#Alleria Surlaint
jancisstuff · 5 years
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The Buffalo Hunt
Accepting a bounty to find a runaway imported beast, the group of heroes makes a plan and scouts out the best way to handle a buffalo far from home and out of its element.
Did someone put out an order for exotic beasts from Ishgard? Would these creatures perhaps help recover the frozen tundra of Western Coerthas? What is Charles running from and why? Who was training Charles in the art of beast mastery? Would a favor from House Fortempts be available if the bounty reward wasn’t collected?
@ragizi - Thanks for coming along! ^_^
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Messing around with Samurai actions and Gpose. Featuring Alleria Surlaint.
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itsalburton · 7 years
Immortal Flames Report: Ala Ghiri, 31st Day of the 7th Moon
Private Laurentoix Beaujolais, 4th Auxiliary Regiment, CO Kale Aideron
Having begun a supply escort mission from Castrum Velodyna to Ala Ghiri, I had taken notice of the cargo being transported. As efforts to scavenge the Castrum for usable items continued, a Maelstrom Corporal unknown to me had found and opened a crate bearing the Garlean Imperial sigil by means of firing upon the padlock and remarked that he had found "the Centurion's private stock of spirits" before his accompanying CO---Lieutenant Hengyst Donnersyn---ordered him to surrender the entire crate to him. After arriving at Ala Ghiri, the Lieutenant had taken the crate to his quarters.
In knowing that protocol demands a full inventory of all items transported, lost and/or acquired during missions and in seeing Lieutenant Donnersyn fail to report the aforementioned crate or surrender it to Logistics or any superior, I had inquired as to his quarters' whereabouts and enlisted the aid of two of my fellow Flamesmen and two Freelancers to reacquire the crate. Given its sheer weight, it had to be lowered via pulleys from outside the room's window. In compliance with protocol, the crate was reopened---removing a new padlock that was set upon it, likely by the Lieutenant---and all of its contents were inspected and documented.
Found inside were the following items:
A six-bottled case of spirits, determined spoiled 
A jewelry box filled with Imperial coinage, amount undetermined
Four sets of clothing, neither uniform nor luxurious
A hide bag containing materia, assorted in type and grade
An Imperial gun-blade, apparently customized or ceremonial with inscription of "In recognition of your service to the Emperor. May you serve him well as Tribunus"
Completing inspections, the above items (exception of the bottles disposed of) were repackaged within the same crate and surrendered to the Alliance Officer Corps. due to the assumed importance of the items.
Recommended commendations for the assisting troops:
Kegashiyo Thoth, Flames Private
Alleria Surlaint, De'bayle Knight
Karima Hawayek, Flames Corporal
Aeron V., Freelance
Sister Fury, Freelance
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carina-debayle · 7 years
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House De’bayle
Log date: 6/10/17
OOC Note: The text in these logs are strictly for the readers enjoyment. Anyone using the knowledge displayed within this text without the participants knowledge risks the potential of blacklisting from future communication and roleplay. Please do not meta-game!
Tags: @halone-from-the-otherside @ishgardianknightblogging 
Carina De'bayle: "Alright, I believe that should be everyone for now," Carina nods toward all of them with a light smile, "thank you all for coming under such a short notice. However, we have some fantastic news to share with you all. With Siovants gracious service as our envoy to the Adders, we were able to get our request for land sent in and have been granted a place to finally build our house!"
Armont De'bayle looked to Siovant with a more than pleased expression.
Guillemont De'bayle glances between the Elezen on his left and his sister in law. "R-really? We uh... We actually have uh... Have land again?"
Siovant Parlemaix inclines his head lightly, dark-ringed eyes drifting shut for but a moment as his face rises again.  "Truly, all I needed to do was press the correct documents into the correct hands.  The House carries plenty of reputation on it's own." His voice drifts lightly.
Joikan Leisthelm widens his eyes with excitement, a smile pulling at his cheeks as he look to Siovant, lightly clapping his hands briefly.
Carina De'bayle: "Even so, such a small deed has brought about a far greater outcome and for that we thank you for your service in assisting us obtaining this land. Along with such though, something Armont and myself have not mentioned in the meantime due to... other more pressing matters," her voice clears, "we started construction on the house some weeks ago. The house is currently now in state where we are able to move in! Though there is still some construction left to be done for certain parts, you are all able to move into a room if you so desire to."
Astrelle De'bayle listens intently, emitting a noise of approval towards both Siovant and Carina. "Quite a surprise," she remarks with a light smile, bringing a hand to attempt clearing some of the oil dotting her face.
Joikan Leisthelm fluttered his ears as soon as she mentioned rooms, rubbing his hands together in excitement. "I can't wait to decorate!"
Armont De'bayle: "Our meetings will now take place on the top floor, while the main lobby is just as it sounds. As my wife said, it is still under construction, so the basement is barren for the time being. Once it is finished, look forward to the bakery." He said happily, his hands clasping together in front of him as he nodded slightly.
Alleria Surlaint smiles brightly "My own room....this is exciting!"
Carina De'bayle: "Even better, the house comes equipped with a fantastically large workshop," her stare falls onto Astrelle, "with the right minds at work, we could have our own airship running for travel in due time," managing to smile with somewhat more warmth to her expression, "I am sure Denz will be thrilled to hear of such, I remember hearing how much your alls mother wished for him to own one?" she nods, "while we could continue to have this meeting here, how about we go to the new estate!"
Guillemont De'bayle: "Hmm. I'll uh... I'll need to have my things moved from my apartment. I uh... I wonder if I could have some contractors replicate the layout for me..." He mutters, scratching his sideburn.
Armont De'bayle: "Aye! And you will find a training and sparing area just outside too!"
Siovant Parlemaix presses his elaborate spectacles, drawing them closer to the bridge of his hawkishly-curved nose.  "I trust that it will not be problematic for me to maintain an office in the building?  Perusing documentation for the family will certainly be quicker if I don't need to make trips to-and-fro between the barracks and the estate."
Carina De'bayle: "As much as you are employed under the Adders, Siovant, you are also apart of House De'bayle. Our house is your house to live within as well, as you hold a great part in us being there."
Astrelle De'bayle flexes her fingers absently at the mention of the workshop, the tinkering hands already looking for something work on.
Siovant Parlemaix smiles crookedly in response.  "It seems as though I have a vast amount of moving to do, in that case."
Joikan Leisthelm: "Well then! Lead the way."
Carina De'bayle splays her hands out some, "if anyone is in need of movers, we can provide. We wish to get everyone comfortably situated as soon as possible. Let us get going there to have a look, we will need to also be sure to inform those who could not make it today."
Carina De'bayle leads the group into the Shroud, eventually into the Lavender Beds. After a relatively short trip into the first ward, she strolls up to a house already fully decorated. 
"Here it is! Do not let me continue to hold you further on exploring," the Hyur motions inward.
Astrelle De'bayle: "Impressive."
Alleria Surlaint: "We already have guards?"
Joikan Leisthelm let his eyes wander over the gardening work. "Is this your work, Lady De'Bayle?"
Carina De'bayle: "Other knights of course," she nods, "along with others employed under House De'bayle within, everything you might wish for in regards to well-being can be found within the house."
Armont De'bayle: "Aye. They are both sworn Knights from Ishgard. Agrine and Evont. They will reside here if you ever need them."
Guillemont De'bayle wanders to the stables. "Hmm... I hope Muffin takes the move well."
Carina De'bayle laughs lightly, scratching a hand to her head, "well... I am quite fond of gardening in truth. When they had it put in, I spent some time here to keep my mind off of certain things..."
Carina De'bayle: "The large hedges will provide great privacy as well for those who wish to spar in the yard."
Joikan Leisthelm nods to Carina.
The group enters into the estate
Carina De'bayle: "This here is Sir Gaspard, he will take your coats and hats for you and also inform you of information like mail if you ever need to know of such," Carina motions toward the older gentleman as he bows.
Guillemont De'bayle: "I uh... I think I will keep my hat, but uh... But thank you."
Carina De'bayle: "It is mostly for guest anyhow," she laughs toward her brother-in-law. "These three make up the help-desk, they can introduce themselves in time when you come to speak to them. They offer a variety of services. Do let them know which rooms you all end up taking as they will direct all guests you may have to said rooms. For now though, this is what we have, feel free to go explore the rest of the estate on your own terms."
Alleria Surlaint looks around.
Astrelle De'bayle looks between the appointed House employees, studying them quietly before her eyes fall to Carina. "You mentioned a workshop?"
Carina De'bayle: "I did, I can show you if you'd like?"
Astrelle De'bayle: "Aye. I would like to see it."
The two women leave into the different parts of the house, Carina leading Astrelle into the grand workshop
Carina De'bayle: "Here it is... I know you an engineer of the sorts, yes?"
Astrelle De'bayle enters, eyes widening in mild awe. It was probably the most expressive she'd been in terms to elation. "..aye," she remembers to speak after a moment, eyes slowly falling to Carina.
Carina De'bayle: "Then Astrelle, I am sure no one would have issues with this being yours to work with. We will rely on you for your work in our technology. I am sure you will offer nothing but the best, Viscountess."
Astrelle De'bayle clears her throat, eyes bouncing between the walkways and large holographic projections. "..aye," she replied absently.
Carina De'bayle: "I cannot wait for Hestia to return to this, I am sure she will love it all," Carina says out softly, attempting to stay in high spirits.
Astrelle De'bayle ll That manages to bring Astrelle back long enough to look to Carina. "That I am certain. She can learn under me," she nods with a reassuring note.
Carina De'bayle looks toward the woman with a smile, "I am sure she will wish to learn much under all of us. Knowing you are an enthused to do so, brings me a great deal of assurance. Hestia truly has the best family I could have ever asked for. I hope this proves to be everything and more for you, sister."
Astrelle De'bayle awards the Hyur a smirk, eyes drifting back out to gaze at the fabrication station. "I much doubt I will require a room," she jokes with a light chuckle.
Carina De'bayle: "And yet it is still there, perhaps I will ask that some blankets and pillows be brought here," she chuckles some, reaching to pat a hand to Astrelle, "if you are in need of assistants for any projects, inform the help desk and they will find you employees as fast as they are able to."
Astrelle De'bayle: "I appreciate the offer. I've a few contacts of mine own, but I typically work solo." Astrelle rolls a single shoulder, not meaning to sound too dismissive. Her head turns back to Carina. "Ah.. perhaps we can name an airship after my niece-- your daughter?"
Carina De'bayle: "After Hestia?" her eyes lighten some, "I think she would love that!" she clasps her hands together pleasantly. "I'd love that too, I am sure there would be no complaints. Thank you Astrelle."
Astrelle De'bayle waves a dismissive hand. "It is little I could do as repayment. I shall be happy enough to have an actual place to work."
Carina De'bayle: "It is yours to freely work in, though do try to avoid too many explosions. I believe it is capable of withstanding most damage, but I'd rather we not test its limits /too/ much."
Astrelle De'bayle: "Fret not, sister." She reaches up to press her gloved fingers to her goggles, flicking them down over her eyes and flashing the blonde a confident smirk. "Now if you'll excuse me."
Carina De'bayle: "Enjoy," she waves some, turning to make leave out the door.
I cannot wait for you to see this... Hestia.
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jancisstuff · 6 years
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House de Bayle - Knighting of Rageant and Cinnabar
September 11 2018
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jancisstuff · 6 years
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House de Bayle: Rebuilding the Dragonforge - Maze of Earth
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jancisstuff · 6 years
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Primals in the Clouds
September 7 2018
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jancisstuff · 6 years
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House de Bayle - Zike’s Promotion to Knight-Captain
Zike invites some others to his grandmother’s home for a celebration dinner, gifting them with names and keepsakes.
January 17 2019
  "Lady Jancis, it is with a smile and a warm heart that I invite you to have dinner with me and a select few other friends after the ceremony tonight. I do not know where I would be without your constant kindness, support, and friendship. Because of this, I give you a button I was given as a child. Because just as clothes tear and must be mended, you have done wonders to mend my soul. When I was an outcast, you were there beside me, and those of us that have been outcasts for one reason or another are those I resonate with. They are the ones I am proud to invite to this very special gathering. I hope you can come, it means the world to me."
                Zike Lancean
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jancisstuff · 6 years
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De’bayle Knights - Meetup
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jancisstuff · 6 years
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Second Grand Melee
May 2018
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jancisstuff · 6 years
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Grand Melee
May 2018
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jancisstuff · 6 years
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Random Screenies
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jancisstuff · 6 years
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The Re-Kindle: The Sanctuary Chapel
After many of the house working on resources and construction of the room, the door is unlocked to reveal a new section to the De’bayle House, Dawn Vigil.
Listening to the story of how this crystal came into being, the group focuses in the first prayers - or thoughts - in the room and lights the crystal into a blue glow with their presence.
Assured the crystal will stay bright as long as people visit, the Re-Kindle is complete.
((Thanks to all who came along this little story arc.Here’s to more to come.))
Raw Log
Fiona Delaine slips just into the building after a brief chat with the guards outside. Jancis Milburga smiles and greets Fiona from afar, fiddling with something as she prepares. Fiona Delaine bows her head to Jancis, and approaches with a smile. "Bonsoir, mon amie. I'd not miss this for the world." Jancis Milburga: "The entire world! Twelve forbid! I am quite happy with how our work has come together. I doubt Byregot Himself would have done different!" Hestia De'bayle sat in the parlor just off to the side of the foyer, sipping on a glass of iced tea presumably. Peering over as Fiona made entry, the woman quirked a brow. "Evening, Madame Delaine," Hestia stands, setting her glass down on a coaster before shuffling over toward the duo. "Ah, and Jancis. I heard there is a grand opening tonight." Fiona Delaine: "Perhaps we might be well able ask- though the Twelve are not known for direct answers," the witch grins at Jancis. At Hestia's greeting, she blinks, turns, and offers a smile. "Ah- oui, bonsoir. Lovely seeing you, dame Hestia." Hestia De'bayle presses her lips tightly together, a minor twitch there. "You as well, I am quite enthusiastic to see what became of this crystal ordeal. I fear my duties have kept me busy, but I have remained curious all the while." Jancis Milburga beams, "Hestia. Yes. All the noise of late has not been in vain! Very thoughtful noise. I think these walls are quite thick, though, regardless. Your direction was very useful to get us here." Jancis Milburga: "I know all too well the frustration of not going first-hand and digging these up." Hestia De'bayle: "Thankfully they are. I would not want the residents here to grow restless with others varying bells," she raises a hand in a defensive wave, "you are too kind, I wish I could have said I did more, but truly you and yours are reason for this rooms creation." Fiona Delaine: "Well, may curiosity be sated today." She grins. And at Aedida's arrival, glances back, brows up and with a smile. Jancis Milburga purses her lips for a moment, "I could never be too kind." Hestia De'bayle: "Ah, sister!" Hestia turns with a pleased expression, "I was not expecting your presence tonight, I am most pleased you have been around more often." Aedida Aldricht nods in greeting. "I had hoped to find Ser Rageant, though it would seem there is something of a fuss about the doo~r." Aedida Aldricht beams at Hestia De'bayle. Hestia De'bayle: "I unfortunately do not think he is within the estate at the moment. Apologies you came all this way." Hestia De'bayle: "However, if you wish to stay, Jancis is unveiling a new room that is the product of some moons investigating a crystal." Aedida Aldricht: "It is no matter. I have many friends he~re - Ah, is that so? What sort of crystal?" Jancis Milburga welcomes Aedida, "Yes, you are most welcome to stay. I heard you the other eve a bit. And Hestia calls you sister so even three times as welcome to stay. A very curious novelty it is, the crystal I mean, one cultivated carefully that is quite fitting for what Lady Fiona called a Sanctuary." Jancis Milburga: "It is a most fitting name. And it will require close kindred to fill its purpose." Fiona Delaine: "And, perhaps, a most needful thing." Jancis Milburga: "I think it is a boon. Especially for what this house has endured before." Jancis Milburga looks up at the ceiling and other physical parts of the manor. Hestia De'bayle: "I am inclined to agree. This House has many things, but a place for oneself and a connection to the divine is one it lacked. I am now even further enthused. I shall ensure it recieves plenty use."
Fiona Delaine glances about. She wasn't familiar with *this* Dawn Vigil's struggles. Aedida Aldricht grins. "I am most curious to see it then. It sounds to be important, if it is to provide sanctuary~." Jancis Milburga says thoughtfully before welcoming others that come in the door, "I have tried to double its purpose beyond that. An empty room is very useless. And I know Halone as much as Others need a place here. Beyond within, I mean. A place to focus on Them." You express your fervent approval of Jacline Kerelle. Jacline Kerelle agrees wholeheartedly with you. Jancis Milburga: "Lady Jacline! Welcome! I am so excited to show you what we have made." Hestia De'bayle nods. "Halone is important to that of the See, but regardless of what the orthodox once said, there are eleven others we should give respect toward. And that I shall." Fiona Delaine bows her head in greeting to the newly-arrived elezen. Jacline Kerelle: "We made somethin'? Great! Oh, oh! Is it a new bread recipe? They was talkin' about that in the kitchens last night..." Jancis Milburga: "And Captain Alleria! You made it! Some of your knights have been busy. Forgive me, they are always busy, but thank you for giving them chances to aid in these digs." Jancis Milburga flusters and apologies, looking more profusely at Jacline. "They were? Oh forgive me. I meant those crystals we found. I can go ask about the bread now." She offers! Hestia De'bayle: "I do believe the bread can probably wait. It shall be there bells from now, I am sure." Jacline Kerelle sniffs at the air a few times. "Hm. Naah. Smells like the same old fare. Must still be workin' on the details. What'd we make outta the crystals, though?" Jancis Milburga looks about and admits, "I did not have any bread ready. Not in the room." Hestia De'bayle: "It is probably for the best, would not wish to attract ants," Hestia says matter-of-factly. Dreadful ants. Jancis Milburga: "Something wonderful. They fit in that disk." Jancis Milburga nods slowly, "That is how you get them." Jancis Milburga gives Hestia the "Reference Archer" achievement token. Jacline Kerelle wants donuts now. Alleria Surlaint: "Of course Lady Jancis! I believe all experience can be useful so I'm glad that they accompanied you and were helpful in your ventures."  (Sorry was eating pizza) Jancis Milburga: "You will be welcome to train in this room, of course. Knights need time to focus as much as walk around in armor in laps. I appreciate it all the more since I have tried it." Fiona Delaine smiles softly. "It does the mind good, does it not? Meditation, mindfulness, and focus- they got me through many a dreadsome place." Fiona Delaine: "Well worth learning and sharing for any willing, I should think." Hestia De'bayle nods in agreement with Fiona. "Indeed. Having a place to focus best will be a blessing, truly. I wish to put my instructors teachings to better use." Jancis Milburga nods fully in agreement, "I can recall the suns I have not meditated on one hand. It will be a boon to those who are unskilled in it. Or troubled. Or should the house come under attack it will be another refuge." Fiona Delaine turns to Hestia. "Does it oft come under attack?" Hestia De'bayle: "Ah... no. Not since the last time," her expression grows grim. "I have made sure of that." Fiona Delaine furrows her brows. ".. The- oui. I'll not ask more." Hestia De'bayle frowns at the memory that crosses her mind, her lips tightening some before she raises her gaze toward Jancis. "It is... for the best. Tonight is a special occassion. And hopefully each sun is better than the last." Jancis Milburga: "Lady Fiona has offered to help in some wards. I know Master Vevekera has done much. Having another knowledgable in them would be of great use to continue completing the sanctuary." Hestia De'bayle: "Of course, thank you, Madame Delaine. Your efforts in ensuring the safety of all of our home, is appreciated dearly." Fiona Delaine: "Of course. I'm happy to be of assistance." Fiona Delaine smiles  warmly. Jancis Milburga gives Hestia an empathic and earnest look, "Spinner has us expect the best as we prepare for the worst." Jancis Milburga turns back to the door and welcomes Cinnabar.
Jancis Milburga: "Lady Cinnabar! Keeper's Perfection! The time draws near and you herald it!" Denz De'bayle opens up the door, running smack into the back of an armored Roegadyn. Hestia De'bayle: "Indeed. No grim reminders tonight, only a brighter tomorrow," Hestia turns toward the door. "It is good to see others could come and share in this moment." Jacline Kerelle motions joyfully to Cinnabar Prentice. Jancis Milburga: "I am so happy to show you what we have made. But it is not the bread! Do not be disappointed! Something else." Cinnabar Prentice arrives! A blink of surprise at the congregation, but gives a silent greeting of smile and nod to Jancis, ere approachi- stumbling, and blinking back at Denz. Jancis Milburga looks over at Jacline as she mentions the sad news about no bread. Alleria Surlaint covered her mouth hiding the rather brief chuckle of the collission at the door. Jancis Milburga: "Are you all right?!" Fiona Delaine smiles over at the newcomers, amused. Denz De'bayle smooths down the front of his coat, looking up at Cinnabar as she gathered herself. "Quite the doorstop. We'll have you posted there when next we are under siege." Denz De'bayle grins tauntingly at Cinnabar Prentice. Cinnabar Prentice: "O-oh, uhm... Aye, all is well..." A clear of the throat and she hastens her way to Jac's side. Safe and sound. Jacline Kerelle smiles at Cinnabar Prentice. Denz De'bayle walked inside further before anyone else entered, patting a hand on Alleria's shoulder. "Surlaint." Jancis Milburga smiles after watching Cinnabar's steps that she's not favoring anything, and waves over at the door to Denz. "Welcome." Cinnabar Prentice brushes hair aside from her forehead, then greeting everyone starting with Jac. A pinch and wiggle of the ear for her, and a bow of head to the others. Jancis Milburga: "Let us not wait any longer! Althyk's Grace." You clap. Fiona Delaine: "Magnifique." Jancis Milburga: "May I present to the House and dear kin, the Sanctuary Chapel." She opens the door and waves along. Down the hall a door with a ribbon is there, unlocked. Jancis Milburga #5 please)) You bow. Cinnabar Prentice hums softly, brow furrowed in thought... Best to dispense with the weaponry first. Fiona Delaine slips through the door, and onward. Alleria Surlaint returned the friendly pat to the elezens shoulder. "Good evening Baron De'bayle." Hestia De'bayle raises a hand to Aedida's back with a small smile, leading her along with her. Denz De'bayle: Come let us join the others. Jancis Milburga happily holds the door. Denz De'bayle leans down, planting a swift kiss on Jancis' forehead. "Hi." He would step in shortly after. Jancis Milburga blinks. Jacline Kerelle looks around. Jancis Milburga ||The smell of wood oil and a familiar almost musk of the chocobo forest is, for the time being, obvious in this new construction. The floors are unlike the marble of the main hall, a softer sound when stepping across. Jacline Kerelle stares at the stained glass with her mouth hanging open. Jancis Milburga: "Please watch your step." Her tone is apologetic as she's... the last one to come into the room. Fiona Delaine: ".. I'd only been party to seeing the pieces, retrieving them. Seeing it all come together.. c'est magnifique." Fiona murmurs to Hestia. >> Jacline Kerelle: ||The stained glass is old and thick with rich colors, definitely something from Ishgard. The designs in it are close to snow coming into grass and regrowth. Jancis Milburga: "I know it is dark, but please look around as you like and have a seat when you are ready." Jacline Kerelle makes a poking gesture.
Hestia De'bayle: "Ah..." Hestia casts her gaze above. "Indeed. Truly a marvel of our home. I look forward to spending time here. I have wanted a santuary for meditation. The work put into it truly shows in all its beauty," Hestia smiles faintly, hobbling over to plop down in one of the pews. Jancis Milburga looks up at Denz, smiling softly as she reaches up to temple, fingers brushing part of her forehead a moment, "Hello. Thank you for making it. Is it bad that I wish such papers to be in taters that try to bar the way?" Fiona Delaine sits near the back and to one far side. She was an outsider here, she felt, and so she chose the seat as appropriate. Cinnabar Prentice spends a moment observing. She couldn't help but smile between stailed glasses, padded pres before altar, to the prayer nook and the pipeorgan... Ahh, the pipeorgan... >> Cinnabar Prentice: ||The organ is refurbished, new piping showing through the piece into the box behind it. Some of the copper of the decorative top has been left in the distress and patina without polish. The hanging drapes try to mimic the color over the entrance. Hestia De'bayle turned her had back some as the woman sits. "My lady, you need not be so distant. Unless of course you wish to be, I understand," she dips her head slightly before looking back forward. Cinnabar Prentice >>  ( :D ) Jancis Milburga  - - Did anyone emote looking at anything before I came in? Just checking. )) Hestia De'bayle: ((Hestia did look at the crystal! Amongst everything else in a general scan~)) Denz De'bayle looks around the room, the stain glass windows catching his eyes as he slowly drew them back down to the hyur. "The papers I've worked on? I'm sure they are falling apart as we speak without me there." He grinned, sitting down next to Hestia. "They may wait." >> Hestia De'bayle: ||The crystal suspended above is large and blue, seeming to shimmer with light, and has a soft serene presence. Other smaller crystals are also set around it up to the truesilver disk attached to the ceiling with twelve elemental shards embedded in its surface. Cinnabar Prentice scooches into her predictable seat; to the far side to allow Aedida her view... and hunching over for reassurance others may see past. Alleria Surlaint looked around scanning the room for a short while.   She held a rather big smile before finally taking a seat next to Aedida offering a friendly wave. Hestia De'bayle peers over toward her uncle, reaching pat a hand to his arm slightly, then clasping her own over top of her belly as she waited patiently. >> Denz De'bayle: ||The stained glass is old and thick with rich colors, definitely something from Ishgard. The designs in it are close to snow coming into grass and regrowth. Jacline Kerelle nudges Cinnabar with a silent grin, then motions at the stained glass as if to say "Look what we did!" Denz De'bayle looked over to Hestia, giving a cursory glance of her frame before looking over to Jancis silently. >> Alleria Surlaint: I'll give you a random one. Alleria Surlaint >>  Hmm? >> Alleria Surlaint: ||This altar is a gray wood, waxed to keep it from anymore decay. Even without a lot of knowledge in botany, this piece has a lot of rings and must have been very old. The design in its side is hand-carved, almost exact but minor deviations to go with the flow of knots or other blemishes the wood had, and smoothed to a fine finish. >> Cinnabar Prentice: ||The stained glass is old and thick with rich colors, definitely something from Ishgard. The designs in it are close to snow coming into grass and regrowth. Fiona Delaine wanly smiles to Hestia. "Ah. I am a guest yet, and i'faith, know few of the household. I'm content here." Hestia De'bayle: "If you say so, I shall not insist." Fiona Delaine: "Merci, my lady." Cinnabar Prentice takes another moment to look over the panes and pieces of glass, head canting sidelong. "... Wait..." Jancis Milburga looks around herself. "Is it well enough I stay here? Might turn the benches a bit later. It is like a living room it can all move as it should. As you see we tried to mix elements of where the family came from and where they are now. Living and changing as we all do."
Cinnabar Prentice: "... From, the glass foundry..?" she murmurs in reply to Jacline, brow perked. Attention then shifting to Jancis.
Fiona Delaine: ".. I'd like may suggest tilting the pews as to face the altar some, or else face the centrepiece, if just for the ease of guests." Jancis Milburga perks at Cinnabar, "Yes! The foundry outside of the Pillars and Foundation of Ishgard. We took all the glass to Ul'dah and some of the stone. They made this wall." Jacline Kerelle motions joyfully to you. Jacline Kerelle: "Can't even smell the dog on 'em no more!" Jancis Milburga admits, "There was quite a bit of blood. Some of it Sir Lucius' as well."
Jacline Kerelle: "A sacrifice we were willing to make!" Fiona Delaine: "Blood, fire, and pain. All add meaning and purpose to the retrieval. They're ever imprinted with our valour, our strength, our perseverence, our sacrifice." Your eyes grow wide with awe upon seeing Jacline Kerelle.
Jacline Kerelle winks at you.
Fiona Delaine: ".. mayhaps I'm being melodramatic."
Cinnabar Prentice nods to Fiona Delaine. Cinnabar Prentice blinks, realizing the timing of her motion... Wellp... Too late. Jacline Kerelle grins tauntingly at Cinnabar Prentice. Denz De'bayle listens to the conversations around him, before looking over his shoulder to Fiona. "Aye, I've heard there were great lengths taken for such procurements." Hestia De'bayle elicits some sort of sound, it mostly unrecognizable. "It was an important task, this is for certain." Fiona Delaine: "T'was a worthy deed and one I was glad to be part of." The witch smiles at Denz before turning her attention back to Jancis. Jancis Milburga: "So let me tell you about it. Many helped gather these crystals and the disk that hangs above us here. Lord Armont, Lord Lucius, Lord Rageant, Lady Gaelle, Lady Cinnabar, Lady Jacline, Denz, Lady Fiona, Lord Zike, and Master Ghalleon was even able to come with us. Even Lady Constantine which sadly is not here. She declined the invitation, but did send some gifts." Jancis Milburga ||The crystal suspended above is large and blue, seeming to shimmer with light, and has a soft serene presence. Other smaller crystals are also set around it up to the truesilver disk attached to the ceiling with twelve elemental shards embedded in its surface. Fiona Delaine: "C'est magnifique." Jancis Milburga: "These past Moons, we came to possess this disk." She points above everyone. "Through many hard ventures, we found out what it was made for and also ventured over many continents to rebuild it as you see it now." Jacline Kerelle looks up at the crystal mounting and smiles. "Oh! Didn't even see it there.. !" Jancis Milburga: "We also made some trade deals with a lady of Ul'dah that is willing to work with us more closely on gem trades. And we made a very difficult and expensive trade with her to get the information to understand what these crystals were."
Denz De'bayle raised an eyebrow at the mention of the lalafell noblewoman. "She did...?" He muttered quietly, before looking up to ceiling. Cinnabar Prentice grins just a bit as Jancis expounds on the origin of decor, giving Jac a little nudge of elbow with her epiphany. Jancis Milburga nods to Denz, "Yes. I gave that Allagan artifact we found to the roegadyn that makes replica pieces. She was able to repair it and make a replica key. I think we have a lot of. Lady Constantine called it credit?" You fail to understand Denz De'bayle. Fiona Delaine arches her brows. Allagan artifacts, now? >> Denz De'bayle: You get the feeling with your bartering prowess that you overpaid for the information.
Denz De'bayle grits his teeth, forcing a smile. "Hnngh... great." He snakes his head around for a moment, before the tension disappears. "Well, it was more than worth it." Jancis Milburga: "Oh and see told me of an artist to paint all the paintings on the wall here." Denz De'bayle raised his eyebrows. "She did?" Jancis Milburga nods, gesturing in the dim light. "The one of Halone's stone took the longest." Jancis Milburga ||The paintings you've seen at least some of before, hand-painted replicas of some of the points the Twelves stones or other monuments across Eorzea. Cinnabar Prentice: "It... is, perhaps, best placed, here, for it all." Jancis Milburga: "It is large like the one of the Navigator. I thought that way we are emcompassed well like we are on the continent. From mountains to sea." Jancis Milburga gets distracted in her own hosting looking about the walls. Fiona Delaine | In the dim light, Fiona's eyes are practically shining like those of a cat, a vivid and vaguely spooky blue. She has very good night vision. Hestia De'bayle glances around, eyeing the paintings. "Hmmm... the atmosphere is lovely," she may have inclination toward darker rooms. Jancis Milburga: "Forgive me! Permit me to talk about the crystal again." Jancis Milburga cranes her neck up. Jancis Milburga: "The crystals afixed within it are called kindled crystals. Originally, the maker of this was trying to make an device to be like the echo. This, instead, became a mirror into the soul. Like a soul stone, instead of preserving old memories, reflecting back your own. Complete, without blurring the details, to see the whole picture again and sort out feelings and emotions. The first to use these attune them to focus on the Twelve." Denz De'bayle smiles lightly, watching Jancis talk and nearly ramble, before she turned back to the crystal. Jancis Milburga looks back at everyone, "And in that practice, the crystals now bring about direction from within to help with prayer and meditation. The strength of your own emotions and thoughts are what kindle them. And only the most strong-willed can bring their arms up in violence in their presence. Or those who have become attuned." Fiona Delaine smiles widely. This was the part she was proud of, pleased at hearing. Bruno Suvois pokes his head into the room...and immediately sees that it was not the kind of party he had pictured in his head. Jancis Milburga: "This part some of you have already experienced." Jancis Milburga smiles over at Jacline and Cinnabar in particular. Bruno Suvois steps back out of the room and closes the door. Jacline Kerelle: "Comes without the whole drownin' thing this time around, though, right?" Jancis Milburga might have missed the open-shirted elezen by the door in her earnest words. Cinnabar Prentice 's brow furrows, albeit softly, with a smile to Jancis in her allusion. She looks then to Jacline... Giving ther elezen a little poke of the thigh, ere returning to Jancis. Jancis Milburga: "Oh. Yes. No drowning. And that only started to happen when the first crystal broke."
Denz De'bayle looks up at the crystal once more, before looking sidelong to Hestia. "Mayhaps we should hold those Alliance councils in this room them. Should help deter venomous words from being flung about." Denz De'bayle grins tauntingly at Hestia De'bayle. Jancis Milburga smiles, "So as long as this does not shatter in an underground riverbed, we should be all right. I cannot talk for the next hundred Turns, though. Only Thaliak knows." Hestia De'bayle: "Doubtful," Hestia murmurs back. Denz De'bayle: One can hope. Denz De'bayle shrugs at Hestia De'bayle. Hestia De'bayle: "T'would be best to not offend the Twelve with our bickering any how, such ais a sacred place for coming to peace. Not war councils." Jancis Milburga shares the thumbs-up she learned recently with Jacline. Fiona Delaine softly laughs. Basile Feurieux pushed through the door swiftly, the Hyur sliding through quietly as he looked around a bit. "O-oh.." He wondered aloud, arching an eyebrow as he looked about. Proceeding to move forwrad, he went to sit next to Fiona. You welcome Basile Feurieux. Basile Feurieux waves to you. Jacline Kerelle offers Basile Feurieux a humble greeting. Fiona Delaine smiles at Basile. Jancis Milburga: "Welcome Sir Basile. You have arrived just for the attunement." Basile Feurieux: "I hope that I am not late," He offered Jancis a nod. "It is quite the beautiful room, undoubtedly," smirking at the fact, he looked over to Fiona and nodded. "Lady Delaine, hello." Bruno Suvois isn't far behind, returning while straightening his hastily-donned suit. "Heya! Here to uh...show my support! Hope I didn't miss the /fun./" Jancis Milburga: "Lord Bruno!" Jacline Kerelle offers Bruno Suvois a humble greeting. Jancis Milburga beams, "No, well a little of it, but not the best of it." Jancis Milburga: "Please sit. We are about to do the attunement." You motion joyfully to Bruno Suvois. Bruno Suvois: "Ooh, sounds juicy." Jancis Milburga blurts out to Bruno, "It is not bread! I know there is a new recipe Lady Jacline told me, but I do not have the juicy bread here." Bruno Suvois nods, and glances around the room. Hmm...No seats open that wouldn't be cramped. Jancis Milburga: "Please forgive me. I think it has gotten mixed up with this news." Bruno Suvois: "...Juicy bread?" Cinnabar Prentice ponders over you. Fiona Delaine: "Ser Basile. A pleasure as ever. After the dedication, would you care speak about, ah.. you recall, that business the other sun?" Cinnabar Prentice gazes upon Jacline Kerelle in deep reflection. Denz De'bayle: 'Tis a thing, mister Suvois. Denz De'bayle grins tauntingly at Bruno Suvois. Jancis Milburga nods at Bruno, "Yes this is the Sanctuary Chapel." She looks ever patiently at him.
>> Bruno Suvois: ||The organ is refurbished, new piping showing through the piece into the box behind it. Some of the copper of the decorative top has been left in the distress and patina without polish. The hanging drapes try to mimic the color over the entrance. >> Bruno Suvois: ||This corner has a raised prayer pillow and candles to light and as of yet no wax has built up on the candleholders. Perhaps with time.
Bruno Suvois moves over to the far corner, planting his butt on the prayer chair. Cinnabar Prentice gazes upon Bruno Suvois in deep reflection. Basile Feurieux offered a stout, confident nod. He replied following the gesture, the response instant, "It is always a pleasure, Lady Delaine. And yes, indeed.. I've naught else to take care of, I would be glad to tell you of it. I had hoped that you would be interested in joining me on the expedition. We shall speak of it later, though, in due time," the Hyur finished, adjusting a bit so as to lean slightly and bring his hands together atop his lap. Jancis Milburga gives Bruno a curious look, then smiles more brightly in the low light. "That is pretty clever. I did not think of that." Fiona Delaine: "Magnifique. Of course." Basile Feurieux nods to Fiona Delaine. You clap. Jancis Milburga: "And now the attunement." Hestia De'bayle: "Attunement?" Bruno Suvois had considered taking the seat beside Hestia, but he didn't want to crowd the pregnant lady. Of more concern, that's where the wyvern was hovering. He was scared of the wyvern. Jancis Milburga gestures to everyone, "If you would all focus upon the crystals above. We shall bring the reflection." Hestia De'bayle grows somewhat nervous at this, peering over Nogelle. Jancis Milburga: "Yes. We are going to light up the crystal with our strength." Fiona Delaine lifts her gaze to the crystals. The witch extends a hand, opening her senses to the flows of aether about her even as she focuses herself upon the crystal. Jacline Kerelle looks up at the crystal with a slow blink. Jancis Milburga gives Hestia an earnest look, "It will be the same as being around others." Aedida Aldricht turns her gaze upward. Bruno Suvois looks up curiously, feeling like he's in a completely foreign environment. Hestia De'bayle: "Ah, alright. Not... not then like an aetheryte attunement. Alright..." she nods, her voice going quiet as she simply closed her eyes. Basile Feurieux gazed upwardly, his eyes watching it as he waited patiently. Cinnabar Prentice lifts her eyes upward; spying ther center of attention... Jancis Milburga nods, "Not like that. This will be us. Our true selves." She closes her eyes, head up facing the crystal and slowly speaks to help with the focus. Bruno Suvois: "I've never really...tried to do anything with aether before. What do I do?" Jancis Milburga: "The wood of the floor and walls are of the Twelveswoods and land between, gifted. The wood of the altar and glass of the window of Ishgard. The bells that ring made by hands of this house. What and who we bring together. Who we bolster and bring strength to, like the polish and maintenance here." Jancis Milburga keeps the same tempo tone answering Bruno, "You do something with aether every sun. It is part of your living being. Focus on what you bring here and what you become. Think about how you are learning and becoming those dreams you spoke of." Fiona Delaine shuts her own eyes, slowly extending small threads of herself toward the crystal. She's *very careful* about it- only allowing small amounts of her true self to flow forth, enough as to be mostly imperceptible to those without great sensitivity. Still, she found the idea attractive. A way to join and mingle many sources in as one, a symbol of unity not seen in the north for a very long time. That is the fuel for what she impells outward. Hestia De'bayle furrows her brows, a certain focus coming over her. But something else lingered there on her expression, unreadable. Fiona Delaine >> Quietly, she doesn't want to let on her nature. But at the same time, the idea of mingling her innermost self with Man- the idea is exciting. Hopefully a sign, a symbol of what might be to come. Jancis Milburga: "The light that we bring with candles and windows into ourselves. The music we make that becomes all the more beautiful the more of us that come together. The music of weapon and shield, armor and bandage, strength and thought." Fiona Delaine: ".. and hope."
Jancis Milburga ||A soft hum starts to come over the room, encouraging more words to be added. Denz De'bayle 's hands clasped together, silently bowing his head. Though no words were added, his lips moved beneathi his arms. Bruno Suvois took a second to ponder the words, before he closes his eyes. He takes a deep breath, and lets his mind go to his past, to the road he traveled to be there, and to the road yet ahead of him. He starts to see the threads of his own fate, all of those 'what-ifs' he prefers to ignore. His true self flowed like a waterfall to the crystal, of the great heights he wants to reach, the great barriers he wants to shatter. Cinnabar Prentice sees fit to find furthrer comfort for the meditation... Left gauntlet eased off, just for sake of reaching over to take hold of the Ul'ezen's own. There, her eyes close, focus better channeled above and about with a little smile. "Aye... Hope. And love." Bruno Suvois: "So this is how to inspire others..." Hestia De'bayle opens her eyes, a serious sort of stare coming over her visage. She spoke no words. Uttered not a single sentence on the thoughts the crystal illuminated into her. Instead she merely returned her crimson gaze onto its shining holding. Basile Feurieux kept his eyes open for a good while, simply staring at the crystal as if he thought it would explode in his face. It was not long, however, until his eyes shut, the Hyur's mind flowing through diverse and complex thoughts, pondering the meaning as he sat there. With his head shifting to look down, he spoke out a single idea, "And faith," He simply said, his tone deep and quiet, the words gradual as he failed to say anything else. Fiona Delaine opens one eye, a soft smile on her lips, and whispers something under her breath. Jacline Kerelle: "And maybe a laugh if we try real hard!" Cinnabar Prentice laughs. Bruno Suvois laughs. Aedida Aldricht sighs, staring into the crystal mounted to the ceiling with an unreadable expression. At the mention of a laugh she huffs, lips quirking in  asmall smile. Fiona Delaine >> ".. hope. And faith. And unity. Kin of so many sorts bled, shed blood, spilled it, for this. Put sweat, tears, and hope all into it. May it be a mark of what once was and could be again- and beyond." >> Fiona Delaine: ||A reflection comes back, clearly for you alone, that your true self is the thoughts and cares you bring in and through that the rest will find a place to not feel alone. >> Hestia De'bayle: ||A thought comes back, that the concerns and responsibilities weaved in with thoughts are ever for the people around. There's a clear confidence that there's room for more than tending others. >> Bruno Suvois: ||A reflection comes back, making the path and obstacles ahead look conquerable and the hardships to them inviting. >> Cinnabar Prentice: ||A thought comes back of love. That love given is reflected back in many facets and ways. Already with a kinship beforehand, there's a confidence that love will come to others through such actions. Fiona Delaine shuts her eyes and actually smiles, one finger resting at her lower lip. She seems content, almost glowing with it. >> Jacline Kerelle: ||A thought comes back like the echoes of the laughter. That there will always be a need to lighten up all the dark places, through laughter. And that some eyes see things others cannot. You have great strength. >> Basile Feurieux: ||A reflection of that faith comes back, faith that actions have the best intentions, faith in others, faith in yourself. Faith that the example given will be returned and spread to others. The honor of faith. >> Denz De'bayle: ||A thought comes back. Reflecting back on past trials and hardships to ones that lie ahead. And something else beyond them. There will be a beyond. Bruno Suvois smiles, opening his eyes and glancing around the room, lingering a bit on Jancis, then Hestia, then Basile, then back up to the crystal. Cinnabar Prentice: "Mh... Hmm~..." >> Aedida Aldricht: ||A reflection of the laugh comes back. Something that in all joys and pains there is reason to laugh and see a special side to things. There is always hope. And there will always be reasons to find joy.
Bruno Suvois: "Faith, huh...?" Bruno said quietly. One of the many things he'd let glide over his head in life. He'd known folks who were faithful. Remembered their faces. Some turned out happy, others, not so much, so he'd never seen much difference in that outlet compared to something like gambling, or stealing that the other Brumelings had resorted to. Things Bruno knew he could do without. It wasn't until this moment that he considered changing that outlook. Aedida Aldricht smiles weakly. Jancis Milburga ||As the group focused, with uttered words and sparks of laughter, the hum grows into a soft cresendo before fading away, as if the ears got use to it, and the crystal brightens into a soft glow that fills the chamber. Hestia De'bayle purses her lips, a surprisingly complex countenance coming over her. Mostly confliction. Basile Feurieux having went rather quiet after his own addition, simply sat there in contemplation. As he heard the faint mumbling of the Lady at his left, Basile half-smiled, the gesture washing over his lips as he opened an eye to gaze over at Fiona, if not only for a moment. Closing his eyes once more, he spoke out again, "The honour of faith, a virtue honourable in-itself," He simply murmured, his fingers twitching within their own grasps as he pondered the feeling washing over him. Jancis Milburga blinks and opens her eyes, adjusting to the new light in the previously dark room. Jancis Milburga: "Thank you ever so much. Everyone." Jacline Kerelle motions joyfully to you. Bruno Suvois: "That was...wow. Something else! Glad I made it in time for that!" Jancis Milburga raises her hands up and looks everywhere then laughs happily. "It worked." Fiona Delaine: "It's beautiful, isn't it?" Fiona said, with a smile. "Peace and- togetherness. There's so much possibility in here. I'm- so- glad to have had chance to be part of this." Hestia De'bayle: "Mm. Thank you for your hard work in this. Jancis. All of you," Hestia nods once. Basile Feurieux opened his eyes promptly, looking to Jancis as he smiled. "A powerful experience, if there ever was one. Well done, Jancis." Your eyes grow wide with awe upon seeing Basile Feurieux. Basile Feurieux agrees wholeheartedly with you. Jancis Milburga: "I! I am happy to! And you are always welcome here! We all are. The crystal will stay bright as long as it is not left alone." Hestia De'bayle: "Then its light shall never fade." Jancis Milburga gives Hestia a warm smile. Fiona Delaine: "Marvelleaux." Jancis Milburga: "Lord Bruno has found candles should anyone need a a place to focus, and there is music. And we shall have celebrations. I. Am I forgetting anything?" Jancis Milburga looks thoughtful. "And I will always be close at hand to assist and help." Jancis Milburga leans to Denz and practically stage-whipsers, "I think that is it." Jacline Kerelle claps for you. Denz De'bayle opens his eyes after several minutes of silence, looking upwards at the shining crystal quietly, eyes locked on and hardened to them with a strange resolve, before flinching out of his reverie and down to Jancis. "H-hm?!" Denz De'bayle clears his throat. "Did you want me to bring some bread in her, my love? Or is it wrong to eat in here? Many chapels offer the opportunity to break bread after sermons." Fiona Delaine softly laughs. Hestia De'bayle: "I would recommend against food in here." Jancis Milburga: "That is perfect! Let us break bread downstairs, then." You motion joyfully to Denz De'bayle. Jancis Milburga: That is the event! Welcome to keep mingling if you want! Thank you all so much in an OoC way. I didn't want a room to *poof* appear and the adventure was fun for me.)) Fiona Delaine: (( Was a lovely time being a part of it! )) Denz De'bayle flourishes an arm out, cheekily ignoring Hestia's attempt to prevent bread in the most holiest of places. "Very well! To the bakery then." He would briskly walk up to the door, opening it up for anyone else to walk in. Jacline Kerelle: (( Fun to play along and watch it all unfold, too! You dun good! Basile Feurieux: Thank you for it! )) Hestia De'bayle brings a hand down to the pew, pushing herself up awkwardly.
Bruno Suvois: ((Fantastic! Sad that I missed so much of it. Denz De'bayle walk out*)) Hestia De'bayle: "Mm. I think I may stay behind, actually." Cinnabar Prentice: (Hear hear! It was a fun arc. and a lovely, meaningful conclusion in this room's culmination.) Jancis Milburga: I'll try to do arcs inbetween the ones others do. Can't build a room for all of them, but other rewards.)) Bruno Suvois: ((I vote for having the next arc being about someone trying to steal the de Bayle secret recipe)) Hestia De'bayle: ((It does exist)) Jacline Kerelle: (( The juicy bread recipe? Denz De'bayle: ((SPEAK NOT OF SUCH HERESY!)) Hestia De'bayle: ((It would be a violent mission)) Cinnabar Prentice: (Where is this juicy bread meme coming from?!)
Jancis Milburga: Let's try to think of like a stuffed bread bun or something like a bau Jacline Kerelle: (( We just invented it, right here in this room! Basile Feurieux promptly stood, looking to Fiona. "To business, then, My Lady Delaine?"
Denz De'bayle: ((Dark knight Denz 2.0 is fuel by the burning vengance of getting back his recipe.)) Hestia De'bayle: ((I believe it)) Fiona Delaine: "I daresay so, my lord." Basile Feurieux bows courteously to you. Denz De'bayle 's eyes pass over Basile and the unfamiliar woman he'd yet to meet. Fiona Delaine: "Until next, mes amis." Denz De'bayle: Sir Feurieux... My lady. Basile Feurieux: "If you would excuse me, Ser Denz," He half-smirked. Jancis Milburga: "Please watch your step." Fiona Delaine: "Mon Ser." Fiona curtseys. You smile at Bruno Suvois. Bruno Suvois: "That was awesome!" Jancis Milburga: "Yes! I was very awestruck too once I understood what was happening." Bruno Suvois: "Where'd that crystal come from?" Hestia De'bayle moved over to carefully kneel on the prayer mat. Careful of her protruding abdomen, Hestia clasped her hands before her and bowed her head. Jancis Milburga: "Were you able to concentrate? We found it in a cave that the rain had washed out around a large petrified trunk that had been encased in amber! That was a wonder in of itself, but it must have shielded this crystal from other hardships for. For. Only Althyk knows for how long!" Jancis Milburga motions a bit westward, "There are others about the land. It is a rarely used practice with these crystals." Bruno Suvois: "That's /awesome!/ I wish I could have been there. Oh, concentrate? Yeah! I mean, I think so..." Bruno Suvois: "Like I said, never done this before, so I ain't got a point of reference, really." Jancis Milburga I posted the other "Examine" spots of the room in the discord final fantasy channel if anyone needs)) Jancis Milburga asks, "Would you like to continue doing this? I think Captain Alleria or myself could assist." Basile Feurieux looked to Ser Denz, before looking back to Fiona. "Have you yet been acquainted with Lady Delaine? She proves one of the most well-kept, impressive, and astute nobles I hath ever met." Basile nodded, gesturing as he looked back with a nod. Bruno Suvois: "You kidding me? I'd love to! On top of hearing more of your sermons, I hope. I want to hear and learn everything that there is to learn!" Fiona Delaine: "Ahah- ser Basile, so effusive in your praise, I daresay I'll get big-headed o'er long." Fiona actually pouts before turning again to Denz.
Jancis Milburga looks up at Bruno with shining eyes, "Are you close to Thaliak? Yes of course. I. You like my sermons? I. I would be honored to! Happy to! Privledged!" Jancis Milburga: "And celebrations! Of strength and cunning! Balance and. And many other skills." Cinnabar Prentice looks to Jacline with an expression of calm. Perhaps fleeting for the roe's fickle state of perception and self, but there it is all the same. She gibes the elezen a gentle nudge, squeezing that hand she holds. "Mh." Bruno Suvois: "Thaliak? That's one of the twelve, ain't it?" Basile Feurieux chuckled lightly, shaking his head. "Should the day arise, you can call assuredly me out on my false verbose," Basile dared to say, beginning to turn back once again to Denz. Jacline Kerelle beams at Cinnabar Prentice. Jancis Milburga: "Yes, yes! The Scholar. Ruler of rivers and wisdom. Carrier of knowledge." You smile at Alleria Surlaint. Bruno Suvois: "Right, gotcha! Sorry, I kind of turned my head away from religion for a long time, so I've got next to no knowledge. You're going to have your work cut out with me!" Denz De'bayle turns to look at the woman, smiling politly while he continues to hold the door. "I have not. Denz De'bayle at your service, Lady Delaine. If she impresses -you-, Lord Basile, she must be of truly virtous mettle." Denz De'bayle: I've found that Feurieux is something of an... acquired taste to be around. Denz De'bayle grins tauntingly at Basile Feurieux. Fiona Delaine: "Hah. You're kind to say, ser Denz." The witch curtseys. "And I find him most agreeable, I'll say." Jancis Milburga sways with shaking her head. "I will share whatever you wish. And this, too. That ideas and faith are given names, but the core of it is it is you." Basile Feurieux shrugged lightly at the idea, yet half-smirking as he stayed quiet to judge Fiona's reaction. When she spoke, his expression broadened as he looked to Fiona. "And I am glad to hear of it, Lady Delaine." He simply said, turning back to see if Denz would say anything else. Bruno Suvois: "Hah, that's a belief I can get behind. Trust me, I've got plenty of experience with believing in myself." Cinnabar Prentice: "... So... Juicy bread?" she reiterates. Clearly, this has been a question recently festering- if burried momentarily. You beam with delight at Bruno Suvois. Jacline Kerelle: "Must have a lotta fruit in it, I guess?" Denz De'bayle gestures out into the room. Denz De'bayle: Well, should either of you need me, you will know where to find me." Denz De'bayle nods to Fiona Delaine. Denz De'bayle nods to Basile Feurieux. Fiona Delaine: "Of course- marvellaux. Until then~." Jacline Kerelle stands up and tugs Cinnabar by the hand. "C'mon! Lets go poke around the bakery, see if they started makin' it yet!" Cinnabar Prentice: "Aye... I, imagine a... A sweet roll. Cinnamon, sweet roll... Mashed with care, into a cup... and turned over, upon a plate... Mayhap with, raisin. Or rolanberry, to top- o-oh?" Basile Feurieux bows courteously to Denz De'bayle. Basile Feurieux: "Good day, Ser Denz. I shall keep it in mind, as always." Jancis Milburga asks Bruno, "How has your other training gone? I can trade the training if you wanted help in the garden. I know your time is precious." Cinnabar Prentice nods, smiling to Jacline; rising with her gauntlet in the other's grasp; Jacline retained in the other. "Mh! I'm... A mite hungry from, this ceremony. Is, that normal, I wonder?" She shrugs gently. No real concern to dwell upon. Fiona Delaine waggles her fingers to Denz and follows Basile out. Denz De'bayle bows courteously to Fiona Delaine. Denz De'bayle nods to Cinnabar Prentice. Cinnabar Prentice , before leaving, effects a courteous bow to the congregation as a whole! You bid farewell to Cinnabar Prentice.
Bruno Suvois: "Going well! Still just getting used to wearing armor, for the most part. Then combat stuff should start up soon. Nothing too overwhelming. I can handle it!" Bruno Suvois: "I wouldn't ask you to do anything you don't want to." Jancis Milburga slumps dramatically, "Armor is very difficult to wear. Denz told me the best way to get use to it is to walk around. I have not done it in Moons, but afterwards my arms would be so limp." Jancis Milburga: "I would not agree to something I would not want to do." Bruno Suvois: "Denz is the one who got me started on it!" >> Denz De'bayle: I was trying to usher people. But at least RPing by the door worked?)) Denz De'bayle takes a seat, silently listening to the conversation nearby. He perked up at the sound of his name. "Hm?" Denz De'bayle >> Haha, it's all good!)) Bruno Suvois: "Speaking of, hey there man." Jancis Milburga: "Did you give Lord Bruno that suit of armor?" Denz De'bayle: I gave him a trainee's regalia to learn out to fight while wearing it. Has Sir Basile been able to teach you anymore about combat? Jancis Milburga glances about the chapel, watching Alleria quiet in her own contemplations, before welcoming Zike. Bruno Suvois: "Not yet. He's getting his own affairs in order. I ain't about to rush him. I might ask Alleria or Vilette about training me a bit in the meantime." Jancis Milburga lifts her arms, "Lord Zike! Welcome! Wait. Apologies." She pauses, "Ser Zike Lancean, welcome. Look. The wood we retrieved." She motions to the altar behind her. Jancis Milburga steps closer and then urges him to look up, "And the crystal we repaired." Zike Lancean gave a small bow upon coming forward before looking around. "Interesting. Quite the lovely little place. I'm afraid a lot of its meaning is lost upon me, but my compliments to the regal decor." Denz De'bayle: Vilette? Denz De'bayle: Laady Laurent? You know her? Jancis Milburga: "I tried to give it a lot of thought and signifigance." Bruno Suvois: "Sure do! Met her briefly a bit in the past. Actually, Dame de Bayle just hired her into her house the other day." Denz De'bayle blinked in surprise. "Really?" Bruno Suvois: "Yeah! Caught me off guard too." Zike Lancean: "I'm sorry I'm such a poor audience for it. I don't particularly understand the signifigance, but I do understand hard work. And I see it took lots of hard work to make this happen." at that, he looked down to his side. "Oh, I suppose I shouldn't bring my arms into a sanctuary." Hestia De'bayle eventually pushes herself up off the prayer bench, stepping down and moving over toward where she heard folks talking. "Indeed, I did. She is our House's newest instructor in combat." Denz De'bayle crosses his arms in thought. "That is heartening to hear. From what little we've spoken, she seemed a fine woman. It is good to see that others can step up to lead where positions have been... open." Bruno Suvois: "Hopefully she can show me a thing or two about using a two-hander. I've pretty much got my mind set on wielding one of those bad boys." Hestia De'bayle: "Most certainly. Changes to the House's order has been made. Instructors are now chosen by merit and not rank. She was a perfect choice, you should give her book a read some time. It is within our library. She will offer our men and women the proper training they need." Jancis Milburga shakes her head, "I believe your intentions here are clear. And also this place only the most strong of will could raise a weapon. You were part of that hard work." Bruno Suvois: "Oh, that reminds me, ma'am..." Hestia De'bayle: "Yes, Suvois?" Jancis Milburga motions up to the crystal and around the room, trying to give Zike some more insight on it. Denz De'bayle: It is always good to revisit the basic, lest we make little mistakes. Bruno Suvois: "...I gotta learn how to read somehow." Bruno Suvois: "You know any good tutors?"
>> Zike Lancean: "The crystals afixed within it are called kindled crystals. Originally, the maker of this was trying to make an device to be like the echo. This, instead, became a mirror into the soul. Like a soul stone, instead of preserving old memories, reflecting back your own. Complete, without blurring the details, to see the whole picture again and sort out feelings and emotions. The first to use these attune them to focus on the Twelve." >> Zike Lancean: "And in that practice, the crystals now bring about direction from within to help with prayer and meditation. The strength of your own emotions and thoughts are what kindle them. And only the most strong-willed can bring their arms up in violence in their presence. Or those who have become attuned." Hestia De'bayle: "Of course. Our House can offer you the means to learn. I can see that a tutor is brought in immediately," Hestia brings a hand to her chin, "perhaps I should see to the building of a study. Ah... so much to do. From the Abalathian reconstruction project to the Veterans support committee." >> Zike Lancean: It's not a secret, it's just a repeat of what was earlier. //)) Bruno Suvois: "I'm happy to help out wherever you need it! Though, with all this going on, my time is starting to get a little more strict. Barely any downtime between my duties and my praciticing as it is. If I'm going to start hitting the books, thing will get tricky." Zike Lancean: "Well I'm glad I could help make it happen. At least my sword can help bring about something of this beauty." Denz De'bayle lets out a breath through his nose as Hestia lists off the associates, looking forward back towards the stained glass silently in reflection. Bruno Suvois: "I'd hate for the quality of my work to suffer though..." Jancis Milburga smiles, "Not completely done. The crystal stays bright because people are here. Your presence is ever bringing." Hestia De'bayle: "I shall see to the building of a study so that you might get a tutor there to help you learn. Our House can afford it," she nods. "It is best the future of our House is literate. If you wish to help in any of our current projects, you are more than welcome to. We are currently in the works on helping to rebuild villages in Abalathia, Aedida's home. Once the stage is ready to begin transporting people there, I shall make it more public." Jancis Milburga: "I know war is practiced to maintain peace. Halone willing, this place will not have to be defended. But it could be." Bruno Suvois: "Oh yeah? Guess I should talk to her about helping with that, huh?" Bruno Suvois: "Well, you know me! Best skill I've got under my belt right now is heavy lifting. Never actually /built/ anything before though. Sounds fun!" Jancis Milburga gasps randomly! Denz De'bayle: Jancis? Hestia De'bayle: "If you so wish to, her and I are both leads on the project itself. As it currently stands though, it is not yet open to public assistance. We shall let you know though,"s he nods. "We certainly could use that, Suvois. As for the Dragonsong Veteran Committee, I am putting the final touches on that. I look forward to being able to offer a sanctuary for people to come here..." she gasps slightly, "oh my, this might just be the perfect room to hold such. If Jancis would not mind, of course." Zike Lancean took a deep breath, and looked around him at the crystals. "Well that's my eternal duty, to defend the estate and honor of this house." Hestia De'bayle: "It would be perfect to help mend the mind." Jancis Milburga makes a grab for Zike's hand with both of hers. Jancis Milburga: "Come with me, please!" Zike Lancean opened his eyes wide, shocked and confused. "Oh, of course, whatever you need." Jancis Milburga smiles and walks backwards. Jancis Milburga tries to give Zike's hand to Denz. "This is Denz!" You smile at Denz De'bayle. Denz De'bayle: Sir Lancean. 'Tis been some time since last we met. Jancis Milburga: "Denz Love, this is L- Ser. Oh" Bruno Suvois: "Hey, there's an idea! The empathy that a place like this can provide to people like them...It'd definitely help." Bruno Suvois: "Good thinking!"
Zike Lancean looked back and forth between Jancis and Denz. "I can see that. Thank you very much for fulfilling that promise to me. Lord Denz, my apologies. I had expressed that I wished to meet you in person. Since I had never actually gotten the opportunity." Hestia De'bayle: "I will ask Jancis about it later, I would not wish to intrude with a gathering here. But it seems the perfect occassion." Bruno Suvois: "Lucius would probably have a breakdown if he set foot in here..." Bruno Suvois was wearing a mischevious smirk. Denz De'bayle: This is true, as we've but only seen each other from a distance, like two lovers never m- Denz De'bayle clears his throat. "Bad analogy." Hestia De'bayle: "Perhaps it would better him for it. A break down is often needed to find yourself again." Bruno Suvois: "Yeah...I'll leave it at that, since I still barely know the guy. I'm hoping to change that at some point, but he only seems to come out to the light of day whenever there's a gathering or event going on." Jancis Milburga regards Denz a moment before looking thoughtfully at the candles. Zike Lancean cracked a smile. "Quite so, but an amusing one. I had expressed my interest to meet you, since I wanted to get a feel for what my commander was like. Sure we did drills together, but little more." Bruno Suvois: "Or maybe I'm just too busy for my own good." Hestia De'bayle shakes her head. "He is an exclusive man. He keeps to himself and his own mostly. I have a promise to him, for his efforts in proctoring my Drachen Trials, that I would help to acclimate him into Eorzean society better. Soon, I hope." Bruno Suvois: "Well, if that's what he agreed to, then he's got to learn that he needs to accept the bad with the good. And in his eyes, I'm the bad." Hestia De'bayle: "Worry not, Suvois," Hestia raises a gentle hand. "It must be understood that while his prejudice is wrong, as all is, it is deeply engrained within him. It takes patience, and understanding, to talk one out of their inherently wrong beliefs. But in time, I believe he too can see, the good this star has to offer." Jancis Milburga checks in on the others at a respectful distance. Bruno Suvois: "Hey, I get it. I ain't going to fault a man for being a product of his upbringing, or whatever. Ever since you talked to me about him before, I've seen that I'm better off helping his situation rather than just insulting him." Denz De'bayle: "Commander"! Why, I'm hardly the commander of much these days. But I will continue to be try and be worthy of that title, and the people this house has brought together. Bruno Suvois: "But, I've never tried to help an emotionally conflicted highborn before, so gods know what'll happen." Hestia De'bayle nods, peering over toward Denz a moment with an unreadable expression before turning toward Jancis and approaching. "Jancis. You were in coversation before and I had not wished to interrupt. I have the works of a Veteran Support Committee, and wished to recieve your blessing in allowing their meetings be here within the newly built sanctuary." Zike Lancean cocked his head to the side. "Well you commanded us against the imperial troops, and fought off a whole host of them yourself. I figured such a commander was important enough to get to know, and hopefully challenge to a sparring match." Bruno Suvois gives a short nod to Hestia as he's wordlessly dismissed. He glances to the side. Suddenly being the odd man out, he turns to look at the other parts of the room. Denz De'bayle ran a gloved hand along the back of his neck, brought back to the moments Zike spoke of. A few idle blinks passed before he looked back up at him. "It has been some time." He repeats again. "But I would not deny a request from one of our own. Tomorrow, then?" Jancis Milburga perks up, "I would be glad to have them here! Very much so! And if it helps they are welcome inbetween those. Or if they want to keep some food I can clean up." She bobs her head a bit, "I really like the downstairs, more, in truth, but it would be more important to have a comfortable committee and we can move the benches as needed." Hestia De'bayle: "The idea of it is to speak to one another. Speak of their past. Their trauma's. Find peace again, if ever. If you would prefer it be downstairs, I can have it be there instead. I have spoken to Sir Ghalleon on being the speaker of it." You disagree vehemently with Hestia De'bayle. Zike Lancean nodded eagerly. "It would be an honor, my lord. My steel shall be ready. I understand that you must be quite busy. But I do hope you'll be able to join our ranks when we hunt down the tempered adventurers with the 4th flames regiment. We were a tad short on officers last time."
Jancis Milburga: "Forgive me, I mean if they wish to have food here, too. I do not mind. Yes, yes I would be happy to host them here." Hestia De'bayle: "I will ensure then that it is cleaned properly. I would not dare make such a mess here." Jancis Milburga nods, still smiling. "Pray let me know if Ghalleon needs anything specific and I will make it so." Jancis Milburga: "I was at his bonding. He is a very skilled orator." Denz De'bayle: Yes, I heard about that business. I must needs speak with Hestia and Alliance leaders to see if my presence is required. Hestia De'bayle: "I shall inform him once I see the meetings officially starting," the woman nods to Jancis, "I felt he fit the role of a speaker perfectly. Along with his connection to Ishgard and his own trauma's." Zike Lancean raised an eyebrow, curious, almost dissapointed for a moment before returning to his stoicism. "Yes of course. Though I would think we could use every man we could get. It looks to be some nasty business my lord. And we don't want the flames to show us up now do we? Best to prove the might of Ishgard hand over fist." Jancis Milburga looks thoughtful, "I have a very limited view of him, mostly seeing him in joy. He is the main reason we found this altar." She adds, "I wonder if there will be enough room for everyone. The whole city is a veteran to different degrees." Hestia De'bayle: "Most certainly. I shall be sure to recieve a head count prior. If it proves too many, I will have it be in the bakery instead. Such is not the room to crowd. The people would not be able to truly enjoy the atmosphere for what it is." Denz De'bayle: The forces already met for some sort of gathering not too long ago, aye? Were you there for that, Sir Lancean? Jancis Milburga: "Very true. Spinner's Sake, it will work." Zike Lancean: "We met to track down the wearabouts of a group of rogue tempered adventurers, yes my lord. I was the man responsible for determining their exact strength and location." Denz De'bayle: Were such measurements attained? Jancis Milburga reaches out, "And I am so happy you asked." Zike Lancean: "Measurements of what, my lord?" Hestia De'bayle: "I am most enthusiastic. I am sure they could use your calming presence as well, when the time comes. If you wished to be there to meet with them. It might be difficult for them to talk to one another... speaking on the past is hard..." Hestia blinks as Jancis reached out, moving to offer her out her hands. Denz De'bayle: Their strength. Jancis Milburga squeezes Hestia's hands, practially hugging them for a moment as she focused on nothing, smiling softly. She clears her vision and looks at Hestia again before letting the hands go. "I will do my best to be here. It will be easier to speak once it is realized how much is shared. How." She takes a slow breath, "How common it is." Hestia De'bayle nods. "Indeed. I hope we can offer them peace in time. It will be a slow process, but all things worth it are." Zike Lancean: "Well, yes, of course my lord. The enemy is several dozen strong, though exact numbers are unknown. They've enough of them to pilot and crew an airship of considerable size, as well as threaten the local peaceful Vanu tribe." Jancis Milburga: "Fury knows it comes with a great price." Hestia De'bayle nods, reaching a slow hand to pat the woman's arm gently. "I am glad this room is here now. I will spend many bells lingering. You may get tired of my presence." Denz De'bayle: Aye, they were found up in the Sea of Clouds. Any clues as to why? If they are tempered, to which primal? Denz De'bayle: There was one who resides in the Sea of Clouds. Flying whale... Biscuit? Bunion? Denz De'bayle gazes upon Zike Lancean in deep reflection. Jancis Milburga laughs quickly, almost flustered and surprised how raw the laugh came. She reaches out and leans in to hug Hestia. "I cannot see how. You are ever welcome." Hestia De'bayle offers something of an awkward hug back. Her engorged abdomen not making it particularly easy. "Ahh... thank you. It will bring me solace. I shall leave you be for now, do take care," she smiles faintly, taking a step away and turning back. "Hmm? You all speak of the most recent Fourth Brigade excursion?" Zike Lancean: "Bismark, my lord. And they were tempered by ifrit, having come from thanalan with the flames in the first place. They came to the sea of clouds on a mission with a flames regiment, but never returned. All that was in the briefing though, my lord." Zike Lancean: "And yes Baroness, I was just making conversation about it." Denz De'bayle: Hm, I see...
Denz De'bayle gazes upon Zike Lancean in deep reflection. Hestia De'bayle gestures out a hand. "Of course. Ser Denz has not be present much as of late, dealing with personal affairs. As such, he has not been debriefed on the current situation being assisted with. We would most certainly appreciate his efforts alongside the knights. As our current Field Commander, I can better brief him on the situation later if he so wishes to offer his aid. As it currently stands, I am allow for Commander Aideron to make his call. It is afterall, an issue of the Flame's that we- Hestia De'bayle: are offering our aid in." Denz De'bayle: Though technically one we have some leverage in, given the location of this danger. Zike Lancean bowed his head, and took a step backwards. "Of course, Baroness. My apologies for overstepping my bounds." Denz De'bayle: Ishgard may not have high claims to the Sea of Clouds, but it is Ishgard land nonetheless. Denz De'bayle: No apologies needed, you spoke your mind and your concerns. Denz De'bayle disagrees with Zike Lancean.
Hestia De'bayle: "And please, Dame de Bayle will suffice over Baroness. I worked far more for that position than of the right to be born," she peers down toward Denz. "Indeed, as Denz says. And this has been made aware to the Flames. I offered them geographical assistance in traversing the location and the Rosehouse too, offered their hand. As it is Haillenarte post." Hestia De'bayle: "I appreciate your enthusiasm, Ser Lancean. People like yourself, are what make House de Bayle great."
||The smell of wood oil and a familiar almost musk of the chocobo forest is, for the time being, obvious in this new construction. The floors are unlike the marble of the main hall, a softer sound when stepping across.
||The organ is refurbished, new piping showing through the piece into the box behind it. Some of the copper of the decorative top has been left in the distress and patina without polish. The hanging drapes try to mimic the color over the entrance.
||This corner has a raised prayer pillow and candles to light and as of yet no wax has built up on the candleholders. Perhaps with time.
||This altar is a gray wood, waxed to keep it from anymore decay. Even without a lot of knowledge in botany, this piece has a lot of rings and must have been very old. The design in its side is hand-carved, almost exact but minor deviations to go with the flow of knots or other blemishes the wood had, and smoothed to a fine finish.
||The crystal suspended above is large and blue, seeming to shimmer with light, and has a soft serene presence. Other smaller crystals are also set around it up to the truesilver disk attached to the ceiling with twelve elemental shards embedded in its surface.
||The paintings you've seen at least some of before, hand-painted replicas of some of the points the Twelves stones or other monuments across Eorzea.
||The stained glass is old and thick with rich colors, definitely something from Ishgard. The designs in it are close to snow coming into grass and regrowth.
Fiona Delaine Hestia De'bayle Aedida Aldricht Jacline Kerelle Alleria Surlaint Denz De'bayle Cinnabar Prentice Bruno Suvois Basile Feurieux Jancis Milburga Zike Lancean
August 28 2018
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jancisstuff · 6 years
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Finding Guillemont - Breaching the Black Mantle
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Finding Guillemont - Teleporting
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