#Also I’m getting better at drawing Pete now!! YAY!!!!!!
hiya-im-mary · 9 months
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I cannot get them out of my head and I LOVE it!!!!
Alsoooo…Yesh!! I figured out how she would be in The Three Musketeers universe!!!!! I’ll go into it in another post hopefully!!!
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musurvivalistguide · 7 years
Survival Tip #1: Getting Your Bearings
So, you’ve found yourself here in the Matoran Universe, either by a dimensional portal/lab explosion/magic spell/a collapsing reality or whatever crazy randomness that may have happened. Or maybe you don’t remember what caused your sudden displacement in the first place? If that is the case then, you have my utmost sympathies.
Although there is a distinct chance that you may already be past this point, on the off chance that you are not I’ll be quite frank with you: it’s beyond disorienting waking up in another place. And while that may sound like a no-brainer to you, it’s a fact that’s still worth pointing out. And if that isn’t a big enough hint, I’ll spell it out for you:
Every. Second. COUNTS!
I cannot stress this enough. The longer you spend wondering about the who/what/where/when/why and how of your situation, the greater the risk of being found by a wild rahi beast or worse: a native.
That being said, there is also a chance that you will wake up and see a Matoran standing over you like a curious cat. In that case, I absolutely do not fault you for the small heart-attack or the momentary lapse of dignity to scream and run around like a lunatic. If you’re lucky you may get to see the Matoran do the same thing! While hilarious to watch, trying to calm the Matoran down will prove to be a feat of strength in its own right. Simply put?
No one in the Matoran Universe speaks English...let alone any other language you may be familiar with. So unless there’s a Toa wearing a Kanohi Rau somewhere nearby I hope you’re good at charades, as you will need to rely very heavily on hand and body gestures--or pictures if you can do simple drawings!--to get any sort of message across...provided they don’t run away first. And if you happen to be in a certain city and see squads of Vahki coming at you shortly afterwards, you’d better start running...NOW!
Whatever the case may be, be very careful from this point on. If you find yourself being chased by someone or something, for Pete’s sake WATCH WHERE YOU ARE GOING!!!! The last thing you wanna do in this universe is run straight off a cliff or fall into a pit of lava or some other deadly substance. Trust me, nothing quite matches the sheer terror of a sudden free-fall drop towards sharp rocks at the bottom!
...nor the embarrassment about being caught midair by the seat of your pants like I had been.
First tip down, yay! I think I’m starting to get the hang of this, and I’m already getting ideas on how I wanna attempt to do this whole thing. c: I’ll even see about attempting little skits here and there! :D Next tip that’s when we’ll get into meeting the Dark Hunters, and quite possibly get a bit of insight on their own notes too~ X3
In the meantime though, feel free to send in any suggestions or questions (even if they’re from a Dark Hunter XD)! I’d love to hear from everyone! 0w0
Oh, and just to clarify, the character that’s writing these things is a human female, but the tips can be applied to any non-native to the MU. XD
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fearofaherobrine · 7 years
Roleplay Server Log #202
“Hot Springs Outing”
[Lie] - How about some place Doc can heal up?  I think they just threw their back out in front of my place...
[gem] -in chat- I could use relaxing
[Alexsezia] I'm game.
[Doc] Hot water sounds good.
[Herabrine] Ehhh... where at?
[Alexis] - Sure, I think Stevie and Notch could use some more alone time anyways
[Mix] Can I drag Sky with?
[Sky] -in chat- why
[aven] -in chat- no  water because if gem is going I am going to be dragged along
[Deer] - Wasn't there a hot springs where we rescued the pokemon?
[Alexsezia] Can't we do just girls for a change?
[Doc] Yes, and does that count me out?
[Deer] - Only if your wearing boy parts love
[gem] aven you don't have to go in go in the water and pokemon
[aven] only for the pokemon
[Doc] ... that can be arranged...
[Mix] I mean technically
[Sky] I'm not going
[Mix] Lame, I'll go with. Where we meeting to go out?
[Sweet Alex] Can we drag Herabrine?
[Herabrine] HEY.
[Lie] - I think I've got CP calmed down enough for me to go
[gem] this sounds like a good time where should I drag aven too?
[Lie] - Well Doc is in front of my place...
[Deer] - I'll gather the pokemon here
[steveson] take alexine I need the time to mine with out her bugging me
[alexine] I don't even know what a hot spring is don't sign me up for stuff like this
[Lie] - It's a very relaxing place, like a natural hot bath
[alexine] hot? like lava?
[Lie] - Not as hot, but very relaxing
[alexine] fine i'll come
[Doc] Lie can you watch Yaunfen for a moment?
[Lie] - Sure- She comes back outside with her two vulpix's
[Doc] Gets up and goes inside to find a private spot to change. Xe comes right back after.
[Herabrine] Is it really okay to leave all these men alone unsupervised?
[Lie] - We'll find out
[aven] I am no going in the water I am going to play with pokemon and maybe get my own
[Deer] Arrives with the rest of her and Doc's pokemon-
[Exeggutor] Sniffs Herabrine -
[Herabrine] Swats at it in annoyance
[Lie] - Do we want to take any food?
[Endrea] - Don't worry, I will still be here
[gem] -is arriving with aven her pokemon and the female guardians-
[Doc] Yeah, bring a snack just in case. I always have a little food on me.
[alexine] -also manages to make it to lies house-
[Mix] -Trudges up, mostly pushing Sky, who looks mildly annoyed and a good bit amused-
[Sky] She's very determined to atleast make me come all the way out here, sorry
[RVulpix] Cowers in Lie's arms-
[AVulpix] Jumps around Lie's feet-
[Sweet Alex] Arrives already in a bathing suit with a skirt around her waist. - Hey guys!
[Alexsezia] Rides up on Smudge and jumps him into Lie's paddock with Beau, the vinehorse and the donkey. Smudge spooks a bit at the vinehorse - what the nether?!
[Lie] - What does it look like?
[Alexsezia] A cross between a horse and a wicker basket?
[Doc] Hey now...
[gem] it looks like a plant horse
[Alexis] Arrives- So who else are we waiting for?
[aven] -is peting gem's lunatone- I don't know
[Herabrine] I don't think so....
[Alexsezia] I doubt Flicker or Croca want to go.
[Doc] Quickly balls the Archen and the Exeggutor - Anybody want a ride? - Xe lays down, sprawling out into hir dragon shape.
[Herabrine] Picks up Sweet Alex like a sack of potatos and gets on.
[Sweet Alex] Ummm!
[Alexsezia] Climbs up behind them with a roll of her eyes.
[Sky] -Just leaning heavily on Mix, who's still pushing him as close to the group as she can get him. its, not very close. He definitely digs his feet into the ground-
[Mix] I'm good
[Lie] Helps Alexis up as she climbs on-
[Deer] Takes her perch in Doc's mane-
[Doc] Can you grab Yaunfen, love?
[gem] -balls her pokemon before dumbing aven on doc's back- i'll fly
[Deer] - I can try, but they are getting pretty big...
[alexine] sure i'll go for a ride why not -has a hint of sarcasm in her voice but gets on-
[Deer] Calls for Yaunfen who trots over and struggles a bit to get up, but does manage it after a moment-
[Doc] Lifts up hir head. - We ready?
[gem] I think so
[Lie] - Let's go
[gem] yay happy spring time
[Doc] Opens the safety protocals for a moment and draws the hole open, then snaps it closed again once they're all outside. It's slightly cold and the void is full of nodes to other games and the quiet hiss of static.
[Sweet Alex] I should have put on a jacket... I've never really travelled in the void for more then a few seconds between seeds.
[gem] this is nice
[Lie] Keeps her little Vulpix's close-
[alexine] I am going to die here aren't I?
[Deer] - No, you're not
[Alexsezia] Uh, no. It is a bit creepy though.
[Sky] -Still getting pushed along by Mix. At this point its actually pretty comical, since he just slides along- I doubt you're going to die right here, maybe a few feet ahead though? -jokingly-
[Doc] I'm not fond of it either, too easy to get lost.
[gem] it reminds me of space minus the static which is annoying
[Herabrine] Reminds me of being deep underwater...
[Alexsezia] Sarcastically- are we there yet?
[Alexis] - I hate travelling through here...
[gem] I would say deep ocean and space are both quite the same it some aspects
[Doc] I don't want to alarm anyone, but... does anyone else hear voices?
[Sky] Yeah.
[gem] -puts her hand to her ear- I think I do
[Lie] Focus' her hearing- Maybe?
[aven] yes
[Mix] I can't...
-the group of human hostile mobs starts to come into view-
[Alexis] Considers going for her bow-
[Doc] Hello? Are you guys lost?
[aven] -see the spider women- AAA SPIDER! -she then got limp on docs back-
[Sweet Alex] Hugs Aven- It's okay!
[Herabrine] What kinda crazy seed did you lot come from?
[brine] -squints at the other group from his place at the back of the mobs-
[Doc] I see brine eyes...
[brine] Nope, no you do not.
[Deer] - Oh, more brines
[lord Enderman] i'm lord Enderman and it's not to crazy unless you count that we had to keep the hostile mobs in check or they would do what every they want
[Doc] at the brine- It's not a bad thing. Most of my friends have the same.
[Lie] - Sounds like CP's generals...
[aven] -gets up slightly there voice now a male tone- how?
[Herabrine] Eh, an oraganized seed... waste of time
[Sweet Alex] Aven? Are you okay?
[Alexsezia] You speak common very well.
[brine]-moves the girl in his arms to his other shoulder, she's snoring quietly- I see..
[lord Enderman] well we mostly speak common and keeping the seed oraginzed is now that our brine was killed by a violent NOTCH and humans
[aven] avery is hiding it's just me ben
[Sweet Alex] oh, hi. I'm not sure we've met? I'm Sweet Alex- huge smile
[Doc] You lost your Herobrine... - grinds hir teeth a bit
[aven] we have avery just tends to be more prominent I am always here but now I have the control for now
[Sweet Alex] Oh, well take good care of her. She's my friend.
[Herabrine] Are we going or what?
[Lie] - Another NOTCH to add to the list of those who need to be killed?
[lord Enderman] yes his last words to find BEN because if he couldn't find him he figure no NOTCH could so we would be safe
[gem] did they follow you?
[brine] I don't think so? But to be fair, I've only been walking with them for a little bit.
[lord Enderman] no they didn't
[Doc] We're close to our destination anyway so lets get inside and out of the null space just in case. Deerheart, would you like to make the opening?
[aven] I know who they are looking for
[Deer] Creates an opening into the pokemon game-
[lord Enderman] where are they
[aven] you are talking to them
[Sweet Alex] This is BEN. One of them
[Doc] Come on, let's go in.
[lord Enderman] well that was one way to break the news to you -goes inside the game with the group following him-
[gem] -flies in-
[Mix] -pushes sky into the opening-
[brine] -reluctantly follows-
[RVulpix] Begins shaking, recognizing it's surroundings-
[Lie] - Shhhh, it's okay, he can't hurt you anymore
[Doc] Waits for the rest to come in - Lie would you close it please?
[Lie] - Hands are a little full here Doc...
[aven] this will be interesting maybe lady spider can get rid of Avery's fear of spiders
[Doc] Okay, I just thought you could use the practice - Xe hunkers so everyone can get off before xe shifts back.
[Mix] I can do it, but Sky might run... -gives Sky a dirty look-
[Sky] Where am I going to run to?
[Sweet Alex] It's awfully rocky here, but the air is nice and warm.
[gem] the void is nice but it will feel 100% better after a long soak in a hot spring
[Edward and Takeo] -on a walk with Moxie, admiring the neighbors houses-
[Edward] It's nice here. I miss my pets though.
[Takeo] What about Moxie?
[Moxie] -wags tail at the mention-
[Edward] She's more yours, dear.
-There's some barking ahead from Lie's wolves-
[Moxie] -barks back and heads in the wolves' direction-
[Takeo] Haha, look at her go!
[Moxie] -greets the wolves-
[Edward] Ugh, more dogs.
[HG] -is approaching lie's vine horse with his watering pail-
-The wolves crowd around the fence, sniffing at the new face-
[Edward] -interest piqued- Now that's something you don't see everyday... Hello there! Would that be a horse made of flora I see?
-The vine horse snorts at them which get's Beau's attention-
[Edward] ... Are you alright?
[HG] -runs very faster then anyone else can to a corner of the house opposite them and hides there looking out-
[CP] Comes into the room HG is in, covered in blood from the punching bag- The fuck are you doing in here?
[HG] AAAAAA! -runs away and hides in the green house-
[Takeo] He... disappeared.
[Edward] Yes, that's what people do when they run and turn a corner.
[Takeo] ... Don't.
[CP] Walks outside- Oh joy, more visitors...
[HG] -looks out from the green house-
-The chain chomp bounces excitedly at the end of it's chain-
[Edward] Oh, hello. Didn't mean to bother the brine that just ran inside.
[CP] - I'm not sure what to think of that dipshit
[HG] -is starting to cry because he heard what cp said about him-
[Edward] Oh, well, okay then-.
[Takeo] That wasn't nice.
[CP] - Well I'm not a nice person, now if you don't mind I need to feed my wife's horses
[Edward] -cuts Takeo off from saying anything else- Yes, yes, that's totally fine! -begins to approach the greenhouse-
[Takeo] -grunts and calls Moxie over-
[Moxie] -joins Takeo-
[HG] -is still crying-
[CP] Starts with Beau and the Donkey-
[Edward] -to HG, softly and motherly- Hey, hey, there's no need to cry. I'm sorry if I scared you. ... Out of all the plants you've got in there, vanilla is the only one I recognize. I'd love to learn more about the others.
[HG] -quietly- these aren't mine I just like to tend to them
[Edward] You must be quite a dedicated tenderer; they're blooming so nicely.
[HG] I only got her recently but my tending make plants grow bigger strong and faster especially when I water them with my watering pail
[Edward] Interesting. May I ask your name?
[HG] Herobrine the gardener
[Edward] Nice to meet you, Gardener! My name is Edward.
[Takeo] I'm Takeo.
[Moxie] -rubs her head into Takeo's side-
[Takeo] And this is Moxie.
[HG] nice to meet you -he still seem timid-
[CP] Is watching those in the green house to make sure they don't harm his wife's plants-
[Edward] I hope to see you again. Maybe we can discuss gardening some more next time. -walks away-
[Takeo] Edward? I thought we were on a walk-?
[Edward] -whispers to Takeo- I just remembered; I still do have a pet~.
[Takeo] -now blushing- ... Oh. -follows her-
[HG] bye -decides to water the plants in the green house-
[Doc] Just watch where you step unless you want to end up in a pokemon battle. I figured out if you run behind people so they don't have a chance to say anything you can usually avoid it.
[Herabrine] Pfft.
[Lie] - We'll need to find a place to buy some swimsuits...
[Doc] I can just make you something.
[Herabrine] Or we can go it nude...
[Lie] - I'm suspicious of what you might make me...  HERA!
[Sweet Alex] I'm prepared!
[Gem] my tank and short is a swim suit because it's water proof -equips her black tank and shorts-
[Doc] What? Why would I make you something skimpy? Cp isn't around to give a boner too. Unless you want something tiny...?
[Lie] - NO!
[Alexsezia] Takes out some extra clothes and a pair of shears and starts snipping.
[Herabrine] Looks at Sweet Alex and then turns to Doc - I'll have what she's having, in darker colors.
[AVulpix] Is sniffing everything and then there's a faint sound of peeing-
[Mix] Can I have somethin? I didn't pack anything..
[Doc] Examines Sweet Alex's one piece for a moment and then copies it and changes the color with a bit of spawned dye. The result is a very dark purple.
[Herabrine] Takes it, and equipts it under her clothes. - Good enough
[Doc] What color Mix? One piece or two?
[aven] -is looking around ben is still in control-
[Mix] Light purple's fine and two pieces
[Sky] -unamused face-
[Sweet Alex] Because you're BEN right now, I assume you won't join us?
[Deer] Starts stripping a little-
[Lie] - DEER NO!
[Doc] Whistles appreciatively - Xe's working on a suit for Mix-
[Lie] - Deer...  We still have to go through the town...
[Herabrine] Hark, I can hear the dulcet tones of Deerheart not caring.
[aven]  neather of us would join aven came for two reasons one she would turn to a ghost if gem left and two pokemon
[Deer] - But it's hot and I don't have the Ponyta to ride this time
[Doc] eyebrow wiggle- you can ride me anytime...
[Deer] - Gladly, my hooves are already getting a bit too hot
[Alexis] Shifts awkwardly-
[Sky] Ew
[Doc] Shifts again to avoid hurting hir back again and kneels for her - Just pretend I'm a pokemon- winks
[Deer] Giggles and climbs on-
[Yaunfen] Baps Doc's face-
{Doc] I love you too kiddo.
[Lie] - Should we get going?
[Doc] Doc-doc
[Lie] Groans-
[Herabrine] Dork...
[alexine] I still need a suit
[Alexis] - I still do to...
[Deer] - So does Lie
[Doc] Clicks on Herabrine a couple of times- what colors?
[Herabrine] HEY.
[Alexis] - I don't really care
[Lie] - Ummm, light blue?
[alexine] uh green
[Doc] Makes the suits and passes them out. Xe also makes a small green bikini for Deerheart. It doesn't hide much.
[Deer] - Do I have to wear it?
[Doc] Nope. But keep it just in case
[Deer] - Good
[Doc] Sets off for the town. With the others following.
[Lie] Hangs back a bit, taking everything in-
[Gem] -is super excited looking around in the game-
[Alexis] Hangs back with Lie-
[Doc] Trots through the town and toward the springs. The cliff walls are high around the pools of steaming water and the air is near foggy with it.
[Alexis] - This is so weird...
[Alexsezia] How so? Just because you've never been to another game?
[gem] -she puffs up her wings trying not to just jump right in from there-
[Alexis] - Well I've never seen anything like this at all
[Doc] Just wades right into the biggest pool. Deerheart and Yaunfen are still dry on hir head though.
[Deer] Quickly pulls off the rest of her clothes-
[Doc] Make sure you stow them so nothing gets lost....
[gem] -fly's in making a splash-
[Lie] Ducks behind a rock to change-
[Herabrine] Picks up Sweet Alex and throws her in the water-
[Alexsezia] That was not nice.
[Herabrine] So?
[Mix] -Trudges into the water happily after changing while Sky settles on the edge of the water-
[Alexis] Changes and cautiously steps into the water-
[Sweet Alex] Shrieks like a mimsy at the hot water-
[aven] -sits down on the ground away from the spring and ends up talking with the half mob people-
[Doc] Looks at the newcomers- If any of you want to join in, you can.
[alexine] -puts her hand in the water- what the fuck it's hot
[Lie] Puts just her feet in as she holds the normal Vulpix-
-the mob people look at each other and collectively say no-
[Alexis] Slips the rest of the way in-
[Yaunfen] Starts splashing around-
[Herabrine] Of course it is! Why do you htink it's called a hot spring? Duh.
[Doc] Keeps hir paws near Yaunfen while they paddle. - So glad you don't have the allergy. I bet you'll be a damn good swimmer once you get the hang of it.
[Deer] Humms as she slips deeper into the water-
[Doc] Just watches hir mate out of the corners of hir eyes.
[Herbrine] Try not to drool...
[Doc] Shut up.
[AVulpix] Race around the edges of the pools-
[gem] -is swimming keeping under the water before coming up and letting her Pokémon out  just out side the spring so they can join if they want to which Serperior does-
[alexine] -gets in-
[Sweet Alex] Has adjusted and leans on the side - Aww, cute little fox.
[gardians] -are swimming around-
[AVulpix] Gets closer and sniffs Sweet Alex-
[Lie] - It was a gift from CP
[Doc] Gives hir balls a light toss and the Goomy immediatly flops in the heat on the edge, the Exeggutor sits down heavily with the Archen perched in it's leaves and the Galvantula skitters partway up the wall to play lookout.
[Sweet Alex] Aww, that's nice. He's made so much progress.
[Lie] - And then there are times when he forgets what he's learned
[gem] -her and Zyria are splashing each other-
[Alexsezia] It took TLOT a while to learn how to relate to people properly too. He still gets anxious in crowds.
[Lie] - Really? It didn't show when we went to Kore...
[Mix] -has found herself a comfortable place to sit-
[Sky] - sitting at edge of water dipping a foot in-
[Alexsezia] That's odd... maybe just because they were glad to see him? Being liked and belived in does bolster his power.
[Herabrine] He could have been internally screaming for all you know.
[Doc] It's because of Steve... If his lamb is by his side he'd fight the sun itself. And now his NOTCH is gone. He has no reason to be afraid anymore.
[Lie] Shifts nervously- Plus we kind of had no choice since I left...  Something, there...
[gem] -her and her guardians are playing Marico polo-
[Aleixis] Splashes Alexsezia-
[Alexsezia] Splashes her back- What did you leave Lie?
[Doc] Chuckles-
[Lie] - A...  Giant lust pod...- Turns red
[Zyria] -bumps into lie- polo
[Sky] Well, that's unfortunate...
[Herabrine] No wonder they were glad to see TLOT! They were probably blissed out from fucking!
[Sweet Alex] Blushing- He-he
[RVulpix] Baps at the water-
[Yaunfen] Clings to Doc's paw- Burp?
[Doc] Are you tired Yaunfen? You can climb on me.
[Yaunfen] Tries to curl around Doc's paw, playing with it-
[Doc] Wiggles hir claws a little and gives the baby a nuzzle. There's a quiet snap of hir taking screenshots.
[Gem] marco
[Deer] Moves over next to Hera, mischief on her mind as she whispers to Hera- Wanna grief Lie a little?
[Herabrine] Visibly perks up a bit - Yes please....
[Sweet Alex] Polo!
[Deer] Smirks and looks at Lie- So, Lie, you mentioned that you had had anal before?
[Lie] Freezes and turns redder than the vulpix in her arms-
[gem] -goes right into sweet alex-
[Doc] Pffft!
[Herabrine] Reaaaaallly?
[Alexsezia] Whatever you're into. - shrugs-
[Lie] - Shutupshutupshutup
[Doc] What? It's no big deal. Done safely at least-
[Deer] - So who was it with?
[Sweet Alex] oof!
[Ava] there are werid things to be into lie
[gem] got someone -giggles-
[Deer] - Oh come on, it's just us girls here~
[Sky] -slowly dips other leg into the water-
[Lie] Whines-
[Doc] It wasn't that griefer was it?
[Herabrine] You dated a griefer BEFORE Cp?
[Lie] Quietly- Yes...
[Alexsezia] No wonder you're used to men behaving like children....
[Lie] Sinks a bit lower-
[Deer] - But if you've done anal before, why haven't you asked CP to do it with you?
[Doc] I bet he's too big and rough.
[Olivia] do you not like it?
[Alexsezia] Trust issues?
[Lie] - It...  It really didn't do anything for me...
[Doc] Ah, okay. It's an aquired taste, if you don't have a prostate anyway.
[Herabrine] Geeze...
[Doc] Hello. -points to self with hir free paw- Doctor here. Nothing is too personal.
[Yaunfen] Decides to go after Doc's tail-
[gem] -swims away from sweet alex and swims just below he water like a shark letting just the tip of her snake tail poke out like the fin-
[Mix] - Just slowly sinking in the water, enjoying the warmth-
[Doc] Twiddles hir wet fluff around in the water for the little dragon to bat at;
[Yaunfen] "Viciously" attacks the tail-
[Herabrine] Grabs Gems tail playfully-
[gem] -grabs hera and pulls her under-
[Herabrine] Goes under easily. She can breathe water and makes a silly face at Gem-
[gem] -makes silly faces back-
[Alexsezia] Play nice you two
[Lie] Is just bright red now-
[Sweet Alex] Lie? Are you too hot?
[Lie] - No!
[Alexis] Chuckles a little- She could never be "to hot"
[Sweet Alex] She is quite pretty. You have lovely hair especially, Lie.
[Lie] Noises-
[Doc] She certainlly melted Cp's frozen hearts....
[Deer] - Still, I knew you had a relationship before CP, just not that it had been a griefer
[Doc] If it's a thing someone chooses to be... they're usually not nice people to be around at all....
[Herabrine] Splashes around with Gem.
[Alexsis] Herobrines can't help what they are... humans can be rather cruel.
[Lie] - He...  He was one of the types that seemed super nice, charismatic...  Talented...
[gem] -swims with easy her lack of need for oxygen making easy to stay under the water-
[Doc] Tricky...
[Alexsezia] That sort of thing just makes me suspicious.
[Lie] - I was inexperienced, he was my first boyfriend
[Sky] People like that suck..
[Alexis] - Her ex also tried to kill her, didn't even recognize her on the other server
[Doc] What a useless troll...
[Alexsezia] I'm sure he knew exactly what he was doing, going after someone innocent like that.
[Lie] - CP thinks he saw CP almost kill me and thought he actually meant to kill me
[Doc] Who knows what Cp was thinking at that point. With Insanity whispering in his ear it could have been damn near anything.
[Alexsezia] Shakes her head sadly.
[Alexis] - Either way, CP was the one who ended up killing her ex
[gem] -climbs out of the water and lays on the ground- I need to cool a little i'm too hot
[Doc] Good riddance to bad rubbish.
[Herabrine] Uses a water tentacle to splash Gem one more time-
[gem] nuuu to hot
[Alexis] - Indeed
[Sky] Do not toast gem, freeze her
[Deer] - Hey Lie, you should get rid of that swimsuit
[Lie] - DEER!
[gem] yes I need cool
[Doc] Are you okay Lie... I mean.. no regrets?
[Lie] - Hm?  Oh, yeah, none at all
[Doc] I know Cp's kind of a dick sometimes....
[Herabrine] KIND OF?!
[Alexsezia] Doesn't that hurt you Sky?
[Alexis] - He was worse
[Doc] Eh, still.....
[Sky] Hm? Not really. Kinda tingles but that's about it.
[Zyria] -sneaks up behind hera and pulls her under-
[Alexsezia] How's Liz doing?
[Herabrine] Slides under Zyria and paddles deeper-
[Sweet Alex] Maybe you could make a flower to make him nicer- giggles sweetly
[Zyria] -follows after hera-
[Deer] Tickles Yaunfen-
[Yaunfen] Squeaks in surprise-
[Sky] Shi's fine, likes to take up the whole tub when Mix tries to take a bath now. -kicks feet a bit in the water- I usually have to wrangle hir out.
[Sweet Alex] You should bring hir over sometime. I heard xe got bigger since I saw them last.
[Lie] Carefully puts the regular vulpix on the edge of the pool-
[Doc] Gives Deerheart a tickle from behind with the tips of hir tongue.
[Deer] Laughs and turns around-
[Doc] Gives her a huge messy smootch that encompasses half her face.
[Deer] - Doc!
[Doc] Runs the points of hir tongue along hir thin lips- Yeeees?
[Sky] Ill see about it, would be good for hir to get out.. not that Shi  doesn't already. - notices mix has sank  up top her chin into the water from where Shes relaxing and rolls eyes-
[Alexsezia] You too are worse then TLOT and Steve
[Deer] - Easy now, I think we might start something if we're not careful
[Sweet Alex] Ah Mix you look so relaxed.
[Mix] Iss so warm, I like it
[gem] too warm
[Herabrine] Quietly pulls a packed ice block from her creative and plunks it on Gem's chest mischeviously.
[gem] -cuddles the block- thank you
[Doc] Very quietly - Maybe I wanna start something....
[Alexsezia] Splashes Doc-
[Deer] - Oh I know you do
[Doc] Pffft! Hey!
[Alexsezia] They can't resist their fair maiden. Especially when you're naked as a jay.
[Deer] - But of course, naked is the most comfortable
[alexine] -is siting on the opposite side of the pool to everyone-
[Alexsezia] Alexine? You can come over here, it's safe.
[alexine] I am fine over here
[Herabrine] Still suspicious of the mean old brines huh?
[Lie] - Hey, some of us are pretty young
[alexine] they had cause nothing but trouble on the soul server I have every right to be suspicious
[Herabrine] Sorry, 'mean little sprout of brines'. - Grins-
[Lie] - But have we been anything other than helpful to you on our server?
[Lie] Gives Hera a look-
[Doc] Yeah, if I wanted to be mean I would have never let you in in the first place.
[Herabrine] Returns the look with a bigger grin
[Lie] Manipulates her plants to lift Hera out of the water upside down-
[Alexsezia] All brines are different...
[Herabrine] HEY! You're making us look bad
[Alexis] - I was tormented by a brine as well Alexine, but I trust Doc and the others here
[alexine] -say nothing-
[Lie] - You started it
[Herabrine] Pouts-
[Doc] It's up to you Alexine. I'll just keep hammering on you with cookies and kindness until you crumble like all the rest- winks-
[Lie] Gently puts Hera down-
[Herabrine] Vanishes under the water as smoothly as a shark
[Lie] Checks on the Alolan vulpix who's now snoozing on a rock-
[gem] -is still snuggling the block of ice-
[Doc] Hera...
[Herabrine] Sneaks up on Lie from behind and puts a slimeball down the back of her bikini bottom.
[Lie] Shrieks and jumps away- Hera!
[Herabrine] Stays underwater.
[Doc] Shakes hir head-
[Lie] Is trying to wipe the slime away-
[Sweet Alex] Are you okay Lie?
[Lie] - I'll be fine, it's just some slime
[Doc] rowr....
[Deer] - Hmmm, maybe we could help you Lie, show you how to use that slime
[Lie] - Not helping Deer
[Alexsezia] swats Doc's noise with the feather end of an arrow from hir inventory
[Doc] Yow!
[Alexsezia] Behave.
[gem] -puts the block in her innovatory before jumping back in in the middle of the group making a big splash-
[Mix] -startled  noise-
[Doc] So what's wrong with the dildo I gave you? Too big? Too small?
[Lie] Goes back to being bright red-
[Herabrine] Goes for the tickle on Gem, fully underwater
[Doc] What? It's a fair question. I can adjust it
[Lie] - I...  I...  I don't know...
[gem] don't tickle me I will not be responsible for what happens if you do
[Herabrine] Oh all right, if you're gonna go ballistic I'll leave you alone. Spoilsport...
[gem] I just hate being tickled
[Mix] - has actually fallen asleep where she sits. Amazing-
[Herabrine] Pops back up and backs off. - Hey Doc?
[Doc] hmm?
[Herabrine]  When are you going to fix me?!
[Doc] Instantly flustered- well um! I've been kinda busy!
[Lie] Is glad the subject has changed from her-
[Doc] I've been... monitoring Lie and Cp! They both had chakra adjustments! It's delicate stuff.
[Herabrine] Looks skeptical-
[Lie] - I'd think Flux would need more of your attention than either CP or I
[Doc] Flop sweats - Uh....
[Alexsezia] At Alexis - How is Flux anyway?
[Alexis] - I'm not sure, I'm still not sure what normal is for her and what's not
[Doc] Glances at Mix. - I still can't believe Mix is a Steve.... that's so cool and unusual.
[Herabrine] A Steve? What the...?
[Sweet Alex] Really?
[Lie] - But she has the brine eyes?
[Doc] They're fake...
[Sky] Don't you tell anyone else, she gets embarrassed when people find out. -just, slightly protective look and pointing a finger at them menacingly. It's not very menacing though, considering the situation-
[Lie] - Relax Sky, we won't, I promise
[Doc] Sorry... I'm not holding it against her. I mean, we could make them real if she wanted...
[Lie] - Hey Sweet Alex?  How are your oil experiments going?
[gem] -become a shark again-
[Sweet Alex] Oh? Very well! The house smells amazing. Thought you wouldn't think it is Gk was over. He wrinkles his nose all up in the funniest way.
[Sky] She doesn't mind them being fake, she just doesn't like it when people know she isn't really a brine. -vague hand wave- Thinks it makes her less intimidating. Not that she is in any way unless she's upset. -shrug-
[Lie] - Well I bet his sense of smell is very sensitive since he is a dragon
[Sweet Alex] Oh certainly, but he loves to complain.
[Doc] Dare I ask how she is when she's upset? She seems so calm.
[Sky] I'm pretty sure she utterly ruined a Notch once, but it was pretty weak... Probably traumatized Flowey when she fried him all to hell... -taps chin-
[Doc] Fried him? He seemed okay to me. Did he just heal up from it? Or was it a code issue?
[Alexsezia] Mix killed a NOTCH...? Wow...
[Lie] - Maybe we should take her along when we go to deal with CP's...
[Sky] A bit of both? He couldn't even talk properly afterwards forever. She actually fried herself a bit too, regretted it immensely afterwards.
[Mix] -snoring sounds-
[Sky] I doubt she'd want to. She's perfectly capable of doing it, she just.. Doesn't want to usually.
[Doc] I'll have to hunt him down and examine him then, just to be safe. Geeze... I had no idea Mix was such a badass...
[gem] -pops up for a second- you never expect the quiet one
[Lie] - But you can hear my loud husband coming from over a mile away
[Doc] snickers- I could turn his volume down with the mixer on his player settings.
[Herabrine] Why the fuck haven't you done that already?!
[Lie] - That's possible?
[gem] could you like turn it off for a whole day maybe?
[Doc] Well yeah... you have a player account. You are an admin. You've never looked at your settings?
[Lie] - Do you have any idea how much sex I'd need to do to keep him pacified?
[Lie] - Doc...  I'm still in creative and lost the paper with the code to take it off
[Doc] Do you want it off Lie?
[Lie] - Yes please, I've accidentally released my chickens way to many times...  And lava...
[Doc] Okay I'll fix it. - Xe brings up hir own display and twiddles hir claws, it's obvious xe's typing. - whoops! - Xe hits a button and there's the sound of quiet piano music in the air.
[Lie] - What is that?
[Doc] Has it been too long since you heard it Lie? Of all of us, you should know it best.
[Lie] - Oh, is it the games music?  After awhile I had just turned it off so I could hear the mobs better, and CP didn't have it on his server...
[gem] -jumps out of the water like a dolphin  before diveing back in- Minecraft music
[Doc] I usually turn it off so I don't annoy anyone. It is rather soothing though.
[Herabrine] Yawn.
[gem] reminds me of days when I got bored of my music and turned on the game music then go annoyed because it didn't continually play.
[Doc] What you wanted to repeat the same song instead of random cycling?
[gem] no I mean it just stop for a while then played the next song I kind of just wanted constant music
[Doc] I never noticed much a dip between tracks. Must have been a server malfunction.
[gem] no it was normal when I was playing it when I was alive it would stop for a few minutes then start the next song this
[Deer] Is looking at the code that Doc is manipulating-
[Doc] I kinda like the spooky track, the one that isn't part of the playlist...
[Alexsezia] You too? TLOT loves that fucking thing...
[gem] you mean disc 11?
[Doc] The one that looks cracked and broken?
[Alexsezia] It's not music...
[Lie] - I think CP used that one a few times to freak some of the other humans out
[gem] that's disc 11 it kind of sound like someone getting chased it always interested me
[Doc] That's the one.
[Lie] - Anyways, settings Doc?
[Doc] Deerheart? Do you want to try?
[Deer] - Hm?  Oh, no, I'm just looking... I wonder if there's a bit of code we could tweak to make her more comfortable about being naked...
[Lie] - Deer!
[Doc] Okay, that's a tad creepy... come on love... I think that's something she has to come to on her own. You wouldn't like it if someone changed your preferences.
[Deer] - Pooey, but it's so much fun to be naked
[Doc] I fully agree. But then... I wouldn't have agreed with you when I first met TLOT and Steve... I was rather paranoid about my rather empty skin....
[Deer] - And then you met me!
[Doc] Well, it's not just that... there wasn't really anything under my clothes to show back then.
[Deer] - Well I'm glad that was fixed
[Doc] I didn't think it was weird then, but in retrospect I do.
[Herabrine] Now you're got way more guts to spill when you piss someone off.
[Doc] Looks annoyed-
[RVulpix] Sniffs the air and tenses, slowly backing closer towards Lie-
[Sweet Alex] I think your pokemon has a whiff of something Lie....
[Lie] - I think so too, come here sweety
[RVulpix] Darts into Lie's arms will it's Alolan counter part runs over as well-
-Through the fog a figure can begin to be seen picking up some litter around the springs-
[Doc] Sniffs the air - Who dares disturb the Herobrines while we are relaxing?
[gem] really doc?
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