#Also I didn't even do the bucket bottom of the mind control room ending after this I went and did the vent ending instead. idk why
awkwardtuatara · 9 months
Next up in I Accidentally Broke The Stanley Parable: I incidentally moved in and out of the Boss's Office as the doors were closing and then tried to get back in, causing one of the doors to jam and not fully close for about 10 more seconds. You know, the same thing that would trigger the Escape Pod Ending.
Well, I restarted the game from the menu, awoke in Stanley's normal office, saw this on my way out:
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went "cool, an alternate office," stepped out, and the entire thing suddenly switched to the normal view:
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So I turned around, intending to see if it happened again, and. What. That should be Stanley's office, you know, the one behind Door 427, except it's just a grey rectangle and some darker grey floor.
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Going into this grey rectangle, Stanley's room became normal again, and the external office became the short corridor from the first image. So I stepped in and out of Stanley's room a few times (wasn't counting exactly how many) until I stepped into his room, and everything went black.
When I walked forward more I was falling through the map. Various rooms like the main office and some other corridors were visible from the bottom, but fell away too fast for me to take a screenshot of in my surprise. Pretty soon after the game restarted and I was back in a fairly normal that did *not* glitch in and out of scenery.
I did, however, get the office covered in paper upon restarting. And on almost every single subsequent run, I got either an alternate voiceline, an alternate office arrangement, or both. Not sure if that's related, though. I was also holding the Bucket, if that matters.
Anyway. Falling through the map was very cool, I wish I got an image of it - I've seen out-of-map exploration on youtube, but it felt a bit different somehow doing it by accident myself. I'll try jamming the doors in the Boss's Office again - I think it might be because the office loads in differently for the Escape Pod ending? I wonder what happens if you jam the doors and then leave before the external door to the Boss's Office re-opens for you...
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angelbabyszn · 4 years
Just The Way You Are (Oscar X Plus Size Reader)
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A/N: I decided to make this a full plus size imagine. Plus size women are not appreciated enough and society needs to change their view on people's body types like why are you so obsessed with what people's bodies like? Worry about yourself and change your body for you, not other people.
Plus size is slowly starting to get accepted but not enough. Hopefully, the world would accept us completely without saying anything negative about it because it was how our bodies were built and made by God himself one day.
I'm proud to be one. If you don't accept it, you can completely stop following me and not read any of my imagines again. 
If you are one like me, you are so beautiful and amazing! Take time everyday and appreciate where your body takes you everywhere and love the amazing curves you got! Plus size/slim thick is trending now so, go ahead and walk into that room in that outfit you don't usually put on and make people give their full undivided attention to your beautiful, amazing, outgoing self with your beautiful curves!
I hope you enjoy this. I just have to say that to anyone who doesn't believe in plus size women. You can still read this if you're not plus size. You are welcome to request an imagine with any different size, race, height, sexuality, anything you can think of.
Remember, your body is beautiful and don't change it for nobody except for your amazing self! Bye! Thanks for the support and reading my imagines all the way till now. This becomes my 50th imagine omg 🥺 okay, I'm done. Enjoy. Bye ily -angelbabyszn ❤️
OMB Masterlist
F/C - Favorite Color
F/F - Favorite Fruit
"Y/N!" shouted your younger sister, Monse in front of you annoyed.
Monse was shouting out your name for the past two minutes, trying to get your attention but you weren't answering.
You continue to write lyrics on your towel underneath an umbrella while listening to your beat you made through your headphones.
Music is the only thing that understands and helps you get through community college and all of the negative comments about you.
Where's the negative comments coming from? People usually make small comments of your weight. You're a plus - size girl.
At certain times, some comments could ruin your day but you don't let it in your head too much.
Monse growled in anger and took off your headphones quickly. You look up at her crazy.
"Come on and have fun with us. It's a good day to be out here on the beach. Spooky's here..." said Monse grinning, knowing that you like him.
You hit Monse in her left arm and she faked being in pain with no sound coming out.
"I know that! We're just friends. Also, he wouldn't like a girl like me. Nobody don't like girls my size." you said as you start to get sad again. 
You tried to grab your headphones back but failed. Instead, you got a hit from Monse which actually hurt you.
"Monse!" you shouted while grabbing your right arm with your left hand at the spot where she hit you at.
"What did I tell you about talking yourself down! You're so beautiful! Anybody is blind if they don't see it!" said Monse.
"Okay, sure. Now, can you hand me my headphones?" you asked after you got up from your towel and have your hand out to her.
"Y/N! Sweetie, what are you doing?! Your very fine a*s Spooky over there and you're not in your good-looking swimsuit seducing him!"
"Jasmine." you and Monse said in sync looking at her with a dirty look.
"What? I'm just saying. He likes you." said Jasmine and took a sip of her soda she has in her hand.
"No, he doesn't. I'm just a big-"
"Say something negative about your curvy thick self, I'll slap your negative mind to the moon." said Jasmine with a scowl face. Your and Monse's faces become full of fear.
"Now, we got that settled, take off those clothes and show your beautiful a*s self to the world!" said Jasmine excitedly. She went over to you and grabbed the end of your shirt but you stopped her. 
"Um, Jas?"
"I'm not used to people taking my clothes off of me." you said while taking off her hands off of your shirt slowly.
"Oh sorry," said Jasmine and she put her drink down next to her beach chair and started going back to the guys in the ocean having fun "don't be afraid Y/N! You got this!"
You nodded softly and you took a deep breath as you grabbed the bottom of your shirt but stopped in fear.
"You're beautiful." said Monse and you felt your mouth curving into a smile.
"Thanks. You're beautiful too." you commented back and both of you did a side hug. 
Monse smiles at you and she turns around to jog back to her group of friends.
You took another deep breath again and grip the bottom of your shirt again with both of your hands.
You quickly looked up and you felt a blush crept on your face to see who called you. 
It was Spooky who was looking at you with a smile plastered on his face. He was shirtless in his swim shorts with the sun beautifully shining on him.
Your jaw fell a bit at the sight of him. He was glowing. F*cking glowing. Making his muscles and abs more defined than it was.
Your face went emotionless not knowing what to do or say. This is definitely not helping at the moment.
Spooky grinned at you and looked down to the water because of the sight of you. It was hard to control himself by the way you were looking at him.
"Um, you coming?" shouted Spooky with his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes narrowed to not get blind by the sun while looking at you.
You shake your head to get back into reality and quickly nod your head in response. Spooky nodded and turned back to Cesar's friends.
"You got this." you said to yourself grabbing your end of your shirt again. You took a deep breath and you started taking off your clothes.
"Looking good Y/N! I see you! I see you." said Jasmine with a beam on her face as she saw you entering the ocean for the first time today.
You were wearing a F/C one piece swimsuit that has a skirt to cover your bottom and was decorated in gold designs.
"Thanks. Um, where's Spooky?" you asked the group of friends while trying to get used to the cold ocean.
A moment later, you felt ice water fall on your head rushed on your body. You close your eyes to protect them as water is poured on you.
You open your eyes again to see you drenched in cold water. You start shivering only for a few seconds because it was super warm outside.
You shake some extra water that was dripping on you from your hands into the ocean. You look up to see the friend group with their eyes widened and jaws dropped.
You immediately slapped a fake smile and you started to twitch your smile and your finger. The young teenagers start to be afraid as you start to twitch your head to the right knowing you were full of rage.
"I DIDN'T DO IT!" shouted Jamal and put his hands up in defense. The rest of the friend group look at him with a stupid faces.
"What? I'm making my statement. Making sure nobody don't blame me like y'all always do!" shouted Jamal and Monse rolled her eyes at him.
You turn around very slowly with your fake smile to see your only guy friend, Spooky with a huge stupid grin on his face with a blue bucket in front of him.
"SPOOKY!" you yelled interrupting Ruby's concern. You growled furiously and you went full on hunter mode. Spooky quickly put the bucket over your head and started to swim away.
You screamed as you quickly took the bucket off of your head and threw it behind you not caring where it landed. You continue swimming to catch up to Spooky to kill him.
Jasmine, Monse, Ruby, and Cesar follow the sound of the voice to see Jamal's head covered by the blue bucket. It landed on him unnaturally.
The group started to laugh hard as Jamal crossed his arms against his chest upset underneath the bucket. 
"How inconvenient is that?" said Ruby as he was laughing.
"It's not funny!"
"Oh, it is." said Cesar laughing and he puts his left hand on Jamal's right shoulder with a grin on his face.
Jamal turns to Cesar and he quickly puts the bucket on his head. Jamal starts to laugh at him.
Cesar quickly took off the bucket, threw it behind him, and tackled Jamal into the water causing a play fight between them.
Ruby continued to laugh at his guy friends until he saw blue in front of him unexpectedly.
"This did not happen." said Ruby with his right point finger pointing at the bucket on his head.
"Okay, babe. You know I'll still date you even if you're wearing a bucket." said Jasmine and she quickly grabbed and hugged him tight.
"Jasmine! Let go!" shouted Ruby in annoyance while trying to wiggle out of her arms, causing the bucket to fall off his head and into the water.
"Spooky! Come back here!" you shouted angrily at him a few feet away from you.
"Come get me, babygirl." said Spooky and he turned back and winked with a smirk on his face. It made you forget what you were doing at the moment.
Spooky starts to swim away again and you quickly start swimming again to catch up to him. A few moments later, you felt yourself getting lower, and lower into the ocean.
"Spooky! Ah! Help!" you shouted quickly as ocean waters started to move a bit too quickly for you and you felt no ground to your feet.
You went underwater and you felt yourself sinking. You try to swim up but you feel your weight pulling you down faster.
Your eyes widened and felt your eyes starting to close completely. You try to move upwards again but your eyes completely shut. Was this your last moment of life?
"Y/N! Y/N! Wake up!"
You slowly opened your eyes and you saw your worried sister, her friends, and for the first time ever, a worried Spooky.
You start to lean up but everybody around you starts to talk over each other saying to lay back down so you did.
"What happened?" you asked while bringing your right hand on top of your forehead to get your mind waking up again. You jumped a bit when you felt a cold ice pack put on top of your forehead.
"You almost drowned. Luckily, Spooky was there to save you." said Ruby and you turn your head to Spooky on your right looking back at you.
"Um, I'll stay here with her. To make sure nothing happens," said Spooky. He grabs his dry shorts, pulls out some money, and puts it in Cesar's hand. "go get some food. Bring something back for us."
"Okay." said Cesar and Monse leans down to you and starts to caress your cheek "I'm glad you're okay. I love you."
"I love you too." you said and the core five got up and started walking to find something to eat.
"You gonna tell me where you got that money from?" you asked, looking at Spooky stupidly and he started to laugh.
"What did I tell you, mami? It's none of your business." said Spooky and you roll your eyes.
"Anyways, I'm sorry if I was so heavy to save. You didn't have to." you said as your smile starts to fade and negative thoughts start to flow through your head again.
"You weren't. It's no problem. I can carry you anywhere if you want." said Spooky and you look at him with a twisted face.
Your eyes start to flow down to his body to see his abs and muscles that were still defined and water dripping after being out of the water. You shake your head mentality to get back to reality again. 
"Yeah, sure you can." you said and you start to laugh a bit knowing he can't. A few moments later, you screamed as you felt yourself being lifted in the air by Spooky.
"Put me down." you said with a pout face with your arms crossed against your chest. Spooky was currently carrying you in maiden style.
"I don't want to, I like this position you are in. In my arms." said Spooky and he scans up and down your body until his eyes meet yours again.
You did a shy laugh as you looked away from him. You didn't want him to see the blush that was forming on your face.
"Hola hermoso."
You and Spooky looked up to see a good-looking girl with a great body in a two piece gold bikini. Spooky put you down softly and both of you look at the girl with weird faces.
"When you're done talking to that fatty, you should come over here and I'll change your life." said the girl and she blows a kiss at Spooky.
You felt your heart burning in jealousy and also breaking into million pieces. It still hurts you when people say things about your body. You just wanted to blow her head off.
"I'm not interested." said Spooky and he crosses his arms against his chest.
"Oh, come on. I know you're interested. I can tell. I got this amazing body that everybody would die for. Not this ugliness over here." said the girl walking closer to him and starts to touch his right arm muscles.
You couldn't take this no more. You almost die by drowning and now you're getting bullied again by another gorgeous girl for the guy you're interested in.
You started to cry hard, making Spooky move away from the girl quickly going over to you. He sees you grabbing your things quickly and putting on your overall clothes.
"Y/N! Wait!"
"No! Just be with that gorgeous thin model! You could care less about me!" you shouted and you quickly threw the ice pack in the sand. You start going to your car leaving before Spooky could chase after you.
You try to dry up your tears in the car but they keep on flowing down. You were done with every negative comment that every single person has said to you that made you worse and worse. 
You know what you have to do now and it's the only way to calm you down and make you feel good about yourself.
An hour later, you sighed feeling numb as you walked back into your homemade studio in the backyard storage.
Once you got home, you immediately took a shower, changed into dry clothes, and went in there with no hesitation.
You couldn't believe what happened on the beach today. You don't even want to talk about it. Music was you escaping at the moment but today it was so bad, it wasn't working like it used to.
"Okay. Y/N, calm down. It's over." you said calming yourself and start eating F/F while drinking a small water in your homemade studio.
You were playing different beats that had no lyrics yet to choose what to record today while enjoying your snack break. A few beats later, you immediately got up with your eyes widened.
You quickly grab your pen and start a new page in your songwriting notebook as lyrics are just popping in your mind. You replay the beat and at a good time, you start writing your lyrics.
"Coming!" shouted Monse after hearing the front door knocked a couple of times. She opened the door and gasped to see Spooky's front of her.
"Hey. You mind telling me where Y/N is? I've tried contacting her for hours while going to her favorite places. She's not answering or at those places." asked Spooky.
Spooky been worrying about you for hours. He hates seeing you hurt especially when somebody says something about your weight.
It makes him want to hurt the woman. Obviously he couldn't hurt a woman so he just calls her a puta and walks away.
It took him a while to be friends with you. You were not easy to crack into and he completely understands it because people would become your friend to just break you down again.
It didn't take long before Spooky started to develop feelings for you. Spooky would sometimes flirt and you would never catch it at all which amuses him.
Now, he can't find you anywhere in Freeridge. He just hoped he would find you soon and didn't miss his chance.
"She's in the backyard. In her "homemade studio". said Monse while using her index fingers kinda annoyed.
"Can I see her?"
"No, you can not! You broke her today! Have you done enough! Y/N deserves better-"
Monse quickly turns around and puts her right hand on top of Jasmine's mouth to stop her talking. Now, she was regretting bringing Jasmine here to her house after the beach.
"I'll show you." said Monse with a fake smile on her face and opened the door wider as Spooky came in.
Monse slowly took her hand off of Jasmine's mouth and started to lead Spooky through her house to the backyard where you were.
Once he was outside again, he heard singing in the distance but it was muffled. He looked ahead to see what seemed like a storage room but lights were on.
"There she is. Please be careful with her words. You kinda know how my sister is. Anything bad happens, I'ma pull Jasmine out here." said Monse looking at Spooky with a serious face and her arms crossed against her chest.
Spooky nodded quickly and Monse hit his left shoulder a few times with her right hand for encouragement and walked back into the house.
Spooky took a deep breath and slowly opened the door. As he enters the room, he sees you with your back faced to him singing into the microphone with your headphones on.
You were in the middle of recording and Spooky grinned as he heard you singing. He never thought you could sing but you really could and sounded real good.
"You can sing, hermosa." said Spooky and you jumped in horror causing you to stop singing.
You wouldn't usually jump when recording and hearing Monse's voice. You hearing a deep males voice caused your fright. .
You slowly turned around and became blank seeing Spooky was here, in your homemade studio leaning against the doorway looking at you.
"How's it going?"
You grab a bat, the first thing that would probably help kick him out of your studio. You start charging at him with the bat in your hand about to swing
"Wait!," shouted Spooky with his hands up and out in front of him, looking at you with his eyes widened. You stop charging at him but you was in a position ready to swing "before you go all Harley Quinn on me,"
You rolled your eyes at Spooky comparisons. "I just want to talk to you."
"What is there to talk about? Where's your new girl, eh? She's probably in your car." you said. Your heart starts to burn again in jealousy but quickly stops knowing he would never be interested in you.
"Nah. I never wanted her. I don't like my chica with nothing to grab." said Spooky. You slowly start to put your bat down as his sentence starts to process in your mind.
"W-well. What are you doing here, anyways?" you said stuttering a bit.
"To see you." said Spooky while walking into the studio completely and closing the door behind him.
"Why? I didn't think we were that close." you said and completely dropped your bat on the floor and sat down on the small couch.
"Yeah, we are," said Spooky as he sat next to you. "I've been so worried about you. You just ran away after coming back from almost drowning. I was looking for you everywhere."
"Really?" you asked looking at him and he nodded. You felt your heart skipping a beat. You didn't know he was looking for you all this time. He was actually worried. Does that mean anything?
 "I'm sorry for the trouble. You didn't have to. I was fine here." you said and you turn back to your studio in front of you.
"Well, I didn't know you have a homemade studio or you could sing. I'm still learning about you everyday." said Spooky and he slowly puts his arm around your shoulder, making you tense up a bit.
"Is this okay? You seem kinda scared of me."
"No! I'm not! Really, I...just never have everybody wrap their shoulder around me." you said trying to convince him but he already understands. You slowly start to get comfortable with him again and your tension goes away.
"Why are you so...invested in me? I'm just a plus size girl that nobody wants to be friends or be somebody's girlfriend with." you asked and turned away starting to feel negative about yourself again.
Spooky grabs your chin and leans it towards him. He continues on holding it in his left fingers. You felt tension again as you started feeling his soul burning into yours by his eyes. 
"Y/N, I like you. I really do. More than friends. I hate that you're putting yourself down everyday like it's okay but it's not. You're so beautiful, amazing, smart, unique, and your body is a special feature of you that I love so much." said Spooky and he grabs your waist with his left hand and starts to caress it softly.
A warm rush through your body as you felt his touch on yours. He does it so softly that it causes you to blush straight up at him.
"I'm sorry, I-"
"God, you're cute." said Spooky in a very husky voice, making you shiver your whole body for a few moments.
Seeing him getting closer is making you even more nervous of what's going to happen. Spooky knowing he got to lead in this, he continues this vibe at the moment.
"Don't think, mi amor." said Spooky and all of sudden, you felt lips connected to yours. Your eyes widened at the sight to see him kissing you softly.
You hesitated as you started to get more and more into the kiss until you were kissing him back completely. You couldn't believe you were kissing the guy you were interested in for months. It's unbelievable.
Both of you ended the kiss and looked into each other's eyes deeply. You didn't know what to say.
"That was so worth it." said Spooky with a smile on his face.
"It sure was." you said and you gained a huge grin on your face, causing him to chuckle a bit.
"What am I going to do about you?" asked Spooky and you shrugged not knowing what to do.
"Let me kiss those lips again." said Spooky and he quickly pulls you on your lap. Your legs ended up straddling his waist to the couch, making you gain a red blush.
His hands landed on your waist and carefully caressed it which caused a huge warm emotion going through your body again. He kisses you again, making you lean into him kissing him back.
This day completely flipped as you finally got a boyfriend who actually loves you and your curvy body. You never want to change anything in this moment for the world.
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