#Also Queepie and Morris radio hosts!!
doodle17 · 6 months
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I just wanted an excuse to draw older Morris... look at him...
Also bonus Raz I decided not to finish because the sketch was funnier
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erigold13261 · 2 years
what of the younger aquatos how would they interact with the interns
Well we already know Queepie and Morris become pretty good friends, hosting the radio station and all that.
I can see Queepie pretending to not know he is psychic to mess with the interns. Telling them he is just super strong. They obviously all know he is psychic, but Queepie is just trying to annoy them for fun.
Also he and Gisu would probably dance together, teaching each other cool dance moves and routines. Maybe Adam would join in, though Adam would probably be learning more from those two instead of teaching them any moves.
Lizzie and Sam would probably help Queepie figure out his identity, let him wear cool goth make-up or experiment with aesthetics. Sam giving Queepie seashells and seaweed to wear seems really funny to me.
And with Norma, I do not see Queepie being all that good friends with her. She just seems way too pushy and would probably tell Queepie he is too young or inexperienced to do something, making him upset and do it with no supervision and possibly getting hurt or pulling it off and making Norma look bad. The two could definitely get a sort of rivalry going on, especially if Norma is the one pushing the rivalry to try and be better than him and Raz.
So first off, I like the idea that Mirtala is not a psychic at all, or if she is one she is VERY weak and it is basically not noticeable at all. She might be able to sense psychic shenanigans going on, and possibly move a very light object a few inches, but she is not going to be able to be a psychonaut at all.
With this, I would say most of her interactions come from spending time with her family members hanging with the interns. Such as Raz bringing her in to show her the headquarters or chitchat with the interns. Frazie hanging out with Norma or Lizzie, sometimes Sam. Dion spending time with Sam, Adam, or Gisu. And Queepie working with Morris while also hanging with Gisu and Adam.
Overall I would say she has a lot of positive interactions with the interns! I loved the HC someone sent in of her getting people to braid her hair, so I can totally see her getting her hair done by some of the interns, some of them even using their psychic powers to style her hair as a fun way to show her how their powers work, which she is very delighted to learn about.
Actually, I think her and Norma would get along! Norma would not treat her badly, especially if Frazie or Augustus is around, which would happen quite often. But, there would be one day that Norma is braiding Mirtala's hair very slowly by hand, just the two talking, and Norma sees Mirtala's hair moving on its own, without her using her psychic powers at all. This is where Norma would figure out Mirtala has the tiniest bit of psychic abilities and she would actually love to be the teacher to Mirtala!
They would probably practice in secret so that it could be a big surprise when/if Mirtala's psychic abilities grow. I don't think they would (without something like the astrolathe which obviously no one is going to use that on a small child... *coughignoreFordcough*). So Mirtala just learns how to loosely braid her hair with the help of Norma, and probably the two play with strings or leaves in the air. Norma would even set them on fire or blast them while Mirtala held them up to make a mini fireworks show which Mirtala would adore!
But yeah, overall Mirtala would probably not spend too much time with the other interns, maybe just hanging out with her siblings when they are with the interns, which she would stay closer to her siblings whenever that happened. The only exception being Norma and her growing a nice sisterly bond.
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erigold13261 · 2 years
queepie and morris friendship headcanons? what kinds of shenanigans do you think those two would get up to
also just. morris unintentionally becoming a big brother figure for queepie
If I remember correctly, I think Queepie listens to Morris' radio show, at least once, and seems to like it. But Queepie also likes to be alone, so I can see Queepie just listening to the radio station with no intention to seek out the radio host. That is, until one day, while visiting Raz, he hear's Morris' voice and recognizes it.
I can see Queepie taking an interest in Morris, maybe watching him from afar for a bit like some kids do, and then asking Raz to introduce him. Morris would be so happy to meet a fan of his station and even ask Queepie to hang out so he can show Milla that he was able to connect with someone.
At first I feel like their relationship would be a fan and a user (Morris just using Queepie for a good grade) but with Raz and Gisu's help (maybe even Dion) it would probably turn into Morris becoming another big brother to Queepie.
Like, I know Morris can get around thanks to being psychic, but I feel like even though he is absolutely capable, some people in his life would treat him more fragile or weak, so having someone he can look out for and protect himself would be something new to him (like a personal bond he can protect, not just professional job related protection relationships). He wouldn't be like Donatella, but he would still look out for Queepie.
Queepie on the other hand would happily make a new friend with someone outside of the family. Especially if he is visiting Raz a lot (maybe even becoming an intern himself at some point), because I feel like Queepie wouldn't have had the ability to make permanent friends outside of the family. Not to mention that the friend he makes is the person who owns his own cool radio station.
It is also worth mentioning that Queepie wants independence, and he can see that in Morris. I've heard a lot of wheelchair users talk about wanting their own independence, and how their wheelchair gives that to them. So having Morris, a wheelchair user and a teen, be independent enough to have his own radio show is something Queepie would admire.
Once the two form a more legitimate friendship, I can see them helping each other out. Morris giving Queepie tips on how to properly control his psychic abilities, and Queepie helping Morris figure out what his audience might like.
I'm having a bit of trouble thinking what the two would like to do that isn't their respective hobbies. For some reason I can see Morris making launch pads or like a trebuchet and Queepie throwing/loading it up with rock to scatter into the backwards lake thing. Or maybe Morris creating giant paddles (he holds his with telekinesis and Queepie physically holds his) and they play some kind of giant ping pong game.
I can't really think of anything else for them right now. Though I do really like the idea of them helping each other grow and show different perspectives and also protecting each other.
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