#Also if you think about it Sei and Roxas share a thing in common
heartwayfinder · 9 months
New worlds, New friends || @stardustaces
Roxas was taking a stroll through town, it felt good. It felt right. After what felt like too long he could live his life with his friends and do homework like any normal kid his age. No organization to work for, no end of the world, just a quiet life for him and his friends. Roxas felt like he deserved it for all he went through, well, being brought into existence as a nobody all of a sudden and then losing all the few memories you had wasn’t exactly his idea of a pleasant time. However, it did make school amusing as if anyone tried to do anything to him or his friends they’d soon learn very quickly to leave them all alone. The advantage when most people you’re close with can fight and are extremely agile and have quick reflexes. 
The boy took a breath as he paused his walk, there were so many people in town. What was once a world that was closed off to people, was now thriving with visitors from other worlds and everyone who would live here normally. It was a huge contrast from the empty town he knew about, it would be interesting to see what the next struggle tournament would be like with all these people. Scrooge would likely want to get involved too seeing how much money he could make from it. As Roxas was thinking of that, and the fact he might consider getting a Sea Salt Ice cream while here, he spotted a man also standing idly. Not one he’d seen before, a visitor from another world perhaps? When there was a town this size, you tended to know all the residents. 
Approaching the still figure he waved as a friendly gesture, “hello. Are you lost? Twilight Town can be a bit confusing at first.” With all the back alleys and roads interconnecting with each other, any new visitor could be lost. He was just thankful he found the man in town and not say by the old mansion.
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