#Also Shadow is Sonic's hero in this universe and he still can't believe he gets to work with him
the-sky-queen · 5 months
I thought I'd post the one scene I have that has Blake in it. :)
Quick context first: This is from my series of fanfics that features Nexus' story. (I haven't posted it yet, because it needs rewriting, but I hope to post it someday.) So this scene isn't from Blake's POV, it's from Shade's. And Shade is coming in right smack dab in the middle of a conflict he has no context for and is very confused. So yeah. Enjoy!
(Ignore any clunkiness please. I wrote this over a year ago. Oh yeah, and by the way, Blake lives in a universe where Shadow runs a big hero agency. Sonic is a part of it and he's a rookie.)
As I’m passing by a jewelry store, it suddenly explodes. I’m thrown onto the street roughly and flaming debris rains down around me.
In a panic, I run a diagnostics check. No major external damage. I’m a little singed, but my built-in shields protected me from the worst of the potential damage. All my internal computers and motors seem to be functioning properly as well.
I hear a low, sinister laughing coming from the flaming shop. I look up.
A red porcupine with flaming spines comes walking out of the fire. He holds a green jewel up to the air with his robotic left arm. He’s got a dangerous look in his yellow eyes.
“Ah,” he sighs. “Yes . . . A Chaos Emerald in my possession at last. And the so called heroes are none the wiser!” He laughs again.
He hasn’t noticed me yet? I scramble away and hide next to a lamp post. I get out of there just in time too. There’s a flash of green, and suddenly, someone’s standing in front of the porcupine!
Wait . . . is that him?!
“Cockiness has caused your downfall many times, Blake,” the black hedgehog says, arms folded. “You really should learn from your mistakes.”
Blake snickers. “So you did notice me, huh Shadow?”
“We’ve been monitoring this place ever since we hid that Chaos Emerald here,” Shadow retorts. “We ‘noticed’ you the moment you entered town.”
“In any case, you’re not the hero I hoped to attract,” Blake shrugs. His voice suddenly changes from arrogant to threatening. “Where’s Sonic?”
Sonic? Isn’t that what everyone was calling Nexus back at the cafe? Wait . . . I’ve heard that name somewhere before. But where?
“Right here, Cactus Breath!” A glowing blue ball of spikes comes streaking towards Blake, hitting him and knocking him to the ground. The force seems to knock the porcupine out. “You’ve seriously gotta work on your defense, dude.”
The ball uncurls, revealing . . . what?! This guy . . . Sonic . . . he looks exactly like Nexus!
Shadow walks over to him. “Glad you got here in time. Good work, agent.”
Sonic laughs. “I’m the fastest thing alive! Of course I got here in-! Uh, I mean, thank you, sir!” He salutes with almost giddy excitement.
Shadow nods and looks at Blake. “Don’t know how he managed to escape again. Let’s get him into custody before the town starts making a fuss. And call Blaze so she can put out this fire before it spreads too much. I’ll get the emerald.”
“Yes, sir,” Sonic nods.
I’m so confused. What’s going on? I need to go tell Aurora and Nexus about this. I need to get out of here!
I’ve barely taken one step before there’s another explosion. I whirl around. Blake is floating in the air in a pillar of wild fire. Sonic and Shadow are staring up at him, prepared to fight.
“You didn’t let me finish! How rude!” Blake says. “I have a score to settle with you, Sonic. Your sweet little hometown will be the first to pay!”
“You jerk!” Sonic yells. “Leave them out of this!”
Blake raises the Chaos Emerald to the sky and begins to quote something. “ ‘He shall come with death. He shall rain fire from the sky. For only when all is ashes can the world be rebuilt anew!’ So it shall be, Sonic! Once you’re out of my way, I’ll rule the world!”
By now, people have started coming out of their houses to see what’s going on. They talk in amazed murmurs. Why don’t they seem concerned about Blake?
“In your dreams, Sparky!” Sonic yells. All at once, Blake and Sonic start fighting in a blur of red and blue and flames and speed.
Shadow runs over to the gathering crowd. “Start evacuating the town. This might get out of hand.”
I pull on the hood of my hoodie to hide my face. I don’t want Shadow to see who I am if he looks my way. That might cause some problems.
I know I should really go, but seeing Shadow for the first time is kinda amazing! He’s keeping everyone calm and he seems to be a great leader. It’s no wonder that-
“You should leave too, boy,” Shadow says, noticing me. I jump slightly in surprise. “It’s not safe here. Go find your family and get out of town.”
“O-Okay!” I nod. I get up and follow the crowd as they start emptying out of the town.
I glance back one more time and see Shadow join the fight as Blake pins Sonic to a wall by the neck. I grimace. I hope they’ll be okay.
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true-blue-sonic · 8 months
The thought of Eggman Nega having a hand in Silver’s “creation” is hilarious. The Robotnik bloodline just cannot escape the curse of at least one of their best creations turning against them in some way.
…Actually, right after I sent that last ask, I happened to remember something. I know it’s been mentioned before that Silver likely isn’t an artificial creation because he mentions having been born, but isn’t it possible in the Sonic universe to implant fake memories? I always thought that that was the way Gerald got Shadow to believe he had to destroy the world. And that was 250 years before Silver’s time, so imagine what the tech from his time could be capable of
I think it would also fit with the fact Eggman Nega is just so bad at being a credible villain that he never managed to get Silver back under his control again. Eggman reprogrammed Metal after the events of Heroes to have unwavering loyalty to him once more, and Gerald was long dead by the time Amy managed to make Shadow remember his true wish (and in ShTH Gerald's video message furthermore inspires Shadow into a second wind that allows him to beat Black Doom, so he managed to undo the destruction of the world after all like his sane self would have wanted).
But indeed, on the topic of Gerald and Shadow, in Gerald's speech in SA2 in the Last Story he says: "I designed its mind to be perfect, pure…", implying to me that he meddled with Shadow's mind somehow (because the Shadow we see in earlier flashbacks is quite kind with Maria, while pondering over his purpose and why he was created). We also see that Shadow at first does not recall Maria's actual wish ("Give them a chance to be happy. Let them live for their dreams."), and instead only remembers bits and pieces. Here it is interesting to note that in those, Maria never says the word revenge or anything urging for it. She just says "Shadow… I beg of you… please," and "Do it for me… for all the people… on that planet…", which Shadow fills in with her desiring revenge. I'm not certain if this is indeed what happened, but I figure Gerald actively repressed the parts where Maria asked Shadow to protect the world and put the idea of revenge in Shadow's head instead, while still leaving enough pieces of Maria's presence and words for Shadow to recall she had a wish for him to fulfil. So from that, I figure tampering with memories is absolutely not impossible in the world of Sonic.
In canon, I doubt Silver is indeed an artificial creation because there is nothing pointing towards it, but I quite like the idea of a story where Nega created him to be the ultimate fighter in his army or something like that... and somehow managed to make a hoglet with such a strong sense of justice and desire to help others that it all backfired on him immediately. I can imagine Nega pulling a Starline-esque move wherein he kept erasing Silver's memories in attempts to this time get him to be loyal, except Silver somehow managed to escape and be free from his control between memory wipes. He'd remember enough about Nega to know he's very dangerous and wants to destroy the world, and he also knows enough about himself that he doesn't want that to pass, and thus them being archnemeses is settled for life. And Nega is never going to be able to defeat him, haha! I think it'd be even more interesting if he made Silver with just some base powers (some telekinesis, maybe being able to teleport), but Silver keeps developing himself further. And now he can fly at the speed of sound! And make knives from pure psychic energy! Some precognition and telepathic abilities, why not? Lifting literal tons of weight at once, sure! Eggman Nega can't even be proud of the fact his creation is able to do all this, because it's only ever used to wreck his plans. He'll be beyond bitter about it!
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