#Also WHOO first finished VT fanart! Rip all my previous attempts
inga-don-studio · 1 year
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[Happy ToastTits Tuesday y’all!]
Ghost: “Oh this one is totally going in the album. But what even is that face, man?”
Toast: “Well sir, you try waking up in the bloody shrubbery at the first light of dawn with no clothes, a mouth full of rabbit fur, a camera shoved in your face and somehow look fresh as a daisy, hmm?”
Ghost: “Yeah … okay fair. Also that, uh … wasn’t all rabbit fur.”
Toast: ???
Ghost: “Okay, so uh, when we went chasing after you, but before we lost ya’ after a couple hours? You know that bald patch Spooks’ been trying to hide under their new beanie?”
Toast: “SIR NO!?!?!?”
Ghost: “He thought if he could pet you, he could get you to calm down. LOL!”
Toast: *sigh* “I think I owe them an apology. And another lesson on anomalous creature safety.” :(
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