#Also he calls Allora cherub because she fell from the sky lolol
kagedbird · 1 year
Allora: *drawing outfits from home while the group rests at camp, trying to stop wistfully sighing for just some god damn pants*
Taliesin: You're awfully noisy today. What's got you down, little cherub? *sits down next to her*
Allora: Oh- sorry. I'm, uh... just a little homesick. Mostly for the clothes. *sheepishly shows him her sketches*
Taliesin "Fashionista" Talisein: *gently takes the book and hums, going through each outfit carefully* These certainly look thicker than your current outfit. I don't understand how in Oblivion you can constantly wear those dresses. Especially that white one.
Allora: *sighs, curling up in her fur cloak a bit more* Not like I have much of a choice... but yeah. I miss pants. And every time I try to go to the stores to get some, the seller always looks at me funny.
Taliesin: Nords have always had a strange sense for fashion. No matter! I know the perfect thing to help you. *snaps book shut but keeps it and stands*
Allora: Wh- hey-
Taliesin: We're going shopping!
Allora: *feels dread growing in her stomach* Why do I feel like I'm suddenly at Target with my mother-
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