#Also I hate that I have a soft spot for Felix but...he's so dumb
Here´s to our pets
A little spontaneous kristanna modern AU, pet holder AU
for @hiptoff because Sven and Olaf deserve to play together...
Frozen/Encanto crossover (only little bit....)
Find this little something also on AO3
Words: 3193
Going to see the Vet was terrible.
But then, Sven´s paw looked infected and I didn´t like it either. We have moved to Arendelle only recently, and the address of Dr. vet. A. Heart had been the first I had found in the phone book.
So then, we waited, surrounded by other people with their patients.
Across from me sat an old lady with her cat which kept meowing in the most dramatic way in high pitched tones. My ears started hurting, and I wondered why those places would not have separated waiting rooms for the silent animals and the whining ones.
Next to me there sat a little boy with his little Guinea pig. Apparently, the animal had eaten too much, was too fat and the boy cradled the soft fer with his fingers, sweetly whispering to the little Bruno that all would be fine. He explained to me that the other Guinea pig was called Felix and that they loved eating and playing together. Cute. Only then I learned that there were also two hamsters, five rats, a pair of parrots, and a pair of turtles leaving in his room, too. Who was that boy and how big of a room did he live in? But then, with the tender way he cared for his pet, I couldn´t refrain from a smile. Those creatures surely had a good home with that boy.  
The young woman on my other side held a cat on her lap, which consistently glared at Sven who laid relaxed to my feet, and totally unimpressed by the hard stare he received from those green slit eyes. The woman was called by the friendly assistant with big glasses who peered through the door. A short while later, the old lady was called in. Maybe it was a sort of cat first-thing. I didn´t know, but it was okay. Since it was all silent now and the boy to my side had started to hum a sweet lullaby to Bruno. The Guinea pig curled its nose and squeaked contentedly to the tune.
Sven stirred a little, sitting up and resting his head on my knees. I cradled his ears fondly and rubbed his back supportively.
“I know buddy. The Vet will soon check your paw, and all will be fine.”
“What´s wrong with your dog, Sir?” The boy had stopped singing and looked up to me with those big dark eyes, and his black mob of hair on his head.
“Sven´s paw got hurt by glass because some dumb jerks had crashed beer bottles in the park grass.”
I hated those people. Seriously, all of them should get arrested and tightened onto nail beds to experience the pain themselves.
“Oh, that´s awful and I am sorry. Why do people do that at all? That´s such a shame. Get well, Sven, and always watch where you´re going.” The boy grimaced sadly and nodded supportively towards my dog.
“Thanks. We will keep that in mind.”
The door opened and the kind lady from before peeped in again. To her feet, a little white Jack Russel pranced excitingly and then hopped back to his cushion across the hallway, apparently waiting decently whenever another animal left the waiting room.
“Hey Antonio. You´re next. Who have you brought this time?”
“Hi Mirabel. This is Bruno. I think he ate too much. I hope that Miss Anna can help him.”
“Oh, I am sure, she will. Let´s have a look at Bruno then, okay?”
So, his name was Antonio. Cute. And wait, Miss Anna? Who was Miss Anna? The Vet?
Dr. A. Heart is Anna, then? Oh… okay. That Antonio seemed to be sort of daily customer, then? No wonder with the zoo he held at home. 
So, Sven and I waited another little while when Miss Mirabel called us to follow her. Sven slightly limped by my feet, and I desperately hoped that Dr. Heart could help his injury. When we left the waiting room, I spotted Antonio in the hallway, next to him a young woman reddish curled hair combed to a wild bun at the back of her head, she had a freckled nose, and blue eyes. Gosh, was this a Vet surgery or a beauty studio?
She had laid a hand on Antonio´s shoulder and smiled warmly, bending down to cradle Bruno´s head.
“Don´t worry, Antonio, you could not know. Those mix-ups sometimes happen in the pet shops. Only, that you will have to give Bruno some other name now, I suppose.”
“Oh, that´s easy, she´s Bruna now. And how long will it take for the babies to come out?”
“Not that long. I figure by the end of next month. You just bring her in if you think she´s not feeling well, okay? But she makes a sound and healthy appearance to me.”
“Thanks, Miss Anna. Wow! Felix will be happy, too, I am sure.”
“I bet, he will.” The Vet lady smiled and bit her lips, squeezing the boy´s shoulder.
I should not stare at them. That was simply impolite. But the tender scene had caught me off guard. How sweet was that. And the little Jack Russel crouched to the Vet´s feet, wagging his tail eagerly at her words.
Oh, so the Guinea pig was not Bruno… maybe I should not talk about Bruno… since it was Bruna…. Oh dear…
“Good day, Mr. Bjorgman, I am Anna Heart. And who is that lovely patient?”
“Good day, to you, too. This is Sven.” I introduced my dog after lifting him onto the exam table.
“Hi, Sven.” The Vet stroked his head with a smile and the Labrador practically threw himself into her arms. What had come over him now? I had never seen him do that before, except… with me. I stared a bit dumbfounded, but the young lady did not seem to mind but hugged him affectionately with a hearty giggle.
“My, you are a stormy fellow. You would get along fine with my Olaf.”
“My little dog, a Jack Russel. You might have seen him in the hallway? He loves warm hugs like this.”
I nodded, glancing over my shoulder at the little imaginary dog behind the door. Dr. Heart grinned so cutely and then tilted her head and took a closer look at Sven.
“So, what´s the matter with Sven. Why have you brought him here?”
And I told her about the glass splitter I had detected and pulled out last night.
Anna Heart frowned, shook her head and sighed in annoyance.
“Seriously! I always get so infuriated when I see broken glass on the road or worse, in the grass where nobody can see it in time. If you ask me, those people should get condemned to dance on glass splitters bare feet, so that they know what it feels like.” She huffed angrily and shook her head again.
I could not tell what I must have looked like, but certainly I stared at the woman mouth agape.
Just my words!
“I so agree…” I stammered still and flabbergasted by her impressively enthusiastic outburst, and she then shrugged apologetically, tugging an escaped hairstrand behind her hear.
“Well, I suppose that does not help Sven now. Let´s have a look at that paw.”
She carefully checked on his leg downward and examined his injured paw, while the dog eagerly licked her hand. It was fascinating to see her taking care of my buddy in such a concentrating way. She must take her job very serious and after a moment, she nodded with a sigh. She carefully put his paw down and then looked at me with a sincere glance.
“I am afraid it does not look so good. That happened yesterday, you said?”
I nodded, rather worried now. Just then, Mirabel entered the room and stood close by, ready to assist. Anna mentioned some medicine and something about a neck ruff, only to turn back to me.
“It´s good you came here. The wound is already infected, and his leg is warm. Look.” She reached for my hand and placed it on Sven´s leg, and now he licked both our hands in turns. He must have enjoyed himself greatly, despite the pain. Such a good boy. And yes, that leg felt warmer than the other. Did the infection reach up that high?
“Beginning of a sepsis. But I can handle that by injecting some antibiotic right now. And you will have to apply a tablet each to his meal twice a day till the end of week. For now, I will tend to the wound with disinfection and small curettage to prevent it from further infection.”
Mirabel had returned with some medical material, syringes, bandage, and that dreadful neck ruff to prevent the dog from licking his paw.
Sven was lying on the surgery table, and I held him for comfort, while Dr. Heart tended to her task of cleansing and operating on his wound, with the assistance of Mirabel, who eventually addressed me with a quiet voice.
“Mr. Bjorgam, are you here by car?”
“Can you carry Sven to your car, or shall I call for help? My sister Luisa could bring the dog over for you.”
“No, I can do that myself, thanks.”
“I thought so.” Anna said affirmingly with a sideway wink, fixing the bandage around Sven´s leg. Why would that nonchalant comment make me blush?
“Well then, good boy!”
Oh, she was talking to Sven… obviously when she checked the bandage and his vitality symptoms one last time before Mirabel helped her to fix that nasty collar around his neck.
“Well, Mr. Bjorgman. You must not worry. Sven will be fine, I am sure. Still, if you think there is something wrong, don´t hesitate to call me, alright?” Dr. Heart placed a comforting hand on Sven´s head and gave me a reassuring smile before I picked him up and nestled the now sleepy dog against my chest.
“Thank you. I appreciate your help. Uhm, so, I come back in tomorrow so you can check on the wound again, right?”
“That´s right.”
That kind smile… shut it, she´s simply friendly.
I was not the only one with an injured dog. When I left the exam room with Sven in my arms I spotted a tall lady in the hallway, carrying literally a Saint Bernard like he weighted practically nothing. The owner followed her with that worried face. So, that must be the big sister… Luisa?
Wow, that was by far the most interesting Veterinary surgery I had ever seen...
I carefully placed Sven on the backseat of the car and drove home with him.
She had said that she wanted to see him again tomorrow, and if everything was looking better or at least not worse than today, I should come back by the end of the week and then again in a week´s time.
I swear, I don´t like Vets… But why was I feeling disappointed of not being ordered in more often now…? Not that I wanted Sven to be in pain or sick… of course not! I felt so sorry for him… But… Dr. Heart seemed nice and maybe it would do Sven good if she could check on him more than what she had recommended….?
You´re such a moron…
2 weeks later…
“I think we can take this off, now.” Anna Heart offered Sven the long-craved freedom for his tongue finding his paw again. He yelped in excitement and wagged his tail fervently, just to prance on the table like a happy puppy.
“Thank you so much. So, when do you need to check on Sven again?”
“Oh, that´s it. He´s fine and we´re done. Unless you detect some irregularities of any kind. You´re always welcome to come in… with your dog I mean.”
Luckily, Mirabel had not been in the room. Was I imagining it or was Anna slightly blushing? She bit her lips and then hastily turned to wash her hands while I lifted Sven from the exam table. There was this odd moment of silence, where none of us said a word. Only the elephant of the unspoken question lurked in the corner, glaring at me.
Could I ask her out?
I was about to open my mouth, when the door opened, and Mirabel walked in with the old woman and her whining cat in tow. So, the magical second had puffed off and I nodded my goodbye and tugged at Sven´s leach for us to leave the room.
When Mirabel closed the door, I unobtrusively glanced over my shoulder, and I might have been mistaken but had Anna looked up quickly to smile at me?
You´re still a moron…
I then sat in the car somewhat dumbly… I knew it was silly. We had been to the Vet, not to a date… She had tended to him as a Vet, not like his mom… Even though Anna had inquired after my job and then on some other appointment if I had settled well in Arendelle by now, it had most certainly only been out of sheer politeness. Because she was simply a nice person, a very nice person indeed. Her smiles had appeared so sincere, and here sparkling blue eyes a glimpse of heavenly light. But of course, all that belonged to her completely naturally, not that she would smile at me by purpose, so I assumed. And her hand sometimes reassuringly brushing my wrist while explaining Sven´s state, it must be professional habit. Surely, she was as kind to everybody.
She seemed the kindest soul I had ever met, well, besides my parents and of course, Sven.
Anyway, it was silly of me to think of her in such tender way… yes it was.
So, I started the engine and we drove off towards home, the two of us. Sven seemed to be happy to look around freed of the terrible view blocker. But he was also a sensitive buddy, placing an understanding paw onto my arm.
“Hey buddy. Let´s go home and then to the park, alright?! Just make sure not to trample into some glass, again, will you! Albeit it might be nice to see the Vet, right?!” I laughed meekly, more ashamed of my abusive idea towards my dog, than the stupid notion itself.
It was late afternoon when we headed for the great green gardens at the city´s brim, where one could have a most wonderful view onto the harbour and the great Fjord meandering it´s way beyond the cliffs and towards the northern mountain lands.
Sven clearly enjoyed his liberty and skipped and hopped around like a bouncing ball. Speaking of his favourite toy, I threw his plush carrot for him to catch and apport back to me. We repeated that game several times, only that at one point, the carrot landed behind some big bush and Sven could not find it right away. Just then, a little white dog rushed past the Labrador, with something orange in his mouth. Sven ran after him and when he caught the little rascal, they trolled around as if they knew each other since long. The carrot was the focused topic of their play, and they tossed the toy and pulled at it with eagerly displayed joy. It was funny to watch and for some reason heart-warming.
Who was that little fellow? Oh, was that not….?
And then I heard her voice, would recognise that bell-like sound from miles away.
Anna appeared from where the little dog had emerged from a moment ago. When she noticed the Labrador and Jack Russell rolling over the grass with the plushie´s ends each in their mouths, she stopped short and laughed whole heartedly.
I stood a few feet away from her, still not sure what to do, nor what to say in the first place. The dogs were having their fun, and who could deny them their excitement. Only that their master and mistress could hardly act the same way, could they? Goodness!  
Oh shit! How could I even think of such nonsense…?
“Oh, now I know why the Labrador looks familiar to me!” Anna had turned around and was looking at me with the cutest grin.
“Yeah… well, looks like you were right. Your Olaf seems to like my Sven.”
“No wonder!” She bit her lips and then nodded towards the yiping dogs, “your Sven appears the perfect play buddy.”
“Oh, he is.”
“What about his master?” Her eyes a sparkling firework.
Now she giggled.
“Sorry. That came out a bit straight I am afraid. What I mean… well… not that you need to roll across the park like that… but… well, maybe…”
“But I can roll with it. That´s what I can do.”
“What´s that supposed to mean?”
She now googled me with big eyes, and it was my turn to grin. Well, if she was not sure what to say and still asking me after all if I was a play buddy…, well, at least I could try to help her out. Oh, I wanted to help her out, but not screw it up myself. So, I shrugged and grimaced somewhat helplessly.
“I can roll with it and invite you for diner? But maybe that comes out a bit lame then, doesn´t it?”
“Oh, no! Not at all. I´d love to go out with you.”
If that was so… well, was I not a lucky guy… but wait…
“And there is nobody waiting for you, asking why you get home… late?”
“No. Well, my sister Elsa. But she won´t ask.”
“Why not?”
“She knows me well. And if she sees me smiling because I spent a nice evening, she will smile back at me. That´s about it.”
… because I spent a nice evening… Wow….
“How would you know that it will be a nice evening?” I felt my stomach clench nervously.
“Because it´s you who invited me, and…” she shrugged with a shy smile, “I really like the prospect of it.”
Time stood still for a tad of a second and we had not been aware that the dogs had come around, sitting side by side, patiently waiting for us with wagging tails, and expectantly tilting their heads.
I knew that look on Sven´s face. And apparently, Olaf seemed to share my buddy´s opinion. Namely, that this was a great idea of mine, and I should pursue my instincts.
“Looks like the dogs are ready.” Anna chuckled and attached the leach to Olaf´s neckband, and I did the same with Sven´s.
I could not help but feel a warm sensation when I straightened and noticed her red hair glowing in the light of sunset, and her smile complementing the delightful moment.
I reached out my free arm for her, and she looped her hand in the crook of my elbow. It must have been the golden light of the sun sinking beyond the Fjord´s horizon, but she seemed to beam like a radiating star. I tried to control my elation and nodded towards the harbour.
“Shall we?”
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stray-kids-react · 4 years
S/O likes enjoys writing/writing lyrics
Bang Chan
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° You owned this special and locked diary for years, where you kept all your bottles up emotions and feelings in.
° One of those feelings evolving your long time crush on Chan, including the words 'Sexy, Cute, Inspirational, Hot, Prince, and A Literal Angel' all in quite a few pages. Luckily your now long time boyfriend has never seen these fangirl/boy paragraphs.
° Chan was all of those words, no doubt about it. But it is still hard to look at those paragraphs without cringing at how desperate you sounded in your mind.
° Chan however apparently loved your affectionate paragraphs, flipping through the pages as you walked through his studio door. Your heart sank as pure shock and terror rushed through your veins. No one wants their private thoughts to be read.
° The tips of Chan's ears were firetruck red, as a beaming grin flashed towards you. You noted that he read through the entire diary, knowing all the dreams and wishes you had that involved him. No skeletons were left in your closet anymore, it was bittersweet.
"So you really think I'm an angel who is also the sexiest person on earth?" he teased, cupping your face in his palms.
"Well duh, but you can't tell me you didn't think anything like that towards me-" You defended, cut off by his sweet kisses.
Lee Know
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° Minho found out about your true feelings towards him while reading some song lyrics you wanted to show 3Racha.
° He needed to know who you loved and admired so dearly after reading this, constantly by your side questioning anything he could. After literal weeks of conspiracy, you couldn't take his suspicion anymore and admitted everything.
° You are now much more secretive with your songs that you've written, but that won't stop Minho from looking everywhere he possibly can. He is determined to find them.
° After so many large steps that were taken in your relationship, he wants to see how you truly felt throughout them. From the first date, first time, to the promise ring he fave you last week. Minho wants to say it's to tease, when it's truly because he loves you.
° He loved the way his stomach did kart wheels as his heart fluttered when he first read your words. He hasn't felt that amazing feeling in a while and needs to re live it, luckily for him he noticed a place he has never thought of checking.
"So kitten, you really want to marry me don't you?" he commented, a soft smirk across his glowing features.
"Why wouldn't I? You're you. And how'd you find those?!" you replied, tone changing as you saw how many he actually had.
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° Changbin was struggling to create a new song, he seemed to accidently make similar beats and lyrics to their past hits.
° You would sometime write up different songs when you were bored, but you never showed them to anyone thinking they weren't great. But Changbin looked in need of some type of inspiration, so you brought out your journal and placed it infront of him.
° His expression was unreadable, either about to thank you for the amazing inspiration or laugh at your cheesy words. You just wanted him to say something.
° Changbin began to smile shyly, showing you a page he just read over. That page happened to be the most recent and the one you completely forgot about. It was a draft about 10 different ways you could tell Changbin that you loved him.
° You really wanted it to be special when you would say it to him, but luck didn't seem to be on your side that day. You were at least glad that he was smiling, showing positive signs that he isn't feeling awkward or doesn't feel the same way about you.
"I love you too my adorable bean." He chuckled, pulling you into his lap as he held you close to his racing heart beat.
"I'm guessing he new comeback is going to be a love song now?" you teased, burrowing into his soft black hoodie.
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° Your relationship use to be a cat and mouse situation, one day you two were best friends and then the next you two were rivals.
° Your anger and frustration towards one another was simply a way to hide your true emotions. Both of you found each other attractive in and out, but were too stubborn to confess. That is until he walked into your room and pressed you up against the wall.
° Your rivalry left out the door once you started dating, the only ounce of it was left in the small playful bickering and teasing. Which happened every day of the week.
° You walked into the dressing rooms, noticing Han and Felix giggling as your presence became known. This wasn't a usual giggle of theirs, something was going on. You knew that for sure once you saw the way Hyunjin presented himself.
° A sly smirk across his lips as a couple crumpled peace of paper were in between his fingers. His steps were long and powerful, as he held his head up high while nearing you. This usually meant he found something to tease you with.
"I didn't know you liked me for five years, coming up with so many cute pet names if we ever dated." He teased, hiding his blush.
"First of all, you went through my desk without asking me. Second of all, I am whipped for you dumb dumb." You replied.
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° You weren't a very vocal person, having trouble expressing your thoughts and emotions through words everyday.
° That reason alone is also why people think you and Han are a perfect match. He helped you come out of your shell and be comfortable in your own skin. All of those actions sent your heart into a frenzy, finding there way into pages filled with emotion.
° Han knew about your habit of writing cute quotes on your palms and arms, or just randomly taking out your journal and starting a new page.
° He respected your privacy even if the temptation of knowing every little thought you have was very very strong, he held back and let you write in peace. However, when you dropped your journal without knowing. Han held it and the temptation took over.
° As you had a chat with Seungmin, he turned around from your eye sight and flipped through the pages. Many of them expressing how much you love him and how much he helped you without him even knowing. This effected Han immensely.
"Hannie are you crying?" you questioned, noticing the forming gloss over his sparkling chocolate orbs.
"Yeah, but it's happy tears. I just never knew how much you cared about me, and it makes me feel important." He explained.
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° You cannot hide anything from this adorable koala, he knows you too well and can find anything you've hidden from him.
° You learned this the hard way when you asked him for help when forgetting where you left your journal, panicking since the last place you saw it was at Minho's. Felix knew you usually placed it near your bed and assumed it to be under the covers.
°His assumption was spot on, but you had no idea that he had found it yet. Felix took this advantage to skim through a few pages, smiling at the sight of his name in the book.
° His name was mentioned ever since the day you first met, January 7th 2017. He was written as this attractive aussie that had your knees weak, he laughed silently at the realization that you fancied him since the first day you met. He loved it.
° Felix walked out with the navy blue book tight in his grip, his ears a bright shade of red. You knew he must've read some sort of page about him, but you weren't nervous about it. It couldn't have been anything more cheesy than what you say on dates.
"I can't believe Han knew about your crush on me that entire time." Felix chuckled, shock filling his expression.
"And I can't believe you never knew how much I truly admired you." You teased back, kissing his freckle speckled cheeks.
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° Seungmin met you at a library, you were working on a soft poem about not being able to find the right person.
° That whole meeting seemed like something right off of a romance movie or fanfiction novel. Writing about giving up on love as an amazing guy happens to cross paths with you. But both of you laugh at the whole cliché nature of your meeting.
° Seungmin loved how you wrote, taking him into the story each time. He felt so special whenever he found something referring to your relationship, feeling fuzzy inside.
° He liked to bring some of your poems on tour with him, reminding him to stay strong when being away from you. Letting him know that you'll always be there for him when he needs you, even if you are both countries away from each other.
° Felix once found his stash of poems that you wrote, he never teased him on it but would still smile excitedly at how sentimental Seungmin was becoming. Seungmin knew he was becoming cheesy and mushy, he hated yet loved it.
"Do you know how much you have effected me?" he questioned, tracing the curve of your jaw with his thumb.
"Or maybe you have an addiction to me, ever think of that?" you responded, smiling widely as he rolled his eyes at your words.
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° You worked under JYP entertainment to help create songs for different groups, Jeongin noticed you during his break.
° You rarely got to work with Stray Kids since they made 99% of their own songs, but that didn't stop Jeongin from trying to get to know you. It worked in his favor, since you began to develop a living in him after two months of hang out together.
° Jeongin likes hearing certain songs you create or in the process of being created, cheering you on and telling all of his members when you created a song.
° He liked to give you the credit and appreciation you rarely get, most of the credit going towards the artist who performed the songs you created. Jeongin wanted to let you know how proud he was of you daily, even if you got shy from it.
° Whenever you showed him different samples of songs you were working on, he'd dance in his seat with a beaming smile. Even when you were tired and wanted the day to end, his admiration and addicting smile would make your mood change instantly.
"I am just worried because JYP has been pretty harsh on the past few songs." You sighed, tired and frustrated.
"He literally wrote a song about women's butts. I'm pretty sure you're more talented baby." He reassured, patting your head.
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sungieskies · 5 years
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Seo Changbin x Female reader
Words: 2k
Genre: fluff, suggestive near the end (idk read over it, seems kinda boring buttttt)
You sigh softly as you sit in your brother's car, tears still streaming down your make-up stained cheeks. "Y/N..." Jisung spoke softly and he glanced at you while he was stopped at a red light. "It'll be okay, I promise. He wasn't right for you. He had no reason to cheat on you or lock you out of your own house. You didn't do anything wrong okay?" He spoke as gentle as he could since he was trying to get the point across to you that your now ex boyfriend was a piece of shit. You had been told multiple times by many people including your brother that he was going to hurt you, but you insisted on giving him a chance.
You stayed quiet, Jisung's words only making you feel worse about trusting your ex. Jisung sighs and soon pulls up to the apartment he shared with the other 7 boys from his group at college. "You're okay staying here with them and me right?" He asked as he didn't want to make you anymore uncomfortable and upset than you already were. "It's fine sungie.." you spoke softly and got out of his car, walking up to the apartment with him and following him inside.
You instantly felt eyes on you as you entered the large apartment, making you hide behind your brother more than you already were. "Yah, stop staring at her. It's just my sister's you creeps." He spoked before looking to a pair of boys. One a dark, almost ebony haired boy and the other having dark hair as well but with more of an umber tone. "Changbin, can she borrow some of your clothes?" Jisung asked, the one with the darkest hair looking up and nodding "don't see why she can't borrow yours but sure." He said softly before looking at you, well your fragile state more than anything. "You're the shortest so the clothes won't be as big on her." Jisung spoke before practically dragging you to the bathroom.
You sit down on the edge of the tub, waiting for your brother to come back which he soon did. He set a shirt and a pair of sweats on the sink along with a towel and washcloth. "Take a shower and clean your self up okay? While you do I'll clear our extra room out with the help of the others and order us some food." Jisung spoke, kissing your forehead before leaving the bathroom and shutting the door behind him. You shakily stood up from the tub edge, turning the shower on almost as warm as it could go without physically burning you. While you waited for the water to warm up, you started stripping off your clothes. Right as you threw your bra to the floor, the bathroom door creaked open since Jisung hadn't shut it fully. Since the water was louder than the door, you paid no attention to it. As you shimmied out of your leggings and panties, you had no idea that Changbin had walked by and saw the door open. He didn't know exactly if you were already in the shower or not but since the door was open, he peeked in as he wanted to check on you. As soon as he saw you naked, his face flushed a deep red and he shut the door fully and as quickly as he could without slamming it.
You turn around as you thought you heard something, without seeing anything different you shrugged it off. You did reach out and lock the door before getting into the shower to clean your self off, trying not to cry more as you thought about the events of the day so far. You sigh and start rubbing your face with the washcloth, scrubbing your make-up off before moving down to wash you body. Soon enough you got out of the warmth of the shower and wrapped the towel Jisung left for you around your body.
You quietly walked out of the bathroom, only in the shirt Jisung had left you as the sweats were too large in the waist for you. You held the sweats in your hands, walking out to the living area and tapping Changbin on the shoulder. He jumped slightly before turning around and smiling at you, a light blush still covering his cheeks. "What's up?" He asked before looking as you hold his sweats out. "They're too big and I didn't know which room was yours." You spoke softly as you looked up at him. Changbin nods and takes the sweats into his hands, the smile still dancing on his lips. "Well thank you. And my room is the one next to Jisung's." He said and pointed to his door. Your head turns and follows his finger before nodding, "ah okay" you said with a smile before walking off to Jisung's room to grab your phone as you assumed that's where he took what little things you had with you.
Changbin watches you walk off before letting out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. "Dude you really have the hots for his sister already?" Chan asked as he shook his head. "We go to parties every weekend and girls try to get you to fuck them but the one time Jisung brings his sister over after she's had a shitty month and you're the one with the googly eyes." Changbin shrugged "I can't help it. Look at her..." he spoke as you walked back out of Jisungs room, looking at your phone before squeaking as you ran into one of the other boys, Seungmin to be exact. "Ah sorry.." You spoke quietly as Seungmin shakes his head, smiling softly "don't worry about it Y/N.." he spoke as he entered his and Jeongin's room. You nod before looking as Jisung peeked out of the spare room. "So uh, it looks like the bed in here is broken. You'll have to sleep on the couch or I can give you my bed.." he spoke softly and you rolled your eyes "I'll take the couch Sungie. No need for you to give up your bed" you said with a weak smile before going and sitting on the large couch.
The boys soon started to flood into the living room, Jisung taking the spot next to you and the others filing in and finding seats after. Jisung looked to you and handed you a plate of pizza, smiling at you "eat please?" He asked with his puppy eyes when he saw how hesitant you looked when he handed you the plate. You giggled quietly and nodded, your soft giggle making Jisung smile. "There's my sister..." he said before discussing with the others on what movie you all should watch. You watched them talk and argue as some wanted horror and others wanted comedy. Eventually it was settled by all of them playing rock, paper, scissors and one of the boys, who you soon learned was Felix, picked a horror movie. You hated horror but it was better than sitting in silence or outside in the cold as you had done the past three nights.
You noticed that Changbin had kept his eyes on you most if the night, locking eyes with you a few times before he would look away and act like he was interested in something else. It didn't make you uncomfortable, but you wondered why he was so curious about you. Maybe it was because you were wearing his shirt? No, that seemed dumb but it was the only explanation you could think of at the time. You looked up as all the boys started heading to their rooms, either going to work on class work or go to sleep as they had classes in the early hours of the morning. As Jisung got up, he walked over to you and kissed your forehead again. "Don't stay up too late. I have a class at 9 AM but I'll be back after. Get some rest sis..." he spoke softly and walked off to his room.
You nodded at Jisung's words and then looked to the other couch as Changbin was the only one left that hadn't gone to bed. You looked at his face and he looked nervous about something so you spoke up first. "Changbin? Are you okay?" You ask softly as you sit up a bit more to look at him better. Changbin snapped out of whatever daze he was in and nodded "Y-Yeah. Just wanna ask you something..." he spoke softly.
"What's up Changbin?" You ask and tilt your head slightly, looking just like your brother but cuter to Changbin. "Since I'm the only one with a larger bed, and not to be weird, do you want to come and sleep in my room with me? It's more comfortable than the couch and we shouldn't really be super close in the bed so it won't be awkward." He spoke and looked at you, chuckling softly at the blush that spread across your cheek. "I-I mean I don't want to bother you Changbin..." you said quietly while shaking your head. "You won't be. Come on." He spoke and started walking to his room, looking back to see if you would follow him. To his suprise, you were. You looked like a lost puppy, but you followed him into his room and sat down on his bed before looking back to him.
Changbin smiles and shuts the door to his room before turning away from you and slipping his shirt off, his muscular arms and body being shown to you. You look at his arms, weirdly entranced by the muscles and the veins that ran from his knuckles up into his arm. Changbin turned to you and waved his hand in front of your face, "Y/N?" He asked and chuckled as you snapped out of your daze, looking up at him and blushing a deep rose pink color. "God..." he murmured before gently lifting a hand to push some strands of hair behind your ear before his hand stopped to cup your cheek. You instinctively leaned into his warm touch, eyes closing as you did. "You're adorable, you know that?" He asked before looking at your lips. You blushed and opened you eyes quickly at his words "a-ah... Changbin I'm really not.." you spoke quietly and looked up at him, your large eyes melting him.
"You really are though, Jisung told us what happened while you were showing and I don't know why someone would give you up like that. You're so perfect..." he spoke before leaning down closer to your face. "Can I do something Y/N?" He asked, watching you nod quickly as you had an idea of what he was going to do. A smile starts dancing on his lips again before he leans in and kisses you softly, to which you hesitated but soon kissed him back. Changbin pulled away from you after a moment and sighed softly "sorry..I just..you're so perfect and when I saw you earlier my heart felt like it was going to burst. I've never met or seen someone like you Y/N...I've also thought love at first sigh was fake but after seeing you I jus-" you cut his sentence off by kissing him again. "I can understand Changbin, and look..I'm willing to trust you. I've been separated from my ex for almost a month, he finally just broke my nerves after trying to come back and then getting violent that I called Jisung. You don't need to worry about rushing me or yourself okay?" You ask softly and smile up at him.
Changbin nods and his smile grows before he lays down in the bed, pulling you next to his body before pulling the comforter over your bodies. "Get some rest okay? We can talk more in the morning..." he spoke and kissed your head before turning his lamp off.
In the morning, you awoke to the sound of your brother screaming and the other's laughing. You open your eyes and see Changbin standing in the doorway, laughing along with the others before speaking up. "Look, Jisung I can promise you we didn't sleep together. We could be doing that soon though" he said smugly, causing Jisung to screech and cover his ears. "I shouldn't have brought her here!" He cries out.
"I'm glad you did.." Changbin said softly.
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Stray Kids’ reaction to the members hitting on their S/O
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Scenario: Stray kids reaction to the other members ‘hitting on’ their significant other.
Genre: Fluff/Angst
Pairing: Stray Kids members X Reader
Word count: 2,8K
Requested: Yes
A/n: I hope you like it and that this is what you meant when you send in your request.
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You were at the dorm of the boys, hanging out with them. Chan was in his room, currently busy with a new track he just produced. In the meantime you were busy with Jeongin who was cutely asking you for help as he didn’t know how to bake cookies. The youngster was really craving something sweet and instead of running to the store, he wanted to earn them, so you helped him bake.
It was also late at night, which meant that Jeongin was getting a little sleepy and when he was sleepy, he would get quite clingy.
So as you were baking the cookies after a while, Jeongin was clinging onto you like a baby Koala clung onto his mother. You didn’t mind, the two of you would be having a nice conversation when your boyfriend walked into the kitchen. He love his members, there is absolutely no doubt in that, but he didn’t like the way the youngster talked and touched his partner.
He heard them talk and it sounded a little like Jeongin was flirting, Chan knew Jeongin would never do that to someone, so he didn’t think too much of it as he walked closer to the two and planted a kiss on your cheek.
“Whatcha making love?” Chan asked as he stood next to you.
“Cookies, Jeongin was craving them.”
“Couldn’t he just run to the store?” Chan asked once again, but confused this time.
“He wanted to ‘earn’ them.” You giggled.
A few minutes later Chan would take Jeongin to the side and talk to him. He explained the youngest member honestly that he felt jealous and a little uncomfortable how touchy Jeongin was with his partner. Chan is very mature and he wanted to solve this immediately, especially since he didn’t want to hold any grudges against one of his members.
Jeongin would apologise, obviously not expecting from his leader to feel this way since the whole group knew how much he loves you. They made up quickly before returning to you and devouring your delicious fresh baked cookies.
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You were at the JYPE building when Chan was enthusiastically showing you the works he had produced proudly. You were of course very impressed by the talent that Chan holds and how well he produces music and lyrics. Besides being the talented man that Chan is, he was also known as affectionate.
When you were praising him for his works, he unconsciously became very touchy as he had gotten flustered. He had tackled you in a hug as you were sitting on the couch in the studio. You were giggling and laughing with each other as you laid back, trapped in his arms.
Woojin, who was standing outside the studio doors, faintly heard your giggles and he felt a wave of jealousy rushing over him. He knew his friend and member would never try anything on one of the members’ girlfriends, but he couldn’t control his feelings.
Woojin would burst through the door, scaring Chan and you by his sudden appearance. You smiled brightly at your boyfriend, Woojin sighed a little to himself. Your beaming smile had him all soft and he couldn’t help but return a smile to you. He also notices that Chan had his arms wrapped around you, practically laying on top of you, causing Woojin to take his friend outside the studio, leaving you by yourself in confusion.
“Listen, you’re my friend and I love you like a brother, but I really feel uncomfortable if you’re so touchy with my partner. I know you wouldn’t try anything, because that’s just not you. But I’d appreciate it if you weren’t too affectionate with y/n. Just so you don’t send off mixed signals.” Chan nodded, apologising immediately, not wanting his friend to be uncomfortable around him.
They hugged each other before returning to the studio, ready to show you more of the amazing work they had made.
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Alright, Mr Petty #1. You had been hanging out with Felix a lot lately, since he had been teaching you a new dance routine that he needed a partner with. Your boyfriend didn’t think too much of it at first, but as time went by, he felt weird and bothered by the thought of you dancing with somebody who wasn’t him.
Minho had always wanted to teach you one of his dance routines, but you never let him. And Minho just couldn’t help but feel jealous when he found out that Felix, his own friend and member was able to teach you something. Your boyfriend had been giving you the silent treatment the past few days and you just couldn’t figure out why he was acting like that.  
You even shared your worries with Felix who you had been spending with, since Minho had distanced himself from you. One day after your practice you had spotted Minho in the hallways of the JYPE building and you ran after him.
“Minho! Minho, hold up!” when you finally had him stop his tracks he didn’t even look into your eyes. You almost begged him to tell you what the hell was wrong. And when Minho noticed the tears in your eyes that had been formed because of frustration, he knew that he had handled this the wrong way. He pulled you into a crashing hug and apologised softly for his foolish action.
“I’m sorry baby, I-I just hated how Felix was touching you. I was jealous and I was being petty. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make you upset.”
Little did Minho know, that you were preparing a performance for him. He felt like an even bigger fool and he promised to make it up to you.
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Changbin knew he was handsome, but your beauty was out of this world and he knew it. He had always questioned why you would date him on days where he got insecure about himself. He would never think that somebody who seems almost made up would love somebody like him. He knew he wasn’t the tallest or everybody’s favourite person to look at, but that usually never bothered him. Until you met his members. Hyunjin was known as a beautiful man, everybody knew. He was tall, had great hair, a good body posture and besides the good looks he was kind and sentimental as well.
It made Changbin scared that you’d leave him for Hyunjin. He had seen the two of you together and he just couldn’t help but think how great how well the two of you would work and look together.
Changbin sighed when Hyunjin was trying to put makeup on you for fun.
Hyunjin would be very close to you, his face leaning in closer and closer. You would laugh at the dumb jokes Hyunjin would make as he applied eyeshadow on you. It looked like flirting to Changbin, even though he knows that Hyunjin would never do that to somebody, especially somebody he could call his brother. Changbin stood up and walked away from the scene, not wanting to see them enjoying themselves on their own.
He felt his heart ache, jealousy taking over as he laid on his bed. Thirty minutes later there would be a faint knock on the door, revealing your face that you stuck out to check what he was doing. “Baby, what’s wrong?” You asked softly as you removed the makeup from your face before you laid down with your boyfriend. He cuddled closer, burying his face into your neck before spilling all his worries to you.  
You giggled, before kissing his forehead softly. “Don’t worry my love, I wouldn’t leave you for him. I love you with all my heart. Besides, I like shorter boys like you-“
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Cue Mr petty #2. Hyunjin had taken you to the studio with him and he was starting to regret it. As soon as you were joyfully greeted by Changbin, he had been ignored by the both of you. He had to look how Changbin’s flirty comments were flustering you and how he was bragging about his rap skills to you.
We all known that Hyunjin in the past had some insecurities about his skills and this was bringing the feeling back. Hyunjin didn’t like it. Eventually he would stand up and storm out of the studio, leaving you and Changbin bamboozled. The two of you decided to follow him, receiving a snappy comment that left Hyunjin’s lips.
“Hyunjin what’s wrong?”
“Shouldn’t you be with your new boyfriend?” He mumbled.
“Dude, you’re being unreasonable-“
“Don’t tell me that I’m being unreasonable when you’re literally hitting on my girlfriend when I’m sitting next to you!” Hyunjin snarled back, cutting Changbin off.
“I wasn’t and I can’t help it that you’re being jealous-“
“Alright stop!” You yelled, shutting the both of them up.
Hyunjin dragged you to the exit of the building, wanting to be alone with you for a second. He had brought you to a park nearby. You would stand there for a while, waiting for Hyunjin to explain his burst out, but he would just hold you in his arms.
He would explain how he felt like you would leave him for someone better and more talented than him, which made you laugh honestly, because it was ridiculous.
“You’re one of the most talented people I’ve ever met and I love you so much. I wouldn’t leave you for the world.”
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Ever since you started to date Jisung, you had been a little scared to meet his friends/ members. They were people that were very important to your boyfriend and you didn’t want to leave a bad impression of yourself. You had befriended them though time, except Minho, who Jisung also seemed very close with.
You had decided to confront Minho about your insecurity and asked if the two of you could hang out a little more, so you could get to know each other better and become friends as well, to make Jisung happy.
This was something Jisung didn’t know about, since you wanted it to be a surprise. Jisung had found it suspicious why you had been hanging out with Minho that much and why Minho had been giving you small gifts every time you came over to the dorm.
“I saw this little bracelet and it reminded me of you.”
“You said you liked bears so I bought you a small teddy bear.”
“I thought you would be craving cookies, since you should be on your period soon.”
And so on.
It made Jisung feel like Minho was your boyfriend instead of himself. Jisung would get whiney at some point, craving more of your attention as he also started to feel insecure of the chance you might liked Minho better than him. You would explain to your whiney boyfriend your plan of befriending his friends to make him happy.
“I never wanted to make you feel sad. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, just promise me to look at me more, because I have been craving for your attention!” He giggles, before kissing every little centimetre of your face.
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Felix is a strong young man, and he liked to prove it by carrying things like the groceries or your bags when you go shopping. He liked doing these kinds of things for you to show how much of a gentleman he was, whilst showing off his strength.
Sometimes you would go and work out with your boyfriend, today was one of those days. You two walked into the gym and were greeted by Woojin who ware mindlessly running on a treadmill. He jumped a little when he finally noticed the two of you, since he had music blasting through his headphones.
The three of you would be working out together, until Felix offered to get drinks. As he was gone Woojin was playing around with you. He asked you to sit on his back as he did push-ups. He wanted to see how much resistant he could take. When Felix was back, he would stand from a distant as he looked at you. You were giggling and smiling when Woojin picked her up and twirled her around playfully.
Felix would barge back, dropping the bottles of water before he grabbed the older guy by the collar of his shirt. You and Woojin were both taken back by Felix’s actions, both frozen in your spots.
“Don’t you touch my girlfriend like that!” Felix growled, feeling angry and jealous.
“F-Felix what-“
“I don’t know what’s gotten into your head, but don’t you fucking touch her like that! You might me my friend, but I will not hesitate punching out your teeth-“
“Felix, stop it!” You yelled, pushing your boyfriend away from Woojin.
Before you knew it, Felix had dragged you out of the gym and you were back in the car. Felix didn’t say anything to you as he was shaking in anger. You weren’t looking at him as well, you were also quite angry for Felix unnecessary outburst.
“I’m sorry love. I know I shouldn’t have reacted that way. I just- nobody but me should touch you like that. I’m going to apologise to him later, I’m sorry baby. Please forgive me. I just couldn’t take it, I don’t want to lose you for someone who is stronger and broader than me.” He muttered whilst looking at you with sad eyes.
“It’s just, you were so mad at something so small and you took the both of us by surprise. I- we were both caught up in anger. But there is nothing to be scared of Lix. I love you. You’re the strongest most handsome, most talented man in my life. I. love. You.” You said in between kisses, making him smile.
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It was one of those days where the boys would be busy, rehearsing, vocal training, dancing and recording. You were being the sweet girlfriend you are and went to the boys’ dorm to clean it, so they would come home and relax after such a busy day. You would be blasting music through the apartment as you cleaned, not noticing that they had come home already.
You were in leggings and in one of Seungmin’s oversized shirts as you were cleaning. You were scared out of your mind when your boyfriend sneaked up behind you and kissed your temple. The boys all thanked you as you kept cleaning, also ordering them to just relax and sit down as you kept going.
You were now kneeled down as you cleaned behind the couch. Your butt was stuck out and your leggings were hugging your curves in the best and the worst ways possible, since Jisung was sitting on the couch. And he couldn’t help it, but his eyes kept wandering towards a certain body part of yours.
Seungmin walked into the living room and caught Jisung red-handed. He was playful and didn’t see Jisung as a threat.
“Jisung, are you hitting on my girlfriend with your eyes? Those are only mine to see.”
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Jeongin and you had been dating for two months now, but you hadn’t exposed your relationship yet, except to JYP of course. You decided to wait to tell the boys, because you wanted to see how and where this relationship was going. And after these two months you were ready to announce your relationship to everybody.
The boys knew you, you were no stranger to them. They knew you were one of Jeongin’s best friends, you met at school and that’s what they knew about you. You were intimidated at first when you met them, since Jeongin is the youngest and they were the most protective of him for sure, but they were very welcoming to you.
Right now you were at the park with the boys and you were sitting on the side with Seungmin whilst the rest were playing football together. Seungmin was trying to get your attention by acting cute, and you thinking he was doing it with only friendly intentions, didn’t mind it and acted along.
It seemed like Seungmin was actually interested in you and this was his attempt in flirting. Jeongin had noticed and he stumbled your way whilst whining.
“Y/n! Why are you letting Seungmin flirt with you! You know you’re my girlfriend!” He whines, making everybody look his way in shock. You hid you face in your hands, feeling shy by Jeongin’s sudden exposure of your relationship.
“This is why we should’ve told them earlier.” You giggled, whilst hiding yourself in Jeongin’s embrace, who was holding you protectively as the others kept bombarding the two of you with questions.
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Gifs aren’t mine
I hope you liked it to whoever requested this!
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minhothebighoe · 5 years
2:03 pm I Love You
Requested: yes: “Hey babes, hope your doing swell❤ What about Felix ( stray kids ) with a self conscious s/o? Like, she just doesn't thing she's good enough for him + so he hard core comforts her. Cuddles her until she gives up type thing. Possibly smut but if you don't write smut for him just fluff is fine.”
Word Count: 3.1 k
Summary: Your relationship with Felix was great at first, but when you two got caught in public it changed your life for the worst.
Warnings: mentions of feeling depressed, mentions of sex, small amounts of smut (just don’t blink), a mention of degradation kink (AGAIN DONT BLINK). And a cute/ sexy Felix
**also I haven’t proofread yet so hope it’s not too bad lololol, also maybe pt. 2 ???***
“Babe please tell me what’s wrong”
Felix sighed deeply, before laying a hand on my bare shoulder, gripping tightly at the exposed skin that poked out of my sweater. He looked and concentrated on me with worry and sadness that was clearly displaying on his soft features; his eyes showing nothing but pure and utter remorse. I turned away and stared at the floor silently with pure guilt and anxiety that was building and starting to weigh heavily on my chest. I hated myself for the fact that I was the one causing him to feel this way.
Things have been shitty for a while now, and I’m not talking about Felix or anything about him. Felix is literally the light of my life, and it’s not an understatement when I say I would literally take a bullet for the boy or give up my life to save his. Everything that is wrong is because of me, myself, and I.
Things were more than amazing in the beginning when no one knew of us together. When Felix could visit or hang out we would mostly just Sneak around and hide the fact we were an item. It was definitely hard most times,especially for him; he wanted nothing more than to show me off to the world, but at the same time it was oh so exciting. Even though Felix wanted to come out to the world as more than close friends he also loved concealing our relationship. He being the dirty Aussie boy he is admittedly ached to fuck me in public anywhere that he could get his hands on me, and shit, it was our dirty little secret.
However, things mostly took a toll for the worst when dispatch caught us together, and stays all over found out about the relationship.
It was late at night, Felix and I were at a park close to my home, and me being the dumb ass I am, was not thinking coherently. All I was thinking of was the lovely night me and my beautiful boyfriend were having, and the fact that he was physically there with me. At no time did it occur to me to think that other people would be up at the god awful hour.
In the moment, Felix was chasing me on the open grass field, and we were both happy and content. We didn’t need much more than each other to have a good time or have fun.
“You’ll never catch me!” I laughed, running faster away from my playful boyfriend who was right on my tail. I however, knew for fucking sure he was definitely gonna get me, I just wanted to tease the poor lad and get him all worked up.
Not even 10 seconds later he caught a hold of my hand and before I knew it, we both came to a dead halt. I turned around to face him and capture him at the moment, it almost felt like one of those cheesy kdrama moments where everything is in slow motion. His beautiful dark eyes stared lovingly and deep into my own. His chest was heaving up and down and all I could hear was the sound of his heavy breaths parting from those big beautiful pouty lips. He leaned his forehead onto mine before speaking with that sinful voice of his,
“God you have no idea what the fuck you do to me.”
That beautiful playful smile was now a wicked and sexy smirk, and god did I love it.
He pulled me closer to where my chest was touching his long lean frame; I felt his hands slowly travel and make their way down to my hips, it was almost teasingly unhurried. I felt a soft squeeze on the flesh, and a painful chill make its way up throughout my body. I thought I forgot how to breathe at that very moment.
Meanwhile felix’s eyes had never left mine, causing a certain feeling make its way through out my core deep within. I was aching for him to touch me, and I could tell he couldn’t wait any longer as well.
God you have no idea what you do to me, Felix.
He continued to smirk at me before impulsively bringing his lips down to my neck with such vigor and pure lust. I brought my hands instantly from his chest and placed them at the back of his head running them through and tugging on his sexy red locks. I gasped for air as I felt his teeth nip slightly at my flesh, hitting that sweet spot just right below my earlobe. He slowly proceeded to run his tongue over the bite mark before sucking ever so mercilessly. I could feel the heat rapidly making a pool in my underwear, and I didn’t know how much longer I could wait for him to touch me.
“F-Felix please.” I pleaded.
He detached his lips from my neck, and I could instantly feel a cool breeze attack the spot where his mouth once was.
He stared devilishly at me, his pupils getting blacker, before speaking
“Awe is my baby girl getting impatient…. don’t worry darling I’ll fuck you right.” I gulped; He leaned in again, and I could feel his hot breath hit the inside of my ear causing goosebumps to arise and my complexion go pale.
“I just wanna play with you first.”
I stared at Felix as my mouth went dry and my mind buzzed. His words alone were enough to get me off, and all I wanted was for him to rip my skirt off and fuck me right then and there.
But Then…..that’s when I heard it.
I snapped out of the trance like state, and forcefully pulled myself away from Felix’s body. I automatically knew exactly what that sound was and it was almost an instant shock of anxiety that rolled throughout my body. I looked over to Felix and I could tell he felt the exact same way.
“C’mon babe we have to go.” Even though he was trying to rush me, he said it as calminglyas possible.
** click **
As we moved quicker away, the more rapid the noise was becoming. Felix and I moved speedily, giving even Usain Bolt a run for his money, trying to get away from the situation. However, we both knew it was too late and the damage was most likely done. We were already caught and red handed at that.
“People are going to find out” I thought, anxiety filled my entire being with the thought. What will they think? This wasn’t no ordinary fan base I was going up against, these are kpop stans the most frightening yet loyal fans to ever exist. They were going to completely and utterly judge me.
and that they did.
It had only been 1 month since the pictures had come out of Felix and I embracing each other at the park, and let’s just say the backlash was worse than what I was expecting. Each day was more shoddy than the last, it seemed as each hour passed the more shit I was getting and the more comments filled my Social media telling me I wasn’t good enough, or that I was too ugly, too fat, and so on. At first it didn’t really bother me, I had hoped changing my profiles to private would help, and get people to calm down about the situation, and it did for a while. However me being me, I couldn’t help myself to search and see what the fans were saying,and as much as I wanted to ignore it, I couldn’t fucking do it.
“Ugly bitch, Felix deserves so much better.”
“Where the hell did he find her? Probably some whore.”
“Fat ugly bitch should lose some weight, she’s going to crush our poor Felix.”
“They’ll never last SHE'S just another slut I mean look how short her skirt is in that picture, such a sleeze”
Okay then.
A couple more months had passed and I thought it would die down but for some reason it never did and as the number of comments and articles grew, I felt my deepest insecurities grow as well, drowning out any ounce of confidence I once had.
The fat comments were an especially hard pill to swallow as I had always been insecure about my weight. Even though deep down I knew I wasn’t “fat” I still had trouble looking at a mirror and being happy with the way I looked. And having a boyfriend who is an international heart throb did not make things easier to say the least.
“Why aren’t you eating babe?”
“You‘ve lost some weight love since the last time I saw you, I’m a little concerned”
“Babe please eat something, are you okay?”
Felix had seemed to have asked these questions quite a few times in the past months, and I would always reply with the same short answers along with a fake smile.
“Lixie I’m fine, I promise.”
“I’m just not hungry.”
“Ohh I just ate I’m okay.”
It wasn’t just the fat comments not causing me to eat, it was everything that was sending me into a spiral of self hatred and let’s just say: my very own demise. I had lost all appetite because all I could think of were those millions of fans telling me how ugly and disgusting I was, and, oh yeah, that I should do Felix a favor and just kill myself. And the most annoying thing was, I had no idea why it was even getting to me so much. It just hurt knowing that practically a whole fan base hated you because you loved someone so unconditionally, and you couldn’t do a thing about it or change their mind.
And I started to believe every damn word that was thrown at me.
I was too scared to even leave my home knowing that people knew who I was and how I looked. I didn’t want to risk it. I was scared, point, blank, and period. Sadly, I didn’t have anyone to confide in. I had always been mostly independent and an introvert so friends were very few and far inbetween;I didn’t want to worry my poor parents, as they would be devastated and heartbroken to know their little girl was feeling this broken. And, I couldn’t tell my boyfriend because he was busy most of the time getting ready for a fucking world tour to notice, and there was no way in hell I was going to distract him from that, so me being very discouraged to bring this up to anyone, kept to myself and thought being alone was the best option.
At least that’s what I thought I could do.
I guess I was naive thinking I could hide and push away my own feelings, but every negative thought, moment of regret, and all my insecurities were starting to show and make their way from the dark abyss and pile to the surface. I wanted anything but to worry Felix with my issues, however everything was becoming way too hard to mentally bare and I was reaching above my boiling point.
“Y/N, please for fucks sake talk to me, don’t you understand I’m here for you? Don’t you understand I can tell when something is wrong?”
Felix, who was sitting next to me, quickly got down on his knees in front of me. He placed a hand lovingly on my cheek, softly rubbing soothing circles with the pad of his thumb on the skin, causing me to feel somewhat calm.
I didn’t want to tell him how I was feeling partially because I didn’t know how to explain it. There’s just so much going on inside my head that it feels as if I’m at war with my own consciousness.
“I-I’m fine baby I p-promise I ju-“ tears were threatening to spill and I couldn’t even look him in the eyes.
“Bull fucking shit (y/n). You for the past 8 months have been anything but yourself, you’ve lost so much fuckin weight to the point where you’re skin and bones, you’re not eating, and I- I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, and it fucking hurts to see you like this and I-“ tears streamed down Felix’s face, and he cupped my chin and forced me to look into him.
Everything was accumulating and it was starting to reach a point where hiding these demons was not in the question anymore. Seeing Felix in this much pain because of me, tipped me beyond off the scale and I felt almost angry that all this bullshit had happened. Am I weak for wanting to tell him?
Would he be able to handle it?
As I was building the courage to speak, I turned my head away again hearing my phone vibrate. I could see the notifications building up from Twitter on the screen from the previous hour; Felix noticed too and instantly shot out his hand to grab my device.
“Felix baby no do-.”
I tried to grab the annoying hardware before Felix could see anything, it it was too late. His eyes widened.
“Kill yourself you stupid bitch,
you’re so unworthy of a man like Felix like actual filth lmao,
You’re an ugly fat whore who will never amount to anything ,
Watch out Felix, she’s only with you for your money”
As Felix read the words aloud it felt as if thousands of knives were being stabbed into my body over and over again, but all I could do was stare at the floor in front of me, and not dare to look at Felix. I didn’t want him to know things were this bad, I tried to shield him from the pain I was feeling because he didn’t deserve to be included in the affliction. My heart hurt but I wasn’t going to let him be included in that agony.
I loved him too much.
“Baby….” I could feel his eyes bore into my figure and at that moment I couldn’t hold it in anymore. Everything that had pent up over the past months finally spilled out into the open atmosphere, and holy shit I was a sopping mess to say the very least. I huddled over as the sobs poured out of my mouth, they were mixed with so much vexation, sorrow, and panic as I didn’t know how to feel. Felix quickly sat next to me and put an arm over my physique, pulling me in closer to his broad frame. My head lay atop his lap while I cried as much as I could. He peacefully stroked my hair with his fingers, and every once in a while layed some soft kisses atop my head.
I leaned my head to fit in the crook of his neck,taking in the scent of his cologne. He held onto me tight, as if he was never going to let me go again.
“Baby, all this time…. why didn’t you tell me?” His voice was almost quivering but I knew he wasn’t going to cry.
“I- I didn’t want to worry you, you had so much to do for the tour and I thought it was dumb an-“ he stopped me.
“(Y/N) it’s not dumb that people are harassing you and making you feel this way. Listen, I love my fans each and every single one of them. However, you have to realize that in every good person there are another 5 evil ones who don’t respect mine or your feelings for one another, and those people are not true fans.”
He brought my face to look at his.
“Listen darling, I love you and if some people can’t respect that then, that’s their problem. Our love is stronger than this and I know we will overcome this hurdle. That’s all it is, these comments don’t matter they’re just people who have no respect or no life to worry about and all they want to do is take that anger and hurt into other people. But holy shit, I just thank god nobody hurt you or physically or came after you….I don’t know what I would do.” Felix kissed my nose and stroked the top of my hand with his very own sending small impulses of electricity up my body. The heat of his body comforted me and I had never felt more love for him than in that very moment. For once I could finally breathe again and smile.
Felix brought a hand to cup my cheek, the palm of his hand felt so reassuring as he brought his soft lips down to mine gently and with such passion. He kissed me as if we had all the time in the world yet it also felt as if it was our last moment together. The world could’ve ended right then and there and I would’ve felt content being in his arms.
I guess I learned it’s not good to hold things in, and now I know if I’m ever feeling sad or hurt that there are people who love me and are willing to listen. And as much as I wanted them to be, my problems were not small especially if they had me feeling the way I did. I don’t have to be alone even in my darkest thoughts or weakest moments.
All I know is Felix lifted a weight off my chest that was too heavy for me to even nudge. And for him I am more than thankful.
“Also those comments are bullshit because if anything darling you’re to good for me princess .”
I smirked at him.
“Oh really now.”
“Yeah but let’s get one thing straight.” I eyed him as he bit his lip, he coyly took the soft skin in between his teeth as his eyes went dark.
“ the only person who can call you a filthy whore is me. Got it?”
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sofhyuck · 6 years
Lay All Your Love On Me
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Genre: rich kid!Jisung, friends to lovers, fluff, self discovery (?)
Word Count: 9k
Excerpt: Jisung glanced at you apprehensively before huffing out a sigh and returning his attention to the night sky. Stars littered the sky, battling the bright city lights in order to be seen. The headlights of cars travelling below you held your focus, eyes flitting between the blurring colors. Jisung, however, couldn’t get your conversation out of his head. Out of the years you had known each other you had always bent over backwards to help him and your friends. Whenever they attempted to reach out a helping hand, however, you always swatted it away without batting an eye. He wanted to be your rock as much as you were his, but you made it nearly impossible to do so.
A/N: first skz au, this one’s for you @jisung-enthusiast
The scent of your perfume tickled Jisung’s nose, filling his lungs with every inhale and clouding his mind with thoughts of you. He laid sprawled out on your bed, eyes closed as he clutched one of your stuffed animals close to his chest. Like everything else in the room, it smelled like you. He burrowed his nose into the head of the bear as he waited for you to finish getting ready. The smell intoxicated him, so much so that he nearly missed you calling out to him.
“Ya! Han Jisung! Pay attention to me!”
Jisung sat up straight, clutching your bear closer to his chest. “Sorry, were you saying something?” He teased, swinging his legs over the side of your bed.
“You’re annoying, you know that? Now come over here and help me with my hair.”
Quickly, he flung the bear back onto your bed as he moved to stand behind you.
“If I’m so annoying then why do you want me to do your hair, hmm?”
“You know you’re the best at it.” You whined, pouting at him through your vanity mirror. Any normal person would look sickly under the harsh lighting of your mirror, but somehow you still managed to look like an angel. “Besides, you’ve been doing my hair for these functions for years, it’s tradition at this point!”
“Yea, yea.” He mumbled, fighting back a blush at your compliment. “You know we’re like, hella late right now?”
“Fashionably late.”
Jisung rolled his eyes, staring at your reflection as you did your makeup. The short lilac summer dress complimented your skin perfectly, delicate flowers embroidered into the silky fabric. You caught his gaze in the mirror and stuck your tongue out at him, laughing lightly at his widened eyes.
“You’re supposed to be doing my hair not staring at me dingus.”
Before Jisung could quip back your ringtone went off, pulling your attention away from the mirror and to your phone screen.
“Shit it’s my mom.” You mumbled, putting down your mascara in exchange for your phone. Taking a deep breath, you put it on speaker phone, leaving your hands free to continue working on your makeup.
“Hi ma how’s the party—”
“Where the hell are you young lady? The party started almost an hour ago, do you know how bad this makes me and your father look? You better get your ass over here in ten minutes otherwise we’re cutting your allowance for the month. And bring that Jisung with you; you’re lucky his parents are our friends otherwise they would have severed our deal half an hour ago.”
“Calm down, ma, we’ll be there soon - oh fuck.” You muttered. The spaghetti strap of your dress had suddenly snapped, your hand flying up to keep the dress from falling and expose your bare breast to your best friend. Maybe you should have stopped wearing the dress after the strap began fraying, but it was your favorite summer dress and you were intent on wearing it until the fabric disintegrated in your hands god dammit.
“Language!” Your mother snapped over the phone. “You have ten minutes.” With that, she hung up the phone.
“Jisung, can you hold the strap for a second?” He followed your orders without a second thought, his fingertips tingling where they brushed your skin. You rifled through your vanity drawers before pulling out a safety pin. “Perfect.” You mumbled, passing it back to Jisung.
“Why don’t you just put on a different dress? You know your mom’s gonna have a fit when she sees you fixed your dress with a safety pin.” He scolded, pinning your dress regardless.
“There’s not enough time to put on a whole new dress plus change my makeup and jewelry and shoes to match. The repercussions of mismatched everything versus those of a safety pin? Definitely worse.”
Jisung hummed in understanding, finally clipping the pin in place. “There, all done. Now come on, we have to get across the hill in eight minutes.”
Grabbing Jisung’s outstretched hand, you slipped on your heels and headed out of your room. “It’s a good thing your car could get us there in three.”
“Sure, if we wanna get arrested.”
You only laughed, pulling him out the door of your family’s extravagant home. A light blush dusted Jisung’s cheeks, the skin of your hand soft against his own. He couldn’t be sure when exactly he had fallen in love with you, but damn was it fucking with his heart. Stepping outside, the fresh summer air eased his warm face.  
“Unlock your car dummy!” You whined, pulling lamely at the handle.
“Hands off before you set the alarm off, stupid.” You rolled your eyes, huffing as you crossed your arms over your chest. Digging through the pockets of his khaki shorts, Jisung pulled out his keys and unlocked the car. It beeped loudly and Jisung pulled the driver’s side door open, signalling for you to open your door.
“Did you have to get such a flashy car? You could see and hear this thing from the ISS.”
“You know my parents wouldn’t pay for anything less obnoxious.” The engine revved and he pulled out of your driveway, the large gate shutting closed behind you. It took less than six minutes to make it the the Bang’s mansion, and you made it into the actual house just in time for you to keep your monthly allowance. There was a pair of Jimmy Choo’s you had your eye on, and you’d be damned if you couldn’t buy them by next month’s summer gala. You had barely made it inside the mansion, your arm wrapped tightly around Jisung’s, before your mother came storming over to you.
“God, here she comes. Could you get me some champagne?” You lightly patted Jisung’s arm, pushing him slightly towards the waiters. Jisung reluctantly moved away, not wanting to leave you alone with your furious mother but also knowing how much you hated when your mother scolded you in front of him. Spotting Changbin and Felix across the room, Jisung grabbed two glasses of champagne and headed over towards them. He could just make out your mother’s reprimanding from across the room and winced slightly.
“You know if you didn’t want her to get yelled at you should’ve told Y/n to move her ass so that she’d get here on time.” Changbin deadpanned, his head leaning on his palm as he watched Jisung slide into the seat beside him.
“Oh I tried telling her but you know how she gets when she’s getting ready for these functions, especially when she wants to piss off her mom.”
“No, we don’t actually. You’re the only one who gets to see her highness before her grand entrance. Ruins the surprise, she says.” Felix added, rolling his eyes.
“Well she really likes taking her time, if you couldn’t already tell.”
“Oh, we can tell.” Changbin laughed, taking a swig from one of the champagne glasses Jisung had placed on the table.
“Hey! That was for Y/n!” Jisung whined, hopelessly reaching for the now empty glass.
“I’m sure princess can handle getting her own.”
“Speaking of…” Felix trailed off and Jisung followed his gaze, catching a glimpse of your retreating figure before you disappeared outside.
“I gotta go.” Jisung mumbled. Changbin and Felix nodded in understanding, looking after him with worry laced in their gazes.
The warm summer air brushed against your bare arms and you sat on a stone bench, gazing at the large mansion, light filtering out of every window. You inhaled deeply, revelling in the fresh air void of the mingling of expensive colognes and perfumes that stifled the air inside. It wasn’t rare that you would bump heads with your mother at such events; she always found something wrong with your appearance and, at this point, you were trying to set her off. You weren’t about to let her force you into her ideal family vision without a fight. Besides, it seemed as though the functions were designed specifically to bore you half to death. Why not have some fun, no matter how much trouble you always ended up in.
A dark silhouette approached you from the bottom of the hill where you sat, backlit by the bright lights from the house. Without even seeing his face, you knew it was Jisung. What kind of best friend would you be if you couldn’t immediately recognize his outline? You watched as he made his way up the hill before he finally made it in front of you, hands on his knees while panting heavily.
“Stand up straight, drama queen.” You laugh, lightly kicking him in the shin.
“I climb all the way up that blasted hill for you to treat me like this?” He huffed, sitting down beside you.
“Like I said: drama queen.” Jisung only nudged your shoulder with his own in response. You both sit in silence for a moment, gazing at the party through the floor to ceiling windows that faced you.
“It’s all so pointless, isn’t it?” You break the silence. “Why do we even have to go to these dumb things? They always end in our parents telling us what embarrassments we are to our family names. And we always end up sneaking out anyways.”
“What did your mom say this time?”
“Oh, the usual. Making a bad impression for the rest of the family. What will the investors think of the company if I’m meant to be the future CEO. All her greatest hits.”
“Those don’t usually cause you to get so pissed. In all the years we’ve come to these dumb things I’ve never seen you storm out like this. So tell me, what’s really up?” He pried, turning to face you.
“I think I’m just…finally feeling the stress of being the company’s supposed future.” You shrug. “Now that I’m in college and learning all this shit while my parents continue to step on my back, it’s all finally becoming a reality, I guess.”
Jisung nodded in agreement, bringing his hand down to rub comforting circles on your thigh. Now that your little band of company children was growing up and one-by-one entering college,  you were all coming to realize the weight that rested on your shoulders. He himself, luckily, had taken a liking to business and had quite a knack for the subject as well, leaving him in good graces with his parents and future career. However, he was just now realizing that you hardly spoke of your studies with any of your group of friends, and it worried him. In fact, you didn’t even share any classes with him that past year, despite going to the same university and supposedly studying the same subject.
“I know I shouldn’t complain. I mean, we’re all going through the same thing and in the end we’ll all have great jobs without even worrying and we’ll be living comfortably. But, it just seems wrong, you know? Like my parents have so much fucking money but they don’t do anything with it. It just sits in their fucking bank accounts accruing more and more interest. I wish they were more like your parents; actually donating their money instead of keeping it all to themselves.”
“You and I both know my parents only donate so that they can get good press at charity benefits.” Jisung snorted.
“Better to donate for publicity rather than not at all.” You sighed, kicking lamely at a rock.
“Yo, we’re gonna bounce in a couple minutes, you guys wanna come?” Felix calls from the base of the hill, his voice carrying above the dismal orchestral piece drifting from indoors.
“Nah I’m gonna stay here for a bit, maybe we’ll catch you later.” Jisung calls back.
“You don’t have to stay here just for me,” you nudge his side. “I’m perfectly fine sitting here alone and reflecting on all of my miseries.”
“Like I’d ever let that happen. Now c’mon, I wanna take you away from this wretched party.” He bounces up, reaching his hand out for you to grasp.
“Wow, big words. That college education is really teaching you well.”
“Oh, shut up.” Jisung rolls his eyes, forcefully pulling you up so that you stumble a bit, his hands immediately coming to your sides to steady you. “Now let’s go for a ride.”
Jisung struggled to keep his eyes on the road, attention constantly flitting between you and the dark tar ahead. You insisted that he leave the windows down and the wind whistled through your hair, but you hardly minded. Jisung always seemed to know just what you needed when you needed it, and right now you needed to feel free. The headlights of Jisung’s brand new car pierced the dark night as you travelled through the guarded neighborhood your families resided in. Whipping around turns, much to your amusement, Jisung made his way up the side of the small mountain at the center of your development. Making a sharp left, you cut onto a semi-concealed road you had hardly paid attention to in the past.
“Shortcut.” Jisung muttered, noticing your apprehension.
“Not like I know where we’re going anyways.”
“I doubt you’d know where it is even if I told you.” He smirked, glancing briefly at your expression of feigned offense.
“You think I could spend my entire life in this blasted development without exploring every inch of it?”
“Yes, that’s exactly what I’m thinking.” The car came to a rolling stop in a small clearing. You gazed out of the windshield in awe at the sight before you. Jisung was right, there was a lot you didn’t know about the environment you grew up in. The clearing was at the perfect level to view the city that lay beyond your community as well as the night sky. Jisung couldn’t take his eyes off of you, your own filled with utter fascination, the stars reflected in your eyes. He climbed out of the car after a beat, breaking you out of your frozen state and following his lead. Settling on the hood of his car, you leaned your head on his shoulder.
“I found this spot by chance one day. I was in a similar mood, didn’t know what the point of my future was. Chan had mentioned it off handedly one time and I figured it was my turn to try and find the famed spot. It’s strange; I didn’t know where it was but I somehow found myself driving out here, as if something was calling to me. I think we’ve all come up here at one point or another, you’re the last one.”
“Why didn’t you bring me up here before?” You cried in indignation, sitting up to smack his arm.
“Ow hey don’t hit me!” Jisung pouted. “It’s kind of like, ritual to only come up here when you’re having a mental breakdown basically. It seemed like it was finally your time to join the club.”
“Bold of you to assume I’ve never had a mental breakdown before.” You snorted, rubbing your arms lightly to warm them from the cooling night air.
“I hope you know how concerning that is.” Jisung shrugs his jacket off to drape over your shoulders. “Why didn’t you bring a jacket with you?”
“Sorry, how was I supposed to know you were going to drag me up a mountain?”
“You should know by now that we always end up anywhere else besides the actual party for these functions.”
“Maybe so.” You mumbled, pulling his jacket tighter around your frame.
“You know you can tell me anything.” Jisung reached out to rest his hand over yours.
“I know, but some things are better kept inside my head.”
“But I care about you, Y/n, and it worries me to know there are things you won’t share with me.”
“I can take care of myself Jisung. There’s no point in troubling you with my shit too.”
“I want you to trouble me! In fact, it’s more troubling to hear all of this afterwards than if you just came to me in the moment. It kind of hurts knowing my best friend doesn’t want to confide in me.”
“There’s more to it than that Jisung. Let’s just drop for now, ok?”
Jisung glanced at you apprehensively before huffing out a sigh and returning his attention to the night sky. Stars littered the sky, battling the bright city lights in order to be seen. The headlights of cars travelling below you held your focus, eyes flitting between the blurring colors. Jisung, however, couldn’t get your conversation out of his head. Out of the years you had known each other you had always bent over backwards to help him and your friends. Whenever they attempted to reach out a helping hand, however, you always swatted it away without batting an eye. He wanted to be your rock as much as you were his, but you made it nearly impossible to do so.
“I care about you a lot, you know that right?”
“I know, Jisung, I care about you too.”
“No, I mean I really—”
A loud honk cut Jisung off and you both whipped your heads around to be blinded by the headlights of Chan’s car. It rolled to a stop besides you and Changbin jumped out, slamming the door behind him.
“We figured we’d find you guys up here.” He smiled, walking over to pull you off of Jisung’s car and into his arms. “You didn’t even stop to say hi at the party. I haven’t seen you since spring break you snake.”
“I’ve been busy!” You laughed, returning his embrace.
“Not too busy for Han over there, though.”
“Maybe if you went to the same uni as us we’d see each other more often.”
“Maybe if you guys were smart enough to get into my uni I’d see you more often.”
“Oh fuck off.” Jisung frowned, slipping off his car to walk over.
“Don’t be mean Changbin.” Dropping your arms to your sides, you delivered a sharp jab to his side.
“You know I love you guys.” He sang, wrapping his arm around your waist.
“Yea, whatever.” Jisung mumbled, rolling his eyes. “Why were you guys looking for us anyways?”
“We saw you leave the party before we were able to make our escape and since we haven’t seen you guys in so long we figured you’d like to hang. We’re going to get gelato.
“Yo hurry up I’m killing the environment over here!” Chan yelled from the driver’s side.
“That’s why you turn the car off, dumbass!” Changbin replied in reply before turning back around to face you. “So, feel like coming now?”
“Yea, I missed you guys but gelato especially. It’s just not the same at uni.”
“Nice to know where your priorities lie.”
“Jisung, you wanna come?”
He nodded in agreeance. “C’mon, Y/n. We’ll meet you guys there.”
Changbin hopped back into the car and Chan drove off. Opening the driver’s side door, Jisung slid onto the seat, waiting for you to get in before following the others.
“God, this is so much better than the stores at school.” Jisung shovelled another spoonful of gelato into his mouth, savoring the sweet taste.
“Slow down, you might choke.” You laughed, eating a spoonful of your own.
“I would die happy if this is how I went.”
“The rest of us would be happy too.” Seungmin piped up, laughing as Jisung shot him a dirty look.
“What kind did you get Y/n?” Felix asked, pulling your attention away from the sight of Jisung chasing Seungmin up and down the sidewalk.
“Hazelnut and chocolate. What about y—”
“Again? Y/n you always get the same boring flavors, try something new for once.” Jisung abruptly cut you off, falling down to sit beside you on the bench.
“Well sorry if I don’t want to kill my tastebuds with whatever concoction you came up with this time.”
“Peppermint and fig! It’s actually pretty good, wanna try?”
“Absolutely not.” The mere sight of the two colors melting together into a puce had your nose crinkling in disgust.
“Your loss.” He shrugged before moving to steal a spoonful of your own gelato.
“Not on my watch.” You swatted his hand away, glaring at his bold attempt. “What happened to not having the same boring flavors?”
“I was talking about you, I haven’t had hazelnut and chocolate in a while.”
“Well then why didn’t you get your own?”
“It’s tastes better when I steal from other people.” He grinned, eyes twinkling with mischief.
“You’re insufferable.” You groaned, swirling your gelato together with your spoon.
“Yea but you love me.”
“I guess I do love you, idiot.”
Jisung wished you knew how much those words meant to him.
“Oi Jisung weren’t you saying you were gonna have a pool party next week?”  Felix drew your attention back to the rest of the group, who evidently had been discussing more pressing matters.
“Oh yea, my parents are out for a business trip and it’s supposed to be hella hot. It’s gonna be like the first official get together for the whole group.”
“Hell yea it’s gonna be lit!”
“Please never say that again Chan.” Felix groaned.
“Oh so when you guys say it it’s cool but when I say it it’s weird?”
“Exactly.” Felix deadpanned, everyone laughing at Chan’s flustered state.
“Sorry old man, you can never be one of the kids.” Seungmin patted his back. “At least you have Woojin.”
“We’re barely older than you guys! Besides, he’s not even here to back me up right now it’s not fair!”
“Save it for the pool party then, we should all be there”
Chan huffed, sitting back on the bench while crossing his arms.
“You’re coming, right?” Jisung asked, poking your side lightly.
“Of course!” You grinned. “It’s not a family reunion if we’re not all there!”
Jisung flinched a little when you referred to your group as a family. Sure, you had all grown up together, but Jisung sure as hell didn’t want to be seen as a brother to you. A very distant cousin, maybe, but even that was pushing it. Realizing just how weird his thoughts were getting, Jisung lightly shook his head and forced himself to listen to the conversation going on around him. Family was better than nothing, he supposed.
Driving up Jisung’s extensive driveway, you could hear the pool party long before you saw it. Windows rolled down, loud laughter drifted into your car along with the warm summer air. Giddy with the prospect of finally reuniting with your full friend group, you parked your car and hopped out. You grabbed your small bag and skipped around the side of the mansion to the backyard where the pool lay. Rounding the corner, you almost ran straight into Felix.
“Yo, Y/n! Nice of you to finally join us!”
“You know she always has to come fashionably late.” Changbin called from the pool, playfully rolling his eyes.
“Of course, it’s my signature move.” You huffed, crossing your arms as you walked to place your things down on one of the many decorated pool chairs. You barely had the chance to let go of your bag before a very wet body ran up to you and latched onto your back. The force nearly knocked you over and you had to steady yourself with a hand on the pool chair before turning around.
“Hi, Jeongin.” You grinned, ruffling his wet hair.
“I missed you! I can’t believe you and Jisung decided to go to uni so far away, it’s not fair to the rest of us!”
“I missed you too, Innie,” you said with a laugh. “And it’s the parents wish, I had no choice.”
“Yea well it sucks.” Jeongin pouted, swaying you around in his grasp.
“Let her breath, Jeongin. You’re not the only one who missed her.” Woojin sidled over as the younger reluctantly released you from his grasp. Before Woojin could embrace you, Felix called out.
“Get in the water, losers. It’s what all the cool kids are doing.”
“Who are you calling loser, loser?” Woojin quipped back, motioning for you to follow him into the pool regardless.
“Let me take my shirt off first.” You laughed, preparing to remove your cover before a pair of arms once again wrapped around your waist.
“Lee Minho don’t you dare.” You attempted to glare behind you to no avail.
“Sorry I can’t hear you.” He sang in your ear, picking you up and promptly dropping you into the pool. Spluttering, you re-emerged from the water, shooting daggers at the laughing boy standing by the edge of the pool.
“That’s what you get for leaving us all here.”
“Jisung left too!” You exclaimed, pointing to the shocked boy across the pool. Jisung grinned sheepishly, waving lightly at you.
“Yea but this is his house so I have to be nice.” Minho shrugged, sliding into the pool beside you.
“You suck.” You mumbled, peeling your now drenched shirt off and placing it on the side of the pool.
“Yo, Minho, come over here! We’re playing chicken and everyone knows we’re the A team.” Hyunjin called him over, Seungmin already on top of Chan’s shoulders, game face on and ready to destroy anyone who dared to cross his path.
“Minho better watch out, Seungmin just lost his favorite pair of Gucci slides and he’s on the warpath.” Jisung piped up from beside you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
“Dude how are you so warm? The water’s freezing.”
Jisung shrugged. “I guess I’m just warm blooded.”
“We’re all warm blooded.”
“Well then I’m extra warm blooded.”
“It feels nice.” You mumbled, wrapping your arms around his waist so that you could steal more of his warmth. Jisung’s cheeks flushed and he tried desperately to calm his blush by staring at the bloodbath taking place before the two of you.
“Jesus Christ Seungmin don’t strangle him!” Woojin called out, acting as referee while trying to pry Seungmin’s hands from around Minho’s neck. Gasping dramatically for breath, Minho signalled for Hyunjin to let him down.
“I don’t think we should play anymore, Seungmin’s out for blood.”
“That’s loser talk!” Seungmin shouted, still sat on Chan’s shoulders as he pumped his fists in victory.
“If losing means I get to keep my life then I’ll gladly accept that title.”
Chan, having enough of Seungmin’s tirade, promptly fell backwards. Seungmin yelped in surprise, flailing his arms helplessly as he was dunked underwater. Jisung could feel your laughter vibrating against his chest and he wrapped his arms tighter around you, resting his cheek on the top of your head. Eyes trained on the splash fight breaking out in front of you, you failed to notice Minho coming up behind you. With a quick flick of his wrist, Minho pulled the strings holding your bikini up in a tight bow. You whipped your hands from around Jisung’s waist to keep from exposing yourself.
“What the hell, Minho? What are you, in middle school?” You snapped, glaring as he swam away, devilish laughter following in his wake.
“My revenge is complete.” Minho sent you a wink before diving under the water, swimming over to Chagbin and grabbing his ankle, the younger letting out a yell of surprise.
Rolling your eyes, you turned back to Jisung with a pout.
“Can you help me re-tie it? And double knot it, please.” Jisung nodded meekly in compliance and you turned around once more to allow him easier access to the strings. He fumbled with them, hands shaking slightly as his fingertips brushed against the bare skin of your back.
“All done.” He mumbled, pulling the knot tight.
“Thank you.” You crooned, patting his cheek lightly before wading over to where the rest of your friends were swimming about. In a desperate attempt at cooling his reddened cheeks, Jisung dunked himself in the cool water, shaking his hair out after resurfacing. Wiping water away from is eyes, he joined his friends, latching himself onto Minho’s back as he watched you laugh at something Chan had just said. The water perfectly reflected the sun’s rays, basking you in a warm glow. Jisung only prayed Minho couldn’t feel the way his heart beat faster at the image of you.
Having spent nearly two hours playing in a pool under the hot summer sun, you all slowly gravitated out of the water to bask on the pool chairs. The sun embraced you in a comforting warmth after being in the cool water for so long, and you happily lay on your stomach. You had nearly slipped out of consciousness when a foot nudged you on the side. Glancing up, you found Jisung sat on the chair next to you, everyone else having gone inside a few minutes before.
“We’re all gonna get cleaned up and then watch a movie, you sticking around?”
You nodded sleepily, rolling over and holding out your hands for Jisung to grab onto and help pull you up.
“Can I stay over tonight? I don’t think I’ll be awake enough to drive back home.”
“Of course, did you bring anything to sleep in?”
“I’ve left enough clothes here over the years to have my own closet in your house.” You snorted, bumping your shoulder with his.
“I think my mom was actually talking about setting up one of our guest rooms as your own personal room, you’re here so often.”
“What can I say, your parents treat me better than my own.” You laughed lightly, shrugging your shoulders. Before Jisung was able to express his concern, you had already bolted inside. Sighing heavily, Jisung made his way to his own room only to find you rifling through his drawers.
“Ah, perfect!” You held up one of his worn band t-shirts that lay around from his brief pop-punk phase during high school. “I can’t believe you still have this thing.”
“You always wear it when you sleep over, how could I get rid of it?”
“Aw, Jisung you’re so thoughtful!” You cooed, ruffling his hair as you walked past him to get to one of the many bathrooms. “I’ll take the shower down the hall, I’m guessing we’re meeting in the cinema.”
Jisung nodded, eyes following you down the hall before you disappeared into the bathroom. He shuffled around his room, grabbing clean clothes, before making his way to the bathroom attached to his room. The warm water of the shower helped him clear his head, if only momentarily, of all thoughts of you. After showering, he quickly got dressed. Towelling his hair dry, Jisung made his way down the stairs and towards the small in home cinema in the basement.
“For once Y/n isn’t the last one to show up!” Changbin cheered, earning himself a sharp kick to his side courtesy of you.
“Yea, we thought you were drowning in there or something.”
Jisung chucked his towel at Seungmin, the now damp cloth landing squarely on his head. Seungmin squawked, frantically pulling the material off, exclaiming something about how disgusting Jisung was. Laughing at his friend’s vexation, Jisung plopped down in between where you and Woojin sat.
“Hey c’mon man.” Woojin groaned, Jisung having practically sat on top of him.
“Let me sit next to my best friend!” He whined.
“Yea because you guys never saw each other when you were off at university together four hours away from the rest of us.”
Jisung only stuck his tongue out in response, nuzzling further into the cushions and your side. Almost as a reflex, you brought your hand up to run through his hair, Jisung automatically relaxing into you.
“Since someone decided to take an hour in the shower we decided on watching The Wailing.”
“Oh c’mon I was only in there for like, fifteen minutes tops this is so unfair!”
“Listen, it’s already started!”
“Don’t worry I’ll protect you.” You whispered into his ear, a teasing lilt to your voice.
“Shut up.” He mumbled, but he still found himself tightening his grip on your waist a tad bit more. Sensing his acceptance, you smiled lightly and continued to stroke his head.
Jisung barely noticed when the lights turned back on; considering his head was practically buried into your chest it made sense he was unable to notice the change in lighting. You were about to lightly nudge him when Woojin delivered a sharp smack to the back of Jisung’s head. He jolted further into your embrace before he lifted his head up, scowling at both the harsh lighting and the pain of Woojin’s slap.
“What was that for?” He groaned, rubbing the sore area.
“Movie’s over.” Woojin gave a curt response, still sour over being squashed earlier.
“I can see that. Now all of you get out of my house.”
“So rude, not even seeing us out.” Chan tsked, shaking his head. “Y/n, shouldn’t you be heading out too? It’s getting pretty late.”
You shook your head. “Nah, I’m sleeping over tonight. Too tired.”
“Ok kids, stay safe, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
“Shut up old man.”
“Again, I’m barely older than you guys!”
“Old enough!” Jeongin’s voice sounded from the hallway.
“I’ll see you two later, I gotta go kill Jeongin real quick.” Chan flashed a sickeningly sweet smile before taking off, the sounds of Jeongin’s screams reverberating around the house.
“Can we eat? I’m pretty sure we skipped dinner.” Your voice pulled Jisung’s attention away from his murderous friend.
“Oh, shit you’re right I’m so sorry. I think there’s some leftovers from my parents’ brunch party yesterday, how’s that sound?”
“That sounds perfect.” You grinned, already standing up to head out of the room. The two of you padded towards the kitchen, Jisung pulling the refrigerator open as you sat at the island countertop. The microwave hummed, cold leftovers rotating in an almost mesmerizing manner.
“What are your parents off doing this time?” You questioned, choosing to break the comfortable silence.
“Hm? Oh, they’re trying to expand the European branch, hoping they’ll be able to pull off more trips to Italy cloaked as business trips.”
“Smart, my parents are doing the same thing in Singapore. Trying to break into the Crazy Rich Asians crowd.”
“Man, we should’ve been cast in that movie.”
“Yea, because we definitely look like we’re in our mid-twenties and early-thirties.”
Jisung focused on you for a moment, eyes squinting. You felt your cheeks flush, caught off guard by his intense gaze. Seemingly coming to a conclusion, he nodded his head.
“You could definitely pass.” He grinned.
“Do you want to die?” You exclaimed, springing out of your chair and rushing over to him, wrapping your arm around his neck in a feeble attempt at a headlock.
“You walked into that one, what was I supposed to do?” Jisung cackled, a mixture of laughter and wheezing escaping his lungs.
“Doesn’t mean you had to say it.” You whined, dropping your arms, effectively releasing him from your grasp.
“You know I love you.” Jisung pinched your cheeks and you promptly swatted his hands away.
The microwave chimed and Jisung opened the door, pulling your plate out. Placing it beside his own on the counter, you both sat down and began eating.
“Did your chef make all of this? It’s fucking delicious.” You exclaimed, words muffled by chewed up waffles.
“How ladylike.” Jisung winced. “And they actually got catering for this, the chef is on a family vacation right now.”
“You have to give me their contact info, this is exactly what I want for our midsummer’s bash.”
“I thought your parents didn’t want breakfast for dinner.”
“They’re letting me organize the event for once so it’s my choice.” You huffed, stabbing at the strawberries Jisung had diligently sliced up for you.
“Ok, well I’ll ask my parents to send me the information and I’ll send it to you.”
“Thank you Jisung!” You sang, happily shovelling another piece of waffle into your mouth.
After finishing your meal, the two of you headed upstairs to get washed up. Mouths full of toothpaste, Jisung crossed his eyes at you through the mirror and you almost choked on your spit from laughter. You poked his cheeks in retaliation, causing Jisung to jump away from your offending finger. Spitting into the sink, you rinsed your mouth, waiting for Jisung to do the same before heading towards his bedroom. Without hesitation you dove into his queen sized bed, turning on his bedside lamp so that he could turn off the overhead lights. Jisung lifted up the covers, sliding in hastily and turning to face you.
“Hi.” You grinned, tangling your legs together.
“Your feet are cold.” He whined, kicking desperately to escape your vice like grip but to no avail.
“You can’t get rid of me that easily.” Laughing, you wrapped your arms around his torso to further prove your point. Now face to face with you, Jisung’s eyes darted in an attempt to avoid your gaze, cheeks flushed red. God, why did you have to be so pretty?
“I wish we could have spent more time together at school.” You sighed, loosening your arms in order to lazily finger at the hem of his shirt.
“We literally hung out all the time, what are you talking about?”
“I mean, I don’t know, I just wish I wasn’t such a baby.”
“I’m not following you.”
You inhaled deeply before letting out a huff of frustration. The room grew silent as Jisung waited for you to collect your thoughts and, hopefully, explain exactly what you were talking about.
“I’m scared, Jisung. Scared of what my parents will think, what the guys will think, what you will think.”
“You’re the one scaring me here, Y/n. What’s going on? Are you - you’re not pregnant are you?” Jisung’s heartbeat sped up at the thought of you with anyone else besides him. He was with you all the time, there was no way he would have missed another guy, and there was no way you wouldn’t tell him if you were in a relationship.
“No, dumbass.” You rolled your eyes, smacking his stomach.
“Well then tell me what’s going on!” He exclaimed, growing frustrated with your rambling tangents.
“Fine. You know how we didn’t share any classes all year even though you were taking basically all business courses and how you kept asking me about it every day and I’d always just say I was in different timeblocks?”
“I didn’t take any business classes last semester. In fact, I haven’t taken any since I got to uni. I’m not a business major, Jisung. The reason you haven’t seen me in class or even around campus is because I’ve only taken courses in the liberal arts.”
Jisung faltered. It all made sense, he supposed. At least, why he never saw you during the school day. He had believed your excuses, you made compelling arguments. There were a few times he had wandered out of the business department towards the History Triangle when he could have sworn he saw you, but he had brushed it off as a fluke. People were allowed to inhabit areas of campus that didn’t pertain to their major, afterall.
“I tried to take a business course first semester, in fact my whole schedule was business and stats and all that bullshit. But I went to my first class and sat there and I just, I couldn’t do it Jisung. I felt like, if that was what my future was gonna be, I didn’t want to have a future. After that first class I dropped all the other ones and signed up for random courses and I found out I have a real affinity for history and literature. I wanted to tell you, Jisung, I really did but I was just so scared you’d hate me and, god please don’t be mad at me.”
“I’m not mad you’re not doing business, Y/n. It was pretty obvious all throughout high school you hated it. I’m just mad you didn’t tell me.”
“I already said I tried—”
“I’m your best friend. You shouldn’t be scared of me. Do you even know why I decided to go to the same school as you? I got into the same school as Changbin, you know, I could’ve stayed here if I wanted to.”
Your eyes widened in shock; when you were receiving acceptance letters Jisung had made it seem as though he had only gotten into the same school as you.
“I went there for you, Y/n. I - I didn’t want you to be alone and—”
“You didn’t have to do that…”
“Let me finish. You were so excited when you found out we both got in, I couldn’t just abandon you. I know you only went because of your parents. Plus, the business department is better there, but don’t tell Changbin I said that.”
“Don’t lie Jisung. I know that was your dream school.”
“My dream school is wherever you are.”
“Oh my god shut up you idiot.” You rolled your eyes, pinching his chest. Swiftly, he engulfed your hand in his own and held it pressed to his chest.
“I’m serious, Y/n. You’re really, you’re so dense sometimes. I thought you were supposed to be the smart one out of the two of us.” Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion and Jisung only sighed in frustration. “I’m in love with you, idiot.” He blurted out, cheeks flushing as he averted his eyes to the window that lay behind you.
“You’re what?” You shot up right, eyes blown wide.
“I’m in love with you?” He mumbled, eyes still refusing to meet your own. Pushing him onto his back, you moved to straddle him with your arms crossed over your chest, eyes narrowed.
“Han Jisung, just how long have you been in love with me?”
“I don’t know…a couple of years?”
“Years? God, you’re right, I am an idiot.”
“Can you just reject me already, I’m dying of embarrassment down here.”
“Reject you? Why the hell would I do that? Han Jisung I’ve been in love with you since sophomore year of high school when you fucking spilled your water on me during soph hop.”
Jisung sat up, his arms wrapping around your waist to steady you. “Why would you fall in love with me then? That’s, like, in my top ten most embarrassing moments, right in front of this one.”
“Because you practically started crying you were so scared I was gonna stop being friends with you.” You laughed fondly at the memory. “You were so cute, shoving napkins at me. When you took off your jacket so that I could wear it, I don’t know, I just kind of fell for you.”
“God, how are we both the most dumb?” He groaned, burying his head in your chest.
“We can be dumb together.” You laughed, stroking the top of his head.
“You’re serious? I mean, you really do like me?”
“No, Jisung, I love you.” You reiterated, cupping his cheeks to bring him eye level to you.
“Good.” He mumbled, eyes locked with your lips. “Now can I please kiss you? These past few years have been torture without them.”
“You act as though I’ve kissed you before.”
“Don’t you remember? Winter break, junior year, in the cabin?”
“Oh god don’t remind me of that. There’s no way it counts as our first kiss, it was horrible.”
“I thought it wasn’t that bad.” Jisung pouted.
“Dude I was so drunk. Just kiss me already.”
Jisung gladly complied, tightening his hold on your waist as he leaned up slightly to press his lips to yours.
Your first kiss had taken place during an impromptu game of spin the bottle sat on the first floor of Hyunjin’s family cabin. You had probably drank a little bit too much and Jisung was no better. When the bottle had landed on you after Jisung spun, his heart nearly fell right out of his ass and directly onto the plush carpeted floor. It was a sloppy kiss, barely lasting five seconds, and it was overpowered by the taste of alcohol on your lips. This kiss trumped that first one by a landslide, and Jisung definitely didn’t mind if you both chose to forget it ever happened in favor of this one. His lips melded with yours perfectly, taking a moment to warm up to each other before you both began to move in unison. Hands still holding his cheeks, you moved to run your fingers through his hair, pulling a muffled sigh from his lips. Without a second thought, Jisung’s hands ran down your waist to gently cup your ass. Pulling away in surprise, you eyed the wide smirk spread across his face.
“Han Jisung you cheeky boy.”
Jisung only laughed in response, already swooping in for another kiss.
You stood in front of your parents study, wringing your hands together from nerves. Jisung’s hands were on your waist, rubbing soothing circles into your side. It had been a week since you and Jisung became official and your entire inner circle already knew. No one was shocked, in fact both of your parents were completely overjoyed and the boys almost broke a table out of excitement (Minho might have got a little teary-eyed when he found out but he begs to differ). There was already talk of a wedding floating around, which you and Jisung chose to ignore for the sake of your own sanity. After you and Jisung had settled down from your initial lovers high, he had somehow convinced you to tell your parents that you weren’t studying business, which leads us to where you’re currently stood.
“Can you please come with me to tell my parents? They probably won’t kill me if you’re there.” You whined, tugging at his shirt sleeve.
“Sorry, baby, you’re on your own for this one. You can do it, be strong, I believe in you.”
“Yea, I get to call you that now. The perks of being your boyfriend.”
“Yes, the perks are calling me gross pet names, not the great honor of being able to call me your girlfriend.”
“Baby is not a gross pet name, it’s cute!”
“Sure, Han.”
“Just go in, I’ll be right out here, ok?”
Taking in a shaky breath, you nodded and pulled at the end of your skirt in an attempt to straighten it out. Jisung placed a quick peck on your forehead and pushed the door open for you, watching it swing shut behind you. Undeniably stressed for you, Jisung wiped his sweaty palms on the front of his pants and took a seat on the bench facing your parent’s office. His leg bounced uncontrollably as he strained his ears, trying to catch any snippet of the conversation taking place inside. A loud shriek sounded from behind the door, no doubt your mother, and Jisung winced at the exclamation. He had half a mind to go in and help, but you were strong and he knew you could handle it on your own. Besides, he’d probably somehow end up worsening the situation. A few more minutes passed with no further exclamations and Jisung thought it best to distract himself. Sitting back on the bench so that his back met the wall, Jisung took out his phone and began mindlessly playing whatever app he could find.
Nearly half an hour passed before the door slowly creaked out, your expression unreadable as you made your way over to sit beside him. Fumbling with his phone, he pocketed the device and turned to face you, his hands automatically going to hold your own.
“Well…?” He trailed off, unsure of whether he should console or congratulate you.
“They’re not that happy, at least not my mom as you could probably hear. My dad was more sympathetic, I don’t think he ever really expected me to take over the business, to be honest. My mom’ll get over it, too. Eventually. For now party planning privileges have been taken away so no more breakfast for dinner at the midsummer bash.” You shrugged. “Oh yea, also this month’s allowance has been taken away but that’s just because my dad’s mad I didn’t tell him right away. Guess the Jimmy Choo’s will have to wait.”
“See, that’s not so bad! Honestly, I’m a little surprised that’s all.”
“If we weren’t dating it’d definitely be much worse. However, since everyone’s convinced we’re getting married, they figure we’ll just merge our companies together when you take over for your parents.”
Jisung’s cheeks flushed at the mention of marriage and nodded along to your parent’s reasoning. “See, now aren’t you glad we’re dating?”
“What made you think I wasn’t glad to begin with?”
“I’m teasing, baby.”
“I will break up with you if you keep calling me that.”
“You wouldn’t dare. We’re getting married soon, remember?”
“Slow your roll there buddy, it’s been one week.”
“A man can dream.”
Jisung once again found himself sprawled across your bed as you prepared for the midsummer’s bash. He absentmindedly threw your stuffed bear up into the air, catching it as it came back down.
“You know it’s kind of rude to show up late to your own party.” He called out, giving up on the bear and focusing on your back instead.
“Technically it’s not my party since I wasn’t allowed to plan.” You quipped back, perfecting your winged eyeliner.
“Is it really a great idea to piss off your mom more than she already is?”
“Oh she doesn’t care, she’s busy fretting over her precious lobster spread.”
“You are so petty, you know that right?”
“But you still love me.” You grinned, spinning around in your chair to face him. “All done.”
“Let’s go, princess.”
“Hmmm, princess, I like that a lot better than baby.”
“Finally, a pet name she agrees to.” Jisung flung his arms up in mock exasperation, moving to pull you up out of your chair. “C’mon, let’s go grace everyone with your lovely presence.”
“As you wish.” You placed your hand into his outstretched palm, standing up to head outside.
Your entire backyard was lit up by thousands of fairy lights, round tables covered in white lace perfectly placed so that wide area was left open to act as a dance floor. A string quartet sat on a raised platform, Mozart floating around the open area. Friends and business partners mingled about the premise and you immediately spotted your group of friends clustered around the banquet table. You tugged lightly at Jisung’s hand, pulling him over to where they stood.
“A chocolate fountain, nice touch.”
“Breakfast for dinner is better you traitor.” You huff, releasing his hand as an act of protest as you approached the table.
“Uh oh, trouble in paradise already?” Felix laughed, chocolate staining his pristine new polo shirt.
“You spilled, idiot.” Seungmin pointed out.
“Fuck mom’s gonna kill me.” He mumbled, immediately grabbing a glass of water and dabbing at the brown splotch.
“And we thought we were the dumb ones.” Jisung laughed into your ear.
“Sorry I don’t talk to traitors.” You quipped, crossing your arms while turning to face Woojin.
“How did you already fuck this up Jisung? I was really rooting for you guys.” Minho groaned, punching Jisung’s arm.
“I just said the chocolate fountain was a good idea! Trust me, Y/n, breakfast for dinner would have been so much better than this.”
“Fine.” You sniffed haughtily, returning your hand to hold onto his forearm.
“Oh fuck my dad’s coming over.” Chan muttered. “He’s been bugging me all week about asking out the Kang’s daughter ever since you guys started dating. Gotta blast!” Promptly, he set his plate on the nearest table and made a beeline towards the now crowded dance floor.
“We’re gonna go too, Chan’s not the only one being pestered by adults to start dating.” All of your friends vacated the area and, before you could follow suit, Mr Bang’s hand landed squarely on Jisung’s shoulder, causing him to jump in surprise.
“Hello, Mr. Bang!” You greeted, a cordial smile immediately making its way onto your face.
“I’m so happy for you kids, really. It’s about time you two got together! The other kids need to step up their game before it’s too late.” He chuckled, taking a bite of the lobster that sat on his plate. “I heard the companies are gonna combine, think you can handle in, Han?”
“Oh he definitely can Mr. Bang! His grades are absolutely incredible, he’ll make a great CEO.” You smiled proudly up at Jisung, his face flushing at your praise.
“I’m not that great.” He mumbled, shuffling his feet awkwardly.
“Oh shut up you’re practically the top student in your major!”
“Ah, young love. These are gonna be some of the best days of your life, better enjoy them while you can. Enjoy the party, it’s wonderfully put together!” Mr. Bang exclaimed. “Your mother did a great job, Y/n.”
“Thank you, Mr. Bang, I’ll be sure to tell her.” You smiled through gritted teeth, Jisung wincing as you tightened your grip on his hand.
“But you know what would make this party so much better?” Mr. Bang leaned in closer as if ready to spill a juicy secret. “Three words: breakfast for dinner.” Too shocked to respond, you stood in silence as his wife called him over. Mr. Bang bid his farewell, plate of lobster legs in hand. Snapping out of your shock, a wide grin spread across your lips and you turned to face Jisung.
“See! I fucking told you it would bring this whole thing together!” You cried once he was out of ear shot, jabbing a finger into Jisung’s chest. He grabbed your finger, pressing a chaste kiss to the tip.
“How about we get out of here and find some breakfast of our own?” He winked, eyes reflecting the twinkling fairy lights strung around your backyard. Grinning in response, you grabbed his hand and led him towards his car, his grip tightening as you reached the front of your house. He could already taste the waffles.
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charliexhaeya · 5 years
Charlie Hae // Intro ☼
(  lee felix  ♡  twenty one  ♡  cismale  ♡   he/him  )   I   just  heard   CHARLIE HAE   blasting   to     HAPPINESS by PENTAGON  !    I   mean ,  it's   not    surprising .   the   squad    knows   them   as    THE  SUNSHINE  ,   since   they're    JUBILANT  &   FOOLISH …    maybe   that's   because   they're   a   huge    VIRGO .   on   a   good   day ,   you'll   find   them at    CENTRAL PARK .   let's    hope   to   see   more   of   them !  (  backy  ♡  25  ♡   she/her  )  Hello!! My name is Backy and this is my sunshine Charlie. He’s a new muse of mine so please bear with me while I work out the kinks! Allons-y! ☼
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☀️ The Basics ☀️ ☼ Full Name: Charlie Hae (The Sunshine) ☼ Talent claim / Faceclaim: Lee Felix ☼ Age: 21 ☼ Birthday: September 15 ☼ Languages: English, minimal Korean ☼ Occupation: Baker @ tbd ☼ Hobbies: Walking in the park, taking naps in the sunshine, baking, volunteering at the animal shelter, petting dogs, playing video games, dancing
☼ Zodiac: Virgo ☼ Sexuality: Pansexual ☼ Drinking, smoking, drugs: Yes, no, no ☼ Likes: The sun!!, cupcakes, flowers, tea, sweet food, cuddling, warm blankets, soft snow, crunchy leaves ☼ Dislikes: Sour food, the dark, spiders, fighting, loud noises, overcast weather ☼ Random HCs: Freckles!!, deep af aussie voice (the duality), loves wearing big soft sweaters (sweater paws!), actually randomly competitive and will kick your ass at video games, a pacifist but not as defenseless as he looks (might kick your ass physically too idk)  
☀️ The Personality ☀️ ☼ Jubilant: Always happy about something!! Gets really excited about the small things in life like little flowers growing from the sidewalk or that small patch of sunlight that shines through his window in the morning. Usually excited and has lots of energy just like the sun itself. Wants to spread his happiness and joy with everyone so expect lots of impromptu dancing and smiles. ☼ Caring: Loves his friends and is always trying to take care of them. Usually by bringing around baked good from the bakery or trying to cheer people up with good vibes. So reliable! Will absolutely love on you and try to help in whatever way he can. Maybe not so good at giving advice but will listen no matter what! ☼ Affectionate: Touchy & Cuddly!! Gives good hugs and always wants to be in other peoples’ personal space. Loves holding hands and getting piggyback rides. Just wants to be friends with everyone! Very #soft vibes when he’s not totally wound up.
☼ Clumsy: Always has scrapped knees or cuts on his fingers from trying to do kitchen things. He can bake like no tomorrow but it’s better not to let him near sharp things like knives or blenders. Should be supervised at all times and someone should make sure his shoes are tied properly before he leaves the house to prevent tripping (even if he probably will anyway). Has a horrible sense of balance unless he’s dancing. ☼ Foolish: Heckin’ gullible. Will believe anything you tell him probably but also kind of dense and can’t take a hint. Asks a lot of dumb questions but he just wants to learn!! Really loves life and wants to always believe that people have good intentions even when they definitely don’t. Has probably been the victim of a phone scam or five. ☼ Emotional: Really takes everything to heart and even though he’s good at pretending to be happy 24/7 sometimes he gets really sad if he thinks someone might dislike him or gets too aggressive with him. He really hates it when people fight and will probably blame himself even if he did nothing wrong. Doesn’t like to burden other people with his emotions but might start crying if he gets overwhelmed or hurt and might get homesick sometimes!
☀️ The History ☀️ ☼ o1. Okay gonna keep this short cuz it’s really not that important but Australian!! Has three older sisters and that honestly explains a lot. Grew up mostly playing with them and never really questioning that he wasn’t like the other boys. Not really one for the rough and tumble and kinda got bullied for it but his sisters beat the shit out of his aggressors anyways so. ☼ o2. He moved to New York to go to art school but dropped out because he realized he liked baking better. Besides, he was kinda failing but don’t tell his parents that (He couldn’t keep up with the theory). Now he’s a head baker at the bakery and even though he doesn’t make a lot of money he’s pretty happy with it! Spends most of the day designing cute cupcakes and making cakes for clients and weddings! He loves weddings.
☀️ The Wanted Connections ☀️ ☼ The Sun & The Moon – Someone with a total opposite personality!! Maybe awkward at first, maybe they don’t get along at all but eventually they’re two sides of the same coin. Taken by Micah (Miki // Future Ship!) ☼ Pseudo-Sister – Someone who reminds him of his sisters & protects him (even if he probably can protect himself). He’s kind of imprinted on her like a baby duck. In reality they’re actually really great friends (besties even!) just with a sibling type of relationship. Taken by Sunny (Gina // Soft spot!)
☼ BFFL – Just as it says! His ride or die, his platonic soulmate, the peanut butter to his jelly. We can work out the deets later! Taken by Miyo (Aly // Clumsy babies!), Doyun (Isa // BroTP!) ☼ Annoyed Protector – Someone who’s annoyed by Charlie but also soft for him at the same time. Might bully him a bit but if anyone else does it? Heaven forbid. Taken by Oliver (Miki // Hajima)
☼ First Aid – Someone who knows Charlie is a big dumb and will probably hurt himself on any given outing. Always has some band aids handy and makes sure he ties his shoes so he doesn’t trip!! Pretty much his mom friend, even if it is begrudgingly. Taken by Micah (Miki // Future Ship!)
☼ Emotional Confidant – Even though he cries easily, he tries not to. Someone who could comfort him!! Who he can rant to and let it all out with? He might be sunshine incarnate but he’s still a human with some very real emotions! Taken by Aiden (Isa // Big brother figure!), Doyun (Isa // BroTP!) 
☼ Platonic Cuddles – Pretty self-explanatory but cuddling with no meaning behind it. Honestly none of you are safe anyway whether you sign up or not. 
☼ Bad Influence – Someone who gets him to do “bad” things like getting shit faced and stuff. He loves dancing but is not sure about clubs and things like that. Kind of like a party sensei I guess.
☼ Flings? – I feel like he’s the type to be an angel in the streets but a devil in the sheets. Don’t let his cute and innocent look fool you! This boy is long past innocent. Taken by Dae (Aly // Exes on good terms!)
These are just some more specific plots I had in mind but totally willing to brainstorm other things if you’re not vibing with any of these! I’d love some other types of romance plots too (I’m just bad at thinking of them) and maybe some other types of friendship plots!
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themadlostgirl · 5 years
A New Game
*We got requests up in here tonight!*
Prompt: Felix & Peter compete over Y/N
Requested by: Anon
Warnings: none
Peter scanned the camp for Y/N. He finally spotted her talking with Felix. Laughing. Since when did Felix ever smile that big? It wasn’t the grin Peter was used to seeing on his second command. It was a lot...dopier. And Y/N...was she biting her lip? Touching his arm? Is this flirting? Are they flirting? Hell no!
“Felix!” Peter shouted for him. Felix’s dumb dopey smile dropped from his face, “A word.”
Felix stalked over to Peter, “You shouted?”
“What uh…” he glanced behind Felix at Y/N again. “What’s going on between you two?”
“Who? Y/N?”
“Yeah. Y/N.”
“Nothing. We were joking around.” Felix gripped his club tighter, “Can I not talk to my friends now?”
“Joking...certainly looked like a joke. You were practically drooling on her.”
“I’m not an idiot, Felix. You like her, don’t you?”
“Is there a problem if I do?”
“Not a problem. I just have a word of advice for you. It will never lead to anything. Not when she has me.”
“Are you two…?”
“Not officially or anything. But you see that it wouldn’t even be a choice. I’ve known her longer, I’m better friends with her, I didn’t immediately hate her when she first came to the island.”
“Oh? Is that how it is? It doesn’t matter that I make her laugh, I’m her first choice for a partner when we play games or do training, or how close we’ve gotten since we became friends?”
“I make her laugh plenty and the only reason she chooses you is because she can’t choose me.”
“The both of you sound pathetic to me.” the boys backed off. Neither had heard Devin approach. “It’s just Y/N. What are you two getting into such a tizzy about?”
“Who asked you?” Felix sneered.
“No one. But I am guessing that you two don’t want Y/N to know that you are fighting over her. Am I right?”
“What do you want in exchange for your silence?” Peter knew exactly where this was heading. Devin was one of Y/N’s closest friends and he wouldn’t just keep something like this to himself.
“One of you make a move. I am sick of watching you two fall over yourselves pining after her. It’s distracting to not only you but the rest of the camp. How are we supposed to look to our leader and his second in command when they trip up everytime our Lost Girl smiles at them?”
Felix and Peter looked at one another. Maybe they had gotten a little soft just thinking about their Lost Girl. Either one of them needed to step up or they could have an uprising on their hands. The only question was, which one? Peter knew they were both too stubborn to bow out gracefully. That’s even on the assumption that Y/N would even want to be with one of them. At the end of the day it was her decision.
“How do we do this?” Felix asked.
“A game. How else?”
This week has been...strange.
My days went on as they usually do. Training, playing, and hunting with the Lost Boys. But lately my routine was being interrupted with these moments with Peter and Felix. Not bad moments mind you. In fact they were rather sweet. I don’t think that’s a word I could have used for those boys before this week.
Peter had woken me up early the one morning and took me to the top of the Dead Man’s Peak to watch the sunrise over the island. All the soft colors and golden glow of the sun. It was beautiful.
That same afternoon Felix and I paired for a piggyback race with another group of boys. I should have known his lanky legs would have been our downfall. He tripped over a root sending us both hurtling towards the ground. He caught me though so that he took most of the impact. There we were sprawled on the ground with Felix cradling me so gently.
That night Peter pulled me into a dance around the fire. We had been pressed so close together and the way he was looked at me was so soft. For a moment I thought he may kiss me. I almost wanted him to.
I had a moment similar with Felix. We were tracking a boar for dinner one evening and the boar charged me. I dodged out of the way but landed badly and ended up hurting myself pretty badly. Felix took me aside and wrapped my hurt ankle and dabbed at the cut on my forehead. His hands were rough but I didn’t mind. If the boar hadn’t circled back around I don’t know what may have happened next.
And so the week went on. I wasn’t sure what the switch was but I was seeing them in a new light. I liked them both but I couldn’t exactly have them both. How do I choose between two great guys? They have their upsides and downsides.
They’re both great fun and can make me laugh. Not to mention they both look incredibly attractive. Peter’s got that mischievous, cocky stride and smirks that make my heart race. Felix is all tall with a lopsided grin that promises danger and fun.
Outside of their looks they can both be very kind individuals when they want to be. Felix is very attentive and goes to lengths to make sure that all is well. Peter cares but also knows when to let me take care of myself when I want to.
If I had to find fault in anything it was that Felix, while attentive and fun, isn’t very expressive with his feelings and intentions. It feels like he treats me as a good friend more than he would as something more. If I ever want to be close to him then I have to prod at him for it. Even with this week he didn’t seem all that comfortable showing any kind of affection when we weren’t completely alone.
As with Peter he makes his intentions more clear and has no problem letting me know that he wants more out of our relationship. But there is a part of him that is never truly honest. Whenever we’re together I’m happy but I can’t help but wonder if he’s keeping something from me or lying. I feel more like a pawn on his chessboard than the queen he insists I am.
It was a lot to think about. Too much for my mind alone to handle. After training the one day I grabbed Devin and hauled him away from the other’s for a chat. He listened intently as I prattled on about my problems.
“I know you probably don’t care but I needed someone to talk to about this.” I sighed, “What do you think I should do?”
“Normally I would help you but I can’t in this instance.” Devin gave me a sympathetic look.
“What? Why not?” I huffed. I know that this may be an awkward subject but Devin is my best friend! He should have something to say at least.
“It’ll affect the competition.” he shrugged.
“What competition?” I glared at Devin.
He muttered some obscenities under his breath. I grabbed a handful of his shirt and yanked him closer, “Tell me what you know or I will beat it out of you.”
“Alright, calm down,” He released my grip on his shirt, “Pan and Felix are having a competition over who gets to be with you. Whoever gets to make you swoon first is the winner.”
“I think you should be flattered. There’s two guys that like you enough to feel the need to fight over you.” Devin started to inch away, “Honestly I don’t see the mass appeal of you but that’s just me.”
I rubbed my temples trying to banish the migraine I could feel settling in. “You are such an asshole. Remind me why we’re friends.” I grumbled.
“Cause I’m apparently the one guy on the island that doesn’t want to put his dick in you.” I silenced Devin with another glare.
“As insulting as this idea of theirs is I would like to be with one of them. Lord only knows why. But I don’t want to be a prize in their dumb game.” I started pacing trying to alleviate the festering bloodlust building up inside me.
“So what are you gonna do?”
“They’re gonna play my game from now on and there will be no survivors.” I shot back towards camp. A plan already hatching in my head.
“Wha…” Peter sat up with a groan. He looked around and saw Felix laying down across from him. “Felix,” he kicked at him, “Felix, wake up.”
“What? What’s wrong?” Felix jolted awake, “What happened? Where are we?”
“I’m not sure.” Peter racked his brain trying to remember how they ended up here. Everything was normal. Peter was at the camp talking to Devin and then Y/N showed up with an apple for him. Then nothing. “What’s the last thing you remember?”
“Walking through the jungle, Y/N popped out of nowhere and offered me an apple. That’s it.”
“She offered you an apple too?”
“Hello boys,” Y/N’s voice drew them to a point in one of the surrounding trees where she sat with a smile that sent alarm bells blaring in Peter’s head. “Sorry about drugging you via fruit but I wanted this to be as hassle free as I could get it. Having a nice time?”
“Y/N, dearest, what’s happening?” Felix asked.
“A little birdie told me that you two were playing a game.” she smirked and the blood drained out of Peter and Felix’s faces. “Thing is it sounds like a pretty dull game. I have a much better one in mind.”
“Whatever you are thinking--”
“Peter, don’t talk. I’m about to explain the game.” she shushed him. “Thanks to a little spell book I found in Peter’s tent and some help from Devin I have created an impenetrable ring around the two of you. If you try to leave it will act as a wall. To get out you must play the game.”
“And what is the game?”
“Well, the two of you want to fight over me? Then fight over me. I was thinking to the death but after the bloodlust cleared I decided on good old fashioned beat the other into submission.”
“Seems unfair since one of us has magic,” Peter reminded her.
“I know, that’s why I also made the circle magic dampening. No spells are gonna work in there.” she propped her feet up and pulled out a canteen, “So on my mark you two go at it.”
“And then whoever is left standing gets to be with you?”
“Nope,” she smirked, “You get to fight me. If you win that fight then you can call yourself mine.”
Peter and Felix looked between themselves. This is not what they had in mind when they started this competition. Felix took a deep breath and looked to Peter. “You ready to do this?”
“Not like we have much of a choice now, do we?” Peter planted himself into a fighting stance. Felix did the same.
“Enough chit chat,” Y/N called, “Ready, set, fight!”
(Part 2)
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littleogreboii · 5 years
Summary:  Felix Agreste has been a shut in since the death of his best friend Bridgette Cheng and the disappearance of his brother Adrien Agreste. His only company is the AI, Ladybug, that downloaded itself onto his computer a year ago. However, there might be more to it than meets the eye, and his foster siblings, Nathaniel, Lila and Rose, might know more than him about the events that are happening. And what the ‘Heat Haze’ is. (Kagerou Project AU)
Chapter Summary: “Hey guys look over here!” She called them over. They all quickly swarmed. She stood proud with her hair tied in two pigtails. The red ribbon she had used shone. “Now, where like a secret brigade or something!” The trio stared in awe. “Like the Miraculous Team or something?”
The three of them laughed at that with Lila speaking up. “That’s so cringey.”
Bridgette flushed. “What? I thought it was cool!” She defended. “Like we were superheroes or something.”
Warning: Suicide, Bullying and Major Character Death
Particular Cover I like for this
English Lyrics: Jubyphonic
1 2 
Again those years run on by
My mind filling up with only family
"Ayano now’s your big sister everyone"
"so try to get along with her for me please"
Bridgette thought back to the time where everything went wrong and it seemed every sign pointed towards Felix’s family. Yet, she couldn’t bring herself to regret being so mesmerised by them. They were so different to her own family and she was intrigued.
There was Felix. He was so quiet and withdrawn, but she couldn’t mistake the serenity on his face when he found a good book or created a good design. He tried to push her away constantly, yet she could see the walls he made desperate to crumble. He didn’t know how to let someone in and she wanted to be the first. She wanted to see all the expressions he was capable of. She could almost picture them, but to see the real deal was a dream. There was a glimpse she’d seen once. He’d been trying to get a book down in the library and managed to bring the whole row of books down. His flustered expression as he’d glanced about to see if anyone had seen his blunder was frankly adorable. She knew she loved him. She never thought she’d like such a sarcastic, introverted person, but now, she couldn’t imagine life not sitting beside him in class. Then, there were the supposed study sessions they did after school at his house, which mainly consisted of him reading and her interacting with his family. Although, initially it consisted of her watching him while pretending to study.
Adrien was usually around, but due to his health, he tended to retreat to his room in the evening. She suspected he spent most of his energy during his tutoring, especially trying to impress Marinette. She found it funny watching Adrien and Marinette interact. Adrien would throw out joke after joke, which she personally found hilarious, and Marinette would pretend not to like them. However, she knew Marinette was into him. She once hoped they’d be able to go on double dates together.
She still remembered when she was first introduced to Adrien and Felix’s younger siblings. Mr Agreste had recently adopted them, which confused her but she wasn’t going to complain. As even if Mr Agreste rarely ever spent time with them, she knew they’d be loved. Adrien had an endless supply of love and Felix would grow protective of them like he did with Adrien.
However, she also wanted to do her bit for the trio and she nearly cried when Felix introduced her to them. “This is Bridgette. I guess she’ll be like a big sister for you so do try and get along with her for me please.”
Little house of crimson brick, we all had fit inside of that place
To and fro they whispered back, making plans of their own so it seemed
Looking deep into their eyes, so red in all three and then I see
Hidden just beneath are memories grown ups never see
She didn’t quite understand when the treehouse appeared, but she suspected it had something to do with Adrien. He had a way with words when he wanted to and Gabriel, although distant, appeared to have some sort of soft spot for the boy. However, as she climbed up it, she began to realise Felix may have also had an influence on the design of the treehouse. It’s design was far too elegant for Adrien to have designed it alone because the boy had a habit of drawing a little black cat on anything he made.
When she reached the top though, she was alarmed to find the three of them sat close together and whispering. They were already far away from the house yet they huddled together like they would be caught doing something they shouldn’t. It was only her second time meeting them and the first had been so rushed, she hadn’t got a chance to take a proper look at them. So, while standing at the top of the ladder, she took a moment to just watch.
And it hit her. Red. Their eyes were a deep red.  Something had happened. Something the grownups can’t see. There was more to these three kids than met the eyes, and she wanted to find out what.
Terror in his face he said "I'm a monster deep inside" filled with fear
But they're wrong and so I said "That's not true at all, just look here"
"That red you hate so much, a hero wears it proud! No really"
"It's okay, no need to be afraid anymore"
When she first tried to get close to them, Nathaniel glared at me and stated. “I’m a monster deep inside.” It was meant to be threatening, a warning, but all she saw was the pain and fear which was consuming him. And she thought to herself ‘how could children think this way?’
She thought for a moment, before grinning. “That’s not true.” She grabbed a comic book which sat in the corner of the treehouse. “Just look here you see!” She pointed at Ironman who stood proudly on the front cover. “That red you hate, well he wears it proudly and he’s a superhero. So there’s no need to be so afraid, ok?”
Thinking of what'd be fun, or might be dumb,
I was a big sister and tried my best to
"Hey guys, look over here!" A crimson muffler I wrapped around me
"A secret brigade -er something"
Her days she spent staring at Felix were quickly changed into days of planning what to do with the three of them. She wanted to bring laughter back into their lives and the way to do that was with fun activities, or even dumb activities. She was determined to be the best big sister out there.
Lila was the easiest, or at least she thought she was. Truth be told, she wasn’t sure. Lila wasn’t exactly forthcoming on her opinions, but she looked happy and that was enough for Bridgette. She was sure if Lila truly hated it all, she would have said something already. Besides, she couldn’t let insecurities overtake her now, not when the children needed her.
Rose was easily overwhelmed and didn’t particularly like being out in public. Bridgette had heard from Nathaniel that Rose was bullied in school, but Lila would often stand up for her. However, Bridgette knew that there was more to it than that. Lila could stop the verbal and the physical bullying, but she couldn’t stop the thoughts the bullies had and that was all the bullies needed to hurt Rose. It was terrifying. Any thought Bridgette held could potentially be heard by Rose and she dreaded the day Rose heard someone she love think something negative about her.
Nathaniel was a challenge. He was similar to Felix in a way, yet he hadn’t been able to put up all his walls at this point. Bridgette would stop him before it happened. She wouldn’t let him close himself off from her. He was shy and sometimes, it was hard to notice him. He snuck up on her constantly, usually causing her to drop something or trip over. She hoped with time he’d open up to her because he was such a kind boy.
“Hey guys look over here!” She called them over. They all quickly swarmed. She stood proud with her hair tied in two pigtails. The red ribbon she had used shone. “Now, where like a secret brigade or something!” The trio stared in awe. “Like the Miraculous Team or something?”
The three of them laughed at that with Lila speaking up. “That’s so cringey.”
Bridgette flushed. “What? I thought it was cool!” She defended. “Like we were superheroes or something.”
“But who would be the supervillain?” Rose questioned.
“Felix.” Bridgette stated with zero hesitation.
“Really?” Nathaniel looked up with large eyes.
“Yes.” She nodded, crossing her arms. “We must go defeat him with love and affection.” And they all set off.
Dye it in madder of roses, so we can begin
Just because we play heroes, it doesn't mean nothing
"So maybe just a little we'll smile again"
And always be one big happy family
It became a regular occurrence. Bridgette would come round and they would play heroes. Although, Felix argued they were more villains than anything with all their pranks. He did nothing to stop them though, even going as far as to let them put fake cat ears on him. The cat ears of course being a courtesy of Adrien, who also enjoyed watching them, even going as far as to join in on days he felt well enough.
It was surprising, but Nathaniel’s leadership skills slowly began to come out. He was timid about it, but the elaborate plans he sometimes came up with were insane. Bridgette was impressed and every time he would carefully slide a plan other to her, she couldn’t help the praise that endlessly slipped from her lips. Sometimes the plans even had illustrations and it brought a smile to her face knowing Adrien was teaching him how to draw. She just hoped Nathaniel didn’t pick up Adrien’s habit of putting cat ears on everything.
Lila seemed to reveal herself as quite a wicked character. The worst pranks always came from her and ended up being the ones which would cause Felix to chase them around the garden. However, she was also the best at feigning innocence, easily passing the blame onto one of the others. Rose had reported to Bridgette that Lila virtually had the whole of the school in the palm of her hand. It made Bridgette proud to say the least.
Rose plans were the most innocent. They were usually something as simple as prank Adrien by filling his room with paper cranes or ambush Felix with hugs. That kindness was something Bridgette hoped Rose would keep with her for the rest of her life.
Bridgette never voiced it because she knew they wouldn’t take it seriously, but there was reason behind her actions. She longed to see them all turn to her with beaming grins for they were her family through and through. Even Gabriel seemed to be accepting of her role in the house and by that she meant he hadn’t said anything about it.
I hope they're happy and laughing at every new day
And if they just couldn't take it, they won’t run away
"Now listen close, hear this secret for you"
And so the sun sets on a day fun and new
Occasionally, Bridgette would sit and simply watch the others. It was blissful to see them all running around and playing together. She wanted this happiness to last forever and she prayed that she had helped even just a little. She wanted the happiness to swallow them to the point they can’t contain it yet she hoped it wouldn’t scare them away. It had already been scary enough when Rose ran away at one point. She’d been missing for two days before returning with no explanation. However, after the incident, Rose had seemed to relax and even though she would be gone some evenings, she seemed happier than ever. Bridgette had her suspicions of what had bloomed within Rose but she didn’t voice it. Rose would learn in due time.
Bridgette would lean over and pull all of them into a hug. “Now listen close, hear this secret for you.” And she would lower her voice before continuing. “I love you.” Felix would sometimes ask what had been said and they would simply grin. Each day would be brought to a close, brimming with happiness.
Blowing spring into the air, the adult world we knew was changing too
Something wrong I couldn't see, like a plan of their own so it seemed
Billow tears and fade away, the people that I love keep crying out
No one seems to notice but it's all dying into black
At one point, Bridgette found herself in Gabriel’s office. She’d been called into see him, much to her confusion. Yet when she’d entered, he was nowhere in sight. All that was left was several documents on his desk. On first inspection, it had appeared to be nothing more than papers about his students, Marinette and Adrien, but it wasn’t. The word ‘subject’ was littered throughout the document, and she took a moment to skim through it. The ‘Heat Haze’ was repeated a few times and the trio were even mentioned. Something had occurred to give the trio those red eyes and there was no way she was going to risk letting anymore suffering happen. She took a glance out the door, checking both ways, before beginning her search. What she found shocked her. There were papers detailing what happened to Lila, Nathaniel and Rose, and reading further, there was even a plan to achieve similar results with Adrien and Marinette. She had to stop it.
At a similar time, Marinette began being plagued by a nightmare. She never got the full details, but apparently, it was the same dream each time. Rose’s bullying had also gotten worse to the point that she was coming home each day in tears. Nathaniel became even more distant and Bridgette found herself constantly having to call out to him. Lila seemed to smile even more than before, seemingly oblivious to everything that was happening, but Bridgette had come to realise by this point that it was simply a mask Lila wore. Adrien’s health seemed to be getting worse and it was increasingly rare for him to play with them. Felix was rarely ever heard from, appearing to be constantly busy, yet to Bridgette it just appeared as though there was something on his mind.
All the adults seemed to be blissfully unaware of what was happening. They didn’t see their struggles and if the noticed, they passed it off as nothing more than the worries of a child. They refused to acknowledge their problems.
It's all gone wrong, but now I knew deep down
I couldn't tell a single soul how I felt
"God no, oh please don't destroy what I had found"
In came a world where our happiness died and flew out
She kept her thoughts to herself. She didn’t even tell Felix what she’d discovered. Shockingly, she even managed to keep it a secret from Rose. Everytime she went round their house now, she would have to force herself to focus on other things. She locked them up and hid the key out of reach.
Every night, she would beg the haze. “God no, oh please don’t destroy what I had found. Don’t take their smiles away. They still have so much left to live. They deserve so much. Please, you can’t take it away from them. I’m begging you.” Yet, the happiness continued to stay hidden.
Oh madder red no, I beg you, can take no more
Why can't you stop breaking futures so there'll be tomorrow?
The tears never stop falling the answer is clear
Hiding behind smiles from ear to ear
So, she made a plan while she maintained her play pretend. She continued to play with the trio, putting her heart and soul into it. She pretended that nothing was wrong and made her smile as large as possible. If the others wouldn’t smile, she would smile enough for them. In the meantime, she continued begging the red that plagued them. Each day, she would hope tomorrow would finally come and their happiness would return. Each day though, she found herself continuing to fake that smile.
If they were my eyes, such red eyes, I wonder could I
be their one and only hero who saves their future?
I'm clumsy awkward and shameful no less
But on this mission, I must go alone...
Finally, her plan was complete and all that was left was to put it in motion. This time she would be the hero. She was probably the worst fit for the mission. She wasn’t smart like Felix. She wasn’t elegant like Adrien. She wasn’t confident like Lila. And, she certainly wasn’t the right fit to go up against someone as powerful as Gabriel. Yet, she was the only one who could. She couldn’t push this mission onto anyone else, she wouldn’t forgive herself for doing so.
She left no note and told no one. She simply went into school in the evening after visiting the Agreste’s. They wouldn’t notice at the moment. They were all too stressed about Adrien, who had collapsed earlier. She snuck up to the roof and looked across the city.
And she lept.
Now I'm gone and wonder what the brigade is doing now and hope again
They're smiling all the time and they're getting along with each other
They probably hate me now or maybe just hurt
I wonder, have I become for them their big sister by now?
She lingers in the haze, unable to leave. Her thoughts linger on the Agreste’s. She tries to picture them with smiling faces. She hopes Lila isn’t teasing Nathaniel and Rose too much, and Nathaniel isn’t retreating too much into his shell, and Rose has been able to stand up to her bullies. She doesn’t want to think about how they feel about her now, yet it nags at her. They probably hate her. She hurt them, even if she did it to save them. She wonders if she’s finally of the title of big sister. She wishes she could ask them.
Will you remember the word I loved with every bit inside me?
That "happiness" ah how strange it is, the feeling
And as tomorrow breaks, I hope you love it too
Their safety fills her will all the happiness she needs and she hopes that with each passing day they will also grow to love happiness.
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monohart · 6 years
bread. (highschool!au)
ft. hwang hyunjin, bread and angst-fluff.
chan bet you couldn’t make bread
you bet you could
changbin put 50 bucks for can’t
everyone betted against you, including your boyfriend hyunjin
he gave you a wink from the other side of the room and you didn’t know whether to laugh or cry
he wasn’t kidding when he warned you last night that if you bet against them, they’re either all for you, or all against you
you couldn’t even take out your anger on him for being so annoying without being too obvious
because hyunjin wasn’t a fan of pda... or any publicity for that matter
so it was silly but none of the others knew you two were going out
y’all been dating in secret for almost a full year
“i just don’t wanna share you with the others”
it was a pathetic excuse but the relationship was between you two only so who cares if nobody else knew
you didn’t spend most an entire summer learning to bread and pastries with your aunt to Lose the bet
but long story short you won the bet and you were like the tax collector that day
changbin lowkey thought you were pretty cool hated you from then
in the afternoon, hyunjin ditched soccer practice to hang out with you because he was kinda very extremely super proud that you pulled through with the bet and showed the boys what you were capable of
the entire time they ate your bread he was just like
wow... damn i’m lucky
you had lots of assignments to get through so he came to help
you guys didn’t really have a secret hideout so you brought him home.
one thing led to another and
y’all ended up snuggling on your carpet
he was in his soccer gear aka Dirty™ so you didn’t let him on the bed
but at the same time you were so deprived of getting pampered by him so the carpet had to do
“but now i’ve dirtied your carpet, haven’t i?”
you punch him and he laughs his stupid cute little laugh :<
you send him off right before dinner because y’all didn’t want parents to start asking questions about you two
seungmin was your neighbour and should be coming home from soccer practice (the one hyunjin ditched) so the goodbye was short and sweet
you watch him sprint down the street and turn to you just before disappearing around the corner, to blow you another kiss
he was a soft baby to you but when it came to his friends the most he could do was sit next to you and tease you till no end
and quite often his teasing made you really quite genuinely annoyed at him bc
lol hwang hyunjin is a lil shit have you seen him
sometimes you hated him for being such an ass in front of his friends
but then you think of the soft moments like when y’all cuddle and kiss and go on secret dates... you always forgive him in the end.
not too long later everything happened, you had the urge to make bread again.
and this time you wanted to bake one just for him!!!
also bc your first anniversary was coming up yo it should be cute and special right? :))
you didn’t tell him your plans and neither of you spoke about the special day.
you decide it was all gonna be a surprise.
when the day came, you got up extra early to make sure you made the perfect loaf.
you weren’t disappointed with your results!!! it looked and smelt amazing and hyunjin would love it
you took the earlier bus to get to school bc you were gonna wait outside the gym for him bc he had compulsory gym training.
thankfully you knew only hyunjin and woojin were gonna be at the session so you really only had to avoid one person
that was woojin
poor woojin lol he was kinda happy to see u but you pretended to not hear him through your headphones
when hyunjin walked out, your heart dropped like 10-fold bc he had like 29475959 friends from his other classes with him
so you yell out his name and pass the well-wrapped loaf to him
he did that dick move where he smiled and halfassed a nod to you and continue walking with his friends
honestly.. honestly honestly.. you were a bit like :/
only because he seemed indifferent to see you and stuff
but like ok whatever at least he took it
but you also had another present for him which was a card and letter you spent a lot of time on
so you push past his friends to walk beside him ask if y’all could perhaps talk
“we’re talking now, aren’t we?”
and his friend who you weren’t familiar with butts in right there and goes all “ooo another suitor?? another girlfriend?? damnnn.. hwang hyunjin you dAWG”
a..another girlfriend..?
you didn’t even have time to process what he said bc that “friend” clapped hyunjin’s shoulder
and he dropped the loaf
y’all watched as it rolled down the stairs and the wrapping tore in half so the loaf tumbled out onto the dirty corridor floor
his friends started laughing and someone at the bottom of the staircase kicked the loaf around like a soccer ball
you look at hyunjin and he was laughing along with his friends??? ??
you ripped the letter you wrote into pieces and threw it at his face
and he looked at you in shock and surprise but
you left immediately
lowkey bumped into woojin on the way to class
but you left him in the dust because you just felt so so so humiliated and hurt
it was lunchtime
seungmin and felix were a bit confused as to why you walked straight past their table to sit with your other friends
hyunjin was still confused poor baby actually completely forgot about your anniversary so he thought you made another bet to make bread
you had history class with him after lunch, but you moved to the front of the classroom
which is somewhere he would never sit.
he kept throwing pieces of paper at you to ask why you were all the way at the front
even got some people to pass notes to you
all of which you ignored
it took him until last period to figure out why you were giving him the cold shoulder
he was sitting in physical education class — watching some documentary about dance or smth
and obvs his headass wasnt paying the slightest bit attention to the film but he was thinking of you instead
and why you wore a permanent frown since the start of the day
while thinking of you he suddenly realised the date
then all the events of the day rushed into his mind all at once - from you waiting outside the gym, to the loaf incident, to your expression as you blind sided him and the boys the entire day
without asking for permission he ran out of class and straight to your chemistry class where y’all were doing filtration tests
and he stormed into the lab, spotting you immediately
you were working with minho, your lab partner, in the far corner, and y’all were giggling over a joke or smth but as soon as you saw hyunjin you turned away immediately
and it really broke his heart because he knew he was the reason why you were so uncomfortable
by then, the entire class was asking hyunjin why he was there
but all he could see was you trying to exit out the back
and he had no idea what came over him
but the entire class started screaming (esp minho) when he ran up to you and hugged you tightly
obvs like you were still mad at him so you knee-d him lol
and the entire class continued screaming (esp minho) as you pushed him out of the classroom and shut the door on him
needless to say the rest of the lab session was Super Awkward and minho tried not to make eye contact with you
(in case he gets knee-d too right)
by the end of the day you still couldn’t get over how the entire day was ruined and you rushed home before the bell rang bc u just had enough and some alone time was much nneeded
when the doorbell rang after dinnertime you wanted to cry because you were the only one at home
and you had to answer it because what if it was something urgent
what if it was hyunjin... who you didn’t want to see...
it was hyunjin ofc
he was wearing his sports gear and it seem like he was just out for a run
you started to close the door but he did that cheesy thing where he pushed it open again
and before you could speak, he kneeled down
you panic for a moment
but he got himself together and apologised.
because he knew since day one how important anniversaries were to you and he really had no excuse for forgetting, and he realises how you much like crap you must’ve felt when his other gym friends made fun of you and your gift and he was so unforgivably sorry because he laughed with them
he really shouldn’t have
but he did because they were just a couple of dumb teenage guys who liked to joke around without a care in the world
you see that he was really struggling and stumbling over his words
and deep down you knew how much you meant to him and how scared he was of losing you
you pulled him up and hugged him because you didn’t want him to continue or else you’d start crying real hard
so you kissed him to finally shut him up
but you hadn’t forgiven him yet so he was still hesitant to return your kiss but you cupped his cheeks and bite his cute fat lips that were just a little fatter because you were squishing his cheeks
you tell him that you really really didn’t want to hide your relationship anymore and he nodded without hesitation and then you tell him you’d forgive him if he kissed you properly
he didn’t hesitate at all uwu
after a really long time hhh y’all finally parted to Breathe a lil... gosh
you stare at his lips and see them all swollen and rosy and it made you shy bc Girl you did That hhhh
and he’s looking at you in the same way bc yours were swollen too and y’all stand there holding onto each other for who knows how long but then he wanted to kiss you again and you wanted him to kiss you too so he did
by the time y’all pulled away Again y’all were breathing and laughing and crying and laughing and just feeling all the emotions at once
and he rested his forehead against yours and tells you he’ll make you a loaf of bread instead
and you cry just a bit harder which sends him off too
w-why is he such a baby :(
not that you were complaining though.. because he tells you that he’s really been a better version of himself since he met you
and all the worries and things that make you scared about relationships just seemed irrelevant
because you and him were in this together
and it was the best feeling ever.
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ehhdgarbones · 6 years
“We’re not having this conversation again.”
“Come off it. I’ll hear enough of that come morning. How about you try your hand at being supportive for once?”
A reproving “Prrrpt… mew,” whined up at him as the cat slinked across his shin, weaving around his leg and back again. Ser’s purrs were so loud the cat was vibrating. He peered up at him with those amber eyes, seeing more than a cat had any right to.
Edgar kicked out the chair and, gripping the table, tried to ease himself into it. His ribs and abdomen immediately protested the movements and he gracelessly dropped himself the rest of the way with a groan. Wincing, his grip on the table’s edge tightened as he endured the throbbing ache of the various injuries he’d sustained earlier that evening. Merlin’s balls, the night could’ve gone better.
Cracking his eye open, Edgar spotted the bottle of firewhisky he’d brought to the table. An arm hugged around his middle, cradling his ribs as he reached over the wooden surface, grabbed the bottle by its neck and dragged it close, grunting through gnashed teeth. The accompanying glass also skidded to a stop in front of him. Unscrewing the cap, he poured himself a generous amount and gulped down the whisky like its alcohol content had healing properties.
The near empty glass landed on the table with a clunk before Edgar poured himself another healthy dose of couldn’t-be-better. He breathed slowly to let the alcohol start to take affect, and also because his ribs bloody hated him and anything more than the shallow in and out hurt like hell. Chair still angled out, away from the table, Edgar’s absent stare at the hardwood beneath his feet was interrupted by the house-lion of a cat that took up post in front of him.
Ser stared at him with those flamey sunrise eyes, and he could see the wheels turning behind them. Body already tensing, Edgar’s arm lifted away from his chest so that he could hold a hand out to halt the big furball in his tracks. “Don’t even think about it, mate. You’re a metric ton of fluff and I’m--” Ser jumped up and landed right on Edgar’s chest. He finished his sentence with a wince and whimper. “Beat to shit. But, by all means, come on up.”
It hurt to laugh but he couldn’t help the sound as a grated chuckle bubbled up from his lungs. The oversized stuffed snow leopard was still purring violently as he rubbed his face against Edgar’s, who hissed and cringed at the flares of pain that shot off with the contact. Grumbling affectionate curses at the cat in his lap, Edgar’s smirk was faraway as he stroked his soft pelt then scratched his chin.
He could’ve died tonight. All things considered, how the night’s events had unfolded were as ‘best case scenario’ as it got. Edgar didn’t really consider himself a particularly fortunate bloke but, without a felix felicis, the only explanation for having survived the night with his hide in tact was dumb luck. Blast it all to hell, he was going to get an earful in the AM. There’d be a queue outside his door waiting to get a lick in for being stark raving mad.
With a shake of his head, Edgar stroked up to the soft tufts at the tips of Ser’s ears and sighed. “You going to help patch me up or just supervise?” When Ser goggled up at him, all unblinking and vainglorious, he hummed unsurprisingly at the cat. “I could do with a little less criticism from you, mate.”
After leaning in as far as his aching body would allow, Edgar pecked the cat between the ears. He planted his feet squarely on the ground then lifted his hips along with the maine coon up off of his seat with a grunt, fishing his wand out from his pocket. Once he settled with a sigh again, Ser was back to scrubbing their cheeks together while Edgar magicked his medical kit out from the cabinet in the loo and onto the table.
His many attempts to get Ser either onto the ground or the table were met with stubborn protest. The too-large-to-be-a-house cat kept jumping right back into place, and he’d fought enough for one night; persisting on a losing battle would take more energy than he had left.
Edgar had to work around the cat that refused to be parted from his lap. With the help of a mirror he cleaned out his cuts, smeared a healing poultice on them, then secured gashed flesh with butterfly bandages. All while Ser continued to purr like an engine working double time, curled up into a tight ball, comfortable as only a cat could be.
Even as he tended to his wounds, Edgar knew that he’d need to send Ted an owl the next morning. There was more damage than he could fix on his own and going to St. Mungo’s would ask too many questions he couldn’t answer. Better another Order member piece him back together than a Healer who’d have to record his injuries and their obviously made up causes.
As the adhesive of the last bandage stuck into place Edgar flopped back in his seat and slouched down against its back. His head fell back and he stared up at the ceiling, absent-mindedly stroking Ser while his thoughts circled back to the night’s events. The feeling that hollowed out his chest with the night’s memories wasn’t so much regret as it was an inexplicable kind of shame.
Shame not in having done the right thing, but in having strolled headlong into danger, knowing the odds were stacked high against him, without so much as calling for backup. He hadn’t thought, not about himself, not about the consequences, not about the people he loved or what he was fighting for. Edgar had seen them, their black robes and sharp hoods, metallic masks obscuring their faces, and he’d acted on impulse.
No. That was a lie, too. Edgar had acted in anger. Righteous, resolute, single-minded fury. Not on rotation to patrol tonight, he’d decided to take the scenic route home for the fuck of it. Somewhere along the way he happened upon them, a group of Death Eaters, tucked in the shadows of an alleyway as a muggle fumbled with their keys while closing up shop for the night. They’d waited for him to pass in front of the alley then done a snatch and grab.
Edgar had sprinted across the street after them, blood simmering at what he’d find in those shadows. The cowards outnumbered the muggle five to one. Even without their wands it wouldn’t have been a fair fight. But the tossers weren’t looking for fair, they were looking for easy and Edgar hated them for it. He didn’t know how he made it out of that alleyway with his life, much less in one piece. All he knew was that the aurors had five Death Eaters gift wrapped and ready for pick up when he disapparated his battered arse back home.
He’d been reckless and it’d almost cost him. There was a time when that might not’ve mattered so much, but Amelia still counted on him. And Xeno... lovely, beautiful, distracted Xeno. Who would protect them, care for them, better than he did? Well, there were probably a few people who could care for them better than him, but none would do so more passionately.
A younger version of himself had wanted to save the world and, years of countless mistakes later, his adult self still wanted to make a difference. As he held Ser’s face between his hands, thumbing over the cat’s whiskers, he mused that while he was busy saving the world, “Tell me, who’s gonna save me from myself?”
Ser’s eyes parted to reveal his sharp, intelligent gaze. The cat bobbed his head between Edgar’s hands, chirping a quiet, “Prrbpt,” in reply.
Scratching the big cat between his ears, Edgar hummed in understanding as he wrapped an arm around him and hugged his over-large body to his chest then stood with a groan. He helped Ser onto his shoulders and left the table with a muttered, “Come on, you cheeky bugger. Let’s let Xen know you’re putting me under house arrest until Amelia can box my ears for being a prat.”
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