#Basile Feurieux
jancisstuff · 5 years
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Joust & Maelstrom Affairs - March 18 2019
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for-gold-and-glory · 5 years
Weekly Events for April 8th to April 14th
Here are some events G&G Members will be involved in during the week. Or just events that I think are really cool and you should definitely go to. If you’re interested in joining these events just show up or send a message to Aegir or Lirilith Maellan. Or join our discord: https://discord.gg/dCRSWTx ————— Event Status Guide: * Open, come join us = anyone who reads this is welcome to come join the RP! * Open, please check the link = used for fun events run by other people, its an open event, but check the link to see if there are any special instructions * Semi-Open = anyone who reads this can still join the RP, but contact the GM first so they can introduce you to the plot * Open to “X” = open to anyone who plays a character that fits “X” (usually Garleans), new members and alt friendly * Closed = rarely seen, but used sometimes if the event is not accepting new members, usually for plot reasons ————–
Monday - Twin Adders RP - Raging Tortoise @ 7:00pm EST - Lavender Beds  W18, Lily Hills Apt #80 Monday - The Grand Tilt of Coerthas - Jousting Tournament - 9:00pm EST - Camp Dragonhead Tuesday - Garlean Weekly: Welcome to STELLA, a whole New World @ 8:00pm EST - Castrum Aquilonis Wednesday -  Severance - Finding the Way @ 9:30pm EST - Namai, Yanxia Thursday -  Sultana’s Breath Shopping Arcade - @ 8:00pm EST - 11:00pm EST - Goblet W18, Sultana’s Breath Subdivision Friday - Aces Wild Pt 2 @ 9:00pm EST - Dimwold, the Fringes Saturday - The Blacklist:  Back Into the Field @ 8:00pm EST - Castrum Aquilonis Sunday - Sins of the Mother: Chapter 4 @ 3:00pm EST - Coerthas Western Highlands Sunday - Twin Adders - Spriggan Madness @ 6:00pm EST - Lavender Beds W10 Lily Hills Apt 80 Sunday - LIRI AND NEROKI’S WEDDING Y/N??? 
Monday - Twin Adders RP - Raging Tortoise @ 7:00pm EST - Lavender Beds  W18, Lily Hills Apt #80 - The wood wailers have requested assistance, in dealing with a large Adamantoise that is causing issue upon the road to the city from Ul'dah. The trade must flow, and as such, this beastie has to go! Status: Open to not just the Twin Adders! Talk to Aedwen for more info Type: Investigation GM: Aedwen Tyrer Monday - The Grand Tilt of Coerthas - Jousting Tournament - 9:00pm EST - Camp Dragonhead http://tuftananke.tumblr.com/post/175483077178/housedebayle-the-grand-tilt-of-coerthas - Presented by the venerable House De'bayle and hosted by Ser Basile Feurieux, and their Knights in Camp Dragonhead, the Grand Tilt proves to be a glorious event involving all manners of Ishgardian culture. Lords, Ladies, Squires, and Men-at-Arms all flock to the tilt in order to win glory for one’s heraldry, acquire the favor of a Lady or Lord, to witness illustrious spectacle beyond belief, or to practice mounted combat in a vicious trial by fire Status: Open RP, please check link for rules! Type: Tournament GM: House de’Bayle Tuesday - Garlean Weekly: Welcome to STELLA, A Whole New World @ 8:00pm EST - Castrum Aquilonis https://fustuarium.tumblr.com/post/183859729126/fustuarium-hello-loyal-imperial - STELLA’s first official mission finds the imperials and their allies catching a transport to the New World! An imperial colony has gone dark, seemingly vanishing into the mist. The locals warn that there is a curse placed upon the land, one that has permeated the region for generations. Does the Empire have the know-how and the resources to solve this century old mystery, or will they be the next thing swallowed up by the Dreamer.  Status: Open to imperial characters and imperial allies, new members welcome! Type: Investigation/Adventure GM: Aegir
Wednesday -  Severance - Finding the Way @ 9:30pm EST - Namai, Yanxia - Even after the last outing with Kazumi showed her to be somewhat less than stable (and turned up a terribly defiled Yanxian temple), it seems that she's not daunted in her quest. Now she's headed for the recently-opened Swallow's Compass, inadvertently following the footsteps of far more qualified adventurers in her efforts to acquire King Ganen's incensory, supposedly the means by which she can open the path to her 'inheritance'. While some might be coming along for the koban, others seem intending on following her to make sure she doesn't cause any more problems in her hunt.  Status: Open to both adventurers/easterns and Garleans! (DUN DUN DUNNNN) Type: Adventure/Action GM: Fuyu no Miyuki Thursday -  Sultana’s Breath Shopping Arcade - @ 8:00pm EST - 11:00pm EST - Goblet W18, Sultana’s Breath Subdivision http://for-gold-and-glory.tumblr.com/post/184047746845/balmung-sultanas-breath-shopping-arcade-monthly Beat the heat with indoor one-stop shopping experience. Merchants have gathered from all over to offer their goods, meals, and services to you! The Sultana’s Breath Shopping Arcade is a market event held in the Sultana’s Breath Subdivisions of Goblet Ward 18. Look for apartments listed with [shop] in their name and come browse our wares! All shop owners are encouraged to be open during the monthly sales event - but be sure to ask about their other operating hours! Status: Open RP, please join us Type: Market GM: Aegir
Friday - Aces Wild Stage 2 @ 9:00pm EST - Dimwold, the Fringes http://for-gold-and-glory.tumblr.com/post/184063369245/balmung-levinblood-aces-wild-stage-2-friday One assassin down and an entire pilgrimage ahead of them. The Levinblood continue south to a site known as the Swamp Temple. But growling the water around the rickety and shaking bridges is a beast that doesn’t belong there. How did this foul and pathetic creature become an assassin for hire for Black Fist? How long can you hold your breath? Status: Open RP, please join us! Type: Action GM: Aegir
Saturday - The Blacklist: Back Into the Field @ 8:00 PM EST - Castrum Aquilonis -  With S.T.E.L.L.A. officially launching its operations, the infamous Blacklisted handed unto the IIIrd by Marcus sas Hadrianus has been incorporated into the organization's files. There's no time like the present, and with yet many names of interest on the list, it is time to take on yet another target...  Status: Open to S.T.E.L.L.A. and IIIrd Legion! Type: Action GM: Rafailleur Sangmarche Sunday - Sins of the Mother: Chapter 4 @ 3:00pm EST - Coerthas Western Highlands - The ruins of the Ancients lead straight to the gates of Lehko Bhoka’s fortress. Foul rituals are being performed inside as their enemy fortifies his army with Demons. As they get closer, the Weapons of Light begin to stir. As does the Dark Essence with Calix. The final confrontation is approaching. Will they be able to stop him in time? Or will they fail like the ones who came before them? Status: Semi-Closed, message Aegir for more info Type: Action/Adventure GM: Aegir Sunday - Twin Adders - Spriggan Madness @ 6:00pm EST - Lavender Beds W10 Lily Hills Apt 80 http://for-gold-and-glory.tumblr.com/post/183455899820/do-your-part-for-gridania -  Emboldened by last years hatching tides, a mob of unruly spriggan have wandered up to 'take part' in the festivities... Unfortunately, they do not know the name of the game so to speak, and are causing damage and scaring tourists! A few in particular, have slipped past the wood wailers, and made their way for the city. We're being requested as last minute assistance to help deal with the issue!
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housedebayle · 6 years
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The Grand Tilt of Coerthas - Jousting Tournament 
@housedebayle  ● The House de Bayle of Fortemps
@legacy398 ● Basile Feurieux - Vassal and Knight, Lord of House Feurieux
[Start Date: 6/18/2018 - 9:00 PM ET   ●  Hosted Bi-Weekly Every Monday]
Presented by the venerable House de Bayle and hosted by Ser Basile Feurieux, and their Knights in Camp Dragonhead, the Grand Tilt proves to be a glorious event involving all manners of Ishgardian culture. Lords, Ladies, Squires, and Men-at-Arms all flock to the tilt in order to win glory for one’s heraldry, acquire the favor of a Lady or Lord, to witness illustrious spectacle beyond belief, or to practice mounted combat in a vicious trial by fire. The resonance of lance attacking lance echoes throughout the camp, providing an atmosphere hardly found anywhere in Eorzea. Witness then, the true pinnacle of Ishgardian fighting technique and a mixture of fanciful, but gritty vibrance. All are welcome, whether an imposing Viscount or an austere citizen. Warriors and cavalrymen from all over are yet encouraged to sign up in order to prove their prowess on the sturdy back of a Chocobo. Step forward now, aspirants who seek valour and glory, to manifest and prove your strength as Halone’s victor.
All contestants shall be called forward to line up in front of the host. The lists will then follow in announcement, along with the first set of tilting combatants. Then, upon the designated time, contestants of the Joust should ready their Chocobos with protective bardings. Spectators shall be placed on the side of the field. The “field” consists of a two lanes sectioned off by a fence in which opponents will charge at each other from opposite sides.  Both participants shall ride towards each other and pause to roll and then proceed to the other side. When reaching the other side, the combatants shall return to their place, which proves designated by the bannerman or squire.
Requirements to participate:
All participants should be armored with a strapped, closed helm, have enclosed gauntlets and breastplates, and a shouldered shield of some sort.
Each contestant’s three allotted lances must be at the length of ten fulms and should have a blunted, metal tip.
All contestants should be in healthy physical shape and have no injuries that would hinder their ability to joust fairly.
The criteria for winning will then consist of  the following rules:
Whoever first scores three points or unhorses their opponent shall be the winner of their bracket.
At the beginning of each match, the Chronicler of the Joust will explain the identities of both combatants while they prepare. When both combatants have emoted being prepared, the announcer will declare the charge.
In order to gain a point, you must break your lance on the other opponent. Rolls will dictate whether this happens or not and opponents should emote accordingly after they have proceeded to the other side
1-400 is a miss or a hit without breaking your lance.
401-600 is a lance break.
601-849 is a staggering lance break, which staggers their opponent and nullifies their attack (Unless they have rolled an unhorse on you).
850+ from the opponent is an unhorse.
At the moment both participants connect and roll, the announcer will decide and yell out to the audience what the outcome is.
When both jousters proceed past each other, they will round around the opposite side back towards their designated side and retrieve another lance.
Should both jousters score the same category, whoever rolls the highest will be considered the winner and will have hit first. If both opponents break their lances by rolling 301-700, however, a point will be given to both combatants.
After a lance breaks, the participant must retrieve a new lance from their Squire or bannerman. Once they have all emoted receiving new lances and adjusting for the next run, the announcer will ready the charge once more.
Should an opponent purposefully or accidentally harm their adversary’s Chocobo they will be disqualified.
The winner of the whole joust will be allowed a parade lap around the field in order to celebrate, advertise the heraldry of their House or allegiance, or dedicate the success to a Lord/Lady.
There will be no monetary or physical prize for winning the joust, but all in attendance will see you as the most chivalrous and skillful jouster in the lists.
Fame, glory, and chivalry await you at the Jousting Tournament during the Grand Tilt of Coerthas!
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jancisstuff · 6 years
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The Grand Tilt of Coerthas - Jousting Tournament 
October 8 2018
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jancisstuff · 6 years
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The Grand Tilt of Coerthas - Jousting Tournament 
January 28 2019
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jancisstuff · 6 years
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De’bayle Knights - Meetup
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jancisstuff · 6 years
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Celebration and Challenge of the Warden
Challenge of the Warden - Confession: "The Challenge is to confess to something you did or something that was done to you and forgive. Another person must be with you when you do this."
Completing the Challenge awards the Token of the Warden: This token is a small disk, easily a charm, about the size of a dime in gold with a fan impressed into one side, the symbol of the Warden in red on the other. There's a small hole at the top where a chain or link can be threaded through.
Raw Log
Chachanji Gegenji: "'n if'n it's anythin' like th' Celebrations'a th' Twelve she did a'fore, they'll be full of neat songs 'n stories 'n I figgered ya might like 'em!" Chachan stated cheerfully up to Reiko, finishing up his general explanation of the goings on this evening at the Debayle manor. He pauses thoughtfully once at its gates, though, looking about thoughtfully. "'m pretty sure thi' is me first time 'ere, though..."
Jancis Milburga stands about the yard quietly, waving as she sees familiar faces approach.
Towering Peach: "Mm." the towering roegadyn replied, appearing a tad anxious at the idea of the show. While not a fan of tight places, this would be...interesting. The friendly face of Jancis did make her feel a little better, returning a wave of her own. Barengar Armsbreaker glances about as he steps in to the yard, sweeping the area for familiar faces before finding them in Jancis and Chachanji. With a deep bow of his head to both he offered a quiet grunt in greeting. Jancis Milburga: "Welcome! Lady Reiko! Chachanji! Lady Fiona!" Chachanji Gegenji: "Still! I learned a lot 'bout th' Twelve through those celebrations, too! It was all real nice 'n friendly-like," he continued cheerfully, giving her a litle reassuring pat on the hand. When he looked forward again, he noticed Jancis was the greeter in the yard and his smile only brightened. "Hallo, Ms. Jancis!" Fiona Delaine smiles at Jancis, and peeks down at Chachan with another. Chachanji Gegenji: "... Ms. Fiona?" He looks behind him. "Ah, Ms. Fiona's here too! 'n Mr. Barengar! Hallo!" Fiona Delaine: "Hi, Chachan." The witch's extra sleepy-eyed. Jancis Milburga looks up at the tall highlander, going over to Barengar and squeezing his hand with both of hers, barely covering the whole of it. Barengar Armsbreaker tips his head toward Chachanji, "S'good t'see ya, Gegenji." Jancis Milburga: "Good to see you, Barengar." Chachanji Gegenji: "Ms. Reiko, thi' is Ms. Fiona 'n Mr. Barengar! Both'r good friends!" Tetebino Hihibino: "...Lots of people out here." Barengar Armsbreaker shifts his attention to Jancis as she approaches and gives his hand a squeeze, dipping  his head in kind, "M'glad t'see ya as well. Hopin' y'r doin' well." Jancis Milburga motions towards the house. "Please, enter and be welcomed. The fifth door down the hall is where we will be gathering. Very simple and much to speak of and reflect on." Fiona Delaine: "Bonoir, madame!" Fiona smiles up at Reiko. Fiona Delaine: "Bonsoir, too. I'm words." Chachanji Gegenji: "No, yer Ms. Fiona." Fiona Delaine: "I knoooow.." Jancis Milburga dips her head to Barengar. "I am safe and healed. More than alive." She admits, "I have not spoken like this in Turns." Chachanji Gegenji: "See? Good peoples." Fiona Delaine: "I fumble a lot. Words are hard, sometimes, so, um, sorry. It's nice meeting you, mademoiselle!" Jancis Milburga: "Lord Tetebino. Welcome. Are you joining us? We are going to honor Azeyma tonight with some words." Barengar Armsbreaker bobs his head to the side slightly, "M'figurin' y've got it well under 'eel. Y'r s'methin' of a natural." Fiona Delaine: "Oh, Tetebino! Hello!"
Tetebino Hihibino: "Lord....? Er, Yeah, I'll come along for..." He gestures, still unsure and unused to gatherings. Fiona Delaine: "She thinks of you well, mon ami." Towering Peach: "Er, yes...Good peoples..." Chachanji Gegenji reaches up to give Reiko another reassuring pat on the hand, as if to let her know everything was okay. Fiona Delaine smiles earnestly in turn. Jancis Milburga repeats, "A natural." Regarding Barengar a moment, she smiles gratefully, then checks the soles of her boots. They're clean. "You are right, all the more better it be unrehearsed!"
Jancis Milburga: "Let me get the door for you all!" Towering Peach nods to herself, smiling a little as the lalafell's hand fell upon hers.  She soon looked over at at woman beside them and gave a small wave. Jancis Milburga: "Please come inside. Fifth door down the hall." Fiona Delaine bows her head to Reiko. "I'm Fiona- ah!" Tetebino Hihibino: "Good to see you by the way, Fiona!" Fiona Delaine: "Onward!" Fiona Delaine: "Likewise, mon ami." Fiona Delaine: "And- merci, lady Jancis." You smile at Fiona Delaine. Fiona Delaine slips inside. Barengar Armsbreaker lets out an amused grunt, "Figurin' there ain't a better way t'say s'methin' th'n the way it's meant t'be said." Chachanji Gegenji: "Ya ready ta head in?" he asked, canting his head. Towering Peach: "Mm. Let us go inside." Chachanji Gegenji nods to Towering Peach. Chachanji Gegenji gives her a smile and leads her on in! ... Even though he's mostly using everyone else as reference on where to go. You smile at Barengar Armsbreaker. Chachanji Gegenji looks around. Cinnabar Prentice: "Ah- welcome! Please, be seated where you wish." Fiona Delaine sniffs the rose and settles with it in hand, smiling some. Tetebino Hihibino blinks as he walks in, glancing around with a bit of wonder, still completely unused to stained glass. After a moment, he clears his throat, setting down his rockbag and axe near the door. Barengar Armsbreaker blinks and glances at Cinnabar with a quirked brow before nodding and taking the offered flower.
Jancis Milburga looks at some notes and prepares.
Tetebino Hihibino looks at the flower curiously, but smiles up at Cinnabar and gives a thumbsup before taking it with him to a seat. Cinnabar Prentice offers you a humble greeting.
You smile at Cinnabar Prentice. Cinnabar Prentice counts the roses left in her boquet, looking expectantly to the door. Jancis Milburga nods lightly at Barengar. It's okay to stand or sit by the organ. Cinnabar Prentice: "W-welcome! Please, take a seat, anywhere you wish." The rosy roe passes a rose from the boquet in arm to each as they enter. Cinnabar Prentice hands over something to Towering Peach. Cinnabar Prentice hands over something to Chachanji Gegenji. Barengar Armsbreaker dips his back toward Jancis in turn, idly rolling his right shoulder back. Chachanji Gegenji takes the rose thoughtfully, looking it over before smiling up at Cinnabar. "Thankya!" Cinnabar Prentice smiles at Chachanji Gegenji. Jancis Milburga: Just wanted to share tonight there is the most beautiful thunderstorm outside that's lighting up the sky. Coincidentally if I vanish please just wait a few minutes.)) Towering Peach: "O-Oh! thank you." Cinnabar Prentice nods to Towering Peach.
Towering Peach: "Where should we sit?" Chachanji Gegenji: "Ah... where would ya like ta sit?" Chachanji Gegenji: "There's an open bench right up front there if'n ya like tha' one." Towering Peach: "Mm. That one." Fiona Delaine peeks up at the armoured man beside her. "Ah- um, bonsoir, monsieur. My name is Fiona," she murmurs. "I've helped Lady Jancis with a few small things, and I'd not wanted miss this when I heard of it." Barengar Armsbreaker glances to Fiona as he makes his way to the forward bench, giving a quiet nod in greeting before settling down. Chachanji Gegenji nods to Towering Peach. Chachanji Gegenji smiles at Towering Peach. Killian De'bayle idly twists the forse between his fingers, Nogelle perched upon his head and peering around with disinterest. Jancis Milburga moves away from the notes stand and takes a deep breath. "This is nice. What a wonderful group. I will say a few words to get us started. Thank you so much for helping with the roses, Ser Cinnabar. If you recognize the scent from the roses, it is the same as the oils they use for incense at the Fane." Cinnabar Prentice bows courteously to you. You bow courteously to Cinnabar Prentice. Chachanji Gegenji's eyes grow wide with awe upon seeing you. Chachanji Gegenji looks down at the rose and gives it a thoughtful sniff at her description. Cinnabar Prentice places the remaining roses in single spaced arrangement along the altar near the back, available for late arrivals to take. Barengar Armsbreaker bobs his head to the side, "S'good t'meet y'then, I figure, Fiona. M'called Barengar Armsbreaker." He tips his head in Jancis' direction, "Known 'er few more'n a few turns now. S'good t'know she's got plenty o' folk lookin' out f'r 'er." Fiona Delaine always loved roses. She smiles softly. Jacline Kerelle smiles at Cinnabar Prentice. Fiona Delaine: "Marvelleaux, monsieur Barengar. 'tis a pleasure knowing one her staunch companions." Tetebino Hihibino looks up towards the front, having the rose carefully held in his hand. Jancis Milburga looks about from Cinnabar to everyone one by one. Jancis Milburga: "I would like to thank each of you for coming this eve. This the Fifth Astral Moon of the Turn is particularly tied to Azeyma. There are more than only the Seekers of the Sun that celebrate Her, for as the seasons change to Autumn the land begins to take on a golden hue - like a parting gift - before the Sun's retreat sooner and sooner from the skies for colder times." Barengar Armsbreaker wrinkled his nose slightly at the flowery language, unaccustomed to it, but made not complaints, "S'methin' like tha', I figure ..." he let the words fade off as he turned his attention to Jancis. Jancis Milburga ponders a moment, gauging the looks on some faces, "It comes heralding the last harvests. For some who are not familiar with Azeyma, She is the keeper of the sun and tied to fire, commands the brightness of it, the energy of it. She is the goddess on inquiry, the truth in its entirety, and a consoler to those who confess to their crimes. She is the Warden." Jancis Milburga: "Is anyone unfamiliar with the Warden?" Towering Peach hesitates but raises her hand. Jacline Kerelle also raises her hand. Tetebino Hihibino raises his hand. Chachanji Gegenji gives Reiko a comforting smile, as if to let her know it was okay that she didn't know. After all, he hadn't known much about the Twelve before Jancis' whirlwind tour of the Twelve's stones scattered across Eorzea. Jancis Milburga smiles and bows her head, "Lady Reiko, I am so honored to help introduce Her to you as you have travelled from far over the ocean. Chachanji was just as generous to learn more. I do not have a good comparison to the kami, but such a light as this can only have many names." Jancis Milburga: "Pray feel open to share the names that you wish and accept this one as another that many in Eorzea hold close to their hearts." Fiona Delaine smiles gently.
Jancis Milburga smiles and bows lightly to both Jacline and Tetebino. "I will share a bit more of the connections She has." Jancis Milburga: "She is known as the daughter of Althyk, keeper of time, the elder sister of Menphina, lover of all things and her counterpart in the true moon, and the mother of Nophica, matron to harvests and the land. She is the Matron of Belah'dia, though it no longer thrives and has been claimed by the sands of Thanalan. If you have seen people speak of The Balance, it is usually Her image associated with it." Towering Peach mumbles to herself, still rather embarassed about her call out. Chachanji Gegenji gives her another light pat on the hand, murmuring that Jancis was just getting her involved and excited about learning about the Twelve. Jancis Milburga: "Some pray to Her for justice. Judgement in crimes. Others will proudly talk of how their mind is clear because they follow her. They do not fear because of their innocence. They have nothing to hide." Jancis Milburga: "While She is golden, She is also powerful and fierce. Protector and Fighter both. Her light pierces dark places, judgement and divine justice. As Halone is the Fury, the Warden is equal to those who lie and who are vile. Relentless as in life as in death. Yet those who confess, She consoles them. Where She gives justice, She allows room for forgiveness." Jancis Milburga smiles, "Before I go on. I would like to ask if anyone would stand up and share about their relationship with Azeyma." Cinnabar Prentice ponders over you. Fiona Delaine bites her lip. Public speaking. The witch immediately shrinks. Killian De'bayle: "I--I can..." Killian says when no one speaks up. Jancis Milburga: "I have not music or poems this sun. It is a bit more somber. I do have a sermon and a challenge, if any are willing, to partake. But, please, first, if anyone wants add-" Fiona Delaine: ".. I have something but I don't think I can talk about it," Fiona mumbles- and exhales in relief as Killian speaks up.
Jancis Milburga smiles brightly at Killian, regardless, and beckons him. "Yes, Killian, please do." Killian De'bayle rises up to his feet, taking his cane in hand. "Right here? Or should I go--where you were standing?" Jancis Milburga: "Ah! Either! Whichever you prefer." Killian De'bayle: "I think...probably here is okay. I'm not very familiar with this room yet." Killian clears his throat awkwardly. "And...um, I'm not very good at speaking, so...I probably won't say it right." Jancis Milburga adds, "I moved, but everyone can see and hear you clearly."
Killian De'bayle: "Ahh...well...the Warden is...I guess it's weird. Because I'm from Gridania, so I should favor Nophica, but my mother's family came from Ishgard, so I should favor Halone, but...I've always followed Azeyma most closely. Honesty and...curiosity...I always have a lot of questions. Because I don't understand very much." Killian De'bayle: "And my wife has...friends of hers, and she associates them with the Twelve by their...characteristics, I guess. When we first met, she associated me with the Warden. Because of those qualities. Honesty and...curiosity. Inquiry, I guess." Killian De'bayle: "So I guess...since meeting her...I've felt even closer to Azeyma. And...I make a point of...trying to be honest, even when it's hard. And...accepting others as they are for their honesty." Killian De'bayle scratches the back of his neck awkwardly. "Is that good?" he asks, probably to Jancis, but it's hard to tell. Fiona Delaine smiles. Tetebino Hihibino agrees wholeheartedly with Killian De'bayle. Jancis Milburga nods and answers, "Of course." Fiona Delaine: "Um.. I do actually have, um, something to say, maybe, Lady Jancis." Barengar Armsbreaker rolls his right shoulder back idly before clearing his throat and glancing toward Jancis, "Figurin' I c'n say s'methin' short 'swell." Killian De'bayle smiles to himself and leans down, reaching out for the bench with his free hand to guide himself back into his seat.
Jancis Milburga: "Thank you, Killian. I agree. Honesty is very valuable and not easy. Makes is all the more important." Killian De'bayle should also mention that he probably looked ridiculous speaking with an irritable wyvern perched on his head. Jancis Milburga bows to Fiona, "Please do." She steps away to give the lady the floor. Cinnabar Prentice might be used to the sight. She smiles and nods to the man, then shifts attention to Fiona. Fiona Delaine rises and takes a deep breath. ".. You might have noticed the rose in mine hair. I wear it- almost all the time. 'tis not just a fashion statement," the witch smiles awkwardly. Your eyes grow wide with awe upon seeing Fiona Delaine. Fiona Delaine: ".. Before I came down to Eorzea, I- I made many, many mistakes. Some I thought were for good cause. Others- curiosity. Soon, I realized just- what I'd done, what I was doing. And then I learned of the Warden's teachings, and I realized that.. I was given another chance. Despite it all. I've been working to do better, ever since, and I think it's by her grace that I felt it, um, even possible. So- I wear the rose to remember that. To remember that, that anyone can be redeemed." Fiona Delaine squeaks, "Thankyou." And she returns hurriedly to her seat. Cinnabar Prentice smiles at Fiona Delaine. Jancis Milburga touches Fiona's shoulder lightly, "Thank you. I cannot think of a better example." Jancis Milburga: "Going to see that flower in your hair far more now!" Fiona Delaine smiles wanly and bows her head. Jancis Milburga looks up at Barengar and welcomes him to talk. Barengar Armsbreaker dips his head and gives quiet grunt before pushing up to his feet and turning to face the others. Barengar Armsbreaker sweeps the group gathered, idly rolling his shoulder back for a moment before beginning to speak, "Bein' truthful, I ain't really got much o' a relationship wit' th' Warden 'erself. I ain't the mos' pious o' folk." He pauses a moment, bobbing his head to the side in a silent concession, "Bu' m'knowin' more'n a bit 'bout speakin' true and nothin' less. By my figurin', there ain't anythin' worse y'c'n do t'yerself than doin' or sayin' anythin' less than wha' y'know an' mean." Barengar Armsbreaker clears his throat, suddenly looking like he has no idea what to say, before lifting his chin, "Bu' if'n there's somethin' ou' there, guidin' folk to live by wha's true in /them/ then I figure tha's somethin' tha's worth givin' attention to." He pauses once more before speaking, the following words recited at though they'd been said countless times, "Say wha' y'mean an' do wha' y'say. Ain't anyone go' time f'r anythin' less." The warrior gives a firm nod before settling back down in his seat. Fiona Delaine smiles brightly at the idea. Cinnabar Prentice nods to Barengar Armsbreaker. Jancis Milburga bows her head in thanks to Barengar and doesn't add anything vocal, looking brighter and checks around the room for anyone else. Cinnabar Prentice clears her throat a touch, raising her hand. "I- *Ahem*... If, I may?" Jancis Milburga nods welcomingly, "Please." Cinnabar Prentice draws a deep, sighing breath before rising, brushing the folds from her coat. She fidgets for the perfect place to stand, before wetting lips to speak. Jacline Kerelle claps for Cinnabar Prentice. Cinnabar Prentice: "I'm... not much for, speaking as such, but... In, honor of the Warden... I wish to speak of, a man. In, the time I have known him, I can cite few whom, I was ever aware were as… close, to him. As I and our own. His name is Alaric Prentice. My father." Your eyes grow wide with awe upon seeing Cinnabar Prentice. Cinnabar Prentice: "My father... He was, a kind man. Patient and. S-supportive of my-- our, passions. Whether it be, cooking or, music... uhm... the fantasy of, well-doing sky pirates or, daring dragoons and wicked wyverns, or... ought else. To find what, called to our hearts. And to explore. Learn... And he would do all within his power and, his coffer to, foster so much." Cinnabar Prentice: As, I was told... He found me, wandering the forest, alone. I, had no name and... I am told I, could not speak, either. He, came to call me 'Cinnabar.' Named... For, he wore a bracelet- bearing the red stone bearing the Warden's shield. He, ah, said it matched my hair so... Heh~" Fiona Delaine smiles. Jancis Milburga smiles softly and empathically.
Cinnabar Prentice: "He was, devout to Azeyma, though he, imposed no, demand for her praise from, me or my brothers, and sister. Though it is... clear now, how he walked his path, guided in actions toward Her example. To nuture intrigue and inquiry, thereby. To shield with compassion, but carry the sword, should nought be found." Cinnabar Prentice: "Whether for, barter at the market stalls or, squabbles ‘tween his children... he ever sought to, find compromise. Understanding. But, not without consequence, were it deemed proper... I... I love him, with the whole of my heart and. It is his example which, I... uhm.  Attempt. To follow." Fiona Delaine: ".. that's wonderful," the witch whispers. Tetebino Hihibino smiles at Cinnabar Prentice. Cinnabar Prentice: "... Some might say: Too few live, with fear of Her justice, in their hearts. I-indeed, even the Wanderer, Oschon... had need to pay in his flesh, ere he was, released from his transgressions.. We, should not forget this. We all stand to, endure both the shield, and the sword... But, there is much for which we can all, seek forgiveness. Atonement." Cinnabar Prentice: "And so we might, be willing to seek understanding and forgive at least, some of the debts which, weigh ‘pon the scales, in kind... Lest we all, find ourselves without so much as a, finger to grasp. Mhm." Cinnabar Prentice purses her lips with a furrowed brow, then nods once, and retakes her seat. Jacline Kerelle beams at Cinnabar Prentice. Jancis Milburga stands quietly for a bit longer than she should, looking thoughtful. Jancis Milburga: "Forgive me. You are a very good speaker. Everyone here has been. Thank you." Cinnabar Prentice sees you and blushes with embarrassment. Fiona Delaine: ".. that was beautifully said, lady Cinnabar," Fi whispers. Killian De'bayle lifts his head at the sound of someone's approach, then takes his cane and scoots over to allow Lio to sit maybe less all in his personal space. Cinnabar Prentice had sought to settle in beside her elezen with a combined distraught twist in brow and pleasant curl on lips. The latter grows in Fiona's regard, bowing her head. "Ah... Thank you." Jancis Milburga welcomes in Lionnet quietly as she continues, "This is something I did many Turns back is I went with a group of people to Azeyma's stone in Thanalan and we had music and stories, some close to the heart and some were more wymsicle. These just now were so touching. From the heart, as was said." Lionnet Blodoint murmurs a "Thank you" to Killian as he squeezes onto the seat. Jancis Milburga: "I do have a bit of a sermon if you all are all right. It touches on what Lady Cinnabar spoke of and some other words." Chachanji Gegenji smiles at you. Jancis Milburga asks, "I am not talking too much?" Cinnabar Prentice disagrees with you. You smile. Jacline Kerelle gives Jancis a thumbsup. Jancis Milburga: "Very well! Nothing is more affirming than a thumb! I do have a challenge for everyone should they choose to partake, afterwards. And I have another token should the challenge be completed." Jancis Milburga takes a slow breath, "I wish to talk about forgiveness." Jancis Milburga: "Forgiveness is a confusing topic. The way I have read it and the way I have heard some speak of it needs clarification. What is forgiveness." Fiona Delaine smiles worriedly. She still hadn't forgiven herself, yet.. Jancis Milburga furrows her brow, "Azeyma embraces it, yet She commands judgement and fire. There is a burning to make amends, have justice. Help those fallen back into the light. She sees the whole truth, an otherwise countless amount of details that led to one deed. One wrong. You have been wronged. I have. We all have been wronged." Jancis Milburga: "We have all caused wrong." Tetebino Hihibino gazes upon you in deep reflection. Jancis Milburga: "By those close to us. A spouse, family, kin, company. A stranger, enemy, foe. It stays with us. We are let down, deceived, wronged. You did not deserve that, or faulted for it. It is the bitterness and resentment that lingers. And there is a choice to be ended by it or to heal and be free once more."
Fiona Delaine bows her head, eyes shut. Jancis Milburga smiles, "That is what forgiveness is for. To heal ourself." Jancis Milburga: "Forgiveness is not a weakness. It does not forget or deny. Nor does it condone or excuse. The wrong is not minimized or justified. We can forgive without excusing. Forgiveness does not require reconcilation and it is not based on the wrongdoers request for forgiveness. It does not change the past, it changes your future." Jancis Milburga: "Our future!" Barengar Armsbreaker listens attentively to Jancis' words, occcasionally giving the faintest of nods. However, after some time, Ala Mhigan's head tilts to the side. A single hand rises up to touch a collection of stone near his ear and his lips press into a thin line. With a slow breath he quietly excuses his himself, dipping his head toward Jancis and then to those gathered in silent apology before exiting the room. Jancis Milburga exclaims a bit, the crystal above humming from the emotion briefly. "As would not Barengar or Killian here I do my all to speak the truth." You smile at Barengar Armsbreaker. Towering Peach: "Mm..." Jancis Milburga: "And it is not an easy thing to do. As most important things it is hard." Lionnet Blodoint is frowning slightly, brow furrowed. Jancis Milburga: "Forgiveness is a decision that you make for yourself. Seek out justice and forgive. Forgiveness finds peace, empowers us over pain so we can heal." Jancis Milburga stays quiet for a short while, digging into her robe for a small bag, she leaves it on the altar and opens it up, the hint of gold shining from it at the right angle. Killian De'bayle: "What if the people whose forgiveness you want aren't able to offer it?" Jancis Milburga: "This is where we are challenged. I give you the Challenge of Confession. Before another, to speak of granting forgiveness for a wrong that has been done to you. Or one you have done to another and start the steps of forgiveness. In return you shall earn this token of the Warden, so you may be reminded of this time, what others shared, and have light in your hand." Jancis Milburga ||This token is a small disk, easily a charm, about the size of a dime in gold with a fan impressed into one side, the symbol of the Warden in red on the other. Fiona Delaine takes a deep breath. Jancis Milburga: "You can do it this night right now. Or another night. It need not be here. Perhaps at Azeyma's stone. Or the Sanctum in the Twelveswood. Or out before the daylight. Please, pray ask if anyone has a question?" Jancis Milburga apologizes to Killian and mulls over his question. Fiona Delaine bites her lip. Chachanji Gegenji: "So, thi' is jus' mentionin' somethin' we're forgivin' 'r are tryin' ta seek fergiveness fer?" Jancis Milburga: "If you want someone else's forgiveness. That is up to that person alone. As much as we cannot get someone to apologize, we have to take it upon ourselves to forgive ourself and move forward. Let that sun set and a new sun rise with those lessons still at heart, and put to good purpose to the new people and new causes that come into our lives." Jancis Milburga: "You can forgive someone who cannot hear it, that you cannot offer it to. Otherwise it is the challenge to forgive yourself." Cinnabar Prentice seems lost in thought. Killian De'bayle lowers his head, apparently disappointed with the difficult answer, however expected it might be. "I understand. Thank you." Jancis Milburga nods to Chachanji, "Yes. This is personal to yourself. Either one of those is hard to do." Jancis Milburga: "You all will have to forgive me, I am a bit more prepared I had time to think about it beforehand."
You smile at Lionnet Blodoint. Chachanji Gegenji scratches thoughtfully at his cheek. "W-well, um. Would, like... th' whole thin' 'bout tha' time where we lied ta ya 'n I felt really bad 'bout it count? I... like ta think we've come ta terms wit tha' 'n I def'nitely dun try ta lie ta folks like tha' no more..." Fiona Delaine smiles softly. Okay. She was resolved. Jancis Milburga offers, "I can start." Jancis Milburga starts, staying up in front. She looks up at the ceiling to the crystal, then at other points at the back of the room. "I will challenge myself to forgive." Tetebino Hihibino: "...I probably shouldn't apologize for somethin' that I'm going to keep on doin', should I... Tetebino Hihibino seems lost in thought. Jancis Milburga: "Is it something that needs an apology or something you hold against yourself?" Tetebino Hihibino fails to understand you. You gaze upon Tetebino Hihibino in deep reflection. Tetebino Hihibino: "I always fight dirty at the grindstone. Hit people in the tail, throw rocks..." Jacline Kerelle grins tauntingly at Tetebino Hihibino. Cinnabar Prentice ponders over Tetebino Hihibino. Jancis Milburga can't help but laugh a little, apologizing afterwards out of habit. Tetebino Hihibino smiles at you. Killian De'bayle: "I suppose rocks are dirty," Killian muses. Jancis Milburga: "I think the latter, then! Forgive yourself for going off the book of sportsmanship. The Grindstone is about getting dirty. How close can you get someone to realizing their life is fragile. And how red can you make the sands." You smile at Tetebino Hihibino. Tetebino Hihibino thinks for a moment, then finally comes to a conclusion and gives Jancis a thumbsup Jancis Milburga reflects, "I remember pulling platemail out of someone's chest once there, had-" Then she sees the thumbsup and returns it, showing it to Jacline too! Jancis Milburga: "I will talk about injuries another time!" Chachanji Gegenji scratches at his cheek again thoughtfully. Chachanji Gegenji: "Do ya have somethin' yer willin' ta fergive someone else 'r yerself fer, Ms. Reiko?" Towering Peach gently lays her hand on his. offering him a smile...until it came for her. "Oh! Ah...." she looked away as her mind searched around for an answer. "N-No?..." Chachanji Gegenji chuckles a little at that. "'m still tryin' ta wrap me head 'round it some." Killian De'bayle: "Okay, I...I have one. To offer forgiveness. Though I suppose...it's a silly thing. Maybe it doesn't need forgiveness at all." Lionnet Blodoint tilts his head at Killian inquisitively. Cinnabar Prentice smiles at Killian De'bayle. Jancis Milburga takes a Warden's Token  and gives it to Tetebino. Towering Peach: "I d-do not think I have any." Tetebino Hihibino blinks as the token's offered to him, smiling and accepting it. Fiona Delaine bites her lip and looks at her hands. Jancis Milburga: "Something silly from you, Killian? If it matters to you, then it matters." Killian De'bayle: "He was...one of my very first...friends," Killian says, struggling some with the words. "After I started working for House de Bayle. Mister...Mister Lenny. I guess it feels...selfish now...to think it so personal as to need forgiving. We were friends, I thought, but he left without saying anything. He never said anything to me. I haven't met him since then. I was upset for a long time." >> Tetebino Hihibino: This token is a small disk, easily a charm, about the size of a dime in gold with a fan impressed into one side, the symbol of the Warden in red on the other. ((Collect all Twelve!))
Killian De'bayle: "I don't really know why he left, or why he won't come back. Maybe it was something serious, and personal, and he just didn't want to tell me. Or maybe not...I don't know. But I can...forgive him for leaving. Even if he's not here to hear it." Tetebino Hihibino >> Is there a hole in it or anything he can easily get a string through, btw?)) >> Tetebino Hihibino: Oh! Yes! A little one at the top! I forgot to write that in!)) Killian De'bayle: "It's silly," Killian mumbles when he's done speaking, lowering his head. Nogelle adjusts his position to one of Killian's shoulders to compensate for the position. Chachanji Gegenji: "That's good! I... prolly have a few..." he sighs, scratching at his cheek. "I thin' th' one thin' I really need ta challenge meself ta fergive was... well... I kinda hid 'way in me smithy fer a while 'cuz I was worried I'd be more help than hindrance when fightin'. But I had friends help me realize I weren't doin' as much good as I could be. I've been tryin' ta be better 'bout it but I 'unno if'n I ev'r act'lly fergave meself fer steppin' back 'n tryin' ta figger out where I belonged, y'know?" Fiona Delaine wrings her hands and fidgets. She has so much she wants to say.. Tetebino Hihibino hums in thought as he looks over himself and the token, before reaching for the bottom of his pants, pulling off a loose string and setting the token through it, leaving it in his hand for now. Jancis Milburga touches Killian's arm lightly and motions for his hand, giving it a light press to indicate it. "I disagree, for what it is worth." Jancis Milburga places the Warden's Token in Killian's hand where she pressed. Killian De'bayle lifts his hand at Jancis's urging, taking the token and identifying its features with a brush of his scarred fingers. "Thank you," he murmurs. "As for asking for forgiveness...I'd rather speak to you about that in private, Lady Milburga." >> Killian De'bayle: This token is a small disk, easily a charm, about the size of a dime in gold with a fan impressed into one side, the symbol of the Warden in red on the other. There's a small hole at the top where a chain or clapse can be threaded through. Jancis Milburga nods and answers vocally, "I can do that." Jancis Milburga: "Forgive me Lord I saw you briefly at Cinnabar and Rageant's knighting, no?" Lionnet Blodoint blinks. "Hm? Ah, yes, but I am no lord." Killian De'bayle spends a moment learning the shape of the small token, then pulls a leather cord off from around his neck, from which hangs a polished white, arrowhead-shaped stone and a silvered ring with arcanima symbols etched into its surface. Untying it, threads the thin cord through a small hole in his token, then ties it back up and replaces it around his neck, tucking the pendants away under his shirt. You smile at Lionnet Blodoint. Lionnet Blodoint performs a small bow from his seat. "Lionnet Blodoint, my lady. Recently hired chirurgeon of House de Bayle." Cinnabar Prentice: "Ah.." Killian De'bayle: "Cleric," Killian corrects. "Your display of medical knowledge allowed for the rank. I should know, I still sport the wound." Lionnet Blodoint: "Chirurgeon by trade, cleric by rank, yes." Jancis Milburga: "If you are not, Lionnet, I wonder. Nophica's Grace that is great news! Some are quite delicate to aether. Oh! Ah! Forgive me! I will meet you again anon. Let me share my confession and then we can all stand and talk." Jancis Milburga calls out to everyone, "Forgive me! I promised to share my confession. And then we can all break and be free to stand and talk or do the challenge still." Killian De'bayle leans a little toward Lionnet when Jancis steps away. "She calls everyone lord," he stage whispers. "You might as well get used to it." Fiona Delaine peeks up at Jancis, smiling brightly and nodding. Tetebino Hihibino: "I was wonderin' 'bout that." Jancis Milburga gives Fiona a thoughtful look before smiling too, somewhat fearless but unsure, looking more encouraged. Lionnet Blodoint squints, face a picture of confusion, though that's lost on Killian. Something like that is completely unknown to Lionnet, and his incredulousness comes through in his voice. "Why?" Jancis Milburga: "Only those who have earned it."
Lionnet Blodoint also totally whispers that real quiet. Jancis Milburga misses Lionnet's words obviously as she takes a deep breath and purses her lips. Jancis Milburga pauses for some time. "This request is harder than I thought." Taking a deep breath, "I will forgive Milburga. I want to start with her." Killian De'bayle: "I don't know. I wasn't a lord, either." Killian pauses briefly. "Actually, now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure she stopped calling me 'lord' when I married Hestia..." Jancis Milburga: "I did not call her that, but I knew it was her name. She was always Shaman to me. It was the right way to speak to people if I had to speak at all. Only a title mattered. She taught me the ways of conjury to start and how to use them, but it was not the same connections the Fane showed me later on. But she never took me there or away. Sometimes I would feel the rage and hatred, the resentment. No escape. Being tethered." Jancis Milburga takes a slow breath and exhales loudly, "Perhaps she did the best that she could. Maybe she could not free me or get away herself. But to fuel that I was a tool. It is all a circle of things I do not know. That I want to know, have some answer I can reason with. I forgive her for what hurt me and what I expected once I. Once I realized what I was and what I wanted. Even when she caught me and brought me back." Lionnet Blodoint replies quietly to Killian. "Hm. Odd." Fiona Delaine bites her lip, but smiles. Jancis Milburga rubs her cheek and finishes, "Once I was no longer a slave. Or a tool to be used. I took her name with me so I would not stray too far." She stops there, awkwardly. Jancis Milburga looks back up, "I think that concludes our little congregation. We celebrated the ways Azeyma is embraced, what She make shine in ourselves, and we get to challenge ourselves to be even brighter now." Jancis Milburga: "Thank you all again for coming. I will stay here and welcome anyone who wishes to do the challenge sometime. Or do it yourself and tell me that I can give you a token. Share it with others, they may also do it." Cinnabar Prentice smiles at you. Jancis Milburga: "The Challenge again is to confess to something you did or something that was done to you and forgive. Another person must be with you when you do this." Tetebino Hihibino hops off the bench and gives a wave to everyone, "I'm gonna go nap, unless I'm needed for somethin'." Fiona Delaine: ".. I.. would like to try it." Fiona Delaine: "Um- oh! Bye, Tetebino! Jancis Milburga: "Fiona, Cinnabar, Killian thank you so much for enlightening us further on who the Warden is. Tetebino, Killian again thank you for taking on the challenge already." Fiona Delaine smiles bright. Tetebino Hihibino smiles at Fiona Delaine. Tetebino Hihibino: "I'll see you 'round, Fiona!" Tetebino Hihibino agrees wholeheartedly with Fiona Delaine. Cinnabar Prentice nods to you. Jancis Milburga: "Pray rest well, Lord Tetebino!" You bid farewell to Tetebino Hihibino. Jacline Kerelle bids farewell to Tetebino Hihibino. Tetebino Hihibino: "You really do call everyone that." Tetebino Hihibino beams with delight at you. Jancis Milburga pipes up, "Oh and Cinnabar for helping me welcome people and hand out roses! If you want a rose for a friend please feel free to take one for someone who would have liked to be here." Cinnabar Prentice: "Y-you're most welcome, Jancis. Thank you for, allowing me to assist. And, to speak. *Ahem*" Cinnabar Prentice bows courteously to Tetebino Hihibino. Jancis Milburga gives Tetebino a curious look. Jancis Milburga: "That is not true!  Only those who deseve it." Jancis Milburga gives Cinnabar a shining look, very humbled in answering, "Honor was mine." Tetebino Hihibino: "I've slept in alleyways most of my life. Think I've got a long way t'go before lord." He gives another smile and wave before gathering his things, putting the token on his rock bag and heading out Chachanji Gegenji: "So, ah, whadja think?"
Fiona Delaine: ".. Lady Jancis, may I make mine confession?" Killian De'bayle leans forward...sort of like Lio is, actually, with his elbows resting against his knees. He clasps his hands together, rubbing them idly in a dry-washing motion. Towering Peach: "It was interesting! A lot to think about though." Jancis Milburga: ((This is now the freeform RP please feel free to talk amongst yourselves - thank you so much for coming to my little Twelve-themed event I hope to have one next month with a more harrowing challenge for another token)) Cinnabar Prentice: (Yas please! Thank you for hosting this Jancis! :D ) Jancis Milburga quickly crosses the room over to Fiona once the door closes, "Forgive me. I was just bidding Tetebino farewell. Yes, yes of course." Chachanji Gegenji: "Yeah..." he agreed, scratching at his cheek. "Stuff like... fergivin' yerself... gotta think lots 'bout what ya did 'n whether yer still blamin' yerself fer it rather'n movin' on..." Chachanji Gegenji had already mentioned a couple things he might still need to forgive himself for. Lying to Jancis and hiding away in his forge. Cinnabar Prentice draws a nasal sigh, squeezing Jac's finger-laced hand and nudging her sidelong. "... It's... a mite hard, a notion, to me. Forgiving, one's self."
Jacline Kerelle: "Well, it was easy, for me. Those sons of bitches had it comin'."
Jacline Kerelle nods to Cinnabar Prentice. Cinnabar Prentice: "Ah... W-well, justice. Aye." Towering Peach nods, doing the exact same thing. There were a few things that she was rather heated about her father for that she had yet to talk with anyone about. "Well maybe Chachanji do one day?" Fiona Delaine bites her lower lip. "It's something that's- it's part of what I'm still working on. Mine redemption, I suppose."
Cinnabar Prentice: "Not so... simple, when, the one you would speak remorse to is... Well, gone." Fiona Delaine exhales. ".. You know mine.. Studies of the Art. In mine time serving the Inquisition, I worked for Inquisitor Henri Beauclair as his 'Seeker of Truth'. Besides delving into the occult, that also included.. Work on the enemy, to understand them better." Fiona Delaine: ".. Men and wyrm alike." Jancis Milburga tilts her head with curious concern so she can glance at the flower in the raven dark hair, before straightening it and giving Fiona all of her attention. "You put a lot of work into it?" Jacline Kerelle: "Don't matter too much, does it? Seemed like the point was to make yourself feel better, not to make them feel better." Chachanji Gegenji: "Ah... mebbe. I mean... 'm already kinda wonderin' what stuff I might not'a fergave meself fer..." he admitted with a sigh. "I mean, I 'spose I could think of a few... I mean... like I mentioned a'fore... tha' one time we was lyin' ta Ms. Jancis. I know we was tryin' ta help protect 'er but... we was still lyin' ta 'er 'n it made 'er mad 'n me sad..." Chachanji Gegenji: "But... I 'unno. It still bothers me, y'know? Does tha' mean I ain't fergivin' meself fer it?" Fiona Delaine: "I did terrible things to Spoken and Dragon both, Lady Jancis. I needed- we needed to know how they worked. What their mind was like. Their weaknesses, in flesh, soul, and mind. I was sure in mine faith, but without it, I've been- I've been working for forgiveness, though I know not if any I wronged still live, or if theirs know I am to blame. And so I.. I don't know. When the truth of it came out, I didn't have mine faith to carry me on anymore. I've been working so hard to try forgive myself." Towering Peach looks over at the woman in question and motions to Chachanji. "No time like present!" Cinnabar Prentice opens her mouth to speak, but closes, eyes turning forward; looking to Fiona and Jancis. Chachanji Gegenji: "A-ah, ya thin'...?" he glances over to Jancis, still in conversation with Fiona.
Jacline Kerelle gently pats Cinnabar Prentice. Cinnabar Prentice smiles weakly at Jacline Kerelle. Jancis Milburga sits quietly, listening empathetically and taking in Fiona's expressions and body language along with the plethora of words. Cinnabar Prentice continues to listen over, but nestles down against the dusky elezen. Fiona Delaine gnaws her lip. ".. it's strange. The ones I've spoken to- they tend not really.. Worry, overmuch. Because I'm sweet, and kind, and try so hard to do better. Because I'm *earnest* in wanting help. But I just- I don't know if I can forgive myself. Or if the Gods will forgive." Fiona Delaine: ".. so, that's it." Jancis Milburga takes a slow deep breath, as if her chest is heavy. "That is a lot." Towering Peach: "I think you try." Towering Peach: "May no get chance later." Chachanji Gegenji: "I-I 'spose so. Guess I can talk ta 'er 'bout it once she's done wit Ms. Fiona." Fiona Delaine: ".. the worst part? They didn't- do anything. When it came out, they just- downsized. Because the clergy didn't need the Inquisition to be so large. So I was just.. Let go. I *wanted* punishment." Jancis Milburga: "And you carry it all. You are earnest. That is difficult because what was. Was with important intention in the time. Is being let go a punishment? Is leaving it to you?" Cinnabar Prentice murmurs quietly sidelong. "... Mayhap I forget... Beside my, shortcoming, others have fallen... much harder." She rests her head further down. Hair- and the soft, cool petals of her woven corsage, tickling at Jac's ear. Ponder, ponder... Fiona Delaine: "I don't know. I had nowhere to go. I didn't want to bring it with back to mine family- I didn't want to bring the guilt with me. So I- did- something fool and.. I left." Fiona Delaine: ".. I built who I am now in the turns since." Jancis Milburga looks at her legs a moment, quoting quietly, “War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.” Fiona Delaine: "I tell myself that. I tell myself we did it for the War. To defend the ones we love, to defend home and hearth." Jacline Kerelle idly pets Cinnabar's hair. "D'you wanna tell me about it?" Fiona Delaine: "I don't know how well that justifies seeing how long it takes a prisoner dosed with dragon's blood to lose his mind and body both. Nor carving his half-changed body open to see what was happening on the inside." The witch stares at the windows. Lionnet Blodoint tries not to eavesdrop, but nobody else is really talking. And he's got those big old elezen ears. He frowns slightly at Fiona. Of course it was justified! Jancis Milburga gasps softly, squeezing the bench. Fiona Delaine: "I got a second chance so many didn't. I was free to try to start over. To try to- make up for it. It's why I wear this reminder of the Warden's kindness," she indicates the rose in her hair. "I don't know if I deserve it."
Jancis Milburga: "It does not justify that, no. Forgiveness is not about justice. It is so we do not hold back in the wrong ways going forward. Who can you forgive, then, to get closer to that for yourself?"
Cinnabar Prentice quirks her lips, still listening in her own. It wasn't what she'd thought, looking at Fiona. She shakes her head softly, licking her lips and turning eyes to stained glass as she rests under the touch. "Well... There's, a lot, I suppose... It... amounts to, 'cowardice' in a word..."
Basile Feurieux pushed his way through the door, slowly emerging inside as he looked about, curious as to those gathered. He was late, indeed, and he knew. Regardless, he simply walked forward a bit to the chapel altar, perhaps taking a moment to pray. His eyes shut, head bowing peacefully as he did so.
Fiona Delaine: ".. I don't know. Myself, for so happily going along with it. Maybe I could forgive Beauclair for his faith leading him to choose me, and mine bright mind to perform the duties he gave." Fiona Delaine: "I don't blame him. I don't blame anyone else in the retinue. I just- can't get over my part in it." Fiona Delaine lowers her voice and murmurs to Jancis. Fiona Delaine >> ".. the suns after I was so- wretchedly ashamed and saw no future, no hope. Some part of me thought it would only be fitting- I'd claimed a phial of dragon's blood from the laboratory before it was shuttered. I took it. I thought I might thus embrace oblivion and.. maybe.. add back what I'd taken away." Fiona Delaine >> ".. I drank it." Jacline Kerelle turns and gives Cinnabar a kiss on the forehead. "In that case, how 'bout we go sneak us a pie or two up into the barracks, and see if we can finish eatin' 'em before you get through the whole story?"
Jancis Milburga stares at Fiona. She takes a slow breath and regards the hyur before her intently.
Jancis Milburga sadly failed to greet Basile yet - in an intense conversation with Fiona on the bench. Fiona Delaine averts her gaze and stares at her hands. Fiona Delaine: "It didn't give me what I sought." Cinnabar Prentice blows a little sigh, neck craning to receive that kiss. With a weak smile she nods, and manages to lean out from the relaxed, sidelong laze. "... Mh. Pie is a grand idea, regardless~" Cinnabar Prentice nods to Jacline Kerelle. Jancis Milburga reaches over and covers Fiona's hands with hers, squeezing. Jancis Milburga: "That is so brave of you. For all you know of it. I do not. But you." Fiona Delaine sniffs and swallows, eyes red but not glistening. She wanly smiles. Basile Feurieux emerges finally from his humble silence, looking upwardly for a moment. It took quite a few moments before he pryed himself from such a gaze, but he finally turned, scanning those around presently. He looked towards Lionnet and Killian. "Baron de Bayle, greetings. And.. I do not believe we have been acquainted, yet I saw your performance during your test," noted the Hyur with a simple nod directed towards the two of them. "How are you both?" Fiona Delaine >> ".. I'm trying, now. I really am. I'm trying bridge- do what I can to bridge the peoples. I'm- sort of in-between as it is, I guess. I just- I don't know how to. I've been encouraging Dame Hestia look west, amongst other things, but I'm yet fearful to actually.. visit the Dravanians." Lionnet Blodoint: "Hello, ser." Fiona Delaine >> ".. in case they remember. In case they know. Even if I've been- even if I've met one, who said they'd forgive one their lost sisters coming to them. That they'd be *curious* about me. But I can't but think of myself an aberration. I can't forgive that, either. My cowardice in survival." Jancis Milburga shakes her head a bit as she strives, eyes refocusing, nodding in agreement slowly as she keeps her ear close. Killian De'bayle: "Hello, Ser Basile." Killian straightens up, and Nogelle adjusts on his shoulder to compensate for the new position. "I'm doing well...how are you?" Fiona Delaine continues murmuring to Jancis. Lionnet Blodoint bows to Basile formally. Cinnabar Prentice gazes upon Fiona Delaine in deep reflection. Fiona Delaine clamps her eyes shut and takes a sharp breath inward. Basile Feurieux: "I am faring as well as I could be, which is considerably good," Basile offered a half-smirk, though knowing full well the Baron could not see it, he nodded towards Lionnet. "Sir Blodoint, was it? I hope I heard correctly. As well, Baron de Bayle.. I am glad to hear of it." >> Fiona Delaine: "I know this will not all change or becoming clear in one night." Cinnabar Prentice gives Killian a little pat on the shoulder before she leaves. "It, certainly was not silly, to feel as you did. For Lenny's leave. But, I am pleased you could forgive him."
Cinnabar Prentice: "Good night, Ian." She nods to Basile, and any who may be looking receive a polite bow. Killian De'bayle twitches at the unexpected touch at his shoulder. Nogelle's head cranes around to give Cinnabar a narrow-eyed stare as she does so. "Ahh...th-thanks," Killian mumbles. "I hope he's okay." Lionnet Blodoint: "Lionnet Blodoint, yes. It appears I passed that test, and now serve as a chirur- a cleric of the House. A pleasure to formally meet you, Ser... Basile, yes?" >> Fiona Delaine: "Even if it was not your first means to help, that you though ridding yourself entirely would be a good intention. You are here, Fiona. And you can be a rare healer in a land that has only known survival for generations." Fiona Delaine >> ".. that's mine hope. Even if I may never forgive myself, I want- to do something good. For Man and Dravanian. I want to- try to help heal. E'en if mine hands be stained, I pray I can leave a- a better world than what I made of it." Fiona Delaine hangs her head. Hestia De'bayle stepped into the chapel quietly. Not wanting to interrupt anything, she peered about before turning to sit. Basile Feurieux offered a bow himself, speaking calmly when he raised upwardly. "A pleasure, Cleric Lionnet, indeed. Is there a difference yet between a chirurgeon and a cleric? If that was what you were saying, of course.. And yes, you are correct. I am Ser Basile Feurieux, at your service." Killian De'bayle: "In terms of rank...the chirurgeons are as squires and acolytes." Jancis Milburga drops her head and squeezes Fiona's hands again, "They are good hands. I believe you will. Perchance along the way forgive smaller parts of yourself if not all. And forgiving this Beauclair. Forgiving being chosen." Lionnet Blodoint: "They are, yes, which is still strange to me. I am a practicing chirurgeon by occupation, with no relation to any church- at least now. Yet I am considered cleric here." He shrugs. "It will simply take some getting used to in introductions." Lionnet Blodoint: "Once again, it is a pleasure, Ser Feurieux." Fiona Delaine: ".. I will try. I'll try." The witch swallows, and sniffs, and reopens her reddened eyes to force a wan smile. Towering Peach: "Hm..." Fiona Delaine: ".. thank you, l-lady Jancis. For being mine witness, and listening." Basile Feurieux: "Fair," Basile offered Killian a nod, "That makes sense, indeed. Pardon mine ignorance," Basile said with a warmed expression. "I understand. It is similar as with a knightly tree, with.. Well, some knights being non-nobility, as if an army, and some being noble knights. A complicated thing, best not attempted to wrap a head around," Basile chuckled ever lightly, continuing. "Of course. I have the utmost respect for you, Cleric Blodoint, and many others of your profession." Basile bowed- Basile Feurieux: -his head once more. Chachanji Gegenji: "Hm?" Killian De'bayle: "I think it's...just a term for use in the house. You don't lose skills as a chirurgeon simply by proving your worth and experience to be better than a lesser rank." Jancis Milburga echoes the smile, taking a shaking breath. Then another, the words of others slowly starting to come back to be noticed in the room around her. "That you would choose me to listen means a great deal." She straightens a bit, giving Fiona another light hand-squeeze before releasing them. Jancis Milburga: "You are welcome, Lady Fiona." Towering Peach looks away, blushing. "N-Nothing." Chachanji Gegenji cants his head, ears wiggling slightly in confused curiosity. Fiona Delaine actually returns the gesture this time, squeezing Jancis' hand gently. Towering Peach: "Nothing. I am fine." Fiona Delaine >> She is careful not to involve her talon-like- no, those are talons- in the gesture. Towering Peach does her best not to stare at the cute lalafell's ears. Lionnet Blodoint: "Thank you, ser. As I have for those of your profession. I believe I saw- and heard, you at the jousts, yes?" Jancis Milburga smiles stronger, "I would do more than listen, if you asked me."
Chachanji Gegenji: "Ah, if'n ya say so..." he relents, scratching at his cheek with a gloved finger. Chachanji Gegenji: "Ms. Jancis 'n Ms. Fiona seem ta be havin' a pretty important talk, huh? This... might be heavier stuff than I was thinkin', y'know?" Basile Feurieux: "It is something that I have picked up hosting for the House, something that gives me great joy. A skill that I appreciate teaching to others, when I can. My thanks, however. It is good to see esteemed people attending, of course." Jancis Milburga perks up a little, noticing Chachanji's voice after a long while of intense conversation. Fiona Delaine bows her head. ".. I'm- still trying find ways to help. To try better things. I'd- like do more, if you'd have me." Jancis Milburga: "I will. More than crystals." Lionnet Blodoint: "It is good to see such a thing being practiced, and open to others outside of Ishgard. You have my thanks as host, ser." Jancis Milburga perks up, "Oh. The token." She reaches into her pocket and offers Fiona the Warden's Token. >> Fiona Delaine: This token is a small disk, easily a charm, about the size of a dime in gold with a fan impressed into one side, the symbol of the Warden in red on the other. There's a small hole at the top where a chain or clapse can be threaded through. Basile Feurieux: "Glad to hear it," Basile nodded. "Did you enjoy the service? Lady Jancis's ongoings are always very appreciated. It is a shame that I was late." Fiona Delaine blinks. "Oh- I- ha, I'd.. nearly forgotten." The witch takes the token gently in-hand, clasping her fingers about it. She exhales, and reaches up with her other hand to her neck. She gently pulls free a silver chain, upon which dangles a black dragon scale etched with a peculiar symbol. The witch carefully strings the charm onto the necklace beside it before fixing it again about her neck, and tucking both beneath her blouse's collar. Towering Peach: "Very true. Maybe Chachanji can do it next time?" Fiona Delaine: ".. Merci, Lady Jancis." Fiona Delaine: "I shan't beg any more your time." Lionnet Blodoint: "I unfortunately also came in closer to closing, but I found myself pleasantly surprised by what I was privy to. The Lady Milburga certainly has a way with words." Chachanji Gegenji: "Ah, mebbe. I dun think thi' would be somethin' ya'd wanna rush anyroad." Jancis Milburga finds it a bit easier to smile more and more, "Thaliak forbid you ever have to beg me. Thank you." Jancis Milburga: "Also thank you for sitting with Barengar. We have known one another for some Turns now. He is very important to me." Towering Peach: "Hm. Then what we do now?" Basile Feurieux: "Most definitely," Basile said. "Regardless.. I merely hoped to stop in. I suppose I will make my way to my quarters now. It has been a long travel. Again, it was a pleasure, Cleric Blodoint." Fiona Delaine nods. "Of course. It was a pleasure meeting him. Shame that he couldn't stay longer.. I was glad for his speech." Killian De'bayle: "Rest well, Ser Basile." Lionnet Blodoint stands, offering a handshake. "Likewise, Ser Feurieux." Fiona Delaine peeks up. "Ah- ser Basile! .. You're back!" Chachanji Gegenji: "Ah, well... hm..." He cants his head this way and that. "I figgered we'd come see thi' stuff and then we could held back. 'less there was somewhere ya wanted ta stop at? I mean, th' Botany 'n Conjury Guilds 'r out thi' way." Jancis Milburga: "As I. He has said that for as long as I have known him. Say what you mean, do what you say." Basile Feurieux: "And you, Baron de Bayle. It was good to see you," Basile then extended his own hand, shaking the Elezen's firmly. "You know where to find me if you wish to learn to slay beasts upon the back of a Chocobo," Basile dropped the shake comfortably after, before turning with an arched eyebrow. "Ah! Lady Fiona, I am indeed. How are you, this night?" He smirked through the question.
Basile Feurieux hands over something to Lionnet Blodoint. Jancis Milburga looks over and also notices Basile! "Sir Basile!" Lionnet Blodoint chuckles, bowing once more before turning to say a farewell to Killian as well. Jancis Milburga smiles and stands up, bowing. "Thank you for coming. Please do not let me be in the middle of reunions." Fiona Delaine wipes at her eyes. She looks strained, but somehow a little more at peace. "I'm- tonight was an important night, I think. It's- it's lovely having you." Basile Feurieux bows courteously to you. Fiona Delaine smiles up at Jancis, bowing her head in gratitude. You smile at Fiona Delaine. Killian De'bayle lifts his head up some, his expression unreadable. "Good evening, Mister Blodoint. Rest well." Fiona Delaine: "Oh- goodnight, docteure Lionnet!" Jancis Milburga: "Thank you for coming, Lord Lionnet! I mean Lionnet! Althyk willing I can make your acquaintance another sun!" Basile Feurieux: "It is good to see you, Lady Jancis. I apologize for being late," He said, turning back to Fiona. He arched an eyebrow curiously, mainly at the strained expression. Regardless, he did not mention it yet. "I am glad to hear that your evening has been helpful.. Lady Jancis is a wonderful host," He smiled in return to the compliment. "It is lovely to see you, as well. What have you been busying yourself with?" Basile inquired, sitting down promptly. You smile at Basile Feurieux. Basile Feurieux smiles at you. Lionnet Blodoint: "And you, my lord," says to Killian, before turning and bowing formally to both Fiona and Jancis, in turn. "Of course. Good evening to the both of you, and my gratitude to you for the sermon. It was definitely cause to make one think hard about certain things." Jancis Milburga makes a small joke that she laughs at herself nearly childishly, "I forgive you." You bow courteously to Lionnet Blodoint. Towering Peach: "Hm?" Jancis Milburga checks in with Chachanji and Reiko. "Thank you both again for coming all this way. I hope it gave you something to take with you. I overheard you saying my name a couple times but forgive me I missed what you were speaking about. You are heading into Gridania?" Fiona Delaine: ".. quite a lot of things," the witch murmurs. "Much still on mine mind. I've been knitting a special gift for dame Hestia.. Mine work with the Order's been minimal but with lingering effects, and- ah. I suppose I've just been- distracted." Fiona Delaine wanly smiles. You smile at Towering Peach. Hestia De'bayle moves from her position in the back to sit beside Killian, reaching to take his hand. Killian De'bayle squeezes Hestia's hand silently, then leans into her. Nogelle, perched on his left shoulder, repositions...somewhere, be it elsewhere on Killian's person or transferring to Hestia. Basile Feurieux: "Perhaps you need another onion soup to calm your thoughts?" Basile smirked, the gesture plastered across his lips. "I am glad to hear that you are busy, though.. I have been, as well. I returned tonight yet, from the Highlands.." Basile lowered his voice lightly, but not by much, "And I scouted a bit further." Chachanji Gegenji: "A-ah! Mebbe! Ms. Reiko was sayin' I should talk ta ya 'bout th' whole... um... fergivin' yerself thin'. But ya were in tha' super-deep conversation wit Ms. Fiona 'n I didn't wanna interrupt." Chachanji Gegenji: "So we was talkin' 'bout headin' out 'n I could talk ta ya more 'bout it when ya weren't so busy." Towering Peach nods. Fiona Delaine: "Maybe I *do*. Gods, I'm hungry all the time, but- ah..? You did? What did you find?" Hestia De'bayle leans into Killian as the little wyvern crawls onto Hestia, his head moving to rub against her cheek affectionately before he is comfortably situated between them.
Basile Feurieux: "Not much more than we had already seen, truthfully. But they do regular patrols about, similar to what we say.. With different.. Types of people. Although, they are at a set time of day, it seems.. Perhaps we can work around that." Jancis Milburga: "It has been a few bells! Lady Fiona is so sympathetic and she shared so much with me. When can I see you again, Chachanji?" Chachanji Gegenji: "Um, anytime, really. Ya know where ta find me." A cant of the head and a smile. "'n 'm glad ya were able ta help Ms. Fiona out. I didn't wanna listen in on what was bein' said... but it still sounded pretty... I 'unno. Heavy. Intense. Somethin' tha' she needed ta get out, y'know?" Fiona Delaine: ".. different.. types of people..?" Basile Feurieux: "I apologize. That was quite vague. Nay, I meant.. They seem to be recruiting from all over Eorzea, which means.. Well, perhaps they are branching out. I do not know." Jancis Milburga nods with wide eyes, her face not withholding any of the emotion that was on the other side of the room, "Very much so." Fiona Delaine: ".. Ah, I see. I wondered if you meant they'd more hybrids. Hm.." Fiona Delaine taps at her chin. "There was that Keeper in Ul'dah. He must be- I wonder how he's reaching them." Fiona Delaine: "What promises he's giving them." Jancis Milburga: "She shared a great deal with me. Something very important." Chachanji Gegenji: "Meanwhile 'm ov'r here wonderin' if'n I've fergivin' meself at all fer lyin' ta durin' th' how thin' wit th' Rogues. I mean... I still feel real bad 'bout it, y'know?" Basile Feurieux: "They could be? Halone only knows what they are doing there.." Basile shrugged at the latter comments, listening intently. "Perhaps a better situation than they have? Or.. Catering to anger or weakness, as was with the Keeper, who obviously had a grudge against the Blades.." Basile pursed his lips. Chachanji Gegenji: "But it jus' seems like 'm thinkin'a simple stuff... rather'n somethin'... I dunno. Deeper." Towering Peach listens quietly, simply watching the two interact. Fiona Delaine: "I can only wonder.." The witch sighs. "A-anyroad. If they've a set schedule, then we've an avenue in." Basile Feurieux nodded slowly. "Of course. We will figure it out, indeed. Though.. I do not wish to fill this reunion with such talk, only. Are you all right, I hope?" Basile inquired. Jancis Milburga blinks. "The time you thought they might be able to hear what I heard and use it against us. They attacked you many times. Your candy, they even poisoned your candy." Fiona Delaine: "Ah.." The witch bites her lip. ".. I should be. I should hopefully be. Much mine work of late has been troubling. But at least I know t'will be done with, soon enough." Chachanji Gegenji: "Yeah, but ya were real upset 'bout bein' lied ta like tha', y'know? It made me feel bad." He shakes his head. "Candy can be replaced, yer friends' trust... ain't as easy ta, y'know?" Towering Peach: "Mm." Jancis Milburga: "That was not simple to figure out, either. We were not that much further ahead of them. I was upset." Chachanji Gegenji: "I mean... ev'n wit tryin' ta not lie so much... I ended up tellin' Tiroro I was fine when I wasn't 'cuz I didn't wanna worry 'er when she was dealin' with stuff. 'n she got super mad at me fer tha', too." Fiona Delaine: ".. and, ah, then I might be enlisting under the House, here." Basile Feurieux nodded confidently, bringing a gestured finger up matter-of-factly. "I have no doubt that you will handle it decisively. If you ever need assistance, you need only ask. If, at the very least, it includes thrusting lance through the bodies of your enemies," Basile offered. "Oh?" He repeated, curiously, "You are?" Basile asked. Killian De'bayle exhales a weary sigh, still leaning against Hestia, and closes his eyes. Chachanji Gegenji: "'s jus'... I 'unno. 'specially wit Azyema, this was all 'bout how lyin' is bad... 'n I've seen plenty'a truth ta tha'." Fiona Delaine gently clears her throat. "I was informed that the Ironclaw Order shall be ceasing organizational operations once our latest.. endeavor is concluded. Like due to the politick and entanglements the Order's been a part of for it."
Chachanji Gegenji: "'n all I can think 'bout is times like tha'... where I've made folks I care 'bout upset 'cuz I thought I was doin' th' right thin' by keepin' thin's quiet." Chachanji Gegenji: "'n... is tha' somethin' I can really fergive meself fer? I mighta thought it was fer th' right reasons... but I still hurt those I care 'bout." Fiona Delaine: ".. and, well. I need a purpose. I want to provide mine aid to a cause greater than mineself." Jancis Milburga frowns thoughtfully and nods, "Even if it is or was to protect." Basile Feurieux listened. It was a few moments after that he nodded. "Ah. I have.. no doubt that you will be welcomed here. I am sorry that they are quitting." Basile pursed his lips. "I am undoubtedly not the only that would be happy to have you with us." the Hyur half-smirked faintly. Chachanji Gegenji: "Yeah... I mean, doin' wrong thin's 'r still wrong... ev'n if'n ya've got good intentions fer doin' 'em, right...?" Chachanji Gegenji: "So... wha' do I do?" Jancis Milburga: "Intention is important. The hard thing is now Azeyma's light is upon it, yes? Now that it is past, it is easy to see more of the parts and more answers that could have been?" Towering Peach rubs the back of her neck, sitting on the floor so she could at least look at Chachanji and not have her neck go stiff. Fiona Delaine: "I spoke about it some with Dame Hestia already. About what t'would involve. I'll admit, I'm not wholly enthused on the military aspect of it, but- better that than some band of disorganized adventurers, oui?" Jancis Milburga: "We know now that the Ruby Shadow did not catch up to us. And that you were hurting and hurt more forging to supply others. Or that we would make it to the land of your birth and not die in Kugane. At the time, though." Jancis Milburga closes her eyes. "At the time you did the best that you could with what was there with the best of intentions." Chachanji Gegenji: "Tha's true. Wit Tiroro... I coulda trusted 'er 'n let 'er decide fer 'erself whether it was somethin' she should 'r shouldn't worry 'bout..." He rubs at the back of his neck, almost in time with Reiko unintentionally. He looked up at Jancis as she closed her eyes. "I... I 'spose so. B-but... is it good 'nuff jus' ta try not ta lie no more? Or... should there be more I should be doin'? Ta make up fer what I did 'n ta make sure I dun do tha' sorta stuff again..." Chachanji Gegenji: "I don't want ta hurt th' folks I care fer, y'know?" Fiona Delaine: "I don't rightly think I'm a very good soldier." Fiona half-smiles. Basile Feurieux: "Ah, well.. Every Knight needs a Lord, rightly so? Figuratively speaking, I suppose. It may.. Perhaps, take some getting used to. I have little doubt you will, though. Similarly.. Well, what branch do you seek to go under?" Basile arched an eyebrow. Fiona Delaine: "Well- I am a mage and scholar, primarily. It shouldn't surprise you where I'm planning go." Basile Feurieux: "Grandmage Veve will be understanding, undoubtedly?" Fiona Delaine: "We've already spoken. He's.. aware of mine condition, and was looking to study it further." Jancis Milburga smiles warmly to Chachanji, "I think not wanting to is enough. You will hurt those you love and care about. And you will be villigant and avoid it or do it out of love. I do think being true to your words is enough and to trust someone to tell them how you feel is enough. But I am not you. If you want to do something more, or ask to do something more?" Jancis Milburga: "I forgave you. I know why you lied to me. Our lives were in danger. Others lives were in danger I understand what you had to do. It was wrong. But it was better than not making a choice." Basile Feurieux: "You spoke to him about it?" Basile perked up a bit, but did not seem disgusted or anything of the like. Nay, he spoke again. "I could hardly wrap my head around it, My Lady Delaine, but.. Grandmage Veve is the one to understand it, undoubtedly." In fact, Basile's tone seemed less confident then, as if he treaded lightly as his voiced lowered in volume. Chachanji Gegenji rubs at his neck again. "I 'unno. Really. I mean... I jus' felt like... 's like ya said... it was wrong. So I wonder what I coulda done, shoulda done." Fiona Delaine: "Yes. About the same time I broached the matter with Dame Hestia. I figured it only right to be honest, if I was to be working with." The witch half-smiles. Chachanji Gegenji: "B-but I AM tryin' ta be better 'bout it! 'n I'm doin' me best ta help people, not hurt 'em. I want ta help people 'n make them happy." Chachanji Gegenji: "'specially those I care 'bout." Chachanji Gegenji: "'n-n tha's akay?" Jancis Milburga: "Forgive me. Better way to say is it was not the right answer? It was an answer nonetheless."
Jancis Milburga nods, "I think so. More than okay." Chachanji Gegenji still seems a little troubled about what the right answer would've been back then, but he still nods. "Th-tha's good." Jancis Milburga: "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." Basile Feurieux cleared his throat, bringing his hands together as he twiddled his thumbs. He smirked, however, and nodded. "You are right to do so. You already witnessed my reaction.." He said slightly awkwardly, before attempting to speak again, "And I am yet honoured to have been with you along the way, thus far." Chachanji Gegenji: "I-I thin' I can manage tha', yeah." Chachanji Gegenji exhales, a heavy thing. Wondering what he could've or should've done... worrying that he wasn't doing enough to make up for what he did. It was obvious that sort of stuff had been quietly eating at him for a while now. A definite sign that he really hadn't moved on from it, forgiven himself for it. Chachanji Gegenji: "I jus'... gotta keep goin' 'n keep tryin' me best, right?" Jancis Milburga smiles softly, "I think you can, too. I admit I feel a little ashamed. Now that I look back on it, I cannot remember how upset I was at you. Just that I was. Had not thought about it, either." Fiona Delaine: "I know. I'm glad for it," the witch smiles, softly, and reaches for Basile's hand. "Thank you, ser Basile." Jancis Milburga: "I will keep trying my best, too. You help me make better decisions. And seeing new parts of the world and other ways of thinking. Bringing Lady Reiko here, too." Chachanji Gegenji flusters a little at that. Basile Feurieux returned it with a half-smirk, the expression broadening across his visage. He exended his right hand out to meet and take hers, "It is my pleasure, Lady Delaine. You are always welcomed," He simply said, admitting. He met her gaze for a moment with a nod. Jancis Milburga smiles over at the very tall lady. "He really does think a lot about others before himself." Towering Peach: "Mm. It is how we met." Fiona Delaine slowly deflates. "I should like be headed home, shortly. Afore I go, though. I've something for Dame Hestia." Chachanji Gegenji glances between the two of them and bashfully scratches at his cheek. "I-I like helpin' people..." Jancis Milburga: "Is there something similar in the east to the Warden among the kami?" Basile Feurieux nodded slowly. "I will be around for planning yet, simply contact me," Basile said so, his hand returning to his lap. "Fare well, Lady Delaine." Fiona Delaine: "Of course, ser Basile." The witch rises with a soft smile, wipes at her eyes once again, and turns to slip past. Fiona Delaine: ".. pardon, ah.. my lord Killian, Dame Hestia.." Killian De'bayle opens his eyes at the sound of someone's approach, straightening so that he no longer leans against Hestia. Hestia De'bayle sits up some, opening her own eyes. "Madame Delaine, good evening." Fiona Delaine delicately curtseys. ".. ah- I apologize, for mine interruption. May I beg a moment your time?" Towering Peach purses her lips. "In a way. Many of same belief like you say." Jancis Milburga: "I would like to hear of them equally in the near future, if I could ask that of you both." Killian De'bayle turns his head back toward Hestia, quietly awaiting her response. Hestia De'bayle: "By all means, did you wish to speak to me in private?" Fiona Delaine: "Ah, non, no need. A few suns ago we spoke in your home, and, well." She turns and rummages in her satchel, finally retrieving a fair sized flat box, which she proffers to Hestia with a soft smile. Chachanji Gegenji looks to Reiko and nods before returning his gaze to Jancis. "I can do me best. I dunno all th' diff'rent kami out there but... 's only fair ta help ya learn 'bout 'em like ya helped us learn 'bout th' Twelve." Fiona Delaine: "I finished that project I'd resolved." Hestia De'bayle blinks at this, reaching out to gingerly accept the box with raised brows. "A... gift?" Hestia asks hesitantly. Fiona Delaine nods, smile widening slightly. Hestia De'bayle slowly brings the box down into her lap, her cheeks reddening. "You... you did not have to... Starlight is far away..." she mumbles out.
Jancis Milburga: "I think it is connected. So many important things gain many names." Fiona Delaine: "I figure, best be ready, oui..? 'tis a humble thing, I know, but, you never know when t'would be good to have." Hestia De'bayle was now especially intrigued, not sure what the woman could possible be referencing. "Is it alrgiht for me to open it here?" Chachanji Gegenji: "Tha' will need ta be fer 'nother time, though..." he admitted sheepishly. "'s gettin' pretty late. So if'n we still want ta stop by th' Botany 'n Conjury Guilds a'fore headin' back t'wards Ul'dah, we might wanna get goin'." Fiona Delaine: "Yes, of course!" Hestia De'bayle lifts slender digits up to the boxes top to carefully unlid it, peeking inside. Jancis Milburga nods, "Keeper's Grace. I lose track of time in here so easily. Were it not for the bells. I mean the one that sings in here not the passing time." You see Chachanji Gegenji and blush with embarrassment. Jancis Milburga: "Thank you both for coming again. I keep saying that, no? I am so happy you both did and will again." Chachanji Gegenji giggles a little. "'s fine, 's fine. I like comin' ta see ya 'n hang out wit ya too, Ms. Jancis." Jancis Milburga looks hopeful, "First of many." Towering Peach: "Any time, Jancis. Thank you for your books and lesson." You smile at Chachanji Gegenji. You bow courteously to Towering Peach. Jancis Milburga offers her hands to Reiko to help with standing, even if she's probably not an actual helpful height. Jancis Milburga: "I hope they are useful still in your pursuits! Maybe even in learning translations! There is a lot of room to write in new notes." Fiona Delaine | Inside? A pair of knit wool hats, designed with little pointed 'ears' of fabric and a spot of red at the forehead. One is coloured topaz, the other a light blue-green. And beneath the hats, a folded long knit striped woolen scarf, in the House's red and black and silver. Fiona Delaine: "I had a bit of extra material and more time, so I figured I'd make something for you and Killian, too.." Towering Peach: "They are! Still learning but getting better!" You smile at Towering Peach. Jancis Milburga: "The Botanists and Conjurers will surely have more. Travel safely, please." Jancis Milburga beckons to Chachanji. Chachanji Gegenji: "We will!" Killian De'bayle turns his attention to Fiona when his name is mentioned. "Mmh? What is it?" Fiona Delaine rubs sheepishly at her neck. "Ah, well- I made a pair of scarves, too.." Towering Peach: "You as well."
Hestia De'bayle widens her eyes some, carefully setting the lid aside as she balanced the box on the rounded of her belly. Reaching inside, Hestia raised them up, "oh... Fiona. They are adorable," she scrunches her lips, the typically dour woman taken with emotion. "Killian... a scarf for you and two hats for Loth and Áine."
Jancis Milburga gives Chachanji a quick hug and then stops holding the pair back, waving farewell. Chachanji Gegenji returns the hug! He likes hugs. Fiona Delaine beams brightly, pleased with the response. And quietly glad to have managed to make delivery before she completely forgot about the project and it turned into an inadvertant cat bed. Killian De'bayle: "Ahh..." Killian smiles at this, the expression crinkling the corners of his eyes. "Thank you, Miss Delaine. The weather is turning...and winter will be upon us when the little beans are ready to greet the world. Your gift will be much appreciated." Towering Peach: "Let us go." Chachanji Gegenji seems like at least some weight is off his shoulders now as he moves to lead Reiko off to the Conjury and Botany Guilds. "Akay!" You bid farewell to Chachanji Gegenji.
Hestia De'bayle: "I told her when she had first mentioned the idea that I would be sure they knew they came from her. They will be very grateful, I am sure." You bid farewell to Towering Peach. Chachanji Gegenji waves to you. Fiona Delaine: "I'm glad!" The little witch's smile remains wide and bright. Fiona Delaine: "Oh- goodbye, Chachanji, mademoiselle Reiko!" Jancis Milburga checks in on Basile. Towering Peach: "Farewell!" Chachanji Gegenji: "Bye bye, Ms. Fiona! Talk ta ya later!" Chachanji Gegenji waves to Fiona Delaine. Jancis Milburga: "It was a joke earlier. About forgiving you for being late." Killian De'bayle reaches around to touch Hestia's belly. They will be warm, at least, if not thanks to their parents. I'm glad for that." Killian De'bayle ^" Basile Feurieux: "Hello, Lady Jancis," He smiled, shaking his head, "Oh, of course. I knew so," Basile chuckled lightly, leaning back as his hands interlaced upon his thigh. Hestia De'bayle: "Do you want to hold the hats?" She offers them out to him. Fiona Delaine: "Highland sheep's wool yarn, so they should be well and goodly warm and soft, too. And should help shed the wet, too." Jancis Milburga smiles, "Oh good. We were talking about Azeyma and the difference between forgiveness and justice." she laughs too after over-explaining. "You looked very thoughtful." Killian De'bayle lifts his hands, scarred fingertips brushing over the knitted fabric. as he takes it in hand. "It is so small...our babies will be very small when they're born," he murmurs idly. Fiona Delaine softly smiles as Killian feels out the hat, winding her hands before herself in some measure of pride. Basile Feurieux: "I have learned of forgiveness as of late," Basile nodded, pausing. He took a second to glance over towards the three on the other side, before looking back to Jancis. "It is not something I acquired easily, nay.. Too much had happened for me to do so. It is now, however, that I understand it," Basile explained. "Lately, I have, indeed, been thoughtful." Hestia De'bayle: "He says they may have to be cut free from me... I may not be able to birth them naturally..." Hestia murmurs. "And they will come sooner than a single baby. So they will be very small for that." Jancis Milburga follows the glance across the room, smiling a bit wistfully and glad. "As long as I am not interrupting it. You are quite right, forgiveness is very challenging. And selfish. In a good way, I mean." She smiles back up at Basile, "Fiona is looking a bit better, must be something you said." Killian De'bayle: "And we won't be able to give them warmth, ourselves. We both run colder than normal. So warm clothes are...a good gift." Fiona Delaine bites her lower lip in quiet worry. ".. I see," the little witch whispers. "But- you've company of fine and skilled healers, your husband most of all. I've faith that all shall be well." She blinks. "Mayhaps I should knit a blanket, as well?" Hestia De'bayle: "Killian and I were considering making a blanket ourselves for them... we figure we should give them a gift from their parents." Fiona Delaine: "Oh- you should. Such a thing can bear all the warmth and love you have for them. It would be a wonderful thing to do." Killian De'bayle: "We'll have to get started on that soon, then. I expect I'll be pricking my fingers a lot. But the Master Aegisan likes my quilt a lot for the furs. They're soft." Hestia De'bayle: "Do you think making them a fur one like the one we sleep with would be optimal?" Basile Feurieux offered Jancis a nod, then. "Your words speak true, as always, Lady Jancis. And, yes.. I hope that she feels better. She most certainly deserves to, and it will do her well to see that the rest of us do not see her for something different," noted the Hyur with pursed lips, a thoughtful gesture. He spoke again. "Actually, I had hoped to see if you were yet lending ear to confessions.. Perhaps?" He inquired. Killian De'bayle: "Ahh--maybe not. Mine is heavy, probably too heavy for them. But...maybe a lighter fur..." Hestia De'bayle: "Rab-rab fur!"
Fiona Delaine hides soft laughter. "A blanket, or a quilt, can be quite the labour. My mother taught me, but it was my sister who prompted me learn to knit and sew. She's a weaver working in Ul'dah, now, and I was in infirmary and had naught to do. So she encouraged me, and it's.. It's nice, creating something. Even if some can take *forever*." Jancis Milburga agrees quickly, "Not see her for something different." She sits up, "You can have both of my ears. I can stop listening to things of soft yarns and furs and listen to you. Azeyma would want it." Fiona Delaine: ".. but I think it'd be well worth doing!" She smiles again at Hestia's word-choice. That was an unexpectedly cute term for one of such frigid exterior. Killian De'bayle: "I'll be glad for Hestia's help. I can't imagine my work will be any good for a blanket." Killian turns his head some toward Hestia with a faint smile. "Rab-rab fur?" he echoes. Basile Feurieux: "You do not have to. It does not even have to be tonight, Lady Jancis. I had simply wished for you to listen," Basile nodded, seemingly calm about it. Hestia De'bayle: "Ahh..." her cheeks redden once more, "that was... what my instructor called the rabbits outside our city's walls. In the forest... they were all mean little creatures, but their fur was very soft." Jancis Milburga pauses, settling back down and considering it. "Not even tonight?" She asked again, smiling. The hours were showing and Basile had joined in after a very important conversation that left a subtle heaviness on the hyur's face. "If you are certain, then I will listen another night. I want to, I do not think of you as a job, Basile." Killian De'bayle: "Rab-rab fur," Killian repeats. "Hmm...I'm not sure. It might work." Hestia De'bayle: "I can hunt them, that was a specialty of mine when I was young. I needed to practice on something after all." Hestia De'bayle: "They are quick little things." Basile Feurieux: "Of course you shall not," Basile smiled faintly, "And I will not hold you past acceptible hour to tell you such. I am around, and I shall be in the near future. Another night, yes?" Killian De'bayle: "As long as you don't overexert yourself." Killian touches Hestia's belly again, and offers back the little carbuncle hat. Fiona Delaine smiles gently and bows. ".. I'm glad you both are pleased. I- ah, I shall be off, I think." She fingers the necklace about her throat. ".. May your eve be beautiful." Jancis Milburga smiles and nods. "As you like. I trust you. Another night." Hestia De'bayle: "Oh...." Hestia peers down. "That is right..." she hums out in thought, "ah? Ah, rest well, my lady. These will make an excellent Starlight gift for them." Basile Feurieux patted his thighs with both hands, smiling as he bowed his head. "Thank you for speaking to me, Lady Jancis. I shall be taking leave similarly. I must rest." Basile nodded, standing. He offered Jancis a practiced bow. Basile Feurieux bows courteously to you. Killian De'bayle: "Thank you again, Miss Delaine." Fiona Delaine delicately curtseys. "And you both, when you may." She gently smiles and turns to depart. You bow courteously to Basile Feurieux. Fiona Delaine: "Of course..!" Jancis Milburga stands up and bows back, "Rest deeply and fully, Ser Basile. Goodnight." Killian De'bayle touches Hestia's face. "I had hoped for a moment to speak with Lady Milburga in private. Is it alright if I meet you back at home?" Basile Feurieux: "Good night, Lady Jancis." You smile at Basile Feurieux. Basile Feurieux: "And to you, Lady Delaine," Basile offered a faint smile as he passed by, a curt nod bowing. Fiona Delaine: "Goodnight, lady Jancis. Thank you for.. for listening to me, and for your counsel." Fiona Delaine: "Ah- goodnight, ser Basile." Basile Feurieux bows. Hestia De'bayle: "Of course. I shall be waiting," Hestia gathers up the little caps, tucking them in with the scarf and closing the box to stand. Offering Killian a gentle pat on the head, Hestia looked toward Jancis. "Rest well, Jancis." Jancis Milburga gives Fiona a warm smile, "Thank you. Goodnight and travel safely, Lady Fiona." Fiona Delaine curtseys and slips out.
Jancis Milburga smiles over at Hestia, looking a bit wistful and sad to do no more than bid goodnight. "As you and the little ones, Hestia." Hestia De'bayle: "We shall certainly do our best. They do not make it easy," she laughs dryly, clearing her throat. "Forgive me, for having come in late. I only just arrived back from the north. I wish I could have made it back sooner..."
Jancis Milburga: "Nothing important is easy. Nophica's Grace. I forgive you. It is a good joke tonight because we were talking about forgiveness. I am glad to see you nonetheless. And I missed you here. I was thinking about you." Jancis Milburga looks awkward and rubs her cheek a bit, "It is one of many." Hestia De'bayle smiles bashfully. "I may come back tomorrow to offer Azeyma my proper confessions. It is best to do them before the end of the moon. You are always in my thoughts as well. I hope you are faring well. I had best be on my way, though..." Hestia steps forward, reaching out to offer Jancis a big hug. Jancis Milburga leans forward and gladly accepts the hug, half breathing in the taller woman before releasing. "I am well enough. I will be here if you want me. Goodnight, Sweet Zinnia." Hestia De'bayle raises a hand to gently pat Jancis' cheek, before turning on her heel to step toward the door and quietly slip out. Killian De'bayle offers a hesitant smile over toward Jancis. "You have spent a lot of time talking tonight. Are you okay to talk more?" Jancis Milburga smiles oddly at the gesture, feeling her cheek as she joins Killian. "Yes. Yes I can manage some more. A lot of people needed to talk." Killian De'bayle 's smile is fleeting and fades quickly. "The night we were at the Sea of Clouds," he begins without anything in the way of preamble. "You were with me. I gave the order and assisted you with a spell that...caused a lot of people to die." Jancis Milburga curls her hands up on her knees, eyes wide and watching Killian's face. It doesn't take long for the recollection to come to her own face and into her voice, pausing for some time before answering thicker, "Yes." Killian De'bayle 's face is blank, lacking much in the way of expression as it often does. "Can I...ask your forgiveness? For giving you the order...to do that?" Jancis Milburga exhales sharply, her eyes closing. Jancis Milburga: "I follow you because I trust you. When we first met I gave trust out of a faith and now it is more than a hope, it is the right thing to do. Your intentions and foresight. I followed an order to protect a ship and those aboard it." Jancis Milburga opens her eyes slowly and turns back to Killian, her gaze across his hands. "You ask much of me to forgive that." Killian De'bayle lowers his head, pressing his lips together some as though to hold back some emotion. "I...I know," he murmurs, almost whispering. "I have...I have never...been responsible for...so many deaths. I don't even...know how many. I wanted to know...I wanted to tend to the dead, but..." Killian De'bayle trails off, the words dying in his mouth before they're spoken. Eventually, he continues, "A part of myself was left there on that island with the dead. I don't know...how to earn their forgiveness. I don't know how." Jancis Milburga: "I kept looking. That is selfish of me to say to you, but as we flew away I watched them and the ship go. I could not count them either. I wanted to go back. Perhaps part of ourselves did die there. The wave I felt, we felt, then only to realize they were purposefully there to be like crystals." Jancis Milburga furrows her brow, "A trap like that cannot be your responsibility. No Spoken would think of such a thing. Only a void-filled monster." Jancis Milburga covers her face with her hands. Killian De'bayle: "The trap wasn't, but...the people were. Maybe they were intended to die there by...whoever or whatever orchestrated all of that, but...I still gave the order. And you were made to do something horrible because of it. We both were. All the spellcasters who assisted were." Jancis Milburga: "We both were. I wonder if a ship would be willing to go there again. Would a service for the fallen bring you close enough to apologize. I had not thought of it as you had, Killian." Killian De'bayle: "The island was drained of aether and crumbled away...maybe...maybe we could find where the ashes lay? If there are...any left." Jancis Milburga turns on the bench enough to face the man, "Perhaps. There were so many I-" She pauses, "Even if they are in the clouds or in the wind, we would find something. And I do forgive you. For not perceiving what would come. Thaliak knows I would not have, either."
Killian De'bayle: "You...you do? It is...a lot to ask for..." Jancis Milburga: "Had enough time resting in the Pillars to think about it over and over in my mind what detail was missed what angle or intensity would have shifted the blast. If hitting half of that island would have been better than all. It took the people and the land. All the dirt. The air. Yes. Yes, I do. I forgive you, Killian." She repeated a third time, "I forgive you. I would follow your orders again. Like the merchant, I knew you could care for him and I went after the woman who cut his throat." Killian De'bayle: "Ahh..." A flash of guilt crosses Killian's features. "My spell failed. I tried to put her to sleep. My spell failed, so she cut his throat. I'm glad that I could tend to him quickly enough. Again, the fault was mine, but at least he didn't die because of it." Jancis Milburga confesses, "I tried to trip her, make her lose her footing that she would lose her aim. We both failed." Jancis Milburga: "How do you take on the faults of the wicked? I would help them see Azeyma, too. To be able to forgive them. But what she chose to do is hers." Killian De'bayle: "I...I suppose you're right. I didn't hold the knife to his throat. More...that I chose poorly in how to respond. But...no one died because of it. For that, I'm glad. There is no need to feel guilty over what didn't come to pass." Jancis Milburga regards him, "No one died. I. Thank you. For talking about them with me. I think it would do my heart a great service to speak to the dead." Jancis Milburga: "I mean, forgive me I do not speak well. I mean of those in Sea of Clouds. And the ship that went down." Killian De'bayle: "Ahh...yes. Me, too. I hope...it will help. It feels selfish...to hope it will ease the burden on my heart." Jancis Milburga sits quietly for a bit, "You are a healer. It might be a little selfish, but we have to heal to help others in kind. I think," she looks up and around at the gentle bell, "it will help us cherish life all the more. Because we know death so well." Jancis Milburga: "Please find us a way to go back to them." Killian De'bayle: "That...that's a good way to think about it." Killian tips his head up a little. "I'll speak to Hestia about making a trip to the Sea of Clouds. And Ser Prentice, and anyone else who might wish to come along. To try to find the remains of that island and the dead...or, failing that, to...hold a memorial service. If you would like to...come with me for it." Jancis Milburga nods, "I would, yes. Warden willing it bring some solace." Jancis Milburga: "May I take your hand?" Killian De'bayle: "My--ahh, alright." Killian offers out a bandaged hand, familiar burned scars and pale splotchy spots marking his exposed fingertips. Jancis Milburga inspects the hand a moment, "I am not sure if this helps. Or works this way. Can you tell expression through your hands?" Killian De'bayle: "Expression--on your face, you mean? Through touch? I can sometimes...it depends. I think subtle expressions, no...I'm just not very good at body language. But smiles, crying, anger, yes, I can. And I think I've gotten a bit better at it since meeting Hestia. I touch her face a lot." Jancis Milburga: "Yes. People tell me I do not hide much on my face. I grew wearing a mask there was no need to limit expressions with it. And why would anyone wish to hide anyway. I am no Hestia. I was not sure if you could perceive the calm I feel." Jancis Milburga doesn't move his hand, watching it instead. "It is cathartic to talk of these things. Maybe I forgive myself some. For not having a better answer." Killian De'bayle: "Calm...I'm not sure. I don't know what calm is like. Um, what it...looks like, I mean. Or feels like, with my fingers. When Hestia's calm, she also smiles a little." Killian trails off when Jancis speaks again. His hand remains fairly still in hers, his fingers frigid cold in her grasp, not unlike Hestia's would be. "Forgive yourself?" he echoes. Jancis Milburga: "I do not think I am smiling." She frees a hand to check her own face, but fails to figure it out. >> Killian De'bayle: O Jancis Milburga: "Maybe? I always want to be useful. Have answers as much as my spells to heal wounds. Best to ponder more of that another night. Hestia must miss you." Killian De'bayle: "Mmh...you're probably right. I don't keep time very well...it must be late. Hestia and Nogelle...I don't want to keep them waiting too long. Thank you, though...for speaking with me. It's hard, and...not something...I'm ready to share with many others."
Jancis Milburga: "Maybe? I always want to be useful. Have answers as much as my spells to heal wounds. Best to ponder more of that another night. Hestia must miss you." Killian De'bayle: "Mmh...you're probably right. I don't keep time very well...it must be late. Hestia and Nogelle...I don't want to keep them waiting too long. Thank you, though...for speaking with me. It's hard, and...not something...I'm ready to share with many others." Jancis Milburga releases Killian's hand. "It is hard. It means a great deal you shared it with me and I found it consoling." She stands up, "I will be up awhile longer, if my daughter is awake. Spend some time with her either way." Jancis Milburga: "Thank you." Killian De'bayle: "Your daughter...what did you name her?" Jancis Milburga looks thoughtful and looks upstairs. "Torene." Killian De'bayle: "Torene." Killian smiles. "I'm happy for you. I am...happy. I was worried about you and her. I'm happy to know my worries were unfounded." He rises to his feet and takes his cane back in hand.
Jancis Milburga smiles, "Not completely. Had to be careful and tend to my cherished one quietly before. Before meeting others. I think only you, Denz, and Astrelle know her name." Killian De'bayle: "Is it alright if I tell Hestia?" Jancis Milburga: "I. Tell Hestia. Yes. Yes, of course. You love her, she knows what you know."
Killian De'bayle smiles again. "Alright...alright. I'm sure she'd be happy to know. Mmh. Well, you should go see little Torene, then. And show her your love. She is so lucky to have it." Jancis Milburga regards Killian at that, looking grateful. She reaches out and lightly covers Killian's hand on his cane. "Goodnight." With that she heads up the stairs by the organ until no longer heard.
Chachanji Gegenji Barengar Armsbreaker Towering Peach (Reiko) Fiona Delaine Tetebino Hihibino Cinnabar Prentice Killian De'bayle Jacline Kerelle Lionnet Blodoint Basile Feurieux Hestia De'bayle Jancis Milburga
September 26 2018
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jancisstuff · 6 years
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De’bayle Practice
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jancisstuff · 6 years
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The Re-Kindle: The Sanctuary Chapel
After many of the house working on resources and construction of the room, the door is unlocked to reveal a new section to the De’bayle House, Dawn Vigil.
Listening to the story of how this crystal came into being, the group focuses in the first prayers - or thoughts - in the room and lights the crystal into a blue glow with their presence.
Assured the crystal will stay bright as long as people visit, the Re-Kindle is complete.
((Thanks to all who came along this little story arc.Here’s to more to come.))
Raw Log
Fiona Delaine slips just into the building after a brief chat with the guards outside. Jancis Milburga smiles and greets Fiona from afar, fiddling with something as she prepares. Fiona Delaine bows her head to Jancis, and approaches with a smile. "Bonsoir, mon amie. I'd not miss this for the world." Jancis Milburga: "The entire world! Twelve forbid! I am quite happy with how our work has come together. I doubt Byregot Himself would have done different!" Hestia De'bayle sat in the parlor just off to the side of the foyer, sipping on a glass of iced tea presumably. Peering over as Fiona made entry, the woman quirked a brow. "Evening, Madame Delaine," Hestia stands, setting her glass down on a coaster before shuffling over toward the duo. "Ah, and Jancis. I heard there is a grand opening tonight." Fiona Delaine: "Perhaps we might be well able ask- though the Twelve are not known for direct answers," the witch grins at Jancis. At Hestia's greeting, she blinks, turns, and offers a smile. "Ah- oui, bonsoir. Lovely seeing you, dame Hestia." Hestia De'bayle presses her lips tightly together, a minor twitch there. "You as well, I am quite enthusiastic to see what became of this crystal ordeal. I fear my duties have kept me busy, but I have remained curious all the while." Jancis Milburga beams, "Hestia. Yes. All the noise of late has not been in vain! Very thoughtful noise. I think these walls are quite thick, though, regardless. Your direction was very useful to get us here." Jancis Milburga: "I know all too well the frustration of not going first-hand and digging these up." Hestia De'bayle: "Thankfully they are. I would not want the residents here to grow restless with others varying bells," she raises a hand in a defensive wave, "you are too kind, I wish I could have said I did more, but truly you and yours are reason for this rooms creation." Fiona Delaine: "Well, may curiosity be sated today." She grins. And at Aedida's arrival, glances back, brows up and with a smile. Jancis Milburga purses her lips for a moment, "I could never be too kind." Hestia De'bayle: "Ah, sister!" Hestia turns with a pleased expression, "I was not expecting your presence tonight, I am most pleased you have been around more often." Aedida Aldricht nods in greeting. "I had hoped to find Ser Rageant, though it would seem there is something of a fuss about the doo~r." Aedida Aldricht beams at Hestia De'bayle. Hestia De'bayle: "I unfortunately do not think he is within the estate at the moment. Apologies you came all this way." Hestia De'bayle: "However, if you wish to stay, Jancis is unveiling a new room that is the product of some moons investigating a crystal." Aedida Aldricht: "It is no matter. I have many friends he~re - Ah, is that so? What sort of crystal?" Jancis Milburga welcomes Aedida, "Yes, you are most welcome to stay. I heard you the other eve a bit. And Hestia calls you sister so even three times as welcome to stay. A very curious novelty it is, the crystal I mean, one cultivated carefully that is quite fitting for what Lady Fiona called a Sanctuary." Jancis Milburga: "It is a most fitting name. And it will require close kindred to fill its purpose." Fiona Delaine: "And, perhaps, a most needful thing." Jancis Milburga: "I think it is a boon. Especially for what this house has endured before." Jancis Milburga looks up at the ceiling and other physical parts of the manor. Hestia De'bayle: "I am inclined to agree. This House has many things, but a place for oneself and a connection to the divine is one it lacked. I am now even further enthused. I shall ensure it recieves plenty use."
Fiona Delaine glances about. She wasn't familiar with *this* Dawn Vigil's struggles. Aedida Aldricht grins. "I am most curious to see it then. It sounds to be important, if it is to provide sanctuary~." Jancis Milburga says thoughtfully before welcoming others that come in the door, "I have tried to double its purpose beyond that. An empty room is very useless. And I know Halone as much as Others need a place here. Beyond within, I mean. A place to focus on Them." You express your fervent approval of Jacline Kerelle. Jacline Kerelle agrees wholeheartedly with you. Jancis Milburga: "Lady Jacline! Welcome! I am so excited to show you what we have made." Hestia De'bayle nods. "Halone is important to that of the See, but regardless of what the orthodox once said, there are eleven others we should give respect toward. And that I shall." Fiona Delaine bows her head in greeting to the newly-arrived elezen. Jacline Kerelle: "We made somethin'? Great! Oh, oh! Is it a new bread recipe? They was talkin' about that in the kitchens last night..." Jancis Milburga: "And Captain Alleria! You made it! Some of your knights have been busy. Forgive me, they are always busy, but thank you for giving them chances to aid in these digs." Jancis Milburga flusters and apologies, looking more profusely at Jacline. "They were? Oh forgive me. I meant those crystals we found. I can go ask about the bread now." She offers! Hestia De'bayle: "I do believe the bread can probably wait. It shall be there bells from now, I am sure." Jacline Kerelle sniffs at the air a few times. "Hm. Naah. Smells like the same old fare. Must still be workin' on the details. What'd we make outta the crystals, though?" Jancis Milburga looks about and admits, "I did not have any bread ready. Not in the room." Hestia De'bayle: "It is probably for the best, would not wish to attract ants," Hestia says matter-of-factly. Dreadful ants. Jancis Milburga: "Something wonderful. They fit in that disk." Jancis Milburga nods slowly, "That is how you get them." Jancis Milburga gives Hestia the "Reference Archer" achievement token. Jacline Kerelle wants donuts now. Alleria Surlaint: "Of course Lady Jancis! I believe all experience can be useful so I'm glad that they accompanied you and were helpful in your ventures."  (Sorry was eating pizza) Jancis Milburga: "You will be welcome to train in this room, of course. Knights need time to focus as much as walk around in armor in laps. I appreciate it all the more since I have tried it." Fiona Delaine smiles softly. "It does the mind good, does it not? Meditation, mindfulness, and focus- they got me through many a dreadsome place." Fiona Delaine: "Well worth learning and sharing for any willing, I should think." Hestia De'bayle nods in agreement with Fiona. "Indeed. Having a place to focus best will be a blessing, truly. I wish to put my instructors teachings to better use." Jancis Milburga nods fully in agreement, "I can recall the suns I have not meditated on one hand. It will be a boon to those who are unskilled in it. Or troubled. Or should the house come under attack it will be another refuge." Fiona Delaine turns to Hestia. "Does it oft come under attack?" Hestia De'bayle: "Ah... no. Not since the last time," her expression grows grim. "I have made sure of that." Fiona Delaine furrows her brows. ".. The- oui. I'll not ask more." Hestia De'bayle frowns at the memory that crosses her mind, her lips tightening some before she raises her gaze toward Jancis. "It is... for the best. Tonight is a special occassion. And hopefully each sun is better than the last." Jancis Milburga: "Lady Fiona has offered to help in some wards. I know Master Vevekera has done much. Having another knowledgable in them would be of great use to continue completing the sanctuary." Hestia De'bayle: "Of course, thank you, Madame Delaine. Your efforts in ensuring the safety of all of our home, is appreciated dearly." Fiona Delaine: "Of course. I'm happy to be of assistance." Fiona Delaine smiles  warmly. Jancis Milburga gives Hestia an empathic and earnest look, "Spinner has us expect the best as we prepare for the worst." Jancis Milburga turns back to the door and welcomes Cinnabar.
Jancis Milburga: "Lady Cinnabar! Keeper's Perfection! The time draws near and you herald it!" Denz De'bayle opens up the door, running smack into the back of an armored Roegadyn. Hestia De'bayle: "Indeed. No grim reminders tonight, only a brighter tomorrow," Hestia turns toward the door. "It is good to see others could come and share in this moment." Jacline Kerelle motions joyfully to Cinnabar Prentice. Jancis Milburga: "I am so happy to show you what we have made. But it is not the bread! Do not be disappointed! Something else." Cinnabar Prentice arrives! A blink of surprise at the congregation, but gives a silent greeting of smile and nod to Jancis, ere approachi- stumbling, and blinking back at Denz. Jancis Milburga looks over at Jacline as she mentions the sad news about no bread. Alleria Surlaint covered her mouth hiding the rather brief chuckle of the collission at the door. Jancis Milburga: "Are you all right?!" Fiona Delaine smiles over at the newcomers, amused. Denz De'bayle smooths down the front of his coat, looking up at Cinnabar as she gathered herself. "Quite the doorstop. We'll have you posted there when next we are under siege." Denz De'bayle grins tauntingly at Cinnabar Prentice. Cinnabar Prentice: "O-oh, uhm... Aye, all is well..." A clear of the throat and she hastens her way to Jac's side. Safe and sound. Jacline Kerelle smiles at Cinnabar Prentice. Denz De'bayle walked inside further before anyone else entered, patting a hand on Alleria's shoulder. "Surlaint." Jancis Milburga smiles after watching Cinnabar's steps that she's not favoring anything, and waves over at the door to Denz. "Welcome." Cinnabar Prentice brushes hair aside from her forehead, then greeting everyone starting with Jac. A pinch and wiggle of the ear for her, and a bow of head to the others. Jancis Milburga: "Let us not wait any longer! Althyk's Grace." You clap. Fiona Delaine: "Magnifique." Jancis Milburga: "May I present to the House and dear kin, the Sanctuary Chapel." She opens the door and waves along. Down the hall a door with a ribbon is there, unlocked. Jancis Milburga #5 please)) You bow. Cinnabar Prentice hums softly, brow furrowed in thought... Best to dispense with the weaponry first. Fiona Delaine slips through the door, and onward. Alleria Surlaint returned the friendly pat to the elezens shoulder. "Good evening Baron De'bayle." Hestia De'bayle raises a hand to Aedida's back with a small smile, leading her along with her. Denz De'bayle: Come let us join the others. Jancis Milburga happily holds the door. Denz De'bayle leans down, planting a swift kiss on Jancis' forehead. "Hi." He would step in shortly after. Jancis Milburga blinks. Jacline Kerelle looks around. Jancis Milburga ||The smell of wood oil and a familiar almost musk of the chocobo forest is, for the time being, obvious in this new construction. The floors are unlike the marble of the main hall, a softer sound when stepping across. Jacline Kerelle stares at the stained glass with her mouth hanging open. Jancis Milburga: "Please watch your step." Her tone is apologetic as she's... the last one to come into the room. Fiona Delaine: ".. I'd only been party to seeing the pieces, retrieving them. Seeing it all come together.. c'est magnifique." Fiona murmurs to Hestia. >> Jacline Kerelle: ||The stained glass is old and thick with rich colors, definitely something from Ishgard. The designs in it are close to snow coming into grass and regrowth. Jancis Milburga: "I know it is dark, but please look around as you like and have a seat when you are ready." Jacline Kerelle makes a poking gesture.
Hestia De'bayle: "Ah..." Hestia casts her gaze above. "Indeed. Truly a marvel of our home. I look forward to spending time here. I have wanted a santuary for meditation. The work put into it truly shows in all its beauty," Hestia smiles faintly, hobbling over to plop down in one of the pews. Jancis Milburga looks up at Denz, smiling softly as she reaches up to temple, fingers brushing part of her forehead a moment, "Hello. Thank you for making it. Is it bad that I wish such papers to be in taters that try to bar the way?" Fiona Delaine sits near the back and to one far side. She was an outsider here, she felt, and so she chose the seat as appropriate. Cinnabar Prentice spends a moment observing. She couldn't help but smile between stailed glasses, padded pres before altar, to the prayer nook and the pipeorgan... Ahh, the pipeorgan... >> Cinnabar Prentice: ||The organ is refurbished, new piping showing through the piece into the box behind it. Some of the copper of the decorative top has been left in the distress and patina without polish. The hanging drapes try to mimic the color over the entrance. Hestia De'bayle turned her had back some as the woman sits. "My lady, you need not be so distant. Unless of course you wish to be, I understand," she dips her head slightly before looking back forward. Cinnabar Prentice >>  ( :D ) Jancis Milburga  - - Did anyone emote looking at anything before I came in? Just checking. )) Hestia De'bayle: ((Hestia did look at the crystal! Amongst everything else in a general scan~)) Denz De'bayle looks around the room, the stain glass windows catching his eyes as he slowly drew them back down to the hyur. "The papers I've worked on? I'm sure they are falling apart as we speak without me there." He grinned, sitting down next to Hestia. "They may wait." >> Hestia De'bayle: ||The crystal suspended above is large and blue, seeming to shimmer with light, and has a soft serene presence. Other smaller crystals are also set around it up to the truesilver disk attached to the ceiling with twelve elemental shards embedded in its surface. Cinnabar Prentice scooches into her predictable seat; to the far side to allow Aedida her view... and hunching over for reassurance others may see past. Alleria Surlaint looked around scanning the room for a short while.   She held a rather big smile before finally taking a seat next to Aedida offering a friendly wave. Hestia De'bayle peers over toward her uncle, reaching pat a hand to his arm slightly, then clasping her own over top of her belly as she waited patiently. >> Denz De'bayle: ||The stained glass is old and thick with rich colors, definitely something from Ishgard. The designs in it are close to snow coming into grass and regrowth. Jacline Kerelle nudges Cinnabar with a silent grin, then motions at the stained glass as if to say "Look what we did!" Denz De'bayle looked over to Hestia, giving a cursory glance of her frame before looking over to Jancis silently. >> Alleria Surlaint: I'll give you a random one. Alleria Surlaint >>  Hmm? >> Alleria Surlaint: ||This altar is a gray wood, waxed to keep it from anymore decay. Even without a lot of knowledge in botany, this piece has a lot of rings and must have been very old. The design in its side is hand-carved, almost exact but minor deviations to go with the flow of knots or other blemishes the wood had, and smoothed to a fine finish. >> Cinnabar Prentice: ||The stained glass is old and thick with rich colors, definitely something from Ishgard. The designs in it are close to snow coming into grass and regrowth. Fiona Delaine wanly smiles to Hestia. "Ah. I am a guest yet, and i'faith, know few of the household. I'm content here." Hestia De'bayle: "If you say so, I shall not insist." Fiona Delaine: "Merci, my lady." Cinnabar Prentice takes another moment to look over the panes and pieces of glass, head canting sidelong. "... Wait..." Jancis Milburga looks around herself. "Is it well enough I stay here? Might turn the benches a bit later. It is like a living room it can all move as it should. As you see we tried to mix elements of where the family came from and where they are now. Living and changing as we all do."
Cinnabar Prentice: "... From, the glass foundry..?" she murmurs in reply to Jacline, brow perked. Attention then shifting to Jancis.
Fiona Delaine: ".. I'd like may suggest tilting the pews as to face the altar some, or else face the centrepiece, if just for the ease of guests." Jancis Milburga perks at Cinnabar, "Yes! The foundry outside of the Pillars and Foundation of Ishgard. We took all the glass to Ul'dah and some of the stone. They made this wall." Jacline Kerelle motions joyfully to you. Jacline Kerelle: "Can't even smell the dog on 'em no more!" Jancis Milburga admits, "There was quite a bit of blood. Some of it Sir Lucius' as well."
Jacline Kerelle: "A sacrifice we were willing to make!" Fiona Delaine: "Blood, fire, and pain. All add meaning and purpose to the retrieval. They're ever imprinted with our valour, our strength, our perseverence, our sacrifice." Your eyes grow wide with awe upon seeing Jacline Kerelle.
Jacline Kerelle winks at you.
Fiona Delaine: ".. mayhaps I'm being melodramatic."
Cinnabar Prentice nods to Fiona Delaine. Cinnabar Prentice blinks, realizing the timing of her motion... Wellp... Too late. Jacline Kerelle grins tauntingly at Cinnabar Prentice. Denz De'bayle listens to the conversations around him, before looking over his shoulder to Fiona. "Aye, I've heard there were great lengths taken for such procurements." Hestia De'bayle elicits some sort of sound, it mostly unrecognizable. "It was an important task, this is for certain." Fiona Delaine: "T'was a worthy deed and one I was glad to be part of." The witch smiles at Denz before turning her attention back to Jancis. Jancis Milburga: "So let me tell you about it. Many helped gather these crystals and the disk that hangs above us here. Lord Armont, Lord Lucius, Lord Rageant, Lady Gaelle, Lady Cinnabar, Lady Jacline, Denz, Lady Fiona, Lord Zike, and Master Ghalleon was even able to come with us. Even Lady Constantine which sadly is not here. She declined the invitation, but did send some gifts." Jancis Milburga ||The crystal suspended above is large and blue, seeming to shimmer with light, and has a soft serene presence. Other smaller crystals are also set around it up to the truesilver disk attached to the ceiling with twelve elemental shards embedded in its surface. Fiona Delaine: "C'est magnifique." Jancis Milburga: "These past Moons, we came to possess this disk." She points above everyone. "Through many hard ventures, we found out what it was made for and also ventured over many continents to rebuild it as you see it now." Jacline Kerelle looks up at the crystal mounting and smiles. "Oh! Didn't even see it there.. !" Jancis Milburga: "We also made some trade deals with a lady of Ul'dah that is willing to work with us more closely on gem trades. And we made a very difficult and expensive trade with her to get the information to understand what these crystals were."
Denz De'bayle raised an eyebrow at the mention of the lalafell noblewoman. "She did...?" He muttered quietly, before looking up to ceiling. Cinnabar Prentice grins just a bit as Jancis expounds on the origin of decor, giving Jac a little nudge of elbow with her epiphany. Jancis Milburga nods to Denz, "Yes. I gave that Allagan artifact we found to the roegadyn that makes replica pieces. She was able to repair it and make a replica key. I think we have a lot of. Lady Constantine called it credit?" You fail to understand Denz De'bayle. Fiona Delaine arches her brows. Allagan artifacts, now? >> Denz De'bayle: You get the feeling with your bartering prowess that you overpaid for the information.
Denz De'bayle grits his teeth, forcing a smile. "Hnngh... great." He snakes his head around for a moment, before the tension disappears. "Well, it was more than worth it." Jancis Milburga: "Oh and see told me of an artist to paint all the paintings on the wall here." Denz De'bayle raised his eyebrows. "She did?" Jancis Milburga nods, gesturing in the dim light. "The one of Halone's stone took the longest." Jancis Milburga ||The paintings you've seen at least some of before, hand-painted replicas of some of the points the Twelves stones or other monuments across Eorzea. Cinnabar Prentice: "It... is, perhaps, best placed, here, for it all." Jancis Milburga: "It is large like the one of the Navigator. I thought that way we are emcompassed well like we are on the continent. From mountains to sea." Jancis Milburga gets distracted in her own hosting looking about the walls. Fiona Delaine | In the dim light, Fiona's eyes are practically shining like those of a cat, a vivid and vaguely spooky blue. She has very good night vision. Hestia De'bayle glances around, eyeing the paintings. "Hmmm... the atmosphere is lovely," she may have inclination toward darker rooms. Jancis Milburga: "Forgive me! Permit me to talk about the crystal again." Jancis Milburga cranes her neck up. Jancis Milburga: "The crystals afixed within it are called kindled crystals. Originally, the maker of this was trying to make an device to be like the echo. This, instead, became a mirror into the soul. Like a soul stone, instead of preserving old memories, reflecting back your own. Complete, without blurring the details, to see the whole picture again and sort out feelings and emotions. The first to use these attune them to focus on the Twelve." Denz De'bayle smiles lightly, watching Jancis talk and nearly ramble, before she turned back to the crystal. Jancis Milburga looks back at everyone, "And in that practice, the crystals now bring about direction from within to help with prayer and meditation. The strength of your own emotions and thoughts are what kindle them. And only the most strong-willed can bring their arms up in violence in their presence. Or those who have become attuned." Fiona Delaine smiles widely. This was the part she was proud of, pleased at hearing. Bruno Suvois pokes his head into the room...and immediately sees that it was not the kind of party he had pictured in his head. Jancis Milburga: "This part some of you have already experienced." Jancis Milburga smiles over at Jacline and Cinnabar in particular. Bruno Suvois steps back out of the room and closes the door. Jacline Kerelle: "Comes without the whole drownin' thing this time around, though, right?" Jancis Milburga might have missed the open-shirted elezen by the door in her earnest words. Cinnabar Prentice 's brow furrows, albeit softly, with a smile to Jancis in her allusion. She looks then to Jacline... Giving ther elezen a little poke of the thigh, ere returning to Jancis. Jancis Milburga: "Oh. Yes. No drowning. And that only started to happen when the first crystal broke."
Denz De'bayle looks up at the crystal once more, before looking sidelong to Hestia. "Mayhaps we should hold those Alliance councils in this room them. Should help deter venomous words from being flung about." Denz De'bayle grins tauntingly at Hestia De'bayle. Jancis Milburga smiles, "So as long as this does not shatter in an underground riverbed, we should be all right. I cannot talk for the next hundred Turns, though. Only Thaliak knows." Hestia De'bayle: "Doubtful," Hestia murmurs back. Denz De'bayle: One can hope. Denz De'bayle shrugs at Hestia De'bayle. Hestia De'bayle: "T'would be best to not offend the Twelve with our bickering any how, such ais a sacred place for coming to peace. Not war councils." Jancis Milburga shares the thumbs-up she learned recently with Jacline. Fiona Delaine softly laughs. Basile Feurieux pushed through the door swiftly, the Hyur sliding through quietly as he looked around a bit. "O-oh.." He wondered aloud, arching an eyebrow as he looked about. Proceeding to move forwrad, he went to sit next to Fiona. You welcome Basile Feurieux. Basile Feurieux waves to you. Jacline Kerelle offers Basile Feurieux a humble greeting. Fiona Delaine smiles at Basile. Jancis Milburga: "Welcome Sir Basile. You have arrived just for the attunement." Basile Feurieux: "I hope that I am not late," He offered Jancis a nod. "It is quite the beautiful room, undoubtedly," smirking at the fact, he looked over to Fiona and nodded. "Lady Delaine, hello." Bruno Suvois isn't far behind, returning while straightening his hastily-donned suit. "Heya! Here to uh...show my support! Hope I didn't miss the /fun./" Jancis Milburga: "Lord Bruno!" Jacline Kerelle offers Bruno Suvois a humble greeting. Jancis Milburga beams, "No, well a little of it, but not the best of it." Jancis Milburga: "Please sit. We are about to do the attunement." You motion joyfully to Bruno Suvois. Bruno Suvois: "Ooh, sounds juicy." Jancis Milburga blurts out to Bruno, "It is not bread! I know there is a new recipe Lady Jacline told me, but I do not have the juicy bread here." Bruno Suvois nods, and glances around the room. Hmm...No seats open that wouldn't be cramped. Jancis Milburga: "Please forgive me. I think it has gotten mixed up with this news." Bruno Suvois: "...Juicy bread?" Cinnabar Prentice ponders over you. Fiona Delaine: "Ser Basile. A pleasure as ever. After the dedication, would you care speak about, ah.. you recall, that business the other sun?" Cinnabar Prentice gazes upon Jacline Kerelle in deep reflection. Denz De'bayle: 'Tis a thing, mister Suvois. Denz De'bayle grins tauntingly at Bruno Suvois. Jancis Milburga nods at Bruno, "Yes this is the Sanctuary Chapel." She looks ever patiently at him.
>> Bruno Suvois: ||The organ is refurbished, new piping showing through the piece into the box behind it. Some of the copper of the decorative top has been left in the distress and patina without polish. The hanging drapes try to mimic the color over the entrance. >> Bruno Suvois: ||This corner has a raised prayer pillow and candles to light and as of yet no wax has built up on the candleholders. Perhaps with time.
Bruno Suvois moves over to the far corner, planting his butt on the prayer chair. Cinnabar Prentice gazes upon Bruno Suvois in deep reflection. Basile Feurieux offered a stout, confident nod. He replied following the gesture, the response instant, "It is always a pleasure, Lady Delaine. And yes, indeed.. I've naught else to take care of, I would be glad to tell you of it. I had hoped that you would be interested in joining me on the expedition. We shall speak of it later, though, in due time," the Hyur finished, adjusting a bit so as to lean slightly and bring his hands together atop his lap. Jancis Milburga gives Bruno a curious look, then smiles more brightly in the low light. "That is pretty clever. I did not think of that." Fiona Delaine: "Magnifique. Of course." Basile Feurieux nods to Fiona Delaine. You clap. Jancis Milburga: "And now the attunement." Hestia De'bayle: "Attunement?" Bruno Suvois had considered taking the seat beside Hestia, but he didn't want to crowd the pregnant lady. Of more concern, that's where the wyvern was hovering. He was scared of the wyvern. Jancis Milburga gestures to everyone, "If you would all focus upon the crystals above. We shall bring the reflection." Hestia De'bayle grows somewhat nervous at this, peering over Nogelle. Jancis Milburga: "Yes. We are going to light up the crystal with our strength." Fiona Delaine lifts her gaze to the crystals. The witch extends a hand, opening her senses to the flows of aether about her even as she focuses herself upon the crystal. Jacline Kerelle looks up at the crystal with a slow blink. Jancis Milburga gives Hestia an earnest look, "It will be the same as being around others." Aedida Aldricht turns her gaze upward. Bruno Suvois looks up curiously, feeling like he's in a completely foreign environment. Hestia De'bayle: "Ah, alright. Not... not then like an aetheryte attunement. Alright..." she nods, her voice going quiet as she simply closed her eyes. Basile Feurieux gazed upwardly, his eyes watching it as he waited patiently. Cinnabar Prentice lifts her eyes upward; spying ther center of attention... Jancis Milburga nods, "Not like that. This will be us. Our true selves." She closes her eyes, head up facing the crystal and slowly speaks to help with the focus. Bruno Suvois: "I've never really...tried to do anything with aether before. What do I do?" Jancis Milburga: "The wood of the floor and walls are of the Twelveswoods and land between, gifted. The wood of the altar and glass of the window of Ishgard. The bells that ring made by hands of this house. What and who we bring together. Who we bolster and bring strength to, like the polish and maintenance here." Jancis Milburga keeps the same tempo tone answering Bruno, "You do something with aether every sun. It is part of your living being. Focus on what you bring here and what you become. Think about how you are learning and becoming those dreams you spoke of." Fiona Delaine shuts her own eyes, slowly extending small threads of herself toward the crystal. She's *very careful* about it- only allowing small amounts of her true self to flow forth, enough as to be mostly imperceptible to those without great sensitivity. Still, she found the idea attractive. A way to join and mingle many sources in as one, a symbol of unity not seen in the north for a very long time. That is the fuel for what she impells outward. Hestia De'bayle furrows her brows, a certain focus coming over her. But something else lingered there on her expression, unreadable. Fiona Delaine >> Quietly, she doesn't want to let on her nature. But at the same time, the idea of mingling her innermost self with Man- the idea is exciting. Hopefully a sign, a symbol of what might be to come. Jancis Milburga: "The light that we bring with candles and windows into ourselves. The music we make that becomes all the more beautiful the more of us that come together. The music of weapon and shield, armor and bandage, strength and thought." Fiona Delaine: ".. and hope."
Jancis Milburga ||A soft hum starts to come over the room, encouraging more words to be added. Denz De'bayle 's hands clasped together, silently bowing his head. Though no words were added, his lips moved beneathi his arms. Bruno Suvois took a second to ponder the words, before he closes his eyes. He takes a deep breath, and lets his mind go to his past, to the road he traveled to be there, and to the road yet ahead of him. He starts to see the threads of his own fate, all of those 'what-ifs' he prefers to ignore. His true self flowed like a waterfall to the crystal, of the great heights he wants to reach, the great barriers he wants to shatter. Cinnabar Prentice sees fit to find furthrer comfort for the meditation... Left gauntlet eased off, just for sake of reaching over to take hold of the Ul'ezen's own. There, her eyes close, focus better channeled above and about with a little smile. "Aye... Hope. And love." Bruno Suvois: "So this is how to inspire others..." Hestia De'bayle opens her eyes, a serious sort of stare coming over her visage. She spoke no words. Uttered not a single sentence on the thoughts the crystal illuminated into her. Instead she merely returned her crimson gaze onto its shining holding. Basile Feurieux kept his eyes open for a good while, simply staring at the crystal as if he thought it would explode in his face. It was not long, however, until his eyes shut, the Hyur's mind flowing through diverse and complex thoughts, pondering the meaning as he sat there. With his head shifting to look down, he spoke out a single idea, "And faith," He simply said, his tone deep and quiet, the words gradual as he failed to say anything else. Fiona Delaine opens one eye, a soft smile on her lips, and whispers something under her breath. Jacline Kerelle: "And maybe a laugh if we try real hard!" Cinnabar Prentice laughs. Bruno Suvois laughs. Aedida Aldricht sighs, staring into the crystal mounted to the ceiling with an unreadable expression. At the mention of a laugh she huffs, lips quirking in  asmall smile. Fiona Delaine >> ".. hope. And faith. And unity. Kin of so many sorts bled, shed blood, spilled it, for this. Put sweat, tears, and hope all into it. May it be a mark of what once was and could be again- and beyond." >> Fiona Delaine: ||A reflection comes back, clearly for you alone, that your true self is the thoughts and cares you bring in and through that the rest will find a place to not feel alone. >> Hestia De'bayle: ||A thought comes back, that the concerns and responsibilities weaved in with thoughts are ever for the people around. There's a clear confidence that there's room for more than tending others. >> Bruno Suvois: ||A reflection comes back, making the path and obstacles ahead look conquerable and the hardships to them inviting. >> Cinnabar Prentice: ||A thought comes back of love. That love given is reflected back in many facets and ways. Already with a kinship beforehand, there's a confidence that love will come to others through such actions. Fiona Delaine shuts her eyes and actually smiles, one finger resting at her lower lip. She seems content, almost glowing with it. >> Jacline Kerelle: ||A thought comes back like the echoes of the laughter. That there will always be a need to lighten up all the dark places, through laughter. And that some eyes see things others cannot. You have great strength. >> Basile Feurieux: ||A reflection of that faith comes back, faith that actions have the best intentions, faith in others, faith in yourself. Faith that the example given will be returned and spread to others. The honor of faith. >> Denz De'bayle: ||A thought comes back. Reflecting back on past trials and hardships to ones that lie ahead. And something else beyond them. There will be a beyond. Bruno Suvois smiles, opening his eyes and glancing around the room, lingering a bit on Jancis, then Hestia, then Basile, then back up to the crystal. Cinnabar Prentice: "Mh... Hmm~..." >> Aedida Aldricht: ||A reflection of the laugh comes back. Something that in all joys and pains there is reason to laugh and see a special side to things. There is always hope. And there will always be reasons to find joy.
Bruno Suvois: "Faith, huh...?" Bruno said quietly. One of the many things he'd let glide over his head in life. He'd known folks who were faithful. Remembered their faces. Some turned out happy, others, not so much, so he'd never seen much difference in that outlet compared to something like gambling, or stealing that the other Brumelings had resorted to. Things Bruno knew he could do without. It wasn't until this moment that he considered changing that outlook. Aedida Aldricht smiles weakly. Jancis Milburga ||As the group focused, with uttered words and sparks of laughter, the hum grows into a soft cresendo before fading away, as if the ears got use to it, and the crystal brightens into a soft glow that fills the chamber. Hestia De'bayle purses her lips, a surprisingly complex countenance coming over her. Mostly confliction. Basile Feurieux having went rather quiet after his own addition, simply sat there in contemplation. As he heard the faint mumbling of the Lady at his left, Basile half-smiled, the gesture washing over his lips as he opened an eye to gaze over at Fiona, if not only for a moment. Closing his eyes once more, he spoke out again, "The honour of faith, a virtue honourable in-itself," He simply murmured, his fingers twitching within their own grasps as he pondered the feeling washing over him. Jancis Milburga blinks and opens her eyes, adjusting to the new light in the previously dark room. Jancis Milburga: "Thank you ever so much. Everyone." Jacline Kerelle motions joyfully to you. Bruno Suvois: "That was...wow. Something else! Glad I made it in time for that!" Jancis Milburga raises her hands up and looks everywhere then laughs happily. "It worked." Fiona Delaine: "It's beautiful, isn't it?" Fiona said, with a smile. "Peace and- togetherness. There's so much possibility in here. I'm- so- glad to have had chance to be part of this." Hestia De'bayle: "Mm. Thank you for your hard work in this. Jancis. All of you," Hestia nods once. Basile Feurieux opened his eyes promptly, looking to Jancis as he smiled. "A powerful experience, if there ever was one. Well done, Jancis." Your eyes grow wide with awe upon seeing Basile Feurieux. Basile Feurieux agrees wholeheartedly with you. Jancis Milburga: "I! I am happy to! And you are always welcome here! We all are. The crystal will stay bright as long as it is not left alone." Hestia De'bayle: "Then its light shall never fade." Jancis Milburga gives Hestia a warm smile. Fiona Delaine: "Marvelleaux." Jancis Milburga: "Lord Bruno has found candles should anyone need a a place to focus, and there is music. And we shall have celebrations. I. Am I forgetting anything?" Jancis Milburga looks thoughtful. "And I will always be close at hand to assist and help." Jancis Milburga leans to Denz and practically stage-whipsers, "I think that is it." Jacline Kerelle claps for you. Denz De'bayle opens his eyes after several minutes of silence, looking upwards at the shining crystal quietly, eyes locked on and hardened to them with a strange resolve, before flinching out of his reverie and down to Jancis. "H-hm?!" Denz De'bayle clears his throat. "Did you want me to bring some bread in her, my love? Or is it wrong to eat in here? Many chapels offer the opportunity to break bread after sermons." Fiona Delaine softly laughs. Hestia De'bayle: "I would recommend against food in here." Jancis Milburga: "That is perfect! Let us break bread downstairs, then." You motion joyfully to Denz De'bayle. Jancis Milburga: That is the event! Welcome to keep mingling if you want! Thank you all so much in an OoC way. I didn't want a room to *poof* appear and the adventure was fun for me.)) Fiona Delaine: (( Was a lovely time being a part of it! )) Denz De'bayle flourishes an arm out, cheekily ignoring Hestia's attempt to prevent bread in the most holiest of places. "Very well! To the bakery then." He would briskly walk up to the door, opening it up for anyone else to walk in. Jacline Kerelle: (( Fun to play along and watch it all unfold, too! You dun good! Basile Feurieux: Thank you for it! )) Hestia De'bayle brings a hand down to the pew, pushing herself up awkwardly.
Bruno Suvois: ((Fantastic! Sad that I missed so much of it. Denz De'bayle walk out*)) Hestia De'bayle: "Mm. I think I may stay behind, actually." Cinnabar Prentice: (Hear hear! It was a fun arc. and a lovely, meaningful conclusion in this room's culmination.) Jancis Milburga: I'll try to do arcs inbetween the ones others do. Can't build a room for all of them, but other rewards.)) Bruno Suvois: ((I vote for having the next arc being about someone trying to steal the de Bayle secret recipe)) Hestia De'bayle: ((It does exist)) Jacline Kerelle: (( The juicy bread recipe? Denz De'bayle: ((SPEAK NOT OF SUCH HERESY!)) Hestia De'bayle: ((It would be a violent mission)) Cinnabar Prentice: (Where is this juicy bread meme coming from?!)
Jancis Milburga: Let's try to think of like a stuffed bread bun or something like a bau Jacline Kerelle: (( We just invented it, right here in this room! Basile Feurieux promptly stood, looking to Fiona. "To business, then, My Lady Delaine?"
Denz De'bayle: ((Dark knight Denz 2.0 is fuel by the burning vengance of getting back his recipe.)) Hestia De'bayle: ((I believe it)) Fiona Delaine: "I daresay so, my lord." Basile Feurieux bows courteously to you. Denz De'bayle 's eyes pass over Basile and the unfamiliar woman he'd yet to meet. Fiona Delaine: "Until next, mes amis." Denz De'bayle: Sir Feurieux... My lady. Basile Feurieux: "If you would excuse me, Ser Denz," He half-smirked. Jancis Milburga: "Please watch your step." Fiona Delaine: "Mon Ser." Fiona curtseys. You smile at Bruno Suvois. Bruno Suvois: "That was awesome!" Jancis Milburga: "Yes! I was very awestruck too once I understood what was happening." Bruno Suvois: "Where'd that crystal come from?" Hestia De'bayle moved over to carefully kneel on the prayer mat. Careful of her protruding abdomen, Hestia clasped her hands before her and bowed her head. Jancis Milburga: "Were you able to concentrate? We found it in a cave that the rain had washed out around a large petrified trunk that had been encased in amber! That was a wonder in of itself, but it must have shielded this crystal from other hardships for. For. Only Althyk knows for how long!" Jancis Milburga motions a bit westward, "There are others about the land. It is a rarely used practice with these crystals." Bruno Suvois: "That's /awesome!/ I wish I could have been there. Oh, concentrate? Yeah! I mean, I think so..." Bruno Suvois: "Like I said, never done this before, so I ain't got a point of reference, really." Jancis Milburga I posted the other "Examine" spots of the room in the discord final fantasy channel if anyone needs)) Jancis Milburga asks, "Would you like to continue doing this? I think Captain Alleria or myself could assist." Basile Feurieux looked to Ser Denz, before looking back to Fiona. "Have you yet been acquainted with Lady Delaine? She proves one of the most well-kept, impressive, and astute nobles I hath ever met." Basile nodded, gesturing as he looked back with a nod. Bruno Suvois: "You kidding me? I'd love to! On top of hearing more of your sermons, I hope. I want to hear and learn everything that there is to learn!" Fiona Delaine: "Ahah- ser Basile, so effusive in your praise, I daresay I'll get big-headed o'er long." Fiona actually pouts before turning again to Denz.
Jancis Milburga looks up at Bruno with shining eyes, "Are you close to Thaliak? Yes of course. I. You like my sermons? I. I would be honored to! Happy to! Privledged!" Jancis Milburga: "And celebrations! Of strength and cunning! Balance and. And many other skills." Cinnabar Prentice looks to Jacline with an expression of calm. Perhaps fleeting for the roe's fickle state of perception and self, but there it is all the same. She gibes the elezen a gentle nudge, squeezing that hand she holds. "Mh." Bruno Suvois: "Thaliak? That's one of the twelve, ain't it?" Basile Feurieux chuckled lightly, shaking his head. "Should the day arise, you can call assuredly me out on my false verbose," Basile dared to say, beginning to turn back once again to Denz. Jacline Kerelle beams at Cinnabar Prentice. Jancis Milburga: "Yes, yes! The Scholar. Ruler of rivers and wisdom. Carrier of knowledge." You smile at Alleria Surlaint. Bruno Suvois: "Right, gotcha! Sorry, I kind of turned my head away from religion for a long time, so I've got next to no knowledge. You're going to have your work cut out with me!" Denz De'bayle turns to look at the woman, smiling politly while he continues to hold the door. "I have not. Denz De'bayle at your service, Lady Delaine. If she impresses -you-, Lord Basile, she must be of truly virtous mettle." Denz De'bayle: I've found that Feurieux is something of an... acquired taste to be around. Denz De'bayle grins tauntingly at Basile Feurieux. Fiona Delaine: "Hah. You're kind to say, ser Denz." The witch curtseys. "And I find him most agreeable, I'll say." Jancis Milburga sways with shaking her head. "I will share whatever you wish. And this, too. That ideas and faith are given names, but the core of it is it is you." Basile Feurieux shrugged lightly at the idea, yet half-smirking as he stayed quiet to judge Fiona's reaction. When she spoke, his expression broadened as he looked to Fiona. "And I am glad to hear of it, Lady Delaine." He simply said, turning back to see if Denz would say anything else. Bruno Suvois: "Hah, that's a belief I can get behind. Trust me, I've got plenty of experience with believing in myself." Cinnabar Prentice: "... So... Juicy bread?" she reiterates. Clearly, this has been a question recently festering- if burried momentarily. You beam with delight at Bruno Suvois. Jacline Kerelle: "Must have a lotta fruit in it, I guess?" Denz De'bayle gestures out into the room. Denz De'bayle: Well, should either of you need me, you will know where to find me." Denz De'bayle nods to Fiona Delaine. Denz De'bayle nods to Basile Feurieux. Fiona Delaine: "Of course- marvellaux. Until then~." Jacline Kerelle stands up and tugs Cinnabar by the hand. "C'mon! Lets go poke around the bakery, see if they started makin' it yet!" Cinnabar Prentice: "Aye... I, imagine a... A sweet roll. Cinnamon, sweet roll... Mashed with care, into a cup... and turned over, upon a plate... Mayhap with, raisin. Or rolanberry, to top- o-oh?" Basile Feurieux bows courteously to Denz De'bayle. Basile Feurieux: "Good day, Ser Denz. I shall keep it in mind, as always." Jancis Milburga asks Bruno, "How has your other training gone? I can trade the training if you wanted help in the garden. I know your time is precious." Cinnabar Prentice nods, smiling to Jacline; rising with her gauntlet in the other's grasp; Jacline retained in the other. "Mh! I'm... A mite hungry from, this ceremony. Is, that normal, I wonder?" She shrugs gently. No real concern to dwell upon. Fiona Delaine waggles her fingers to Denz and follows Basile out. Denz De'bayle bows courteously to Fiona Delaine. Denz De'bayle nods to Cinnabar Prentice. Cinnabar Prentice , before leaving, effects a courteous bow to the congregation as a whole! You bid farewell to Cinnabar Prentice.
Bruno Suvois: "Going well! Still just getting used to wearing armor, for the most part. Then combat stuff should start up soon. Nothing too overwhelming. I can handle it!" Bruno Suvois: "I wouldn't ask you to do anything you don't want to." Jancis Milburga slumps dramatically, "Armor is very difficult to wear. Denz told me the best way to get use to it is to walk around. I have not done it in Moons, but afterwards my arms would be so limp." Jancis Milburga: "I would not agree to something I would not want to do." Bruno Suvois: "Denz is the one who got me started on it!" >> Denz De'bayle: I was trying to usher people. But at least RPing by the door worked?)) Denz De'bayle takes a seat, silently listening to the conversation nearby. He perked up at the sound of his name. "Hm?" Denz De'bayle >> Haha, it's all good!)) Bruno Suvois: "Speaking of, hey there man." Jancis Milburga: "Did you give Lord Bruno that suit of armor?" Denz De'bayle: I gave him a trainee's regalia to learn out to fight while wearing it. Has Sir Basile been able to teach you anymore about combat? Jancis Milburga glances about the chapel, watching Alleria quiet in her own contemplations, before welcoming Zike. Bruno Suvois: "Not yet. He's getting his own affairs in order. I ain't about to rush him. I might ask Alleria or Vilette about training me a bit in the meantime." Jancis Milburga lifts her arms, "Lord Zike! Welcome! Wait. Apologies." She pauses, "Ser Zike Lancean, welcome. Look. The wood we retrieved." She motions to the altar behind her. Jancis Milburga steps closer and then urges him to look up, "And the crystal we repaired." Zike Lancean gave a small bow upon coming forward before looking around. "Interesting. Quite the lovely little place. I'm afraid a lot of its meaning is lost upon me, but my compliments to the regal decor." Denz De'bayle: Vilette? Denz De'bayle: Laady Laurent? You know her? Jancis Milburga: "I tried to give it a lot of thought and signifigance." Bruno Suvois: "Sure do! Met her briefly a bit in the past. Actually, Dame de Bayle just hired her into her house the other day." Denz De'bayle blinked in surprise. "Really?" Bruno Suvois: "Yeah! Caught me off guard too." Zike Lancean: "I'm sorry I'm such a poor audience for it. I don't particularly understand the signifigance, but I do understand hard work. And I see it took lots of hard work to make this happen." at that, he looked down to his side. "Oh, I suppose I shouldn't bring my arms into a sanctuary." Hestia De'bayle eventually pushes herself up off the prayer bench, stepping down and moving over toward where she heard folks talking. "Indeed, I did. She is our House's newest instructor in combat." Denz De'bayle crosses his arms in thought. "That is heartening to hear. From what little we've spoken, she seemed a fine woman. It is good to see that others can step up to lead where positions have been... open." Bruno Suvois: "Hopefully she can show me a thing or two about using a two-hander. I've pretty much got my mind set on wielding one of those bad boys." Hestia De'bayle: "Most certainly. Changes to the House's order has been made. Instructors are now chosen by merit and not rank. She was a perfect choice, you should give her book a read some time. It is within our library. She will offer our men and women the proper training they need." Jancis Milburga shakes her head, "I believe your intentions here are clear. And also this place only the most strong of will could raise a weapon. You were part of that hard work." Bruno Suvois: "Oh, that reminds me, ma'am..." Hestia De'bayle: "Yes, Suvois?" Jancis Milburga motions up to the crystal and around the room, trying to give Zike some more insight on it. Denz De'bayle: It is always good to revisit the basic, lest we make little mistakes. Bruno Suvois: "...I gotta learn how to read somehow." Bruno Suvois: "You know any good tutors?"
>> Zike Lancean: "The crystals afixed within it are called kindled crystals. Originally, the maker of this was trying to make an device to be like the echo. This, instead, became a mirror into the soul. Like a soul stone, instead of preserving old memories, reflecting back your own. Complete, without blurring the details, to see the whole picture again and sort out feelings and emotions. The first to use these attune them to focus on the Twelve." >> Zike Lancean: "And in that practice, the crystals now bring about direction from within to help with prayer and meditation. The strength of your own emotions and thoughts are what kindle them. And only the most strong-willed can bring their arms up in violence in their presence. Or those who have become attuned." Hestia De'bayle: "Of course. Our House can offer you the means to learn. I can see that a tutor is brought in immediately," Hestia brings a hand to her chin, "perhaps I should see to the building of a study. Ah... so much to do. From the Abalathian reconstruction project to the Veterans support committee." >> Zike Lancean: It's not a secret, it's just a repeat of what was earlier. //)) Bruno Suvois: "I'm happy to help out wherever you need it! Though, with all this going on, my time is starting to get a little more strict. Barely any downtime between my duties and my praciticing as it is. If I'm going to start hitting the books, thing will get tricky." Zike Lancean: "Well I'm glad I could help make it happen. At least my sword can help bring about something of this beauty." Denz De'bayle lets out a breath through his nose as Hestia lists off the associates, looking forward back towards the stained glass silently in reflection. Bruno Suvois: "I'd hate for the quality of my work to suffer though..." Jancis Milburga smiles, "Not completely done. The crystal stays bright because people are here. Your presence is ever bringing." Hestia De'bayle: "I shall see to the building of a study so that you might get a tutor there to help you learn. Our House can afford it," she nods. "It is best the future of our House is literate. If you wish to help in any of our current projects, you are more than welcome to. We are currently in the works on helping to rebuild villages in Abalathia, Aedida's home. Once the stage is ready to begin transporting people there, I shall make it more public." Jancis Milburga: "I know war is practiced to maintain peace. Halone willing, this place will not have to be defended. But it could be." Bruno Suvois: "Oh yeah? Guess I should talk to her about helping with that, huh?" Bruno Suvois: "Well, you know me! Best skill I've got under my belt right now is heavy lifting. Never actually /built/ anything before though. Sounds fun!" Jancis Milburga gasps randomly! Denz De'bayle: Jancis? Hestia De'bayle: "If you so wish to, her and I are both leads on the project itself. As it currently stands though, it is not yet open to public assistance. We shall let you know though,"s he nods. "We certainly could use that, Suvois. As for the Dragonsong Veteran Committee, I am putting the final touches on that. I look forward to being able to offer a sanctuary for people to come here..." she gasps slightly, "oh my, this might just be the perfect room to hold such. If Jancis would not mind, of course." Zike Lancean took a deep breath, and looked around him at the crystals. "Well that's my eternal duty, to defend the estate and honor of this house." Hestia De'bayle: "It would be perfect to help mend the mind." Jancis Milburga makes a grab for Zike's hand with both of hers. Jancis Milburga: "Come with me, please!" Zike Lancean opened his eyes wide, shocked and confused. "Oh, of course, whatever you need." Jancis Milburga smiles and walks backwards. Jancis Milburga tries to give Zike's hand to Denz. "This is Denz!" You smile at Denz De'bayle. Denz De'bayle: Sir Lancean. 'Tis been some time since last we met. Jancis Milburga: "Denz Love, this is L- Ser. Oh" Bruno Suvois: "Hey, there's an idea! The empathy that a place like this can provide to people like them...It'd definitely help." Bruno Suvois: "Good thinking!"
Zike Lancean looked back and forth between Jancis and Denz. "I can see that. Thank you very much for fulfilling that promise to me. Lord Denz, my apologies. I had expressed that I wished to meet you in person. Since I had never actually gotten the opportunity." Hestia De'bayle: "I will ask Jancis about it later, I would not wish to intrude with a gathering here. But it seems the perfect occassion." Bruno Suvois: "Lucius would probably have a breakdown if he set foot in here..." Bruno Suvois was wearing a mischevious smirk. Denz De'bayle: This is true, as we've but only seen each other from a distance, like two lovers never m- Denz De'bayle clears his throat. "Bad analogy." Hestia De'bayle: "Perhaps it would better him for it. A break down is often needed to find yourself again." Bruno Suvois: "Yeah...I'll leave it at that, since I still barely know the guy. I'm hoping to change that at some point, but he only seems to come out to the light of day whenever there's a gathering or event going on." Jancis Milburga regards Denz a moment before looking thoughtfully at the candles. Zike Lancean cracked a smile. "Quite so, but an amusing one. I had expressed my interest to meet you, since I wanted to get a feel for what my commander was like. Sure we did drills together, but little more." Bruno Suvois: "Or maybe I'm just too busy for my own good." Hestia De'bayle shakes her head. "He is an exclusive man. He keeps to himself and his own mostly. I have a promise to him, for his efforts in proctoring my Drachen Trials, that I would help to acclimate him into Eorzean society better. Soon, I hope." Bruno Suvois: "Well, if that's what he agreed to, then he's got to learn that he needs to accept the bad with the good. And in his eyes, I'm the bad." Hestia De'bayle: "Worry not, Suvois," Hestia raises a gentle hand. "It must be understood that while his prejudice is wrong, as all is, it is deeply engrained within him. It takes patience, and understanding, to talk one out of their inherently wrong beliefs. But in time, I believe he too can see, the good this star has to offer." Jancis Milburga checks in on the others at a respectful distance. Bruno Suvois: "Hey, I get it. I ain't going to fault a man for being a product of his upbringing, or whatever. Ever since you talked to me about him before, I've seen that I'm better off helping his situation rather than just insulting him." Denz De'bayle: "Commander"! Why, I'm hardly the commander of much these days. But I will continue to be try and be worthy of that title, and the people this house has brought together. Bruno Suvois: "But, I've never tried to help an emotionally conflicted highborn before, so gods know what'll happen." Hestia De'bayle nods, peering over toward Denz a moment with an unreadable expression before turning toward Jancis and approaching. "Jancis. You were in coversation before and I had not wished to interrupt. I have the works of a Veteran Support Committee, and wished to recieve your blessing in allowing their meetings be here within the newly built sanctuary." Zike Lancean cocked his head to the side. "Well you commanded us against the imperial troops, and fought off a whole host of them yourself. I figured such a commander was important enough to get to know, and hopefully challenge to a sparring match." Bruno Suvois gives a short nod to Hestia as he's wordlessly dismissed. He glances to the side. Suddenly being the odd man out, he turns to look at the other parts of the room. Denz De'bayle ran a gloved hand along the back of his neck, brought back to the moments Zike spoke of. A few idle blinks passed before he looked back up at him. "It has been some time." He repeats again. "But I would not deny a request from one of our own. Tomorrow, then?" Jancis Milburga perks up, "I would be glad to have them here! Very much so! And if it helps they are welcome inbetween those. Or if they want to keep some food I can clean up." She bobs her head a bit, "I really like the downstairs, more, in truth, but it would be more important to have a comfortable committee and we can move the benches as needed." Hestia De'bayle: "The idea of it is to speak to one another. Speak of their past. Their trauma's. Find peace again, if ever. If you would prefer it be downstairs, I can have it be there instead. I have spoken to Sir Ghalleon on being the speaker of it." You disagree vehemently with Hestia De'bayle. Zike Lancean nodded eagerly. "It would be an honor, my lord. My steel shall be ready. I understand that you must be quite busy. But I do hope you'll be able to join our ranks when we hunt down the tempered adventurers with the 4th flames regiment. We were a tad short on officers last time."
Jancis Milburga: "Forgive me, I mean if they wish to have food here, too. I do not mind. Yes, yes I would be happy to host them here." Hestia De'bayle: "I will ensure then that it is cleaned properly. I would not dare make such a mess here." Jancis Milburga nods, still smiling. "Pray let me know if Ghalleon needs anything specific and I will make it so." Jancis Milburga: "I was at his bonding. He is a very skilled orator." Denz De'bayle: Yes, I heard about that business. I must needs speak with Hestia and Alliance leaders to see if my presence is required. Hestia De'bayle: "I shall inform him once I see the meetings officially starting," the woman nods to Jancis, "I felt he fit the role of a speaker perfectly. Along with his connection to Ishgard and his own trauma's." Zike Lancean raised an eyebrow, curious, almost dissapointed for a moment before returning to his stoicism. "Yes of course. Though I would think we could use every man we could get. It looks to be some nasty business my lord. And we don't want the flames to show us up now do we? Best to prove the might of Ishgard hand over fist." Jancis Milburga looks thoughtful, "I have a very limited view of him, mostly seeing him in joy. He is the main reason we found this altar." She adds, "I wonder if there will be enough room for everyone. The whole city is a veteran to different degrees." Hestia De'bayle: "Most certainly. I shall be sure to recieve a head count prior. If it proves too many, I will have it be in the bakery instead. Such is not the room to crowd. The people would not be able to truly enjoy the atmosphere for what it is." Denz De'bayle: The forces already met for some sort of gathering not too long ago, aye? Were you there for that, Sir Lancean? Jancis Milburga: "Very true. Spinner's Sake, it will work." Zike Lancean: "We met to track down the wearabouts of a group of rogue tempered adventurers, yes my lord. I was the man responsible for determining their exact strength and location." Denz De'bayle: Were such measurements attained? Jancis Milburga reaches out, "And I am so happy you asked." Zike Lancean: "Measurements of what, my lord?" Hestia De'bayle: "I am most enthusiastic. I am sure they could use your calming presence as well, when the time comes. If you wished to be there to meet with them. It might be difficult for them to talk to one another... speaking on the past is hard..." Hestia blinks as Jancis reached out, moving to offer her out her hands. Denz De'bayle: Their strength. Jancis Milburga squeezes Hestia's hands, practially hugging them for a moment as she focused on nothing, smiling softly. She clears her vision and looks at Hestia again before letting the hands go. "I will do my best to be here. It will be easier to speak once it is realized how much is shared. How." She takes a slow breath, "How common it is." Hestia De'bayle nods. "Indeed. I hope we can offer them peace in time. It will be a slow process, but all things worth it are." Zike Lancean: "Well, yes, of course my lord. The enemy is several dozen strong, though exact numbers are unknown. They've enough of them to pilot and crew an airship of considerable size, as well as threaten the local peaceful Vanu tribe." Jancis Milburga: "Fury knows it comes with a great price." Hestia De'bayle nods, reaching a slow hand to pat the woman's arm gently. "I am glad this room is here now. I will spend many bells lingering. You may get tired of my presence." Denz De'bayle: Aye, they were found up in the Sea of Clouds. Any clues as to why? If they are tempered, to which primal? Denz De'bayle: There was one who resides in the Sea of Clouds. Flying whale... Biscuit? Bunion? Denz De'bayle gazes upon Zike Lancean in deep reflection. Jancis Milburga laughs quickly, almost flustered and surprised how raw the laugh came. She reaches out and leans in to hug Hestia. "I cannot see how. You are ever welcome." Hestia De'bayle offers something of an awkward hug back. Her engorged abdomen not making it particularly easy. "Ahh... thank you. It will bring me solace. I shall leave you be for now, do take care," she smiles faintly, taking a step away and turning back. "Hmm? You all speak of the most recent Fourth Brigade excursion?" Zike Lancean: "Bismark, my lord. And they were tempered by ifrit, having come from thanalan with the flames in the first place. They came to the sea of clouds on a mission with a flames regiment, but never returned. All that was in the briefing though, my lord." Zike Lancean: "And yes Baroness, I was just making conversation about it." Denz De'bayle: Hm, I see...
Denz De'bayle gazes upon Zike Lancean in deep reflection. Hestia De'bayle gestures out a hand. "Of course. Ser Denz has not be present much as of late, dealing with personal affairs. As such, he has not been debriefed on the current situation being assisted with. We would most certainly appreciate his efforts alongside the knights. As our current Field Commander, I can better brief him on the situation later if he so wishes to offer his aid. As it currently stands, I am allow for Commander Aideron to make his call. It is afterall, an issue of the Flame's that we- Hestia De'bayle: are offering our aid in." Denz De'bayle: Though technically one we have some leverage in, given the location of this danger. Zike Lancean bowed his head, and took a step backwards. "Of course, Baroness. My apologies for overstepping my bounds." Denz De'bayle: Ishgard may not have high claims to the Sea of Clouds, but it is Ishgard land nonetheless. Denz De'bayle: No apologies needed, you spoke your mind and your concerns. Denz De'bayle disagrees with Zike Lancean.
Hestia De'bayle: "And please, Dame de Bayle will suffice over Baroness. I worked far more for that position than of the right to be born," she peers down toward Denz. "Indeed, as Denz says. And this has been made aware to the Flames. I offered them geographical assistance in traversing the location and the Rosehouse too, offered their hand. As it is Haillenarte post." Hestia De'bayle: "I appreciate your enthusiasm, Ser Lancean. People like yourself, are what make House de Bayle great."
||The smell of wood oil and a familiar almost musk of the chocobo forest is, for the time being, obvious in this new construction. The floors are unlike the marble of the main hall, a softer sound when stepping across.
||The organ is refurbished, new piping showing through the piece into the box behind it. Some of the copper of the decorative top has been left in the distress and patina without polish. The hanging drapes try to mimic the color over the entrance.
||This corner has a raised prayer pillow and candles to light and as of yet no wax has built up on the candleholders. Perhaps with time.
||This altar is a gray wood, waxed to keep it from anymore decay. Even without a lot of knowledge in botany, this piece has a lot of rings and must have been very old. The design in its side is hand-carved, almost exact but minor deviations to go with the flow of knots or other blemishes the wood had, and smoothed to a fine finish.
||The crystal suspended above is large and blue, seeming to shimmer with light, and has a soft serene presence. Other smaller crystals are also set around it up to the truesilver disk attached to the ceiling with twelve elemental shards embedded in its surface.
||The paintings you've seen at least some of before, hand-painted replicas of some of the points the Twelves stones or other monuments across Eorzea.
||The stained glass is old and thick with rich colors, definitely something from Ishgard. The designs in it are close to snow coming into grass and regrowth.
Fiona Delaine Hestia De'bayle Aedida Aldricht Jacline Kerelle Alleria Surlaint Denz De'bayle Cinnabar Prentice Bruno Suvois Basile Feurieux Jancis Milburga Zike Lancean
August 28 2018
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jancisstuff · 6 years
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Fun with Screenies
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jancisstuff · 7 years
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Finding Guillemont - Breaching the Black Mantle
13 notes · View notes
jancisstuff · 7 years
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Finding Guillemont - Teleporting
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jancisstuff · 7 years
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Bleeding Red - The “Gift”
Basile stood dormant next to the shrubbery, his boots planted firmly into the now-dampening grass. He seemed to be waiting on something, though his unwavering gaze that fixated on a stone tile in front of him designated otherwise. Basile simply stood there in a new Azure-anodized armor set. *Denz exited the door, having left some reports on the Ala Mhigo effort in Armont's office, a hand adjusting his plated gauntlet. His gait was brisk and his was in a hurry, stopping for a moment as he blinked at the man in the front yard. "... Feurieux?" *He tilted his head as he eyed the armor up and down.* "... Did you spill paint on your armor, my friend?" *He grins at the hyur jokingly.* Basile half-smirked at the remark, dropping his crossed arms as they leant to sit unmovingly at his sides. His palms switched outward and his arms extended, as if to show it off. "Something of the sort," he chuckled a bit. "It has recently come into my possession," The Hyur noted. "You seem to travel swiftly. What fills your mind and sets it to purpose?" He inquired with an arched eyebrow. *Denz looked out the door, clearing his throat.* "Ah... Personal matters." *He set his mouth, eyes searching the rainy distance in thought before turning back to the man.* "'Tis nothing you need worry about, Basile. I... I should be able to handle this on my own." *He gestures an arm to the man.* "Besides, you appear to be ready for something yourself, yes?"
"My mind is filled with complicated thoughts, however it would trouble me not to accompany you if you require assistance. I have naught requiring my presence for a good while," He nodded slowly. "Just say the word, and my sword shall accompany you towards any threat or danger." He dropped his hands back to how they were, dormant. *Denz ran a hand through his wetting hair.* "Seven Hells..." *He sucked in a breath, before beckoning arm forward.* "As you wish. Were it some time ago, I would've declined, but..." *Denz holds out his arms as he exits the front yard.* "Had I told you I no longer possess the ability to manipulate dark aether?" The Hyur followed Denz out of the yard, his boots stuttering at every step that slid into muddy grass or thick stone. He pursed his lips, before speaking in reply. "You had not," He paused, his voice rather stale, but almost a bit confused. "What has happened? It seems much has.." The Hyur remarked. *Denz nods his head.* "Aye, there is. That is not important at the moment. If aught else, I would imagine such loss of power would please you." *The elezen looked over his shoulder towards the hyur.* "You were, after all, one of the first victims to it when it surfaced." *As they approached the ferry, he easily dropped in, looking to the skipper.* "We make for La Noscea." Basile's eyes knit downwards as he remarked on the topic. He bit his lip for a few moments, though he spoke out with strong tone. "What, you think I will send sword through back when you fail to look, Denz? Past transgressions are exactly that, in the past." He noted. "Such power has proved helpful even beyond that fateful day." The Hyur sighed a bit. *Denz smiled lightly.* "It heartens me to hear you say that, you bearing the scars of my failings." *As their journey towards the isle continued, Denz explained the situation to the hyur.* "Some time ago, Jancis had a run-in with an organization. They employ a magic unto their victims that steals a part of their life aether to put into this..." *From his pocket, he produced a red crystal, shimmering dully with aether.* "This crystal bears a part of Jancis' life aether, something I managed on my own, thanks to, er..." *He points to his tattoo.* "The goal is for me to find the crystal the gang holds on to. While I would also like to tear down the despicable group as well, I am but one man, and I do this for Jancis first." *Replacing the crystal, he looked back to Basile.* "They extort money out of the powerful, manipulate their loved ones into thralls and puppets for this gang. We attempted to infiltrate their ranks under the guise of a fallen officer who died in a Coerthan  cavern, and met face to face with the leader. She, sadly, was unable to identify me as otherwise than her officer, and this pale echo of her gang's crystals was all that kept her from killing us outright." *Denz crossed his arms.* "She set up a meeting, and after seeing what this magic could do firsthand to a person, I requested Jancis stay as far away as she can from them while I continue to play at wishing a position in this organization." *He nods.* "So that's where we go, to meet Red convince her to let me into her ranks, that I might steal away Jancis' crystal and put this business behind me." *He shrugs his arms.* "Or threaten her into giving me what I want. We shall see what happens, aye?"
Basile arched an eyebrow as Denz progressed with the story. The Hyur listened intently, though it was easily observed that he was slightly pessimistic at first. His words matched it, though they proved calm and easily heard. "What a muck of shit you have proved to wade into, Sir Denz," He shook his head as he brought a plated hand through his short, half-shaved hair. When he brought it back down, the Hyur spoke again. "Say the plan works, yet I have accompanied. What will they think when you bring me as well? Or do you yet harbor a plan for that, too?" He asked.
*Denz shrugs his arms.* "A man needs protection." *Denz mused for awhile, until they finally reached the upper regions of La Noscea, passing the hot springs of Bronze Lake and approaching the canyon of Zelma's Run. Denz's eyebrows furrowed as he steeled himself.* "Are you prepared?" "I am," He nodded as they progressed. ||A very vain looking woman awaits on a ledge, examining her hands and hair as if she wasn't paying attention. *Denz halts his walk through the canyon, spying the woman and narrowing his eyes slightly. He looked at Basile, before nodding his head towards the woman wordlessly. As the plated footfalls made their way towards the woman, Denz called out.* "'Tis dangerous to remain out here alone, my lady. All manner of villains hide in the dark." ||She looks up when she's addressed, a humored smile growing on her face. "The best hide in plain sight." There's a narrowed gaze as she eyes Denz up and down, looking at his forehead before grimacing once, then checking Basile. "Who's this?" Her eyes narrow up at Denz. "Another Ishgardian lackey you used your homemade powers on?" *Denz crossed his arms with a dour grin.* "Is it so hard to believe someone would simply aid another of their own free will? I need not a crystal for loyalty." *He looked to his right, nodding to Basile.* "You may tell her who you are." Basile arched an eyebrow, his eyes sharply piercing to meet the woman's in reply. "Lackey to none, I come hither upon my own volition," Basile said dryly, bringing his arms to cross upon his chest. "I am Basile Feurieux," He introduced. ||"Feurieux of his own volition. And not De'bayle's lackey? Curious. And what do you do, exactly?" *Denz tuts his tongue.* "Now that's rude... Taking my name before I even introduce myself?" *He tilts his head down at the woman.* "Where'd you go to learn that? Not that asking about people with forehead tattoos garner many different answers." *He narrows his eyes and looks out to the dark water beyond the cliffs.* "Probably should've kept that bandana on..." ||"Rude? Why not at all. It is my duty to know. Your... how did you put it? Love? Your love said your name in Wineport. And, well, your face is a dead giveaway. It only makes sense. De'bayle is a small house of no power, having one of their own within can give many.... many benefits to your cause. But only if you serve. As my mistress expected, you have come willingly. Though, isn't it rude to interrupt your.." Her voice grows in amusement "free-willed friend?" *Denz glared at the woman for a moment, before waving to Basile to continue, his eyes looking to the water as he shook his head. Criminals.* "I am a Knight, of sorts. Much has changed recently, however," He said, his voice yet dry. ||The 'maiden' lays a hand on her chest, fingers going from shoulder to shoulder, "A Knight of sorts. How gallant." ||"Mistress Red has been impressed enough with your ruse, De'bayle, to trick her dockworker, and to be so bold in front of her. She has also extended her invitation with a gift. But this armor. If Feurieux wishes to join, he will be made use of one way or another. You demand this man be invited as well? Another bedmate?" She considers Basile a moment, "I'm willing enough."
||"But Knights are the way of Ishgard, aren't they? Your eyes will be keen, your sellsword... gathering more than petty coins. Silks and furs will line your walls, wines of every flavor on your tongue. You have good friends, Feurieux." Basile simply arched an eyebrow. He looked lost, however he tried to keep it from showing too heavily. Basile was not much of an actor. *Denz's eyes looked unimpressed at her words, looking back down at her.* "He is here to ensure I was not killed for being a threat to Red's ways. Nothing more, nothing less. Should he earn his keep, I will reward him." *He tilts his head.* "Besides, fine ishgardian steel has it's way of avoiding dagger bites." *He furrows his eyebrows, pointing an upturned finger at the woman.* "Is that truly the only way she can mark people?" ||"Wise to be wary. That is why I am here." Her hands go up her form before extending her hands in presentation. "A show of good faith. A gift. You accepted your invitation willingly and are yourself being rewarded. The daggers are one of many tools. Mistress Red is -very- curious about what means you suggest. You'll experience it firsthand." ||"And possibly wield one soon." Her eyes glance back over to Basile. "Who can say. Someone else might want him." *Denz tilted his head backwards.* "Ah, right... This is the part where-" *He lets out a light chuckle.* "- you think I would let myself become marked by her." ||"Why would you come here, then?" *Denz's arms uncross.* "It doesn't work on me." *He gestures his arms out.* "So, as foreign as it sounds, trust is what must be supplied to me, to in return supply you with my methods." *He shrugs his arms.* "Is that too much to ask for?" "She must see me as a partner, not a puppet. -That- is the position I ask for. Not the Drivels or Kevavers I've seen so far." ||The woman looks angry, "What kind of joke is this?! You're not serious." She gets closer, fingertip trailing up Denz's armor, "She's given you a generous offer already. Only the start of what could come should you succeed in Ishgard. Even Scott Parker is not a," She balks, "A partner. But she knows his worth. Call it... security." *Denz gently bats the hand off of his chest.* "And mine security? We are not here as sacrifices to a dying cause. We are the alternative to her being dismantled. I cannot hope to create what she has, but I can make it better." *He gestures once more to the hyur.* "Those unmarked are not without their uses, their place earned. She must learn to see that, or she will lose much more than I." ||"Dying? Dismantled?!" She laughs, "It expands! Limsa and Ul'dah aren't enough anymore! The unmarked are... but not like this. Get this stupid notion out'f your head. This isn't knights and maidens! You want your own ruby? You -take over- the spot of who has it, savvy? You're going to put us both at risk with this shitespeak." *Denz grins without looking at the woman.* "Who is at greater risk, my lady? The ones above the chaos, or the messenger who failed to translate Red's will?" *He looked back at her, furrowing his eyebrows.* "What will she say when your shallow entices failed, and we slipped through your fingers? Will it truly be a disillusioned knight's fault?" *He shook his head.* "She should've spoke to me herself. I could only hope her own ears would understand what her marked could not." || The unnamed woman looks furious, "Shallow?! You ignorant foreigner! I could have been your ally with all -your- talk of trying to take Red's mantle! She knew you weren't Kevaver before you even opened that door! He's been long dead and I saw his gray lifeless crystal myself!" || "You're in way over your head. This was goodwill. -This- was goodwill. You honestly thing you have a choice." *Denz nods his head, unmoved by her ferocity. His voice speaks low.* "How many men are watching you? Do they have arrows trained? Poison? Sedation? Will it work fast enough to keep me from tossing you into the rocks below?" *His eyes hold a deep rage behind them that belied his calm visage.* "I don't like backstabbers. If I kill you and tell Red of your plans to overthrow her, who wins?" *He placed a solid hand on her shoulder.* "We all have a choice, my lady. Pray you make the right one."
|| The woman looks at the hand on her shoulder before glancing at Basile. "Looks like two men are watching me. Loud as the dickens." Her hands comes up from her free side, "This isn't how you're allowed to get handsy with me." She pushes her hand on his cheek, the sting of a thin needle slipping into skin. "Aren't you the backstabber? Claiming a woman or do you just call everyone love? Stealing a man's identity? How would you find Red without me? Just sleep on it." || "And Hells take you for dismissing me. Such a ganky man couldn't hope for better!" *Denz's eyes widen, his grip tightening momentarily on her shoulder, but to his downfall, Denz overestimated his strength and stamina. Were he still in possession of his family's dark aether, he could've fought a few seconds before his body gave way. But he was just a man. And he fell down like any other man would.* || "Really wasn't looking forward to being his, anyway. Ugh, those ears." || "He's a pretty shite friend dragging you into this. Take my advice, be willing. Plenty of the uppers like their men just as much. It's loyalty enough." || "You're pretty enough to get by." || The woman reaches for one of her earrings. "He's here. He's not coming willingly, but he's prepared." "I know not what you mean," He arched an eyebrow, though his hands immediately were about to go to his sword as Denz fell. He frowned. Though, he paused, looking over her. "I am rather confused as to what it entails.." He said. "What are you to do with him?" He asked, his voice rather ragged and adrenaline-rushed. || "He brought you here without any clue? How's that for back-stabbing?" "As I said, I came willingly without question," He said, kneeling down to inspect Denz and look for injury. *Denz was completely unconscious, a small needle poke on his left cheek.* || "You're not from around here, but anyone whose anyone knows the Ruby Shadow. They run the cities. The hands behind any dignitary." She boasts, possibly telling the truth, or part of the truth. || "I mean, they have rogues in Ishgard, don't they? Not familiar with guilds? You have a silver spoon in your mouth your whole life?" "So it proves a mirage of deceit and dishonorable discourse," The man noted. "I have yet been present, and I have slain many of the like you describe," His eyebrows knit downwards. "My family included," The Hyur stepped around Denz's body, walking a bit closer to the Hyuran woman. || Her eyes narrow, "I'll take that as a yes. Your own family? Doesn't that make you the dishonorable one?" || The woman called for assistance to gather up Denz and his... lackey Basile... and who knows when they'll arrive. || "No, it proves them the dishonored. Similar to this order you describe, they plotted about their loved ones and set us all up for a painful demise," He blabbered on. "And what, you call for grunts to retrieve us?" He said sharply. "To assist in your plans?" || "You won't really think of them as grunts, but it is easier than carrying both of you back alone." "Peasants, the like of them. And yet, you expect me to bow and scrape as you have, to this esteemed organization of organized debauchery?" The Hyur spoke, his tongue increasingly bladed. What was he getting himself into? Or better yet, what has Denz gotten him into? *From somewhere deep in his dreams, the words of noble Ishgardian chivalry stirs Denz's heart!*
|| The woman sneers as she's berated, "In coming moons, you'll see. It's friendly advice." Now clearly uninterested in Basile, she looks off the cliff as she waits. "Advice falls upon deaf ear," He pointed to Denz upon the ground. ||A sounds comes through the trees, something trained fighters would recognize as swift scouts approaching without heeding much caution outside of keeping out of sight from the general public. || From the sound, another six coming. Quite a few to take on alone. || In the distance as the sound grows, there's a surprising sound, loud and unforgiving, like rocks tumbling from the cliff-sides around them. The blonde woman gasps at the sight. "Shite!" watching the cascade of rumbling stones roll down the cliffs into the water below. Branches and tree debris land partly around the area, easy enough to avoid, the plants sad victims to the rocks.
"Denz!" Jancis gasps, running to the collapsed knight's side, then looks at Basile, checking him for wounds. Her eyes fall on the blonde woman after, "We must needs go. Diversion will not slow them for long." || The blonde woman sneers again, daggers coming to her hands. "You bitch!" She doesn't get closer, taking a defensive stance. Basile watches Jancis come towards then, arching an eyebrow as he watched the distraction. "Can you carry him, Lady Jancis?" The Hyur asked, reaching for his sword as he eyes the blonde woman warily, watching her movements with tough concentration. Jancis eyes lock on Basile's, the dire need clear in them. "Yes! Yes!" She puts action to words, hefting Denz's body into a fireman's carry and using her cane for leverage on his tall form. She starts shuffling away. "We have to head north!" || The blonde woman releases one dagger, throwing a couple hand darts at Basile to hopefully catch his face or neck in the same manner as Denz's. "Just delaying the inevitable!" *Denz is lifted by the hyur woman, sadly too far gone to watch the feat of strength he has always been eager to see.* "Basile! Hurry!" Basile watched carefully as she carried Denz away, turning to look at the blonde woman. Just as he turned, she reared to throw the darts towards him. Basile, reacting accordingly, manages to bring both arms up to block his face. The darts would likely ping off the armor, perhaps stick in them, or slide off in another direction. He shook his head, before starting to brisk off behind Jancis and Denz. ||The blonde wasn't as easily deterred, still following to try and hamper their escape with darts and trying to sling at Basile. To slow them down. Oddly enough, she still kept a distance. Jancis' breathing into a stronger low sound, calling on strength to move faster with Denz in tow, her urgency to escape all too clear. ||The loud machinery of the kobold contraptions aided them, the sight of Basile's armor and huge sword making most of the beastmen get behind their own machines and devices. Basile hurriedly followed in tow of the two, his armor clanking together at each step. He managed to stumble a few times, but caught himself with his hands. However, she kept throwing the darts at him, which he tried to dodge accordingly. "Forgive me! I had to come! I had to! Are you hurt?" Jancis swallows hard, trying to look over at Basile as she lugs Denz. "I am not hurt. Denz should be fine, but that run-in could have went much smoother.." He sighed. Jancis kneels down, sinking back to lay Denz on the stone and then examine him. "I am beyond relieved she did not get both of you. What happened? Was Red there?" She continues to look over Denz's body and armor, growing more confused to not finding any marks. "This.. Red was not there, it was yet the blonde woman. She was more of an emissary of sorts. Denz said choice words that she did not appreciate, and tried force as a tactic. She stuck him with the dart and he passed out," Basile nodded. "I saw a group leaving Bronze Lake and then vanish into the mountains. I knew it had to be them. All I could think of was the rockslide to halt where they were going. They cannot have you. Either of you! It would put the house in jeopardy. Cannot lose you, Basile." She continued to not use a title with his name in her adamant concern. "Cannot lose Denz." "Dart," she repeats the word, looking over the only exposed skin Denz has, finding the small wound. Basile arched an eyebrow at her repetitious words. He half-smirked, though it did not linger long. "The sentiment is appreciated, however it will be wholly appreciated when we can yet awake Denz from this slumber." He nodded, kneeling down himself to look at the Elezen. Jancis puts her hand into the knight's mouth, getting leverage to cleanly remove the poison-laced needle. Frowning at it, she stows it away in a handkerchief before touching Denz's face, light growing on it to purge the toxin away from his bloodstream.
"Hopefully that will work. Will not force it, but it will start the process. Thaliak," She swears, touching Denz's hair endearingly before standing up, going over to Basile to check his skin for the same, clearly being hand-sy and looking at the back of the hyur knight's neck. "Are you sure she did not do anything to you?" "Oh. She certainly tried as we were going. Would have gone clear through my robes." "Luckily she yet tried to pierce my armor.. With little luck," he chuckled a bit. "Your Light shines upon us both, Jancis. I am confident that he will recover soon enough. I am fine, however," The Hyur insisted. Jancis was already reaching up to check the man's ponytail, her hand halting midair. "They are dark, shadow-filled, people. Wanting only power. Thaliak only knows what would have happened to Denz without you there. Did you see anything on her? Did she say something about what was going on?" "I was rather confused, personally, however I tried to keep up with little luck. They spoke much about what kind of agreement would be had of us joining the organization before it went violent. However, it seemed Denz wanted to join in order to get close enough to take the crystal that is tied to you.." He said. Jancis brings her hand to his arm, "Yes. He is risking so much. As are you for me. Did I act to hastily? Did I ruin the agreement? I think not." She looks at Denz's still prone form. "You are risking much for me. The crystal is tied to the very being! I was ambushed and tricked by a man named Scott Parker and put through it. To make people like you do their bidding." "I shall not succumb to such an effort. None will force upon me a bidding that is not just," He shook his head firmly. "They will all die before such is made truth." He said, perhaps almost arrogantly. Jancis looks heartened by that. "Thank you. Takes clear intentions to not have your hand stilled by those kind of. Kind of. Horrors." She releases Basile and shelters Denz from the rain. "Where did you come from with Denz? Have not seen you myself since your knighting." "I have been busy with many things. Lots of which are almost too complicated to explain. However, he yet found me at the House's estate, where we moved to purpose." "Complicated," she repeats, looking down at Denz. "You two did not start out this close." "Complicated, indeed." He repeated, looking upwards as rain dripped down his face. He looked back to her, confused. "What do you mean?" "I remember when we met. You were so wounded. But Denz made mention of knowing you. It was not with his same familiar kinship of most he has come back across. At least not at the start. It did not matter. You healing was what was important. I think he was evening carrying you." "And here you are. Brought in like me." "Well. More so. You are a Knight." Basile smirked faintly as she spoke, hesitating words for a few moments as he thought. He did not seem to mind the rain that fell upon him. "I suppose so, yes. Perhaps. Much as changed between the both of us. He has proved a valuable friend since my arrival to this House." Basile remarked. Jancis' grateful smile stays, "It shows." Her arms rest on Denz's armor as she acts as a pillow, head bowing now as she watches the unconscious man. *Denz's chest continued to rise and fall steadily, the aether granted to him having no outward effect on his being. Many minutes passed before he would stir, his eyes opening to the rainfall on his form. Grunting, he turned away to see Jancis above him, sheltering his face from the rain.* "... Jancis?" *He blinked his eyes open wide, leaning his head up slightly to see Basile. Dazed and confused, he groaned out.* "Did it work?!" Basile nods, letting out a quiet sigh. He moves to their left, sitting down upon the rock as he looked forward. He said little else for now. However, he seemed surprised when Denz awoke. He looked at Jancis, before looking back at Denz. "The plan.. failed to go accordingly," he brought hands up in defeat.
"Failed to go accordingly." Jancis repeats guiltly after looking back to Basile. "It is mine doing. " *Denz placed a hand on his head, getting an elbow underneath him and feeling the phantom sting in his mouth of the needle that nearly sealed his fate. Looking at Jancis, he furrowed his eyebrows.* "Wh- That... that isn't true." *He sighs, looking at he wet ground in front of him.* "Maybe I should not have threatened to kill her." *He sighs, placing a hand over his eyes.* "And now I've destroy whatever facade of goodwill there was between us." *He looks to the knight sadly.* "I... I'm sorry Basile. I asked a lot of you and nearly put you into their ranks." *Gritting his teeth, he sat up more and stared at the dark and rainy sky.*
Basile frowned at Jancis. "Should you had not come along, we would all have been taken prisoner. Now we have at least an opportunity to rethink our actions," He nodded to Jancis, before looking to Denz. He shrugged a bit. "It worries me not. Should I been more aware of the risk anyways, I would have yet came. A few thugs will not deter me from righteous path," He noted. She nods her head, half bowing. "Agreed. Rethink. A new plan. You still got quite far! We know what Red looks like. And this other woman, you both surely heard something from her that is of use." *Denz let out a humored breath.* "The 'righteous' path wasn't an option, and even stumbling down some unfamiliar path I still managed to ruin this." *Running his hands over his eyes, Denz was clearly not in the right state of mind after his fantastic failure.* Basile ran a hand through his hair, letting out a ragged breath. He did not have much to say for a few moments, but tried nevertheless. "Ample choice will present itself soon, Denz. It is not lost," He said.
Jancis' hand goes to Denz's armored forearm, having no better words to say or to add. *Denz set his lips at Basile's words, pushing himself to his feel slowly, losing Jancis' hand in the process. He took a few uneasy steps, but stumbled his way from the pair.* "... You're free to leave, Feurieux. You've done more than what I asked of you." *Using the nearby shed as support, Denz walked past the little square to the camp, breathing in effort as he stopped at the fence overlooking La Noscea. Thoughts rambled through his mind as he stared off to the glowing crystals in the distance.*
Basile watched Denz walk off, pursing his lips. He did not say anything, though he looked over to Jancis with a gaze. "If you wish to follow him, I will be alright returning," He nodded. Her eyes follow Denz until they can't anymore, the hyur's head turning back to Basile. "Thank you. Fury be close to you with Her shield and keep you safe." "And with you. Be safe, Lady Jancis," He offered a bow at the hip, nodding to her as well.
Jancis watches Basile walk off, her eyes catching a few of the darts sticking out of his armor in the process, another reminder of what they avoided. Taking a slow breath, she goes to follow Denz, steps slow as they slide through the grass and ferns. "Chose the broken part of the fence, my love." Her arm slips about his, standing somewhat behind him. "Forgive me. I mean not to interrupt your thoughts. Just let me stand here beside you." *Denz blinked, eyeing the broken portion of the fence.* "A-ah, so I did." *Clearing his throat, he moved slightly to the left, leaning against a sturdier post, and resumed his brooding posture, a hand against the top of the post, leaning forward as gazed down into the chasm lake.* "I almost lost everything, tonight. If I was captured, turned..." *He shook his head.* "I'm going to go speak with my Uncle." She doesn't resist as he moves, arms sliding away as she listens. "Stay with him again?" *Denz shook his head tersly.* "I'm taking back that crystal." *He didn't know why he vocalized this to Jancis. He knew she would disagree. Be appalled at him. Hate the very idea. But in his mind, he ran out of options, and the biggest factor to him in all of this was his lack of strength.* "No! No! Absolutely not! Sir Basile spoke of ample choice to present he did not mean that!" Denz knew her so well. "Those broken souls will do nothing to aid! They might even drive you to such without your good intentions behind it! Without your ruse!" "They could not and would not help you against such trickery! What would have changed?! No. I care not the answer." *Denz's hand gripped tightly against the post, his eyes looking fiercely at the woman in frustration. In that frustration though, his eyes were beginning to well.* "Then what would you have me do?! What am I meant to do if I can't ev-" *He swallowed, the sedative's vestiges still in him.* "I'm -nothing-, Jancis. Whatever use I had in this.... this impossible dream I'm chasing, I failed!" "How is this failure?! We know more than an entire city-state that lays ignorant to the duress placed upon them. The extortion. We still stand. We are not failures. You are not a failure. We still have tools to defeat them, and new ways to seek them out. Uncle Nuarmac would not see that. Would he still give in to your words or thwap you upon the crown of your head?" "Uncle Nuarmac spoke of leaving further generations to manage how to quell the crystal. That we have set the foundation for that. Clearly not enough. Not when the one so burdened by it can think of it as a tool. Shall not have your nieces and nephews having the same thoughts. Not Little Hestia! I know where she is! I felt her spirit, her heart, with mine own hands. She would just like you, but with lacking the experience you have. Shall not have that broken darkness tempt your children!" Jancis steps back, turning on her heel and heading off with purpose. *Denz opened his mouth to try and stop her, but the simple motion of her turning her back on him halted his voice. He couldn't speak, watching her walk away from him. The sedative barely remained, yet Denz found himself on his knees in defeat for other reasons, his shoulders shuddering and tears streaking down his face.* Jancis stormed out of the outpost, intent on heading north herself to confront Nuarmac about the crystal before any of this plan could even go into motion. She went the other way, the walk clearing her head from the initial anger that filled her, until her head turned, seeing the collapsed pile of the knight she admired and loved. The sight of him snuffed out much of her initial burning desire to rid the world of that crystal, feet moving to the edge of the cliffside. "Denz. Menphina..." *Denz stayed frozen in that position for several minutes, having completely lost the will to move. One could argue he had fallen back asleep, if not for the uneven shudders that wracked him every so often. Eventually though, he did collect himself him to shamble up to his feet. He looked around in confusion. He had no idea where he was. This wasn't his land, his people, and here he lay in the heart of it, practically spitting the face of the reason he was here. His body tensed in frustration wishing nothing more than to let out a defiant scream, but he swallowed the urge. He already lost all of his composure. He had to retain what was left of his pride before he truly became a mess. Get back home now, break down later.*
Jancis felt her own eyes well with tears, realizing her own selfish actions torn in this urge to protect Denz as he did so much to protect her. Her hand went over her side, thinking of all these rogues had managed to damage. To steal. Causing more than they even knew in pain. Seeing Denz stand and turn, she caught her breath, sprinting back around the way she came to intercept. *Denz stumbled out of the camp, attempting to keep his head held high despite the wetness on his face. He lacked weapons, he must've dropped them when he passed out. It was dark, hot, humid, and bugs threatened his face more than wished. Halting by the torches at the entrance he stopped, staring into the forest and just how stupid it would be for him to try and leave. Another thing he was powerless t- He heard someone approaching, tensing up as he took an unsure step back, before watching a tiny, blue robed woman sprinting back towards him.*
Her feet picked up pace seeing him once more, sprinting right into the knight, arms wrapping about him immediately. "Forgive me." She made as much of a vice grip on her arms. Wetness mashed onto the leather of his armor, the creaking noise of the materials mashing together as she craned her head up, forcing herself to look up at what she had caused, the tear-stains upon the man she admired so much. A sound came from her throat at it, a guttural reaction of guilt. *Denz's arms were more than happy to accept the woman into his grasp, looking down at her as she returned the gaze and tore his heart out with her plea for forgiveness. He swallowed carefully, letting out a shaky breath. "F-for what? Saving Basile's life? My life? Our -future-? Or for being right?" *He looked up, blinking harshly another wave of tears streaming down his face.* "I can't stop thinking about how different things would be if I jus- just went back and took it." *He shook his head, eyes turning back down to her with a sad look.* "Instead of thinking of the right way. I don't... don't want that for my family. -Our- family."
"For turning away." She didn't forgive herself as easily, tears returning to her eyes and blurring the sight of him. "Nor I. Nor I." Her hand loosened from his back, coming up to his face, fingers tenderly wiping at his cheek to catch the soft rain of tears. "Do not want that for you. But there is good in the words still. To find a new way to thwart them. I should have listened. Heard you through. Heard the true intention. Forgive me, Denz. I want to stay by you. For our family." *Denz's head goes side to side even as Jancis spoke, trying to justify his ridiculous course of action.* "No... no, there wasn't a true intention. I was being selfish. I... After what the Father did to you, and how scared and angry I was, I..." *He closed his eyes, the streams flowing with another bout of tears.* "I hate... this feeling. That I can't do anything... But if I choose something worse than doing nothing, I lose more than I gain." *His hand went through her hair.* "I could lose you... Nothing is more important than that."
"Let us go North. We can look for opportunities, listen through trade. See-" Her words faded away as he spoke, her thumb trying to bail off his cheek and the tears kept coming. Her throat tightened, knowing his words were true and honest in their earnestly. The way her heart ached as it imagined his words, knowing the fractures that would come if all the hard work he had done was unraveled over her. Over these criminals. She lifted herself up to her toes and tugged his face down, pressing her cheek into his, turning her face to sadly kiss at his cheeks and tears, the ragged breathes of emotion perfectly clear in his ears.
"Do not want you to lose me, Denz. Do not want to be lost."
*Denz let her pull him closer, eyes shut tight as she kissed his cheeks and laid bare her emotions without a single word. He pressed his cheek against her's, speaking barely a whisper.* "I won't lose you. I promise." *He lifted his face slightly off of hers to stare at her.* "The further we go... this, Red, provoking them, the worse it gets. I-I don't know if I am ready to stop them. I couldn't." *He lets out another defeated breath, dipping his head down slightly.* Jancis moves her hand to his lips, "Have time to fight. Not all lost. Have time to get ready." Her hand moves to his chin to lift it back from the slight dip it took, returning the stare into his sore eyes with hers. "We will get ready. And this shadow on our family will be another one seared away in our wake." *Denz's eyes were shifted back towards the woman's own, lost in them in the illuminated torchlight. Wordlessly, he leaned forward, his lips kissing hers as his arms clutched her tightly. She tilts her head up, hand sliding about his neck as their lips met, returning the emotional kiss, pressing into it as him for all he had done, even with this dead end they had come to. Even if his plan hadn't worked as they hoped. It enhanced her dedication to the tearful kiss. "Go home, my love?" *The knight wanted to lift her up into his arms, but tonight's trials, his lack of strength, they all prevented him from putting his whole being into the kiss beyond what he received from Jancis. Slowly, reluctantly pulling away from her, he nodded meekly.* "Yes... please. I think I was going to get lost, trying to get back..." *He let out a weak laugh, a smile crossing his tear-marked face.* *Brushing aside a wayward lock of hair from Jancis face, Denz stood up a little taller.* "I love you, Jancis." Jancis gazed up at the smile, soaked up the words, one of her many studying gazes before a soft admiring smile came to her face. How strong she saw him for managing to do that after such an ordeal. The conjurer took in a breath, making sure her voice wouldn't crack. "I love you, Denz." Gathering up his hand in both of hers, she pressed it to her cheek first before taking the first careful step towards home.
Denz De'bayle Basile Feurieux Jancis Milburga
September 3 2017
10 notes · View notes
jancisstuff · 7 years
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Tournament of the Fury
May 2017 (Belated) ///
7 notes · View notes
jancisstuff · 7 years
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Biota - Bated Breath Beginning
45 notes · View notes
jancisstuff · 7 years
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De’bayle Debacle - Knighting
Welcomed to witness an important point in a squire’s training, Jancis sees Denz, Alleria, Basile, and Joikan knighted. Excited for Denz, but taking in their words, she learns what it means to be an Ishgardian Knight, more of a devotion than any show of their chivalry. After the group departs, Jancis has a small moment with Armont to get his counsel on Guillemont’s behavior and learn what else the man could potential get into.
Armont De'bayle 's eyes rose up to the two who have entered into the office, the others seemingly arriving shortly before both Basile and Alleria. Standing from his chair to look to them, Armont would give a firm nod before speaking. "Well, it appears this is far over due for the two of you, and I am happy you have both arrived safe and sound for your knighting." Armont De'bayle: "That being said, before we continue do you have anything you both would like to say?" Jancis Milburga watches the two with quite hopeful regard. Siovant Parlemaix maintains a haughty silence, hands clasped behind his back.  Though there was a glimmer of pride in his observation of the two soon-to-be-Knights. Alleria Surlaint bows before them. "Thank you for taking me in as a squire and training me Lord Armont, Ser Denz, and Ser Guillemont." Guillemont De'bayle quietly watches the two, his expression as stern as ever. Claire Nyhmidu is quiet as well, watching the proceedings. Basile Feurieux had continuously looked at Armont for the past few minutes. He stood straight, boots shoulder width apart from each other. Basile nodded to Armont when he asked for words. "My thanks, Lord Armont, Ser Denz, and Ser Guillemont for granting me the opportunity to gain title under House De'bayle. With such, I will further mend past wrongdoings on behalf of the Menideals and those of my own," Basile nodded slowly, finishing his words. Jancis Milburga smiles a bit at Basile, looking glad halfway through his words. Armont De'bayle 's eyes shifted over to his brothers, motioning him to follow behind. Soon stepping forth from behind the desk, he would smile. "We will start with you, Surlaint." Looking back to his brother, he'd bow his head. "Would you like to do the honors, brother?" Denz De'bayle followed behind Armont to the pair, halting beside him silently. It wasn't until his older brother looked back at him that Denz's composure broke, taking a half step back in shock. "M-me? I..." He looks back at the two, then to Armont. "I can't knight them, Armont! I was never knighted myself." A hand came up to his face in shame. Denz De'bayle looks at Armont De'bayle in shock! Denz De'bayle sees Armont De'bayle and buries his face in disbelief.
Armont De'bayle grunted as his brows rose in response to Denz. "Gyah! G-Give me your sword and take a knee, Denzel!" Bringing a hand out for the man greatsword, he'd look back to the others with a casual smile as if nothing was amiss. "One moment you both!~" Jancis Milburga blinks, coming from around her polite place to see better around the candlelight. Claire Nyhmidu couldn't help herself as she chuckled quietly. Denz De'bayle 's eyes widened in disbelief, swiftly pulling off his leather sheath from his back and freeing the weapon from its holster, tossing the sheath to the side as he held out the weapon, taking a knee simultaneously. Denz De'bayle kneels before Armont De'bayle. Guillemont De'bayle scratches the back of his head as he thinks back to his own knighting. A very different sort of affair than this was turning out to be. Armont De'bayle was at first thrown off by the weight that was behind the larger two handed weapon, his grip faltering as it caused the man to lean forward to counter balance himself. "Oh for Fury's-." He'd fall silence, gripping onto the weapon harder while channeling aeromancy into the blade to lighten in with his grasp. Once settled in, he'd bring the blade down to touch Denz's shoulder while clearing his throat to speak out. "Denzel Damien De'bayle, I hereby Knight you under House De'bayle for the very Claire Nyhmidu quirks an eyebrow at the mention of Denz' middle name, her eyebrows knitting and a hand coming up to her chin in thought as the knighting continued.
Armont De'bayle - blood that flows through your veins, your notible deeds within our House, and your courage in the face of malicious opposition." The blade was lifted, touching the other shoulder. "Now rise, Knight of House De'bayle." Jancis Milburga seems to smile more gladly, the awkward knighting more reassuring than perfect pomp and circumstance, eyes with quiet adoration on Denz, trying to see his expression. Denz De'bayle bows his head as Armont goes through his impromptu knighting of his brother, rising rather swiftly with the request  and tilting his head in a nod. "My thanks, Armont." Swiftly taking the hilt from the man and needing no amount of effort in adjusting the grip of the blade around to be before him, eyeing down Alleria before him. "Take a knee, Squire." Denz De'bayle nods to Armont De'bayle. Alleria Surlaint looks down to the ground kneeling down before Denz. Guillemont De'bayle folds his arms across his chest as Alleria kneels. His mouth twitches in to a small smile, but it quickly fades.
Denz De'bayle slides the blade down to her left plated shoulder, beginning his speech during the motion. "For joining our ranks, adhering to our lessons and proving yourself capable within and without conflict..." He moves the blade to her other shoulder. "For upholding our values and ensuring the safe return of one of our comrades, I hereby name thee Knight of House De'bayle." As the tip of his weapon leaves her right shoulder, Denz nonchalantly brings the weapon's point to clunk to the ground, caring not for the wooden floors, gesturing with his arm. "Rise, Knight. Your new mantle awaits."
Alleria Surlaint raises a big smile across her face as she bows her head before the two standing before her.
Denz De'bayle shows a small smile to the woman. "You've still a ways to go before you are seen as a fully fledged knight, one who bears a moniker befitting her station, but I am sure you will find yourself among their numbers 'ere long."
Siovant Parlemaix could not help but wince when he watches the point of the blade press into the hardwood floors.  Though, he wisely keeps his admonishments to himself.
Alleria Surlaint: "Thank you Ser Denz I'll be sure to make you and every De'bayle proud as I grow stronger."
Jancis Milburga fails to clap, her gaze caring but profound with interest to the vows.
Claire Nyhmidu shifts in her place, continuing to quietly watch.
Denz De'bayle acknowledges her words, but turns to hyur beside her instead. "Basile Feurieux... Kneel before me." He seemed to hold a much different demeanor in regards to Basile. Armont De'bayle looked over to Siovant as his eyes fell to the floor where Denz's sword was resting. Soon turning to match the area, the corner of Armonts mouth began to twitch. Remain. Calm.
Carina De'bayle was definitely just hanging in the back, spacing out. Basile Feurieux nodded once, looking to Denz only a small moment before he kneeled down before Denz. Basile Feurieux kneels before Denz De'bayle.
Denz De'bayle took the sword tip from the wooden flooring before bringing it up to the hyur's left shoulder, speaking out once more. "For your valorous acts, both in the name of De'bayle and Menideal; for serving your charge unwaveringly to the last; For forgiving your greatest foes and serving them without question, 'tis my honor to bring you under our banner, and dub thee Knight of House De'bayle." Once his sword came across Basile's second shoulder, he took a step back, hand waving him upwards. "Rise, and count yourself among us, Knight."
Armont De'bayle stepped forward next to his brother as he looked to the two, though the true reason was to keep a hand on the guard of his brothers sword, preventing him from digging it back down into the floorboard. "Aye, you have both served us well. We look forward to seeing how you both shape up in the coming months as Knights under House De'bayle."
Basile Feurieux rose after Denz commanded, pushing off his knee to stand straight. "It is an honor," Basile nodded once further to Denz. A half-smirk emerged upon Basile's lips. "I shall do all that is required and more," He nodded to Armont.
Denz De'bayle scrapes his sword tip against the wooden floor once more, looking around. "Right, anyone else to knight?" He looks over his left shoulder, turning and pointing at the woman hiding in the corner. "Jancis?"
Your eyes grow wide with awe upon seeing Denz De'bayle.
Siovant Parlemaix winces visibly at the sound of steel on wood.  Thankfully his arms were clasped behind his back, otherwise they'd be twitching madly! Guillemont De'bayle turns to Claire, leaning in towards her to whisper something. Jancis Milburga bows her head a moment after waiting for Denz to grin. "Titled knight or not, my principles shall not waver." When she lifts her head, her smile is humble and honored, deciding to take the offer seriously. Armont De'bayle 's eye twitched heavily as he heard the coarse scrap he tried to prevent so badly. While Denz was not in direct sight of Armont, he may feel the cold stare that he was giving him. Jancis Milburga immediately thinks the stare is over what Denz asked, looking at Armont. "I am honored to be as close to this house as I am already." Claire Nyhmidu raises an eyebrow in question, thinking a moment before returning an answer back in a whisper as well. Denz De'bayle waves his hand dismissivly with a grin, looking back over to Armont and seeing his face, clearing his throat to recompose himself. "A-ahem, yes, yes. Many deeds to be done and such. Erm, Armont, you have armor for them, yes?
Guillemont De'bayle grins, obviously amused about something.
Guillemont De'bayle 's smile quickly turns in to a small frown. Claire Nyhmidu was frowning lightly already; join the club. Armont De'bayle simply stared at Denz far after he spoke. Bringing a hand forward for the mans blade, his other would point down to the gouge and long scrape mark that his blade made. "Aye, I do, though sheath your weapon or allow me to put it away so you do not damage our office any further." He inhaled deeply through his nose, holding in the air before smiling at the two Knights. "Come. Both of your suits of armor have been freshly forged to fit both of you." Motioning over towards the tall armory, Armont
Siovant Parlemaix takes a moment to himself, drawing out a leather-bound book filled with all sorts of scrawled writings.  A silver-cased pen, never far from his person, was deftly pressed to it's surface as he quickly makes a notation of the assembled and the events taking place.
Guillemont De'bayle glances to the two newest knights, then returns his attention to Claire. Armont De'bayle would open it to expose the two pure white suits with blue accents. "If you wish to try it on now, you both are welcomed to. You need not wear that armor any further as well, Surlaint."
Denz De'bayle looks down at the floor, flinching once before nodding. "A-ah, I'll order a woodworker to buff that our, Armont!" Or a rug to cover it. Whichever came first. Denz De'bayle looks at Armont De'bayle in shock! Jancis Milburga: "Halone's Brilliance..." Basile Feurieux: "I am grateful," Basile nodded, though looked down at his own armor. "In order to save time, it would be best I try it later instead of taking this armor off," Basile nodded to Armont. Claire Nyhmidu shifts, glancing over to the two new knights a moment before crossing her arms-- her eyes going back to the man next to her. Alleria Surlaint stepped forward inspecting the armor. "Th..thank you" she muttered looking over the armor more. "I'm not sure about trying it on now...but it's hard to resist the urge to!" Denz De'bayle: We shall aptly give you the time to do such. I am sure I am not the only one here who would like to see you both in such. Denz De'bayle: ... Also to check and see if we got the measurements correct. Denz De'bayle fails to understand Basile Feurieux. Joikan Leisthelm opened the door up quietly, stepping his plated feet inside. "Well met." He dipped his head to Armont before looking over at Alleria. Jancis Milburga offers, "I can help if you wish." She doesn't seem to direct the other to either new-knight in particular. Claire Nyhmidu lightly sticks the tip of her tongue out at Guillemont in jest; it barely visible to anyone else. Guillemont De'bayle returns the gesture.
Claire Nyhmidu smiles lightly afterward, adjusting her glasses. Alleria Surlaint looks back for a moment still in thought. "I think I'll wait as well, and I'll be sure to wear it the next time I see any of you." Armont De'bayle: "As my brother has said, if you wish to try the armor on now, you are more than welcome to do so. Time is no concern as of recent." Looking to Joikan as he entered in, Armont would greet the man with a smile. "Ah! A pleasure to see you once more Leisthelm, and someone who bares the armor on a regular basis!" Basile Feurieux: "I suppose, if it is desired, I would wear the armor tonight. I will have a lot to remove, however," Basile nodded to Armont. Denz De'bayle looks at the newly entered knight, raising an eyebrow at Armont. "When did you knight this one, brother?" Armont De'bayle: "We have not had the chance sadly, so we may Knight him now, if he wishes." Joikan Leisthelm snickered lightly, dipping his head once more. "It is an honour to bear it, after all." Joikan stated, shifting his weight over to his other leg. Guillemont De'bayle frowns slightly. Siovant Parlemaix: "My Lord is quite generous with his knightings, it seems." Joikan Leisthelm: "I am free to be Knighted, my Lord. I am simply standing here, so I've got no excuse." Siovant Parlemaix smiles wryly, the expression tugging at the edges of his lips. Jancis Milburga looks puzzled after Soivant's comment. "It was a taunt to me." Siovant Parlemaix: "I was merely jesting." Jancis Milburga laughs awkwardly, murmuring an apology, "Forgive me." She squeezes her hands as if that would express it more. Denz De'bayle looks over to Siovant, tilting his head at his comment. "To be knighted is to be recognized as a House's servant, and to an extenet, be praised for their actions. There is yet a higher tier of knighthood one might obtain, this one with the titular moniker and the ability to act freely in the house's interest. Denz De'bayle blinks, clearing his throat once Siovant says it was a joke. "As you say, my lord." Siovant Parlemaix could not help but laugh softly, "I shall make note to mind my errant tongue." He states in a tone tilted with amusement. Joikan Leisthelm idly tightened the straps that decorated his armour, reverting his slender eyes over to them. Denz De'bayle: Ishgard is already strange to outsiders as it is. We push the label on strange with every waking moment. Pray, speak out as you wish to. Denz De'bayle tries to comfort Siovant Parlemaix. Denz De'bayle grins tauntingly at Siovant Parlemaix. Armont De'bayle looked to Denz, aaand then his sword. "Do you wish to Knight yet another, or would you rather I knight Leisthelm and spare our floor." Denz De'bayle chuckles to his elder, pulling out his sword easily from his sheath once more and holding it out to the man. "You may take this one, brother." Armont De'bayle already began heavily channeling the aether into his arm and into the blade as he once had before. Upon taking it, he'd keep it in hand and at his side. "Come Leisthelm and kneel." Joikan Leisthelm finished up adjusting his straps before pulling himself up to appear more high-class. He flashed Armont a pearly grin before, hauling his helmet over his head, stepping up in front of his Lord before lowering himself down on one knee, keeping his hands folded against it.
Guillemont De'bayle grins. Armont De'bayle cleared his throat some as the sword in hand would rise to be rested against his left shoulder. "Joikan Leisthelm, for your acts and prowess in the face of the Horde and in the defense of Ishgard. When we first met you spoke of wishing to become a Knight one day." The sword rose over head to rest on the opposite shoulder. "So it brings me honor to dub thee Knight of House De'bayle. You may rise, Leisthelm, as a Knight." Joikan Leisthelm closed his eyes behind his visor, honouring the ceremony. He raised himself up from the ground as soon as he was told to. He dipped his head respectfully, a closed gauntlet held up in front of him. "Tis' an honour to serve under your house, Lord De'bayle - I am yours to command." He excused himself by taking one step back, folding his hands behind his lower back. Guillemont De'bayle waves his hand in a dismissive gesture.
Armont De'bayle shook his head at Joikan. "Nay, let it be clear to you, to all of you. This is -our- House. Each and everyone of us who has taken arms, quill, or craft to benefit House De'bayle, benefits -our- House. We are all bound together, and we would not stand where we are today if it was not because of that." Denz De'bayle walks over, slowly taking the greatsword from the Count. Denz De'bayle: True words, brother. We are merely the fools holding the reins that guide us forward. Denz De'bayle grins tauntingly at Armont De'bayle. Denz De'bayle: However, lest we must needs stand on anymore ceremony, I do believe that is all we require of everyone's presence this night. I would like to recognize our knights once more for their newfound status, before we leave though. Denz De'bayle smiles at Alleria Surlaint. Denz De'bayle nods to Basile Feurieux. Denz De'bayle agrees wholeheartedly with Joikan Leisthelm. Armont De'bayle somewhat struggled to let go of his brothers sword, almost dead set in his mind that he'd somehow scrape or nick the flooring somehow again with it. Joikan Leisthelm reached up for his helmet, placing it underneath his arm, nodding in agreement to what Armont just said. "Naturally." He smiled over at Denz before stepping aside. Claire Nyhmidu frowns lightly, eyebrows furrowing.
Guillemont De'bayle nods. Armont De'bayle: "Surlaint, once you have suited up into that armor, please seek me out with any issues you have with it, if any. The same goes for you as well, Feurieux." Siovant Parlemaix slips his hands away from his body, gesturing vaguely.  "I wish all the newly Knighted all the best in their future endeavors.  May your respective blades remain keen and true." Basile Feurieux nods to Armont De'bayle. Basile Feurieux: "I shall do so, if needed." Joikan Leisthelm inclined his head to Siovant politely before reverting his attention back forwards, switching his helmet over to his other arm. Alleria Surlaint: "I'll be sure to." she said to Armont before nodding towards Siovant's comment. Denz De'bayle || As Armont addressed the masses, he turned to walk towards the back of the room, walking up to the conjurer and placing a plated gauntlet gently on her arm. "Thank you for witnessing this." Armont De'bayle walked up to Siovant. "Speaking of blades remaining keen and true, our field reports pin you down as quite the axeman, Parlemaix. We are fortunate to have one of the Adders as skilled as you, working in tandem within our House." Jancis Milburga looks up, consenting that she'd been found moving to observe the group by Denz. "You are welcome. It is important to you and, beyond that, I wish to understand it better. Dare say it has give me many more questions." Siovant Parlemaix stiffens slightly as Armont advances towards him.  He adopts a position more fitting of one addressing their Lord.  His back straightens, "My Lord is too kind.  I am gracious for his praise." He responds in a measured tone.  "I only hope to continue to bring glory and honour to the House with my contributions." Denz De'bayle smiles down at her. "You are free to ask them now. Was there something not clear about the ceremony?" He blinks. "I didn't do something wrong, did I?" Armont De'bayle extended a plated hand back to gesture at the Twin Adders Banner that hung behind his desk. "Aye, both you and I will be working hand in hand more in the future it would seem." Claire Nyhmidu grins slightly. Siovant Parlemaix bows his head in momentary silence, "I relish the chance to make an impression." He states sincerely, "Hopefully my axe-hand will aid me in that endeavor, because my errant tongue surely will not." He notes in humorous tones. Jancis Milburga shakes her head, "No. I do not think so. I am not sure what would be. Am I not keeping you from your house? Miss Alleria and Mister Basile must be quite excited. But I am curious what servant means, because I have done a great unjustice and misunderstood knight." Joikan Leisthelm: "Another axe wielder! I like it." Joikan Leisthelm smiles at Siovant Parlemaix. Carina De'bayle: "Joikan! Did you ever want a follow up to that spar?" the woman grins up to himh. Denz De'bayle tilts his head. "Servant? In what regard?" He bobs his head back and forth. "There are two kinds of knights in Ishgard. Those who are knighted the first time are akin to becoming soldiers in an army. The Temple -Knights-, as they're called. Elite forces. A fully fledged knight, such as Guillemont, is awarded a title accompanying their deeds and often times become free agents of their House, of Ishgard as a whole." Armont De'bayle waved a dismissive hand towards him. "You need not worry too much of your tongue so long as you do not disrespect anyone within the House. Aside from that, there is not much you could say to strike mine nerve when I have been tested and forged from my youngest brother Denz prodding at my sides." Joikan Leisthelm: "Oh! I wouldn't mind at all." He grinned cheekily before peering back over at Siovant. Siovant Parlemaix follows Armont's statement with a dutiful note of laughter, shielded politely behind his gloved hand.  "I will make certain to keep that in mind in the future, My Lord." He states firmly, hands moving to clasp again behind his back in rigid discipline. Guillemont De'bayle nods. Armont De'bayle nodded towards the man. "I am sure you will, and if not, well I will remind you. Nicely. At first." He winked forcivly so the man would know it was in jest.
Jancis Milburga looks across the room at Guillemont, an expression of deep care and concern filling her face. "Their deeds." Looking back up, "As a. A chevalier? I read that in the armor book I have been studying." Siovant Parlemaix entirely misses the wink, considering that due to Armont's singular eye it looks entirely as though the Nobleman just blinked very specifically.  It wasn't until Siovant's expression displayed a note of some surprise that he finally realized what he'd just witnessed.  "I do hope it won't come to that." The Wildwood states belatedly. Denz De'bayle nods his head. "Aye, as a common knight of Ishgard. There's a story behind my brother's moniker, 'The Grey Wolf', but it is a story not even his brothers know..." He narrows his eyes in thought. "Or... it had to do with the color of his hair. One of the two." Denz De'bayle gazes upon you in deep reflection.
Armont De'bayle pursed his lips as he too was somewhat confused, not knowing that the man had not caught onto his wording and expression. "You need not worry of that, I assure you Parlemaix." He looked to Joikan before motioning over towards Claire and Guillemont. "Claire, how have you been holding up since you have returned from... well darker times?" Jancis Milburga confesses with another dozen apologies, "I had thought the term had a connection to virtues. It was my err." Siovant Parlemaix seems to deflate ever-so-slightly now that he wasn't under the imperious gaze of his Lord.  A soft exhale escaping him, although he maintains that strictly-ingrained composure. Guillemont De'bayle turns his attention to his brother. Claire Nyhmidu looks away from Guillemont, moving her face away from his-- as they were whispering to each other throughout the evening, "Still getting used to my face being scarred, but otherwise revolved to fix my annoyance with myself regarding the solved situation." Joikan Leisthelm: "Lady Carina. Am I excused? I've got something that needs tending." Carina De'bayle: "Oh yes, you are dismissed." Alleria Surlaint raises her hand "I'll be departing now...It was nice to see all of you, And thank you again." she said bowing towards Lord Armont. Joikan Leisthelm: "Very well, may Halone's grace bring you comfort." Joikan Leisthelm smiles at Carina De'bayle. Denz De'bayle holds out his arms in a soothing motion. "It alright! The deeds... to a degree, yes. Knights do not choose their own moniker, it is given to them by their superiors, whether they agree with it or not. Some shape their moniker, others shaped by them." Denz De'bayle: Assigning a name or an attribute to another can be quite eye opening as to how they are as a person, how they potray themselves to their comrades. Siovant Parlemaix: "Mmm, I think that I shall be taking my leave on the heels of the others.  I hope that the assembled enjoy the rest of their respective evenings and the festivities that surely will be following." Carina De'bayle: "Oh and, Mister Siovant, you ar- ah, mm," she nods, "thank you for joining us." Siovant Parlemaix: "If I may, of course, My Lady?" Carina De'bayle: "Of course, you are dismissed. Do enjoy your evening." Jancis Milburga nods slowly, "As the Ala Mhigans do. That is far more descriptive." She smiles up. "How do you feel about it? Sir Armont turning to you as he did?" Siovant Parlemaix: "I will be enjoying the feeling of my unconcious head beneath my pillow, assuredly.  Thank you for your leave, My Lady." Armont De'bayle looked back to Claire as both Joikan and Alleria had departed. "Find yourself fortunate that there was nothing more done to you those nights." His eye shifted to Guillemont, abrow raising in curiousity. "Speaking of, I need to speak to you about one of the two captives, when you have the time." Basile Feurieux: "I shall be taking leave as well. Halone be with you all," He nodded, looking towards Armont, Guillemont, and Claire as he began to step out himself.
Claire Nyhmidu frowns, looking away from Armont as her eyebrows furrowed deeply at the thought. Carina De'bayle: "I believe I will take my leave as well. Do rest well the lot of you..." Denz De'bayle brings up a hand to his scar, running his leather fingers across it as he looked to the side. "I... Unexpected. I find myself surprised every time Armont has me stand by his side as an equal for his duties as the Head of House. I am sure this is what is to be expected of my station as a Viscount, but..." He shakes his head with a smile. "I'm just a knight. An -actual- knight, now." Denz De'bayle grins tauntingly at you. Jancis Milburga: "You are not 'just' anything, Denz. I understand in the Maelstrom it is awfully important, but in times of great decision I think is when it matters most. I have only grown to see you as more than an actual knight from the first I saw you." You smile at Denz De'bayle. Jancis Milburga quickly asks. "Why must you buff the floor?" Guillemont De'bayle: "Right. Well, uh... Whenever you would like to speak about it, brother. And... Two captives? I only have the one in uh... In my care." His care? Perhaps a misleading way to refer to it. Denz De'bayle takes on an endearing smile in response to Jancis' heartful words, swiftly wiped away as he looked towards the middle of the room. "I- Er... Sword, dragged across the wood. Wasn't paying attention while I was trying to come up with words to give to the knights." He rubs his palm against his face. "I must needs fix those marks." Jancis Milburga: "Odd. Make it sound like a blemish. Can look at the floor now and say upon this sun you were knighted. It is clean and shiny, still." Jancis Milburga looks over at the floor. "So curious the need to make it look as if no one walks upon the floor. I thought people would want the opposite, to show it has done something. Mayhaps it is more exciting to pretend no one else has yet." Armont De'bayle furrowed his brows towards the man, shaking his head in disbelief before walking away. "Aye... In your care. We will be in touch soon brother. Until then, enjoy the rest of your night." His view shifted to that of Claire's. "And you do the same, Lady Nyhmidu. It is good to see you are well." Denz De'bayle: Ishgardians do love their markless facades. To show a perfect front without a scuff or mark. Claire Nyhmidu: "Mm. Good evening." She said quietly, still frowning over what Armont had said earlier. Denz De'bayle tilts his head, moving aside his bangs to accent the scar on his cheek. "I failed at that early on." He winks at her. Jancis Milburga gazes back up at Denz, her expression turning profoundly warm as he winks at her and shows his face without reservation. "No facade." Claire Nyhmidu looks back over to Guillemont, shaking her head some as she tries to get this look off her face, "Shall we go then?" Guillemont De'bayle: "Ah, I uh... I suppose it is getting late. Yes, let's return home." Claire Nyhmidu nods, bowing slightly in the direction of the remaining people before heading for the door. Denz De'bayle looks back at the now empty room, raising his eyebrows in acknowledgement. "It seems everyone has begun to file out. Mayhaps we should take our leave as well..." He takes a few steps forward, waiting for the pair to leave before looking towards the last remaining figure. "Armont." Jancis Milburga starts, "Goodn-" as the door closes. Armont De'bayle || As the door was shut behind the two who just recently left, Armont would look to Denz. "Guillemont has the other in his 'care'. He has confirmed this, just now." Denz De'bayle 's eyes look sidelong to Jancis for a moment, before turning back to his brother. "His care has already shown itself before all, those even outside our order." He runs a hand through his hair. "'Tis an ugly show of twisted justice he believes fills the need for a vindictive justice." He moves forward, planting his hands on the table as he leaned forward. "He needs to know we are -not- the Inquisition, and playing as such is not who we are." Denz De'bayle: We hand over those that submit themselves to the judgement of those above us, whose place it is to swing the executioner's blade. If there is pertanent information to obtain, only then could I see a need for our "care". Denz De'bayle disagrees with Armont De'bayle.
Armont De'bayle: "Aye, your words are true, and they have already rang through mine mind long before you have said them. You and I are not the only ones looking to confront him of this. Carina holds desire to address this as well. All in all, this was -not- in our agreement to carry out. All whom we capture return to the Adders for processing and law." Jancis Milburga squeezes her hands together, staring with obvious easedropping, "He will not find the solace and redemption he longs for so! It will destroy his good heart! And further corrupt the captured to find no redemption and return to the Spoken's virtues." Jancis Milburga: "How can I help? Where is this bandit? Shall I ask him? Mayhaps I can. Can." Jancis Milburga thinks as she speaks, pausing repeatedly. Denz De'bayle hangs his head as he sighs in relief. He looks to the side at Jancis, to check if she acknowledged his words. When she spoke, he looked back to Armont, letting him answer. Armont De'bayle shook his head slightly, a pained expression falling over his face. "I do not know much of Guillemont and his true motives, but I have heard of things that have taken place in the past. I do not wish him to stray down this path he has railed himself on." Armont De'bayle: "If you wish to come along, I will permit it when we confront him. You may not be of House De'bayle Lady Jancis, but I hold your word as strongly as I hold that of Denz's or Carina's."
Jancis Milburga murmurs, "Permit." and nods slowly. "Thank you. As I yours to me. Forgive me for not getting your counsel sooner; sharing my worry." Jancis Milburga: "Even if he were not your brother, but I feel it adds more pain to the task." Denz De'bayle tilts his head in thought. "I would not wish to intervene upon him with all of us at once, but if you believe it nesscesary. I would find more personal interactions to impress upon him more." Armont De'bayle: "Would you rather we act independantly towards this and find that he takes it the wrong way? I would like to have the assurance knowing that there are others there on standby." Denz De'bayle looks over to the hyur. "Perhaps it is a selfish want to keep you away from him, given what you witnessed." Jancis Milburga squeezes her hands once more and motions comfortingly, "Do not think that, please. You know him better than most others. You both do. You care about him." Jancis Milburga steps up to the desk and leans over it, reaching for Armont's hands as well. "Any wish you have, I shall be a word away for."
Denz De'bayle looks over his shoulder pad to Jancis, the motion only making him sadder and more fervant in his desire to keep Jancis away from any form of conflict. Moreso conflict that had direct relation to Denz, literally. Armont De'bayle blinked some as the small Hyur leaned across the desk to take the mans plated hands into hers. Somewhat struck by the act, Armont remained silent for a quick moment before speaking, nodding as he did. "I appreciate that, I truely do Lady Jancis. I assure you that if it came down to it, I would give my life in your defense, just as Denz would at any moment. Your blade is ours if called upon." He took his hands back, resting them upon the field report before him. "We care for our brother, - Armont De'bayle deeply. This is something that must be addressed. Such... barbaric actions cannot be condoned, and we cannot stand idle while it is continued. Even if that confrontation brings pain upon our family." Denz De'bayle crosses his arms, turning his face away from the two as he seemed lost in thought. Jancis Milburga completely misses Denz's expression and concern for her, squeezing Armont's gauntlet with fervor for the count to feel the gesture before lifting herself back up. "Althyk willing, it shall be soon."
Armont De'bayle: "Aye, Althyk willing..." He repeated to himself, looking up to Denz. Jancis Milburga looks reassured and hopeful, eyes following up to Denz. Denz De'bayle looks back as the two no longer continued to talk to one another, uncrossing his arms. "Soon." He repeats in a Jancis-like manner. "Shall we depart?" Jancis Milburga: "Yes, yes let us." Jancis Milburga: "Rest deeply and well, Sir Armont. Being here with you and your House brought me great joy." Armont De'bayle nodded towards the two as they spoke to one another. "May Her light shine down upon you two in your travels and endeavors. Travel safe."
Denz De'bayle looks back to Armont with a nod. "I am glad we are of an alike mind. I dare not think what words Astrelle would have for such actions, if even any disagreements, but... we shall cross those Steps of Faith when we get there, and pray the Fury does not blow us off it's path."
Armont De'bayle: "It shall not blow you off it, now that you are a Knight."
Armont De’bayle @halone-from-the-otherside Jancis Milburga Siovant Parlemaix Alleria Surlaint Guillemont De’bayle @ishgardianknightblogging Claire Nyhmidu @claire-nyhmidu-ffxiv Basile Feurieux Denz De’bayle @darkknightsbread Joikan Leisthelm Carina De’bayle @carina-debayle
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