#Alphonso monkey man
solarpannel64 · 4 months
#MONKEYMAN Silly edit of my favs
SP: @/megaawrld_ on insta !!
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wheatthinsofficial · 6 months
saw monkey man again and obv The Kid doesn't have a name in the story but do you think he has a name at all in his life??? is there someone who knows him and calls him something other than monkey man or bobby or the beast or did that die with his mom
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jswatson · 5 months
as cool as the whole movie was and everything about the hijras i think this is the hottest part of monkey man
(line break for spoilers and for the gore)
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nadja-antipaxos · 3 months
Monkey Man Special Features
I've ripped all the behind the scenes featurettes, commentary, and deleted/alternate scenes from Monkey Man.
You can download them here.
Special features
Feature commentary (mp3) (with Dev Patel and three producers)
Feature commentary synced with subtitles (DVD 1080p)
Feature commentary synced with subtitles (Blu ray 1080p)
Deleted scenes:
Alphonso Death
Alternative Opening
Alternative Ending
Lucky Kid
Mothers Death (be warned this has sexual assault in it)
Post Credit Button
Training Montage
True Shakti
A Labor of Love
Fateful Encounters
Monkey Man of Action
Roots Exposed
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w0rmdahl · 3 months
practicing mercy — MM
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gif ©: ayoedebiris, myy-moonflower
film: monkey man (2024)
synopsis: following his suggestion of working at kings, kid runs into ishani and manages to stumble his way into a late-night drinking game, finding himself already caught up in her alluring web by the time he remembers why he was there in the first place.
word count: 4.2k
featuring: kid, (oc) ishani, alphonso, queenie mentioned, chief rana mentioned
warnings: drinking, physical violence (pretty tame this time!)
a/n: part 1 if you so please :3 happy to have this up
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with a heavy sigh and a bandaged hand swiping at stray hairs, 'bobby' exited the kings' kitchen for a breath of fresh air away from the bleach he'd been inhaling for the last 30 minutes, fingers tender and raw pulling at his collar as he stepped into the back alley. his watery-eyed vision met the white grout of the building next door and kid could finally smell something other than the burn in his sinuses — namely the sweltering garbage bin baked in the heat all day — almost closing his eyes entirely as he pressed a shoulder against the wall to support his tired muscles.
the soft yet abrupt voice emanating from his left nearly had him flinching back inside, brows narrowed and eyes wide as he found a familiar face staring back, though her abnormal clothing almost put them back at square one — strangers. to be fair though, they still were only strangers. right?
"funny seeing you here." ishani hummed, a knowing glow in her gaze as she shifted in her elegant but uncomfortable-looking gown. "i didn't know pimps wore aprons."
a joke. kid flashed the slightest glimpse of a smile as he took a step in her direction though his gaze pulled to his shoes, nose pointed down at the cement whilst he squeezed life back into his fingertips. "only the best." he replied. kid swore he could hear her smirk grow into a grin.
"oh, so the monkey thing is just moonlighting, huh?"
he meets her eyes once more to truly witness that smile before attempting to match her warmth. "actually...it's the grunt work;" he says, still starkly monotonous and solemn compared to her consistent and outward congeniality. now a step closer to press his back into the wall, kid pinches the thick strap of fabric over his shoulder with his good hand and forces his lips upwards. "the apron."
"i see...well, don't tell anyone but," she leans toward him in a strained whisper, "i'm doing the same."
there's a smile finding its way to his lips again, coming easier to him as he nods like a swear to secrecy. with his palm pressed to the wall and a suppressed grumble in his throat kid sits beside her on the concrete. "i didn't think i'd see you here."
"did i give you that impression?" her question sounds accusatory — it is accusatory — and yet he can't seem to find a hint of hostility in her tone, the imprint of a grin still lingering in the corners of her mouth. he's shaking his head before he even knows what to say.
"just thought i went about it wrong. i didn't expect to see you here so soon, at least. how'd you find queenie?"
"...literally? or...?"
still playful, ishani trails off to watch his split lips upturn once more before she actually answers his question, the echoes of 'why?' lingering in the back of his mind.
"yeah, she's — uh..." she taps her brow with two fingers in a lazy salute "major bitch."
"i have to agree with you there. it's kind of...admirable in a way, though."
"to be that much of a monster all the time and still have everyone bow down to you? i'm jealous."
"that, too."
kid can feel the lull in conversation looming above his head once she turns to mirror his position and, a man of few words, finds anything to say in an attempt to avoid the (typically comfortable) silence. "so..." he starts, finding the words along the way "how's the night been?"
with his own eyes on the brick and focus on his peripheral, kid notices the pause before her response, an atypical quirk in her mannerisms. even through the very minimal interactions they'd had, kid did not understand her to be someone with a buffering time before her response — she always knew what she was gonna say and did it in a far timelier manner than himself — so this delay in her reply had him holding his breath.
"honestly;" she starts off like a warning — as if to offer the opportunity for him to skip this dialogue — "harder than i expected. worse than expected."
kid has to clench his jaw to ground himself in his seat, to disregard the imagery of absolute chaos flittering around the foreground of his mind and focus on the now. it wasn't hard to guess what exactly she meant. the tired-looking man nodded and swallowed thickly to rid the lump in his throat.
"sorry." he didn't know what else to say — how to express some semblance of understanding or sympathy. he sounded almost like a guilty child.
"it's okay," ishani stands with a heavy sigh and a grumble as she swats the strangling locks of curly hair over her shoulders. "work is work. right?"
wet eyes angled up at her from his place against the brick, kid silently nods in agreement, watching how her kindred smile returned along with the enigmatic sparkle in her eyes while she moved toward the back door. she offers one last salute with her hand on the knob before disappearing back inside.
"i'll catch you in the ring, monkey man."
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and that she did, of course; her floor-length gown traded for skintight spandex as she made her circles around the ring with her signature smile and that stupid sign. the beast was beaten bloody as per usual and, though he was always rigged to lose either way, ishani could have sworn he was more distracted tonight.
the thing was — while she was no fighter herself or anything — it wasn't hard to tell that he could fight. he knew how to throw a hefty right hook and he was quicker on his feet than most of the bulky hogan rip-offs, so he could win if ever given the chance. (not that tiger would even consider it.)
some nights ishani hoped — even believed — that the beastly kong would finally grow sick of being the losing dog and show rhino or khan or cobra a taste of their own pulverized medicine. but her faith was always in vain, always ending with the monkey man flat on his back spitting up thick, frothy blood through the mask.
ishani typically didn't dare follow after him to see the aftermath — not that she could, anyway, usually stuck at the ring to congratulate the false winner — but something about their previous conversation instilled her with confidence tonight. enough so, in fact, that she would find herself inching into the locker room to look for the battered man without half an idea of what she'd say.
he was sitting alone with his back turned when she entered, grime and sweat covering every inch of skin she could see, drenched curls shaking with each wince as he wrapped his hand. for a brief moment ishani contemplated turning back — totally disregarding the intrigue as well as the blood smeared along his forehead — and then she was diving in headfirst with the tap of her knuckles to the tile wall. the monkey man shot a narrow-eyed look over his shoulder before he realized who it was.
"sorry." she echoed his earlier sentiment, though (as usual) she had a little more to say while taking chary steps forward. "i don't always mean to scare you."
kid endured two more heaving breaths before offering his own flat-affected quip. "sometimes?"
sitting beside him on the metal bench with a restrained grin, ishani has to force her prying eyes from his hands, landing instead on the gash above his brow. "sometimes." she affirms with a teasing shrug.
"good to know..."
a beat passes before she's then clearing her throat, her own hands visibly trembling in the corner of his vision. it was the mousiest he'd ever seen her — uncharacteristic of this woman who'd literally stormed into his life — and though he'd tried to conceal the heap of bruises in his skin by keeping his head down, kid couldn't help but look up to analyze her uneasy features.
"um...you know...i still feel bad for kong. every time, honestly. i uh — i wanted to know — i was wondering — do you think a beer would soften the blow a little bit?"
even ishani looks wary of the proposition, looking away to shrug once more with a small voice. "maybe...tonight? on me?"
a mere glimpse of his bloody smile leaves the anxiety swirling in her chest as nothing more than a need for oxygen, lungs expanding to their full capacity while his creased features smoothed out all skepticism. he looks back down at the blood on his shoes and ishani swears she hears a low chuckle before he asks, "how does 12:30 sound?"
"sounds perfect." she has to remind herself not to appear too delighted.
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looking at them now, not one person in this dingy bar would believe what they did for work — the absolute hell they endured all day just to end up at a dim booth in their 'regular people clothes' (as she called it) for a late night beer.
"i'm getting red — i can feel it."
"it's not bad."
they were already halfway through their plans, ishani's cheeks graduating from a warm pink to a full-fledged crimson as she met the midway point of her drink. "you're a liar" she'd chuckle before collecting the sweat on the glass in her palms to then press to the flushed skin.
kid hides his smile with another sip from his own mug. "it's your half now." he says, nodding towards hers before wiping the froth from his mustache.
"oh, come on, man! i still barely know you."
"i still don't know you at all."
with a proud smirk ishani slouches back in her seat, arms folded over her chest as if to protest the shift of power over to him. "you know my name" she suggests, noting how his eyes narrowed before realizing the tell of what her next question would've been — as well as the fact that she was technically wrong; he didn't know her name. he knew ishani.
"okay," the flush-faced woman relented "maybe not my name, per say..."
"chalo, i'll start out easy."
"unlike me?"
he chuckled. "unlike you." with a feigned sigh of surrender and another shift in her seat, ishani tucked away any stray hairs from the rats nest of a bun on her head and readied herself for the slew of questions (and answers) that would follow.
"alright." she hummed, "shoot."
he was the one to wiggle in the booth now, lifting his elbows from the table to mirror her distance before asking the first thing that came to mind — that is, the first thing in mind that was easy to answer; "where are you from?"
"korea." she stated plainly. kid's brows jumped in surprise at the distance. "oh. long way from home...what brings you to india?"
he can see the contemplating reflection in her eyes letting him know that this follow up was in fact not an easy follow up, nimble fingers raising to brush the already-tucked hair behind her ear. "just like you said; long way from home."
"i see. when did you get here?"
"india? or mumbai?"
you'd think he was still the one in the hot seat with how his mannerisms became asynchronous as he navigated which route to go, head shaking whilst he shrugged. "um — mumbai." ishani simply smiles.
"maybe...two weeks before i started at tigers? but i'd been in india for almost a month by then."
he nods now, pausing briefly with pursed lips before his following inquiry. "so...why'd you leave korea?"
there is a brief moment where ishani looks off to think about her answer with a telling grin — or grimace, he couldn't tell — before she's suddenly reaching for her mug to raise it towards him. "cheers" she replies before taking a sip. kid is chuckling again.
"enough said. well, how are you liking it here so far?"
"it's nice! it's certainly different from what i'm used to. and i guess every country's like this but — it's nice seeing all the land and cultures. — and the food, of course."
"do you have a favorite?"
finally, a question that ishani visibly wanted to answer, the corners of her mouth turning upward as she sifted through the choices on her tongue. "jalebi is pretty addicting, but i've had an issue with gulab jamun recently. i just can't stay away from it."
"oh, so you're a sweets person?"
his shoulders drop half an inch when she laughs. "that and — anything is good fried; i'd eat a rock if it was smothered in oil!"
with his own dry laugh caught under his breath like he still had to tiptoe around her, kid takes another gulp of the earthy beer to postpone the buffering time he and only he expended on finding what to say next. it was so strange to him — how the silence of life he'd grown close with felt so overwhelming when it came to ishani — and how she never seemed to shy away from saying something, even if it was the uncomfortable questions both parties knew would be left unanswered.
and yet, she asked anyway, leaving them both inebriated a lot quicker than if they hadn't decided on this drinking game. maybe it was a good thing, though; her intimidating boldness. perhaps if they'd just spoken like normal people kid wouldn't've had the guts to tell her about his childhood under the trees and, in turn, wouldn't have seen the way she leaned in to listen. perhaps, even, if they'd just spoken like normal people, it wouldn't have been apparent enough to notice that they were not 'normal people.'
but they did go this route — avoiding questions with a swig of beer, indirectly indicating each and every bit of information they withheld, making it evident to the other just how much they had to hide. and though he would've been offput by the ambiguity between them had the roles been reversed, ishani remained seated before him with an endearing and honest smile, red-faced and far more candid than ever outside the walls of their workplaces.
with the lick of his beer-slick lips and a leap of faith into her outward hospitality, kid sets his elbows back on the table to ask what he actually wanted to know. "so..." he starts slowly "what brought you to tiger's temple? i can't imagine that was your first choice."
"you're right; it was not my first choice, but i'm used to..." her nose scrunches while she searches for the words "biting the bullet, i guess. — plus, sex sells, and you needed a ring girl. it just kinda...worked out...in a way."
ishani's hesitant cadence almost sends him reeling back to the surface but the steadfast attention trained on his every word has kid's mouth moving before his brain. "so that's why you ended up going to kings? just another bullet to bite...in a way?" for a moment he's worried he'd said too much, and then ishani's mischievous giggle lures him back in.
"in a way. had i known about queenie i probably would've thought about it a little longer, though."
"understandable." he's letting his own laughter out now, tired eyes and smile panning to his glass. "i probably should've mentioned that."
ishani leans forward to grab her drink again and paused to answer before she took another sip. "it's alright, i can deal. i just don't understand how — how she's so angry alll the time. it can't be good for her blood pressure."
"i mean...aren't you?" it seemed like an easy question to him — it was an easy question for him, and yet she hesitated.
there it was again — the warning for him to maybe interrupt her or stop her from saying something with substance — and just as he had before, kid only tuned in further.
“no.” she says quietly. “just tired.”
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these would be the words that truly stuck with the monkey man well after their last goodbyes outside the bar — even more so than the 'maybe we can do this again sometime' offered by ishani before she turned to walk home — and he'd catch himself internally mulling over this response throughout the day whenever there was a breath of silence. whether he was drying dishes or tossing out the trash, kid thought about what this response said about her deep down — how all of her seen or unseen experiences led to fatigue instead of fury. and it baffled him.
it came to the point where kid finally noticed how much space she took up in his mind only after stepping into queenie's office to pour her tea, overhearing something about chief rana that brought him right back to reality. simply hearing the name of this man chilled his blood and effectively reinstated his fervor for the scheme bubbling inside that had his scarred hands subconsciously balling into fists. the consistent hum of ishani within his skull subsided shortly to make room for the actual reason he was here and by the time he thought of her again, kid was ready to do whatever he needed to get back on track. even if it meant clamming up on the new acquaintance.
and yet, in spite of his decision to lapse back into strangers, kid saw her once again while exiting the back door of kings to head to tigers. he was entirely prepared to give her the cold shoulder — to practice mercy and sever any ties he'd stumbled into, relieving her of the horrors to come — and then he saw how her face lit up once she spotted him. how cruel.
"hey" ishani smiled, striding closer with both hands in her hoodie pocket. kid has to look forward as to not get caught back in the loop.
"hey. today alright?"
"yeah..." her voice is high like she's unsure — like she's questioning her own response. "busy, but alright. what about you?"
he starts out carefully, reworking how he'd normally respond into a version that kept her at an arm's length, holding strong in his attempt to refocus on the end goal.
"uh...pretty much the same..."
he trails off, spending half a second to debate whether or not he'd tell her about the discussion with their coworker before making the fatal mistake of looking into her eyes — his white-knuckled resolve lost entirely once he found her gaze.
"have you met alphonso?"
ishani's eyebrows furrow together at the sudden shift in conversation, though she plays along. "no, i don't think so."
"good." kid sighs "alphonso works under queenie — short guy, s'got a limp — he'll be in the stands tonight."
"okay...why are you telling me this?"
for the first time between them thus far ishani is looking at kid suspiciously, visibly distrusting and aware of something being off despite not knowing what, exactly. it was almost frustrating to him, how he struggled to stay on guard around her — and even more frustrating how well she read him. he looked forward once more.
"just...keep an eye out for him. he's alright, just — don't be shocked if he comes up to you."
ishani was left acutely unsettled by this vague warning — especially considering the lack of explanation and increase of idiosyncrasies in the monkey man's demeanor — but without a prior reason to mistrust she had no choice other than to take it on the chin and keep her eyes peeled for the aforementioned 'alphonso.'
after entering the ring ishani spent the entire first round scouring every inch of the bleachers and making uncomfortable eye contact with patrons in the stand before she finally gave up on the guessing game. by the 3rd and final round, she had all but forgotten about the beastly kong's disclaimer in favor of looking away at the right time to miss his assault. the fight concluded without a hitch and by the time she began closing everything up, ishani was already basking in the relief of missing out on an uncomfortable conversation.
— and then, low and behold, ishani's eyes would catch on a man with a limp approaching while she wrapped up the chord to tiger's microphone. with a plastered-on smile and a bated breath ishani internally prepared herself for the worst and awaited his word.
"hello, madam." the curly-haired man grinned like he knew something she didn't.
"hello, sir. can i help you with something?"
he stops about a foot and a half in front of her with narrow eyes on her features and a never-ending grin, index finger raised to point at the ring girl. "you're ishani, right?"
"that i am. what can i do for you?"
"what is this?" he asks with a dry chuckle "you two masterminding some laundering scheme or something?"
ishani's head is tilting as she hears his question, a lone, incredulous "what?" being her immediate reply. he laughs again.
"you know — mister bobby."
bobby...there was a fighter here whose real name was bob, though he got pretty upset whenever someone called him that. ishani modestly shook her head as she set down the thick cord to instead place her hands on her hips. "no, doesn't ring a bell. sorry." honestly, she was just ready for the conversation to be over.
"the monkey?" he continues, and it only takes a second before she's put the pieces together and working up a response. "oh!" she exclaims with a giggle to postpone her explanation.
"i'm sorry, i'm not familiar with a lot of our fighters by name."
he nods with a laugh of his own, though she can't tell which part is particularly funny. "well, could you give him a message for me? tell him alphonso says 'it's a done deal.'"
"of course." ishani is clenching her jaw as she smiles, goosebumps raising the hair on her arms. "i'll let him know."
alphonso promptly presses his palms together in thanks before he turns to leave, dropping one last line that had heat rushing to her face while he walked away.
"thank you, miss seo."
she was turning on her heel to run into the locker rooms the second he was out of sight, surveilling the barren space with her heart in her throat only to find the monkey mask hanging on its usual locker door. with the only noise being the few other guys' hushed discussions and the echoed water from a faucet in the bathroom, ishani places her bets and rounds the corner with a clenched jaw, back pressing into the adjacent wall as she watched 'bobby' run his index along his molars before noticing her in the mirror. he's removing his finger from his mouth to spit a glob of blood into the porcelain as she clears her throat.
"so, alphonso came by." she says in a stern voice, the usual warm timbre found when she'd spoken with him up to this point gone and replaced with a tangible distance lodged between them. "said to tell bobby that his deal was done."
kid turns to face her as he leans against the sink and she swears his gaze held more weight, like he had to really concentrate to look her in the eyes. "he say anything else?"
she simply shrugs. "just if we were in on some laundering scheme or not..."
it was both a blessing and a curse that they read each other so well up till this point, both sides positively certain without a shadow of a doubt that the other had ulterior motives lurking below the surface. there is a moment of silence that leaves them suspended in limbo — both preparing their own play in wait for the other — before ishani takes it upon herself to speak again. since he wouldn't.
"i was thinking about getting a drink tonight. wanna come?" even her presentation was different, a cunning edge weaved into her words and tone. kid's not sure what to make of it.
"sorry, not tonight."
she nods with a pursed lip and her eyeline falls to her shoes. "i see. well, maybe some other time."
"yeah." he says, "we'll see."
and with that, ishani's got all she needs. she knows what he's doing as well as he does, and though it was frustrating and (naively) hurtful, who was she to make him be friends with her? were they even friends anyway? — whatever. didn't matter.
she doesn't even make an effort to respond before she's turning to leave him at the sink, jaw screwed tight as to disregard the burn in her nose or the prickling at her eyes. maybe it was just nice to know someone — to not feel entirely alone in this huge country with double the population — but she'd managed just fine all by herself, even now, so was it really a big deal?
she decides when crawling into bed for the night, the blisters on her heels burning with every other shift and turn.
it wasn't a big deal, but it was nice while it lasted. — he was nice...
whatever. she just hoped she could avoid him the following workday.
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xbadgerbearx · 3 months
chapter two: showtime
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word count: 2.5k
Redlight: [1] ... [3]
“When you said ‘show,’ this was not what I had in mind.”
Alphonso drove the two of you to the address written on the piece of paper. He was instructed to bet on some “Khan” guy, so he put some money down at the booth. “You want to get in on this?” he asked, but you shook your head. Afterwards, you had both made your way into the dingy underground ring. 
It was noticeably hot and stuffy–not to mention dirty–so you tried to keep to yourself as much as possible. There was already a fight going on, but the two men in the ring were shorter than your Romeo. Alphonso led you to an area with a clear view of the fight, which meant that there was a clear view leading to you. The fight started to wind down as one of the men became significantly tired, and the victor was declared. 
A South African man took to the stage, obviously the pseudo-ringleader, and congratulated the winner before announcing the next fight. 
“Ladies and gentleman!” his voice rang out from the speakers. “Tonight we have the return of the beast! Kong!” The crowd booed loudly before quieting down to let the man talk. The said beast was crouched in the corner–he was wearing a monkey mask. “But fear not, for Sher Khan will put up a worthy fight!” A fighter, a man with long hair, entered the ring and basked in the applause. 
The monkey stood up, and that’s when you realized who it was; it was Romeo. He was oddly…muscular. Not in a jacked sort of way, but he was lean and obviously strong. 
“Is that…?” you trailed off, standing taller to get a better look.
“Bobby? Yeah!” Alphonso finished for you. He seemed to already be enjoying himself, excited to see the fight. 
The announcer was soaking up the energy the crowd was throwing at him, and he was loving it. Glancing at the audience, his gaze rested on you, which made his evil smile grow a bit wider. “And who do we have in the audience tonight, aye? Is that a princess in need of saving!?” His voice rang out again, arm outstretched into your direction. You looked around to see if he was talking to anyone else, but you were the only woman around that area. Alphonso clapped you on the shoulder and laughed loudly in your ear. 
“Fear not maiden! For the brave Sher Khan will vanquish this beast for you, or at least go down trying!” The attention was now on you for a moment. Sher Khan started to showboat and even blew a kiss in your direction, but you ignored him. Kong was a bit harder to read; he just stood there motionless, staring at you.
The monkey was actually having an internal struggle within himself. When he gave Alphonso the address, he didn’t expect him to take you. Not only were you seeing him like this, but he also had to ultimately be the loser in the end. He groaned before readying himself for the fight.
“Fighters! Are you reeaaaddyyyy?” the ringleader drawled. “Fight!”
Sher Khan instantly flew into action, but Kong dodged quickly–though not without getting a swift kick. The first round went quickly, and the second went by just as fast, with the winner being Kong, making you and Alphonso cheer. Money was being passed around and the constant booing was starting to get annoying. When Kong delivered a heavy kick that sent Sher Khan flying against the ropes of the ring, you let out a loud, happy cry of surprise. The monkey seemed to enjoy it and did a little hop to show off before Sher Khan returned to the fight. The announcer seemed irked and was encouraging Khan to beat Kong. Unfortunately, Khan was able to get past Kong’s defense and throw him to the ground. When the monkey got to his feet, he was unbalanced and unable to block an incredible punch to the face, making your eyes go wide.
Kong touched his mask to reveal droplets of blood oozing from the mouth of the monkey. You gasped as the crowd cheered, and Kong made eye contact with you before ordering Khan to hit him again, but harder. Khan obliged–multiple times–and blood poured faster out of his mask’s mouth. You watched with a mix of disgust and horror as he fell to the ground, succumbing to his injuries. 
The announcer cried out, “Fucking yes! Yes!” He rang a bell and congratulated Khan as the crowd went wild. “Get this fucking monkey off here,” he ordered some men. “The winner, the killer of the beast and knight in shining sweat to the fair maiden-” he gestured to you again in the crowd- “Sheeerrrr Khaaann!” He held the man’s arm up in victory as Kong still was on the ground, trying to catch his breath. “Come on, Princess! Come say thanks to your knight!” 
You shook your head but the man’s lackeys were already on their way to bring you to the stage. Alphonso even helped them by shoving you forwards and giving you a thumbs up. That asshole was laughing and having a great time. They brought you into the ring where you stood next to the announcer and Sher Khan.
“What did I say? Get this monkey outta here!” he ordered before clearing his throat. Khan wrapped an arm around your uncomfortable shoulders while his other hand was still in the air in victory. You were only looking at Kong, worry etched all over your face. The crowd became louder than before as they cheered. “Come on, sugar, give this knight a kiss, huh? After all, he defeated the beast for you!” You tried to deny it but eventually kissed him on the cheek as the crowd’s hounding became relentless.
Kong watched the scene from under his mask, a new and different sense of defeat flowing over him. 
You tried to leave the ring but the man pulled you back, this time his arm wrapping around your waist. “Come on, baby! We’re all having fun here.” 
You laughed flirtatiously, but the way your eyes darted betrayed how you actually felt. “I should get going,” you told him.
“Nonsense! Stay! I’ll even let you hang around the pit where I am,” he tried to persuade. When you tried to leave again, he obviously got the hint and let go, but not before giving you an exaggerated kiss on the cheek for the crowd. When you left, the man noticed something on the ring's floor. It was a black business card; it must have fallen out of your pocket when you were forced into the ring. Interesting… 
Alphonso quickly met with you after you left the ring, but not before collecting his impressive winnings. You did not see your Romeo after the fight. Alphonso drove you home in silence, although not on his part. He kept trying to talk to you but you ignored him. You did say goodnight to him, and he to you, when you made it to your stop. 
“This isn’t where the housing complexes are,” he noted. You instructed him to drop you off at a temple. 
“Goodnight, Alphonso.” 
“So what? You just gonna walk home from here? I could drive you-”
“Goodnight, Alphonso.”
“Yeah, yeah, ‘night,” he sighed. Alphonso sped off on his rickshaw, leaving you alone in the dark.
It was a couple days later. Romeo was promoted to work as a waiter in the lounge while you stayed down in the kitchen. He would often try and make time to see you, even if it was for a brief moment. Sometimes he would try to talk to you–even if you weren’t the best conversationalist–and other times he enjoyed a cup of tea in silence next to you as you washed some dishes. It was…sweet. And he looked mighty handsome in his new uniform. 
He had tried to see you today, but you were nowhere to be found in the kitchen. Unbeknownst to him, Queenie had called you into her office that morning. 
“Sit,” she ordered, cigarette lit and taking a drag. She blew the smoke before talking again. “You have an admirer,” she smirked. You mirrored her smile, but it was noticeably weaker. “Some guy called this morning. Said he’d like to make a reservation with you. He didn’t know your name, but when he started to describe the women he saw, I knew it was you. He’s paying a pretty penny to have dinner with you tonight.”
You frowned. “What did he order?”
“Nothing crazy. Definitely manageable.” She took another drag from her cigarette. “Just the ‘Wine and Dine.’” You let out a breath of relief. “His reservation is for 7pm. Don’t even bother working in the kitchen today.” 
“What is the reservation under?” you asked.
Queenie shrugged. “Said it was for ‘Tiger.” Whatever the fuck that means. Sounded South African…men are so fucking stupid,” she said with exasperation and a disgusted look on her face. Your brows furrowed at the information. That ringleader guy must have found you from that underground ring. Queenie let you go do whatever it is you wanted before you had to get ready. 
Bobby was working in the lounge again tonight. Spotting an empty glass, he smoothly walked over to the table and poured red wine for the couple. The woman was nestled against the man while his hands were exploring her legs. 
“Mate,” he scoffed. “What are you doing? That’s red wine.”
“Yes, sir,” Bobby confirmed. 
“Well, that’s a white wine glass,” he chuckled. “Who is this guy, huh?” he whispered into the woman’s ear. It was Sita, your coworker. She distracted the complaining man, letting Bobby get away without getting an earful. 
His eyes were lazily scanning the lounge before settling on your figure. You were…beautiful, to simply put. But you were with Tiger, his boss at the fighting ring. It was as if his heart stopped right there. He was going to walk away–run–go anywhere but here–but Tiger flagged him down. He slowly made his way over to your table. When your eyes met, you both froze, locked in a staring contest.
“We need some more wine, mate, and some–” Tiger stopped mid sentence. His surprise quickly turned into smugness. “Well look who we have here, monkey,” he smiled. Bobby’s throat catches and he can’t find himself to speak. He opens his mouth, but nothing comes out. “You know who this is, princess?” Tiger asked you. “It’s that fucking monkey from the fight you saw. That loser that was defeated in your name, remember?”
You finally broke the staring contest with Bobby and turned your attention to Tiger. 
You simply smiled and relaxed into your seat. “I remember,” you said, taking a sip from your wine glass and finishing it. You smoothly pushed it to the tall man to refill, your nails almost the same color as the drink. “He was very impressive.” You winked at Bobby, smile turning more seductive. He was still in shock, and your obvious flirting was not helping the poor boy.
“Impressive my ass, he went down like a limp dick,” Tiger crudely cackled. His arm snaked its way behind your back, allowing him to shift you closer. “I’ll show you what isn’t limp later…” he whispered into your ear, but it could clearly be heard by anyone remotely near you. Bobby frowned as you smiled coyly at Tiger.
You tsked at the man playfully. “That’s not what you ordered, baby,” you hummed before kissing his cheek. “You only ordered the ‘Wine and Dine’ special, remember?” Tiger’s hand started to wander, and Bobby bit the inside of his cheek. His hand twitched when he saw Tiger make you jump; he had just groped you. “You’re gonna need to upgrade your meal if you want to eat out,” you warned. The innuendo was blatant, but it got the point across. Bobby snapped out of his shock and busied himself with pouring both white and red wines into the correct glasses. 
“Or I could eat you out right here, right now,” Tiger playfully suggested. Bobby’s breath hitched and his eyes started to water. As the piano swelled, Bobby’s tears mirrored. He quickly excused himself and left the lounge, almost knocking down a cart. “What the fuck was that about,” Tiger chuckled. You straightened yourself and looked at the clock. 
“Sorry, baby, but it looks like our little dinner reservation is over,” you smiled. He tried to negotiate with you, and even offered to upgrade his meal plan, but you shut him down. “I’m afraid it’s too late.” You got yourself out of the booth and kissed Tiger on the cheek. “Maybe next time,” you winked. Tiger was left stunned in his seat as he watched you leave the lounge. 
You figured there was one place where you could find your Romeo, and that was in the alley behind the kitchen. You indeed found him, but he was crouched over a dog and feeding her with what looked like leftover scraps. 
“Good girl,” he whispered. “There you go. Good girl. You like that? That��s good,” he encouraged the dog to eat. “You like that?”
“You better be careful with how you talk, or it could be taken the wrong way,” you said humorously, but there was no smile on your face. He jumped at your presence and slightly flushed at your words. 
You sat next to him for a few moments in silence. The dog sniffed your fingers and let you stroke her fur before going back to lick the newspaper. He looked at you almost expectantly. You sighed. “I try to work in the lounge as little as possible. I’m not on the menu–well, kind of,” you smiled awkwardly. The man looked at you, interested. “I’m available by request, but only to people who already know me.”
“Why?” he asked, but got no response. You both watched the dog together for a bit before he spoke up. “It’s not true, you know. Me being a loser. Well, I-I guess I am, but I lost on purpose. I’m not supposed to–I’m not allowed to win…I’m never allowed to win.” 
You frowned and cast your eyes onto his frame, admiring his profile while he continued to watch the dog. You sighed again and slowly rose to your feet. “Be careful when feeding her. She’s going to keep coming back for more, and it would be cruel to leave her after all that.” You made your way into the kitchen door before stopping. “And don’t let Queenie find out. She can’t stand dogs.”
When Bobby turned to watch you leave, you were already gone. 
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thenewgothicromance · 4 months
the whole thing in monkey man where like. It ALWAYS takes a village. From the handoff of the wallet in the beginning to the hijra supporting him through to the end. Sita taking out Queenie. Escaping in Alphonso’s car. Lucky helping him, and the little kid who leads him to the arms dealer. The arms dealer himself, who is goofy and helpful. Even the puppy carrying the gun! Every step of the way there is a whole cast of people helping Kid. His failure to kill Rana the first time happens because he takes him on alone—there is no backup, no one else is in on the plan. And the affection between these people!!! Kid’s affection for the children that help him, and obviously for the Hijra, and their affection for him. Alphonso rooting for Kid at the last fight, even though his whole life has been upended by Kid’s mission. The lone genius is a fallacy! We are not stronger on our own! We need each other always, and especially in efforts of resistance!!
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themosleyreview · 6 months
The Mosley Review: Monkey Man
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Vengeance driven films are a cornerstone of the action genre and it’s good to see more of them popping up her and there. Yes, we had the John Wick saga that started out that way and became the new standard for the genre and for action sequences in general. It actually showcased the artistry in stunt performers and actors doing their own fight scenes. What's slowly creeping back into the spotlight is the brutality of these type of films. It’s always amazing to watch the lead character kick ass, but the more realistic and blood soaked it is, the more you see feel the rage and justification behind it. That's what this film does in such a old school way that I appreciated. The story itself is simple and yet expansive with its many locations, highlighting of the darkside of the drug fueled VIP parties and a surprisingly spiritual look into ones motivations. The film truly takes its time to develop the rage, the character growth and the plotting that most films today shy away from.
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Dev Patel is always outstanding and as Kid / Bobby / Monkey Man, he really delivers a vastly layered character that is pure in his quest for vengeance. I loved the growth of him being a not so great brawler that once an opportunity presents itself, he seeks out his target in a elaborate way that includes his environment. He was a creature of his environment and I loved that he was unrelenting. The amount of focus, pain, sadness and sometimes joy in his eyes as he reaches his ultimate goal was so immersive and haunting. Sharlto Copley is always great and as his fight handler, Tiger, he was the perfect showmen and scummy promoter. Pitobash was fun as the mid level gangster, Alphonso. I liked the small amount of chemistry between him and Bobby and how they sort of became friends amongst the madness. Vipin Sharma was great as the spiritual leader, Alpha. He represented the more internal struggle that Bobby goes through and his words of wisdom and sorta medicine man feeling to his character was cool. He was that classic motivator to the hero trope that ultimate helps re-ignite the fire within. Ashwini Kalsekar was truly a mean and powerful business woman as Queenie Kapoor. There was a special kind of venom to her that made her one of the most unlikable characters and shows her excellent acting skill is. Sikandar Kher was a brilliantly menacing villain as Rana Singh. The man was the scum of the earth and one of the most brutal men to ever grace the screen. I loved the fights between him and Bobby as they are truly the most personal, brutal and satisfying.
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The score by Jed Kurzel was pulse pounding, ethereal and sometimes soothing in the flashback moments of innocence. It really kicks off in the fight scenes and in a specific portion during the finale fight sequence, I loved that it took a much more melodic tone instead of the traditional fast, electronica beat. I loved the gritty and grimy visuals of the film and especially how the action was shot. Yes, shakey cam is used, but it is the most steady shakey cam ever and nothing is truly lost in the impact of the hits or use of weapons. The tuk tuk chase sequence was awesome and fun. The sound design in the film was top notch and you feel the impact of the very meaty punches, slices and stabs along the way. This was a truly fun, dark and engaging blood soaked revenge story that knew the assignment and excelled with the right amount of spirituality added for extra credit. Let me know what you thought of the film or my review in the comments below. Thanks for reading!
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themovieblogonline · 5 months
Monkey Man Review: An Action-Packed Debut From Dev Patel
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Monkey Man marks the impressive directorial debut of Dev Patel, who not only helms the film with confidence but also co-writes and stars in this gripping action thriller. Set against the rich tapestry of a rapidly changing India, the film intertwines themes of revenge, social justice, and personal redemption into a visually stunning and emotionally resonant narrative. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqa3YTtwvaU The film opens in a forest village in India, introducing us to the young Kid (Dev Patel) and his mother Neela, whose teachings about the Hindu deity Hanuman inspire Kid's moral compass and provide a foundational mythos that enriches the story. When their village is decimated by the corrupt forces of Baba Shakti and Rana Singh, the resulting tragedy scars Kid both physically and psychologically, setting the stage for a tale of vengeance that spans years. The Good: Transitioning to the bustling city of Yatana, the narrative adeptly shifts gears, depicting Kid's life as a monkey-masked fighter entangled in the city's criminal underbelly. Patel delivers a nuanced performance, capturing the rage and pain of his character with a raw intensity that propels the story forward. His interactions with an eclectic supporting cast, including Sharlto Copley's Tiger, Pitobash's Alphonso, and Vipin Sharma's Alpha, enrich the narrative, offering moments of humor, camaraderie, and insight amidst the prevailing darkness. One of the film's greatest strengths lies in its portrayal of the hijra community, led by Alpha. Their inclusion not only adds depth to the narrative but also shines a spotlight on a marginalized group rarely depicted in mainstream cinema. The training sequences and are beautifully choreographed. They strike a balance between realism and the stylized action reminiscent of comic book heroics. The film's cinematography is another standout aspect. Vibrant colors and dynamic camera work captures the energy of Yatana. The grime of the underground boxing club to the neon-lit decadence of Kings is excellent. The action sequences are well-executed, with Patel convincingly portraying a formidable action hero. The monkey mask symbolizes Kid's alter ego and his connection to Hanuman, adding depth to his quest for vengeance. The Bad: Sadly though, at times, the pacing feels uneven. Particularly in the buildup to the final confrontation, where the narrative could have benefited from tighter editing. The film ambitiously tackles social issues, but sometimes the exploration feels superficial. The climactic battle is a visually spectacular set piece, blending action, emotion, and symbolism into a satisfying resolution. Overall: Monkey Man is a bold and ambitious film that marks Dev Patel's successful foray into directing. Despite some flaws, the film's strengths outweigh its weaknesses. Patel has crafted a memorable action thriller that resonates emotionally and leaves a lasting impact. Monkey Man is a testament to the power of cinema to entertain, provoke thought, and inspire change. It's a noteworthy addition to the genre and a promising start to Patel's directorial career. https://youtu.be/QznvWYHs4J4 Read the full article
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solarpannel64 · 4 months
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Alphonso to Kid
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theresalwaysaway · 7 years
Making Change
Rating: G
Chapters: 2/14
Relationships/Characters: Leo Fitz/Jemma Simmons, Daisy Johnson, Glenn Talbot, Andrew Garner, Alphonso Mackenzie
Additional Tags:  Peace Corps AU, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Africa, Friends to Lovers, Fitz is a math teacher
Summary:  Leo Fitz takes time off after finishing his PhD to volunteer as a math teacher in rural Uganda. It’s filled with challenges and struggles, but meeting fellow volunteer Jemma Simmons is the best thing that has ever happened to him.
Chapter 2, in which Fitz meets a certain monkey AND a certain medical provider, is now up!
Things did look better the next morning, a good night’s sleep and cup of tea doing wonders for Fitz’s morale.
The sun was up, the weather was fine, and the power was functional. He still had two weeks before classes to peruse the textbook for the class he’d be teaching. Secondary 4 (or S4) was the fourth year of secondary school (akin to tenth grade in the US). At the end of the year, just like at home in Scotland, all S4 students took exams equivalent to O-levels.
He himself had taken that exam while still a primary student but that was beside the point. It had seemed fun at the time, but the hazards of being the smartest and smallest boy in subsequent years had taken its toll. And that was another reason he was here. What if some diamond-in-the-rough was just waiting to be uncovered? He would try to stick it out. For him. Or her.
Reading through the textbook, it seemed very reminiscent of the book he used as a boy, but even older. The few illustrations it contained were of factories, trains and banks, things not found in the Ugandan countryside. He turned to the front few pages to see the book’s origin, wondering if it was indeed Scottish. He was shocked to find an official imprint of Craigie High School, his father’s school, on one of the early pages. It dropped from his hands onto the floor. The text must have been donated to one of the larger cities years ago, finally reaching the little village decades after it had been printed. There must be something newer available. One more suitable for students in Uganda, not Scotland. One that didn’t haunt him with painful memories. His father had left them; Fitz had left the country; could he not escape him even here?
He preferred to address the problem before the start of the term so later that morning, he went to see the headmaster who was also prepping for the new year in his office.
“Excuse me, Mr. Talbot,” he said with a gentle wrap at the man’s door.
“Ah, Mr. Fitz. It was terrific having you over for dinner last night.” Glenn Talbot rose and offered his hand.
“Thank you, sir,” Fitz said and awkwardly shook hands with him while wondering if he remembered the same meal.
“Sit down. What can I do for you?” Talbot said motioning to a worn chair in front of his desk.
“It’s about the textbook,” Fitz began as they both took a seat.
“Is there a problem?”
“Are there any other textbooks besides this one?” Fitz asked holding up the outdated text.
“That is the only textbook for secondary four math. If you want to look at earlier grades, you can check with the other math teachers.”
Fitz was taken aback when he realized this was literally the only copy of the book available. “What will the students use?”
“That’s it. The students will take notes on what you teach.”
“Oh,” Fitz replied tapping the book absently.
“It’s important you use that text. It will prepare them for the national examination at the end of the year.”
“Of course.” He paused but couldn’t think of anything to add. “I see. That’s all I wanted to know.”
“Would you like to see your classroom?” Talbot offered.
Read the rest on AO3!
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solarpannel64 · 4 months
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Alphonso’s love for Kid in quotes.
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solarpannel64 · 4 months
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I will never get over this scene because I think it's meant to represent the possibility of their relationship. I don't think Kid fully cares for Alphonso this early in the movie and he clearly had alternative motives as to why he wanted to be a waiter, but in the first gif you can see Kid's hand touch Alphonso's head and in the second gif it's very clear he pats his shoulder, and yes it's a very simple gesture, but I still think it shows that Kid subconsciously sees Alphonso as someone he could care about deeply in the future. (Especially since we know how self conscious he is of his hands) Kid's hands are used as an allegory throughout the movie to Hanuman and how he reached to high and eventually was punished for eating the sun, and I think this scene and the physical touch displays resembles something similar to that but it's that Kid at the moment is reaching to high for something else (his revenge) which was the reason for this conversation, but maybe in another life if his mother lived and he didn't lose his heart that night. He may have been able to reach high enough to care and love for Alphonso. The quote from Kid's mother about not losing heart;
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is what Kid struggled with the most throughout his life he couldn't find the ability to love or be loved at all after that night but after he was able to get revenge for his mother and instead of only hearing her screams for decades he heard her laughter and felt her love once again, felt her joy and happiness. The reason he wasn't able to get over his mothers death (besides the obvious PTSD and trauma that came from that night) was he wasn't able to feel any of the love he used to have for life because he attached it all to his mother. Any joy, compassion or care he felt was for his mother, so it felt impossible for him to feel those emotions without her. It was impossible to ask Kid to love anything without his mother present or to be loved after he wasn't able to save her, so this small action is a look into the possibility of their relationship. Kid wasn't able to love Alphonso just yet. Not until he gets revenge for his mother but maybe just maybe in another lifetime; if he lived through killing Baba Shakti he might've been able to love Alphonso, but the gods had a different plan for him and their love wasn't apart of it. They were to parallel arrows who were never meant to be present in the others life for very long.
(Sorry if this doesn't make sense I haven't written in years LMAO)
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themovieblogonline · 5 months
Monkey Man Review: An Action-Packed Debut From Dev Patel
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Monkey Man marks the impressive directorial debut of Dev Patel, who not only helms the film with confidence but also co-writes and stars in this gripping action thriller. Set against the rich tapestry of a rapidly changing India, the film intertwines themes of revenge, social justice, and personal redemption into a visually stunning and emotionally resonant narrative. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqa3YTtwvaU The film opens in a forest village in India, introducing us to the young Kid (Dev Patel) and his mother Neela, whose teachings about the Hindu deity Hanuman inspire Kid's moral compass and provide a foundational mythos that enriches the story. When their village is decimated by the corrupt forces of Baba Shakti and Rana Singh, the resulting tragedy scars Kid both physically and psychologically, setting the stage for a tale of vengeance that spans years. The Good: Transitioning to the bustling city of Yatana, the narrative adeptly shifts gears, depicting Kid's life as a monkey-masked fighter entangled in the city's criminal underbelly. Patel delivers a nuanced performance, capturing the rage and pain of his character with a raw intensity that propels the story forward. His interactions with an eclectic supporting cast, including Sharlto Copley's Tiger, Pitobash's Alphonso, and Vipin Sharma's Alpha, enrich the narrative, offering moments of humor, camaraderie, and insight amidst the prevailing darkness. One of the film's greatest strengths lies in its portrayal of the hijra community, led by Alpha. Their inclusion not only adds depth to the narrative but also shines a spotlight on a marginalized group rarely depicted in mainstream cinema. The training sequences and are beautifully choreographed. They strike a balance between realism and the stylized action reminiscent of comic book heroics. The film's cinematography is another standout aspect. Vibrant colors and dynamic camera work captures the energy of Yatana. The grime of the underground boxing club to the neon-lit decadence of Kings is excellent. The action sequences are well-executed, with Patel convincingly portraying a formidable action hero. The monkey mask symbolizes Kid's alter ego and his connection to Hanuman, adding depth to his quest for vengeance. The Bad: Sadly though, at times, the pacing feels uneven. Particularly in the buildup to the final confrontation, where the narrative could have benefited from tighter editing. The film ambitiously tackles social issues, but sometimes the exploration feels superficial. The climactic battle is a visually spectacular set piece, blending action, emotion, and symbolism into a satisfying resolution. Overall: Monkey Man is a bold and ambitious film that marks Dev Patel's successful foray into directing. Despite some flaws, the film's strengths outweigh its weaknesses. Patel has crafted a memorable action thriller that resonates emotionally and leaves a lasting impact. Monkey Man is a testament to the power of cinema to entertain, provoke thought, and inspire change. It's a noteworthy addition to the genre and a promising start to Patel's directorial career. https://youtu.be/QznvWYHs4J4 Read the full article
0 notes
theresalwaysaway · 7 years
Making Change
Rating: G
Chapters: 1/14
Relationships/Characters: Leo Fitz/Jemma Simmons, Daisy Johnson, Glenn Talbot, Andrew Garner, Alphonso Mackenzie
Additional Tags:  Peace Corps AU, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Africa, Friends to Lovers, Fitz is a math teacher
Summary:  Leo Fitz takes time off after finishing his PhD to volunteer as a math teacher in rural Uganda. It's filled with challenges and struggles, but meeting fellow volunteer Jemma Simmons is the best thing that has ever happened to him.
Many thanks to @agl03 who has been an awesome beta and to @grapehyasynth, who right now is teaching English to students in Rwanda, a country which borders Uganda. Her courage inspired me to finally write the FitzSimmons Peace Corps AU that had been floating in my head for months.
“Hey! Come back with my camera!” Fitz stumbled after the vervet monkey but the combined weight of all his worldly possessions slowed him considerably. Disengaging himself from his bags he was able to catch up to it but that just prompted the monkey to scamper ahead farther.
As he ran, he felt a hundred pairs of eyes on him. The townspeople from the little village to which he was assigned by Volunteers for Africa started chuckling and murmuring.
“My first hour, no—my first minute here and already I’ve made a great first impression,” he thought to himself.
He’d be in this village in rural Uganda for a year teaching their students math and would like to appear at least somewhat competent. Unlike back home in Scotland, the academic year began in February and ended in December, but otherwise the educational system was surprisingly similar. He hoped that little bit of similarity would help ease his transition into this otherwise unfamiliar landscape. And running after a camera stolen by a monkey was definitely unfamiliar.
Fitz eventually gave up the pursuit and the monkey also stopped running, holding out the camera in front of his face. Fitz slowly approached and then heard a clicking sound. The monkey was taking selfies!
A striking young woman dressed all in black, with long black hair, began giving it commands. It chirped before scampering up the side of a vegetable kiosk and onto its thatched roof, leaving the camera behind.
Hesitantly, Fitz picked up the camera and waved at her in thanks. She was very different from the typical Ugandan woman who normally dressed in brightly colored clothing and kept their hair closely cropped.
The town’s center was at the intersection of two dirt roads lined with shops and houses. He knew the school must be close based on his arrival packet but couldn’t see anything resembling a school at the moment. As Fitz gathered his things, a man wearing a suit and tie despite the heat approached him from the crowd. The locals who gathered around to see the new volunteer gave him space.
“Leopold Fitz?”
“Yes, just Fitz, sir.” Fitz said automatically.
“My name is Glenn Talbot, the headmaster at the school. Welcome to our operation.” He offered his hand which Fitz shook despite the weight of his gear.
Read the rest on AO3!
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