#Also I`m tired of my sketchbook so I can finish it faster
marinusart · 5 months
I was interested to check can I draw backgrounds so here are the redraws of WOF GN covers
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dragonpoxsurvivor · 6 years
Jelly and Pudding 2/3
Part 1
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It didn’t take Dean long to realize that once he learnt that he might fancy his best friend, it wouldn’t be as easy to be around him as it used to be. He caught himself staring at Seamus more often than he should and if earlier he paid a lot attention to the Irishman, now he was paying enormous amount of attention. He couldn’t help it really. It was as though he lost control over his eyes.
For example. Right now Seamus’ fingers were carefully holding his wand, as he was examining if he had done any damage to it through most recent explosion and Dean couldn’t help but stare. It was mesmerizing really. And the thoughts how would it be to hold those fingers, those hands in his own were echoing in his head constantly. Seamus always had  warm hands.
“Hey, Dean.” said Seamus, eyes still fixed at the wand. Dean hummed in reply. “Don’t ye think that Hogwarts should have, like, a bank of spare wands? Ya know, just in case?”
With all his inner strength Dean made himself turn away his gaze. The fire was burning in the fireplace, filling the room with pleasant light..
“I don’t know. Maybe it’s a good idea…” replied finally Dean, smiling a little bit. It was incredibly domestic moment and enough though there were other people in the common room, for him it felt like it was only Seamus and him.
“‘Cause ye know… What happens if a kid breaks a wand or somethin’?” Seamus pondered out loud.
“Or you? You mean what if you break your wand?” snorted Dean, glancing at Seamus with the corner of his eyes. Seamus’ pale face instantly lightened up with red colour.
“Shit happens, Dean.” Seamus mumbled finally and Dean laughed. His heart started beating faster when he noticed that Seamus moved a little bit closer to him. His arm gently brushing against Dean’s. Mentally, Dean cursed the Hogwarts uniforms for being so thick and long-sleeved.
Time ceased when Seamus rested his head on Dean’s shoulder. His skin was so warm, that Dean could feel it even through the layers of clothes. Ginny often rested her head like that but it was completely different than with Seamus. He knew that his friend had never avoided physical contact but even since Dean realized his terrible crush his heart skipped the beat against his will.
Dean gulped, praying silently that Seamus didn’t hear the loud beating of his heart.
“Hey, Dean?” Seamus asked again, this time his voice a little bit more quiet, almost a whisper.
“Do you think that if I broke my wand, I could use yours?”
Dean blinked hearing this question. It was definitely unexpected.
“I mean, sure. Why not?” Dean tilted his head a little bit and quickly realized his mistake as his cheek touched Seamus’ hair. It was soft like a pillow and fluffy like a feather. And smelt fantastic too.
Seamus shifted a little bit on his spot, head not moving away from Dean’s shoulder. His nose brushed against the small patch of bare skin above the chocolate collarbone. Dean shivered, breathing suddenly became hard.
“I just… I heard that if two people are close, they don’t have troubles with using each others wands smoothly and now since yer with Gin…” mumbled Seamus quietly.
Dean bit his lips, trying to muffle a sigh. Yes, that was true. He was with Ginny but recently he kept asking himself how much longer this relationship would last. It was pretty obvious to him that Ginny had her eyes on somebody else, not to mention that Dean himself was pining after the very person that was leaning against his shoulder. Not that he was going to tell that.
“Ginny and I may be a couple but you are my best mate, Shay.” said Dean carefully, his heart ready to break out of his chest any moment soon.
He felt Seamus’ lips stretching in a smile. Dean could see it all in his head- him moving a little bit away, only to bring his hands to Seamus’ face, taking a moment to appreciate the smile and adorable blush on his cheeks and leaning forward to place a tender kiss on his lips. He quickly shook his head, trying to chase away the fantasy and apparently Seamus took it as a sign to move away. He rubbed his eyes and yawned, opting not to comment more.
“‘m a bit of tired…” murmured Seamus in the middle of another yawn. “You goin’?” he asked motioning towards the staircase leading to the dormitory.
Dean shook his head. “Not yet.”
“‘Kay. Goodnight, mate.” Seamus said, gently patting Dean’s shoulder. His fingers lingered for a split of a second longer than they should.
“Yeah, goodnight Shay.” replied Dean, fighting the urge to turn around and watch Seamus back disappear upstairs. “Have a sweet dreams.” he added with the tiniest whisper, making sure no one else in the room heard him.
The evening was sunny and Ginny and Dean were causally spending time outside of the castle. The Giant Squid was lazily hovering above the lake and the sky was randomly patched with white, fluffy clouds. There was still some time left until the sunset. Ginny was skipping through pages of the Transfiguration book and Dean was sketching in his sketchbook, thoughts far away from where he was.
“Dean, we have to talk.” Ginny said suddenly.
“We do?” asked Dean absently as he was just wondering if he should include Seamus on the sketch or devote him whole ,separate page.
“Yes, we do.”
“Oh, okay.” hummed Dean, deciding that perhaps sketching his best friend while spending time with his girlfriend wasn’t in a good taste.
Ginny’s fist made contact with Dean’s shoulder.
“Hey!” groaned Dean rubbing the place. “What was that for?” He promptly closed the sketchbook and put it aside, resting his arms on knees.
“For not paying attention to me.” Ginny wrinkled her nose. She looked really cute like that but at this point Dean certainly got used to that sight. “Dean, we really need to talk.” she repeated herself.
“Okay, I’m listening.” agreed Dean.
“No, you don’t get it.” Ginny shook her head. Ginger hair were waving on the wind, like an orange flag. “I want you to speak a little bit.” her lips broke into a crooked smile.
“I’m not the talkative type, Ginny.” Dean said softly. That was true no matter if it was with Ginny or Seamus, he prefered to listen to the conversation rather than talking himself. “You know that.” he reminded quietly and reached out to gently caress Ginny’s cheek.
“Oh, really? You don’t wanna talk?” Ginny moved away slightly and Dean’s hand fell down. He frowned with surprise.
“It’s not that I don’t want to. I just-”
“Not even about Seamus?” Asked Ginny with a smug smile. “Because I think we should talk about him.”
Dean felt the blood started rushing through his blood. Did Ginny fell into Seamus after all? He was almost sure that her secret crush was Harry but then, she often glanced at Seamus too. Especially when she thought that Dean wasn’t looking. But here was the thing- Dean was looking at Seamus all the time. Especially recently.
“What about Seamus?” Dean asked stiffly. He tried to cover the shaking of his voice but from the look on Ginny’s face it appeared that it didn’t go well.
“How do you feel about Seamus, Dean? Please tell me.” requested Ginny but in Dean’s ears it sounded more like an order than an ask.
The adrenaline filled his veins. He had to phrase this in a right way. He was almost sure that his crush was practically unable to notice with a plain eye but facing a question like this… He had to be careful.
“Well,” Dean started hesitantly, fingers playing anxiously with the hem of his robe. “Seamus can be a pain in the ass, you know? He keeps stealing my socks for some reason and don’t even get me started how he set my pillow on fire. I still have no idea how he managed to do that! Many claim that he’s a terrible student but that’s not true. He can be really passionate about something if he likes it! But, he could for real study more from time to time… I still have no idea how he passed OWLs!” Exclaimed Dean, coming back to their sleepless nights during which they were supposed to study but in reality Seamus was rambling about Quidditch. He smiled to the memories in his head. “But overall… Seamus is great friend. Couldn’t ask for a better one. He’s very honest, funny of course but also trustworthy and surprisingly good at keeping a secret…” he finished and looked at Ginny who was smiling playfully. Dean gulped. After all, all he did was saying the truth so why…
“Does he know your secret Dean?” Ginny tilted her head a little bit.
Dean’s eyebrows furrowed. “What do you mean?”
“Oh, you know. The Secret.” emphasised Ginny, “You fancying him.”
Suddenly, Dean’s lunged felt too tight for the amount of oxygen he needed. His eyes widened slightly as he tried to calm down his breath and heart beat.
“Why- how did you-” he stuttered, watching Ginny carefully. “What made you say that?”
Ginny laughed loudly but there was no hint of irony nor cruelty in her voice.
“I’m not blind, Dean. It wasn’t so hard to notice. You have eyes on him all-the-time!”
“But why didn’t you tell me earlier?” Dean drew the air into his lungs loudly. There was no point in pretending anyway. He was a terrible liar and there was no man who could fool Ginny Weasley.
“And how long since you’ve realized that?” she asked, raising her eyebrow. Dean shrugged and turned away his gaze. “See? How could I tell you that?” Ginny summed up. “Besides, I really like you, Dean. Maybe not necessary in a romantic way. Not anymore at least but still. It would be cruel of me to tell you before you realized yourself.”
Dean hunched his shoulders. The grass was soft under his fingers and scent of wind fresh and relaxing. This is not how he planned to do that. He was a gentleman. He wanted to break up in much different situation.
“So what now?” he ask quietly, feeling that he already knew the answer.
“I suppose, there’s not point in us staying in this relationship. I must admit that… Well, that’s not important now.” Ginny shook his head. “But still, I think that I could do you one more favour.” she grinned widely.
“What do you mean?” Dean’s head snapped up.
“Well… here’s the plan…”
“Dean I’ve told you so many times!” Ginny yelled angrily. “Stop helping me walk through the portrait hole!”
Dean made a note that later he had to congratulate Ginny on her acting talent. Instead however, he growled out loud.
“I didn’t do anything!” he raised his hands defensively. The eyes of all people in the common room were on them. On the arguing couple. For a split of a second Dean’s eyes met Seamus’.
“I’m perfectly capable of walking, Dean. Not that you’ve ever noticed!” The red haired girl raised her finger pointing at Dean.
“What is your problem, Ginny?” Dean groaned, capturing her wrist with his long fingers, struggling a little bit to hold her still. “I told you. I didn’t do that!”
“Oh, so it was wind who pushed me?!?” laughed Ginny angrily. Few people in the room flinched. Ginny’s angry laugh was one of the most terrifying sounds. She pushed away Dean’s hand in perfectly smooth movement. They had been training that gesture a couple of times.
“I don’t know! Maybe?” Asked Dean in a very mocking manner.
“You-” sneered Ginny, her eyes narrow, brightened up with the inner fire. “Don’t you dare! Do you think I’m stupid?”
“That’s not what I-”
“You know what?” Ginny straightened up and looked Dean straight into eyes. “I don’t care! We’re done! Thank you very much, Dean Thomas.” She declared, quickly turned on her heels and walked out of the room through the portrait hole.
Dean blinked a few times, trying to “understand” what had just happened. Ginny’s hair disappeared behind the corner like a red, alarming flag. Dean sighed, this time honestly. His gaze dropped on the floor. Even though, it was just an act, a friendly favour, it still felt a little bit painful. Not to mention that the supposed drama happened in front of at least the half of his house.
Suddenly, someone tugged the sleeve of Dean’s uniform. His eyes traveled up. Seamus was shyly smiling at him. His icy blue eyes glimmering with uncertainty.
“Do you want to talk about it, mate?” he asked nervously. “Ye know that I’m not good in this kind of stuff but-”
“Seamus.” Dean stopped him in the middle of the sentence. He rarely spoke when someone else was talking.
“Yea?” Seamus’ fingers slipped of the hem of the uniform, slightly brushing against Dean’s hand, sending a pleasant shiver down his spine.
“Let’s just get the hell out of here.” suggested Dean anxiously. Silently chanting to himself that it didn’t have any romantic undertone. Just two friends hanging out. They had done this so many times before. But now, both of they were very single. Or at least as far as Dean’s knew.
“It’s yer call, mate.” Seamus grinned widely and Dean couldn’t help but mirror the expression.
Part 3
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