#Alphinaud for all his faults tries very hard to come across as approachable
seaseren · 8 months
Like. The vibe I get is that at the Studium Alisaie honestly came across as more of a Rich Bitch than Alphinaud, because she was moody and aloof and quiet until someone did or said something stupid, at which point she would tell them off.
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Cat(nip) Got Your Tongue?
Relationship: Rurik (OC) & Scions [Gen]
Rating: General
Wordcount: 5k
Summary: After a freak accident involving a shipment of crates containing important medical herbs, Rurik, the Warrior of Light, is left in what appears to be a drugged-out stupor. The Scions are sure to figure out the cause as well as the cure to what ails the Hrothgar--but that’s assuming they can keep him from causing all sorts of chaos across the Crystarium first.
Note: This was written by @blood--hunter as a commission! If you are interested in getting something yourself, please check out her commission info here!
"His aether has changed," Y'shtola's voice rings through the Ocular like the hit of a bell. She rattled the very bones of all who heard her words, but that was not the Sorceress' fault, rather it was the fault of whatever ailment seemed to sweep over their friend. The Warrior of Light, Rurik, had been behaving strangely for several hours now. There was not a very good term for the way he acted, both high strung and lethargic all at once. The Hrothgar could be bouncing off the very walls one moment and then blissfully quiet, nearly drooling, in a corner the next. Rurik could pull the occasional prank, but this was a bit much, even for him.
When it became obvious that their friend was not going to emerge from his stuppor any time soon, the Scions had gathered as they had in the past. Ryne seemed the most perturbed, she had not spent that many moons in the Hrothgar's presence but saw him as a friend all the same. She had watched him nearly die once already, and she was remorse to see him in such a state. "Will he be alright?" Her voice wavers, fingers pressing at the hem of her almost too white dress. She stands but a few feet away, in the midst of the semi circle that she and her friends had formed. 
Y'shtola's lips form a thin line. She stands from her position in front of Rurik. The usually light-hearted man is but a drooling mess in front of her. She may no longer be able to see his face, but even she can tell how bad he has gotten. "I ... don't know..." The Sorceress presses a knuckle to her cheek, thinking, even her ears flicker with the task. She had seen nothing like this, not even when her friend had absorbed so much corrupted aether that he had been on the verge of becoming a Light Warden. What sort of nonsense had Rurik gotten himself into this time? Her eyes slip to the Aether that she recognizes as Urianger, quirking a brow in question.
The Elezen man simply shakes his head, his own mind racing with quandaries. He takes his place beside Y'shtola, leaning to peer into his friend's eyes. "I has't mine own suspicions, luckily naught of which life-threatening," He says, gold eyes meeting a mix of golden green. They were blown wide, so wide that he could barely see the iris for the pupil. "But I think it best that we watch him. I would not see him harmed while in this state." He stands to his full height, his arms folded in front of his chest as he bows his head to think.
"You want us to babysit the Warrior of Light?" Alisaie is quick to interject, her hands on her hips. 
She was not happy about this turn of events. It seemed as if they had just retrieved their friend from the jaws of death, only for him to return just as quickly to them. Rurik had the worst luck that the young Elezen had ever encountered. She frowns, watching as the Hrothgar lays there, eyes as wide as saucers. This was not like the patients back at the Inn, no, but it did seem as if something was ... wrong."It's not as if he can do much at the moment."
"Sister," Alphinaud gives her a look, one that she had seen far too many times in all their years of being related. "I believe Urianger is simply worried that our friend may be harmed in his current ... state." He motions to the Hrothgar. Alisaie could practically feel the lecture that was about to come. Her brother holds up a finger and Alisaie has a hard time not turning her brain off. "Lest you forget, Rurik has just as many enemies here in the first as he does in our Source. It would be irresponsible to leave him unguarded as he regains his faculties." The self satisfied smirk on his lips earns him a smack on the shoulder from his sister.
"I know that you great oaf I simply-!"
A sigh comes from Thancred's direction as he folds his arms, fixing the twins with a raised brow. "Well, since the both of you seem so sincere, I vote that you take first watch." There is sputtering from both of the young Elezen but the Hyur simply waves it away. Instead, he focuses his gaze on Urianger, "Ryne and I will search for an answer here in the Cyrstarium. I assume that you and Y'shtola have your own sources?" All business. It was how Thancred handled things now. When his friend's life was on the line, he could do little else besides convert all of his worry into sheer force of will. 
Urianger can only nod, still deep in thought, racking his brain for any plausible explanation as to why Rurik would be this way, Y'shtola answers in his stead, "We'll begin as soon as possible."
And that was how Alisaie and Alphinaud both ended up with what was, essentially, a large puddle of Hrothgar on their apartment's floor. The Exarch had been kind enough, or felt guilty enough, to lend them a room in the Pendants upon their arrival to the first. Both of them had used it sparingly, as their responsibilities had taken them far from the safety of the Cystarium but the small room came in handy for this situation in particular. 
"Should we ... feed him?" Alphinaud questions, watching as Rurik pawed placidly at the rug beneath him. If Alphinaud were a weaker man, he would admit that the action was almost cute. Like a Coerl kitten that had yet to grow into it's claws. If the Coeurl kitten were a large man that had the power to kill gods. It was strange to see the man who had saved Eorzea on countless occasions, brought to bat at the spare pieces of yarn on his quarter's rug. Alisaie stood beside him, her hands on her hips once more. 
"No," she says, worry creasing her brow. The both of them dealt with stress in different ways. Alisaie preferred to plunger her sword into most of her problems while Alphinaud had taken to thinking things through. They both had their respective flaws but he could practically feel the stress rolling off of his sister. This wasn't something she could fight. "If it is some sort of drug, or worse, a poison, then it could perhaps make his state worse."
Rurik rolls about on their rug and Alisaie cannot help the way her fingers curl at her sides. Angry. Powerless to fix this. "I don't see why we can't bring him with us while we search."
"And have some crazed lunatic stab him in the back while he can't defend himself?" Alphinaud snaps. Perhaps he was not adjusting to the situation as he should. He knows that he should step away, give himself a break, but he worries for his friend. Worries that they will not retrieve Rurik from whatever stupor he has been put in. Will Rurik ever be able to stand by his side once more?
"It's better than just standing here! Doing nothing!" 
"We can't risk his safety!"
"He's the bloody Warrior of Light! He'll be fine!"
"I'm not imposing that-"
There is a shriek of a woman, far too close to be unalarming for the two Elezen. They turn their attention back to their friend only to find the space he had once occupied strangely empty. Not only that, but it seemed that their door was also wide open, leading out onto the walkway of the Pendants. They gasped in unison, look to each other, look back to the door, and then bolted into the open air of the Crystarium.
How Rurik had gotten down three flights so quickly, neither of them knew, but when they found him he was, thankfully, none the worse for wear. In fact, he was simply playing with a ribbon. The shriek they heard was Ryne as she dangled the piece of silk in front of him, his eyes large as he followed it, swatting at the air. When the twins came rushing down, worked into a frenzy of worry, the Warrior of Light had been content to simply swat at the toy provided for him.  
"Ryne!" Alphinaud pants, resting his hands on his knees as he tries to catch his breath, "Whenever did you get here and ... how did... how did..."
Alisaie seems unmarred to say the least, an amused smile on her lips as she watches Rurik. "It seems our friend was bored in our quarters, brother."
Ryne's blue eyes focus on the both of them, blinking in surprise. "He came all the way from your quarters? I was just coming to check on the both of you when he appeared all of a sudden."
"All of a sudden, you don't think he jumped down here?" Alisaie's worry only surges but it is soon staunched by the arrival of a white coated figure.
Thancred huffs, both his hands stuffed in his pockets, face carved into a frown. It would seem his search had come to a halt. And not a very pleasing one at that.
"Let me guess," He says, approaching the four of them. "The both of you took your eyes off of him for only a moment, and he managed to get all the way down here?" 
Alphinaud and Alisaie at least have the manners to look guilty.
"Thancred..." Alphinaud tries, but the older male waves him off.
"It's fine," He says, "We came to retrieve the both of you. Our search within the Cabinet of Curiosity has proven fruitless. However, Neither Ryne nor I are scholars, perhaps a search of your own will provide our answer."
Both of the twins perk up at that, the thought of doing something besides standing around seems to give them some sort of comfort. Thancred had known they would be restless, they were always the ones to try and solve their problems the quickest. When it came to the Warrior of Light, their dearest friend, they had no limit to the energy they were willing to expend. He should have allowed them to take their own search for an answer, but Thancred had been worried about Ryne. She had not been in as many life threatening situations as the twins, and her worry had to be focused on the task at hand or she was liable to be swallowed by it.
"Ryne and I will take over watching him. Come find us if your search turns up anything." Without another word, both of the Leveilleur twins run off towards the library, Thancred does not try to stop the sigh that leaves his lips. His eyes turn to Rurik who is still swatting at Ryne's ribbon, if with less enthusiasm than before. 
She looks up, a small smile on her lips. It's tense at the edges, strained. "Perhaps we should let him have some fresh air. He's been cooped up for a while now; everyone poking and prodding at him." Was there some sense of understanding in her words? Thancred had not asked Ryne much about her time in Eulmore, but he could guess as to how it went.
He nods silently and the young girl takes her leave without a word. She uses her ribbon to urge Rurik onwards, the Hrothgar following after her eagerly enough. They come to stop in a grassy area near the Crystarium's market. The area isn't busy, with only a few people milling about at this midday hour. Most were hard at work but some were able to afford the small amount of free time to browse the shops and stalls. Ryne takes her seat in the grass and, to Thancred's surprise, Rurik follows suit. Perhaps he was not as blazed out of his mind as the rest of the Scions seemed to think. 
Thancred takes his place not a few fulms away, silently watching the two of them. Ryne seemed more calm, most likely still worried, but calm. She plays idly with Rurik before the Hrothgar seems to grow bored and flops over. It's cute, even Thancred can admit that, and the young girl laughs. The ribbon slips to the ground, forgotten as the three of them allow the calm air of the Crystarium to wash over them. It is only after a few minutes of this uninterrupted silence that Ryne takes up the ribbon once more. However, this time, she leans over Rurik’s head, beginning to wind the ribbon into his hair. Thancred raises a brow, considering stopping her, but Rurik does not resist so he allows it. 
Within the matter of a bell, Rurik's hair is filled to the brim with pink ribbons tied in much the same way as Ryne's was. It was almost cute. It was almost ridiculous. Whenever they managed to retrieve Rurik from his strange spell, he would not be happy but for now it amused Ryne and Thancred couldn't take that from her.
"What in the Seven Hells are you doing?" 
Thancred immediately tenses, cringing as he turns to look at Y'shtola. She was wearing a frown, hands on her hips as she stared him down. "I assume you found something?"
That only makes her fold her arms over her chest. Ah, she was angry now. "Do not divert the subject, Thancred. Why is Rurik bedecked in fanciful ribbons?"
Ryne stands, moving over to the both of them. "I am sorry, it was my idea. I just thought that the ribbons looked nice..." She trails off.
Y'shtola's anger melts just as soon as it had appeared. "Do not worry yourself over much, Ryne." Her eyes snap to Thancred, giving him a look. "I would blame your caretaker for allowing such a thing to proceed, but I am sure that Rurik will not mind your ... decorations, once he has returned to us."
"So you have found something." Thancred says, glossing over Y'shtola's dissapproving glance. 
"Perhaps, the Blessed themselves did not know how to cure our friend. Curiously, Runar was able to help a great deal." She turns her all seeing eyes to Rurik, frowning slightly. There was a measure of worry there that Thancred was not unused to seeing. "I have already delivered my discoveries to Urianger. It is only a matter of waiting for his reply."
"Do you mean to take our watch from us?"
Y'shtola nods to him, "I think that best, yes. Urianger may need more hands in order to gather supplies for whatever concoction he means to cook up." She smiles ruefully, "I am not suited to such a task. I will take over in your stead."
Thancred nods, turning his eyes to Ryne who nods in return. "We're off to Il Mehg then. Try not to allow him to get into too much trouble?" There is a teasing edge there that causes Y'shtola to smile in earnest.
As soon as Thancred and Ryne had taken their leave, Y'shtola made a vain attempt at removing the ribbons from his hair. Now only was Rurik uncooperative in the attempt, it also seemed that the young girl was a vicious ribbon maker. They did not want to be removed, no matter how much she tugged or pulled. If she did not know that it would hurt her friend, then she would consider calling down fire upon the blasted things. That was, obviously, not an option. So instead she was stuck toting around a bedecked Hrothgar through the Crystarium.
"However did you get yourself into such a situation?" She sighs, watching as Rurik seemed giddy enough to all but bound down the stairs towards the Trivium. Perhaps taking a man to such a place wasn't the best of ideas but Y'shtola was nothing if not practical. Her skills were best used in such a place, where her mind could be used to tear apart problems of both physical and aetherial importance. 
They came to halt at the bottom of the stairs, Y'shtola was just about to make her way towards the small fields the area contained, when someone called out for her.
"Master Matoya!"  The very name they used told her where they hailed from and she can't help but smile as she turns towards the noise.
"The Night's Blessed, here in the Crystarium?" She says, though she can't keep the happiness from her voice. She cannot make out their faces, no, but she recognizes their aether. They have been among the Blessed since her arrival, old friends.
They approach, practically radiating happiness. "We thought that we would help in the Crystarium's efforts to produce greens." One of them reports, if only she could remember their names.
"Yes, our ventures in the Greatwood have allowed us to learn much about plantlife. Sustainable farming may be the only thing between some village's and certain death." 
Y'shtola nods, posing a knuckle against her cheek as she thinks, "Yes, I believe you are correct. The Crystarium's work could save countless lives."
"Not only that," Y'shtola can hear the tease in the other person's voice. Oh dear, could this be about-- "Runar sent us to check on you. He seemed worried, mentioned something about a mishap in the ruins?"
Y'shtola is glad that she has a better check on her emotions than most people. Most a maiden would blush and sweep away their worries with little a thought. Y'shtola simply chuckles, "I would expect just as much from him. Tell him not to worry, I will return to my duties with the Night's Blessed as soon as my responsibilities in the Cyrstarium are complete."
"Oh, don't tell us that it's that Hrothgar fellow you were with?"
"Rurik? No, he is-- wait--!``she casts her gaze about, Rurik's aether was nowhere in sight. "Seven Hells." She spits. How could she be so foolish as to lose him at a time like this? She huffs, disappointed in herself, and marches past the two individuals she had been talking to. He must have went farther, into the Hortorium perhaps, there was no lack of bits and bobs within the agricultural center for the man to amuse himself with while he was in this state.
She comes to a halt at the bottom of the stairs, glancing over the tools and magiks that were being used in the pursuit of stabilizing the First's food supply. It was honest work. But honest work was also complicated and, sometimes, dangerous. She realized now that her decision to assist the Crystarium while looking after Rurik, was a bad one. If he managed to get himself hurt while he was in such a state, she would never forgive herself. 
Y'shtola resists the urge to call out for him. Better to look with her own eyes than to cause a stir amongst the hard working botanists. Besides, she was better at finding him than most people. With her eyesight as it was, finding a person by their aether should be no issue, but there were many people scattered about the space and at first she doesn't quite notice where Rurik's aether has gone.
Until she looks at a small stowage of plants near the back of the facility. Their lights ring hollow in the face of Rurik's and she curses herself for having not seen it earlier. He is like a beacon amongst the stocks of Millioncorn. Y'shtola marches towards him, her steps aggressive as she comes to a stop before the farm rows. "Rurik," She says, her arms folding over her chest in a huff. "You can't hide from me. I can see you." She sets her face into a displeased frown that would make most children cry at but a glance. The Hrothgar does not emerge from his hiding place, he simply peeks from between the stocks as if a Miqo'te cub caught in the midst of doing something ill advised.
"Don't look at me so," She warns, her tone icy cold as she stares him down. "Just because you've gotten yourself into some sort of stuppor does not mean you are allowed to prance about like a child..." She is moments away from wagging her finger when an awkward cough erupts from behind her. She turns on her heel, in her annoyance she has pressed her ears firmly against her skull. Whoever had interrupted her scolding was about to get one of their own but she is able to stop herself before she can truly begin. 
The Elezen man manages a polite smile at the woman before him, his golden eyes slowly traveling to the Hrothgar hidden between the stalks of Millioncorn. For such a muscled man, he is able to hide himself quite well. Then again, Urianger would expect no less of the Warrior of Light and Darkness. 
"Pray forgive me, Y'shtola, as I would but assume thee most astute in the matters of our friend, better than most of our compatriots."
Y'shtola has enough reason to look slightly embarrassed and she turns her head to eye the Horthgar suspiciously. "It seems that, even in his current state, he is liable to play tricks on me. He caught me unawares, distracted as I was by idle conversation."
"And what of the ribbons?" Urianger's voice is tinged with amusement. It was true that the pink ribbons still clung tightly to Rurik's hair. Ryne must have been able to work a miracle into the silk itself. Then again, her own ribbons never seemed to come undone. Perhaps it was an acquired skill.
The Miqo'te woman sighs, shaking her head, "Ryne's handiwork. I cannot undo them no matter how hard I try."
A chuckle rumbles from Urianger's chest as he can't help but shake his head as well, "I would expect no less. Come, let us retrieve our friend and gather the rest of the Scions--I quite believe I yet finished with the cure to bring our friend unto his previous mental state."
"So easily? You do not believe it is poison?"
Again, he shakes his head, "No, but rather the opposite of such." Y'shtola manages to give him a look but he nods his head towards the stairs. "Pray retrieve the others. I will pry our friend away from the Crystarium's crops ere he anger the botanists."
The Sorceress took her leave without another word. Finding the rest of the Scions was not an overly simple a task as one might think. Alisaie and Alphinaud were the easiest to track down, as they had stayed in the Cabinet of Curiosity since being assigned there by Thancred. The aforementioned Gunbreaker and his charge were a different story altogether. They were not in Il Mehg, as Y'shtola would have thought. No, it seemed that they had absconded to Eulmore in an attempt to find the ingredients that Urianger would need for his cure. Why they had need of Ruby Tomatoes and Cider Vinegar, Y'shtola did not yet know.
They gathered before the stairs leading to the Crystal Tower. It seemed a fitting enough place, as night had swept over the whole of Lakeland and had smothered everything in the peace that was darkness. The five of them waited, and then waited some more. It seemed that Urianger's task had taken up more time than even Y'shtola's.
"Where in the Seven Hells is Urianger?" Thancred grumbles, the ingredients for Rurki's cure perched in a cloth bag at his hip. He had spent quite the coin on such things, as apparently vinegar and tomatoes were not a common food staple among the denizens of the First and only those with the most rich of taste could afford such things to be in their daily diet. Thancred had spent more than his last few coins trying to track them down.
Alphinaud frowns, gazing into the mid distance as he spotted two familiar figures begin to approach them. "It seems he is coming towards us now, our Warrior of Light in tow." The young Elezen man seemed to speak true, though "in tow" seemed to mean dangling a simple toy before Rurik's face. 
Y'shtola is quick to fold her arms, tilting her head at the spectacle. Thankfully they were not in broad daylight, for if the citizens of the Crystarium had seen such a thing happen before their very eyes, they might have lost all respect for the Warrior of Darkness. As it was, it would make for a great story during the Annual Scion Meeting. "What possessed you to think this was a good idea?" She asks as the two of them draw closer.
"Well," Urianger says, stopping before the small gathering of his friends, "It seemed most appropriate in the course of action, given that he hath refused to remove himself from the botanist's hard won fields of labor." He dangles the small toy in front of Rurik, keeping him occupied. It was but a stick with a small string attached to it, but it more than kept the Hrothgar's attention. "I thought it best that he did not run off again, so I fashioned him this toy to amuse him with." His eyes move to Thancred, "Am I correct to assume thee hast procured the items of which I asked?"
The Gunbreaker nods, tossing the other man the sack. "It costs a great sum of coin. I do hope that it works."
Urianger catches it with ease, opening it before nodding to himself. He makes sure the pass the stick toy to Alisaie who bounces it idly in her hand. "Are we sure this will work?" She asks, more than a little concern in her voice. 
"It couldn't be as easy as a few food items, could it?" Ryne asks, watching as Rurik bats at the string, it seemed his condition hadn't changed in the few hours she and Thancred had been gone. 
Urianger retrieves a potion bottle from his knapsack, making sure to carefully pour the vinegar into it. "Not without difficulty, no, but the influence of this mixture should alleviate most of his symptoms." He squeezes the tomato into the bottle, the juice dripping down his arm. "If I am correct in mine assumptions, then he will but return to his previous self within a matter of bells."
"Does it really require such a vile concoction?" Y'shtola says, refusing the urge to hold her fingers to her nose.
Urianger smiles to himself, shaking the bottle in one hand to stir it's contents. "That thee art able to smell how pungent it is, bodes most well for us." It is then that he moves to the Hrothgar. Rurik is still busy attempting the catch the ever elusive string when Urianger approaches and uncorks the potion. The foul stench makes its way into Rurik's nostrils, causing him to sneeze. 
The Scions wait with baited breath, watching Rurik with keen eyes as he sneezes over and over again. It is only after he stops that he lifts his head and-
"Why do I have ribbons in my hair?" He asks, quirking one white brow as he brings a clawed hand to his head. 
For a moment there is stunned silence--but then the Scions burst into laughter, leaving a very confused Rurik to watch as his friends go nearly red in the face with the effort of it. 
It is Alisaie who is the first to calm down enough to question him, "Rurik, you silly man, however did you end up in such a state?"
Rurik looks himself over, seeing that his clothes are dusty and he feels particularly tired. "Well, the last thing I remember I was standing right here..." He trails off, closing his eyes to think, "... And there were these delivery people, with boxes upon boxes in their arms. I was trying to make way, when I tripped and fell over onto one of them..." He looks up, ears perking up, "After that I-I don't remember what happened at all!"
"I have a theory," Urianger says, having staved off his laughter for the time being, though an amused smirk is still obvious on his lips, "Cataria. A common herb used for medicinal purposes within the lands First. ‘Tis easy to grow and is oft a cure for respiratory issues. In the Source, however, such a similar herb is known as Catnip."
"Oh nooo..." Rurik groans, resting his head in his hands.
Alphinaud frowns, his brow furrowing as he tries to put the pieces together, "Catnip? Whatever does it do?"
Y'shtola cuts in, her amusement evident, "In most cultures it can be used for medicine, yes, but among the Mqio'te and Hrothgar it's a--"
"Stimulant." Rurik sighs, standing from his position on the ground. "In some people more than others." He shuffles, embarrassed.
"And you got into boxes of the stuff," Thancred rumbles another laugh, "No wonder why you were out of your wits. Your very aether was overwhelmed with it! And here I was thinking you were poisoned." He moves to his friend, clapping him on the shoulder. "The great Warrior of Darkness, defeated by a box of herbs."
There is a rumble that emanates from Rurik. Thancred is liable to think he is growling at him, but it is the growl of something else entirely. 
"Perhaps we should feed our poor friend?" Alisaie says, a smile on her lips as she tilts her head towards the eatery. 
The rest of the Scions nod and Rurik is swept into the midst of the group, growling stomach and all.
Ryne easily pulls up beside him, a smile on her lips as she walks steadily by his side. "I'm glad you're back to normal."
The Hrothgar cannot keep the smile from his lips, adjusting his glasses with the movement. "I'm glad I am too."
The young girl does not keep the teasing smile from her lips, "Thancred says you owe him for the vinegar and tomatoes. They were expensive in Eulmore."
Rurik deflates some, hanging his head in mock agony, "I suppose I will have to pay him back sometime."
"Pay for the first round of drinks and we'll be even!" The Gunbreaker cuts in.
"You have a deal!"
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