three months’time to return this money.
Brother, trust me.
I’ll never let your trust break.
You gave me support.
You gave me love.
I would rather diethan let your trust break.
Oh God.
She is such a pile on.
What are you saying?She is not a pile on.
Understand? She is an open vault.
We got the money because of her.
It is more importantto keep her happy.
Keep her happy.
Hello, Ms.
Tell me.
Not Ms.
Call me Geetanjali.
The same.
Thank you.
Thank you? What for? You have helped mein such a big way.
I see.
Then you’ll have tomeet me and say thanks.
Tomorrow is Sudhanshu’s class.
Driving class.
So I’ll meet youthere and say thanks.
But you’ll have to meet mein private and say thanks.
In private?- In private? Yes.
Why? Can’t you meet me in private? No.
It’s not that.
I want to talk to youabout something urgent.
Meet me tomorrow.
Alright? Bye.
On the basis of trustRanjan gave Vivek.
a part of his hard earned money.
Upon hearing Vivek’s plightand an emotional story.
any decent family man would becompelled to believe that story.
Vivek had understood this.
Encouraging his friend’swrong intentions.
he took advantageof an innocent family.
He took money from themassuring them.
that he’ll return the money soon.
Did Vivek think about it? Ashok’s gambling habit issuch that once he gets money.
he blows it in gambling again.
How a person like him repay2 lakh rupees? Vivek’s intention wasto help his friend.
But the way he chose of doingit was wrong.
Just as Rajan trusted Vivek, did Vivek make a mistake.
by trusting Ashok? Will Ashok be able to returnVivek’s money in time? And will the lie told by Vivek last? Let’s find out.
Here you are.
We have reached your office? Thank you, Vivek.
And drop Geetanjali safely.
– Yes, brother.
I’ll leave now for work.
– Okay.
Bye, brother.
– Bye.
Geetanjali, we have reached your college.
Geetanjali, .
we have reached your college.
What are you doing? We have reached your college.
Please get down.
I don’t want to go anywhere.
I want to be with you.
What are you saying? Look, all this is rubbish.
Please get down.
I will not go.
I’ll be with youVivek.
I love you.
What rubbish.
Look, please.
Please get down.
There is no match between you and me.
There is a match.
I want a life partner like you.
Simple and naïve.
Someone who has no vices.
Someone who helps others.
Cares for them.
As in you.
Please try to understand.
You and I are differentkinds of people.
My lifestyle, way of living.
It’s all different.
We can’t be equal.
But Vivek.
Geetanjali, I beg you.
Forget me and please get down.
Geetanjali, please take the call.
Hello, Mita.
– Yes, Sudhanshu? Listen.
Give the phone to Geetanjali.
Actually I have hercollege project file.
But Geetanjai hasn’tcome to college today.
What? She hasn’t come to college.
Are you sure? Yes.
– Okay.
I’m in the class.
I’ll talk to you later.
Why is Geetanjali lying? Where on earth is she? How many times do I tell youthat we can’t be together? You feel my futurewith you is not good.
That’s why you’re refusing.
You’re thinking about mein this scenario too.
You…This is the limit.
You…You… One minute.
Don’t take it.
– Keep quiet.
Vivek, listen.
Hello, Vivek.
– Yes, brother? Where did you drop Geetanjali? Well, outside the college.
– Sure? Yes.
I am sure.
What happened? Is everything alright? Yes.
Everything I alright.
Actually I couldn’t get her number.
I’ll talk later.
Get in the car.
I’m dropping you home right now.
– But… Tell me something.
Where were you all day today? In the college.
– Sure? Yes.
– Geetanjali, you’re lying.
You didn’t go to college today.
I…I went for a movie.
With whom?- With my friends.
What friends? Why are you asking methe same question repeatedly? I told you.
I went for a movie.
If you had been for a moviewhy did you have to lie? I don’t know.
I said what cameto my mind at that time.
Look, you insisted.
I came.
Try to understand what I am saying.
This is my last meeting with you.
I can’t meet you after today.
Don’t distance mefrom you.
Come out.
How dare you?- brother… Brother… Brother.
Brother, please leave him.
I beg you.
Brother… I’ll hand you over to the police.
He got away with it becauseof Geetanjali or all these days.
Now I won’t leave him.
You got away.
Today you gotbet up because of his sister.
He beat me really bad.
This is his stancewhen it comes to his sister.
God knows what will happen whenhe finds out about the money? In that case, you have to use your mother.
Of course.
You borrowed the moneyas I lost in gambling.
If they come to know the truth.
they’ll cut usat that very gambling den.
It means along with Geetanjalihe is cheating papa too.
The market is already up.
The share market will alsogo up further.
What happened?- Father… What happened?Why are you so angry? Ask Vivek to return the money.
What’s the matter? The matter is that he’s a fraud.
He has lied to us.
But how do you know all this? I just saw with my own eyes.
His friend’s mother is not sick.
In fact, his friend lostmoney in gambling.
And he had to repay the money.
So he asked for money from us.
This is not what we imaginedhe would be.
Oh God.
Goodness is a curse these days.
People fool us so easily.
What’s done is done.
Now we just have to take moneyback from him.
That’s it.
Ask him the money.
I’ll call him right away.
Hello, uncle.
Vivek, look, I wantthe money back in two days.
In two days? But… If you don’t give the moneyin two days I’ll go to the cops.
And they’ll recover money from you.
Uncle, please.
What happened? It was Geetanjali’s papa.
He wants the money back in two days.
– What? How are we going to arrangethe money in two days? He says that if we don’t returnthe money in two days.
he’ll call the cops.
Cops? Okay.
I’ll arrange it in two days.
Darn it.
What happened? The old man Ranjan iscalling me repeatedly.
Now what do I tell him? This is the limit.
And this guy Ashok.
God knows where the hell he is.
He is not taking my calls.
Go check.
I’ll get him right away.
I’ll check.
Everyone has driven me crazy.
Darn it.
I didn’t find him at home.
– Search in the area.
I looked for him everywhere.
There is no trace of him.
I feel he has run away.
What rubbish.
What have I gotten myself into? Vivek, where is the money? Uncle, please.
Give me one day’s time more.
Uncle, please.
He has gone to arrange money.
He must be on the waywith the money.
His number is not reachable.
We have given you enough time.
You should’ve thought aboutthese things before lying.
Out with the money.
Just one day.
Give me one more day.
It’s okay if you want a day.
But if we don’t get the moneythen the police.
will put you behind barsfor fraud.
I promise.
I knew.
I recorded this video of yourswhile you were taking the money.
What have I gotten myself into? Sagar.
Sagar, my brother.
I need 2 lakh rupees.
It’s really urgent.
Please give me if you have.
You can’t give.
Kunal, I need 2 lakh rupees.
Give me if you have.
It’s urgent.
That’s why I am asking.
Hello, Mrinal.
Mirnal, I need 2 lakh rupeesvery badly.
No one helps youwhen you are in need.
I don’t have money.
Now is there any sourceof getting them.
And if I don’t repay the moneythe police will put me in jail.
And I don’t want to go to jail.
Then? We’ll have to find apermanent solution to this.
Stop calling me.
Your father and brotherwere here just now.
They threatened methat they’ll call the cops.
Forget them.
Let’s do this.
Let’s elope.
I can’t live without you.
Have you gone mad? Does all this look like a gameto you? Look, this is a serious matter.
Do you get that? And yes.
If at all you can do anything.
then ask your fatherto waiver my loan.
Me?- You can’t do it, right? You went silent.
So forget me.
May I ask something? What solution have you found to it? I am fed up.
You don’t have much time left.
There’s just one day left.
Just one day.
And then the police will comeand arrest you.
Then how will I drink alone? Why don’t you say something? Keep quiet.
Say something.
At least now.
We’ll have to end this matterfrom the root.
What do you mean? I mean let’s finish thatold man and Sudhanshu.
What do you mean? What? Why? Why so? Only we and this familyknows about this money.
Let’s finish all thosewho know about this money.
But…- You’ll do only what I tell you.
Let’s kill this old mantomorrow night.
How?- The old man passed.
by a remote pathon his way home.
I know everything.
Therein lies to chanceto finish him.
At least one will be gone.
You’re smart.
Vivek had never imaginedeven in his dreams.
that the lie he toldfor a few money.
would make him commit a crime.
Vivek made the mistakeof trusting Ashok.
And now he was about tomake a bigger mistake.
When Ranjan’s familygot wind of the truth.
they should havereported to the police.
and found a solutionto this matter.
But instead they decidedto solve his matter their way.
Which was absolutely wrong.
This lie was deeply rootedin Vivek’s mind.
Because he had no wayof returning the money.
That’s why he planned tocommit a really serious crime.
Under the impressionthat this crime.
would save him fromreturning the money.
Will this thought of Vivekwork for him? Does Vivek actually thinkhe can get away.
with repaying someone’s loanby killing someone? God.
I have a flat tyre.
Darn it.
I am stuck.
I don’t see anyone here.
Let me call.
There is no reception here.
I’m doomed.
From whom do I take helpon this remote road? Please.
I have a flat tyre.
I’ll not be able to fix iton my own.
Great if you could help me.
Uncle, don’t worry at all.
We’ll change it.
Unlock the trunk.
Do you have a spare tyre? Yes.
– Unlock.
Thank you, brother.
You? How dare you sit in my car? Uncle, I’m sorry.
What can we do? Made a mistake.
You have made lots of mistakes.
I won’t tolerate it anymore.
Now I’ll recover money from you.
Money? What money? What do you mean what money? You forgot? When you came to mebegging and pleading? I came to you begging? When? You gave it to me on your own will.
I see.
Forget that money.
How do I forget my money? I’ll call the cops right now.
Get the old man.
Hey, what are you doing? Ask for the money now, old man.
Come on.
Let’s get out quickly.
Take the bag and go.
I wonder why.
Even your papa’sphone is not reachable.
Let me try.
The phone is switched off.
He has never done so before.
I wonder what has happened.
Mother, don’t worry.
I’ll talk to papa’s office friend.
He might be with him.
– Okay.
Do something quickly.
What do we do now? Her family must have set outto look for him.
Let’s quickly bury this body here.
Before someone shows up.
But what about this car? We’ll put it in scrap in the garage.
Let’s start.
Do you have an axe or hammer? How are you going to bury?Go get it quickly.
I’ll get it.
– Go quickly.
Mother, relax.
Papa will come.
Mummy, papa left fromwork at the usual time.
But don’t know where he is at.
I called him.
He said he was on the way.
Then what happened?Oh God.
Mummy, don’t worry.
I’ll file acomplaint with the police.
Come on.
We don’t have time.
Let’s dispose the body quickly.
– Okay.
This is done.
Today we’ll finish everyone.
Tushar, you’ll get me into trouble.
You’ll get me killed.
I don’t want to take any chance.
I want to get out of this mess.
Let’s get rid of this car first.
Sudhanshu, we are trying our best.
He’ll soon be traced.
Don’t worry.
Uncle has cometo the garage for money.
He is calling you.
What happened? Mummy, papa has oneto Vivek’s garage to take money.
But why isn’t he taking calls? I’ll tell you once I come back.
Tell me.
Where is my papa? Brother, what are you doing? Your papa just tookthe car and left.
I told him that you were coming.
But he didn’t wait.
He left.
– You… This belongs to papa’s car.
You wantedthe 2 lakh rupees back, right? We sent your father to the heavens.
Let’s send him too.
Want the money now? Hello.
Son… Son.
Yes, aunt.
This is Vivek speaking.
Where is Sudhanshu? And how do you have his phone? Aunt, Sudhanshu is taking money.
My friend is giving him money.
Ashok is giving him money.
Does it take so long to take money? He is not taking calls.
Pass the phone to his papa.
Uncle just went to the loo.
And Sudhanshu iscounting the money.
As soon as he is done countingthe money, I’ll get him to call you.
And uncle and Sudhanshu willleave for home with the money soon.
Don’t worry.
I’ll come to drop them.
Okay? I feel something’s not right.
Vivek was saying he hasSudhanshu’s phone.
And Sudhanshu is counting money.
He’ll call later.
And he’ll even droop him home.
So why are you panicking?- Have you gone mad? Your brother detests him.
So will he give his phoneto him and come home with him? He is not at workfor he can’t take calls.
Vivek can’t do that.
You have some misunderstanding.
I am really nervous.
I’m sure something’s wrong.
First your papa wentand then your brother.
Oh God.
How do I believe? How do I believe? Oh God.
Please connect.
She is…- Disconnect it.
He disconnected.
Hey…What? Ask for the money now.
Come on.
– What do we do now? He is done.
There are only two people left.
Let’s finish them.
Then we’ll dispose his body.
Come on.
Let me call the police.
How can he disconnect the call? Why are you calling the cops? I’ll do what I have to do.
Mom and brother are back.
You panic needlessly.
You? What are you guys doing here? – Yes, me.
Why did you let them in? Vivek.
What…What happened? Because I want to finish youand your mother and be free.
What do you mean? I’ll explain.
– I’ll explain right away.
Your father and brotherhad driven me crazy.
By demanding money all the time.
I’ll not leave you and your family.
Get her.
Leave her.
Leave my daughter.
Leave my daughter I say.
Leave my daughter.
I have finishedyour father and brother.
They had driven me crazyby asking for money.
Now it’s yourand your mother’s turn.
Got it? Jagan.
Get out of here.
Come on.
Hey…Hey…- Leave me.
Leave me.
Leave me.
Leave me.
Leave me.
Leave me.
Leave me.
Leave me.
Leave me.
Vivek had set outon a path of crime.
from where there was no return.
But the question is could thiscrime have been stopped.
In simple words yes.
This crime could have been stopped.
If Anjan and Sudhanshu beenprudent and sought police’s help.
Or had Geetanjali actedwisely in time.
Perhaps she and her motherwould been alive today.
Her blind trust in Vivektook her life.
In this case, a crimecommitted by someone else.
proved to be costlyfor someone else.
Ashok’s search is still on.
But Ashok is not as big acriminal anymore.
as Vivek and Jagan became.
They had to pay forsomeone else’s doing.
These two could havefound the solution.
to this problempeacefully and wisely.
Has these two wanted they could havetraced Ashok with the police’s help.
But they tookthe path of crime instead.
And unfortunately.
Rajan and his family had topay for this with their lives.
Always remember one thing.
Don’t trust anyone blindly.
And gather good informationabout the person.
before making any kindof transaction.
And stop such crimes from happening.
On that note, I, Girish Jain, will take your leave.
from this episode of Crime Alert.
I’ll see you again to alert youwith against such a crime.
Till then be alert.
Be safe.
Crime Alert.
Voice against crime.
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trandangelilber · 4 years
India Alert | New Episode 324 | Jaanleva Driving ( जानलेवा ड्राइविंग ) | Dangal TV Channel
There is no reception here.
From whom do I take helpon this remote road? Please.
I have a flat tyre.
I’ll not be able to fix it on my own.
Great if you could help me.
Uncle, don’t worry at all.
We’ll change it.
Unlock the trunk.
Do you have a spare tyre? Yes.
– Unlock.
You help me.
Thank you.
You? I’ll call the cops right away.
Get the old man.
– What happened? Sari, serve the breakfast fast.
I’ll be late for work.
I’m doing it.
Good morning, mummy.
Good morning, papa.
Good morning, son.
God bless.
Mummy, has Geetanjal still not come? Not yet.
Yes, brother?- Where are you? Aren’t you done with your jogging? Yes.
I am coming.
We are waiting for youfor breakfast.
Come fast.
– Okay.
Sudhanshu, come to the town office.
Some samples are going toarrive there.
Of clothes.
Check them.
I have a meetingat Golchakkar.
I’ll finish it and be there.
Let’s have breakfast.
Good morning, father.
Hi, brother.
Good morning.
– You’re back.
Go change quickly.
Come and have breakfast.
God knows where she goesearly morning on a long stroll.
– Yes.
Give my chequebook.
And pen.
I’ll get it right away.
Come on.
Why do you keep doing charity? It’s not right to be so nicethat people fool you.
This is not foolishness.
It’s charity.
God has given me so much.
If some of it can be useful tosomeone it can be of help to him.
You don’t understand.
The world today is something else.
People are experts at conning.
As it is, how are we going toknow whether this money.
is used to help someone or not.
Try to understand.
People will take advantageof your naivety.
You shouldn’t think so much.
Sarita, give this chequeto the child association guys.
Try to understand.
It’s not right to be so nice.
give me.
Okay, mummy, pappa.
See you.
One minute.
Where are you going? Forgot me? You take a lift for free everyday.
Take an auto.
And one day these peopleof the driving school.
will file a case against us.
Come on.
You overact and how.
As it is, my college is on your way.
Where are you going?Have breakfast at least.
I have to go.
Come on.
Drop her too.
Bye, mummy and papa.
Hi, Vivek.
How are you? Great.
– Hi.
Come on.
We are getting late.
Drive keeping to the left.
Vivek, you were right.
My confidence is increasing.
At first you feel scared.
But then as you driveconfidence increases.
That’s true.
I bring my sister along every day.
You would feel your car isbeing used to drop her to college.
What are you saying? As it is, your sister’s collegeis on the way.
It’s okay.
She’ll also learndriving looking at you.
That’s true.
One plus one free.
By the way, the idea is not bad.
I will also learn driving.
As it is, I want to learn driving.
It’s easy to say.
You’ll understandwhen you sit on this seat.
Isi t? Then get off.
Get off the seat.
Let me sit.
Look at her excitement.
What excitement? You are just scared of me.
That I might become abetter driver than you.
I want to learn driving today itself.
Right now.
Learn from tomorrow.
We’ll fill the formand pay money tomorrow.
Now don’t trouble Vivek much.
Don’t take advantageof his goodness.
What are you saying? We can fill the form anytime.
If your sister wants to learndriving today then I’ll teach her.
Free of cost at that.
I won’t charge for today.
Vivek, come on.
Please don’t hurt meby saying such things.
Now even Vivek has said.
It’s okay.
Do this.
Pull up to the left.
Geetanjali, you come to the front.
– Yes.
Drive carefully.
– Yes.
Get down.
I’ll drive better than you.
Hold on.
Let me pull up.
And hand brake.
That’s it.
– Thank you.
Come on.
Basics first.
Put on the seatbelt.
Let me clear the basics first.
Look, A for accelerator.
Okay? Excuse me.
And C for clutch.
B or brake.
You know everything.
You see, brother.
Your sisteris one step ahead of you.
Today only God can save us.
Drop me to my office safely.
Brother, you just let it be.
Now what? Press the clutch.
And the first gear.
If you push it like this this way, it’s the first gear.
This way? Very nice.
Press the accelerator slowly.
And release the clutch slowly.
Balancing both.
Like that.
Very good.
A little.
A little.
Now put the car in second gear.
While pressing the clutch.
Very good.
Geetanjali, you’re driving really well.
Do you see?- Yes.
I am watching.
She is driving wellon the first day itself.
She is my sister after all.
Just pull up to the left.
I’ll be right back from the garage.
Okay? – Okay.
That’s it.
Pull up.
What is it? Why are youcalling me so many times? You know I am at work at this time.
Such was the matter.
What could I do? What happened? Tell me quickly.
I need 2 lakh rupees very badly.
– What? 2 lakh rupees? Why? What happened? I lost in gambling.
You lost 2 lakhs in gambling.
Are you mad? 10, 000-20, 000 was fine.
But 2 lakhs.
Such a big amount? Please.
Please save me.
It’s him.
These guys are really dangerous.
They’ll not leave me.
Don’t worry.
I’ll see what I can do.
Do something.
Do something.
– I’ll do something.
I’m sorry.
Let’s go.
What happened?You look really upset.
Just generally.
Vivek, tell me.
What happened? What do I tell? I have a friend Ashok.
His mother is seriously ill.
He needs 2 lakhs for her treatment.
I don’t have a mother.
But I consider his mother my mother.
But what can I do? Even I don’t have money.
That’s the problem.
So borrow a loan.
What loan? Who is going to give us a loan? We don’t have a proper residenceor guarantee.
And what income should I show? I am not in that category.
And what if I am not able torepay it on time? They’ll not even give me time.
– That’s right.
But don’t worry.
We’ll find a solution to it.
Anyways, leave it.
Come on.
Add the entry of Sohamlal trading.
– Yes, papa.
Papa, your file.
What else is left? Brother, what happened toVivek wasn’t good, isn’t it? Yes.
That’s right.
But it’s all your luck.
Why? What happened? Papa, Vivek our driving teacher.
He is in quite a big problem.
Vivek? What happened to him? He is a really nice boy.
Mummy, his friend’s motherwhom he considers his mother is ill.
He needs two lakh rupeesfor her treatment.
Was he asking?- No.
He didn’t even tell anything.
He met his friend.
And we asked him.
In today’s world no one caresabout their own mother.
And look at Vivek.
He is so worriedfor his friends’s mother.
He didn’t even ask.
Or this is how people takeadvantage these days.
It means he is a decent boy.
That he is.
He is trying to arrange money.
I wish someone helps me.
Someone else too will have toshow kindness like him.
Right? Right.
Someone will have to take a step.
Sudhanshu, I’ll give him money.
Call him tomorrow.
He is a nice boy.
That’s fine.
He is in problem.
That’s also right.
But how can we givesomeone such a big amount? Ours is a small town.
His shop has been there since years.
Where can he run away? Whatever.
What if something goes wrongand he doesn’t return the money? Leave it.
Why are you worrying so much? One day your large-heartednesswill cause your doom.
I’ll give him money.
Call him tomorrow.
Okay? Yes.
Tell me.
What are you doing? I’m at home.
I was about to go to bed.
I have somegood news for you.
Good news? What good news? Papa has agreed to give you2 lakh rupees.
What? Your papa is really nice.
You guys are so nice.
Ashok’s mother will give youloads of blessings.
Your family is really nice.
See you tomorrow.
Thank you.
Good night.
– Bye.
Ashok, money has been arranged.
What?- Yes.
What are you saying?- Yes.
It’s true.
Thank you so much.
Wow, brother.
Sister-in-law has alreadystarted doing wonders.
Right, Ashok.
I wish everyone gets asister-in-law like her.
She is not your sister-in-law.
I want to stay away from her.
That’s wrong.
She is crazy for you.
She does so much for you.
She loves you.
So she loves me.
Not I.
As it is, how does it matter to us? Let her as long as she does.
Why should we bother? Cheers.
I am really pleased to know thatthere are still people like you.
who consider other’s paintheir own.
Actually my mother is no more.
So I know what losing a mother is.
Hence I don’t want my friendto go through that pain.
Son, your thoughts are so noble.
I remember only a few thingsabout my mother.
which I always keep in mind.
Every child should get such values.
Here you go.
You have helped mein such a big way today.
I can never forgetthis favour of yours.
Sir, .
I promise you.
I’ll return all your moneyin 2-3 months.
Why do you think so? Don’t think so.
Here’s the money.
Go repay.
And be free.
I have worked really hardfor this money.
And I got this moneyafter much difficulty.
Just make sure you return iton time.
So that there are no problems.
I have asked for three months’time to return this money.
Brother, trust me.
I’ll never let your trust break.
You gave me support.
You gave me love.
I would rather diethan let your trust break.
Oh God.
She is such a pile on.
What are you saying?She is not a pile on.
Understand? She is an open vault.
We got the money because of her.
It is more importantto keep her happy.
Keep her happy.
Hello, Ms.
Tell me.
Not Ms.
Call me Geetanjali.
The same.
Thank you.
Thank you? What for? You have helped mein such a big way.
I see.
Then you’ll have tomeet me and say thanks.
Tomorrow is Sudhanshu’s class.
Driving class.
So I’ll meet youthere and say thanks.
But you’ll have to meet mein private and say thanks.
In private?- In private? Yes.
Why? Can’t you meet me in private? No.
It’s not that.
I want to talk to youabout something urgent.
Meet me tomorrow.
Alright? Bye.
On the basis of trustRanjan gave Vivek.
a part of his hard earned money.
Upon hearing Vivek’s plightand an emotional story.
any decent family man would becompelled to believe that story.
Vivek had understood this.
Encouraging his friend’swrong intentions.
he took advantageof an innocent family.
He took money from themassuring them.
that he’ll return the money soon.
Did Vivek think about it? Ashok’s gambling habit issuch that once he gets money.
he blows it in gambling again.
How a person like him repay2 lakh rupees? Vivek’s intention wasto help his friend.
But the way he chose of doingit was wrong.
Just as Rajan trusted Vivek, did Vivek make a mistake.
by trusting Ashok? Will Ashok be able to returnVivek’s money in time? And will the lie told by Vivek last? Let’s find out.
Here you are.
We have reached your office? Thank you, Vivek.
And drop Geetanjali safely.
– Yes, brother.
I’ll leave now for work.
– Okay.
Bye, brother.
– Bye.
Geetanjali, we have reached your college.
Geetanjali, .
we have reached your college.
What are you doing? We have reached your college.
Please get down.
I don’t want to go anywhere.
I want to be with you.
What are you saying? Look, all this is rubbish.
Please get down.
I will not go.
I’ll be with youVivek.
I love you.
What rubbish.
Look, please.
Please get down.
There is no match between you and me.
There is a match.
I want a life partner like you.
Simple and naïve.
Someone who has no vices.
Someone who helps others.
Cares for them.
As in you.
Please try to understand.
You and I are differentkinds of people.
My lifestyle, way of living.
It’s all different.
We can’t be equal.
But Vivek.
Geetanjali, I beg you.
Forget me and please get down.
Geetanjali, please take the call.
Hello, Mita.
– Yes, Sudhanshu? Listen.
Give the phone to Geetanjali.
Actually I have hercollege project file.
But Geetanjai hasn’tcome to college today.
What? She hasn’t come to college.
Are you sure? Yes.
– Okay.
I’m in the class.
I’ll talk to you later.
Why is Geetanjali lying? Where on earth is she? How many times do I tell youthat we can’t be together? You feel my futurewith you is not good.
That’s why you’re refusing.
You’re thinking about mein this scenario too.
You…This is the limit.
You…You… One minute.
Don’t take it.
– Keep quiet.
Vivek, listen.
Hello, Vivek.
– Yes, brother? Where did you drop Geetanjali? Well, outside the college.
– Sure? Yes.
I am sure.
What happened? Is everything alright? Yes.
Everything I alright.
Actually I couldn’t get her number.
I’ll talk later.
Get in the car.
I’m dropping you home right now.
– But… Tell me something.
Where were you all day today? In the college.
– Sure? Yes.
– Geetanjali, you’re lying.
You didn’t go to college today.
I…I went for a movie.
With whom?- With my friends.
What friends? Why are you asking methe same question repeatedly? I told you.
I went for a movie.
If you had been for a moviewhy did you have to lie? I don’t know.
I said what cameto my mind at that time.
Look, you insisted.
I came.
Try to understand what I am saying.
This is my last meeting with you.
I can’t meet you after today.
Don’t distance mefrom you.
Come out.
How dare you?- brother… Brother… Brother.
Brother, please leave him.
I beg you.
Brother… I’ll hand you over to the police.
He got away with it becauseof Geetanjali or all these days.
Now I won’t leave him.
You got away.
Today you gotbet up because of his sister.
He beat me really bad.
This is his stancewhen it comes to his sister.
God knows what will happen whenhe finds out about the money? In that case, you have to use your mother.
Of course.
You borrowed the moneyas I lost in gambling.
If they come to know the truth.
they’ll cut usat that very gambling den.
It means along with Geetanjalihe is cheating papa too.
The market is already up.
The share market will alsogo up further.
What happened?- Father… What happened?Why are you so angry? Ask Vivek to return the money.
What’s the matter? The matter is that he’s a fraud.
He has lied to us.
But how do you know all this? I just saw with my own eyes.
His friend’s mother is not sick.
In fact, his friend lostmoney in gambling.
And he had to repay the money.
So he asked for money from us.
This is not what we imaginedhe would be.
Oh God.
Goodness is a curse these days.
People fool us so easily.
What’s done is done.
Now we just have to take moneyback from him.
That’s it.
Ask him the money.
I’ll call him right away.
Hello, uncle.
Vivek, look, I wantthe money back in two days.
In two days? But… If you don’t give the moneyin two days I’ll go to the cops.
And they’ll recover money from you.
Uncle, please.
What happened? It was Geetanjali’s papa.
He wants the money back in two days.
– What? How are we going to arrangethe money in two days? He says that if we don’t returnthe money in two days.
he’ll call the cops.
Cops? Okay.
I’ll arrange it in two days.
Darn it.
What happened? The old man Ranjan iscalling me repeatedly.
Now what do I tell him? This is the limit.
And this guy Ashok.
God knows where the hell he is.
He is not taking my calls.
Go check.
I’ll get him right away.
I’ll check.
Everyone has driven me crazy.
Darn it.
I didn’t find him at home.
– Search in the area.
I looked for him everywhere.
There is no trace of him.
I feel he has run away.
What rubbish.
What have I gotten myself into? Vivek, where is the money? Uncle, please.
Give me one day’s time more.
Uncle, please.
He has gone to arrange money.
He must be on the waywith the money.
His number is not reachable.
We have given you enough time.
You should’ve thought aboutthese things before lying.
Out with the money.
Just one day.
Give me one more day.
It’s okay if you want a day.
But if we don’t get the moneythen the police.
will put you behind barsfor fraud.
I promise.
I knew.
I recorded this video of yourswhile you were taking the money.
What have I gotten myself into? Sagar.
Sagar, my brother.
I need 2 lakh rupees.
It’s really urgent.
Please give me if you have.
You can’t give.
Kunal, I need 2 lakh rupees.
Give me if you have.
It’s urgent.
That’s why I am asking.
Hello, Mrinal.
Mirnal, I need 2 lakh rupeesvery badly.
No one helps youwhen you are in need.
I don’t have money.
Now is there any sourceof getting them.
And if I don’t repay the moneythe police will put me in jail.
And I don’t want to go to jail.
Then? We’ll have to find apermanent solution to this.
Stop calling me.
Your father and brotherwere here just now.
They threatened methat they’ll call the cops.
Forget them.
Let’s do this.
Let’s elope.
I can’t live without you.
Have you gone mad? Does all this look like a gameto you? Look, this is a serious matter.
Do you get that? And yes.
If at all you can do anything.
then ask your fatherto waiver my loan.
Me?- You can’t do it, right? You went silent.
So forget me.
May I ask something? What solution have you found to it? I am fed up.
You don’t have much time left.
There’s just one day left.
Just one day.
And then the police will comeand arrest you.
Then how will I drink alone? Why don’t you say something? Keep quiet.
Say something.
At least now.
We’ll have to end this matterfrom the root.
What do you mean? I mean let’s finish thatold man and Sudhanshu.
What do you mean? What? Why? Why so? Only we and this familyknows about this money.
Let’s finish all thosewho know about this money.
But…- You’ll do only what I tell you.
Let’s kill this old mantomorrow night.
How?- The old man passed.
by a remote pathon his way home.
I know everything.
Therein lies to chanceto finish him.
At least one will be gone.
You’re smart.
Vivek had never imaginedeven in his dreams.
that the lie he toldfor a few money.
would make him commit a crime.
Vivek made the mistakeof trusting Ashok.
And now he was about tomake a bigger mistake.
When Ranjan’s familygot wind of the truth.
they should havereported to the police.
and found a solutionto this matter.
But instead they decidedto solve his matter their way.
Which was absolutely wrong.
This lie was deeply rootedin Vivek’s mind.
Because he had no wayof returning the money.
That’s why he planned tocommit a really serious crime.
Under the impressionthat this crime.
would save him fromreturning the money.
Will this thought of Vivekwork for him? Does Vivek actually thinkhe can get away.
with repaying someone’s loanby killing someone? God.
I have a flat tyre.
Darn it.
I am stuck.
I don’t see anyone here.
Let me call.
There is no reception here.
I’m doomed.
From whom do I take helpon this remote road? Please.
I have a flat tyre.
I’ll not be able to fix iton my own.
Great if you could help me.
Uncle, don’t worry at all.
We’ll change it.
Unlock the trunk.
Do you have a spare tyre? Yes.
– Unlock.
Thank you, brother.
You? How dare you sit in my car? Uncle, I’m sorry.
What can we do? Made a mistake.
You have made lots of mistakes.
I won’t tolerate it anymore.
Now I’ll recover money from you.
Money? What money? What do you mean what money? You forgot? When you came to mebegging and pleading? I came to you begging? When? You gave it to me on your own will.
I see.
Forget that money.
How do I forget my money? I’ll call the cops right now.
Get the old man.
Hey, what are you doing? Ask for the money now, old man.
Come on.
Let’s get out quickly.
Take the bag and go.
I wonder why.
Even your papa’sphone is not reachable.
Let me try.
The phone is switched off.
He has never done so before.
I wonder what has happened.
Mother, don’t worry.
I’ll talk to papa’s office friend.
He might be with him.
– Okay.
Do something quickly.
What do we do now? Her family must have set outto look for him.
Let’s quickly bury this body here.
Before someone shows up.
But what about this car? We’ll put it in scrap in the garage.
Let’s start.
Do you have an axe or hammer? How are you going to bury?Go get it quickly.
I’ll get it.
– Go quickly.
Mother, relax.
Papa will come.
Mummy, papa left fromwork at the usual time.
But don’t know where he is at.
I called him.
He said he was on the way.
Then what happened?Oh God.
Mummy, don’t worry.
I’ll file acomplaint with the police.
Come on.
We don’t have time.
Let’s dispose the body quickly.
– Okay.
This is done.
Today we’ll finish everyone.
Tushar, you’ll get me into trouble.
You’ll get me killed.
I don’t want to take any chance.
I want to get out of this mess.
Let’s get rid of this car first.
Sudhanshu, we are trying our best.
He’ll soon be traced.
Don’t worry.
Uncle has cometo the garage for money.
He is calling you.
What happened? Mummy, papa has oneto Vivek’s garage to take money.
But why isn’t he taking calls? I’ll tell you once I come back.
Tell me.
Where is my papa? Brother, what are you doing? Your papa just tookthe car and left.
I told him that you were coming.
But he didn’t wait.
He left.
– You… This belongs to papa’s car.
You wantedthe 2 lakh rupees back, right? We sent your father to the heavens.
Let’s send him too.
Want the money now? Hello.
Son… Son.
Yes, aunt.
This is Vivek speaking.
Where is Sudhanshu? And how do you have his phone? Aunt, Sudhanshu is taking money.
My friend is giving him money.
Ashok is giving him money.
Does it take so long to take money? He is not taking calls.
Pass the phone to his papa.
Uncle just went to the loo.
And Sudhanshu iscounting the money.
As soon as he is done countingthe money, I’ll get him to call you.
And uncle and Sudhanshu willleave for home with the money soon.
Don’t worry.
I’ll come to drop them.
Okay? I feel something’s not right.
Vivek was saying he hasSudhanshu’s phone.
And Sudhanshu is counting money.
He’ll call later.
And he’ll even droop him home.
So why are you panicking?- Have you gone mad? Your brother detests him.
So will he give his phoneto him and come home with him? He is not at workfor he can’t take calls.
Vivek can’t do that.
You have some misunderstanding.
I am really nervous.
I’m sure something’s wrong.
First your papa wentand then your brother.
Oh God.
How do I believe? How do I believe? Oh God.
Please connect.
She is…- Disconnect it.
He disconnected.
Hey…What? Ask for the money now.
Come on.
– What do we do now? He is done.
There are only two people left.
Let’s finish them.
Then we’ll dispose his body.
Come on.
Let me call the police.
How can he disconnect the call? Why are you calling the cops? I’ll do what I have to do.
Mom and brother are back.
You panic needlessly.
You? What are you guys doing here? – Yes, me.
Why did you let them in? Vivek.
What…What happened? Because I want to finish youand your mother and be free.
What do you mean? I’ll explain.
– I’ll explain right away.
Your father and brotherhad driven me crazy.
By demanding money all the time.
I’ll not leave you and your family.
Get her.
Leave her.
Leave my daughter.
Leave my daughter I say.
Leave my daughter.
I have finishedyour father and brother.
They had driven me crazyby asking for money.
Now it’s yourand your mother’s turn.
Got it? Jagan.
Get out of here.
Come on.
Hey…Hey…- Leave me.
Leave me.
Leave me.
Leave me.
Leave me.
Leave me.
Leave me.
Leave me.
Leave me.
Vivek had set outon a path of crime.
from where there was no return.
But the question is could thiscrime have been stopped.
In simple words yes.
This crime could have been stopped.
If Anjan and Sudhanshu beenprudent and sought police’s help.
Or had Geetanjali actedwisely in time.
Perhaps she and her motherwould been alive today.
Her blind trust in Vivektook her life.
In this case, a crimecommitted by someone else.
proved to be costlyfor someone else.
Ashok’s search is still on.
But Ashok is not as big acriminal anymore.
as Vivek and Jagan became.
They had to pay forsomeone else’s doing.
These two could havefound the solution.
to this problempeacefully and wisely.
Has these two wanted they could havetraced Ashok with the police’s help.
But they tookthe path of crime instead.
And unfortunately.
Rajan and his family had topay for this with their lives.
Always remember one thing.
Don’t trust anyone blindly.
And gather good informationabout the person.
before making any kindof transaction.
And stop such crimes from happening.
On that note, I, Girish Jain, will take your leave.
from this episode of Crime Alert.
I’ll see you again to alert youwith against such a crime.
Till then be alert.
Be safe.
Crime Alert.
Voice against crime.
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reneturgeon · 4 years
India Alert | New Episode 324 | Jaanleva Driving ( जानलेवा ड्राइविंग ) | Dangal TV Channel
There is no reception here.
From whom do I take helpon this remote road? Please.
I have a flat tyre.
I’ll not be able to fix it on my own.
Great if you could help me.
Uncle, don’t worry at all.
We’ll change it.
Unlock the trunk.
Do you have a spare tyre? Yes.
– Unlock.
You help me.
Thank you.
You? I’ll call the cops right away.
Get the old man.
– What happened? Sari, serve the breakfast fast.
I’ll be late for work.
I’m doing it.
Good morning, mummy.
Good morning, papa.
Good morning, son.
God bless.
Mummy, has Geetanjal still not come? Not yet.
Yes, brother?- Where are you? Aren’t you done with your jogging? Yes.
I am coming.
We are waiting for youfor breakfast.
Come fast.
– Okay.
Sudhanshu, come to the town office.
Some samples are going toarrive there.
Of clothes.
Check them.
I have a meetingat Golchakkar.
I’ll finish it and be there.
Let’s have breakfast.
Good morning, father.
Hi, brother.
Good morning.
– You’re back.
Go change quickly.
Come and have breakfast.
God knows where she goesearly morning on a long stroll.
– Yes.
Give my chequebook.
And pen.
I’ll get it right away.
Come on.
Why do you keep doing charity? It’s not right to be so nicethat people fool you.
This is not foolishness.
It’s charity.
God has given me so much.
If some of it can be useful tosomeone it can be of help to him.
You don’t understand.
The world today is something else.
People are experts at conning.
As it is, how are we going toknow whether this money.
is used to help someone or not.
Try to understand.
People will take advantageof your naivety.
You shouldn’t think so much.
Sarita, give this chequeto the child association guys.
Try to understand.
It’s not right to be so nice.
give me.
Okay, mummy, pappa.
See you.
One minute.
Where are you going? Forgot me? You take a lift for free everyday.
Take an auto.
And one day these peopleof the driving school.
will file a case against us.
Come on.
You overact and how.
As it is, my college is on your way.
Where are you going?Have breakfast at least.
I have to go.
Come on.
Drop her too.
Bye, mummy and papa.
Hi, Vivek.
How are you? Great.
– Hi.
Come on.
We are getting late.
Drive keeping to the left.
Vivek, you were right.
My confidence is increasing.
At first you feel scared.
But then as you driveconfidence increases.
That’s true.
I bring my sister along every day.
You would feel your car isbeing used to drop her to college.
What are you saying? As it is, your sister’s collegeis on the way.
It’s okay.
She’ll also learndriving looking at you.
That’s true.
One plus one free.
By the way, the idea is not bad.
I will also learn driving.
As it is, I want to learn driving.
It’s easy to say.
You’ll understandwhen you sit on this seat.
Isi t? Then get off.
Get off the seat.
Let me sit.
Look at her excitement.
What excitement? You are just scared of me.
That I might become abetter driver than you.
I want to learn driving today itself.
Right now.
Learn from tomorrow.
We’ll fill the formand pay money tomorrow.
Now don’t trouble Vivek much.
Don’t take advantageof his goodness.
What are you saying? We can fill the form anytime.
If your sister wants to learndriving today then I’ll teach her.
Free of cost at that.
I won’t charge for today.
Vivek, come on.
Please don’t hurt meby saying such things.
Now even Vivek has said.
It’s okay.
Do this.
Pull up to the left.
Geetanjali, you come to the front.
– Yes.
Drive carefully.
– Yes.
Get down.
I’ll drive better than you.
Hold on.
Let me pull up.
And hand brake.
That’s it.
– Thank you.
Come on.
Basics first.
Put on the seatbelt.
Let me clear the basics first.
Look, A for accelerator.
Okay? Excuse me.
And C for clutch.
B or brake.
You know everything.
You see, brother.
Your sisteris one step ahead of you.
Today only God can save us.
Drop me to my office safely.
Brother, you just let it be.
Now what? Press the clutch.
And the first gear.
If you push it like this this way, it’s the first gear.
This way? Very nice.
Press the accelerator slowly.
And release the clutch slowly.
Balancing both.
Like that.
Very good.
A little.
A little.
Now put the car in second gear.
While pressing the clutch.
Very good.
Geetanjali, you’re driving really well.
Do you see?- Yes.
I am watching.
She is driving wellon the first day itself.
She is my sister after all.
Just pull up to the left.
I’ll be right back from the garage.
Okay? – Okay.
That’s it.
Pull up.
What is it? Why are youcalling me so many times? You know I am at work at this time.
Such was the matter.
What could I do? What happened? Tell me quickly.
I need 2 lakh rupees very badly.
– What? 2 lakh rupees? Why? What happened? I lost in gambling.
You lost 2 lakhs in gambling.
Are you mad? 10, 000-20, 000 was fine.
But 2 lakhs.
Such a big amount? Please.
Please save me.
It’s him.
These guys are really dangerous.
They’ll not leave me.
Don’t worry.
I’ll see what I can do.
Do something.
Do something.
– I’ll do something.
I’m sorry.
Let’s go.
What happened?You look really upset.
Just generally.
Vivek, tell me.
What happened? What do I tell? I have a friend Ashok.
His mother is seriously ill.
He needs 2 lakhs for her treatment.
I don’t have a mother.
But I consider his mother my mother.
But what can I do? Even I don’t have money.
That’s the problem.
So borrow a loan.
What loan? Who is going to give us a loan? We don’t have a proper residenceor guarantee.
And what income should I show? I am not in that category.
And what if I am not able torepay it on time? They’ll not even give me time.
– That’s right.
But don’t worry.
We’ll find a solution to it.
Anyways, leave it.
Come on.
Add the entry of Sohamlal trading.
– Yes, papa.
Papa, your file.
What else is left? Brother, what happened toVivek wasn’t good, isn’t it? Yes.
That’s right.
But it’s all your luck.
Why? What happened? Papa, Vivek our driving teacher.
He is in quite a big problem.
Vivek? What happened to him? He is a really nice boy.
Mummy, his friend’s motherwhom he considers his mother is ill.
He needs two lakh rupeesfor her treatment.
Was he asking?- No.
He didn’t even tell anything.
He met his friend.
And we asked him.
In today’s world no one caresabout their own mother.
And look at Vivek.
He is so worriedfor his friends’s mother.
He didn’t even ask.
Or this is how people takeadvantage these days.
It means he is a decent boy.
That he is.
He is trying to arrange money.
I wish someone helps me.
Someone else too will have toshow kindness like him.
Right? Right.
Someone will have to take a step.
Sudhanshu, I’ll give him money.
Call him tomorrow.
He is a nice boy.
That’s fine.
He is in problem.
That’s also right.
But how can we givesomeone such a big amount? Ours is a small town.
His shop has been there since years.
Where can he run away? Whatever.
What if something goes wrongand he doesn’t return the money? Leave it.
Why are you worrying so much? One day your large-heartednesswill cause your doom.
I’ll give him money.
Call him tomorrow.
Okay? Yes.
Tell me.
What are you doing? I’m at home.
I was about to go to bed.
I have somegood news for you.
Good news? What good news? Papa has agreed to give you2 lakh rupees.
What? Your papa is really nice.
You guys are so nice.
Ashok’s mother will give youloads of blessings.
Your family is really nice.
See you tomorrow.
Thank you.
Good night.
– Bye.
Ashok, money has been arranged.
What?- Yes.
What are you saying?- Yes.
It’s true.
Thank you so much.
Wow, brother.
Sister-in-law has alreadystarted doing wonders.
Right, Ashok.
I wish everyone gets asister-in-law like her.
She is not your sister-in-law.
I want to stay away from her.
That’s wrong.
She is crazy for you.
She does so much for you.
She loves you.
So she loves me.
Not I.
As it is, how does it matter to us? Let her as long as she does.
Why should we bother? Cheers.
I am really pleased to know thatthere are still people like you.
who consider other’s paintheir own.
Actually my mother is no more.
So I know what losing a mother is.
Hence I don’t want my friendto go through that pain.
Son, your thoughts are so noble.
I remember only a few thingsabout my mother.
which I always keep in mind.
Every child should get such values.
Here you go.
You have helped mein such a big way today.
I can never forgetthis favour of yours.
Sir, .
I promise you.
I’ll return all your moneyin 2-3 months.
Why do you think so? Don’t think so.
Here’s the money.
Go repay.
And be free.
I have worked really hardfor this money.
And I got this moneyafter much difficulty.
Just make sure you return iton time.
So that there are no problems.
I have asked for three months’time to return this money.
Brother, trust me.
I’ll never let your trust break.
You gave me support.
You gave me love.
I would rather diethan let your trust break.
Oh God.
She is such a pile on.
What are you saying?She is not a pile on.
Understand? She is an open vault.
We got the money because of her.
It is more importantto keep her happy.
Keep her happy.
Hello, Ms.
Tell me.
Not Ms.
Call me Geetanjali.
The same.
Thank you.
Thank you? What for? You have helped mein such a big way.
I see.
Then you’ll have tomeet me and say thanks.
Tomorrow is Sudhanshu’s class.
Driving class.
So I’ll meet youthere and say thanks.
But you’ll have to meet mein private and say thanks.
In private?- In private? Yes.
Why? Can’t you meet me in private? No.
It’s not that.
I want to talk to youabout something urgent.
Meet me tomorrow.
Alright? Bye.
On the basis of trustRanjan gave Vivek.
a part of his hard earned money.
Upon hearing Vivek’s plightand an emotional story.
any decent family man would becompelled to believe that story.
Vivek had understood this.
Encouraging his friend’swrong intentions.
he took advantageof an innocent family.
He took money from themassuring them.
that he’ll return the money soon.
Did Vivek think about it? Ashok’s gambling habit issuch that once he gets money.
he blows it in gambling again.
How a person like him repay2 lakh rupees? Vivek’s intention wasto help his friend.
But the way he chose of doingit was wrong.
Just as Rajan trusted Vivek, did Vivek make a mistake.
by trusting Ashok? Will Ashok be able to returnVivek’s money in time? And will the lie told by Vivek last? Let’s find out.
Here you are.
We have reached your office? Thank you, Vivek.
And drop Geetanjali safely.
– Yes, brother.
I’ll leave now for work.
– Okay.
Bye, brother.
– Bye.
Geetanjali, we have reached your college.
Geetanjali, .
we have reached your college.
What are you doing? We have reached your college.
Please get down.
I don’t want to go anywhere.
I want to be with you.
What are you saying? Look, all this is rubbish.
Please get down.
I will not go.
I’ll be with youVivek.
I love you.
What rubbish.
Look, please.
Please get down.
There is no match between you and me.
There is a match.
I want a life partner like you.
Simple and naïve.
Someone who has no vices.
Someone who helps others.
Cares for them.
As in you.
Please try to understand.
You and I are differentkinds of people.
My lifestyle, way of living.
It’s all different.
We can’t be equal.
But Vivek.
Geetanjali, I beg you.
Forget me and please get down.
Geetanjali, please take the call.
Hello, Mita.
– Yes, Sudhanshu? Listen.
Give the phone to Geetanjali.
Actually I have hercollege project file.
But Geetanjai hasn’tcome to college today.
What? She hasn’t come to college.
Are you sure? Yes.
– Okay.
I’m in the class.
I’ll talk to you later.
Why is Geetanjali lying? Where on earth is she? How many times do I tell youthat we can’t be together? You feel my futurewith you is not good.
That’s why you’re refusing.
You’re thinking about mein this scenario too.
You…This is the limit.
You…You… One minute.
Don’t take it.
– Keep quiet.
Vivek, listen.
Hello, Vivek.
– Yes, brother? Where did you drop Geetanjali? Well, outside the college.
– Sure? Yes.
I am sure.
What happened? Is everything alright? Yes.
Everything I alright.
Actually I couldn’t get her number.
I’ll talk later.
Get in the car.
I’m dropping you home right now.
– But… Tell me something.
Where were you all day today? In the college.
– Sure? Yes.
– Geetanjali, you’re lying.
You didn’t go to college today.
I…I went for a movie.
With whom?- With my friends.
What friends? Why are you asking methe same question repeatedly? I told you.
I went for a movie.
If you had been for a moviewhy did you have to lie? I don’t know.
I said what cameto my mind at that time.
Look, you insisted.
I came.
Try to understand what I am saying.
This is my last meeting with you.
I can’t meet you after today.
Don’t distance mefrom you.
Come out.
How dare you?- brother… Brother… Brother.
Brother, please leave him.
I beg you.
Brother… I’ll hand you over to the police.
He got away with it becauseof Geetanjali or all these days.
Now I won’t leave him.
You got away.
Today you gotbet up because of his sister.
He beat me really bad.
This is his stancewhen it comes to his sister.
God knows what will happen whenhe finds out about the money? In that case, you have to use your mother.
Of course.
You borrowed the moneyas I lost in gambling.
If they come to know the truth.
they’ll cut usat that very gambling den.
It means along with Geetanjalihe is cheating papa too.
The market is already up.
The share market will alsogo up further.
What happened?- Father… What happened?Why are you so angry? Ask Vivek to return the money.
What’s the matter? The matter is that he’s a fraud.
He has lied to us.
But how do you know all this? I just saw with my own eyes.
His friend’s mother is not sick.
In fact, his friend lostmoney in gambling.
And he had to repay the money.
So he asked for money from us.
This is not what we imaginedhe would be.
Oh God.
Goodness is a curse these days.
People fool us so easily.
What’s done is done.
Now we just have to take moneyback from him.
That’s it.
Ask him the money.
I’ll call him right away.
Hello, uncle.
Vivek, look, I wantthe money back in two days.
In two days? But… If you don’t give the moneyin two days I’ll go to the cops.
And they’ll recover money from you.
Uncle, please.
What happened? It was Geetanjali’s papa.
He wants the money back in two days.
– What? How are we going to arrangethe money in two days? He says that if we don’t returnthe money in two days.
he’ll call the cops.
Cops? Okay.
I’ll arrange it in two days.
Darn it.
What happened? The old man Ranjan iscalling me repeatedly.
Now what do I tell him? This is the limit.
And this guy Ashok.
God knows where the hell he is.
He is not taking my calls.
Go check.
I’ll get him right away.
I’ll check.
Everyone has driven me crazy.
Darn it.
I didn’t find him at home.
– Search in the area.
I looked for him everywhere.
There is no trace of him.
I feel he has run away.
What rubbish.
What have I gotten myself into? Vivek, where is the money? Uncle, please.
Give me one day’s time more.
Uncle, please.
He has gone to arrange money.
He must be on the waywith the money.
His number is not reachable.
We have given you enough time.
You should’ve thought aboutthese things before lying.
Out with the money.
Just one day.
Give me one more day.
It’s okay if you want a day.
But if we don’t get the moneythen the police.
will put you behind barsfor fraud.
I promise.
I knew.
I recorded this video of yourswhile you were taking the money.
What have I gotten myself into? Sagar.
Sagar, my brother.
I need 2 lakh rupees.
It’s really urgent.
Please give me if you have.
You can’t give.
Kunal, I need 2 lakh rupees.
Give me if you have.
It’s urgent.
That’s why I am asking.
Hello, Mrinal.
Mirnal, I need 2 lakh rupeesvery badly.
No one helps youwhen you are in need.
I don’t have money.
Now is there any sourceof getting them.
And if I don’t repay the moneythe police will put me in jail.
And I don’t want to go to jail.
Then? We’ll have to find apermanent solution to this.
Stop calling me.
Your father and brotherwere here just now.
They threatened methat they’ll call the cops.
Forget them.
Let’s do this.
Let’s elope.
I can’t live without you.
Have you gone mad? Does all this look like a gameto you? Look, this is a serious matter.
Do you get that? And yes.
If at all you can do anything.
then ask your fatherto waiver my loan.
Me?- You can’t do it, right? You went silent.
So forget me.
May I ask something? What solution have you found to it? I am fed up.
You don’t have much time left.
There’s just one day left.
Just one day.
And then the police will comeand arrest you.
Then how will I drink alone? Why don’t you say something? Keep quiet.
Say something.
At least now.
We’ll have to end this matterfrom the root.
What do you mean? I mean let’s finish thatold man and Sudhanshu.
What do you mean? What? Why? Why so? Only we and this familyknows about this money.
Let’s finish all thosewho know about this money.
But…- You’ll do only what I tell you.
Let’s kill this old mantomorrow night.
How?- The old man passed.
by a remote pathon his way home.
I know everything.
Therein lies to chanceto finish him.
At least one will be gone.
You’re smart.
Vivek had never imaginedeven in his dreams.
that the lie he toldfor a few money.
would make him commit a crime.
Vivek made the mistakeof trusting Ashok.
And now he was about tomake a bigger mistake.
When Ranjan’s familygot wind of the truth.
they should havereported to the police.
and found a solutionto this matter.
But instead they decidedto solve his matter their way.
Which was absolutely wrong.
This lie was deeply rootedin Vivek’s mind.
Because he had no wayof returning the money.
That’s why he planned tocommit a really serious crime.
Under the impressionthat this crime.
would save him fromreturning the money.
Will this thought of Vivekwork for him? Does Vivek actually thinkhe can get away.
with repaying someone’s loanby killing someone? God.
I have a flat tyre.
Darn it.
I am stuck.
I don’t see anyone here.
Let me call.
There is no reception here.
I’m doomed.
From whom do I take helpon this remote road? Please.
I have a flat tyre.
I’ll not be able to fix iton my own.
Great if you could help me.
Uncle, don’t worry at all.
We’ll change it.
Unlock the trunk.
Do you have a spare tyre? Yes.
– Unlock.
Thank you, brother.
You? How dare you sit in my car? Uncle, I’m sorry.
What can we do? Made a mistake.
You have made lots of mistakes.
I won’t tolerate it anymore.
Now I’ll recover money from you.
Money? What money? What do you mean what money? You forgot? When you came to mebegging and pleading? I came to you begging? When? You gave it to me on your own will.
I see.
Forget that money.
How do I forget my money? I’ll call the cops right now.
Get the old man.
Hey, what are you doing? Ask for the money now, old man.
Come on.
Let’s get out quickly.
Take the bag and go.
I wonder why.
Even your papa’sphone is not reachable.
Let me try.
The phone is switched off.
He has never done so before.
I wonder what has happened.
Mother, don’t worry.
I’ll talk to papa’s office friend.
He might be with him.
– Okay.
Do something quickly.
What do we do now? Her family must have set outto look for him.
Let’s quickly bury this body here.
Before someone shows up.
But what about this car? We’ll put it in scrap in the garage.
Let’s start.
Do you have an axe or hammer? How are you going to bury?Go get it quickly.
I’ll get it.
– Go quickly.
Mother, relax.
Papa will come.
Mummy, papa left fromwork at the usual time.
But don’t know where he is at.
I called him.
He said he was on the way.
Then what happened?Oh God.
Mummy, don’t worry.
I’ll file acomplaint with the police.
Come on.
We don’t have time.
Let’s dispose the body quickly.
– Okay.
This is done.
Today we’ll finish everyone.
Tushar, you’ll get me into trouble.
You’ll get me killed.
I don’t want to take any chance.
I want to get out of this mess.
Let’s get rid of this car first.
Sudhanshu, we are trying our best.
He’ll soon be traced.
Don’t worry.
Uncle has cometo the garage for money.
He is calling you.
What happened? Mummy, papa has oneto Vivek’s garage to take money.
But why isn’t he taking calls? I’ll tell you once I come back.
Tell me.
Where is my papa? Brother, what are you doing? Your papa just tookthe car and left.
I told him that you were coming.
But he didn’t wait.
He left.
– You… This belongs to papa’s car.
You wantedthe 2 lakh rupees back, right? We sent your father to the heavens.
Let’s send him too.
Want the money now? Hello.
Son… Son.
Yes, aunt.
This is Vivek speaking.
Where is Sudhanshu? And how do you have his phone? Aunt, Sudhanshu is taking money.
My friend is giving him money.
Ashok is giving him money.
Does it take so long to take money? He is not taking calls.
Pass the phone to his papa.
Uncle just went to the loo.
And Sudhanshu iscounting the money.
As soon as he is done countingthe money, I’ll get him to call you.
And uncle and Sudhanshu willleave for home with the money soon.
Don’t worry.
I’ll come to drop them.
Okay? I feel something’s not right.
Vivek was saying he hasSudhanshu’s phone.
And Sudhanshu is counting money.
He’ll call later.
And he’ll even droop him home.
So why are you panicking?- Have you gone mad? Your brother detests him.
So will he give his phoneto him and come home with him? He is not at workfor he can’t take calls.
Vivek can’t do that.
You have some misunderstanding.
I am really nervous.
I’m sure something’s wrong.
First your papa wentand then your brother.
Oh God.
How do I believe? How do I believe? Oh God.
Please connect.
She is…- Disconnect it.
He disconnected.
Hey…What? Ask for the money now.
Come on.
– What do we do now? He is done.
There are only two people left.
Let’s finish them.
Then we’ll dispose his body.
Come on.
Let me call the police.
How can he disconnect the call? Why are you calling the cops? I’ll do what I have to do.
Mom and brother are back.
You panic needlessly.
You? What are you guys doing here? – Yes, me.
Why did you let them in? Vivek.
What…What happened? Because I want to finish youand your mother and be free.
What do you mean? I’ll explain.
– I’ll explain right away.
Your father and brotherhad driven me crazy.
By demanding money all the time.
I’ll not leave you and your family.
Get her.
Leave her.
Leave my daughter.
Leave my daughter I say.
Leave my daughter.
I have finishedyour father and brother.
They had driven me crazyby asking for money.
Now it’s yourand your mother’s turn.
Got it? Jagan.
Get out of here.
Come on.
Hey…Hey…- Leave me.
Leave me.
Leave me.
Leave me.
Leave me.
Leave me.
Leave me.
Leave me.
Leave me.
Vivek had set outon a path of crime.
from where there was no return.
But the question is could thiscrime have been stopped.
In simple words yes.
This crime could have been stopped.
If Anjan and Sudhanshu beenprudent and sought police’s help.
Or had Geetanjali actedwisely in time.
Perhaps she and her motherwould been alive today.
Her blind trust in Vivektook her life.
In this case, a crimecommitted by someone else.
proved to be costlyfor someone else.
Ashok’s search is still on.
But Ashok is not as big acriminal anymore.
as Vivek and Jagan became.
They had to pay forsomeone else’s doing.
These two could havefound the solution.
to this problempeacefully and wisely.
Has these two wanted they could havetraced Ashok with the police’s help.
But they tookthe path of crime instead.
And unfortunately.
Rajan and his family had topay for this with their lives.
Always remember one thing.
Don’t trust anyone blindly.
And gather good informationabout the person.
before making any kindof transaction.
And stop such crimes from happening.
On that note, I, Girish Jain, will take your leave.
from this episode of Crime Alert.
I’ll see you again to alert youwith against such a crime.
Till then be alert.
Be safe.
Crime Alert.
Voice against crime.
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India Alert | New Episode 324 | Jaanleva Driving ( जानलेवा ड्राइविंग ) | Dangal TV Channel
There is no reception here.
From whom do I take helpon this remote road? Please.
I have a flat tyre.
I’ll not be able to fix it on my own.
Great if you could help me.
Uncle, don’t worry at all.
We’ll change it.
Unlock the trunk.
Do you have a spare tyre? Yes.
– Unlock.
You help me.
Thank you.
You? I’ll call the cops right away.
Get the old man.
– What happened? Sari, serve the breakfast fast.
I’ll be late for work.
I’m doing it.
Good morning, mummy.
Good morning, papa.
Good morning, son.
God bless.
Mummy, has Geetanjal still not come? Not yet.
Yes, brother?- Where are you? Aren’t you done with your jogging? Yes.
I am coming.
We are waiting for youfor breakfast.
Come fast.
– Okay.
Sudhanshu, come to the town office.
Some samples are going toarrive there.
Of clothes.
Check them.
I have a meetingat Golchakkar.
I’ll finish it and be there.
Let’s have breakfast.
Good morning, father.
Hi, brother.
Good morning.
– You’re back.
Go change quickly.
Come and have breakfast.
God knows where she goesearly morning on a long stroll.
– Yes.
Give my chequebook.
And pen.
I’ll get it right away.
Come on.
Why do you keep doing charity? It’s not right to be so nicethat people fool you.
This is not foolishness.
It’s charity.
God has given me so much.
If some of it can be useful tosomeone it can be of help to him.
You don’t understand.
The world today is something else.
People are experts at conning.
As it is, how are we going toknow whether this money.
is used to help someone or not.
Try to understand.
People will take advantageof your naivety.
You shouldn’t think so much.
Sarita, give this chequeto the child association guys.
Try to understand.
It’s not right to be so nice.
give me.
Okay, mummy, pappa.
See you.
One minute.
Where are you going? Forgot me? You take a lift for free everyday.
Take an auto.
And one day these peopleof the driving school.
will file a case against us.
Come on.
You overact and how.
As it is, my college is on your way.
Where are you going?Have breakfast at least.
I have to go.
Come on.
Drop her too.
Bye, mummy and papa.
Hi, Vivek.
How are you? Great.
– Hi.
Come on.
We are getting late.
Drive keeping to the left.
Vivek, you were right.
My confidence is increasing.
At first you feel scared.
But then as you driveconfidence increases.
That’s true.
I bring my sister along every day.
You would feel your car isbeing used to drop her to college.
What are you saying? As it is, your sister’s collegeis on the way.
It’s okay.
She’ll also learndriving looking at you.
That’s true.
One plus one free.
By the way, the idea is not bad.
I will also learn driving.
As it is, I want to learn driving.
It’s easy to say.
You’ll understandwhen you sit on this seat.
Isi t? Then get off.
Get off the seat.
Let me sit.
Look at her excitement.
What excitement? You are just scared of me.
That I might become abetter driver than you.
I want to learn driving today itself.
Right now.
Learn from tomorrow.
We’ll fill the formand pay money tomorrow.
Now don’t trouble Vivek much.
Don’t take advantageof his goodness.
What are you saying? We can fill the form anytime.
If your sister wants to learndriving today then I’ll teach her.
Free of cost at that.
I won’t charge for today.
Vivek, come on.
Please don’t hurt meby saying such things.
Now even Vivek has said.
It’s okay.
Do this.
Pull up to the left.
Geetanjali, you come to the front.
– Yes.
Drive carefully.
– Yes.
Get down.
I’ll drive better than you.
Hold on.
Let me pull up.
And hand brake.
That’s it.
– Thank you.
Come on.
Basics first.
Put on the seatbelt.
Let me clear the basics first.
Look, A for accelerator.
Okay? Excuse me.
And C for clutch.
B or brake.
You know everything.
You see, brother.
Your sisteris one step ahead of you.
Today only God can save us.
Drop me to my office safely.
Brother, you just let it be.
Now what? Press the clutch.
And the first gear.
If you push it like this this way, it’s the first gear.
This way? Very nice.
Press the accelerator slowly.
And release the clutch slowly.
Balancing both.
Like that.
Very good.
A little.
A little.
Now put the car in second gear.
While pressing the clutch.
Very good.
Geetanjali, you’re driving really well.
Do you see?- Yes.
I am watching.
She is driving wellon the first day itself.
She is my sister after all.
Just pull up to the left.
I’ll be right back from the garage.
Okay? – Okay.
That’s it.
Pull up.
What is it? Why are youcalling me so many times? You know I am at work at this time.
Such was the matter.
What could I do? What happened? Tell me quickly.
I need 2 lakh rupees very badly.
– What? 2 lakh rupees? Why? What happened? I lost in gambling.
You lost 2 lakhs in gambling.
Are you mad? 10, 000-20, 000 was fine.
But 2 lakhs.
Such a big amount? Please.
Please save me.
It’s him.
These guys are really dangerous.
They’ll not leave me.
Don’t worry.
I’ll see what I can do.
Do something.
Do something.
– I’ll do something.
I’m sorry.
Let’s go.
What happened?You look really upset.
Just generally.
Vivek, tell me.
What happened? What do I tell? I have a friend Ashok.
His mother is seriously ill.
He needs 2 lakhs for her treatment.
I don’t have a mother.
But I consider his mother my mother.
But what can I do? Even I don’t have money.
That’s the problem.
So borrow a loan.
What loan? Who is going to give us a loan? We don’t have a proper residenceor guarantee.
And what income should I show? I am not in that category.
And what if I am not able torepay it on time? They’ll not even give me time.
– That’s right.
But don’t worry.
We’ll find a solution to it.
Anyways, leave it.
Come on.
Add the entry of Sohamlal trading.
– Yes, papa.
Papa, your file.
What else is left? Brother, what happened toVivek wasn’t good, isn’t it? Yes.
That’s right.
But it’s all your luck.
Why? What happened? Papa, Vivek our driving teacher.
He is in quite a big problem.
Vivek? What happened to him? He is a really nice boy.
Mummy, his friend’s motherwhom he considers his mother is ill.
He needs two lakh rupeesfor her treatment.
Was he asking?- No.
He didn’t even tell anything.
He met his friend.
And we asked him.
In today’s world no one caresabout their own mother.
And look at Vivek.
He is so worriedfor his friends’s mother.
He didn’t even ask.
Or this is how people takeadvantage these days.
It means he is a decent boy.
That he is.
He is trying to arrange money.
I wish someone helps me.
Someone else too will have toshow kindness like him.
Right? Right.
Someone will have to take a step.
Sudhanshu, I’ll give him money.
Call him tomorrow.
He is a nice boy.
That’s fine.
He is in problem.
That’s also right.
But how can we givesomeone such a big amount? Ours is a small town.
His shop has been there since years.
Where can he run away? Whatever.
What if something goes wrongand he doesn’t return the money? Leave it.
Why are you worrying so much? One day your large-heartednesswill cause your doom.
I’ll give him money.
Call him tomorrow.
Okay? Yes.
Tell me.
What are you doing? I’m at home.
I was about to go to bed.
I have somegood news for you.
Good news? What good news? Papa has agreed to give you2 lakh rupees.
What? Your papa is really nice.
You guys are so nice.
Ashok’s mother will give youloads of blessings.
Your family is really nice.
See you tomorrow.
Thank you.
Good night.
– Bye.
Ashok, money has been arranged.
What?- Yes.
What are you saying?- Yes.
It’s true.
Thank you so much.
Wow, brother.
Sister-in-law has alreadystarted doing wonders.
Right, Ashok.
I wish everyone gets asister-in-law like her.
She is not your sister-in-law.
I want to stay away from her.
That’s wrong.
She is crazy for you.
She does so much for you.
She loves you.
So she loves me.
Not I.
As it is, how does it matter to us? Let her as long as she does.
Why should we bother? Cheers.
I am really pleased to know thatthere are still people like you.
who consider other’s paintheir own.
Actually my mother is no more.
So I know what losing a mother is.
Hence I don’t want my friendto go through that pain.
Son, your thoughts are so noble.
I remember only a few thingsabout my mother.
which I always keep in mind.
Every child should get such values.
Here you go.
You have helped mein such a big way today.
I can never forgetthis favour of yours.
Sir, .
I promise you.
I’ll return all your moneyin 2-3 months.
Why do you think so? Don’t think so.
Here’s the money.
Go repay.
And be free.
I have worked really hardfor this money.
And I got this moneyafter much difficulty.
Just make sure you return iton time.
So that there are no problems.
I have asked for three months’time to return this money.
Brother, trust me.
I’ll never let your trust break.
You gave me support.
You gave me love.
I would rather diethan let your trust break.
Oh God.
She is such a pile on.
What are you saying?She is not a pile on.
Understand? She is an open vault.
We got the money because of her.
It is more importantto keep her happy.
Keep her happy.
Hello, Ms.
Tell me.
Not Ms.
Call me Geetanjali.
The same.
Thank you.
Thank you? What for? You have helped mein such a big way.
I see.
Then you’ll have tomeet me and say thanks.
Tomorrow is Sudhanshu’s class.
Driving class.
So I’ll meet youthere and say thanks.
But you’ll have to meet mein private and say thanks.
In private?- In private? Yes.
Why? Can’t you meet me in private? No.
It’s not that.
I want to talk to youabout something urgent.
Meet me tomorrow.
Alright? Bye.
On the basis of trustRanjan gave Vivek.
a part of his hard earned money.
Upon hearing Vivek’s plightand an emotional story.
any decent family man would becompelled to believe that story.
Vivek had understood this.
Encouraging his friend’swrong intentions.
he took advantageof an innocent family.
He took money from themassuring them.
that he’ll return the money soon.
Did Vivek think about it? Ashok’s gambling habit issuch that once he gets money.
he blows it in gambling again.
How a person like him repay2 lakh rupees? Vivek’s intention wasto help his friend.
But the way he chose of doingit was wrong.
Just as Rajan trusted Vivek, did Vivek make a mistake.
by trusting Ashok? Will Ashok be able to returnVivek’s money in time? And will the lie told by Vivek last? Let’s find out.
Here you are.
We have reached your office? Thank you, Vivek.
And drop Geetanjali safely.
– Yes, brother.
I’ll leave now for work.
– Okay.
Bye, brother.
– Bye.
Geetanjali, we have reached your college.
Geetanjali, .
we have reached your college.
What are you doing? We have reached your college.
Please get down.
I don’t want to go anywhere.
I want to be with you.
What are you saying? Look, all this is rubbish.
Please get down.
I will not go.
I’ll be with youVivek.
I love you.
What rubbish.
Look, please.
Please get down.
There is no match between you and me.
There is a match.
I want a life partner like you.
Simple and naïve.
Someone who has no vices.
Someone who helps others.
Cares for them.
As in you.
Please try to understand.
You and I are differentkinds of people.
My lifestyle, way of living.
It’s all different.
We can’t be equal.
But Vivek.
Geetanjali, I beg you.
Forget me and please get down.
Geetanjali, please take the call.
Hello, Mita.
– Yes, Sudhanshu? Listen.
Give the phone to Geetanjali.
Actually I have hercollege project file.
But Geetanjai hasn’tcome to college today.
What? She hasn’t come to college.
Are you sure? Yes.
– Okay.
I’m in the class.
I’ll talk to you later.
Why is Geetanjali lying? Where on earth is she? How many times do I tell youthat we can’t be together? You feel my futurewith you is not good.
That’s why you’re refusing.
You’re thinking about mein this scenario too.
You…This is the limit.
You…You… One minute.
Don’t take it.
– Keep quiet.
Vivek, listen.
Hello, Vivek.
– Yes, brother? Where did you drop Geetanjali? Well, outside the college.
– Sure? Yes.
I am sure.
What happened? Is everything alright? Yes.
Everything I alright.
Actually I couldn’t get her number.
I’ll talk later.
Get in the car.
I’m dropping you home right now.
– But… Tell me something.
Where were you all day today? In the college.
– Sure? Yes.
– Geetanjali, you’re lying.
You didn’t go to college today.
I…I went for a movie.
With whom?- With my friends.
What friends? Why are you asking methe same question repeatedly? I told you.
I went for a movie.
If you had been for a moviewhy did you have to lie? I don’t know.
I said what cameto my mind at that time.
Look, you insisted.
I came.
Try to understand what I am saying.
This is my last meeting with you.
I can’t meet you after today.
Don’t distance mefrom you.
Come out.
How dare you?- brother… Brother… Brother.
Brother, please leave him.
I beg you.
Brother… I’ll hand you over to the police.
He got away with it becauseof Geetanjali or all these days.
Now I won’t leave him.
You got away.
Today you gotbet up because of his sister.
He beat me really bad.
This is his stancewhen it comes to his sister.
God knows what will happen whenhe finds out about the money? In that case, you have to use your mother.
Of course.
You borrowed the moneyas I lost in gambling.
If they come to know the truth.
they’ll cut usat that very gambling den.
It means along with Geetanjalihe is cheating papa too.
The market is already up.
The share market will alsogo up further.
What happened?- Father… What happened?Why are you so angry? Ask Vivek to return the money.
What’s the matter? The matter is that he’s a fraud.
He has lied to us.
But how do you know all this? I just saw with my own eyes.
His friend’s mother is not sick.
In fact, his friend lostmoney in gambling.
And he had to repay the money.
So he asked for money from us.
This is not what we imaginedhe would be.
Oh God.
Goodness is a curse these days.
People fool us so easily.
What’s done is done.
Now we just have to take moneyback from him.
That’s it.
Ask him the money.
I’ll call him right away.
Hello, uncle.
Vivek, look, I wantthe money back in two days.
In two days? But… If you don’t give the moneyin two days I’ll go to the cops.
And they’ll recover money from you.
Uncle, please.
What happened? It was Geetanjali’s papa.
He wants the money back in two days.
– What? How are we going to arrangethe money in two days? He says that if we don’t returnthe money in two days.
he’ll call the cops.
Cops? Okay.
I’ll arrange it in two days.
Darn it.
What happened? The old man Ranjan iscalling me repeatedly.
Now what do I tell him? This is the limit.
And this guy Ashok.
God knows where the hell he is.
He is not taking my calls.
Go check.
I’ll get him right away.
I’ll check.
Everyone has driven me crazy.
Darn it.
I didn’t find him at home.
– Search in the area.
I looked for him everywhere.
There is no trace of him.
I feel he has run away.
What rubbish.
What have I gotten myself into? Vivek, where is the money? Uncle, please.
Give me one day’s time more.
Uncle, please.
He has gone to arrange money.
He must be on the waywith the money.
His number is not reachable.
We have given you enough time.
You should’ve thought aboutthese things before lying.
Out with the money.
Just one day.
Give me one more day.
It’s okay if you want a day.
But if we don’t get the moneythen the police.
will put you behind barsfor fraud.
I promise.
I knew.
I recorded this video of yourswhile you were taking the money.
What have I gotten myself into? Sagar.
Sagar, my brother.
I need 2 lakh rupees.
It’s really urgent.
Please give me if you have.
You can’t give.
Kunal, I need 2 lakh rupees.
Give me if you have.
It’s urgent.
That’s why I am asking.
Hello, Mrinal.
Mirnal, I need 2 lakh rupeesvery badly.
No one helps youwhen you are in need.
I don’t have money.
Now is there any sourceof getting them.
And if I don’t repay the moneythe police will put me in jail.
And I don’t want to go to jail.
Then? We’ll have to find apermanent solution to this.
Stop calling me.
Your father and brotherwere here just now.
They threatened methat they’ll call the cops.
Forget them.
Let’s do this.
Let’s elope.
I can’t live without you.
Have you gone mad? Does all this look like a gameto you? Look, this is a serious matter.
Do you get that? And yes.
If at all you can do anything.
then ask your fatherto waiver my loan.
Me?- You can’t do it, right? You went silent.
So forget me.
May I ask something? What solution have you found to it? I am fed up.
You don’t have much time left.
There’s just one day left.
Just one day.
And then the police will comeand arrest you.
Then how will I drink alone? Why don’t you say something? Keep quiet.
Say something.
At least now.
We’ll have to end this matterfrom the root.
What do you mean? I mean let’s finish thatold man and Sudhanshu.
What do you mean? What? Why? Why so? Only we and this familyknows about this money.
Let’s finish all thosewho know about this money.
But…- You’ll do only what I tell you.
Let’s kill this old mantomorrow night.
How?- The old man passed.
by a remote pathon his way home.
I know everything.
Therein lies to chanceto finish him.
At least one will be gone.
You’re smart.
Vivek had never imaginedeven in his dreams.
that the lie he toldfor a few money.
would make him commit a crime.
Vivek made the mistakeof trusting Ashok.
And now he was about tomake a bigger mistake.
When Ranjan’s familygot wind of the truth.
they should havereported to the police.
and found a solutionto this matter.
But instead they decidedto solve his matter their way.
Which was absolutely wrong.
This lie was deeply rootedin Vivek’s mind.
Because he had no wayof returning the money.
That’s why he planned tocommit a really serious crime.
Under the impressionthat this crime.
would save him fromreturning the money.
Will this thought of Vivekwork for him? Does Vivek actually thinkhe can get away.
with repaying someone’s loanby killing someone? God.
I have a flat tyre.
Darn it.
I am stuck.
I don’t see anyone here.
Let me call.
There is no reception here.
I’m doomed.
From whom do I take helpon this remote road? Please.
I have a flat tyre.
I’ll not be able to fix iton my own.
Great if you could help me.
Uncle, don’t worry at all.
We’ll change it.
Unlock the trunk.
Do you have a spare tyre? Yes.
– Unlock.
Thank you, brother.
You? How dare you sit in my car? Uncle, I’m sorry.
What can we do? Made a mistake.
You have made lots of mistakes.
I won’t tolerate it anymore.
Now I’ll recover money from you.
Money? What money? What do you mean what money? You forgot? When you came to mebegging and pleading? I came to you begging? When? You gave it to me on your own will.
I see.
Forget that money.
How do I forget my money? I’ll call the cops right now.
Get the old man.
Hey, what are you doing? Ask for the money now, old man.
Come on.
Let’s get out quickly.
Take the bag and go.
I wonder why.
Even your papa’sphone is not reachable.
Let me try.
The phone is switched off.
He has never done so before.
I wonder what has happened.
Mother, don’t worry.
I’ll talk to papa’s office friend.
He might be with him.
– Okay.
Do something quickly.
What do we do now? Her family must have set outto look for him.
Let’s quickly bury this body here.
Before someone shows up.
But what about this car? We’ll put it in scrap in the garage.
Let’s start.
Do you have an axe or hammer? How are you going to bury?Go get it quickly.
I’ll get it.
– Go quickly.
Mother, relax.
Papa will come.
Mummy, papa left fromwork at the usual time.
But don’t know where he is at.
I called him.
He said he was on the way.
Then what happened?Oh God.
Mummy, don’t worry.
I’ll file acomplaint with the police.
Come on.
We don’t have time.
Let’s dispose the body quickly.
– Okay.
This is done.
Today we’ll finish everyone.
Tushar, you’ll get me into trouble.
You’ll get me killed.
I don’t want to take any chance.
I want to get out of this mess.
Let’s get rid of this car first.
Sudhanshu, we are trying our best.
He’ll soon be traced.
Don’t worry.
Uncle has cometo the garage for money.
He is calling you.
What happened? Mummy, papa has oneto Vivek’s garage to take money.
But why isn’t he taking calls? I’ll tell you once I come back.
Tell me.
Where is my papa? Brother, what are you doing? Your papa just tookthe car and left.
I told him that you were coming.
But he didn’t wait.
He left.
– You… This belongs to papa’s car.
You wantedthe 2 lakh rupees back, right? We sent your father to the heavens.
Let’s send him too.
Want the money now? Hello.
Son… Son.
Yes, aunt.
This is Vivek speaking.
Where is Sudhanshu? And how do you have his phone? Aunt, Sudhanshu is taking money.
My friend is giving him money.
Ashok is giving him money.
Does it take so long to take money? He is not taking calls.
Pass the phone to his papa.
Uncle just went to the loo.
And Sudhanshu iscounting the money.
As soon as he is done countingthe money, I’ll get him to call you.
And uncle and Sudhanshu willleave for home with the money soon.
Don’t worry.
I’ll come to drop them.
Okay? I feel something’s not right.
Vivek was saying he hasSudhanshu’s phone.
And Sudhanshu is counting money.
He’ll call later.
And he’ll even droop him home.
So why are you panicking?- Have you gone mad? Your brother detests him.
So will he give his phoneto him and come home with him? He is not at workfor he can’t take calls.
Vivek can’t do that.
You have some misunderstanding.
I am really nervous.
I’m sure something’s wrong.
First your papa wentand then your brother.
Oh God.
How do I believe? How do I believe? Oh God.
Please connect.
She is…- Disconnect it.
He disconnected.
Hey…What? Ask for the money now.
Come on.
– What do we do now? He is done.
There are only two people left.
Let’s finish them.
Then we’ll dispose his body.
Come on.
Let me call the police.
How can he disconnect the call? Why are you calling the cops? I’ll do what I have to do.
Mom and brother are back.
You panic needlessly.
You? What are you guys doing here? – Yes, me.
Why did you let them in? Vivek.
What…What happened? Because I want to finish youand your mother and be free.
What do you mean? I’ll explain.
– I’ll explain right away.
Your father and brotherhad driven me crazy.
By demanding money all the time.
I’ll not leave you and your family.
Get her.
Leave her.
Leave my daughter.
Leave my daughter I say.
Leave my daughter.
I have finishedyour father and brother.
They had driven me crazyby asking for money.
Now it’s yourand your mother’s turn.
Got it? Jagan.
Get out of here.
Come on.
Hey…Hey…- Leave me.
Leave me.
Leave me.
Leave me.
Leave me.
Leave me.
Leave me.
Leave me.
Leave me.
Vivek had set outon a path of crime.
from where there was no return.
But the question is could thiscrime have been stopped.
In simple words yes.
This crime could have been stopped.
If Anjan and Sudhanshu beenprudent and sought police’s help.
Or had Geetanjali actedwisely in time.
Perhaps she and her motherwould been alive today.
Her blind trust in Vivektook her life.
In this case, a crimecommitted by someone else.
proved to be costlyfor someone else.
Ashok’s search is still on.
But Ashok is not as big acriminal anymore.
as Vivek and Jagan became.
They had to pay forsomeone else’s doing.
These two could havefound the solution.
to this problempeacefully and wisely.
Has these two wanted they could havetraced Ashok with the police’s help.
But they tookthe path of crime instead.
And unfortunately.
Rajan and his family had topay for this with their lives.
Always remember one thing.
Don’t trust anyone blindly.
And gather good informationabout the person.
before making any kindof transaction.
And stop such crimes from happening.
On that note, I, Girish Jain, will take your leave.
from this episode of Crime Alert.
I’ll see you again to alert youwith against such a crime.
Till then be alert.
Be safe.
Crime Alert.
Voice against crime.
The post India Alert | New Episode 324 | Jaanleva Driving ( जानलेवा ड्राइविंग ) | Dangal TV Channel appeared first on IPTVRestream.
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Men And Women Share Thoughts On What The ‘Dick Pic’ Really Means In Modern Dating
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Men And Women Share Thoughts On What The ‘Dick Pic’ Really Means In Modern Dating
Bizarre ways people show their “love” in dating
Remember your first date? Tender, innocent, naïve and charged with hormones and emotion? Awww, sweet. Now, remember your first dick pic? Total fail or mutually agreed upon? According to Wellness & Relationship Healer, Sarah Martin, the dick pic is like “A peacock doing its thing, preening and then showing off its beautiful feathers and strutting around; in the animal world, that’s the equivalent of a dick pic.”
If you’re out in the cold, cruel world of dating – ok, it’s not really always that way – you’ve already been vulnerable, stripped emotionally bare, and gone beyond limits that are comfortable. All in search of your fairytale prince or princess. It seems modern dating includes dick pics around the espresso machine at work, boarding a plane, or comparisons while mowing down leftovers and cheap wine. An average 45% of women on dating apps have received unsolicited photos of men’s penises from every angle. Last year OKCupid launched a member pledge on dating etiquette. In part to combat dick pics and online harassment.
“Hey what’s your sign?”
“Want to go to a movie?”
“Here’s a dick pic!”
The first rule of dick club. Give warning and get consent.
There are plenty of reasons men do this. Arrogance, curiosity, addiction, sexual harassment, mommy issues, no social skills, or just plain disrespect. Rules of engagement in dating are being changed. Caroline Pukall, Professor of Psychology shares “It doesn’t help that most people’s dating profiles – a photo and a single line about themselves – effectively reduce them to a one-dimensional SIM.”
As nice as some may think this is. For me, this is a hard no. Not in the world of long term respect. The fast-paced casual dating culture can be fun and liberating for many, but it can also be a warning sign. Relationship author and founder of DatingKinky.com, Heather Claus feels “With so many ways to meet so many people, each individual can seem disposable, so more outrageous behaviors seem acceptable because a rejection now means looking at more profiles and simply trying again. Always more where that came from.”
Sometimes it works out as in the case of Anna from Flirt.com “I found a nice guy online and we started communicating. He was living nearby and called me to meet in person a couple of times, but I wasn’t sure if I was ready for this. After a couple of days, I’ve refused to go out together I got a picture of his dick in the middle of the night. I was shocked because before this he seemed to be very nice. The next day he wrote me that he got drunk that day and fell asleep and this was his friends who’ve sent this picture and that it was a picture, not a real photo. This incident moved our meeting for another couple of weeks but at the end, I agreed to meet and was happy that I did. P.S. that was almost two years ago.”
Gamifying our lives seems innocent, and swiping right is like candy crush, but it can take away a piece of us. A sort of refuge. A place of silence and strength and respect where people, including ourselves, want to be the best version of us. It creates loneliness.
Now before we get too deep on dick pic thoughts and dating, don’t just take my word for it. Even former U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy feels loneliness is a public health issue. “Loneliness is an epidemic because it affects a great number of people in our country, but also because one person’s loneliness can have an impact on another person,” Murthy says.
So, next time you’re about to send a dick pic. Think, would I send this to everyone? Would I want my co-workers to see this? Check your lonely factor because you can get attention in other ways. Since we all have our own opinions, this issue can get slippery because righteousness can come into the equation and make it seem that “shameful” habits are weaponized. Social media, dating sites, and apps become a personal reflection of us and we can broadcast whatever we want to the world. Decide if that is where you want to be remembered.
As a hard and heavy, insatiably sex-driven, sensuality dripping, power hungry Scorpio woman, well, that’s what my horoscope says anyway, why would I even have the conversation about dick pics? Because of the growing trend, and the recourse of the backlash when it is expressed, from most, they are not welcome.
When this is an acceptable way for a man to greet a woman, how are things like equality, boundaries, and respect introduced? We can’t expect to find these things where they don’t exist. There’s a minefield of rules and games in life, but are we really going to connect through unsolicited erections?
Sarah Martin, of Sarah Speaks, looks at dick pics as a warning sign. “I would not place anyone in the category of long-term potential when I had a photo of his dick in my hand. How can you take a man seriously when he sends you a picture of his penis before you’ve even met him, let alone seen him naked?” Speaks, helps people reclaim their power from emotional trauma.
It’s so commonplace, even in the #MeToo era, HUD (Hook Up Dating) App – ironic I know – is launching A.I. from Google to “identify dicks” in their app, says a recent press release. The thought is to block them before they even reach the intended receiver.
There are plenty of places to place your penis on display. HUD, Happn, Hinge, Tinder, Oh Boy Oh Girl, Apply to Date, Coffee Meets Bagel, (yes these are real) and even Facebook’s recent announcement to launch F.B. Dating. Go ahead. Share away, create a scavenger hunt for your future mate. From the tragic to the classic penis shape, you can get a little help with your penis’s resume with the DatingKinky’s video on their ultimate response to the D.
“In my opinion, sending the photo of your genitalia to someone is not a normal behavior, especially if we are talking about someone you have never seen,” states Chief Editor, Alex Reddle from Flirt.com “But the tendency of having sexual relationships without boundaries or so-called “friends with benefits” is easily the attitude young people have to their sex life, so this might be something we are gonna see more often. Some girls getting this type of picture or message actually react to it (this was proved by the study we’ve made last year),” he adds.
There are opinions on both sides. “In the context of a committed relationship, I’d say it’s normal and even sexy to send sexy photos to one another,” shares Sarah Martin “Within a relationship, it’s a safe place and trust and respect live there too, so there is no fear of shaming or being taken advantage of. It’s simply an expression, or extension of their passion for one another, and this can be a beautiful thing.”
If you haven’t gotten a dick pic surprise, congratulations, you’ve beaten the dating system.
Why have the conversation? Because no matter what age you are, (or gender) there has been a shift in psychology that allows for bullying and intimacy shaming on a regular basis. We should ALL have a voice. Taking the dick pic out of the conversation may just make you realize how much or how little you have to say.
Bye Felicia!
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