#Also change Cold Warrior pls? And maybe give us numbers on the executor mod? Pls
Please gearbox I am begging you just change the techspert mod's unique skill... it is so useless with Zane's current skill set at higher levels- and higher levels are when players are mostly going to be using legendary gear
The disparity between class mod usefulness via the unique skills in this game is soooo bad. In bl2 for example I could equip a legendary mod and get +5 in the listed skills the VH already has that I know work and want significantly buffed, because the tier 1 skills on each character were still pretty useful. This game you only get +5 across all listed skills which is fine cuz then u get the unique effect, the obvious draw this time around, but some of them are baaaaad
Tl;dr: I cry but also suggest class mod reworks? That are probably op with the current anointment system but shhh we'll fix that later too. I promise (ʘ‿ʘ✿)
I know it isn't just Zane who needs class mod buffs or reworks (I've seen some pretty bad Amara ones too, I'm sure Fl4k and Moze have some rough mods as well but I have less experience), but as a Zane main with the newest patch, hsgahakwygdiwjdks
Every sntnl build atm already has the drone out constantly without that mod, there's no reason to use it as the skill buffs in this game are not significant enough to warrant it, and the unique skill is useless. The difference between techspert or cold warrior and a mod like Seein Dead or even the executor mod is really sad. Only way the first 2 are viable is if ur playing at early levels and get a lucky or vending machine drop. But u can go to handsome jackpot and get an infinitely better mod there if you've got the dlc cuz the drop rate is incredibly high. I don't get it, those types of mods are basically just filler for the loot pool? Which really shouldn't happen with legendary gear when you have a ton of randomly generated guns for that purpose which is one of the highlights of ur marketing for the game.
If they wanted the mod to be useful for lower level characters who didn't spec into duration skills and don't grind until max level, fine, I guess? But the mod can still be useful for lower level characters AND higher level characters. Maybe change the skill to all of Zane's action skill durations/cooldowns get reset on kill? That'd be an incredible buff and keep the spirit of the mod intact. Hell it'd even buff the barrier since it buffs that trees skills ANYWAY. Srsly tho why it have a zoomer buff if it is a barrier tree mod. I don't get it. It's forcing a very specific playstyle cuz the +3-5 skill buffs are only really useful when u already have 4-5 in a skill outside of, like, brain freeze. If it gave a +5 in every skill like bl2 then I could see using it with zoomer without having to go down under cover but it doesn't soooo u have to get very lucky with the 1 skill u want to use?
Also. Cold Warrior is such a bad mod. I used it a bit after release at level 50 Zane bc I was trying for a cryo Zane and it was okay, but now at 65 with Mayhem 11, it is so bad. Why the random Dots. Zane isn't even supposed to be the elemental character beyond cryo unless I'm missing something Very Important. He had the shock damage when not targeted skill, but then they changed that to cryo (I'm actually a bit salty abt that, shock is great for shields as cryo is not as effective). Regardless he's not the DoT character and giving him a mod that applies random DoTs to frozen enemies is so out of left field. It really feels like a copy of Amara's mods but worse cuz Zane can't buff DoT damage (not that those types of Amara mods aren't Bad themselves, per se, but at least they fit her playstyle and skill set) beyond getting gear that buffs it, but that's trading off potential weapon or AS damage for elemental damage and... No thanks. Not when it's a Random element and not when Zane isn't even supposed to be the DoT character.
Cold Warrior would be a cool (ha) mod if it did other stuff to frozen enemies tho. For example, this is all off the top of my head, not even my job to think about stuff like this:
Allow him to insta freeze enemies using a melee attack with a short cooldown and give him double melee damage to frozen enemies. Give him +25-50% bonus cryo damage/efficiency to all damage dealt with the mod equipped ('oh but 25% damage is outshined by anointments' FUCK YA ANOINTMENTS THEY RUIN BALANCING). Release a free frozen heart nova when Zane is damaged to 50% or lower health that restores health and shields for 25% damage dealt by the nova with a 5-10s cooldown. If you want to keep in spirit with the mod's red text, which honestly I'm starting to think was the main driving factor in the creation of this mod and NOT making Zane a fully realized VH, all cryo damage dealt by Zane has a 15% chance to deal double damage in another random element, with a short cooldown (10s?). Like the hydrafrost gun (I believe that is the one). If ya think that's broken cuz of the current anointments in the game, come join us on the dark side where we advocate for anointment nerfs and character buffs for better balancing of the main game without dlcs.
Anywho, giving that mod Fuckin' Anything creative to buff his skill set instead of tacking on random stuff that has nothing to do with his preexisting skills. That'd be great and it could allow for more builds.
Similarly with the techspert mod, again these are off the top of my head and I literally cannot do testing as I'm not a dev:
Kill Skill: Kills have a 25% chance to refund all AS cooldown and reset all AS duration (least unique but it'd at least stay near to what they wanted the mod to be and would be far more useful during end game as it acts like an actual kill skill- the hexagon can even be Zane's class mod as a tiny icon, it'd be a real cute). As this mod buffs skills in the barrier tree, I'm gonna assume players are using the barrier action skill with this mod: the barrier gains 15% amp damage and amp damage is converted to bonus shock damage. When deployed, the barrier releases a shock nova that drains the shields of enemies near Zane and replenishes his shield by 25% max capacity. The barrier gives Zane 20% bonus reload speed and fire rate (held or not, does not matter). 1x per AS duration, Zane can hold down the barrier deploy key to end his barrier skill and release a cryo nova around it that instantly freezes enemies nearby (so you can throw down ur barrier and use it like a remote bomb for Calm Cool and Collected).
Iunno, some of these prob wouldn't work in practice, but literally anything other than "hey this class mod is Calm Cool and Collected but somehow worse even without the requirements" is good enough for me.
Changes pls :(
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